Star Wars Outlaws (2024) - Open World Star Wars adventure RTX 3070Ti (No commentary) 1440p

[Music] [Music] hungry [Music] so finally zerik bash is here each of you represent some of the most powerful criminal organizations in the Galaxy pikes Crimson Dawn [Music] Huts it's a golden age for the Underworld the Empire's Little Death Star gets blown to pieces and the law is distracted by a rebellion that won't quit it's an opportunity to make millions but to my surprise one of you sends a spy into my own house when I thought we all could share this Feast enough SLO I didn't come all this way to listen to lies while your zeric bats skim off our spice slades you know my brother was heir to the family fortune he's gone now you remind me of [Music] him he always came first even at dinner if he'd finished his meal he'd just take my plate all I could do is watch him chew go hungry what is the point of this if zerich bash wants Partners forget it been done doesn't work Partners weren't you listening I'm starving it's time to [Applause] [Music] eat I know buddy just give me a minute [Music] [Applause] this will work [Music] right d fic where is it all right all right let's get you some [Music] [Music] food GH we need some real food [Music] police scanner's quiet tonight hope it stays that way I've practiced enough time for the real thing [Music] [Music] f is I can feel it that's you're leaving a lot of money on the table don't know the crew don't like it if you change your mind let me [Music] know so Bram that for me no but this is ah my data Spike yeah and it's broken some scrap rat was selling it in the Square says he found it in sixk Turf and now you're going to say messing with the sixk is a bad idea it's going to get you killed that's another way of putting it you've got no crew K and you keep going in alone with highrisk scores that just go sideways you want it done right you do it yourself I get it you've hit get some bad luck bad luck I'm out of Marx I'm broke and I live in an attic why don't you stick around the broken hoof tonight fix yourself some dinner let me set you up with something small an easy hustle or you could just give me that job on your pad there nice try then I got plans take some credits for the data Spike I'm good then I'll put it towards your rent I said I'm good Bram I [Music] a you like this one N I can't do this smells a little heavy on the bua spice want me to taste that for you uhuh forget it K I don't care what Bram says go freeload somewhere else come on [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not getting anywhere with a busted data Spike come on next let's see Breen then we break into Club Tarsus and steal the forged identic cards from their safe with any luck they'll get us on a shuttle to the core worlds [Music] hope [Music] okay I need to give you something what is it it's the bill for the three Muran your little scud stole from me last week hey you don't know that was Nicks I only ever seen one of him anywhere you pay up soon or I'm turning him in [Music] K come here hey Naf kind of busy just hear me out I got an opening on my duct scrubber team sometimes the Droid gets stuck and I could sure he a good crawler it's tough work but it's honest sorry I I got plans yeah you always got plans K lot of shakedowns tonight bullies will be loaded with credits huh all the merchants are out for the Kento [Music] cup next Shipman's coming in get your cut make sure there's no idea this time last time we found a set of Nadar scand do had to open a foror just hold up your end no raids in the South stretch until they're solv n there nice lift NY there's pren prein come on I just need my data Spike [Music] fixed because the forge Iden cards in that Vault are the only way I get off this planet I'm done with Kanto good only options I got here are six kin or prison at least someone like me has a shot at a decent score maybe even see the core worlds pren you helped me one last time and we never talk again [Music] let's get some [Music] credits I snuck into the track I watch him set up the coup you're lucky the Kim didn't catch a they say they're protecting us but who's protecting us from them why not take a look hello I scavenged enough parts to pay off the six skin they don't care where it came from a credit credit someone to buy scrap nice job Nix not don't [Music] see 6 in [Music] you won't find like this anywhere else the six kid has done you the favor of setting you up with jobs you lucky and you do [Music] exactly how's business veic it's too good I can't leave to go place a bet on the farer tables even have an inside track and the winner I uh can place that bet for you because you're a friend oh yeah yeah that'd be great there's a data pad nearby friend of mine put the Winner's name on it find it and bet everything no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] problem I almost feel bad for him but I need credits more than he does you wouldn't believe the junk they just throw away I found two perfectly good converters in the alley behind the club you know that's six kin territory yeah will they chased me out of there Dro My Pal I have to get it later got to give them a chance okay let's go see pran hey you want a little scratch ni [Music] hey buddy on fire okay pran I have the [Music] credits all right let's test it out okay now we get that identic card from Club Tarsus there are ti it out of here next and then before you know it dous [Music] [Music] busy night you're not getting in K club's already got enough rats really funny come on N we'll find Our Own Way in just passing through [Music] the [Music] [Music] okay no going back now [Music] [Music] [Music] hang on NX we're going up [Music] sh [Music] do your thing NYX just like I taught you hit that button Nyx [Music] Where We Are father I to the casino no heard really nice [Music] [Music] at casual we come here all the [Music] time we're close the identicard is in the boss's office [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get in there next good boy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I like [Music] the next ship is Ste at Sunrise bring the ship down to the desert and marching straight here we'll start the aution soon as they arrive [Music] [Music] hey get [Music] him key card for the storage room pran's PL said the vents in there lead to the office hey so I'm K and you're going to let me through you're not on the list oh my uh my friend pran put me on the list pran should have paid [Music] more H listen do you know who I am boss wants to see me boss is at the cup go away before I stop finding this funny this is all I got lucky that'll be just enough go ahead [Music] [Music] way to go okay let's pick that lock grab the identic card and disappear [Music] [Music] look at that here they are oh come on pren your plant didn't have a pressure switch it's K best fic this is bad this is bad [Music] my [Applause] [Music] get that back to n okay okay we got to get out of [Music] here it wasn't supposed to go down this way what have I done [Music] [Music] go get him buddy [Music] a okay ni let's try to stun [Music] them give it up okay give [Music] up really not the time to eat buddy n [Applause] attack do it Nick they're headed our way you're not geted the way [Music] [Music] a [Music] what are we going to do NYX I never counted on getting [Music] [Music] caught okay okay we got the identic card uh the hoof we'll be safe there we we lay low for a while we we don't leave the attic yeah [Music] come on back to the container it's the only place we'll be safe [Music] [Music] no brim good that's a conversation I don't need [Music] [Music] BM I don't want to talk about it you thought you could just walk in there and steal the most valuable scan docks in Kanto I told you K six kin will have your head k b we know you're here let's make this easy you say nothing you do [Music] nothing no no no come on he's not here liar you think I want my bar blasted up like this I'm done with that kid in fact I'll help you find her hey I think she's out here no you'd slow us down let's [Music] go RM it's nothing your leg it's nothing thing this is a new crew I risk whatever it takes you finish this job score alone is enough to buy you a damn shuttle off world it's what you want right time to go k for [Music] good I I'll come back no you [Music] [Music] won't sick skins all over the place we can't let them see us next hey V where is she so it's true she hit you guys don't tell me where she is I don't know I mean I heard she has that place above the Cantina you see her you come straight to [Music] us War can't hide forever ni over there [Music] she can't hide forever go to one you won't get far [ __ ] come on out thank far where is she where are [Music] you wow [Music] never [Music] [Music] prev we know you help K open up you want to live tell us where she is n knows you told of the plants You Can't Hide freead you're making this worse for yourself we got your shop and now you got nowhere to run cre they caught up with pren I guess I'm not the only one who needs to get off of Kanto okay gr's data pet said the contact name is denian they should be just ahead bartender better not set us up Mount up where you from [Music] [Music] you're local yeah but I never get to see it like [Applause] this looks like a fun town you're not from here who's the mark the boss named SLO runs a Syndicate called zerich bash they're new they're rich and rumor hasn't they've got the underworld scared which means means security enough but a fortune for us if you can get to his Vault password override you and your little friend there better be as good as Bram [Music] says you're stop go make us all [Music] rich denian how are we kicking this off when you in position we'll attack the main entrance your job is to sneak in disable their security and get to the Vault you guys don't mess around when you hit a Crime Boss like SLO you have to mean it enjoy the view ni one way or another it's the last time we're going to see it hope Ram's okay taught me so much and look how I paid him back [Music] I think I can swing across hang on to me NYX we got to climb denian I see a tower up ahead could be my way in here the safe we're in position and [Music] waiting oh wa Don't Look Down niy tenan I'm looking at the Mansion uh exactly how rich is this lero guy he's top five out of rim for sure SLO built zerich Bash from the ground up and that ain't cheap it's his own personal Criminal Empire other than that nobody knows anything about him you sure know how to pick a mark you want to get r I out [Applause] Kanto really does look a lot different from up here huh n can't believe we might finally leave this place it's I don't know well we wanted a shot at the big course this is it okay denian I'm in position starting to fireworks get inside wait what deping the alarm I bet you can see that halfway across C this way find them see something well I'll keep my eyes open we need to stay out of sight I need to get their attention nicest place we've ever robbed huh [Music] we can do now don't let your car down you're not allowed here stay sharp got something bu thought I heard something guess I should check that [Music] out stay ready just in case we might still be in for a fight take him down ni just in case someone around next getting harder to find decent work keep watching my eyes open here someone nearby there just another now I'm reaching for a brawl [Music] great did you hear that what got to go [Music] what are you [Music] see tired tenan I'm in take the turbo lift it's the most direct way to Cero's vault [Music] okay energy barrier has to be getting power from somewhere next find me that generator what is it with Brit guys and old ships [Music] [Music] [Music] that should do [Music] it h Blaster bird s what happened in here [Music] cameras we got to avoid him ni I thought this place was supposed to be secure it is whoever there's a turbo lift and of course it's got a barrier trust me he [Music] knows someone around next for [Music] [Music] [Music] someone nearby [Music] [Music] [Music] distract him Nix i' say stay away from that thing why are you bothering [Music] me it's going to be okay [Music] [Music] [Music] buddy next put on the show I [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on there who's attacking us I bet it's us getting payback it's handled just stay at your post call in so much for going quiet Nix the alarm a wao you [Music] NY it's showtime okay that should have shut the barrier down St [Music] sh come on vault's waiting denan I'm in the turbo lift move faster K how long before c do police get here this is L's place they're not coming yeah just more as Eric Bash huh H there it is the vault [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] anyone we got Blaster fire inside the Mansion hello I need back up at the Vault I activated the barrier but that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay then okay danian I disabled the security you got a clear path get to the Vault we'll clean up out here and meet you inside whoa hi yeah um I need to get in denan I'm at the vault door and there's this Droid you've met the TTL good password is grandio cha of course it is hey come back I know you're in there Grand uh hello The Vault I guess this is what real money looks [Music] like let's get it open [Music] huh you're not Zer bash what is this where's my cash uh use a hand here I did everything right the code was good aara did you find it no the stories of B SL and z b they're all true we've got to go you'll get paid once we're safe you have our word wait nobody move you either pay me now or just pay me we're the Rebel Alliance so window's closing join us and fight the empire for the future of this galaxy what's it pay we don't have time for this wait eyes open k here we go for [Music] luck picking the marks half the game see they don't even know we exist please you're a little young for a thief uh uh I [Music] I where are you I messed up watch it hey [Music] welcome back [Music] kiddo now what was your lesson can't trust someone's always going to be there that's my girl [Music] okay I can [Music] explain you must be SLO your friends abandoned you friends what friends how long have you been part of the Rebel Alliance oh you're serious what do the rebels want with serak bash listen I don't know any Rebels but I I know people let me go I get answers we solve this together you're going to have to do better than [Music] that [Music] Blaster he doesn't get out of here alive always there when I need you NYX do me now okay okay how do I get out of here warning the Mansion has been breached here we go Al we've got an [Music] intruder there's got to be your way out watch out Nick don't make a sound I want a death mark on her now I promise a fortune for whoever can bring me her head there'll be nowhere in the Galaxy she can hide from me [Music] [Music] [Music] please don't be a trash d that's two jobs gone sideways NY this is Way Beyond bad luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] a look it's that Old Ship new plan ni we're going to steal it and fly out of here yeah sounds risky to me too might be nothing but keep [Music] watch I command you to stop her this ain't right could attack she's hurt flash her now [Music] take him down you got it boss if she escapes it's your house keep an eye out [Music] hold they're coming our way you HT get some cover I can still take you down not bad still in one piece [Music] NYX blow that up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] things find me over uh they won't stop coming we need to go you're dead me keep going grab the back to [Music] [Music] buddy just like flying as peder right right next [Music] nope that's not it sorry that's [Music] fun yes hang on [Music] spot it barrier down here we [Music] go wa okay a little close almost there get out of [Music] here no no no no no work you piece of [Music] strag Tara I'll take [Music] anywhere we're okay we're okay [Music]

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