Category: Entertainment
So today is supposed to be one of the biggest days of the year for both ubisoft and massive entertainment as star wars outlaws has come out today and the review embargo has been lifted so the mainstream media and gamers alike are casting their reviews across social media unfortunately this game is being... Read more
Category: Gaming
Anano llamado regenta una cas doblaje está muy bien el universo está muy bien las ciudades están muy vivas ir con la moto por ahí se siente una gozada los personajes molan un montón el sigilo lo que es la parte en la que te infiltras bajas con el gancho y demás está guay la es una porquería el combate... Read more
Category: Gaming
This is star wars outlaws we're here on xbox series s be sure to like the video subscribing is great as well so this is the apparently first open world star wars game outside of galaxies where you dive into the shoes of kes who is basically a han solo type character who keeps kind of accidentally throwing... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] hungry [music] so finally zeric bash is here each of you represents some of the most powerful criminal organizations in the galaxy p crimson dawn huts it's a golden age for the underworld the empire's little death star gets blown to pieces and the law is distracted by a rebellion that... Read more
Category: Gaming
Gameplay einen wunderschönen guten tag freunde der heimlichkeiten wir sind immer noch auf dem weg zu gedeg sind in der imperialen station wir brauchen den turbolift und ich glaube wir haben hier erstmal alles erfüllt ne beim let mal wir hier in raum quasi noch mal was ausgestellt ne hier so an geschütztürmen... Read more
Category: Gaming
Guys and welcome back to star wars outlaws we are currently in route to j's hope j's hope okay so this is where w brought the trailer with the hope of upgrading our blaster welcome to a brand new town out here in the desolate frontier dude this game is is massive that was 1.6 km of traveling to get... Read more
Category: Gaming
Et bien bonjour t aujourd'hui pour une nouvelle vidéo la partie 4 de star wars doncette se vous [musique] plî tout ça ça ça fait plisp vous avez encore du boulot pour moi blaster je cherche quelqu'un pour une planud pour je peux toujours trafier mon blter annud juste desè bien de je pr tu pass vim je... Read more
Category: Gaming
Denan how are we kicking this off when you're in position we'll attack the main entrance your job is to sneak in disable their security and get to the vault you guys don't mess around when you hit a crime boss like slo you have to mean [applause] it enjoy the view ni one way or another it's the last... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] i expected more from one of the most expensive bounty hunters in the outer rim i'm out are you stopped now i recoup my losses i'd say your migo fortune on neos should cover it how could you possibly not you're mine b finish the job [music] well this is a surprise the emperor has my report zerak... Read more
Category: Gaming
Star wars outl o novo jogo de star wars desenvolvido pela ubisoft tem o seu lançamento marcado para esta semana e eu graças à ubisoft a quem eu agradeço imenso tive a oportunidade de eu começar a jogar e eu tenho a dizer que o jogo não é bem aquilo que eu estava a espero star wars out loss é como se... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro et salut à tous les darons les daron et oui ce n'est pas une faute de frappe dans ma miniature je pense bien que star wars outlow est un très bon double a qui n'est pas du tout au niveau d'un triple a en tout cas au niveau attendu pour un jeu de ce calibre et je vais vous expliquer pourquoi alors... Read more
Category: Gaming
Star wars outlaws sets new standards for star wars gaming in this video review i will be going over all of the things i liked and didn't i've completed the game thanks to an early review copy from ubisoft before we do get into this review though make sure you do subscribe to this channel so you won't... Read more