STAR WARS OUTLAWS New Gameplay Demo 100 Minutes 4K

denan how are we kicking this off when you're in position we'll attack the main entrance your job is to sneak in disable their security and get to the Vault you guys don't mess around when you hit a Crime Boss like SLO you have to mean [Applause] it enjoy the view ni one way or another it's the last time we're going to see it hope Ram's okay taught me so much and look how I paid him back think I can swing across hang on to me NYX we got to climb denian I see a tower up ahead could be my way in you're the thief we're in position and waiting Don't Look Down Nyx denan I'm looking at the Mansion uh exactly how rich is this SLO guy he's top five out of rim for sure SLO built Zer Das from the ground up and that ain't cheap it's his own personal criminal Empire other than that nobody knows anything about him you sure know how to pick a mark you want to get rich you have to go where the money is you [Music] gandoo really does look a lot different from up here huh ni can't believe we might finally leave this place it's I don't know well we wanted a shot at the big course this is it okay denian I'm in position starting the fireworks get inside whoa I'll down the alarm I bet you can see that halfway across C they went this way start looking someone around next [Music] take him down ni we need to stay out of sight what happened we got this Nick these guys don't stop take her down that's got H Bo in you think you can take me take pin mix uh where was I nicest place we've ever robbed huh I can someone's working around tenan I'm in take the turbo lift it's the most direct way to Cero's vault okay energy barrier has to be getting power from somewhere next find me that generator NY do your thing that should do it go to one cameras we got to avoid him ni [Music] uh there's a turbo lift and of course it's got a barrier I thought this place was supposed to be secure it is whoever it is they won't make it past the front gate has anybody [Music] sent n [Music] [Music] terminal NYX like we practiced [Music] [Music] what's going on up there who's attacking us I bet it's payback it's handled just stay at your post B call I'm going out there sure hero go put on a show next that things trouble get lost fman NY put on the show never seen one of those before okay sh [Music] f okay that should have shut the barrier down come on vault's waiting denan I'm in the turbo lift move faster K how long before Kendo police get here this is sl's place they're not coming yeah just more as Eric Bash hm there it is the vault [Music] [Music] any we got Blaster fire inside the Mansion hello I need back up at the vault [Music] is [Music] [Music] all right okay danian I disabled the security you got a clear path get to the Vault we'll clean up out here and meet you inside oh wo hi yeah um I need to get in denan I'm at the vault door and there's this Droid you've met the TTL good password is grandio cha of course it is hey come back I know you're in there Grand uh hello The Vault I guess this is what real money looks like let's get it open huh [Music] you're not Zer bash what is this where's my cash uh use a hand here I did everything right the code was good asara did you find it no the stories of B SL z b they're all true we've got to go you'll get paid once we're safe you have our word wait nobody move you either pay me now or just pay me we're the Rebel Alliance so Windows closing join us and fight the empire for the future of this galaxy what's it pay we don't have time for this wait eyes open k here we go for luck picking the marks half the game see they don't even know we exist you're a little young for a thief uh uh I I [Music] where are you I messed up watch it hey [Music] welcome back [Music] kiddo now what was your lesson can't trust someone's always going to be there that's my girl [Music] okay I can explain you must be SLO your friends abandoned you friends what friends how long have you been part of the Rebel Alliance oh you're serious what do the rebels want with serak B listen I don't know any Rebels but I I know people let me go I get answers we solve this together you're going to have to do better than [Music] that he doesn't get out of here alive always there when I need you n okay get out of here [Music] we have an intruder on the Lo Lord we have an intruder inside the Mansion there's got to be a way out watch out [Music] [Applause] Nick don't make a sound N I want the death mark on her now I promise a fortune for whoever can bring me her head there'll be nowhere in a gal she can hide please don't be a trash shoot [Music] that's two jobs gone sideways ni this is Way Beyond bad [Music] luck okay next new plan we're going to steal that ship and fly out of here yeah sounds risky to me [Music] too there got be something I command you to stop her guess I'll stay on guard n set that off I got this you're not letting get her not now I'm [Music] not look out wait what you [Music] [Music] w Intruder H they won't stop coming we need to go [Music] now I just like flying us Peter right next [Music] nope that's not it sorry that's fun [Music] yes hang on got it barrier's down here we go wa okay a little close almost [Music] there get out of [Music] [Applause] here no no no no no work you piece of [Music] strag Tara I'll take [Music] [Music] anywhere no we're okay we're okay [Music] [Music] a [Music] we made it somehow come [Music] on huh hello [Music] h h [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry I uh I thought you were one of them [Music] huh lots of new friend set [Music] hey we we don't have to do this we aren't leaving without that stress all right good work handling those Bandits who are you and what are you you want okay you're mad about the pipe I didn't think anyone survived the crash but you did so now I'll help you I don't need help I'm getting out of here how you're an offworlder and this ship of yours isn't going to fly anytime soon but lucky for you I'm a mechanic how many credits are we talking I mean a few mostly for parts but good news desara is a great place for someone with your skills there's a pike under boss named gorak talk to him and he'll give me work got it that speeder in your ship will get you to Mirana City easy if my ship's gutted when I come back I'm going to hunt you down Waka my name's wer I'll hunt you down Walker all right let's take a look wow nice [Music] [Music] this thing has some [Music] kick okay we're alive we fixed the ship get to the four worlds and land a big score [Applause] [Music] more of those Bandits oh come on [Applause] is that all you got you alive back there buddy I know what are we doing I don't have anything just leave me alone come [Music] on you there the comms are working yeah hey these Bandits are still after me persistant get to Mirana that's Pike Turf you're losing there and uh what do I call you it's okay all right K you'll find gorak upstairs at Mall's it's the most popular Cantina in the city so you can't miss [Music] it wow look at this place let's be Marana all right Waka What do you get out of this I don't trust charity charity do you know what this baby is it's an EML 850 custom job checked the locks and even found a name the Trailblazer the Trailblazer so so this ship is special ah you don't get it just give me some new fuel injectors with those at least we'll be able to fly all right all right I'll figure it outp notty but PR quick and ly clean if that's what you're asking no contra I'll be the judge of that show me your St let me see some identification oh uh yeah sure you're torn Valerio nup that's me m all right move along combat against Rebels applications are now open than you glad I got that fake identic card yes here are my scand dos is everything okay could be like that again I'll smash your face in try it the Troopers don't get you well go ahead say it I want how hey you're looking for a we in with the Pikes hey I need to talk to gorak you don't look like a pike and you're not getting up there without an invitation you hey VIPs only must be a way we can sneak up there G [Music] [Music] Co there we go [Music] [Music] all right let's go see gorak that looks like an underw this is Governor thoron City not yours drag him out and tell the governor the payments will not [Music] increase I don't know you what you never make new friends I have enough friends yeah but you don't have to pay me to hang out with you she's funny Waka sent me he said uh you might have some work what a disappointment hey wait what's your problem smart enough to get into my sweep careless enough to use walkers name you're new to this world come back when you're [Music] not what a waste of time good boy [Music] stealing from a pike underboss first day easy name's Dona I'm a broker for every job on this Moon not many syndicates where I'm from this is legitimate business Mirana is special kid Empire keeps this Cantina neutral but beyond these walls it's War you want to survive know the player look there the Pikes have the most say thanks to gorak cut through political they pay up to play favorites with the Empire then Crimson Dawn hungry for gorak's Kingdom crafty sneaky unlike the huts with them what you see is what you get out here you live and die by your reputation that said a friend needs a little something stolen from gorak's private base some information he'd hate to get out and who's hiring me to steal from the top Syndicate in town sorry kid interupt that's all you get tell your client KES is in cute desperate but cute [Music] [Music] AAS orx base is in the Bike District find the back entrance slice the terminal in his Tower steal the file marked sk1 good luck who wait are you the one who hired me hello okay hey Waka thanks for the help you almost got me killed ah guess gorak still remembers me just tell me how to get into his stronghold it's in the pike District the main entrance is next to that imp checkpoint at the city entrance that place is full of opportunities for someone like you but if you're on the Pike's bad side they won't let you just walk in I'm sure I can handle it I just need a cup pleas you know how it is I had a bad streak I'll win it all back by tomorrow your time hey you were right they uh won't let me in there's another way vent around the corner nearby okay if they see you I know I know it'd be bad no it's worthless just sentimental junk and it over hey it's her me take it that buys you one day [Music] could be here I've been told you arrived there's a way in on the second floor Terrace it will take you where you need to go uh okay how long have you been watching me right ridicul I must stay focused coaching is filthy work I would rather run spice or shake down some vendors AG the city is a always like this no one would mess with us cannot wait should get back need a distraction NYX this place is come on next what do you see at least business has been decent I I have so I cannot wait take him down as us [Applause] NY attack no one would even dare go around here see something right I hope the boss gives us the light on Price is so low you won't believe your Optical receptors you know why people respect because he never makes an empty threat is this looks like the way in we'll be okay n yeah now how do we get up there city is wild all C [Music] uh okay that l a turbo lift [Music] C hit that button Nyx oh all right this will work [Music] okay what can we do here next think you can hold that open for me NYX hold this for me okay good boy Nix let's go you doing okay buddy we just got to do a few jobs like this before we hit it big all right this Pike operation looks huge they must have a sweet deal with the Empire there's the tower that energy barrier might be a problem though okay NY we can go loud now if we got to do not be everything to us we need to [Music] expand got something Bud we should investig got a we must investigate that I need a bigger Blaster I hope to never C yeah get him Nix nothing again someone around next nothing go get him buddy Breck that Nick okay guess there's another one of these things interesting at some point in we have The Chop Shop the poaching our smuggling Network yes and perhaps there are more opportunities in this city that we are missing we should be worried about what they are nothing for now the moment they gain a will be we have the chop shot coaching our smuggling Network yes what do you see is there more opportunities in this city that we are missing we should be worrying about Crimson Dawns what they are nothing for now the moment they gain a foothold there will be bigger than missing opportunities let me see okay let's do this n move in and lock it down on your feet they w't quit [Music] block the exits do not let us boy let's do this you one yet [Music] we did it who cares if they saw us [Music] okay files got to find a [Music] terminal oh no this system has an alarm the file's just a spotchka recipe did I get played fine I'll make this worth my while ooh encrypted file [Music] [Music] is [Music] and you're sure this channel is secure Mr sha please overthrowing someone like gorad takes time if I couldn't secure a channel I'd Bel long dead and call me tlac well tslac I'm oldfashioned if I'm going to stab a friend in the bag I'd like to meet the person handing me the knife of course governor and there's the alarm well at least we got [Music] something what we get into [Music] buddy they've loed down the elevator [Music] okay uh okay we can [Music] climb don't worry next the uh next job will be better [Music] [Music] [Music] there's more of them whoever triggered that alarm is inside seal the doors everything's locked down okay I can't [Music] you that's it [Music] [Music] ah ah ah [Music] ah [Music] ah ah ah [Music] ni over there better than nothing [Music] whoa uh watch your step next I got this i got this h [Music] [Music] h wow I think we're good ni can't believe we pull that off Waka how fast can you fix that ship I know I know you want to get off to Shara but fuel injectors don't come cheap you get paid uh maybe you know anyone who'd buy proof that some Pike is trying to overthrow gorak uh gorak would just leave my name out of it this time they need support if this is Crimson Dawn gorak will not be pleased hey you did you hear gor's favorite spka recipes did I pass your client's test why don't you ask her yourself meet Thea of crimson Dawn you the one I was talking to before you pulled it off guess I shouldn't be surprised I heard you stole something much bigger than this a ship someone's favorite ship someone important I I uh I have no idea what you're talking about recognize her because zerk best showed up with one of their best asking a lot of questions yes a death mark dark from zeric bash what did you tell them nothing for now you work for us again it stays that way the Pikes are on top here and Crimson Dawn is making [Music] [Music] moves you want to uh make a move one of gor's men is planning to betray him P up named tisl Shar really hey look at you playing the game you're learning here some fuel injectors for that ship you don't have these should help you get off toara so you know everything huh just the things that are important to us you'll be hearing from me soon so try to stay alive oh and uh one last thing yeah bram's leg is healing nicely thanks you're in our world now okay keep sharp baa I got those fuel injectors time to go that was fast what's the rush the Trailblazer needs time attention no rush I just just uh want to keep moving fine go see if you can find more work parts that she needs ain't cheap I'll talk to Dana but it doesn't have to be perfect just make it work KS the Huts need a job done and you seem like a good fit who is this come to Mall's and find out so I heard from a hey I want to ask you something [Music] how do you know my name I keep an eye out for new time Talent name's veric and I've got a real job for you I hope a real job means real credits it does for the Huts the Pikes are musling in on Jabba's creature smuggling business stealing his buyers in the core worlds find out who they're selling to then take out their factory farm have up front or no dice you'll get paid when you deliver that works too those coordinates will take you to my contact don't keep her waiting [Music] B's contacts out on the stab you're like going for a ride next hey you I'm power this is your holl news one of them grabbed me was asking questions form an single line feel like going for a ride [Music] f attention we found our stolen supplies at a pirate Camp an assault team is on its way to recover Imperial property stolen Imperial property huh how can I say no [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's do this made it o h [Applause] okay ni let's go [Music] oh m a hey uh there accept me name's Monda you're new I'm K this is NYX all right Kay and Nix here's the job get inside grab The Client List then plant the bomb on the generator that should open the pens and ruin this entire operation right and the bomb over there it's your Standard Time fuse badium charge oh sure yeah badium use these all the time guess it's time to plant a bomb [Music] what's the deal with these animals anyway Manda rabas they stink but with the right treatment their hides can pass for gundock leather what's going to happen to them you're setting them free got to keep quiet Nix ooh yeah M wasn't kidding they really do stink all right NY go get him I used to body guard for this Smuggler On The braon Run bounty on his head got pretty high so I claimed it I enough for this I can't wait to upgrade my speed they better give me my vus this year HS Crimson Dawn even AA Clan I've dealt with but their bash are a mystery and I don't like it sir hope someone steps out of [Music] mind I wonder what the rest of the gang is up [Music] to a secet plan they p no threats to the place if they tried to create new lives in our territory we will simply looks like a private Landing Pad huh wonder if they'd ever let us use it HX just another job got something butd enough I want the Empire to Tower at my uh is see something I can't wait to upgrade my speeder running Spice in a much better CH Duty no one is going to try us anyway what was that you you cannot be here someone nearby you are not a there nice hey catch that thing we need to investigate got just a couple more days car kit she is gone what do we do now [Music] anything this a right hey get away from there meet your C what is going on what is going on take him down next you can't be here they see us next enemy [Applause] Al on [Music] take you think you I will take you out go look over there Place stop looking you're going down she's right here keep going I'm not afraid of [Music] youer come on this way Thea F them stop them up here we go ni down we're pinned down come on get up attack move forward she must not Escape she must not Escape [Music] Follow My Lead ni Shield activated [Applause] [Music] let's go wait what I can still take you [Music] out this will help this ain't over [Music] [ __ ] [Music] rough oh [Music] next [Music] attack I can't get a shot [Music] through k [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get him Nick stand your ground you ready n [Music] [Music] where did she go n hit that Barrel strange [Music] that is strange seems she is G the mark soon that was definitely something [Music] the lights show no [Music] mercy we are not here zakai did you hear that nothing scares me I never miss anything be [Music] ready hor [Music] fight interesting get ready Nick we're pinned Nick [Music] [Applause] [Music] destroy secure the area where is she find anything where did she go we lost some for now well keep [Music] [Applause] looking those guys better not be drinking without me nothing here it has been quiet lately back to it go fet drop it good boy what's it doing they better give me my bonus this year I know you can hear me it was nothing let's go if it comes back I will be ready I wonder what the rest of the gang is up to something feels holded on way getting back up I can still take you down show no mercy you'll see go look over there show him next let's go [Applause] [Music] Focus concentrate got something bud back to it I can handle it all right distract him [Music] NYX huh what was that get him ni can't find anything cover [Music] deoy that Count's bad she's getting away [Music] [Music] [Music] W here BL ready ni she is defens let get away chicken [Music] just [Music] [Music] iny now where's that Client List o maybe the lists on that Hollow Puck your talents wasted on the Huts what is this it's an offer Crimson Dawn wants to know who's doing business with the Pikes give me that list and we both profit what about baric it's easy to lie to hot thugs just don't back down what if I say no now that you know who I work for I can't let you walk out of here veric hired me to do a job I'm going to finish it shame not again just anyone out here oh nice dank fck come on NYX let's deal with that generator all right at least will a percentage impossible to find a working power uh okay this looks right I think touch anything because I didn't touch anything that timer's going real fast there's got to be another way do you see a way out [Music] n push it NY he [Music] [Music] ah [Music] better get some distance and C Eric come on this [Music] baric job's done [Music] he [Music]

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