all right all right guys good morning good morning hope you guys are well today it is Thursday we got jobless claims unemployment filings we have uh the big one's PPI inflation data today uh so yeah pretty big day uh let's go ahead and get everything up here let me get a timer going uh how much we got left we got we got an hour and 40 hour and like 38 and a half minutes left right my math is right yep that's right all right so we got an hour and 38 minutes left um we're here uh yep [Music] all right so inflation expected at .1% today .1% uh and that's month to month year over year it's expected [Music] at yeah so I see some people saying a market crash is going to happen a recession I kind of agree he said I'm listening last 3 years recession is coming recession is coming but recession is not coming yeah I mean again it kind of shows you like I'm not going to say people are gullible right I'm not saying we don't hit a recession you know I'm not it's possible but I I I do kind of look at some of it like people who think the Market's going to crash every other week like obviously they've been wrong and obviously the market has continued um and I think the overarching point is like you can't predict crashes every year and if you find yourself doing it every single freaking year like you've been misled sometime somewhere and that might be a hard thing for some people to accept especially you know like I said if you get wrapped up in politics or whatever it's causing you to think we're going to always crash um the biggest Edge in stocks is the Market's going to go up long term you know uh and that's the truth it's going to go up longterm uh no matter what it's going to go up long term uh shortterm Anything could happen I I always tell this when we're talking about gold because Gold shortterm Anything Can freaking happen gold can downtrend for 5 years but if you hold gold for 20 very consistently it's going to go up uh it's not 100% either I would say Gold's probably a little bit less likely that it's going to go up over a 20-year period but it's still pretty freaking likely I would give it like an 80% chance 90% chance of going up over a 20-year period uh and the only time it doesn't is if you really get unlucky and get like caught in it and the reason I say that is because we did have this period here where if you bought it like if you bought it up here you know you might get stuck in a downward trending thing like this thing down trended for 20 5 years and so gold it's not 100% but the stock market's different you know the stock market is just different if you look at the S&P 500 um you know like during that same period here's 1980 uh to 2005 is the period we're looking at S&P gained big percentages big percentages so the S&P is different the S&P rarely downtrends for any significant like yearly time frame like it it almost never downtrends over like over like 10 years usually it's going to go up over that period of time um what do you think about PPI today I don't know uh yeah we're starting a little bit earlier today it's all good you know um yeah so ppi is expected at .1% month over month jobless claims are expected same time at uh 227k so we'll put that up so you guys can kind of see what's going on yeah Nvidia the big story is NVIDIA all the way up to almost 120s big green day yesterday for NVIDIA massive Green Day and it took a little while for it to hit like it started to Trend upward and then turned around and then headed right back up um ECB Cuts I don't know when uh is the EC oh the ECB rate decisions today I didn't even realize so that drops at 8:15 Market time today they are expecting a 25 basis point cut they no they're dropping it from 4.25 down to 3.65 that's a weird percentage um I'm just going to call that 40 it's 35 Plus uh it's 35 plus 25 which is 60 right it's 60 but so I guess but I don't even know if that like I'm going to call it a 50 basis point cut or or something because uh yeah it's about 60 basis points is what they're saying in their interest rate decision uh now on their deposit F facility rate they're dropping that 25 basis points but it says on their ECB interest rate decision it's gone from 4.25 to 3.65 which is again 60 basis points so I don't know what they're doing over there in freaking Europe but yeah I wish I would have covered the Nvidia thing yesterday just I got freaking beat out of it and that's all right nobody else was covering it like I literally looked at it and I I I knew it might affect markets I looked on YouTube literally nobody else was streaming it and so I wish I would have been able to cover it but thus is life and uh yeah can y'all hear the music you should be able to all right guys H all [Music] [Music] right you know the one thing I feel like I'm missing in my life is big poker tournaments dude like I've been into poker for over a decade you know and it's interesting because like when I first got started I had no money like I had no money to play I was playing like one cent uh like 1 cent 3 Cent like the the small blonde was 1 cent the big blond was 3 cents you know or like 2 cent 5cent uh so the tiniest Stakes you could ever imagine um and now that I I do well you know like I make I make decent money I don't have the time to play anymore right I wanted to do the WSOP last year but we ended up going on vacation with my to Michigan um with the family which is understandable right but uh but yeah I feel like I got to get I got to play some you know yeah online it's just not the same like I'm much better at live poker I'm okay at online poker my problem is that for somebody with ADHD it's very hard for me to sit down and focus on poker I've played it so much I and I play online poker right but it's very hard for me to sit down and focus for extended periods of time and poker is very much like trading where it's really variance heavy so like you might do everything right in poker and still lose just like you might have an A+ setup it looks good you manage it well and you still lose for whatever reason uh very similar in that regard but but with poker it's much uh like yeah with poker it's it's hard to explain it's really varant heavy and so if you're going to let your Edge play out you got to sit down for hours and hours a day right and kind of grind that out and for me it's a lot harder to sit down and and um play online poker in that way you know it's much harder for me to do that live poker's fun I wouldn't say there scams I would say like some of the sites have uh look at Nvidia Nvidia 11750 uh some of the sites have I would I'm not going to say scams but vulnerabilities right and the vulnerabilities present themselves in super users so like say you say you used to be a developer on a poker site right um and so you know the code of that poker site you know usually they have what's called a random card generator uh and so the hands are supposed to be random and there are there are algorithms that produce random hands like random numbers like if you're a programmer you understand there's a lot of different like lines of code you can use to produce random numbers like formulas like really their mathematic formulas um and that's all fine but some of the developers on some of these sites that no longer work there so here's an example so you got you got let's just call the the dude Jim you got a dude named Jim that that was a developer on one of these online poker websites right and then say he leaves that company you know but he still knows the code he still has some of the access to the website right so he can create his own um he can modify the code to where he can see everybody's whole cards right everybody's whole cards and everybody else is just completely oblivious to it they have no idea that this dude can see your whole cards right um and this happens it's called super users on poker websites uh and and usually the smart move they a lot of the time they get caught right but the Smart Ones play very small stakes and they take very careful consideration of how they're going to use that that that cheat that they have right but again sometimes like Darwinism presents itself in the same way where you know and I've been in hands right like I've been in hands where on some of these sites where it was very very clear that something fishy was going on right like an example of this is I have uh an example of this is like I have King King pre flop and somebody else has 25 offit and the person who is playing pretty tight like not super aggressive prior to this calls my Allin with like two5 offit and I've got King King and then on the Flop it comes 225 right or whatever it is and he cuz he knew the cards that were coming right he he had some type of you know super user software thing whatever um and that happens right and so most of the time you're fine on those sites but there are weird stuff like that and I'm not going to recommend going to any of them really uh I I trust live poker a lot more and this is coming from somebody that I've played probably 10,000 plus hands of online poker right uh so yeah I would just be very weary of it um just because there are users technology has grown a lot um a lot of the sites are not regulated you know and I wish they would Legalize It Like the the the laws that keep it still illegal are laws that banned you from betting on sports over telephone lines in the 70s is the laws that are on the books and they're using that those laws to they're using those laws to cover to have like an umbrella over everything and it's not accurate and they've tried to stop this like they've said hey these laws are from the 70s saying you can't bet on Sports through telephone lines this has nothing to do with poker uh but for whatever reason politicians politicians like to Pander like they say look how hard I am on crime you know and and a lot of the time they're getting some pack money from some people involved uh in in the casino industry who obviously don't want online poker to take off so people have to go to the casinos it's this big thing of course uh Hey thank you C Harris I appreciate it brother thank you um well the reason I say Darwinism is cuz you're always they like occasionally one of the super users get caught and the way they get caught is because they're playing really dumb with the the the code right like they're calling hands they shouldn't call that make it very very clear that they they can see the cards right so again like I said if somebody has King King and you've got two5 off suit and you played really tight prior to that like calling him with 25 offit knowing you're going to win is going to raise some alarms and everybody in the table right they're going to say hey why did that guy call a 255 off suit it's not sensical it doesn't make any sense like he gave up he risk his tournament at life with two five off suit versus Kings in one and so that's going to raise some alarms and that's how they usually get caught is that same way so you know again if they're smart about it they would just be very they' be very methodical very careful fold lose some pots intentionally right like that's what smart people are going to do if they had that um but yeah Mike pel right Mike posel cheating scandal is different though so Mike posel was at a Live card game like a streamed card game like a streaming card game and a very similar thing happened where he called some very suspect hands with very suspect like conditions of the pot right like so he called some hands that he should not have called with and everybody in the world was like what the heck was that like why would you call there and when win um and so basically Mike pel it came out that he was probably somehow like having the whole cards fed to him through an earpiece or something like that again I'm speculating I can't say 100% for sure but yeah that's what they're that's what they're speculating that that happened I don't think it ever ever was actually proven though uh because it's hard to prove um but yeah everybody was mad at him yeah any idea what time Kroger is today yeah I could check Kroger is at 8:00 a.m. eastern time is when it drops it's expected at 91 Cent profit per share EPS on 34.098040673 well yeah usually like they'll pay you Tai so if you ever want to withdraw usually they'll pay you right as long as it's not like if it depends um yeah well no you there's so in Texas there's no casinos if you want to go to the casino you got to basically go to Lake Charles um but in Texas there's card rooms you know um and the basically it's illegal to take a rake in in these games in Texas but what they do is they just do a monthly subscription instead and so there's a lot of card rooms here Doug pulk famous poker player has one in Austin like a really big card room in Austin Adobe predictions does Adobe drop earnings today no when are Adobe earnings oh ader are this Adobe earnings this evening Adobe a really interesting company because this is a company that a lot of people thought would f fa you know Adobe a lot of people thought they would fail with the rise of AI they they assume that and understandably they assumed that uh AI would replace a lot of adobe's business because Adobe is is like the the creator of Photoshop right they started Photoshop they're the owner of Photoshop um and so people use Photo Photoshop for digital design and editing and stuff like that and people assume that AI would completely replace the need for that but what Adobe did that was really smart is it embraced Ai and it added AI to its platforms and it allowed you to use AI in its platforms seamlessly and so instead of being a detriment to the stock for Adobe it ended up benefiting the stock and you can see it's actually up pretty big on the year if you look at a longterm chart Adobe was like downtrending really big in 2021 it's almost rebounded all the way back up so Adobe a good example of embracing the evolution of technology and not fearing it you got a lot of people in these companies that just fear technology uh it's very clear and again sometimes they're kind of putting their head in their sand ignoring the future right Blockbuster is a good obviously the most famous example of this but there's a lot of companies that do that uh and Adobe is a good example of a company that didn't do that and that actually embraced and evolved with technology um hey what's up tiny yeah I'm going to do a poll uh well today all right so does PPI come in higher or lower vote on that poll let me know what you guys think can I trade it with US $ 30 us balance trade what $30 just $30 littered that's nothing in trading yeah you're not going to be able to trade with that brother not really at least I mean you could I guess but $30 is nothing um if you want to be able to trade you probably need thousands but yeah Nidia is up a huge amount look at it bounc right around the previous closing price too so you can see the previous closing price here at like 117 trade crypto with 30 I guess but again $30 is not going to get you anywhere um all right guys we're at 65% higher 35% lower V on the poll all right yeah there's a lot of like debate controversy my problem like my big problem about like the whole realm of politics is this is that nobody freaking knows and everybody sits there arguing about all this stuff that nobody really knows like everybody just hates the other side right both sides right they both just hate the other side you can hear the resentment and and anybody that speaks about it right so like no matter what and again I find that to be very uh unnecessary right like you should be able to agree with either side and not have the other side hate you right and if you hate the other side you're probably right where they want you you know they're you're right where they want you and so I would just tell everybody this election year to like just stop take a step back understand it's okay um no matter what everything's going to be okay um and just not let it drive your personality too too much because you know this is not the first election you know every year they tell you it's the end of the world if this person doesn't get it or this person doesn't get it and like in the end it's just better to stop take a step back and just yeah I mean Bailey man the the reality of it is okay if if I blocked them number one they're not subscribing anymore um so the 150,000 people we have here are usually people who have not been blocked um but I guess the real problem Bailey is this right like how have you gotten to a position in your life where you're you're going to the same stream every day right like just trying to throw me off honestly it gives my channel content it's not like it's even bad for the channel like me going back and forth with you really probably makes it a little bit more exciting not less so I guess the problem is like how have you gotten to a position in your life Bailey in which you are so insecure that you harass another YouTuber right like you got to understand like that means your position in life has got to be really rough and I and again I just I I genuinely just kind of pity it but you could tell you're the same person that comes here day in like every time you get banned you create another account you say the same thing like I feel for you man I really do like I feel for you um like if that's your life I genuinely feel bad for you um so I wish you the best you know you're banned or I'll just put you in timeout but uh but yeah I mean like I said I feel like if you put good things out there you get good things back you know and I wish y'all the best man any any of the haters trolls people who spend their lives you know trying to harass and throw me off a little bit I really just feel bad for you man I got a beautiful life you know a beautiful life I really do and I feel for you man I really genuinely do like I wish you guys the best um I mean you're banned I'm not going to let you you know constantly just try to throw me off but like you know I wish you the best you know focus on good things guys if you focus on good things you'll get good things back if you spend your life harassing a YouTuber I don't like I've dislike channels right but I don't think I've ever disliked a channel enough to go to their comments especially not day in and day out just to try to throw them off that's you know that's a little um unhinged right so I mean listen I wish you the best um you're banned for life of course but it's all love it really is it's all love uh why the $8 drop at $4 recovery yesterday on the Spy so what happened Foo was the Nvidia conference the Nvidia conference happened and people got really optimistic regarding Nvidia you can kind of see the turn the Nvidia conference started yesterday at 10:20 Market time and so you can see right at 10:20 basically right here they debuted something that the market liked and the market Nvidia just powered through the rest of the day and went straight up um [Music] all right uh it all came from Jensen discussing Nvidia demand 100% yeah the Nvidia meeting was weird I exited it and then refreshed it um and then it basically wouldn't let me back in I'm kind of bummed it wouldn't let me but it's okay um and yeah Bailey's going to say oh well that's not me I don't do that of course you don't sure buddy you know uh again I wish you the best I I hope you you get your your issues figured out you know um yeah so Pawn sent me something let me see so yeah so yeah so Jensen hang said quote our company works with every AI company in the world today we're working with every single data center in the world today I don't know one data center one cloud service provider one computer maker we're not working with and we have a lot of people on our shoulders and everybody's counting on us uh is end quote and that was again Jensen hang uh he was telling that to Goldman CEO David Solomon Jensen said again quote demand is so great that delivery of our components and our technology and software is really emotional for people uh and and again this is what people are asking how Nvidia rebounded like this this is how like look at the big powerful move up um the big powerful move up look at that uh and so the market flew up look at it's at 118s almost 117s and Nvidia was under uh 110 for a long time went all the way down to almost $100 a share until it did a sense rebound it's almost back up to 120s I lost about 10% trying to trade in the past six months now planning to DCA just Vu monthly and advice and encouragement I think you'll probably make a lot of money I don't know if I would do it with Vu personally uh which is what is Vu Vu is uh the Vanguard S&P ETF so I mean yeah you can do that um yeah I mean it's whatever you want to do right it's just another form of the S&P they all have different fees and different stuff uh I don't think that's a bad plan I think longterm you're going to make money on that most likely right it depends on how long you hold it if you hold it long enough of course uh what I will say is that you need to just be prepared to lose money as well for years potentially and bare markets you know okay I I always talk about this and it's an important thing for people to understand right generally speaking long-term and index funds you're going to make money right and the longer you hold it the more it's going to keep up with inflation and go up and up and up and up the reason a lot of people aren't able to take advantage of it is because they do not have the discipline to not touch it you know in order to do that you need to buy and not sell right even in bare markets even in downward Trends even in all that stuff DCA is the way right dollar cost averaging taking periodic purchases of shares uh in specific time intervals is the best thing to do um again I'm not telling you what to do I'm not an investment professional I might be wildly wrong maybe Vu crashes tomorrow I have no idea but if you hold it longterm you are almost certain to make money uh and the the reason most people don't take advantage of the long-term gains that these type of index funds give you is because they end up getting emotional any big run they get emotional and they sell any big dip they get emotional and they sell and so the reason a lot of people go to financial planners and and money managers is because they are they able to put their money into these things and not touch it right at least not sell it you can you can add to it but not selling is the key uh and again it takes years right who knows what's going to happen but over a 10 20 30 year period you should make a bunch from it you know um so I don't trade very often just like the follow the market and economy yeah yeah all good no I'm not saying you don't I'm just saying that's what you have to have discipline if you want to profit long term uh we also have the ECB decision today so we do have the ECB rate decision today at 8:15 Market time so that's big what's up Tommy what do you think of PPI today I don't know PPI they're basically expecting it to be the same as last time right so last time PPI showed up at 0.1% this time are expecting it to show up at 1 point or at 0.1% year-over-year they're expecting it to show up 4% lower so last time it was 2.2% % on the year for PPI this time they're expecting 1.8% although the yearly PPI reading is much less reliable I should say uh again we do have the ECB rate decision coming out we do have the ECB rate decision we got president lagard speaking um yeah you got a 30-year Bond auction so a long-term Bond auction today uh at 2:00 so a long-term Bond auction at 2 p.m. Eastern and then tomorrow we got Michigan consumer sentiment data so that'll be interesting too yeah so we're going to follow all of it right we're going to follow the ECB decision we're going to follow PPI data jobless claims data also releases today jobless claims is how many people are filing for unemployment week to week that drops um today so again we'll see what happens but yeah that's something we're definitely watching J what are your thoughts on leveraged ETFs I think they're fine if you have the if you have the range to be able to deal with it you know leverage gtfs are good as long as you got the range to be able to deal with it um point is I guess if you're expecting for 10x gain or 3x gains you better be you better be ready for 3x losses as well right you got to be ready for the swings I guess is the point but aside from that they're very useful you know if you want to take that risk and and maximize long-term gains right like that's the way probably but it also you also have to understand they're a little bit more risky during crash situations because like a normal crash right might make something drop what 20 30% right but if it's 3x X leverage that turns into 90% And so that's where it gets sticky um you know and so I would be careful in those situations personally I I would much rather just buy the S&P 500 directly uh not the ETF behind it but the actual S&P which is SPX right this is the actual S&P 500 Index SPX uh you can also buy the NASDAQ 100 which is basically the QQQ uh it's in DX again this is the NASDAQ 100 it's only open after 9:30 uh so it's only open during Market hours uh you could buy the Dow as well which is what's the Dow uh DJ what is it I know the Futures Contract for the Dow is ym so you goodbye but that's there that's Futures they are expensive yeah do you think crude has to go lower I mean it doesn't have to do anything um crude will go lower as more stability happens geopolitically um but crude has been basically sideways for a year straight you know if you look at October of last year it's basically where we were now maybe a little bit actually no we're actually down uh we're down like 15% like 12 133% from uh where we were in October but aside from that we've been in the same range though right we're at the bottom of the range now uh it just depends on what happens crew is going to spike if we have like geopolitical stuff going on DJI let me see what it is one yeah so it's no it's not djia uh watch out for the volatility Decay as well sideway actually increase only these money not me for long term yeah for sure 100% hey John what do you think was the cause of the big rise in indexes yesterday uh the rise was very simple it was caused by specifically Nvidia pumping up Nvidia pumped up because jinen hang said some really optimistic things during the communic Opia conference yesterday uh he basically said that every AI system in every every company that has to do with AI uses Nvidia in one way or another and so there's huge demand for their product and that made a lot of people optimistic Nvidia sprouted up to 18s uh and that ultimately had a lot of sympathy effects of the rest of the market right the the market essentially followed it up [Music] [Music] yeah I guess you can't invest directly in the S&P so you got to use like the Spy um Vu you know they have different fees associated with them but but yeah you're right [Music] [Music] same thing with like ndx I just wouldn't buy Futures Futures is the worst option to to to invest long term um do you think it was sufficient to move the whole Market yes I think the whole Market follows Nvidia Chris it's been like this for a year and a half now where the entire Market follows Invidia very very closely especially in big volatile days uh so yes I think it it certainly influenced the whole Market it's why the Market's up like it is right the Market's up like it is because Nvidia pumped yesterday and that dragged everything else up with it you know so here's the spy spy at 555s um yeah so spy is getting close to Lifetime highs as well if you look at the lifetime highs on the Spy they're right here at $565 so we're $10 away uh on the Spy so the Spy could break lifetime highs today depending on what PPI shows up as [Music] yeah so he yeah and again pwn sent me the quote yesterday he said quote our company works with every AI company in the world we're working with every single data center in the world I don't know one data center one cloud service provider one computer maker we're not working with we have a lot of people on our shoulders and everybody's counting on us Jensen hang Nvidia CEO he also said quote demand is so great that delivery of our components in our Tech and software is really emotional for people he added so basically people get emotional when they get delivery of their products um yeah so that is basically what happened um and that's why markets are certainly up from that yesterday you could say that Nvidia earnings instead of letting this AI nah it's all right whole Market moves with it what about shortages is it good is what good and what shortages what the video get to 125 today I don't know nobody knows that like a lot of people a lot of time people ask me questions that nobody freaking knows right like tomorrow at 5:30 tomorrow at 5:30 in the morning will the Spy go up or down on a one minute candle you know while the sky turns green and drone po stumps his right big toe I have no freaking idea guys I have no freak good idea you know um if Jerome Powell steps outside tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. and stumps his big toe and his second big toe on his right foot while reading the newspaper will the S&P 500 move up or down I have no freaking idea guys why are youall asking me this stuff nobody knows this stuff Nobody Does anybody that answers that seriously you shouldn't trust them because they have like any any reasonable analyst is going to say they don't know about that because nobody freaking knows that's completely random mostly uh I use toss right here and then for for futures I use TOP Step x no I know I'm just messing with you Steve you're good I'm not even talking about you you just asked me about shortages right um really I was responding not to you but to who was I responding to uh somebody [Music] else people are used to the gurus having answers um any more reports after PPI which were dropped before the FED meeting uh let me check so we have University of Michigan consumer sentiment tomorrow on Friday right so that's a report that's a decent one to watch uh I'll check next week let me let me check I got you um I think next week we have retail sales data earlier in the week that does drop uh so so yeah next week we have retail sales on Tuesday industrial production the Empire State Manufacturing Index on Monday and that's basically it so yeah we've got retail sales is the biggest one that comes out I'm looking at earnings next week to see if we got anything going on um Tuesday nothing nothing yeah so earning season is basically done we got like General Mills Wednesday morning but nothing that's going to move it like that John what's your trading what's your strategy trading non-stop dips and pumps like yesterday I feel like you can only make a lot of Lo or lose a lot hard to trade with no bounce or rejections I don't know uh I think there's some days where it's just not profitable to trade with your specific system whatever that is right so there's just some days where it's just not meant to be and you have to have the discipline as a Trader to take a step back recognize that and and take the appropriate steps not to have big draw Downs in your account on those days um like everybody's going to lose right but you got to be willing to uh take those steps yeah like we've gotten like like here's my stats on this account right so we're we're trading very small on this account but so far this week you know we got a nice little graph our profit factor is good we're averaging green profit or here's my stats on this account here's my graph I'm not going to show Too Much Information here but um but yeah we're going to just do September as a whole right so here's my stats so my graph actually looks pretty good I'm not going to show you anything else about it but this is my daily cumulative p&l on this account right I'm not going to be specific about how much this is um but here's my actual graph for my profits uh trading Futures on top stepback right so this is my actual funded account graph so pretty good right here's yesterday we made some money so you know again small steady gains I'm taking a very slow building up profit can you grow a $ 30 account yes but it's going to take so long in in the edge is going to be so small like you can grow it it's possible but it's highly unlikely that you're going to grow a $30 account into anything the only way you'll grow that $30 account into anything is this in my opinion is if you have a $30 account you can buy one 20 to $30 stock if it was me personally again I'm not telling you what to do I'm not an investment professional I'm not liable if you lose money you always got to make your own assessment and trade responsibly I do trade off stream you're not going to see all my trades I might have no idea what I'm talking about understand cftc 4.41 hypothetic or simulated performance have limitations all right now with that said and out the way if it was me and I had $30 and I needed to make money I would research a really extended on the downside stock like a healthy company a legacy company that's down big like really big percentages and I would buy the dip and just sit on that and maybe that $30 trade can get turned into like a 50 or $60 trade if you time it correctly uh and then you could take that 50 or 60 bucks and then find maybe a different stock that does it and then do it again and do it again but this is going to take a long time if you only have $30 what I would honestly do is instead of trying to trade trading is a luxury I know it's marketed to people as like a get-rich quick scheme like hey you can find Financial Freedom through trading and I get it it's marketed like that the reality of it is it's kind of a luxury of people who are comfortable financially like you shouldn't day trade if you only have $30 in the bank brother you should not day trade day trading is the worst idea you could ever have if if you only have $30 in the bank you know in order to day Traders most most lose money and even the ones that end up making money it takes them years before they do right so what does that mean that means most day Traders are going to get started you're going to lose money for years before you win and that's pretty standard that's almost all profitable Traders are like that I get it people who sell you courses might act differently and act like it's easier than it is it's not it's incredibly difficult almost everybody loses and if you're struggling financi it's the worst thing you could do right it's genuinely the worst thing you could do and so if you're struggling financially my advice to you in that way is to try to figure out a different income stream right like make money in another way first figure out how you can have consistent income first and then only trade with what you're willing to lose because the likelihood that you're going to lose it is very very very high all right that's the best thing I can say um and that's the truth you know that's the truth [Music] can I grow it with today's PPI I don't I wouldn't again no $30 is just not any it's nothing you know it's really it's less than you you would make in one specific trade let alone the only account that you have is $30 again uh yeah I would just no $30 is not enough money no offense it's all good I wish you the best I hope you can grow it you know yeah get a part-time job start a business like figure out what you want to do um all right guys the video is up there yeah we got an hour left basically we still got almost 600 people here already so welcome guys welcome appreciate everybody joining me today 50 % think higher 42% think lower so most people think we're going to come in high uh hot today what a day yesterday right John it was unbelievable yeah the Nvidia thing just pumped honestly it was kind of crazy because I remember looking at the market yesterday and it was really bearish like a lot of people started to panic because we got some deep bear action and then the Nvidia conference happened and it just completely rebounded the market and the market flew back up sounds harsh but that is 100% the best advice for anyone yeah 100% man it's what I somebody wish you know again I wish somebody told me that and I had thousands to spend in the beginning but it would still been a better advice to be honest right like almost all day Traders lose money um it's one of the reasons I like I I promote funded account programs because in a funded account program like on top step uh you can put up 50 bucks and if you pass their test get funded and get 50k in funding for 50 bucks with a 90% split uh and again most day Traders are going to lose so most people are not going to get funded because most day Traders lose it doesn't matter where they go but it's a lot cheaper to lose on top step than it is to put five grand up and lose that which is much more probable if you put up thousands of dollars you're probably going to lose it for your first few day trading accounts uh but again they're they're a sponsor affiliate of mine and even if and with that said if you only have like 4050 bucks I do not think you should do that I think that you should save just save money don't waste it trying to day trade if you only have 50 bucks and you're you know if your net worths $50 do not waste a day trading you know um but with that said if you want to check out top step and try to get funded in that way they're one of the most legit in the world they've been around for 12 plus years they give you a demo of 50k if you can make 3K in profit on that demo without losing 2K first and following their rules and conditions they fund you if if you fail you only lose what you pay for it again in this case it's 49 bucks uh and and TOP Step X is like I said a completely different thing or a completely new Edge in markets a completely new Edge uh so you can see on top step X the powerful thing is that I can trade micro contracts which is much smaller size and so my risk is much smaller and I can take these small methodical trades like look look at my look at my profit yesterday I traded a little bit off stream too right but like you can kind of see it roll up here like look so these are all my trades from yesterday right like look at this right um so you can see $1050 550 11 27 24 11 2350 uh lost $16 lost $12 profited 165 1750 lost $750 made $3 $650 $15 $950 $4 and I'm I'm able to build up profits like this because there's no commissions on their platform it's only 74 cents in fees per trade and no commissions and so that's a powerful thing and in the Futures Market you can d trade the NASDAQ the S&P uh basically the spy and Q price action but again I'm going to clarify I do not think you should use this who was this who was it uh what was his name Leonard I do not think you should use this again you're probably going to lose your money regardless of how you try to day trade uh I wouldn't lose it Leonard but if you if you're comfortable financially and you want to try day trading with limited risk the best part is that it's only 49 bucks uh you can try it but again Leonard I wouldn't do it if I were you but if you want to check it out they're they're they're an affiliate of mine they pay me money I'm biased but a great company nonetheless yeah Jensen hang saved the market yesterday you really did yeah I'm trying to read so I used H [Music] stocks well $30 no and I wouldn't use it if it's your only $30 I just wouldn't use it I would save it I get it every day trader thinks they going to be some Prodigy Savant okay most of the time the like the person is just trying to justify gambling [Music] um I'm looking at shorting abber cromi I think it is probably a good short honestly personally I think a&f is one of the best opport opportunities and shorting that I've seen in years I think ANF eventually will fail I think they eventually will fail and and I couldn't imagine that they hold even honestly even 50% of these gains I couldn't imagine they hold I would be shocked if over the next 10 years abian Fitch is over $60 a share $70 a share why because nobody ever shops at abian fit if you look at the mall nobody is ever there honestly the clothes that they sell I don't know how anybody would even justify like wearing some of these clothes like I went to the men's section and it's like fishnet see-through long sleeve shirts like who's wearing this I'm not personally I'm not judging whatever floats your boat it's all good I'm not judging you if you wear abomi clothes but the people that are going to be willing to wear some of this stuff is very very small percentage of people nobody's ever in the stores they've got to be losing money um and maybe I'm wrong here I could certainly be wrong but they've been squeezed up to crazy obscene levels they're losing Revenue they're not losing uh let me see let me check their actual numbers here so here's their revenue all right maybe maybe this will prove me wrong I could be wrong here guys well their revenue is actually stable but it's not growing at all I guess they are having some growth here's the problem is that okay here's cybercom of Fitch right the problem is that their revenue is not increasing like think about how much inflation has happened over the last 14 years right with that their revenue hasn't increased at all um relative to where it was 14 years ago but again I'm honestly shocked they have this much revenue to begin with where do they make their money like let me let me see let me do a deep dive into this again I I'm going to preface this I might be wrong don't copy me I'm not an investment professional I might just be wrong about everything uh let me let me deep dive into this a little bit more all right [Music] so they primarily make money through sales of clothing accessory and care products targeting younger fashion conscious demographic e-commerce growth has ramped up its online sales become a major source of Revenue many retailers are shifting towards digital first and ANF has been successful in modernizing its Ecommerce operations to cater to Consumer preferences it's moved away from its preppy image and pivoted toward more inclusive and modern fashion it's drawn in a wider customer base they expanded overseas and international markets contributed to revenue growth they streamline operations by closing on performing stores they've been praised for improving the quality and relevance of its products social media and influencer marketing is something they're doing so I don't know man I guess maybe I'm just old okay maybe I'm just old I'm still going to be shocked if abber croman fitches around in 10 years and again I guess maybe I'm wrong here um I was expecting to see worse Revenue so maybe I'm wrong here this is certainly one of those instances where I could just be off base uh but with that said get off my lawn okay uh but yeah and again I'm not I'm not judging you for whatever you want to wear I just you know I walked into abber croman Fitch and again I grew up with abber cromi and Fitch right like I wore abber crpi and Fitch in my preppy years in the early 2000s you know and you would walk in and it would just be techno blarin you know smell of cologne you know some dude's there without a shirt you know what I mean like and uh again and and you I would just wear whatever the girls wanted me to wear at the time right so whatever the girls liked I would wear it if they like pink bunny suits I'm throwing on a pink bunny suit um and so with that I wore abomi for a few years uh Hollister I remember wearing Hollister too eventually I just grew up and I started wearing Polo clothes but um yeah point is abocom completely changed they had a documentary that came out came out about aboc cromi and Fitch uh and about how it was like not inclusive and and kind of toxic and it probably was to be fair documentary came out on Netflix it was like 3 years ago two years ago and I think uh they completely revamped their style and maybe young people wear them I don't know I don't know young people in the chat if you are under 25 is abber cromie and Fitch a big clothing brand right now for you guys genuine question maybe I should ask my daughter uh honestly if they liked fishnets I'm throwing on fishnets bro don't judge all right uh their jeans I like how you consider alternative data for ANF even though it goes against your original thesis yeah I mean I got to be honest I can't like look people say a lot of different stuff about me they oh John's a narcissist he can never be wrong or whatever dude I'm wrong all the time I make fun of myself because I I thought GameStop was a short at $3 four or five years ago at $3 a share I thought GameStop was weak and again I just got you know I ended up profiting on the upside for it and and and turning into a Believer and buying and holding and like being a part of the meme you know um Community but I was definitely wrong about that of course so I'm certainly wrong probably people would say I'm probably the top three most wrong person in the world right now but I have no problem making fun of myself if I'm wrong and again in this situation maybe I am wrong I still I still kind of believe that it's not going to work out for aomi I I I find fashion brands to be incredibly risky to invest in long term you know I've known some people that have put all their money in freaking Lululemon and again while I have a wife and daughter and they all shop at Lululemon aggressively um again I I probably just on myself and my family's clothes I probably spent three Grand in the last couple months just on Lulu Limon right just on Lulu Limon in the last like six months you know so my family like loves Lululemon um but I don't like their stock and and I don't like their stock because they got big during the pandemic when fashion was like a Leisure wear thing and over time that trend is going to change and I'm wondering what Lululemon looks like afterwards you know when when Leisure wear is not cool thing anymore um and again I think investing in it longterm is risky I don't think it's old enough to be a legacy fashion company like Nike where which are a little bit more stable and so I think there's risks I think there's risks um but I think right now obviously they're making tons of money Invidia ripping up right now Nvidia going up all the way up to 1118 there's the pre-market high right there I think that's a big level and we still got over 30 minutes left until the data drops he'll be wrong about Dollar General though no one can touch Dollar General dude Dollar General is going to be out of business in 10 Years bro 100% 100% dollar not 100% I would give it 98 and a half% you know that Dollar General was failed in the next 10 years it either fails by basically being done losing massive amounts of its value maybe it's still around but companies can hold on a lot longer but ultimately it will fail um it's very clear that this is going to happen too you know like the problem is that people get nostalgic about companies and you shouldn't you know you shouldn't you hold on to these companies like oh I used to go to Dollar General like listen my grandmother rest in peace passed away 20 years ago she used to love taking me to the dollar stores and going shopping I used to love going there with her right I have Nostalgia with for for these these dollar stores but you got to call a spade a spade and the Dollar General and Dollar Tree are obviously going to fail long term right they're obviously going to fail they're like Blockbuster nobody shops there anymore even the ones that are successful are certainly not common most of the time they're going to fail right now and over time it's going to get worse and worse and worse and mail order shipping products and people buying stuff online is going to grow at a greater and greater and greater level until Dollar General Dollar Tree all these dollar stores Big Lots you can look at Big Lots as well Dollar Tree Big Lots Dollar General they're all failing right now they all had terrible earnings and terrible reactions to earnings they're all almost down at least 20 to 25% in the last week these companies are going to fail brother you know um I might be wrong I don't think I am but I could be you know there's certainly a chance that I'm wrong uh I'm not trying to act like I'm not wrong or it's not possible for me to be wrong here I could certainly be wrong I could be wrong about Lululemon and maybe Lululemon turns it around and does big things ultimately I'm looking at vulnerability you know like is this a vulnerable investment and if it is I'm not really going to touch it even though I I could be right and I could be wrong um right 100% digital and [Music] again yeah I remember like DOL and B used to be big like there were a lot of big companies in fashion that are no longer really used anymore uh the best example of this is Michael Kors right I remember my wife wanting a purse like a decade ago from Michael Kors and I went and bought her like A500 or $600 purse for Michael Kors or whatever and it was like the Big Brand they had a bunch of people at the mall we had to like wait in wait in line there this was 10 years ago fast forward 10 years nobody cares about Michael Kors Anymore Michael Kors is going out the you know nobody nobody shops there anymore nobody buys it anymore Trends change fashion changes and that is the vulnerabilities and investing in them because they change uh and they change quick relative to a lot of other Industries the trends there change fast uh the only ones that are really safe are big big Legacy Brands you know Louis Vuitton um Nike you know uh Champions is kind of seen a Resurgence but it was really weak for 20 years too so you know the only ones that are really safe are Legacy brands Polo you know and even they they fluctuate and and you know Trends change there too so I guess the point is if I'm trying to bet money on something longterm it needs to be a sure thing you know there's a lot of sure things long term like S&P 500 NASDAQ gold uh you know if you really want to talk about sure things bonds um I think Apple's pretty stable and pretty safe long term uh Microsoft is as well obviously uh so there's a lot of much better Investments than these really really Trend based fashion brands and retailers Dollar General is located in RAR areas 100% but what's going to happen is that over time more Walmarts are going to be uh more more stores are going to sprout up like big stores are going to sprout up in those rural areas uh mail order shipping is going to get more and more efficient over time not less efficient as well and generally a lot of the customers that shop at Dollar General and Dollar Tree are the older people right they're older people they're probably all over 50 60 who are used to going there right but as they get older and older and New Generation Sprout up less and less people are going to go there more and more people are going to buy online stores are going to open up it's just not going to be good for those stores uh and again I think people hold on for like Nostalgia like oh it's nostalgic they um they just want to hold on to how it used to be which is human nature but I think in stocks you got to you got to be as objective as you can nobody's 100% objective but you got to try hey what's up Beach bomb hey thanks brother appreciate it what's the bias on gold uh gold short term is risky I think to buy right now uh it might go up but gold can downtrend for years and usually like if you look at the actual history of it here's a yearly chart gold will typically go up really big and then it can downtrend for years go up really big downtrend for years go up really big downtrend for years now it's gone up really big right and the question is what's the next step in this pattern to me I think it's possible and I'm not saying it's going to happen but to me it's possible possible that gold starts to downtrend for years right now and and again to be honest that's the time you want to start dcing into it is after it's pulled back heavy heavy heavy uh but again shortterm very risky for gold anywhere regardless of whether it's lows or highs you never know what Gold's going to do shortterm long-term stable um one of the best inflation Hedges longterm gold has seven seven or 8X in the last 25 years 20 years so Gold's done really well it's beat the S&P 500 uh but short term it's it's risky it's been breaking highs over and over again all year and all you know last year as well so I mean it's up 25% or so in the last 52 weeks um and so I don't know if that's the best time to buy it personally but I might be wrong and it could continue up it definitely could like you can see how long this trend was like this trend with gold this upward trend on gold lasted from 1995 to 2010 basically so um yeah that's 15year uptrend for gold so it can go up a long time as well but you know I don't know if the risks outweigh the reward there um I was never a big Club go go like honestly I have like anxiety when I get around a lot of people the irony is that I'm around 700 people right now I just can't see you guys but I never liked going out like that I was never somebody that went to the clubs um my anxiety is too high for that I can't dance I get nervous around a lot of people and yeah I'm not a big drinker you know and so those things three things combined made it so that I'd never liked going to the club um I would always go and like pretend like I was enjoying it but I never did I always hated it again I'm just not a big drer uh I went to dance and burn calories that's the place to do it [Music] all right so Nvidia is still holding here look at that big downward push retracement and then a move right back up we still got 30 minutes plus guys 30 minutes plus is a wife a bad return on investment depends on the wife depends on the wife you know coming from somebody who's got like Carol is one of my top three favorite wives in the world you know uh n car's a good wife she's a good wife uh but yeah it depends on the wife you sound like me I'm uncomfortable around a lot of people I just yeah I've just got like I know it's it's hard to explain like I can be very extroverted and but I don't like it you know um so I could be extroverted but I don't necessarily like being around a lot of people but if I am I could be extroverted uh but usually I choose not to be around a lot of people you know so it's hard to explain like I'm really an introvert in nature if I had my preference I would stay home and I'm kind of a homebody but um but I can also be extroverted too uh I'm somewhere in the middle [Music] do you like fishing uh yeah I like bass fishing you know I'm 62 are you calling me old no you're 62 years young brother you're around 760 people right now I know listen that the like I said the big irony here is that I don't like being around a lot of people and I am around you know in 25 minutes we'll be around about 2 to 3,00 thousand people here live so again the big irony in that um but again I can't see you guys so y'all don't really exist to me y'all are just internet people internet friends you know uh if I was in front of almost 800 real people dude I wouldn't be able to talk I was I was one of those guys that I would give reports in front of the class and I would just speed read through the entire thing um you're naturally an introvert selfishly an extrovert if it benefits you I mean I don't know if it's selfish uh honestly you guys should probably appreciate that I'm subjecting myself to lots of people I would have no clue what to say and I'm an extrovert yeah I mean again 800 people's a different thing um trying to visualize crowd sizes 50 people 100 200 yeah so the equivalent of a thousand people so this is the equivalent so like today when PPI drops we'll have like two to three people here this is 3,000 people I get nervous even just looking at it um thereit only top three least selfish people in the world right now give away $1,000 to the top three Trader ideas of the day I want to help people right like I do I want to help people I I try to be nice to people um again we try to get what we put out there so yeah that's 3,000 people I get nervous just looking at it um did gold break lifetime highs today or was this yesterday oh so yesterday gold broke lifetime highs I think let me see oh no no I'm sorry that was a monthly chart okay yeah so gold broke lifetime highs 20 days ago yeah streaming is difficult when you start out um a lot of people think it's easier than it is right like I've had a lot of people that have worked with me they see me doing what I'm doing but deep down they really just kind of want to do it themselves like and so I've had people work with me and do it and then they try to do it themselves right and they go from me having you know thousands hundreds to thousands of people in my live streams that then they try to create their own channel and compete directly with me I've had a lot of people do this exact thing right and then they start streaming and there's literally they get one person watching their streams and so it's really easy to look and be like I can do what this guy's doing I want to do it but it it's it's difficult to build the audience it's not easy and it takes years U it takes years um so like me building this audience took years and I'm finally reaping the benefits of it now but it wasn't easy it took a lot of dedication towards something that wasn't paying me much to start and uh yeah it's a hard thing you're a good teacher I try top three they would say imagine 3,000 people looking bad at you or laughing at you ha you know that's like everybody's fear uh no reason to be nervous when they all love you H hey thank you got to head out as my phone is yeah all good hope you have a great day what's your view on gold if PPI drops if PPI goes down I don't know you got a couple different theories you can make if inflation is is better if inflation is better meaning lower right it could mean less of a need to hedge with gold Gold's an inflation hedge so but if inflation is hot if ppi is higher people might hedge with gold and and gravitate towards gold and so so either one of them have usually generally gold moves in a macro sense with markets right so gold will generally move in a macro sense with markets but there are certain situations where it doesn't um so It's Tricky can you show us Global liquidity and give us an Insight thanks John appreciate it hey thank you so much yeah appreciate it my top three morning coffee bro reporters [Music] yeah yeah I don't know if somebody's like trying to send fake viewers to me or what it says we got 3,000 people here but somebody's trying to mess with me again lucky luckily though YouTube doesn't pretty good job of like weeding through it and seeing when they're not real and so it doesn't really affect the channel so whoever's doing it it's just kind of wasting time but you know we we appreciate the real people that are actually here hey thanks lo I appreciate it thanks so much it's probably whoever I banned this morning that was talking smack again that dude it's obviously the same guy whoever it is man they've just got to be really in their head um yeah like I could see yeah so they're not even registering for YouTube um yeah I believe some of you guys are real um CNBC talking about you this morning yeah I wish I have massive social yeah you're kind of real you're realish uh hey what's up Lee hey thanks brother I appreciate it all right guys again PPI inflation day to drop it in about 20 minutes or so 20 minutes do you think joltz or ppi is more important today we don't have the joltz report today the jolt report's not today uh the joltz report was last week I believe right let me make sure I'm pretty sure the jolt report was last week not this week yeah last week we had jolts report on Wednesday September 4th so not this week it was last week for the jolts report jolts report showed up at 78.8 billion lower than or no no I'm sorry uh jolts report showed lower than expected so Less jobs are we real you're realish you know mahogany John hey the goat all right guys Tesla at 227 honestly the whole Market's up pretty big you know yeah yeah the recovery from yesterday again Jensen Hong yesterday yeah so Tesla 227s h all right guys we got 16 minutes until PPI inflation data drops 16 minutes I can imagine John you're doing a good job that's why everybody keeps coming back to you hey we try uh honestly we've gotten the last three CPI reports exactly right literally exactly right and I don't know how I've done it I've probably gotten 80% of CPI reports right in the last year or so maybe less than that but somehow I've been getting them exactly right and it's it's it's weirding me out I'm kind of freaked out by it but yeah Nvidia CEO yesterday if you want to know why the market ran um if you want to know why the market ran yesterday again Jensen Wong Nvidia CEO said quote and so remember we tried to cover this conference yesterday and it just didn't it booted me out of it for whatever reason but he said quote our company works with every AI company in the world today we're working with every data center in the world I don't know one data center one cloud service provider one computer maker we're not working with and we have a lot of people on our shoulders and everybody's counting on us demand is so great that delivery of our components and our technology and software is really emotional for people in quote Jensen hang right and this is why you can kind of look at the market the market was actually falling pretty drastically yesterday at the opening bell the whole Market was weak um so the market was very weak yesterday you can see at the opening bell it went up Nvidia was at 112s but it dipped all the way down to 10750 and so it got really really weak and then Jensen Wong came out at the communic copia uh Goldman Sachs uh conference and said those things that I just quoted and you can kind of see Invidia completely turned went straight up now it's almost to 120 and it's consolidating higher ahead of P PPI inflation dated now remember PPI inflation dated today is the other side of the inflation token we have CPI inflation the Consumer Price Index and we have PPI inflation the producer price index so CPI is consumer inflation ppi is business or wholesale inflation uh and so CPI is the more relevant one the more watched One retail wise but ppi is still pretty important pretty relevant and it's something you want to watch um I like your channel you're chill you do an excellent job hey thanks man appreciate it oh yeah the ECB decision just happened I'm sorry guys the ECB decision just happened and they cut rates 25 basis points to 3.5% as expected the refi cut to 3.65% as expected so they did a 25 basis point cut uh deposit rate 25 basis point cut as expected I the market hasn't really moved because the ECB the European Central Bank is just not going to move markets in that way um their decision while ours is somewhat relevant to them and theirs is somewhat relevant to us it's not going to move markets like our rate decision at least um and so again you can kind of see right here deposit rate was cut cut to 25 basis points uh refi cut to 3.65 yeah it's just kind of strange uh PPI inflation data hey y'all hit that subscribe button if you haven't already hit the notification Bell chat we appreciate it all right we're at 118s for NVIDIA spy still moving up is 556 guys 556 again the deposit rate was cut 25 basis points 3.5% as expected the refi rate for ECB was 3.65% as expected they're not pre-commit to a particular rate path as of yet and they have their staff projections for inflation at 2.5% for 24 2.2% for 25 1.9% for 2026 hicp core inflation is expected for 24 at 2.9% 2025 is at 2.3% expected and this is uh European Central Bank hicp core inflation expectations uh GDP expected at 8% for this year um 25 expected at 1.3% 26 expected at 1.5% uh so those are the expected numbers here again hit the Subscribe button guys we almost got [Music] 146k uh I use chat gbt 40 a ton yes so F Jensen said a lot of stuff yesterday that benefited the market um and again you could the ECB cut rates as expected 25 basis points is what happened all right so that is essentially what happened uh 25 basis point rate cut for Jensen or not for Jensen for the ECB uh and yeah yeah again we're actually going to be trading um Futures today at the opening bell too so again the good thing about TOP Step X if you want a day trade almost all day Traders lose money I say this every day it's really important for people to understand almost all day Traders lose money uh remember we're not investment professionals we're not liable if you lose money we do trade off stream understand cfdc 4.41 I do have Affiliates and sponsors but almost all day Traders lose money and so if you put up five grand for your first account trying to day trade it you're probably going to lose it let's just be honest here that's just the truth instead trying a funded account program like TOP Step is a much better option in my opinion but I'm biased they pay me money but what TOP Step does is they give you a demo a 50k demo is the base one if you can make 3K in that without losing 2K following their rules and conditions they fund you 50k with a 90% split so your split is similar to putting the money up yourself but if you lose that subscription is only 49 bucks a month so you're literally risking 50 bucks and it's not the end of the world if you lose it you still have some risk you still have to learn how to trade under pressure and all that good stuff but the risk is noticeably on top step X you can also trade with no commissions so I can get into these small little scalps $4 $105 $650 $3.74 in fees per trade very cheap really allows you to let your Edge play out and grow small profits but again they're a sponsor of mine they pay me money I'm biased it really is one of the best edges in funding in my opinion and again they pay me money so I'm biased but if you want to check them out here's the link great way to help support the channel here I appreciate the love thanks so much guys and uh here my family's here in the room so I be right back [Music] all right I love you buddy a good have a good day dude love you guys all right love you love have a good day guys all right all right um all catch you back up with the chat yeah nobody knows if the Market's bullish or bearish right now Market's up a little bit today but please don't spam sir well you can predict the market certainly longterm the Market's incredibly predictable there's also some stuff that you can predict shortterm uh again like one of the examples I always try to use here so people can really like Rec like recognize it is you can find weak stocks that have a very high probability of failing okay I've done this multiple different times I gave this these examples the other day but I use these examples because they're really good at helping people understand how you can find like an edge right there's there's a lot of edge that you can find in Market Market on the short side right but you're not like betting against the strongest companies in the world or betting against the S&P or the NASDAQ or the Dow or even the Russell is incredibly risky right these are the strongest indexes in the world the strongest markets in the world betting against that's dumb right it's it's not the like it's a sucker's bet you know it's you want to be Michael bur great but Michael bur's been wrong I would say 90% of the time about crashes recessions everything uh he got he got 2008 right though and so I and he's has a much bigger net worth than me and so what do I know but what I'm saying is there's stocks that you can short that you can find an edge in good examples of this DISH On Demand right these are a couple stocks that I've been very bearish on for years and that have since Fallen 80% plus Dish on demand is now bankrupt it's no longer even a public company and it's bankrupt Dish on demand was a was a uh satellite TV company where you would get satellite TV from Dish right they would slap a satellite dish on your house the streaming market like Netflix Amazon Prime FUBU or fubo uh Hulu you know these have all taken over HBO Max they've all taken over YouTube TV they've all taken over TV you don't need to slap a satellite dish on your house anymore and those businesses are going to fail recently went bankrupt but I was talking about this weakness for years uh pelaton got really big during the pandemic it's freaking virtual reality bicycles like this company was obviously going to fail and it pumping up to $171 a share is obscenely high priced it was never going to hold these gains got really big started wasting money on virtual reality rowing machines and just things that nobody would ever use highly predictable very easy to predict this failure in 20121 this thing was at $170 a share and I was saying this back then Super sketchy almost never going to succeed one that I personally think is weak and I've been saying this for years as well is Roku right why do I think Roku is weak because Roku went from a hardware company where you know you needed the Roku sticks and all this stuff and then everything changed and pivoted to more software based it pivoted to more of like a software based company so it pivoted to more software hey baby I got a big economic data today okay I'll text it to you all right love you do you have no they here I I'll confirm with them but I'll text it to you all right all right love you uh but yeah Roku went from a hardware company to a software company basically they went from producing Hardware to mostly software and the problem with software is that it's very easy for their competitors like Samsung uh Sony whomever to create essentially replications of their software very cheap to do so and so why would they allow Roku to gather that data they can just do it themselves get the data themselves cut out Roku as a middleman and that's bad news for Roku because over time that means that we're going to have less and less of a need for Roku in general because of the software based everything these TV companies are going to start producing these things inhouse you're not going to need it and so again I've been saying this for years and since then Roku has fallen from $500 a share down to 70 massive percentage drops companies like beyond meat by n d lab grown fake meat you know vegans aren't going to touch this stuff it's too weird you know it's too uh it's too new vegans are health conscious they're not going to mess with it so my point is there's companies that are super identifiable in this regard they're almost never Blue Chip companies they're almost always midcaps that have gotten really overhyped short-term midcap stocks the problem when going long on midcap stocks as well is that a lot of people invest their life savings in a crappy midcap companies that are only up over the last few years right and what happens is like these companies are so new they're so overhyped but people invest in them like they're apple or Walmart but they're they're not apple or Walmart they're really new companies and so what happens is they put all this money in them and then they end up losing 50 60% of their investment and and speculative midcap companies that are super easy to identify weakness and uh and then people end up saying oh the Market's rigged and they just give up when really they're putting their money in the wrong things right and they're betting against the wrong things as well you try to short apple or Amazon or any blue chip stock it's risky uh and so I I say this a lot but it's important for people to understand like you get a lot of other people saying all this other stuff that's the big Edge if you want to short you know and really that's kind of what companies like Hindenburg do I disagree with them where they short super micro semiconductors and did their whole short report on them but uh but yeah but super micro semiconductors was risky like inherently risky super low float up ridiculously large percentages not an old company pretty new company company not a not a legacy company and so being up that much of a percentage that short term was risky anyway and I told somebody this before the massive drops in super micro about a week before that somebody asked me about it and I told him the same thing all right guys we got PPI inflation data dropping at about 2 and A2 minutes 2 and a half minutes [Music] hey thank you g appreciate it brother um all right see there we go there's the viewership corrected here yeah so there's the viewership corrected I I again it was just weird I don't know if it's like YouTube itself or what that was but there we go that's more accurate yeah we got 2,000 people here um yeah I don't know what was going on there it was just strange I can see the views like I don't know if it's just YouTube's glitchiness or what but I could see it um all right guys anyways we got almost 2,000 people here watching we got two minutes left jobless claims unemployment drops today as well that's how many people are filing for unemployment week to week so jobless claims unemployment dropping today as well uh they're expected at again jobless claims expected at 2 27 the higher it is the more people filing for unemployment the lower it is the less people filing for unemployment all right guys hit the live button next to the play button this data is about to drop this timer is actually a little bit off here so the timer's a little bit off we actually got 1 minute exactly left right now what's the market fearing blow bro inflation or recession I think the market always fears inflation um I don't know if we pivoted to complete recession fearing Market but it's close right it's close up there all right guys here we [Music] go all right guys here we go 25 seconds left 25 seconds we got about 2200 2300 people here ECB 25 basis point 20 seconds guys 20 seconds all right here we go here's the PPI report 10 seconds guys 10 seconds all right and there's the report right there PPI showed up at0 2% higher than expected year-over-year at 1.7% lower than expected year-over-year jobless claim showed up higher than expected signaling more people filing for unemployment and again PPI data showed up at. 2% versus. 1% expected higher than expected month to month which is the most important one jobless claims showed higher than expected more people filing for unemployment so essentially we got higher unemployment numbers here and and higher inflation numbers uh that expected month to month right so this is the month-to-month reading uh year-over-year PPI actually decreased a little bit month to month uh and so a very underwhelming reaction for GPI here very underwhelming reaction we got almost 2500 W live viewers uh Market's down a little bit but uh again 2% expected or 0.1% was expected we showed up at 0 2% so slightly higher month-to-month reading for PPI inflation data slightly higher month-to month but slightly lower year-to-year reading here I would say this is mostly negative like I don't I don't I don't know if this is necessarily what I would say good um but I don't think it's necessarily bad either [Music] um so what do you guys think is this good or bad for markets here I'm going to put it up on screen here guys so again PPI showed up at 0. 2% month to month jobless claims showed 230k versus 227k expected um PPI year-over-year showed 1.7% versus 1.8% expected so yeah that's basically it that's the data right there Market is down slightly on this report slightly down on this report [Music] yeah I mean I showed so again somebody saying on trading economics the expected number for galus claims was 230 sure I mean they're going to have different analyst expectations it's all it all varies depending on the analyst right uh I'm showing 220 or I'm showing yeah 227 is what was expected last time it was 228 jobless claims again 230 versus 227 you can see it on big bold letters right here [Music] and again guys if you haven't already we're going to day trade Futures today day trade Futures you can kind of see my profit from yesterday we built up these nice little gains here nice little gains and the huge edge with top step is that I can day trade with no PDT rule um and really like grind up like look at these little gains that I can make here like these little bitty gains that I can make 1050 50 c 550 11 27 24 11 2350 lost 16 lost 12 $16 gains 15 1753 65059 $54 uh so again you can see out of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 out of the last 20 trades I only lost one two three four times out of the last 20 so four times out of the last 20 so that is 80% accuracy 80% accuracy that I've had and again this is a huge Edge on top step X there's no commissions and look at the NASDAQ start to break down here so this is basically the same price action as the QQQ and I can day trade it in Futures no PDT rule they give me a demo they test my skill with the demo but this is a 50k funded account so I can build up profit I have a 90% split and if you want to take advantage of this it's only 50 bucks 49 bucks for the base one they give for the challenge right it's a challenge you have to pass the testing that they give you first the base one they give you a 50k demo you got to make 3K without losing 2K and following their rules and conditions so it's a reasonable 2 to3 ratio if you do that they fund you 50k 90% split so it's similar to putting the money up yourself in that regard and you can take that funded account and withdraw and fund your own account um if you're good enough to build up some profit enough to withdraw and again most day Traders lose though so your risk here is only 49 bucks a month it teaches you how to trade under pressure it's a great middle ground of pressure where you're not risking five grand or more like most new J Traders end up losing I lost four grand in the first couple weeks of my trading uh so you still have some risk but it's not the max maximum risk that you take when you're trying to learn day trading and in the Futures Market again you can day trade there's no PDT rule I can day trade the S&P the NASDAQ basically the spy and Q price action gold some currencies on top step as well and so again they are an affiliate of mine they pay me money but I really genuinely think it's the best option for new Traders if you want to learn to day trade you can check them out right there there's the link and uh look at the markets coming down so we're going to start day trading this I'm going to buy this up with one contract here I'll probably add to it and again the big Edge on top step X is that there's no commissions there's only a small amount of fee all right so we're up about 15 bucks so we just made about 15 bucks on that little bitty trade buying this dip on the NASDAQ here again we'll see if we continue we'll see if we continue h so that you there is trade copers I'm pretty sure Isaac on top step so we're back down to this bottom level I'm going to buy this dip again it's kind of a volatile time to do it but I'm okay with it see if we can bu up a little cushion during the day see if we can retrace back up some we already bought this dip and I will add another contract to it we got a little cushion on the day already here we go I'm going to add to this now now I'm down a little bit I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest I could add more to it or I could just cut it down 26 we're kind of close to the bottom of the range here all right I'm going to add one more position to this three contracts here but I'm going to get ready to exit if I need to I just want I think uh I'm betting on basically a stabilization here at the bottom but I have to be very weary of it you know continuing right now we're flat on the position all right so I'm going to take half off there take a little bit more off there all right so we ended up making money here um we ended up making about $20 so we made about $30 of those last two trades and we did find a bottom there which is what I was betting on uh but again this is the beautiful thing about TOP Step X is that my fees here are 74 cents 74 cents so again if you want to check it out link is in chat you can also find the link in the description I think let me make sure it's there yeah so it's there you can also find the link in the description shouldn't he hold longer I mean yeah I mean it doesn't matter I shouldn't do anything I I I just try to trade with whatever my Edge is and my Edge is is usually like you know small size scalping but taking a lot of Trades but with very small size and if I would have held longer look what happened here so again here's the QQQ it's basically what the NASDAQ and the Futures Market tracks right if I would have held longer look what happened we completely came back down here so I would have lost money if I would held it longer well it increases the accuracy um so again I say this every day but the things I repeat like you hear me repeat stuff a lot I do it because I think it's important for people to hear it right I think it's important for people to understand the longer you hold a position the less accurate you generally are right depending on the strategy but you know risk reward and accuracy rates have a negative correlation so the the the better your risk reward is generally the worse your accuracy is uh but again you got a lot of gurus that don't really understand you got a lot of you know 20-year-old like kids with braces trying to act like they're stock market experts when they're not and they're telling people they they're trying to sell courses right so they tell people they've got like a 5 to1 reward to risk ratio and like a 90% accuracy rate and that's total nonsense fugazi fugazi nonsense like nobody's nobody has that nobody's doing that um you know to get an accuracy rate like that you're going to have I have bad risk reward my risk rewards one to one are worse a lot of the time I just bought this Di by the way uh but yeah my accuracy rate is much worse than uh or my my accuracy rate is usually pretty good um but my my risk and reward ratio is not not good because again you're not going to be able to have both and people think it sounds good so they repeat it when they're trying to sell courses like oh I got a 5 to one reward to risk and a 95% accuracy guys cough cough by my course you know but uh usually they're just they're full of it to be hon [Music] hon hey yeah we're up hundreds on this account so far we're trying to build up profits slowly as we're trying to we're already funded and I think once you got funded you got to slow it down um and build up a really good cushion first which is what I'm trying to do and then once I have a good cushion on the day then I can increase my risk We'll add to it too so we got a little cushion on the day there we go take a little piece off there there take another little piece off see we get a little bit more out there from this there we go all right so just made another like 20 30 bucks I think so far on the day we're up a decent little amount yeah we're up like 50 bucks nice little little cushion so far we're going to keep trying to grind it up there's the Q bouncing right back Gold's pumping up in all this stuff with inflation data even though inflation data was kind of neutral I thought the Saints played today I thought they had Thursday Night Football no it's Sunday sorry for whatever reason I thought they were doing Sunday Night Football or Thursday Night Football oh well so we got Dak versus Derek um I don't know I'm a Saints fan so I hope the Saints win but I like Dak as well you know uh no it's only Futures Johan so it's only [Music] Futures does anybody care about PPI I mean we had thousands here when it dropped so some people care about it for sure uh yeah drone pal is very balanced uh I missed the numbers drop what's the summary PPI showed 2% month-to month increase jobless claim showed 230k versus 227k expected PPI year- of year showed 1.7 versus 1.8% um yeah but what NFL games today we got the Bills versus Miami uh do do the bills still have Josh uh Josh Allen I haven't been following it that much um yeah is the market reacting to PPI or Jess claims PPI I mean probably a little bit of both right uh but jobless claims is a week to week filing report so jobless claims drops weekly meanwhile um like yeah jobless claims drops once a week right uh so it's not the most influential report I guess is the point getting sick and tired of the back and forth data I mean data's data um in the end like I said some people might like the data some people might dislike the data uh but in the end it's just data don't you say it Zan how dare you don't you talk about my Saints like that brother no I'm just joking man it's all good yeah like I said I I hope the Saints win but I'm old enough to remember when the saints were the ANS as well as when the saints were the Saints they did well they've kind of been the ants for the last few years though uh I like to spe see the Spy retest 551 yeah the cues bounc it all the way back this is why I always tell people like the is so obvious sometimes man it's so obvious like listen people make trading so incredibly difficult for no reason trading is very simple most of the time right most of the time when you have a big pullback like this this big is relative right relative to other PPI reports this is a small pullback but in general when you have a decent pullback like this buying as we continue to test lows eventually like after this happens enough times buying on the test of lows again is usually going to be a pretty accurate thing because almost always we're at least going to go like that right like maybe now maybe we do this and we keep on keeping on down right that's certainly possible uh but a lot of the time we're going to go like this you know and again now we're around the volume weighted average price in 200 EMA so we might come back down we might continue back higher I don't know but I think just a really simple strategy is playing extension the biggest Edge that I see technicals wise you get a lot of technical Wizards that like all these different bull Flags crossovers all this stuff the biggest Edge I see is just simple extension um so just simple extension so like an example of this is if CPI data shows up relatively neutral and the market drops a big percentage usually it's not going to hold down because the data wasn't really bad you know um and vice versa if if the data was slightly negative the market pumps up really big usually it's not going to hold it's going to come back down some and so you can play off of that edge and really just attack ranges and that's one of the easiest things for me to do uh look at Nvidia right here so Nvidia moves the market right so you could theorize that hey Nvidia is at the bottom of this range right around the previous closing price right whe right around where we bounced previously and say okay well Nvidia is right around here you know why don't I buy the S&P or the NASDAQ and you're going to usually get a pretty highedge like hood of a bounce look at gold pumping up Gold's getting ready to break lifetime highs up there let's see if it does lifetime Highs are what 2570 I think yeah 25 70 40 Gold's not there yet 2570 is the lifetime high so gold still got to way this light green line is the gold alltime high but it's getting there yeah well obviously more buyers than sellers but again that's making something much more complex than that simplified uh you you could use that example for anything you know why is the economy heating up there's more buyers than sellers why are prices going up there's more buyers than sellers you know why are you know everything why is unemployment going up there's more more people have less jobs you know uh so I don't know I think it's more complex than just more buyers than seller really it's a it's a real look at Mass psychology is what it is one thing the movie Limitless got right in the movie Limitless there's a quote the stock market is just about Mass psychology and that's exactly right it's just about Mass psychology and so the the psychology of what I just said here looking at like the psychological aspect of it is when we start to go down here what happens more people find it to be cheaper is what happens and so more people end up more people are willing to buy it as it decreases and so they buy it up which makes it what bounce back shortterm longterm Anything could happen but that's what the short-term logic of that is more ticktockers yeah yeah I mean more people have less jobs obviously is it sensical um but it was kind that's kind of the point it was like I was just kind of simplifying it oversimplifying it uh what is the Russell going to break out it's been breaking out more people join the labor force yeah I think we ran up so much yesterday they're going to drop it at the open and then probably run it around 10:00 a.m. yeah I mean that sounds like the same thing I was saying last week cuz that's a very similar thing where we dip we dip at the opening bell and then Rebound in the second half of the day and that's something that if you guys remember last week somebody was like hey what's the market going to do and that's literally Verbatim what I told him I said hey the Market's going to the market uh the market went down big and then bounced and so my likelihood is that it's my like my thesis is that it's going to drop at the opening bell and then rebound you know midday and so that that's very common hey y'all hit that subscribe button I don't think I put it in sub only mode did I I don't think I did hit the Subscribe button guys do it now we're basically at 146,000 subscribers I appreciate the love guys do it now subscribe hit the notification Bell thanks so [Music] [Music] much hey good luck long I hope you make some money brother gold pop it up though guys let's see if gold breaks lifetime highs Nvidia and the que are kind of flat right now you know I'll give you guys my other favorite Edge that I've been playing my favorite Edge that I've been playing and I'm going to use this ahead of the fomc meeting next week for sure my favorite Edge I've been playing in markets over the last like year it's very simple is that again I've gone over it many times I'm going to go over it again my favorite Edge is typically Traders like to trade kind of gamly stuff like breakouts momentum something that's super exciting and everybody's super excited and they're trying to ride these big breakouts and the momentum and the craziness and I think that's what attracted a lot of gamblers to the stock market anyway but I think a much more probable thing a much more EDG driven thing is ahead of big economic reports like the fomc meeting we get what we get choppy Behavior look at Nvidia right now so ahead of the FC meeting the likelihood that the market is going to go like this is very very very high right very very very high so you can say let's just draw a range let me change the color of this that's bad the likelihood that the Market's going to go like that is very very very high I would say in the day in the 24 hours leading up to the Federal Reserve rate decision on Wednesday of next week the likelihood that the Market's going to go like this the S&P the NASDAQ um is very very very high and so it's a patient strategy you have to be patient but if you can wait for this what's the logical way to attack this honestly it's been very simple I just buy the bottom of the range I buy the bottom of the range I can even sell at the top short at the top whatever I want to do if I'm day trading here this is a day trading strategy because sideways choppy behavior is very very common and SO waiting for something to go up really big ahead of this report and just shorting those tops is a very easy strategy and I've been using it a ton and honestly I think it works really well really really well and it's kind of the opposite of convention like conventionally in tra in day trading everybody's trying to ride big breakouts but I think it's a much more statistically probable thing for the market to move sideways not maybe not statistically maybe that's the wrong word sorry uh it's a much more probable uh movement pattern behavior pattern in the market in the 24 hours leading up to big economic reports like fomc meetings CPI stuff like that and so it's much more probable that we're going to chop sideways and so you can attack that chop and it's not the most exciting strategy but I think it has a super high Edge um and I might be wrong um you know maybe the market goes down up break out I don't know not an investment professional I'm not liable if you lose always make your own assessment trade responsibly honestly I'm still going to to my own horn about CPI dude I've gotten the last three CPI reports exactly right you can watch the streams watch the last three CPI streams listen to me about an hour before the CPI report comes out and I predicted the last three correct I'm just in flow with the universe guys uh yeah brought to you by that dips maybe just strong coffee you know Che you what's the range well the range you got to identify First it's very simple here's like here's the que right here's a good example where's the range on the Q chart right now range is pretty simple here's a top here's a top here's a top here's a bottom bottom so what what's the range here the range is this you know pretty simple range right same thing it right there you just got to kind of watch for it you got to analyze it and see it gold is squeezing yeah Gold's trying to get up there it's at 260s again stick around guys we are going to day trade live at the opening bell today day trade live at the open be ready hey thank you Ed cheers on CPI the game is never easy so you need to celebrate any wins you get hey thank you sir 100% Honestly though anybody that watches CPI knows that it's not easy to predict what CPI is going to be right it really isn't and again I started trying to predict it because like what happened over the last year like I cover every CPI report and so naturally when I cover the CPI everybody's always like hey John what do you think CPI is going to show up as right and over the last year straight you know I got it right a couple times you know and again it getting it right a couple times made me start trying to predict it and putting my prediction out there publicly so people could see that I did it before it actually came out uh and so once I started to do that again I started to get everyone right mostly um not everyone I think I've been wrong about a couple but I've gotten I I think I've gotten most of them right over the last six months and again the chat can verify they'll tell me if I'm wrong or not I think I've gotten most of them right over the last six months I think I know I missed at least a couple of those but even if I'm getting four out of six correct that's a crazy big Edge for something that is hard to predict uh so again I got to I used to think there was no Edge in doing it I guess is the point like I used to think there was no Edge in predicting and that I was just straight up guessing which I kind of was but what what context I was taken into it was balance right so my context of predicting these is just balance I look at balance what's the balance look at it what was it last time you know how much is it increased or decreased uh and then I use that balance to make the prediction and again I've been right three times in a row now so maybe it's something I know there's some derivative sites that you can actually bet on these like I've had I've had people email me sponsors email me that operated derivative trading sites where you could bet on like rate decisions elections and stuff like that and so maybe I should look into them because I've had a couple reach out to me that like derivative um platforms uh and so maybe that's something I should try to do uh because I think I think even if if I know what CPI is going to show up as it's a lot harder to actually profit from it right because CPI can come in high and the market could uh go up you know which the inflation could be higher Market could negatively react it could positively react we don't really know how the Market's going to respond even if I know what the CPI report's going to be so you know it's a much more difficult thing to um capitalize on versus just predicting it which is kind of where again the derivative sites come in here uh I wouldn't say it's good or bad0 2% is slightly higher than the expected number meaning it's slightly worse for inflation problems was uh so it's slightly worse for inflation right so that that basically means PPI inflation producer prices have increased .1% higher than expected like have increased more than expected month to month versus you know now inflation's almost always going to go up the best we can do is try to slow it down but to put it into perspective last time PPI didn't grow at all month to month it remained at zero increase month to month this time they expected a. 1% increase so already a a 0. 1% bump up versus the last report uh and instead it came in at 0 2% so really if you look at this and you know PPI was 2% higher than last time and. 1% higher than expected so inflation was was worse than expected in that way uh and so that is probably why the market negatively reacted as well as again jobless claims which is how many people are filing for unemployment week to week increased at a greater level than expected last time it came in at 228 last week this time they were expecting 227 and then it showed 230 so you know more people filing for unemployment than expected and than last time according to jobless claims numbers yeah I mean maybe we have weakness maybe we enter recession again I I hope that like I can help people because a lot of people push for Big Market crashes and Corrections and they always say we're going to hit a recession or depression they always say the Market's going to crash and again I've been having people in my chat room saying the same thing over and over again for years and they've been wildly wron you know it's kind of like Michael bur years ago like a year and a half ago Michael bur basically put out there everybody was telling me the market was going to crash I'll actually show you what it looked like so here here's the NASDAQ 100 QQ qf right so here everybody was telling me the Market's going to crash Michael bur did a really cryptic tweet where he said quote sell one word and he just said sell and so all his Fanboys were out here and I like Michael bur to clarify but all his Fanboys were out here telling me the market was going to crash and burn it's the end of the world the big Banks were putting out negative sentiment and then the fomc meeting happened the market pumped up from it and Michael bur eventually deactivated his Twitter account uh and and it had to come out and apologize and say he was wrong later on months later and then following this the S&P the NASDAQ had one of the best years last year at 20 plus% gains and so you can bet against the market this is why I always tell people like look you can bet against some stocks and I use the examples of like pelaton dish Dollar General I was talking about earlier like there's some weak sectors that you can profit on their demise but betting against the strongest index funds in the world it's not the move in my opinion right maybe there's an edge there I don't think it's very big uh I think it's much easier to find weak overhyped up midcap stocks that have just gotten extremely overhyped uh and profit from their downfall more so than betting against the strongest indexes in the world it's just it's it's it's just the odds are stacked against you and so I don't even know what the point is of that um but hey everybody's different I'm sure some people can do it but not me yeah Gold's been pushing up again though the problem with gold is that it can downtrend for long periods of time and so because of that I'm I'm very very careful with it I don't want to risk like I'm not trying to risk um getting stuck in a 10-year downtrend for gold you know like I just don't want to get stuck in a long-term downtrend for gold it's just too risky to do so right so I would much rather just I'd much rather wait for gold to start long-term downtrending and then DCA into it over that period of Time versus buying gold it's as it's been breaking highs over and over and over again for a year straight now or longer than that how long has gold been breaking highs Gold's been ripping up here's this year alone 2024 uh so yeah gold is up yeah gold is up 25% this year just in 2024 and it's not even the end of the year yet so for me that's not when I want to buy gold personally and I might be wrong gold might just continue to increase dramatically uh but I think you're always going to have doomsday Whisperers like oh the Market's going to end it's the end of the world you know um sometimes they're like politically biased uh because it is an election year but I don't know for me it's just not the time to buy gold personally I might be wrong I like gold I think Gold's a great long-term inflation hedge but again shortterm there's risks 50 basis point cut yeah I don't know um not with the higher inflation data we got today uh anything's possible I hope we don't do 50 50 would be a mistake uh right now the probability of a 25 basis point cut actually increased this was 74% last year or I'm sorry this was 75 or so percent I can't remember what it was yesterday was 75% now it's 8515 u meaning 2550 basis point is 8515 85% expecting a 25 basis point cut which is good I think that needs to happen I don't want to see anything over 25 again if if we do cut rates over 25 which is pretty low probability the Market's going to pay in my opinion um and I think I think Powell people say all this bad stuff about him but one thing he tries to be is balanced so I hope he doesn't rip the Band-Aid off and do 50 I think that would be a mistake all right guys we got 25 minutes until the Market opens again hit that subscribe button we need 20 subscribers only to break 146,000 do it now hit that subscribe button try it one time it might feel good do it now uh next week again we got the FED decision we cover all this stuff live we don't sell a course I don't sell my own service I don't even claim to be a good Trader I report all this stuff completely free and and the reason we get thousands of people tuning in for these is because we cover it quickly today's PPI report we had it within like half a second of of 8:30 uh so that's the reason we get thousands of people here as well as like we're reliable we cover every single big event in markets whether it's earnings Nvidia Jerome Powell fomc meetings economic conferences uh inflation data you know retail sales data next week we're going to cover so everything if you want a One-Stop shop for all that stuff subscribe hit the notification Bell I appreciate it yeah I agree uh it's been a while since I've looked at some of those alt coins rational mahogany John yeah look at this Rich mahogany everywhere look at that rich mahogany all over the place over here you know and it feels really good to grow this channel dude honestly I had a lot of people be Skeptics on my channel right like I don't know how many friends I reached out to and I was like yo I'm going to start a stock market channel do you want to join it with me and some of them would be like yeah and then I never hear from them again you know family members I I reached out to like some family and I was like Hey I'm going to do this you know you can own 10% 20% 30% of it or whatever you just got to do this ABC you got to do X Y and Z and uh never heard from him never heard from him um so now that the Channel's big you know feels good man feels good I love the honesty of this guy he knows he is not that good yeah I'm definitely top three worst ever in traing right now yeah so trads I'm definitely one of the top three worst traders of all time in the world uh Fernandez first they Mock and then then you hear crickets yeah hey thank you wow I appreciate it like I said grow to YouTube channels difficult it's not easy um the problem is like this right and I see a lot of people do the same thing um in the trading industry saturated right so Traders on YouTube I got in whenever nobody was doing this you know so that's one of the reasons I was able to get like a head start because I got in whenever nobody was doing it when I started streaming nobody else was streaming not really there was me and maybe like two or three people other people that's it um and one of the cool things is like I could see how my channel changed the industry like I see a lot of people copy off of my keywords and they're using literally verbatim the same titles the same stuff that I'm using uh so I can see that I changed uh you know and again I'm not saying there weren't people before me that were bigger of course um but it's cool to see right it's cool to see uh I've kind of evolved it towards economics like I started out day trading penny stocks and then I got my butt kicked doing that eventually started day trading the S&P the NASDAQ futures and eventually evolve to more like economics over everything else um and again I think I feel some people followed me here too uh because again I'm more of an economist I like the economy I like understanding it I like understanding business and um I do trade I do invest I do swing trade but um you know I think there's enough day trading gurus out there and so you know it's more fun to be in a economics Channel [Music] anyway John do you think the Market's going to go down with rate Cuts I don't know I think if it's [Music] 25 um yeah I think one of the things that shows you is that you can tell people you have no idea what you're talking about and still grow massively on YouTube you know which is fun you know I think people appreciate that I'm not trying to act like I'm better than I am um I mean I think I'm good [Music] uh so sorry I was answering a question here what was it uh do you think the market can dip down with cuts I don't know man I think um personally again I'm against Cuts you guys know this if you watch the stream I'm against rate Cuts I think we've seen massive inflation over 5year period I don't want I just don't want inflation to spike again I really don't because again I see it as unsustainable right it's not going to be able to sustain itself if [Music] like okay anybody should understand the difference between today and six seven years ago six and seven years ago making $100,000 a year meant something it genuinely meant something like you were in the top whatever percentage if you made over a you know over 100k a year right today it's not that much $100,000 a year is not that much so it's kind of like the goal line was move back some you know is the problem and this affects everybody it doesn't just affect the wealthy it affects everybody you know everybody should be concerned about that because again and I'm sure we have some people here that make six figures that make over 100k and this might hurt to hear that that 100K is not as big of a flex as it was six years ago and again the problem is that if we if we try to stimulate the economy too much that's the consequence of it is that the goal line gets moved back for everybody um for everybody and so for me personally I would rather see real estate correct and go down even though it's going to negatively impact me some I would rather see the market go into a recession or depression if it means that inflation stabilizes long term because again it gold just broke lifetime highs with all this inflation talk gold just ripped over lifetime highs it got up to 20 257 to30 as I'm saying this 25 7230 gold just broke lifetime highs huge two green candle movement here look at the volume flux uh influx of gold wow so gold just broke lifetime Highs but yeah point is nobody should everybody in this chat room right now the thousand people we have here you guys should fear inflation regardless of how much money you make regardless of anything you should fear inflation drastically because you might work really hard at something and then have nothing to show for it because the goal line was moved back um the only people that don't care are people that really make nothing and so they you know they're just kind of mad at anybody that does make good income and so they're just going to lash out regardless right but anybody that works hard to build stuff in business should fear [Music] inflation all right so gold broke lifetime highs yeah well Silicone Valley is just a different story yeah I mean pity stocks the problem with pity stocks is the marketing best part about you is you talk to people in the chat we try but yeah P stock marketing's out there I appreciate the knowledge sharing and integrity without being sold to the most you'll promote as an affiliate link yeah I mean again I could sell a course and probably make millions of dollars with the following that I have doing if I was sleazy enough that is right I'd have to be kind of sleazy to make that much with it but I certainly could I think maybe not I don't know uh for me I would rather be honest with people and profit on the back end of that Honesty if this is completely blunt right I would rather be honest with people it's going to help my brand it's going to you know ultimately help people support what I do and then profit on the back end and I certainly do this to make money you know I say this a lot but I do this to make money of course I do I'm sitting here for freaking hours and hours every day I'm not I would love to pretend and say oh I'm just a kind guy a great guy over here I mean I am top three greatest guys ever but I do this to make money uh my business model is more so just profiting on the back end of that which should be okay it should be understandable I'm providing a value service economic data earnings Stock Market info all that stuff for free and I'm still making money from it so it's kind of a win-win scenario versus selling a course trying to mislead people into buying it you know it again there's some courses that are good I'm not against all courses but uh but that's just the way that I chose to design the channel um anyways gold breaking highs up there let me put the music on [Music] [Music] right 100% Ed I'm a capitalist for sure everybody that trades stocks should be a capitalist right I'm not like pure pure capitalist there's some like I think college should be free I'm okay with billionaires getting taxed a little bit more you know but I wanted to stifle Innovation you know so I'm I'm I'm really kind of Middle Ground pretty pretty middle ground in nature right just to be honest and that's why I don't talk about politics cuz if I did everybody would hate me you know which is I guess where I would like it anyway um but but yeah I don't understand the Spy is very choppy right now I think honestly my theory is that the market might be sideways leading up to the FC decision next week week right inflation is not a big concern if you own assets sure and it's going to go up over time uh it's only day trading um regarding TOP Step it's only day trading it's a funded account program most day Traders lose you know they're going to give you a demo test your skill if you pass the test they fund you if you fail you lose the monthly subscription is basically what it is go to website there's a lot of good info on it and again if you want to check it out they are an affiliate of mine they pay me money so I'm biased but if you want to check it out there's the link it's a great way to learn day trading have reasonable expectations for it most day Traders lose understand if you lose here you're probably going to lose much more than that if you put up thousands yourself and that's the context you have to take uh but yeah there there it is if you want to check it out hey thank you thank you Cal appreciate it man I've never really got into Forex Forex is too hard to um get set up and and you know most of the time I like trading the I like trading equities uh and I can trade equities in Futures so that's why I trade Futures with all that said um look at gold breaking lifetime highs up here yeah I'm going to put Nvidia and gold up right here look at gold breaking lifetime highs it's up there though too tap lifetime highs came right back down and I always say this but sometimes those levels are like a freaking magnet meaning sometimes like whatever it is goes right up to those levels Taps it and then comes right back down and never touches it again for the remainder of the day I see that type of uh movement pattern a lot you are legit Mar keep it up thank you Rafa appreciate it brother what about services inflation how will assets pay for those I mean Services inflation is just mostly just general inflation right um like core inflation is really what that is um so but assets are I mean asset is going to assets are going to help keep up with it to a certain extent you know the logic of real estate is the easiest one to show you know say I got a $300,000 house if I make 1% of that a month in rent using the 1% rule I'm going to make about 3K a month in rent that means yearly uh in just cash flow I'm going to make 36,000 you can take probably what like 40% of that off um and and insurance and expenses right so really uh $300,000 house you're going to net about 21 20 about 22k income per year uh extrapolate that over 10 years you're going to going to make about $260,000 in cash flow over a 10-year period uh if we look at the percentage of that that's like what what kind of percentage return is that that's like what almost that's like a 90% return what is this let me see what is the 259 is what percentage of 300 what that like 90 oh wait wait wait sorry yeah it's 86% return of over a 10- year period so over 10 years you're made 86% um you know and then this is not even including compounding appreciation and so what do I mean by that right so what I mean by that is you know you're going to make about 10% a year just in terms of cash flow maybe not 10% I would say maybe like 7 8% that's kind of what the S&P 500 gives you anyway and that doesn't even take into a consideration appreciation so if I have a $300,000 house let's say it grows at three and a half% every year uh so I can do times 1.035 so a 3 and a half% gain yearly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 in 10 years I'm going to profit about $123,000 in appreciation alone and that doesn't even include the cash flow right so $123,000 uh in appreciation alone and so that is 41% in that regard right so you could do 41 um divided by 10 it's going to give you about 4.1% so you're going to take about eight or 9% and then you're going to add it to uh this number and so that means that in real estate it's not passive but you can make over 13% a year on average and that doesn't even include um appreci over time so if you use the 1% rule like I said that house is going to that $300,000 house in 10 years is going to be worth about $420,000 right and so if you use the 1% rule then you should be charging about $4,200 a month right and so then your rental income is going to increase with compounding anyway through the appreciation aspect of it too and so it's probably going to be more than that right uh and so that is why and that generally will outperform the S&P the NASDAQ now it's not perfect like this like there's probably going to be some fees that I'm missing but um but yeah point is you can make a it's just another inflation hedge and so how does this keep up with inflation well making 10% a year is usually going to beat out the average inflation rate of 3 to 4% you know so generally that's how you beat inflation you can also do it with gold as well you can do it with a lot of other assets not just real estate uh when you get into like commercial investing it can be a lot more powerful too but commercial might be kind of a risky thing right now uh [Music] just ignore inflation makes returns look awesome I mean you're missing the entire point of that brother you're missing the entire point of that the entire point of this is to hedge against inflation so we're not ignoring inflation you buy real estate to hedge against it you know uh you could use inflation you're still going to be earning with inflation including right let's say inflation again you made about 13% a year on average right let's take 3 and a half% of that away uh in inflation and you're still going to be profiting netwise including inflation almost 10% a year so it's still you know in that regard a good long-term investment longterm that is you know uh but the whole point of it is to hedge against inflation to begin with so you know acting like I I should sub subtract inflation to it again you're missing the point of it the the reason you invest in the S&P or the NASDAQ is the same thing to hedge against inflation the reason you buy gold is the same thing to hedge against inflation you know the reason you buy whatever you can think of as an investment is to hedge against inflation I already did property taxes again I I I took 40% of the cash flow out of the property which depreciation fees expenses you know [Music] AB new to trading trying to understand future so I can scout cryptos so far I'm learning from you bro thank you just subscribed thank you daily uh Futures I mean I don't know if you need Futures to scal crypto you probably just want a crypto account brother personally Futures mostly Commodities driven so like gold silver uh you can do the S&P the NASDAQ futures contracts but you could also do like corn cattle prices coffee you know all this different Commodities that's what really Futures was originally created for all right guys we got seven minutes s minutes left and again guys like if you find somebody like you hear people all the time be like hey if you if you don't trust any of the stuff that I'm saying you could always just buy bonds right buying bonds bonds are loaning the US government money and it's a guaranteed return and so if you look at most like short-term yields right now uh here's that 10year yields are they all the way down wow 10e yields have fallen uh so 10 year yields currently paying 3.6% 3.6% so say you you buy $100,000 worth of 10year Treasury bonds you're going to make about 3.6% of that every single year so you're going to make about $3,600 a year in interest payments and then at the end of that 10-year period you're going to get your 100k pay back so you're going to make about 36% on your 100K investment and it's guaranteed by the government and they'll pay you interest every single year and then at the end of that 10-e period you get your 100K back this is this is what bonds are if you ever hear the word bonds bills notes these are all bonds and it's basically loaning the government money treasury bonds specifically um and you might hear somebody say oh what if the government's not around in 10 years like dude if the government's not around in 10 years you got bigger problems than your bond yields not paying out brother you know so again the point of this is like if you sit on cash you're going to lose money you know uh you could literally just buy bonds with it if you're worried about losing it to inflation but what about futures of the Dow yeah I don't really trade Dow futures I mean I I have but it's not my favorite thing to trade for sure uh I usually like trading like the NASDAQ at the S&P yeah I mean Eli it sounds like you're getting really politically biased you know what I mean um but like what I would say is regardless of who wins who you're rooting for anything like that the S&P the NASDAQ the Dow gold uh you know real estate all very very very safe long-term Investments generally I'm not telling you to buy any of them and I I have no idea what's going to happen long term with any of these assets not an investment professional don't sue me I'm not liable you're not going to win um but I think you know wi in doubt you got to zoom out and uh longterm the S&P the NASDAQ over A Century of data very consistent very consistent I also think there's a lot of fear and doom and gloom people right now because it's an election year and so what is what happens during election years everybody's saying oh it's the worst it could ever be cough cough elect our guy you know uh and the other side saying hey it's the greatest it's ever been cough cough keep our guy you know uh the truth is somewhere in the middle so you know you got to St stop take a step back understand these are all pretty solid long-term Investments shortterm they're risky Anything Could Happen short term prices might go up or down they might stabilize uh longterm they're pretty safe right I'm not saying they're 100% safe anything can always happen and I don't know for sure anything and so do your own assessment figure it out yourself but if you don't invest and you sit on cash long term you are losing tons of money tons of money you know let's say 3 and a half% a year the example we use you got 50k that's 2 and a half% uh 3 and a half% would be 50 times 50k times uh 965 for 3 and a half% so let's say three and a half% inflation over time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 so you're going to lose 15 or you're going to lose $15,000 out of 50k in buying power over a 10-year period so at basically in 10 years your $50,000 is only going to be about $35,000 in buying power relative to today and so if you don't invest in something you're losing money over time if you sit on cash longterm you are losing money uh that's a terrible idea David my guess David so David says what do I do if my partner thinks buying natural diamonds is a good investment literally she's dumping cash into nothing I think that I I might understand the thesis which is that lab grown diamonds are becoming really saturated and oversaturating the market and so in that regard you could theorize that natural diamonds because of that saturation with the with lab grown are going to in increase in value over time but the problem with the diamond Market in general is that diamonds are not as scarce as you think they are they're mostly driven by Jewelers right like so Jewelers push artificial scarcity in that regard for for natural diamonds as well and I think the other more probable thing is that the competition that lab grown diamonds cause is going to make real natural grown diamonds prices decrease just from over comp over competition right I think that is the more again I have no idea I might be wrong and maybe natural diamonds increase over time but diamonds aren't generally the best inflation hedge you could use there's a lot better inflation hedges in my opinion and diamonds Diamond scarcity is mostly controlled by the jewelry market and so it's a risky thing it's a risky thing all right guys Market's about to open and again maybe I'm wrong I have no idea what short-term cap gains is what it would be Fay I think but I'm not a tax professional I might be wrong go uh reach out to your uh CPA all right guys 20 seconds all right here's the opening bell guys let's do this uh we're going to try to day trade and come out aive we'll see if it works we made some money today we made some money I mean we're going to come out okay but Nvidia actually going green on the day slightly slightly I'm going put up gold Gold's testing lifetime highs nasdaq's falling down some so we bought a little dip here it's pretty close to the opening bell I don't really like doing this um I think it's kind of risky but I'm going to add to this it's see if we get a pop rebound back up all right we just took half of it off I I I got in too big of size at the opening belt with two contracts I think I I like the bounce potential here cuz we dip so much at the open uh but it's risky and so I I had to cut a piece of this just to be safe and I don't know if I like that retracement back down here too small yeah I'm going to cut that so we lost 25 bucks there still great on the day um but yeah a risky trade for me so I'm going to wait I should have waited I usually like to wait at least three four five minutes before I start taking trades Tesla push it up though but but yeah a lot of downfall if we drop enough though I will buy this there we go all right there we go all right so we just made all our money back plus some we made about 35 bucks there uh call the rebound [Music] Tesla running up this is why I like buying like so again remember what I said earlier guys where I said if we drop enough a small bounce at least is very probable right so the reason I started buying this is cuz look at these huge drops we got at the opening bell right generally speaking again even if we end up going down eventually we're at least going to pop up some not always Anything could happen but I've been I've been playing those a lot more if you ever if you watch my actual trading I've been playing that a lot more um again extension short term is one of my favorite things to play Lately Nvidia turning all the way back up I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to short this now oh my gosh I didn't mean to sell that I accidentally lost it's all right all right we got two contracts now definitely a risky position so don't copy me retrace back up going let it try to stabilize here we got to cushion on the day I'm going to add to this it's a risky position here but there we go all right we took two off took some more off bad feels but we're green on the trade overall at least might add back to it I think we're going to reject and come down but I might be wrong so we got three contracts here all right so we made net profit here I don't know how much and there's the rejection so we correct about short-term price action again we're at the top of the range we got that big Rejection it does mean it's going to hold though uh I am trading Nasdaq futures micro futures yeah there's the drop well well well telling you extension one of the best short-term edges Tesla pumping up though guys Tesla breaking almost up to 230s at 22930 so Tesla is one of the stocks that are dragging the market up Nvidia is coming down though uh this is the micro NASDAQ but yeah it's basically the QQQ price action in Futures I'm I'm trading on top step X which is a funded account program is a 50k funded account on top stepb Gold's right at lifetime highs again not quite there but it's close [Music] all right we took a little bit more from it my friends call me dumb to buy gold it depends on how long you want to hold it right gold good long-term inflation hedge shortterm can downtrend for five plus years you know so it depends on if you have the tolerance to to be able to buy it you know the risk tolerance um shortterm longterm is pretty solid but shortterm anything could happen so there's a big rip up look at that big move low Edge higher look at Nvidia Pump It Up So Nvidia is dragging the whole market up look at it nvidia's almost up to 118s gold is not very volatile though I mean it can be it depends on what's going on it's B it's it can be volatile I think you could you might be able to trade the micro Bitcoin see but I'm not 100% sure I would check with them Tesla's still breaking highs no no red candles yet only one kind of neutral candle but no red candles for Tesla yet it's all the way up to almost 2 31's now spy Spy is only $10 away from Lifetime highs as well here hey so we did break 146,000 subscribers we're exactly at 146 okay hey thanks so much all right so Market's kind of flat Nvidia is still turning up though and that's breaking highs is gold another thing that's breaking highs I mean is gold Gold's still up there still moving um yeah I mean I'm going to buy this uh out yeah up up about 100 today already so got a nice little trade sty we're up hundreds on this account slowman methodical gains here all right we got two contracts all right another 20 there so we're up over 100 now I'm going to slow down and and wait gold breaking lifetime highs gold up to 2575 for Lifetime highs now 2575 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ESP and fire Shannon sharp wow is this real [Music] oh I haven't seen the video oh yeah I'm just now reading up on that anyways kind of a choppy day right now guys choppy day again we're up over 100 right now I'm pretty sure yep we're up over 100 you love to see it slow methodical gains yeah it's kind of boring though guys um I'm not really you know I got to just chill and wait I guess again hit that subscribe button hit the notification Bell guys listen everything we do here is free I don't charge for content I don't sell a course I don't sell my own service I don't even claim to be good I put out everything for free if you want a One-Stop shop where we're going to cover economic data earnings Jerome pow press conferences fomc meetings and decisions we we not only stream when the big earnings come out but also the earnings call as well which is not something most people do most people either stream just the call or just when the earnings drop we stream both okay we we stream CPI inflation data pce GDP Powell Jensen hang press conferences when we can everything for free we don't charge a penny for it and the reason we get thousands of people at 8:30 for those releases is cuz we cover it faster than everybody else and anybody really knows that but uh again you do claim that you're the top three most handsome Trader on YouTube oh I'm definitely top three and a half right now definitely top three and a half I mean listen I'm definitely top three most humble also you know that's why I'm top three and not number one but listen when you look this good you know humility just comes to you um I don't even have to work to be humble I'm just naturally gifted at being humble and the humility flows through me like water you know that's all I'm saying is I'm just you know and listen I guess that's why we got haters because when you look this good people are going to be like man I wish I look like John and they're going to hate you know listen th is life guys th is life uh yeah I'm definitely the best at being humble I would agree 100% for sure beard is the goat as well mahogany John is my new name that's what I saying you see this office right here mahogany John I'm going to get that tattooed on me somewhere you know I'm going to get mahogany John right here like right like right above this on my bicep is going to say mahogany John you know I'm going do a poll whether I should do that or not I got to shorten it somehow cow in there getting those that hurts bro that hurts right here cow yeah Forest say I look like Forest Griffin bro how dare you all right I don't know young Forest might not be a bad comparison but Old Forest I'm pretty sure he's got he's a little punch drunk personally right let me see old Force you know Oh's got cauliflower ear too honestly my ears have been hurting for like a couple weeks um so if I get cauliflower ear which I'm not I've got I've got the magnets that I wear so I don't get call cauliflower ear but um but yeah yeah Brown I think the the joke went you know it's all right I don't know if you should short or the market looks completely sideways and kind of boring gold broke lifetime highs got up to 280s so gold is up there um I've just kind of slowed down my trading we're already up over 100 uh in the funded account and I'm in the early stages of the funded account here so like I am taking it very slow very careful I'm up hundreds but I'd rather be up thousands before I start taking big risks so that way you know that's how you do it the Russell's going down Russell is a SL yum for everybody that wants to follow uh yeah Russell was falling down interesting small caps usually are inverse inversely correlated with uh index funds major index funds oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry you're right corre I am wrong I retracted my previous statement the Russell is rty ym is the mini Dow it's down too actually uh but yeah the Russell is down also so I mean GameStop's dropping but the the lows of the last two days are at 1930s for GameStop so we still got it's fine I mean I don't know if it's I don't know looking at our poll numbers here so we did a poll 50 7% said ppi is higher than expected yeah I'm going to end this poll we got two and a 12,000 votes or 2.1k 57% said higher and we kind of were higher uh did the chat get something right I think the chat did congratulations you know it's been a long road here but uh the chat got something right maybe it's just cuz I left the chat up for like an hour plus after the results came out so they already knew the results and could vote appropriately or accordingly but um yeah the the Russell's still falling honestly the the nasdaq's down nvidia's technically red on the day two so the market starting to turn again I think we could get choppiness for the next few days leading into the Wednesday report but um yeah we'll see and again if you haven't already we are trading we're up we're up over $100 today you can see my full list of Trades here today uh this is my full list and again this is the big Power of TOP Step X right TOP Step X there's no commissions only a small amount of fees and which means that I can trade micro Futures contracts on top step X take these little small trades let my Edge really play out again it's the big it's the best Edge in funding right now in my opinion uh genuinely is right I think um It ultimately allows traders to trade small like this you can see here so I have had let and again if you want to check out TOP Step TOP Step funded account program they give you a demo test your skill with it if you pass the test with the demo which is 50k for the base one they fund you 50k 90% split which 90% similar to putting the money up yourself but if you lose you only lose 50 bucks basically it's not the end of the world it's a great way to learn how to day trade still have some pressure you're still risking something but you're not risking thousands and thousands of dollars per account like you normally would have to and most new J Traders lose and so it's the perfect middle ground in my opinion and again top step back the biggest Edge in funding uh you can see here on my trades we have had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 trades today so we have 20 trades percentage wise if we look at this we've had 20 trades we have had one 2 three four five six losses out of 20 six losses out of 20 um which would mean uh 14 out of 20 is 70% accuracy today guys 70% accuracy today for my day trades we're up we're up enough and again we're slowly trying to build up profit and so if you want to check them out here's the link they are sponsored they pay me money I'm biased because of it but again if you want to check them out link is in the description um and yeah I'm probably just going to bow out for the rest of the day guys I don't I don't I don't want to give back my profit it's a good day it's a green day uh uh I think we're going to end up trading a lot more actively in the coming days leading into the fomc meeting I think we're going to have choppiness and so I'll be able to capitalize on that using my system and so we'll see how that goes uh and yeah I mean I have Franny I have four monitors and so yeah I'm using indicators for sure but usually the me using indicators looks like this right so here's TOP Step X I am looking at Nvidia cuz Nvidia basically moves the market if you look at Nvidia it's gone down up down if you look at the market it's going down up down right so I can look at Nvidia and see Nvidia fall look Nvidia starting to rise up here uh if I get the screen out the way like look if I get the screen out the way upward movement upward movement you know so Nvidia influences the market that's why like if you want to day trade Futures it's probably what you should do but um but the point is I'm looking at these indicators if you look at like if you look at this previous closing price I'm using that to influence my trades over here looking at the 200 EMA right here I'm using that to influence my trades I'm looking at the volume weighted average price I'm using that to influence my trade and then I'm looking at the ranges so I'm using indicators you're just not able to see them um anyways guys I'm getting out of here hey I love you all y'all be good be careful in these markets not an investment professional so y'all be safe trade small guys you don't need to trade super large don't listen to gurus trying to get you to trade crazy size it's just unne unnecessary and I'm going get out of here hey y'all be good um I'll see you guys later try TOP Step X rafhael if you want a different platform toep X is the one that has zero commissions yeah it's not it's not NT it's a different one but anyways I'm out of here guys y'all be good

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🚨 PPI Report Out - BTC Going To Down Today - What Next - PPI News Trading Today

Category: Science & Technology

अस्सलाम वालेकुम दोस्तों पीपीआई रिपोर्ट आ चुकी है अनइंप्लॉयमेंट क्लेम इसका डाटा भी आ चुका है और डाटा कैसा आया है हमने ट्रेड कैसे करनी है बिटकॉइन डाउन जाएगा या बिटकॉइन यहां से अप जाएगा मार्केट पूरी की पूरी क्रिप्टो मार्केट नेक्स्ट मूवमेंट कैसी होगी उसकी इसके बारे में हम कंप्लीट से बात करने वाले हैं इस वीडियो में और आपको मैं इस वीडियो में बताऊंगा कि रेंजेस क्या होंगी बिटकॉइन की कहां से कहां तक मूव कर सकता है और लिक्विडेशन प्राइसेस कहां से कहां तक है जो अकाउंट्स लिक्विडेट... Read more

Avoid Mistakes: Buy or Sell Boeing Stock? thumbnail
Avoid Mistakes: Buy or Sell Boeing Stock?

Category: Howto & Style

Uh boeing stock guys went up 1% 1 uh 27% on friday we're going to talk about if it's a buy or not okay so um very very important that we pay attention to this let's go right into um the charts here all right so we had news on boing all right big news on bo that uh bing stock dow giant secur 737 max... Read more

Watch This Before Nvidia Reports Earnings... thumbnail
Watch This Before Nvidia Reports Earnings...

Category: Education

Happy monday what's going on team it's ricky with techbud solutions here with a super quick market update so i do have an active short position on nvidia i just reopened it as it's beginning to retest the old support as you can see here right around 127 acting as a new resistance we'll see if we show... Read more

Is It Time To Sell Nvidia? thumbnail
Is It Time To Sell Nvidia?

Category: Education

You guys know that i love talking on nvidia i'm not here to sugarcoat it but there was nothing wrong with nvidia's earnings yesterday u and and that's the part that baffles me so what's going on guys it's ricky and i want to jump right into this so nvidia is not down as much as it was yesterday after... Read more

(URGENT) Inflation Report Tomorrow... thumbnail
(URGENT) Inflation Report Tomorrow...

Category: Education

So there's an economic report you're going to want to pay attention to and it gets released 1 hour before the market opens what's going on guys it's ricky here with a super quick market update just something to pay attention to that could add potentially more to this current selling pressure that we'... Read more

Live Forex Trading: Real-Time PPI Data & Market Reactions thumbnail
Live Forex Trading: Real-Time PPI Data & Market Reactions

Category: Education

[music] [music] he [music] n [music] yes yes yes hello my ch one [music] too we are here for ppi news producer production index that's what we going to trad [music] in that's what we are looking at right one more time we are on we are on we are on we are on we are live loud and clear loud and clear... Read more


Category: Education

As we uh come over here and and check out the bears look the bears are cracking stock sess is cracking crack that first level that we had to be aware of heading lower already backside or already read on the date backside it's just i consider backside and front side just either like if you're front side... Read more

CPI Inflation Report - Interest Rate Cuts Confirmed! thumbnail
CPI Inflation Report - Interest Rate Cuts Confirmed!

Category: News & Politics

So the cpi inflation report was released today and i'll show you this headline i think it sums up the situation the rate of inflation has now dropped to its lowest level since february of 2021 so this means that the federal reserve will be cutting interest rates in 7 days so i want to show you the official... Read more

Stock Market Winners & Losers: Nvidia Earnings | Boeing's Starliner| Kelce Brothers thumbnail
Stock Market Winners & Losers: Nvidia Earnings | Boeing's Starliner| Kelce Brothers

Category: News & Politics

Time now to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black and rob this morning i'm seeing nothing but a sea red uh doesn't look all that hot good morning yeah we've had a great year so we're up almost 20% in the s&p 500 so there's going to be days like this but today's a weird... Read more