Issue 184 - Dune , Eternals & The Harder They Fall

[Music] welcome back guys it is the brothers geap podcast issue 184 uh man we creeping up to that 200 bro uh just want to say a massive thank you to all the listeners and people that watch us on YouTube make sure you subscribe to the new YouTube channel the brothers geek out podcast the link will be in the description but if you're watching it on or listening to sorry through a streaming service then the link is in the in the description not in the podcast make sure you check it out but G man how you beening bro you all right i' been cool bro I've be cool taking a couple days off work I'm on holiday I'm drinking a fat full fat Coke good good you know what I haven't taken a day off work since early August right it's it's been over three months September starts the busiest time of our year but I've been on routine since then and it's so important to come out of routine just just enjoy life because you know my routine working and training working and training eating healthy eating this and whatnot I haven't come out of that for three months that's so yeah I took a couple days off work just literally literally no routine no training no diet nothing I just wanted to come out of life and just ex you know just chill man so it's been good bro it's been good like I said I'm enjoying some bad food um enjoy it bro that's the yeah watching watching movies going out and just relaxing no that's it's important bro it's so important I haven't I was burning out I I was burning out man seriously it was I I didn't realize it was over three months but I was getting to a point where I was proper burning out would work and I was making lots of mistakes and I just wasn't enjoying things but I was like that's why I needed this holiday but yeah now all good man no I important bro I B out what few weeks is it two weeks ago three weeks ago when I fell out because I haven't had a day off since well we got the weekends off but weekends get busy but I haven't had time away from work because I used up on my annual leave to do the project in Birmingham I haven't been off since March bro oh damn and that that day I remember Shaz was like just stay home if you're run down just sit down and watch TV all day man enjoy it order some food have a game and I did that for two days bro I've never done that like in ages bro I've never got to got to sleep at like 12:00 and then wake up at 2:00 and be like H what's going on so but and I was watching films I caught up with quite a lot of movies and TV series which was which was good in the process but it's been a busy week bro like I've got to go Cinema twice I've got to catch up with some movies uh but uh let's let's start off bro uh we got we we got some we got some actually good stuff and some interesting stuff we missed last week last week so busy I think I just busy just couldn't find the time man like even though weekends we have off weekends man I'm routined still my Saturday is still routined and then Sunday is the only day I chill but really I don't want to do anything it's kind of like a routine I watch UFC in the morning then I just sort out [ __ ] for work the next day and that's that's it you know what I mean so even with weekends I'm routine that's what I'm saying it's good to just be out of routine completely but yeah let's get cracking I know we missed last week so let's catch up with everything we got to spoil and watch and talk about of course the Marvel Universe has expanded even more so we can we're going to spoil the [ __ ] out of the eternals later but let's get on that later Let's uh start off with some of the list on the list man no no of course let's start off with John Ru coming back and I think it's Joe kman if I said his name right uh looking to do a movie and bro it was funny that we were talking about we haven't seen a John Woo movie in ages like what happened and then suddenly that comes up and I'm like oh my God the universe is great for us to get another John movie I'm very excited because those movies his movies I still adore you know I still listen to the soundtracks you know what I mean hard boy would probably has to be one of the best action movies ever bro no doubt down I was I was watching the um the wuang show and there was an episode with rayquan and Ghost Face Killer and they're watching rayquan is introducing ghost face to the killer yeah and he like oh you got to watch this movie and what and they have their own SC based on it and whatnot and I'm just whole John Woo like yeah and that's why we're talking about it right and now John Woo's got a movie up he was ahead of his time man listen all this John Wick gun fu all this that was all started with John W from that's John R man that's him I mean I know it evolved from cowboy movies to whatever but John Woo took it up a level and then it stepped up from him and whatnot but yeah and they're trying to they're doing a silent movie you hear about this this apparently it's a silent action movie so there's going to be a lot of expression in that movie based on you know I don't know and music probably and facial expressions and whatnot that's sounds artistic you know what I'm saying like just up J's Ellie if you watch his previous movies when the action does come on he doesn't really have much dialogue or sound as well like he takes that part out puts a soundtrack in there and let the actors do the emotional part you know what I mean he did that in face off with the kid he had the headphones on and cage was coming through he's done that in the killer he's done that in a bit tomorrow he's has his moments but to see that as a full movie will be absolutely amazing the light going out and he's always been good at he's always been good at costing actors to play action Stars you know what I'm saying not just action stars and then they do their thing actors playing action Stars so they put a lot more emotion because CH fact's an he's an actor man he's a proper you know like he does all those before all the Killer and stuff before we knew him he was doing that proper like acting when I say acting movies non-actions and whatnot showing emotions and what when he was doing the killer for example you could see the uh the emotions and him think in his face when he was going through that movie right um yeah so he's really good at that man so that's it's gonna be great to have a John wo movie back I'm excited to see that definitely excited to see that uh B babe put the air on here please fing hot as hell uh sorry uh you got arms of teeth here bro man couldn't spell man couldn't spell thief I just WR teeth by it's even that it's AR arm of teeths uh Army of teeths man I couldn't spell teeth and he kept Auto cor to something else like [ __ ] it just put put teeth down but have you seen have you seen it I've seen it it's it's a good good fun fun movie uh it's you know it's your I don't know it gave me a little fuss and Furious vibe uh it gave me you know uh I don't know just gave me fast and furious Vibes and it gave me you know a heist movie uh Vibes it was uh it is a heist movie uh but they' done it quite clever it was clever the way they did it bro like it was good fun H soundtrack was sick uh but I like the the morale of the story and how it leads on and where it moved on to uh and it's a good shot movie bro I love the way it looks yeah definitely yeah I was impressed by the fact that it was a prequel to a zombie I know the zombie movie was a a heist movie anyway but it was a prequel to a zombie movie that had nothing to do with zombies and you still loved it do you know what I'm trying to say yes they spoke about the zombie apocalypse but it had nothing to do with it and it had had everything to do with uh this the safe and artisticness behind the safe right how because how amazing is that bro they made the safes look like like um like a puzzle like world class that's how they do it bro yeah it was amazing so I was actually Amazed by that and that that German guy the main character was awesome like he's really funny he's like really likeable he is he is very like his innocent and whatnot yeah yeah he is very the only thing is I watched Army of the dead after um but I figured let's watch this again because you know that the prequel was so good and I couldn't remember things the safe in Army and the dead I know it was named like the last one the Gutenberg or whatever Gutenberg yes but it did not look as epic as yeah yeah yeah look like that anyway maybe you know the idea came after or whatnot but I was just impressed that it you know it had nothing to do with zombies and it just it fit in with that movie and it turned out to be awesome I really enjoyed it man no it was it was it was a good it was a good watch man I I really enjoyed it bro you know me I'm a soundtrack guy as soon as I heard Han Zima doing his work I was like what this is most uh it was really hzim is doing a European tour next year man I don't know buto we might have to jump on one of those like I don't know go to a European country that we haven't been to in a while and just just fan boys what you call those roues Man Hands him a [Laughter] groupy but yeah no I'd be yeah definitely on that without a doubt I be happy keep an eye out and check if he's coming to London I mean when he says Europe it might be like screw you brexit l or what not so then you UK might not be in it but check if there is a London one if there is jump on that man no definitely will do definitely will do uh so a great movie really good film really good film blade blades in Moonlight yeah that's what I heard that's what I've been reading bro these rumors they keep started off as rumors now it's looking legit your camera's got all dark talking about blade and whatnot uh but um bro man [ __ ] man if they put blade and MOA how sick would that be bro so good bro so good it just ties it up neatly you know what I mean uh it will I don't know man it just it will fit together really well bro and what I found out as well is that the the I think it's the art director or somebody that worked on uh who who worked on uh moonnight uh will be on blade and has done production work on morbius and morus trailer came out as well this week which was absolutely awesome so if they tie it all in bro because that trailer I'm not going to lie out of a lot of trailers that have come out and lot of movies that we've been seeing I was I was nice bro that trail was sick especially for Sony production one not no disrespect to them but from the Marvel Universe you expect something else from Sony you expect something else this one for Sony looked awesome but just the way he looked the the the the graphics and the special effects and his abilities I mean it looks like he got that story of you know like Iron Man or whatnot he's trying to cure this disease and blah blah blah he goes through his own adversity and then you know he goes the [ __ ] but yes if you're saying that the same producer or whatever what art directors working on all three man there's got to be a connection cuz obviously now ever since that trailer everything's coming out in regards to what universe is he in because you saw the Spider-Man from Toby Maguire you saw vulture from uh Tom Tom Holland and then you saw osor logo from Amazing Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man Garfield so you know it's confused the [ __ ] out of everyone who what universe is involved in but then again Multiverse and Madness I'm sorry the new Spider-Man has opened up the Multiverse so this could be anywhere bro this it doesn't this could be anywhere but that trailer was awesome and hopefully blade shows up in m in in um moonight and hopefully one day they not moonlight moonnight moonlight moonight moonight but he he started a film called Moonlight right M oh yeah he did he did I haven't seen that it's good movie it's actually a good movie Che he is he is I think he's he's a wicked actor uh Jim Carrey as modok sick that's a that's a good cost very good cost yeah I can see that modok Jim Kerry will be awesome as modok I think he'll pull it off sick no definitely without a doubt I think he'd be great as that character and I think he needs to well if he does depending uh if he does it' be absolutely amazing to see him do that man uh I've got enough love for Jim Carry upset d d too hey he still had it though he still had it regardless he's he's still done his performance since the movie was a bit outdated yeah yeah yeah exactly that kind of know didn't work didn't work anymore no no no it didn't it didn't it didn't Gad do as Snow White the evil queen the White Queen the white evil queen I copied and paste that text but I there was no racial uh impf behind that but I copied and text that no no all good I mean listen man I think her career has like flourished since the Wonder Woman thing so good on her man I think I think she's great I think she is awesome in those movies I think most of the films she has done I think she's been great so uh it should be interesting some of these live action movies I haven't got to excuse me that was random sorry guys apologies for that Butters cough buts dude bro oh man it hasn't gone bro we we still got the coughs it wasn't Co was it no just flu well did you guys get tested yeah we did the test is worth is any worth getting tested nowadays just to freaking take it man anyway um yeah so I'm shoot like I haven't seen most of the live action ones like Corella I still need to see so really good I need to like dive in and see what Disney are doing with the live action series at the moment so no I I look forward to seeing it there's a market for them and it does you know you've seen all the original cartoons and it actually does it is worth seeing the live actions because they're really good yeah you know I mean they've built a second market for these for these movies they these cartoons they once bought out so definitely check it out and she'll be awesome as a I think she'll do good as a queen I wonder who Snow White's going to be though yeah it' be interesting to see who I wonder if they use you know the the Seven Dwarfs I wonder I mean is dwarf the right word to use is is it's right yeah yeah yeah yeah so I wonder if they if they what they do with that um and if they um you know because they all had character right that was the movie was really about them right but when I say really about them the cartoon was really emphasized them and emotion what not and they brought they brought the they brought Charisma to those cartoons of course they did of course they did hopefully they bring them in the movie as well yeah I hope so too man I hope so too uh the next next one you bro you got Daniel Day Kim joins the cast of Netflix live action series what live action series the basic I even copy the whole text um air bender air bender air Bender ohir Bender it called man um the last air bender the last air bender last air bender yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they called um Avatar what have I got blank for man no remember what's that what's the biggest highest ghost in mie of all time bro why have I gone to a blank for the blue avat Avatar yeah the Avatar they were they were the original avatars you know that yeah they were originally called avatars and then after that movie movie came out they changed things there something to do with air oh yes you're right yeah the last air bender yeah that's right it's called The Avatar yeah that's it it's called The Avatar but then they changed it up because of uh what's his name man making problems yeah well anyway look I I saw that news all over the place not that I know much about last of uh uh the air Benders and whatever the hell it's called man see I don't I literally don't know [ __ ] about it but I thought it was news to just put down anyway and I don't really I'm not really familiar with him either um but I did see that it was on there and I guess I did watch the old movie and I enjoyed it but that flopped remember it was yeah yeah I thought it was all right I thought it's pretty good yeah same same very good movie uh but yeah because that was Mite shalaman movie is it yeah yeah but it didn't get good reviews and it flopped and I think they again it was from that they wanted to call it Avatar but they couldn't because Avatar um but anyway I don't know new thing for Netflix there's been a few new things for Netflix they the narcos season 3 narcos Mexican season 3 start yesterday so watch episode one um I know we're going to talk about we might as well talk about it um the new movie with they just the harder they fall and um let's talk let's talk about that before we jump on the other stuff but bro the harder they fall so far I'm I'm almost at the end I've probably got another 15 minutes left to do but bloody hell bro I am fully in love with that movie the way it looks the way it was shot the way the soundtrack The the actors bro so good bro so good yeah I literally just finished it now just before we started the podcast and yeah it's [ __ ] awesome it's so awesome yeah like you said everything from the music the yeah everything everything looks clean everything looks cool they look so you know what I mean they look like they look proper cool with like with with their characters the Western uh Western characters and you know one thing I noticed and I appreciate about the movie they didn't play a lot on the race card or anything right yeah yeah yeah yeah discrimination and that it was just between them even between them they didn't even play call each other the nword or any of that sort of stuff consider right at the time everything was just it was just a western movie and it was done really [ __ ] cool man uh ID just Alba playing a bad guy he played it emotionally man you know what I mean awesome and then um uh the LA what's what's his name bro why I forgot his name see I'm I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] right now I can't remember any what's his name that's right I don't know his name it's gone off my head as well bro sorry bro [ __ ] sakes man I I just said his name earlier the main freaking Kang the Conqueror man [ __ ] it K the he who remains how he who remains bro how could I remember he who remains I can't remember his real [ __ ] name so he was so awesome anyway he's a good actor bro really good actor very good yeah come on man I got to do him some justice man say his [ __ ] name man D brain right now man it's all right bro let's go Jonathan major ah Jonathan majes yes oh my God such an easy name as well lose I know I know something we need to remember that bro not call him Kang the Conqueror he's fing awesome the movie like I said was shot everyone I don't know how to explain it man but it was like different from a Weston it made it they made him so cool they gave him Swagger know what I'm saying like yeah it still had that it still had that feel bro yeah you had that gritty feel because you can see their face right the facial hair and whatnot gritty uh but if you look at the SE the town that they live in or that Idis Alba's character was run in yeah very colorful and clean like you notice all the buildings they look very fake and obviously that was a set but the houses look fresh and clean and colorful like it wasn't downplaying on on you know oh this is a black town so it's going to be grimy or whatnot you know what I'm trying to say it was Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah clean I kind of appreciated all of that it was just very clean and colorful um which was sick I really enjoyed and the soundtrack the soundtrack was like a western mix of like you know hip-hop and then like IAL Western it was really good man bro I absolutely uh I'm really enjoying it and and and I'm looking forward to finishing it off when I get the chance later on today but yeah no it's just put together really well and I love the directions uh they've gone with like that opening credit scene bro it was just it just got me excited for the film and then when when we saw the Chadwick Boseman tribute I was like oh man that's just so sweet man they uh that I missed that wait where who where tell me I missed it it was it was on the train before they broke out Idris Alba's character R CA Boseman on the train ah rest in peace chadrick Boseman I did not notice I think he was supposed to be a part of this film or they just get it as a tribute he would have fitted straight perfect this type of movie Man ah [ __ ] okay that was awesome I didn't notice that that's awesome yeah that was really good that was really good so no I'm looking forward to finishing it off and then definitely going I won't say anything yeah I won't spoil it at the end but yeah and it's also got my guy buds love is a Bud's love what's his name again that's all I know him from you know every time I see him that's all I know him for as well bro but he's a good actor but that's I brother love the brothers love I always I always love that I I always love that one always love that one uh guys I just want to say massive thank you to everybody you know we reached 300 followers on Instagram uh I want to say thank you for that we've almost hitting close to 2K on Tik Tok thank you so much for that and I think we just reached past 200 on Twitter guys so anybody who's showing us social media love thank you so much because we only jumped on it recently and to see that type of love come through uh is amazing finally got to like 13 on the YouTube subscribers Booyah yeah so click on that subscribe button let's push that let's push that uh guys subscribe like dislike comment it helps so much uh I want to thank the guys at sci-fi podcast as well always showing love to the page uh which is absolutely amazing we've got another episode coming out with them later on nice what's up I hear L screaming she okay let me go check bro I'll be back hold up all right cool should be all good um but anyway if other than that we're going to spoil the [ __ ] out of eternals I think next so if you have not seen the eternals then yeah skip the last part this come back man you don't like shower time uh oh but if you have seen eternals then I spoil the [ __ ] out of it that was next right we're gonna talk about Dune first bro before we jump on and I know we didn't speak about it properly on the podcast I didn't get the chance to watch it I can't believe it yeah I watched it a month earlier than you like I don't know why they're not doing Global releases but anyway what did you think bro my favorite movie of 2021 I told you right hands down hands down so epic right every every scene every sound and I'm not talking about the music I'm just talking about the sound effects everything was just shut in an epic fashion so did you watch it on IMX I did not I should so I watched it on IMX bro and I was fully engaged like I haven't you know oh you recently we've been talking about movies that I forgot get you carry I to get my charger yeah yeah go so guys got to catch it earlier this week uh and it was absolutely an amazing experience what Denise done Denise Denise I can't even say his name properly without offending people so all I'm going to say is Dennis Denise that movie was absolutely amazing and beautiful it was such a visual experience and mesmerizing experience as well excuse me it was mesmerizing experience I just absolutely adored everything I watched on there now look I haven't read the books uh I didn't see I have seen the old Dune and I've seen some of the TV series but this is in a league of its own this movie it just uh I I saw some of his review the other day and it was like an orgasmic experience of a movie that that word reminds me Zan yeah but anyway go go on yeah no bro absolutely loved it I love that you know it's it's weird you know because a lot of people will have different opinions about this movie but for me personally as a person who loves going to the cinema and to Captivate me in that way where you're not just getting me by visuals you're getting me by sound you're getting me by story you know like I wanted to know more about Paul's Journey as well you know what I mean and we're going to get that you know originally we didn't know if we were going to get a part two to this movie bro and then they announced there's going to be a part two that which is absolutely amazing because bro this is like Game of Thrones on a well this is the original Game of Thrones bro well they say this is the original Star Wars right have you seen all the things that's coming because this came out before Star Wars and then Star Wars came out and it has a lot of similarities so yeah yeah I I I think when I said when I watched the movie before I I'm I don't know anything about Dune so I went as a new went in as a new fan I've never seen the old one I've never with the books and the way this one was was again as we just discussed epic like epic i l it bro and just like was awesome just really good bro and I love the way they've bought even that you could see the Arabic culture like in there you know what I mean with the the the Furman uh and bro the vision [ __ ] Grand bro like he knows how to work with scale and he makes his scenes beautiful looking uh it was every scene it was every scene yeah I could just I can never remember one scene where they were like ah just [ __ ] the liting or [ __ ] that just let it be it was like every scene was shot in that grand sort of scale yeah exact scale yeah fully enjoyed it fully enjoyed it best film of 2021 for me I am going to do I'm going to do an in-depth review later for the channel as well and guys make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel we've got loads of reactions trailer reactions movie reactions and general product stuff on there as well so guys make sure you check that out but I just dun was brilliant bro I can't stop thinking about it that's how bad it was and speaking to ahed D I was like dude have you seen Originals has anyone of the boys no so I've seen the original movie I haven't read the book uh but I've saw the original movies uh sorry I saw the original movie and I saw some of the TV shows that they did there's a TV show can you believe that uh but it just you know this is a movie in its own it's Grand you know you can't compare it to that that was a different time different era and I love the I love I love the conflict bro you know what I mean and his journey like Paul like I originally you know you you get to like this kid you know what I mean he's on this journey there's there's a grand scale of Madness going on politics and all the rest of it but just mad bro even a guy man what's his name SC is it scarg guard I can't remember his name but he he played the professor in Thor uh he was that big fat guy floating everywhere he was menacing Bros yeah he was grimy looking but yeah me scary and presence about him right fat floating dude man floating fat floating [ __ ] up looking dude but yeah yeah remember him coming out the oil or whever the [ __ ] he was in the grease that he was trying to grease up him his his fat self anyway absolutely awesome great cast great movie one thing I want to touch on before we jump on the turn is bro I've been hearing the reviews for Ghostbusters and is it good bro people are loving it one of my friends who one of my friends who saw it came at the cinema [ __ ] did his reaction he was screaming shouting be mo I was like I'm not even going to watch the rest of are people getting special screenings or something how already yeah ler Square I think it was in Lester Square the other day and they had the the cars and yeah it look nice bro but people are genuinely really happy with this movie thank God I mean look remember we talking about the trailer and I was just like the part that got it was when you just hear when you hear ector one doing the the the siren and you hear the music and you're like that's Ghostbusters that is Ghostbusters [ __ ] knows what they did a couple years ago with the other movie but this one seems like it we're gonna watch Ghostbusters one today because she's never seen them so we're gonna watch that because it comes out next week right uh we get it yeah next the week after excuse me okay all right yeah so anyway we're got to watch one and two before we watch that awesome well that's good to hear that's good to hear um regardless even even if the critics say it was bad [ __ ] him we're going to all watch it ourselves well listen bro we're going to jump onto eternals now yeah and I think we had different I think we got different point of views on this because you actually let's carry on carry on yeah there's a split decision uh and I can understand why because I think the movie didn't have its while Factor yeah but overall I really enjoyed it bro me and Ash really enjoyed it I found the Funny Moments Funny I I found the emotional Parts emotional you're right they didn't give enough time for the characters to breathe because they just threw us into quite a big epic story bro but they did a bit of back and forth which is quite good in that movie and guys if there there's going to be spoilers on this part so if you are listening to the podcast or watching the podcast come back to it later on so you can hear our thoughts on it but I B genuinely uh as a as a fan of the Marvel MCU we got a totally different movie here and you're right it doesn't follow their usual formula and this has a darker tone to the film as well bro and the fact that they've got celestials involved bro that opens up the universe massively because the next movies we're going to get we're going to have you know we got a Celestial half coming out of the ocean bro you know what I mean so I'm I'm I'm I'm actually excited to see where their head with this because it's a different tone of a movie it's not your regular superhero movie bro this is this is like gods and angels and demons and you know like that type of story you know the guy who created the the the deviants for one purpose ended up having to create some angels to help it as well so biblical parts to it as well you know that religious side of things but I feel like they brought a lot of difference to this movie as well bro and for me personally I think it's quite important what's is that bird in the background bro it is man Michel pick up I was like are you know one of those things you turn around and it makes a noise I was like somebody playing with that uh it brought a lot of difference to the film bro so you've got you know uh characters that are uh I don't even know how to say it without offending people but gay characters in here uh you've got uh diverse divers diverse yeah diverse group of characters yeah yeah exactly and then you've got the you've got the the Indian guys that crack me up even though he's from Pakistan uh but I I just liked it bro the main actor he's from Pakistan bro oh got it got it okay okay well he grew up in Canada but his family background is Pakistan uh yeah but he he bro I think overall as a movie it has its flaws but it's introduced me to a new part something fresh bro like even the visuals were different bro like that darker tone I kind of liked it uh the Betrayal from Icarus I saw that coming but I was like they needed to do something to to to give it that part to it uh I bro I I I genuinely I enjoyed it I think you need to watch it again bro maybe I do I mean look we have different thoughts and obviously if you saw my non-spoiler review I I didn't say I didn't like it as you said as a MCU fan I enjoyed it right from that perspective and yes what they've opened up got me excited but the movie didn't really get me that excited I do think that again there was no character building I feel so I don't when I say there wasn't there was there a little bit was there was but I wasn't bro for me none of the characters for me especially the main character cersi right what's her name JMA Chan right there was she's the main character I didn't see her go through any adversity right all the main MCU characters and they they're MCU formula is you know Tony star goes through adversity becomes Iron Man Doctor Strange go I didn't see that with this character right or of the characters here but that's and and that's why I feel like look this opened up a lot but if I see them again or not I don't really care right um same with like um their powers and all that sort of stuff like boy you know what hold on hold on before you take the picture bro always takes pictures while I'm talking get me a but as picture man let me pause for this this is a behind the scenes pH so it's all right I'm the thing is I couldn't find no images so I was like let's get a screenshot I've seen some of the pictures you keep taking my face all busted and whatnot stop taking pictures while I'm talking um go on what else the character so that was one thing right and it wasn't feeling icus like I I I agree the effects were awesome like we first we we got a different visual on on a speed star we did have Quicksilver but this was Marvel she was really awesome that was that was awesome awesome Icarus and his Superman Vibes were awesome they look good why my guy still Tak a picture St before stick that bird up your ass foro but listen uh wait wait IUS was awesome right and all the powers and all of the effects were good yeah but again with icarus's betrayal I I was confused with him I was like hold on hold on Like You Killed the main character I forgot her name s Height's character right because you ax Ajax you want you killed Ajax because you wanted the emergence to happen you knew your purpose and you wanted it to happen but then they had six days to go why not just sit back and let it happen the rest of them didn't have anything but okay he wanted to protect his friends from the deviants so he went out and protected his friend maybe he only cared about Cersei so why don't you just go protect her and forget the rest but no he started getting them together together he he triggered that all off and ultimately at the end he betrayed him all and he had no remorse and wanted to kill him so I was just like why don't you just protect her and they say oh nothing I don't know what's going on let's just leave it and let Six Days Go pass and let the emergence happen but no yeah he he done and then right at the end he's like I'm sorry and then he went killed himself and flew in the sun I was just kind of like well he was kind of his motives were basic I felt like they weren't really I didn't really feel it I was like yo basic if you wanted it to happen you should have just [ __ ] sat back for six days and let it happen right so it that was kind of weird um and I do feel like um there was a lot of point pointless scenes like the first you know they were talking about the the Marvel's first sex scene and whatnot so pointless it was like 13 seconds or something nothing's going people in the cinema there was be B bro and I was like they saying the kids movie and then some kids said like be freaking out and I'm like it was so pointless it was so pointless man I just felt like there was no need like to make all if you're going to pull it in there then it's in there but the fact that there was all news about it like Marvel was taking this new new uh you know formul and having these scenes I'm like it was nothing right same with the the Marvel's first gay character and all this sort stuff gay kiss it was forced just pull it in there don't need to make a news about it right if they because they made the news about it you're sitting there thinking all right well what's going to happen now okay they kissed like it was like a two-c thing why force it there was no need my guy like that's what I'm trying to say like they tried to be like oh this is a new formula that Marvel's going with just make it's not a formula it's just a movie bro I think people take it out of proportion uh but I'm not saying it was [ __ ] I tell you should I tell you my favorite scene and but not only not because of this movie or what I'm expecting to see in the future that last scene with the celestial in the background in Earth in the sky I just saw Galactus I know I saw the celestial I saw Galactus bro and I was like that's how Galactus is going to be shown in the MCU that's how they teased us with none of these clouds and whatever the [ __ ] they did that's how they're going to show Galactus in an Avengers Threat Level movie and you're going to probably see from all over the I could just visualize the scene but from all over the world you're going to see the different Heroes looking at Galactus in the sky that's what I saw in that lot that was the best scene for me pumped that was that was absolutely a great so what was it that was spoiled in what BBC spoiled online okay okay because we didn't talk about it because we didn't know thanos's brother thanos's brother was [ __ ] that yako posted it on the group and it it said BBC I'm pretty sure it did and then it was all over Instagram and then the next day it was gone so I reckon Marvel was like what the [ __ ] are you doing right and they took it down Harry Styles from har Styles and do you know what though like even that didn't get me excited though I'm sorry that nothing in this movie got me like except that galac well it wasn't galatis but I saw Galactus but apart from that nothing in the movie got me like oh my God I can't wait for them to show up again or someone tolds to show up like you know final brother I mean it's it's going to be interesting to have him and see where they go with that and whatnot but you know I I didn't really I didn't really I mean the spoiler [ __ ] me up but I was waiting for him but not not he didn't really get me out my seat and be like oh my God this is gonna be epic about John John Cena as The Little Leprechaun that was funny that was actually quite funny I didn't even know that was John Cena that's John Cena Yeah that's John Cena Yeah I guess I guess Cena's in the MCU now because he had a bit of character and also just real quick the Indian character the funny and the uncle right he was hilarious don't give wrong he gave me bad jokes but bro every other Marvel movie the second character or the funny character always had a purpose right you had Ant-Man you had uh Michael Pan he was hilarious you had you know Spider-Man guy in the chair his best friend they were funny but they had all had a purpose this guy had no purpose man he was a tagalong and he was funny and I enjoyed his lines and his little you know whatever but hilarious but he had no purpose in the movie I was just like that was pointless so for me there was a lot of pointless scenes in there where I was like you know okay you made me laugh with him which was good but he he had no I think you need to watch it again one more time watch it one more time bro I might have to wait for Disney plus release so give me a couple months I don't know if I'm going to go Cinema for it again I'm I'm gonna watch it one more time because I did get really tired towards the end but I but listen bro me and Ash we enjoyed it for what it was yeah it's not one of the best it's not one of the best MCU movies but it got me excited to have a different style of movie and where they open up the eternals from now because again bro I don't know much about the eternals so getting celestials involved getting thanos's brother involved spoilers guys if you lose you lose uh I I think we're going to get a different dynamics of how phase four is going to be moving forward bro because now we're looking at phase four at a larger scale bro well that's that's what I loved about the movie what we're expecting from a universe perspective but not these characters I don't if any of these characters show up again I don't care but if they do awesome and I'm but I think you know bring them back in as secondary characters and whatnot but I don't I'm not you know I'm not you know dying to see them again uh in the future um I do think you know um what was lacking as well I just felt like they they brothers and sisters for seven million years and when they find out some of them died when AJ not ajx when um Gilgamesh died it was it was like all right my guy's dead let's move on like there was no emotion man I felt like they had no emotions with each other and whatnot my favorites have have to be the speed star I'm sorry I forget to her name she was awesome and her relationship with a guy who controls Minds to me they were the best too I I felt their Dynamics I felt their acting considering she was doing sign language her emotions in her face she had a beautiful smile and everything she like really good and then the guy who controls the minds forgot the names he I felt he I felt doggy do yeah yeah yeah but the rest of them I didn't feel nothing man like I said when when gilgames died they didn't give a [ __ ] man like it felt like they didn't give a [ __ ] like there was no emotion behind them and these are teammates for seven years I think look bro like yes it's hard this is why it makes me get me gets me nervous about X-Men because you can't do a group group movie look this movie was deep right because again you spoke about religion and all that sort stuff right so it's a big story to be told right I don't think it captured the whole story but that's what it was going for X-Men is a story about racism and discrimination ultimately right obviously the it gets me nervous that when you do the X-Men MCU I think this would be hard for them man don't I don't I think they should literally do Standalone movies and then bring them together because I don't know man like when you do a group Guardians of the Galaxy this is what I'm saying like like James gone smashed it like with Guardian so good that you made us fall in love with a tree so you got to do the same thing for X-Men man you got to I don't know man like I got nervous for X-Men because you can't do a group movie in one movie and then you know pull them all no no of course of course of course of course got me nervous but yeah I mean look and also you know the Black Knight that we're getting at the end I mean I don't know much about him either but he is a part of Avengers and whatnot and Jon Snow he's awesome and whatnot who do you think at the end of that scene someone said are you ready or something who do you think that was I'm not sure but again bro we we it's another extra part to the Marvel Cinema use I'm not going to look into it like too much I'm just going to wait and see what they do and how they plan it out they've got phase four planned out bro so all sorts of Madness is kicking off at the moment so I reckon later on I'll appreciate more based on what they do with the universe this is what so good about the MCU this is just one chapter so maybe I didn't enjoy this chapter but the next chapter or the next chapter that they get involved in I'll probably appreciate it more with the celestials with their powers with thanos's brother whatever right because fos was a deviant right end of the day like in the comics he was a deviant right so it kind of tied into his story because the deviants were there to kill the human so that the celestial doesn't get the energy technically Thanos killed half the population his his um you know his philosophy on why he did what he wanted to do was different however because it kind of gives you more love for him like hold on he actually saved all those people because maybe he knew maybe he didn't I don't know if in the story line they knew that but him taking away half the population gave less energy for the damn this guy he actually saved the universe well I mean they saved it now but at that time he actually saved the universe but you know it brings it to that and whatnot but and I I thought they were going to bring a young Thanos in this in in this movie but they didn't obviously they're probably talking about his brother but um I listen I don't think it was [ __ ] I'm not saying it was [ __ ] I'm just saying it wasn't my favorite and I can see why the ratings are not great and I can I I just feel like that's that's critics bro critics the audience reaction has been great oh is it okay cool the audience reaction has been great I just think with the Marvel movies especially right if you're going to do something different just do something different and stop talking about it like all the things that they said that this scene and that scene gay scene kiss scene sexy just do the movie because you put expectations like and when they're just pointless then and forced then you're like y you just done that [ __ ] for to be woke right just pull it in the movie stop talking about it and then pull it in like in a good storyline and whatnot and then make it epic but don't talk about it and then make it a pointless scene you know what I'm trying to say listen ban in the Middle East what no that [ __ ] gives me jokes but I just feel like you know the talk was no need just do the movie do the movie yeah and do it right but it wasn't [ __ ] I'm not saying it was [ __ ] it just wasn't one of my favorite but definitely that last scene with gal um Celestial bro I can't wait to see galus because you're G to see like the Fantastic Four think about that visual bro the Fantastic Four there Silver Surf is going to come but just think about that visual that was the best visual of the whole movie so good bro so good I'm excited to see where they go with it I mean did you uh brother the cinema my cinema was packed that's the first time since I've been in cinema there's no dividers bro everybody was sitting next to each other everything bro it was packed the cinema was packed back to normal bro it was packed and it was a Marvel movie that bought because when I went to watch shangi bro it wasn't that many people in there and I watched that opening day as well was that because of the restrictions or because no I just I think people were just still kind of at that time but okay okay okay I I was there bro I yesterday even when ashro through like damn was packed I was like I know brother that's good that's good to know man hopefully he makes the monies and it carry on because you know you don't want the movies to not to make the monies and whatnot but I I listen man I know you brought up shangi but the difference with shangi and this like for example within the first five me minutes of meeting shangi I was already invested I was like by the end of that movie I was like I cannot wait for shangi to be involved that's what I'm saying by the end of movie I was like cool whatever the hell you guys do go do what you're doing um I did think there was another thought I had was um what was y the other thing about everyone knowing who they were like all their Partners knew they were eternals they were this they were that and I I don't know I didn't feel much um emotions from them it's like oh okay cool you're this supreme be and okay like you know what I mean like it's like damn man youve just been sleeping with an alien for however long and you're cool with it yeah you got to go check get check yourself out bro go to the hospital and get yourself tested because you don't know what the [ __ ] going on but no from from a perspective of shock value and emotional value I didn't see that it just felt normal but maybe it's normal because they're in the MCU they know Thanos exists they know aliens exist they're like all right cool this is this is reality now one they're like okay I know your you people exist now so I wonder how they're going to factor in again I go back to the X-Men and mutants why are they going to build why is humans are going to build a hate towards CU they loving all these other Avengers and super beans and Aliens what is going to make them hate mutants you know what I mean because that they need they can't that's a key element of there a key element of the X-Men yeah exactly right now all the superheroes are accepted and aliens are accepted how do true how do you do that yeah exactly oh so much happening bro so much happening but uh we'll have to wait and see bro definitely we'll have to wait and see maybe I'll watch again maybe or maybe I just wait for Disney plus but um we'll see we'll work out we'll work out all right bro uh was there anything else to cover today this week I think that's it man November loads of shit's coming out we got hawkey looking forward to K that coming out shangi is GNA come out on Disney plus there's um couple shows on Netflix coming out Ghostbusters Ryan Reynolds and The Rock and G dos got movie coming out well we got a lot of good things coming we've got some good things coming out this next month yeah definitely definitely UFC tomorrow your UFC fan big card tomorrow W Man versus Kobe [ __ ] part two big fight nice [ __ ] some good [ __ ] coming out man we got some good stuff guys all right guys massive massive thank you again make sure you check out all of our streaming platforms SoundCloud Apple podcast Google podcast Amazon music uh we're on some other stuff as well if you type in the brothers geek app podcast it will come up on the list anyway uh make sure you're following our social media Tik Tok Instagram Twitter uh it always helps you guys get to see little clips and what we're up to uh and yeah man all right cool all right bro let's get a photo without you losing this guy always this guy the last three pictures you got on me you got me like hey you guys you got me all [ __ ] up bro like you got you can't be taking pictures of me while I'm talking and it's good bro it's all good it's no no it's good for you bro you got your face all structured and [ __ ] I look all [ __ ] up all right cool all right let me stop it and then we'll take the pH after but guys massive thank you for listening in and we'll catch you guys up soon make sure you check out our midweek podcast we've got Amy uh pichy arts on we talk about art passion uh and then we've got some passion podcasts coming out in the next couple of weeks so make sure you check that out guys but other than that J what love bro peace for

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