Episode 163, The Eternals, Leathal Weapon 5, MGM & Amazon

[Music] welcome back guys it is the brothers geek out podcast guys I think it's episode 163 uh this is bang holiday special I hope you guys have been well and safe make sure you check us out on all other platforms we are on Instagram and Twitter guys the brothers Gat podcast G man how you been bro yes bro uh I've been good man I've been good just chilling just relaxing I don't know Singapore's still in its own state so I'm just kind of chilling going with the flow um two more weeks and hopefully things will open up but yeah no same routine bro same routine just working training and trying to keep healthy and stuff but it's all good bro it's all good no I uh same thing man uh just keeping busy trying to do as much as we can uh London looks like it's opened up man I've been seeing loads of Instagram stuff of friends and whatnot in just seems like London's back to normal it looks so good there man I think people are starting to meet up and starting to do things right now uh we had a barbecue the other day it was good laugh we peeed in the car Journey we pee laughing so much by the time we got we wanted to go sleep bro we were so tired but it was good to see everybody I think for us I mean for me some of the people I haven't seen in more than like two and a half years bloody yeah so it was just good to see everybody uh it's mad but in general nothing much man you know aara she just recovering from the cold and we just getting by my work's been busy so just trying to it's been a busy week again I think for the geeky world of things which we're going to touch base on now where's um real quick when's Idis his walk that's on Wednesday so guys uh this episode's going to come out tomorrow so uh I think they're going to keep the Page open for another week or two so for people to donate uh his walks on Wednesday so after work we're gonna go walk with him uh so my have you decided where Park and just do the I think if you do the park like two or three times I think it's four times you make it a mile okay we'll do that so we'll walk with him so it' be a good walk uh so yeah I'll put the link in the description guys uh it is doing a one M walk for Palestine and underprivileged kids so uh we're raising money for them so all the proceeding goes to them I think the P up for a little while so I'm putting some artwork up for charity as well so if anybody is interested in one of my pieces go to my Instagram page check which one you want and instead of PayPal in me I'll give you the link for the come words gone right on my mouth word for the fund fundraiser page and just donate there doesn't matter how much it is go for it let me know and then I I'll I'll give that out nice can you uh can you record it yeah can you record the walk yeah yeah yeah yeah well well depending on what time it is if you still awake we could just live video yeah I mean if you guys are doing after five or six it's going to be about 2 am for me it's gonna be a bit too late yeah we'll film it we we film and we'll put keep posting out pictures in there into when when why you guys do it today since it was a bank holiday if you done it during the day I would have been it was going to be today but sh said you wanted to do it on a Wednesday evening okay but anyway record it from me man we'll do we'll do cool man sounds good and then um yeah cool yeah what else going should we get cracking with the geeky stuff out there with the geeky stuff because Monday started off with a a whole load of well we got we got the eternals trailer didn't we so I'm going to start yeah wait today's Monday did we get anything today just checking did I miss anything holiday I don't think anything would true true true true for eternals I'm very interested in where they're heading with us eternals yeah something completely new as well it was absolutely awesome bro I'm I'm sure Jack kby was rolling in his grave when that trailer came out I mean you kind of wish the Creator was still around when he did these characters back back then but the king of comic books Jack Kirby BR uh the king the king of comic books did it man man absolutely awesome man he he must be so proud Stan Lee as well because I remember they all worked on this as well I mean Jack Kirby uh did the first volume bro all by himself he wrote it he draw it he ined it you know it's just an amazing story to see that come to fruition right now man so and the trailer looked good bro I mean it didn't give nothing away I mean as a Marvel fan you get excited and you be like ah what's going to happen how is this going to happen what's going to who's going to get involved like I mean what was your thoughts I was excited yeah no I'm I'm the same as you they didn't give nothing away and as as Marvel fans they've kind of conditioned us to make so many different bloody um assumptions and what's going to happen and when was it based and all this sort of stuff and then going and watching all the Easter egg stuff you know you see Captain shield and um uh loads of stuff and then the connection between Thanos I think Athena's character which is uh um Angela Angela Jon's can't say her name properly but her character and Thanos are cousins yes um so just learning about the eternals and all that sort stuff but then all the funny memes that coming out where it's like you know Avengers one happened Avengers two happened the snap happened and these fools are nowhere to be seen and they're like in the trailer I don't know if you saw the meme that I saw which maybe laugh was one there was a scene where it says um for the longest time we never got involved and then someone changed the title from eternals to useless I was cracking up so there's these funny things that come up but I'm interested to see you know why were they snapped away did they there's all these theories about they've lost their memories and they don't know who they are and all this sort of stuff so I hope they answer that because that is the question that if you guys were supposed to be the Guardians in a sense where the hell have you been the whole time um and did fanos to snap bring you guys back to normal or was it before that or whatever but um that's what I think I want I want them to explain but other than that I love the fact they didn't give enough away but I am I do want to see more and it looks awesome bro I mean I wait I mean it looks it look it's just a whole I don't know nothing about them that's the thing so it's a whole new thing it's like Guardians of the Galaxy it's like I don't know who these kids are all these people are so let's just enjoy it and I'm sure Marvel's going to deliver bro they will bro I mean BR they're doing something really brave because this director she said when she pitched this to Kevin feige it was the best pitch ever and think about they waited this long till she won those Oscars bro for motherland then bring out the trailer interesting interesting I mean I don't know bro like I said I don't know nothing about the characters but because is part of the MCU you're automatically in you're in you know what I'm trying to say like because you know in the comic book world there's so much like you can miss eternals and be like well I don't know I'm following the Punisher series I'm following this Avengers or whatever but you can miss so much whereas with the MCU you're in you're you're you're so deep in you can't miss anything and it's not you know it's not like comic books where there's issues coming out every day every week so that's what makes it interest I think the thing is now I think with Marvel right you could they can make charact they can make any characters but as long as it's part of the MCU it's already sold because people are like oh I gotta I got to see what happens you know what I mean so they could do anything they could take any risks now and they're sold exactly that bro they they they've come so far in this in this bringing Comics to the movie world that they can literally as long as they got good scripts and good writers bro and and it's all interconnected we we've got we've got a good couple of years coming I mean I think the main thing is the interconnection because that everyone gets everyone excited because you're like who connects with who right and at the end of the trailer they FW Steve Rogers Captain Rogers and and and toally start they said the names right you throw those names in there you're automatically like oh my God that's amazing right and then like you said good script you know the Marvel's got that colorful humor theme so I'm sure we're going to see some humor and all that stuff which kind of is just that good Feelgood type of you know movie and and and and whatnot so they got their pattern let's see how it goes man I mean if it's a great script let's see it like I say they're brand new characters but you know let's see who they talk about are they going to talk about Thanos are they going to talk about any new villains or any new characters that we haven't heard of yet uh is this is this going to be post blip or between or all is it throughout the start all the way to the end of the blip it's gonna be throughout bro so it's interesting it's interesting there's so much um so I can't wait bro I cannot wait for that I mean that's November oh my God we got we got so much coming up but yeah that was good man I love the fact that we got another trailer last week and it was so pumped no definitely I mean we might as well drop the news that there's two movies that are going to be delayed which I think it's going to be blade and something else yeah they're doing blade they were about 2022 2023 that's so long ago so long away I'm not really if they said to me now shangi and Spider-Man is going to be delayed then that will have a problem I would have a feeling towards it but those other movies they're delaying it it's cool because I don't you haven't I don't even know anything about the release dates or anything yet so really doesn't really matter I think we'll come back because while we're on the Marvel talk we might as well just jump jump in with uh let's jump in with Aaron Taylor and the Sony projects being casted as craving the hunter now the Spider-Man movie is coming out and they're dropping all sorts of enemies in here man as soon as I heard William def def's name this movie is coming out in the next couple of months bro how they gonna put all of this [ __ ] in there bro again I don't know if these are rumors but this one just kept on coming popping up popping up popping up and I was just like with this Spider-Man the M rumors that's been coming coming out has been ridiculous bro so really we don't know [ __ ] until the movie comes out these are just rumors but I see William Theo all the like his name came up so many times saying his Green Goblin is going to be a big part of the story I'm like but how how come it's not be mentioned the whole time so look Marvel's great at keeping secrets so you never know but we don't know we really don't know these are just freaking rumors man but you going have to wait BR because they're looking to get involved characters from you know you're talking about 10 15 years ago 20 years ago these guys did these first Spider-Man movies and they're coming back now it's like what are they opening up like what are they looking to do with this like or is it just fronting let's just make get to the cinema it be a good movie still but have nothing that was said bro you you never know I mean it might not even be the Multiverse like it could be nothing you know I mean because they haven't confirmed I I swear they haven't confirmed anything right it's just called what's it called um no way home that sounds like a Multiverse type thing but you never know bro no way home could be meaning that he he can't get home because he he's exposed as Spider-Man so you can't go home now you know what I'm trying to say so we don't know bro bro they might just flip the script and and just put Daredevil in there as his lawyer Punisher comes to get him because he's a villain he sees him as a villain but they could take that storyline too so we have no idea and I'm reading all the all the um the gossip and and whatnot and I'm getting pumped I'm going to allow I'm going to allow myself to get pumped because I love the feeling but you know what I hope in the next two months we'll get some kind of trailer and then we will know something I hope yeah no definitely I'm looking forward to it I mean we're we're looking to get a trailer soon bro what do you think about Aaron Aaron Taylor's cting for Craven the hunter well this is the Sony this is the Sony verse right the Sony Spider-Man versus so I mean look I I I like I said bro like would Craven the hunter I someone big and hairy like Jason Mamoa would have been a perfect character for that for that sort of character but hopefully they'll pull it off I mean look Marvel will do the best casting no no I think it'll be great I think it'll be great but what I'm saying when it comes to Casting Marvel's the best and Sony you know I'm not saying that they're bad but we just don't know but I'm sure he'll do a great job I'm sure he will and I'm sure they'll they'll do it perfectly but just someone big with long hair big beard is what I always visualize so like Jason Mamoa like I said but anyway I mean we'll see what happens because that as far as we know right now that that's whole Spider-Man's villains it's got nothing to do with Spider-Man so it's kind of hard you know very hard very hard how hard how far are they going to push it how many villain Spider-Man villain movies are you gonna make without having [ __ ] Spider-Man in you've done two morbius and venom venom 2 is coming out you got all these amazing villains that Spider-Man should be fighting and he he's he's in none of them you know what I mean morus blade like what do you guys like you know what I mean like there's so much to be done but how how far are you going to take a standalone morous movie and and whatnot um Gilman if I can put my little 15 P go bro they're doing that purposely because if Spidey was to face off like all the other Archer Nemesis the one would have to die so you could potentially cut short the franchise right that's true that's true that's true 15 cents coming from yakob special guest oh [ __ ] I can't say his name delete that part [Laughter] bro I have to do a mute section there so I have to mute that so what okay um but yeah any um his name if he comes to the podcast him vot vot don't say his name V let's let's call him vodo from from soulblade um remember that character he was like um but yeah look I get that's true I mean yes jakob's got a good point there you don't want to kill off the villains and maybe you want to set something up for the future and just build the villains that could be a good thing like you're building a character and one day they join because that could be their own sort of you know cross Universe type thing but still how far are you going to push it man we need to see Venom with Spider-Man then them two need to be together like how far are you going to push that one sure but we'll see we'll see but anyway as long as Spide is a part of the main MCU that's what that to be honest with you that's what I'm mostly concerned about as long as he's there then I'm happy with that me too me too definitely definitely uh so there's a big deal going on with Amazon at the moment trying to buy out Hollywood studio MGM I don't think it's think it happened but it's gone through I think it happened about n billion dollars bro think is and that consists of all the Rocky and and James Bond and all that sort of stuff I think what they looking because you know Amazon right they got Amazon Prime which is which is their their thing right they don't have any um you know you know Marvel's got content Marvel's got you know reoccurring content all the Marvel characters Disney Pixar all that sort of [ __ ] you know Netflix has built its own content like stranger things and all that sort of stuff so they got that stuff Amazon doesn't really I don't think they really have anything where they can go so now they got if they bought Rocky if they bought James Bond like think about they might start doing like Rocky seat shows or something like you know what I mean like they could they could do stuff with that if they wanted to so I think they're just buying a catalog of things I think they made this deal to buy like a catalog of of content so they can have on on Amazon Prime and stuff no it's very true I think Amazon are the only company that they do do their own programs they do the original movies and original thing but that's through distribution companies like Paramount and other companies because you still have am Amazon original but the film was made with Paramount or something so this will be this is a massive step bro as you said this is the one of the second largest Acquisitions since probably Disney took over 20th century props yeah but that was 75 billion this was only n billion and Amazon is a trillion dollar company man they could have easily played 75 billion or whatever you know what I'm saying so n billion is so crazy because I don't think people understand the the the word billion but when you hear that they're a trillion dollar company then you're like what is n billion to them because bro one billion one billion seconds is about 33 years think about that right one billion seconds is 33 years so when we throw away numbers like oh they bought it for 9 billion or 75 billion or 9 billion ain't [ __ ] to them like we crazy like we don't even value that number properly man I know I know but yeah I mean I I feel like 9 billion for them is nothing but if it's if it is the second biggest acquisition and the first is Disney plus is the fox one that's that's a big gap bro 9 billion and 75 billion that's mad very big very big so anyway anything can spare off from that bro man you know you're talking about the James Bond University Rocky University they've got loads of stuff bro and you're going to get a lot of uh MGM has got a lot of old films so you know something like Dad will really enjoy that channel if they start putting up all the old school movies and stuff like that so no is that Universal that's Universal I think yeah yeah that's Universal soor yeah but you know I mean they new stuff like excuse me sorry dis um the boys and Invincible they got some they got some stuff that we've been getting into yeah which is Amazon exclusive so that's been awesome and there's a new one out there is a new thing out no it's not I was thinking of something else there was a Friends reunion did you watch a Friends reunion I'm going off topics did you watch it all right I'll try to catch that later but um yeah no I mean it's a big acquisition hopefully they'll they you know I mean well the streaming service is the way forward and and building your own content and just having that portfolio for them I think will be big well it's where the money is now because if Netflix are throwing money left right g n put on the side I'll deal with it bro don't worry uh at the moment now the way uh the industry is bro those independent companies want creative people to get they're throwing money because they know people are gonna watch this bro even if it's basic they'll watch it people bro I'm watching a TI show now like this what I'm trying to say I've watched loads of Korean and Japanese ones I'm currently watching the Tha uh show and they're not bad they're not you know what I'm trying to say they're not like just shitty things they all of these contents that they find from all different markets from all over the world they some some of them are really freaking good man yeah um so Netflix like I said Netflix has been so good because they've been they've been C they're trying to capture the global market and really like the international markets outside the US the international markets just targeting locally not just you know Marvel's great because they built this Disney plus is great because Disney is Disney that's a global thing that they built but end of the day it's a western cartoon it's a western you know whatever right they might have S some cartoons that might be like a Southeast Asian princess or a Chinese princess or whatever right they might have that sort of stuff but the fact is Netflix are giving local like I say Thai writers the money to say create your show in Thailand and with Thai actors and Thai story and everything yeah you know whereas Disney is is still American it's still Western and whatnot um so Netflix like I say man they're just they on another level but yeah that's where the business is I think man it's all in the streaming the movie world still going to be which is awesome because I don't want the cinema world to die I love the cinema and I want that to be there but the streaming world is is the way is the way forward man and and um I'm loving it but like the other day I watched Mighty Ducks again I love my Fridays Mighty Ducks I just watched season finale I don't know if you saw it you haven't seen it yeah I won't say nothing and then modok episode two I'm loving modok BR have you seen it I'm gonna watch that later on today so as I'm home alone so well y we'll probably watch some stuff after we like at the Garden a little bit modok so good modok is good so I love that not this week but next week finally Loki's coming Loki is coming yes um so I'm so looking forward to that everyone's looking forward to that um so yeah man these these these streaming services man so that's a big one that's a big one and then talking about streaming services what about the Black Panther show yes um and what's her name what's her name what's what's her name from Walking Dead Michonne that's bad I don't know I can't remember her name I can't remember her name I was going to pull it I can't even remembera is it AOA Isa yeah well I think it's gonna be based around AOA anyway or or she's gonna head it up basically so it could be about the de de Mage did I say that right um but bro black panther I mean that's awesome that's so awesome it's it's so awesome that they could just take black panther and just do spin-off shows from it and it will work so good um obviously you know we lost Chad with Boseman I watch something today that was deep that kind of hit a te tear string in my heart it was a clip that he was at the infinity War Premier uh infinity War questionnaire Infinity War what you call it tour thing or whatever with all actors and whatnot and he was just sitting there looking at his time and and someone just commented saying him looking at him looking at time has a different meaning to it because he's literally ticking seconds away from his life and nobody knows tell that footage bro he was sitting there when they were going to take that big epic photo yeah and he was just looking at his watch and maybe he was just generally looking at his watch but then like it's just like yeah he he was looking at his time going and anyway it just breaks my heart but yeah with black panther you know obviously he he's gone and they're gonna find a way to to move forward obviously but you know an AA show will be awesome and um I mean you know whatever they do with black panther 2 would be great but um yeah man just seeing the D malage in in Falcon and winter soier solda was hyped so proper so you know just get that that's how good Marvel are they could just make even those soldiers hyped and amazing and give them their own show and everyone's gonna be on it so they're good at the character building man so good man I mean if you heard is it I think is it Martin Spielman who was on the Kevin Smith show and when he talked about the process and everything and making sure he brought a lot of heart to the to the series but introducing new characters characters that are already there but getting them involved in the exterior Universe like the TV shows like you could just see how much it branches off bro like it's slowly becoming like a comic book off in his own story so you're like it was hard enough to keep up with comic books because the story kept on going because if you read the original Infinity War Story you're talking about 200 plus comic books so to see it in films and to Branch off the TV and it's exciting bro man it's massive massively exciting amazing amazing amazing amazing hey I just Envision a world a year or two from now possibly that soon where every week we got something Marvel not just every week I'm talking about on a Wednesday on a Friday a cinema movie coming out just something it's just going to keep coming yeah um it won't be like you know you wait six months for the next movie it's going to be like cool next week this show starts and then you know they'll have two shows running at the same time and whatnot I feel like that's going to happen I feel like they going to be pumping up so much content it's gonna be amazing without doubt without that uh cool the other thing was Lethal Weapon 5 did you know they were doing the Lethal Weapon five is that is that I saw that I don't know if that was a rumor or some fake news or what not but I saw something about Le who wanted to be in it someone wanted to be in it Lethal Weapon 5 Lethal Weapon five well you know what bro I'm happy to see the old schools come back on the big screen bro uh to see Daniel Glover saying I'm too old for this [ __ ] you imagine them now is wicked man he just had a hard time it yeah no I think he's awesome too but he's made some great films as well I'm trying to think what did I watch the other day yeah I can't remember um but anyway I can't remember I think I I think that rumor popped up or whatever popped up because someone said they wanted to be in it or they're gonna be in it I can't remember who it was but anyway I mean that movie those movies were awesome Joe pes's G to come back because he's freaking awesome in those movies he's hilarious in those movies so he's gonna come I know I know I know but we need Joe P alling him in Irish man I was like oh man he looks so fragile that was yeah Irish oh yeah oh yeah for real Irish man was a couple years ago yeah I mean hopefully bro they need to bring him back but let's see but I watched um I watched a few movies bro I watch hard ball again freaking emotional I don't know if I'm getting what's that original director Richard Donna and all of them are confirmed Lethal Weapon five confirmed with original cast and director they all coming back oh damn original card bloody hell okay so awesome Wicked yeah [ __ ] H that should be good I mean listen M Gibson's been making some action movies here and there bro so he still got it I mean Danny Glover can just walk around keep saying I'm too old for this [ __ ] that suits him anyway and we just need Joe pesi to come back and bring some hype which would be awesome as well um oh that's cool the last one was in 1998 bloody hell boys 98 freaking out Jet Lee as well yeah yeah yeah yeah Jet Lee yeah [ __ ] Jet Lee was such a bad man in that movie bro like remember if you were in my country you'll be dead he was gangster in that movie but you know what you know what I was watching the other day I was watching the one I haven't seen that in ages so Jason St or whatever his name is bro his American action is it's it's so funny bro that within a 10 minutes of the film he went back to cocki bro you have to watch it hilarious he's he he couldn't keep like they they filmed the first 10 minutes with his basic American action and the actor who was brother's love is a Brother's love bro his action was so basic bro and then it just turned back to cottony and I was like why did they even do that anyway he should just stick to cottony he's just he sounds so badass when he's cut you just keep it to that so but jet Le in that film was wicked but when he played you bad guy when he's the actual bad guy he was actually really good bro as a bad guy yeah yeah yeah as the goodie the goodie was a bit pansy he was a pansy guy who was in love be mo bought the dog back in I was like oh you're basic man I want to see I want if jetley was to do a number two it would be him on that place busting up be prisoners bro what for two hours yeah two hours to see thato well he was also like I said in in in Lethal Weapon bro I think that was the first time we probably saw him as a bad guy yeah like I said bro he was bro he was awesome bro n he need yeah now he was awesome he was but talk about Jason St I saw that new movie ra of man which is a guy Richie movie I believe watch guy Richie I did is it guy yeah I watched it yeah yeah yeah really good it's good man it's good he he's such a bad man like um Jason Statum like he just suit he look Statum is just suits that hard knock you know British I kick your ass like all right mate Cockney bastard like he's just perfect for that bro and he does that in this movie and it's just like when when he's around Americans and he's doing his cogne thing he's just like the coolest dude there and the Americans are doing the American ways of things and he's just like you know the tough cotney bastard it's a good movie it's good and it's guy Richie um you know it's a Revenge story and whatnot uh it's really good it's enjoyable check it out man definitely I'll check that out I know me and Yak we're GNA book cinema this week I don't know what day so it could be probably you're what working uh I can't even say anything hold up keep saying anything out is there is there anything out uh we'll probably watch I don't know man I need to check we're going to double check today anyway uh all right do it man yeah what else did I watch I watch hard ball I don't know if I'm getting old or what but but everything just makes me want to cry it's so freaking emotional bro it's serious I'm not joking like as I get older I get more emotional like it's not just like a lump in the throat or oh that's emotional literally I got tears in my eye I'm like why am I why do I feel like crying like remember in um Analyze This Rob know when he's a gangster and he's like you put slap a bit of tits on me I'm that's I feel and he watches the advert and he just starts crying I feel like I'm going through that through in my face I know I watched the M what did I watch the other day I watched this other movie on Netflix it was about fishing yeah fishing bro an orphanage and whatnot fishing the guy's trying to get the biggest fish in and it's emotional and I'm about to cry I feel emotional I got tears in my eye about a fishing movie I'm like what's going on here why don't feel like crying with every single thing you're more you're older you're wiser you're more in touch with your emotions bro like it's a different thing like I I could watch uh like Pixar movies always get me but what was it recently I watched so I watched green M whose wifey hasn't seen that yeah de and bro before he even said the line bro wifey looked at me like what's wrong with you I'm [ __ ] dying man I was dying bro because I knew it was coming and he was like boss I'm tired you know I'm tired of people being ugly to each other and I'm like this is stop it man I don't want to watch this film no more man because it's not and it's a three-hour film because and you're already emotional for him already yeah and then you had is it Mr Pickles yeah the the little mouse yeah Jingles that's Jingles uh no it was it was too deep Bro and and probably one of the first movies that gave me a tear but now because of what he said in that last bit bro because he killed them with their love because sisters didn't want to leave each other I was like this is deep man this oh such a such a good movie but that movie always gets me man well that was the movie that made me that was the first movie I actually busted T um that that uh yeah Green Mile man my my my M hasn't seen it yet we're just trying to find the right time to watch it I I don't know if I want to start crying and [ __ ] but such a good movie bro and and rest in peace Michael dun Duncan right another Power Hit of a film roach predition I cried so much Tom H yes that one's a good one as well yeah yes yes I just remember the ending yeah that was deep I remember I was in tears and I couldn't work out why I was broken but yeah but but bro bro sorry to expose you but you cried over King Kong the old one wait wait wait was it I heard the story bro that's it bro I heard the story bro I heard you guys you didn't say a single word then you guys all get in the car there's a bunch of girls with you and you just like I can't believe I broke into tears because it was a whole dynamic of ton gorilla and this pretty white woman and he's like he wants to look after her but Society can't accept him for whatever reason bro now I see the morality of the story yeah and he's just trying to say the sunet you know and he was went high up high to protect her but oh man even thinking about it it's s it's such a big hitter like I know you feel it if you were to watch it now I guarantee you you''ll be in tears bro lumping the throat taking CBD o one hand and crying with the other hand C but no I mean I I it's been a while that was the old Godzilla but I can't I'm not Godzilla King Kong I can't remember when that one came out that was back in I remember I think it was 200 three 2004 20 yeah I think 2004 2005 one of those could have been Summer 2005 yeah I think it was Mo yeah there was some there were some good films back in the day man that had such a covert D meaning and if you weren't linked if you weren't resonating with the story line I have a connection you can completely dismiss it but if you kind of sync with the story line you bu the the emotions and once you connect it's game over well I mean bro man that's what I'm saying I was trying to find a movie I watched the other day about the fishing the fishing thing it was based on a true story as well it had Dennis Dennis Quaid in it um free will no not free willly but it's a new one bro it's is did I say his name right Dennis CRA from Inner Space yeah I saw it's on Netflix isn't it yeah yeah yeah and it's about this Mexican orphanage house and and anyway they got in a fishing tournament and blah they need to win this fish to keep the Mexican house orphanage house open and like I said bro we just pull it on randomly because it said based on the True Story by the end of it I'm in [ __ ] tears I'm like why do I keep want to cry for like what the hell's matter with me bro um but it's deep and I saw her were very crystally and I said what are you watching and I saw Dennis squid and I was like w he looks old and then I saw like and I was like oh okay some kind of fast furious maybe n some fast and furious fish movie um no check it out it's it's not too long either and because it's based on a 1 hour um sorry a true story true events and what not it's it's it's pretty good I can't find I can't find on Netflix find the name forgot the name of the film but check it I'll why I just Googled Dennis C yeah hold on um I don't think I can spell his name remember that Dragon movie he made but that fil was deep as well Dragon heart I love that movie dragon heart I seen a it I haven't seen that in a while that was on Netflix though I think it still is was it yeah still on Netflix uh good movie man I love that movie good film good film where's this okay Dennis Quaid let's see movies he was in Day After Tomorrow blood I didn't know um in his space where's his movie list Dennis qu why can't I find his movie list you know the green M it was based on a true story the person was George Steiner Jr damn yeah deep blue Miracle that's what it's called the fishing one blue miracle I check it out definitely oh deep anyway yeah that's it been watching movies uh like I said hard hard ball you know what movie came to mind bro the other day and I can't find it even on the app was um finding Forester I remember with Sean connory yeah yeah yeah yeah sounds familiar yeah Sean Conor and that other kid yeah yeah I cannot find that film because it was running through my head and I was like oh yeah I remember that film he was I remember he he'll go see him and you write his stories or his English book or something they tried to bro I'm trying to find that movie but yeah I haven't been able to find that anyway um but yeah love to watch that again that's a good film I think I had that on vcd bro that probably did that's what watched it vcd games 2000 I think that was early 2000 or something yeah yeah early early days bro early days man rest in peace short con I can't believe he passed away he did pass away right yeah can't believe that man but um uh that's it bro other than that no other movies we watch Infinity War the other day might watch end games again it's been a while um yeah that's it bro I mean I can't think of anything else man I know it's going to be another busy week uh more things are coming up I've got some giveaways coming up soon so make sure you check out the Instagram page they're not going to go on my personal page no more they're going to go on the brothers geat podcast page make sure actually we're actually on Tik Tok now so I post up some of our video stuff on there as well so you can follow us there uh but yeah that's about it man I mean I'm not sure if Marvel surprises us and drop something tomorrow because it was bank holiday today maybe something Tom but other than that uh yeah no guys make sure you check us out on every other platform if you're streaming or watching us uh like subscribe and let us know what else you your thoughts were uh I was supposed to go on another podcast called sci-fi podcast this week but the timing was so off uh I've pushed it on to next week so they've been commenting on our podcast a lot as well I want to say massive shout outs to them as well and yeah that's it that's about it G man other than that have a good one bro cool all right man cool well awesome to catch up with you both and uh we'll speak soon peace

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