We're tracking Hurricane Francine and our local weather now!

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:26:00 Category: News & Politics

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e e e e hello everybody I'm meteorologist Ashley Smith here filling in for chief meteorologist Steve hem um who's taking some time off um and probably hopefully enjoying this very nice weather um but yes it is uh very nice here in the Tri State but of course talking about hurricane Francine so this I was going through um some of our resources here that we have um from some of the national correspondents and this is actually Mobile Alabama so the you know um hurricane Francine made landfall in Louisiana at about 6 o'clock this evening and this is Alabama so this is not you know where the hurricane is making landfall but obviously still some impacts very choppy um ocean here the gulf here and then of course uh very windy that camera having a hard time staying steady a lot of the other cameras um appropriately today are focused on New York and our nation's capital because uh of that somber remebrance uh that's happening here in our country so uh this was the only one that I found there was one that I think later this evening will have see there's a well it looks like there was a spider on the camera there but that was um DC here's another one I don't know where this is um but obviously another area being battered by uh the storm as well likely there's probably a reporter that stands here on this balcony um but isn't doing a live shot right now and then I think this one another one of our nation's capitals so but yes a big talker today in addition to the fact that it's September 11th and the 23rd anniversary of uh that horrific day we also are tracking hurricane Francine which is going to have an impact here at home as well very minor impact but we'll talk about that too beautiful weather outside here uh it's been it's been a Gorge day I just love this view of the reflection off of the Ohio River um and the you know the the buildings here in silhouette and you can see the American flags waving it's just chef's kiss kiss it's just absolutely gorgeous clear skies all across the region as the Sun is setting there at CVG and Turfway Park as well um definitely a very quiet day very um calm conditions around here as always you know um you can put your comments here let's see here oh Ethan will be on tomorrow and on Friday as well so he'll be in we're splitting the duties to um fill in while Steve is out um yes I hope we can get somewhere you know when when we first saw uh hurricane Francine or at least when we saw that the system could form and become hurricane Francine which is what happened it looked like we were actually going to get some soaking rains it looked like it was going to be pretty wet weather for both Friday and Saturday especially and now it does not look like that at all and that is very typical of these types of systems you know um meteorology has come a very long way in recent years a very long way but still not perfect in forecasting these types of um situations until they really make landfall and then we can get a little bit of a better idea but definitely um we're going to have to be looking at other systems that could bring has some promising rain but right now it's looking like even during the entire 7-day forecast we're not seeing much okay so uh let's talk about Fran scene obviously on radar here at home nothing happening so we're going to head on down to the South where we are seeing obviously a lot of rain from Francine um so made landfall there uh technically it was a town that I don't want to mispronounce but Tbone maybe t e r r e b o n NE e um is how you say it so not sure that I could get it to show up on the map but either way it was in sou it was in Southern Louisiana Southeastern Louisiana I guess um and now as it continues to move Inland it is going to weekend but it's going to take some time let me see if they've updated um sometimes they give us like an inter intermittent update so yes they did do that um okay the I Fran is located just Inland over Southern Louisiana life-threatening storm surge heavy rains hurricane force winds continue um an observation in duac recently reported a sustained wind of 68 miles per hour I'm not sure where that is um they will have another complete update at uh oh position update will Pro be provided at 8 o'clock Central so 9 o'clock our time um 20 miles southeast of Morgan City Louisiana I did see there was a reporter there in Morgan City that might be that balcony that I was showing you um 65 miles west southwest of New Orleans sustained winds okay so the winds are already lower than they were at six o'clock they're now down to 90 miles per hour still obviously very strong storm um okay and and still moving at 17 miles per hour so that hasn't changed hello Becky okay so let's continue um with the track and the current um information so it's now knocked down to a category one hurricane at landfall it was a category two with 100 mile per hour winds now down to 9 90 mile per hour wind gusts or sustained winds rather um there in Southern Louisiana so almost always when a um when a hurricane makes landfall it starts to weaken because when it's over the ocean it's feeding off of those warm ocean waters there's not a lot of friction on the water moves into land there's a lot of friction it's no longer the warm ocean water so it does start to weaken and that is exactly what's happening so already down to 90 M hour we have to see if that does continue weakening um and moving Northeast at 17 miles per hour so here's the latest track of Francine so it continues to move to the north uh becomes a tropical storm probably late tonight or early tomorrow morning and then continues to weaken as it moves to the north and Northwest however look at how it does bring some very heavy rain I mean it doesn't show that on here but it will still have some heavy rain in portions of Arkansas southern Missouri Southern Illinois Western Kentucky and Western Tennesse for us we're still going to see some impact but it's very minimal initially you're going to notice those um clouds starting to increase in our region by the time that we do get into tomorrow but the rain doesn't arrive until Friday and even then not everybody sees the rain um thank you Jeff fall weather out for a while at least like you know highs in the 70s like we were having uh for a period of time although it's been a bit I actually had that pulled up let's see here well I guess it's been not as long as it seems the eighth was the last time we had highs in the 70s um and then Monday it was 80 yesterday 86 today I believe it was 88 actually didn't see the official High um and you know we had lows in the 40s just on Monday 44 degrees that was one degree shy of the record low of 43 but um yeah it was a we did have fall weather but it's gone for now it won't be gone forever right now those temperatures starting to cool off thanks to getting closer to Sunset 84 in Westchester and Florence 83 in Milford 85 in Mason beautiful view here again at CVG winds out of the southeast at 10 miles per hour so a bit of a breeze because the air is so dry and there's that uh Breeze out there it actually feels cooler so the heat index if you will is actually 82 too um so you know feels a lot better than when we're in the 80s and we have those due points in the 60s or even 70s so makes a huge difference this time of year especially so here comes the remnants of Francine and notice how it all moves to the north and it weakens very quickly so these outer bands that actually move through parts of Georgia excuse me into Alabama and then even potentially parts of Kentucky and Tennessee could have some of that heavier rain however Watch What Happens as it gets even closer to us it really starts to weaken and kind of fall apart and dissipate by the time that we get into about midday Friday so our best chance and I'll show you kind of a zoomed in look at that our best chance for rain is definitely going to be Friday morning and even then not everybody sees the rain now another thing to watch is this system off the Mid-Atlantic Coast I mentioned this yesterday as well um looking like it has more and more promise to bring us some precipitation by next week however I think it's going to have a hard time to do that often times these systems that move from east to west toward the trate have a hard time getting over the Appalachian Mountains we'll see if it does that's great because of course we do have those drought uh the drought situation in place uh but it's just it's difficult for that to happen so we kind of have to take this with a grain of salt right now but as we get closer we'll definitely have a better idea some of that rain could linger into Wednesday as well I wanted to go back here and show you what's going to happen Sunday if you're going or even let's let's go let's talk about uh Friday and Saturday too if you're going to Kansas City so again watch this model there so if you're driving to Kansas City Saturday could encounter some of that rain in parts of Missouri I know our crews our Sports crews are heading out there to Kansas City so they'll be there reporting on the game but Sunday uh the rain does stay east of Kansas City so it should not be a wet um Bengals Chiefs game on Sunday so I just wanted to point that out um then I wanted to show the more zoomed in look at um our precipitation ch so you start to see the clouds here again on Thursday tomorrow you'll notice the clouds probably around noon maybe a little bit afternoon and then continuing to kind of spill in from the south as we head throughout much of the day uh Thursday into Friday and then look at this rain I mean it's it's almost depressing to really look at it because we need it so bad and yeah it just it kind of stays in parts of Owen County maybe if you're near VI parts of Switzerland Caroll County have maybe maybe you see a little bit of that rain um just does not look like the rain holds together enough to make it into the trate it all moves off to the west and then we're dry Saturday and Sunday according to that model some of the models have a little bit of a different idea either way I think very small amounts of rain hello John thank you so uh Newport Festival Park they're having October Fest this weekend Covington is also having October Fest this weekend um and then next weekend is going to be um October Fest Cincinnati of course that one starts on Thursday now Newport starts Friday through Sunday temperatures will be in the 80s so a little on the warm side normal high for this time of year is 81 um let me see what the excuse me that probably was right into the mic and I apologize let's see what the normal low is normal low is 59 for this time of year that's actually right around where we'll be tonight but we've uh in my opinion been spoiled with those cool C CH mornings I love that I love when you wake up and it's almost a little chilly outside it just reminds you of fall I put up my fall decorations Monday um because it was cool and then today I looked like a fool it's okay though um it reminded me that when it does start to look like fall outside with those changing colors it'll be really nice that it is also fall inside of my house but either way if you have weekend plans um coming up I think you're going to be okay if they're outdoor plans while Friday we do have that chance for a few showers Maybe Rumble of Thunder it's few and far between definitely not enough to cancel those plans by any means FC Cincinnati in town Saturday ride Cincinnati Saturday as well of course that's that bike ride that uh supports um the cancer center um the Barrett Cancer Center I believe so yeah big big event happening in Cincinnati on Saturday we also have um actually is that Saturday or Sunday I should probably look that up I think it's Saturday yes so 13th they have like a party a pre-ride party and then the 14th is the ride so [Music] um just trying to read some of this information okay um and then next week the Reds come back Tuesday day they start their final home stand they actually have two home stands back toback technically um as they take on Atlanta and then the Pirates I believe so yeah looks like small chance for rain Tuesday and Wednesday I don't think it's really going to impact the game too much right now but again we have to watch that system along the east coast um not a tropical system just kind of a um a uh front that kind of rides along the east coast and then tries to bring us some of that rain let me catch up on some of these questions hi Molly Smith Smith what a name Susan I agree I was on vacation last week and I was actually gone for like from a from Friday to Saturday but but like an entire week so eight eight days I guess in total and I thought when I come back Sunday I'm going to have to cut the grass and no there was one like patch of my grass where the water must like pull and some like there was some High Grass there I took the the uh weed whacker out and for maybe a minute that was all I had to do it's pretty crazy because the problem is when we do get rain it's not enough to it's not steady enough and and like of the right kind of um intensity you know you you want like a like a moderate steady rain so that it can soak into the ground it doesn't run off it doesn't flood but it's enough to make a difference and and then we need that for like 10 days in a row and um just just doesn't look like it's in the cards for us um let me see if this is updated we can go beyond the 7-day forecast it might not be the the uh oh actually it's not far off the question mark should be on Tuesday Wednesday let's see when is the first day of fall so that should be on Sunday fall should be on Sunday yeah so um warm I mean even beyond the 7-day forecast still looking at those temperatures in the 80s and the lows in the 60s so much of the same really uh not much change there even as we go beyond the 7-day forecast um okay let's see if any of these um have updated oh there's a reporter I don't know that I can get sound up or I probably can but I don't know how that's more in line with the truth let's see here uh giving an update on the hurricane actually what's on the not very beneficial when I can't get you sound huh sorry about that now I can't okay wait a minute here we go let's see if we get any cool visuals here obviously a lot of rain yeah not not as entertaining when we can't really hear but yeah has been downgraded to a category one hurricane was a category 2 at landfall at 100 mph it's now 90 mph um and continuing to move Northeast at uh 17 M hour let's see um if I can get a view of what it looks like right now will Lake Cumberland get much rain we can check that out I hear actually this time of year that water is pretty warm like comfortably warm maybe not a bad weekend to go to Lake Cumberland okay so as that rain Moves In from the south um areas to the South will get more rain so perhaps early Friday morning uh Lake cumin could get some of that heavier rain and then you know not all lot happening Friday night Saturday it gets close around midday but that's about it so no not a lot of rain there um for the weekend in Lake Cumberland trying to see if um because there are there has been actually I think I can pop that up here there is a system that will likely become named the next couple of days another system on the heels of Francine which I think is actually I've already forgotten GMO maybe no I might have made that up Gordon Gordon yeah so after Francine is Gordon and that is actually is it not on here oh you know what actually it's because it's already it's already formed it doesn't have a name yet but it's likely to get a name um let me see I can probably pop it up here I don't know that it's going to have a um let's see I don't know that it's going to have a track but let's see there we go it does have a track okay so this is likely to become Gordon tropical storm Gordon Pro maybe even tonight actually uh but yes the track has it still out to see all the way through through Monday but very very far from any land masses at that time again ignore the banner but um yes this is this would be tropical storm Gordon if it does form let me see here actually I can change this so that it's accurate yeah so that would be uh sustained winds right now we're at 35 miles per hour so getting close to becoming a tropical storm it's got to get up to 39 miles per hour to be a tropical storm um so yeah so a lot going on in the tropics that's for sure um not a lot going on around here very quiet weather that would be a okay if it wasn't for the fact that we really need the rain actually I haven't shown that yet um the drought monitor will be updated tomorrow I don't think that this is the update yet but we'll have to see how that has evolved all right awesome I think I answered all of your questions um okay I wanted to give a little plug because I am working on a special report that's going to air tomorrow evening and it's actually about the quality of the Ohio River the quality of the water is it safe for recreation for drinking for swimming all those types of things I went out on the boat with orseno as they did their weekly testing I went to Thomas Moore Universe their biology Field Station which is in California Kentucky right along the Ohio river and what they do to study the quality of the water um and we're going to dive in pun intended to all of that research coming up tomorrow night at 10: um but we'll have like some preview stories before that on the newscast so maybe you've seen there's been um actually I should post the um the promotion uh that we already have on the air thank you Susan I hope you have a great evening too and I'm going to go eat because I'm hungry when on this shift like my my eating is so thrown off and I don't I could I could be better about it it's like it's my own problem but anyways I just went on a rant a very short one but a rant nonetheless okay so um yeah I think that's all I've got for you and then of course again I will be on oh thank you carada um and of course I'll be back at 1011 again to tomorrow I'm back in um during midday and then Ethan emry will be in the evenings of course Frank will be in the mornings then I'll be midday and then Ethan's in the evenings because both Katherine and Steve are off tomorrow so yeah so I'll be seeing you again tonight and if you're not up late tonight then I will see you tomorrow um but thank you guys so much for joining me and for all of your questions and your interest um we really do appreciate it all right bye guys for

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