Category: Film & Animation
Et donc il n'y aura pas de saison 2 pour la série star wars 6 acoly et oui de disney ça on le sait mais donc les fans qui sont très déçus d'avoir appris cela et bien ont sorti une pétition pour demander à disney de reconduire cette série et de son côté l'actrice principale de la série amandla stenberg... Read more
Category: Gaming
I fell out of love with star wars years ago realizing the series was becoming stagnant and uninventive while relying on cameos and nostalgia i simply decided to move on so when i heard about outlaws i was actually pretty excited for a new story in the star wars universe outlaws gave me hope for a unique... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introduction now welcome to another edition of news from naoo with thor lighning takes and let's get right to the news all right manny's life goal is season 2 we're going to start out with some updates for the acolyte show updates no more acolyte no don't worry they have not announced a reversal on... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] so apparently tyer with tt star wars movie is not happening he has been fired from lucas film uh it's not happening also kathen kennedy has been cathine kennedy um leslie hedland has been completely fired as well from lucas film um yeah i mean that's kind of the main headline to be fair so we'll... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] in the two weeks that we've seen since the news broke that the acolyte has been cancelled it's been really interesting to see the reaction of course on social media you've got the fans of the acolyte the handful of fans that actually do exist for this show they have not been very happy and they've... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] what's up everybody d gerson the da all right everybody check it out man we got to talk about the crow because the director is out there eating crow pretty upset because his movie didn't do well whatsoever not with the critics uh really not even with the audience even though you see a 65% on... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[música] desde hace dos semanas está esta noticia que quería yo comentar literalmente tiempo el único recurso que no tenemos en exceso ni abundancia había tenido de comentar esto que por un lado viene eh pues de manera muy normal no a mí me encanta una cita de rand que dice que tú puedes ignorar la... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Right welcome ladies and gentlemen star wars outlaws it's being absolutely torn apart on twitter because ign released this and it says here is a minute of new star wars outlaws combat gameplay watch the exclusive 10 minutes of blah blah blah this tweet has 6.4 million views and it's been roasted and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh dear ubisoft is up shits creek ladies and gentlemen star wars outlaws looking like 55% lower sales than star wars jedi survivor uh that's in the uk but it's not just that the overall predictions for this are diabolical really really really bad so i thought we'd take a look at this please do hit subscribe... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome back to another episode of out loud geek where we discuss news and views about pop culture science fiction fantasy food cooking the outdoors and more wow it's hard for me to believe right now but this is my 500th episode which doesn't include the various shorts that i have also released and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Of course i live in the bubble of my own reality but for those who aren't aware there has been a rampage of vital that we have faced since the show was even announced the lead actress in the new star wars tv series that just got cancelled blames the far right because of it or just maybe the show sucked... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Do what must be done do not hesitate sh hello there this is darth melvin leader of the kns of melvin the wal light has been cancelled and the disney shills are freaking out they are having a star wars meltdown leslie hedin's wife has recently spoke out against the cancellation of the woke light and... Read more