Star Wars "The Acolyte" Far Left Woke Fringe UPSET Show was CANCELED; But NO ONE ELSE IS (Ep. 500)

welcome back to another episode of out loud geek where we discuss News and Views about pop culture science fiction fantasy food cooking the outdoors and more wow it's hard for me to believe right now but this is my 500th episode which doesn't include the various shorts that I have also released and I wanted to take a moment to personally thank each and every one of you who are watching this video right now including a special thanks to those of you who have liked my videos and commented on them and to those of you who have subscribed to my channel you have my deepest and most sincere appreciation and thanks because as Outlaw geek approaches 2,000 subscribers as of the time that I am recording this video it All Began way back in July of 2021 when I had no subscribers so the channel has most definitely come a long way and that wouldn't be the case were it not for all of you thank you now on with the topic as I had reported in a video that I had released on August 21st Lucas film canceled the Star Wars series entitled The acolyte so thankfully there isn't going to be a second season and while it's evident that the vast majority of Star Wars fans are either thrilled or indifferent to the fact that the acolyte was cancelled there remains a fringe but very vocal group of far-left woke activists who are practically losing their minds over the show's [Applause] cancellation you've undoubtedly heard of this phrase before the modern audience Studios have been throwing that term around for the past several years whenever they're trying to promote something that's filled with woke identity politics messaging but what exactly is this so-called modern audience in its simplest form the so-called modern audience is composed of the people that the woke identity politics activists are trying to Pander to who are in fact exactly like themselves more woke identity politics activists that's truly all it is thus the so-called modern audience isn't some h humongous audience that represents a majority of any particular fandom or even a majority of normies as woke identity politics activists have been trying to Gaslight everyone into believing for years no in all cases it's nothing more than a teeny tiny Fringe group of far-left woke activists that are never satisfied with anything that doesn't cater to their ideology whose sole aim is to impose its own worldview on every one to undo anything that they don't like and to then replace it with what they personally want to see which includes them viewing the past as an enemy that has to be defeated and replaced instead of being a rich tapestry of ideas and experiences that they could learn from I just mean that it's no longer 1937 and we absolutely wrote a snow white that is not going to be saved by the prince she's not going to be saved by The Prince and she's not going to be dreaming about true love she's dreaming about the leader she knows she can be um there is a big focus on her love story um with a guy who literally stalks her weird weird so we didn't do that this time and this is exactly what I and many others have witnessed happening to many franchises as the woke activists do their damnest to sweep away everything that came before in order to consign it to the trash sheep of History instead of respecting it and building upon it so that they can fully indulge their own personal narcissism and self-importance as they clear the way ahead of themselves so that only their ideas their ideology and their world viw can exist and nothing else but we have 50% of our executive team are women mhm and six out of eight of the people in my story group are women what the past story kill it if you have to this is their recurring message and to be perfectly honest the woke identity politics activists who have been doing all of this are shallow arrogant and self-absorbed and have probably spent most of their lives being praised and cuddled while living inside of their own carefully constructed and controlled personal Echo Chambers so that they don't have to hear any opposing views which they themselves proudly admit to such as the acolyte star Amanda Stenberg because are gay well well some nerds are very not gay and are very threatened by gay well that's true but in my world nerds are gay okay and how do self-righteous and narcissistic woke identity politics activists react when something happens that shatters their ideologically based worldview and beliefs they freak [Applause] out so naturally the shell access Med sites that are very woke themselves are practically pulling their hair out over Disney's decision to cancel the acolyte because they won't view the situation in terms of the show's reported very low viewership it's unanimously bad audience scores or its very high production budget of $180 million instead they only want to view this as a defeat for diversity and representation because in their minds you can't have diversity and representation without their sacrosanct woke identity politics ideology as I had talked about in my previous video that I had released on August 22nd because woke identity politics activists view their ideology as being sacran they won't sit still if any criticism of any show or movie that pushes their ideological messaging occurs because any criticism which might include criticisms based solely on a movie or Show's writing acting directing or editing will still only be viewed by the activists as being an attack on their sacrosanct ideology and that's exactly how the shill access media sites are trying to Gaslight the general public in the wake of the show's cancellation so hold on to your hats folks because we're about to dive deep into the gaslighting [ __ ] from the shill access media and we'll start with the site autost straddle which released an article on August entitled Disney plus canel's first Star Wars show made by a lesbian here's why that sucks then skipping to the article's second paragraph it reads as follows word on the street this week is that Lucas film has pulled the plug on the acolyte just a little over a month after its first and now only season concluded it's a Beyond disappointing decision not only for fans of the series and its characters but also for how it speaks to the way major corporations like Disney decide what sort of stories they want to tell regardless of how you shake it the Star Wars show that was produced by a lesbian had a non-binary lead and a cast of queer and po performers and a narrative that didn't rely solely on Nostalgia and brand recognition was given the axe and that just sucks in other words if a studio produces content that's intended for a broad audience instead of trying to Pander to small specific groups that just sucks to this article's author because to him spending exorbitant amounts of money to unprofitably Pander to small specific groups is apparently the way to go unsurprisingly there's no mention anywhere in this article about the show's neelen viewership numbers its very high $180 million production budget or its very low audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes IMDb and Metacritic because none of the facts apparently actually matter if you're a woke activist Rolling Stone released an article on August 23rd entitled can the best of Star Wars survive the worst of its fans and the subtitle reads before Star Wars can have another successful show some vocal parts of the fandom have to reckon with what they really want out of the franchise in in other words this article is a gaslighting hitpiece on the Star Wars fandom which I can easily demonstrate by showing you what's written within it when George Lucas debuted His science fiction epic about a galaxy far far away in 1977 Star Wars went from a Longshot Space Opera into the highest grossing science fiction franchise of all time and I have to correct the article's author by pointing out that Star Wars is a science fantasy franchise at best because it has never purely been science fiction almost 50 years and one sale to entertainment conglomerate Disney later Star Wars isn't just a oneoff world and Star Wars never has been just a one-off world so watch out folks here comes the gaslighting from Rolling Stone there have been prequels reboots Standalone television series and an in-depth theme park Edition there has never been a Star Wars reboot and there have been a additions to multiple themed Parks not just one so that's just gaslighting from Rolling Stone and he left out the failed permanently closed and once overpriced Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser hotel but like most popular culture the Star Wars fandom especially online has become inundated with loud conservative and in some cases incredibly racist voices a here we go if you don't like something that Disney releases that has a diverse cast Then according to Rolling Stone you're a racist sounds a lot like the accusations that Amandla Stenberg was spewing doesn't it of course the way that the article's author wrote that sentence shows that he or she regards all popular culture to be racist perhaps the article's author should consider whether he or she is simply projecting their own behavior onto others while Disney has never said these voices are directly impacting what shows get made the vocal minority of Star Wars devotees keep limiting what they'll accept as true Star Wars the author of this gaslighting Rolling Stone hitpiece has probably never bothered to watch much pre- Disney Star Wars to understand how Disney has mutilated the franchise nor does the author provide any evidence to support his or her claim that only a minority of the fandom doesn't like what Disney has done to the franchise but what the author of this hitpiece article is attempting to do is to Gaslight readers into believing that it is only a tiny minority of Star Wars fans who don't like Disney Star Wars and that's simply not true because all of the physical evidence of failed movies failed shows failed High Republic books and a failed overpriced Star Wars themed hotel at Disney World proves otherwise these fans say they're fighting for Star wars's future but if they're endless fantasy world can't accept any stories that they don't recognize some of the self-professed biggest fans in all the world could be closing themselves off to any future at all I'd rather have seen Star Wars be left alone than transformed into the garbage that it now is by Disney and I have no doubt that most fans feel the same way what is Crystal Clear is that before Star Wars can have another successful show the loudest voices online need to realize the Star Wars they want to return to never existed in the first place will the real Star Wars please stand up people who watched Star Wars long before Disney bought it and subsequently ruined it thanks to Kathleen Kennedy know exactly what the real Star Wars is the original trilogy and the prequels that were created by George Lucas so the article's author either doesn't understand these most basic of facts about the Star Wars franchise or is attempting to Gaslight readers into thinking that no one knows what the real Star Wars is which would be utter nonsense because longtime fans know exactly what real Star Wars is just as I said it was and what has failed the most under Disney is any movie or show that Kathleen Kennedy's Lucas film has produced that has veered the farthest from George Lucas's original vision of the franchise and the acolyte by Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant lesie Hedland is the the biggest failure of any Disney plus Star Wars show just as nielson's viewership data easily demonstrates but the Rolling Stone article then continues down the all too familiar path of accusing Star Wars fans of being racists and sexists because if you don't like lesie hedin's the acolyte series for any reason then that's this article's author's only conclusion in other words it's all the fans fault but not the fault of those producing the horrible content that that hardly anyone is interested in and like the previous article that I had talked about this Rolling Stone article never mentions the Show's actual neelen viewership numbers but it does attempt to downplay the show's $180 million production budget by only saying that it was over $100 million there's also no mention of the very low audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes IMDb and Metacritic because again the actual facts apparently don't matter and we can't have a discussion about the woke shill media without talking about the Mary Sue website which published this article on August 23rd entitled I guess Star Wars isn't interested in women's storytelling and the article's author who's a woman immediately says how she was immediately endeared to Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant lesie Hedland because she told the audience at 2023 Star Wars C celebration in London that she used to write Star Wars fanfiction and according to the article's author upon hearing that she knew that she was going to personally fall in love with Headland show the acolyte talk about admitting to confirmation bias she then goes on to say that was the moment I knew that Star Wars was finally making something with fans like me in mind they brought out the cast and it was immediately clear that so many people who have historically been left out of the narrative would see themselves reflected in this story in other words there was apparently no Princess Leia Orana Queen Amidala or any other female characters in George lucas' Star Wars according to the Mary Sue nor were there any people of color like Lando kissian or mace Wu The Mary Sue just loves to Gaslight readers the article's author went on to write and I did fall in love it was a Star Wars show that finally centered the female Gaye and apparently the term female Gaye according to Wikipedia is a feminist Theory term referring to the Gaze of the female spectator character or director of an artistic work but more than the gender it is an issue of representing women as subjects having agency the acolyte breathed new life into the franchise with brand new compelling characters incredible fight scenes and an explicit enemies to lover storyline so I guess Dave felon's liveaction Ahsoka series that aired last year on Disney plus wasn't loaded with enough female principal characters in it either she continued writing so you can imagine my complete disappointment when deadline broke the news that the acolyte will not be getting a season 2 and here's where the finger pointing Blame Game begins in this article of course anything that doesn't cater to cisgender White heterosexual masculinity has a tendency to bring out the trolls from the beginning the show was plagued by negative backlash from so-called quote unquote real fans there you go folks attack the male fans just like Kathleen Kennedy did before the acolyte had even premiered and then call anyone who dared to not like the acolyte a troll this is exactly how woke identity politics activists think forget the facts and just blame all problems on one specific type of individual based on their race gender and sexual orientation especially if they don't uphold their sacrosanct ideology she went on to write it's hard not to feel a bit of betrayal here I have loved Star Wars all my life even when it wasn't particularly marketed to me so she loved Star Wars when it wasn't in her own opinion being marketed specifically to her which means that it didn't need to be marketed to her in order for her to like it she admits to this in her own article but then she also apparently always believed that Star Wars should personally Pander to her instead of being for everyone this is how woke identity politics Works Pander to specific groups with no regard as to how anyone else actually feels about it oh and by the way here's what she never mentions once in her article neel's viewership data for the acolyte Disney's $180 million production budget for the show and the very low audience scores for the show on Rotten Tomatoes IMDb and Metacritic so Studio spending an exorbitant amount of money to produce entertainment that panders to an itsy-bitsy teeny tiny narcissist I IC minority of far-left woke activists is what she and other woke activists want their so-called modern audience that's what it all boils down to and that's what they got with one season of the acolyte but they wanted more because the cost doesn't come out of their pockets and they could totally care less about the rest of the audience that didn't like the show thanks for watching today and a huge thanks to everyone who has subscribed to our Channel we appreciate your support if you enjoyed this video please press the like button and please feel free to share a comment if you'd like to help support this Channel please press the red subscribe button and please press the Bell to receive notifications for new content you can also find us on Facebook Instagram threads and Twitter by clicking on the links in the description until next time this is out loud geek

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