80s SEQUELS NEVER SAY DIE! Goonies Sequel Is Rumored To Be GREENLIT With Spielberg Directing!

[Music] what's up everybody Derrick Anderson the da all right everybody check it out man so I don't know if you guys have been keeping up with this little bit of news that I found and I stumbled upon a lot of rumors are circling around a Goonies sequel a sequel to The Goonies has been talked about and it sounded like it might actually be legit at this point uh you can see this headline by the direct is a Goonies or good enough sequel releasing in 2026 new movie rumors explained okay look I'm not going to lie there was a point in time where if you told me oh da uh they're doing a goon sequel like maybe in the late early uh late 80s early 90s I probably would have been all on board with it you know maybe even into the late 90s I would have still been cool with that like all right yeah let's go ahead and see where these guys are at you know let's see what happened to all of these characters that we rocked with okay you know obviously uh uh Mikey you know played by Shan as you know you got mouth you got uh that's Mikey there as well data uh you got Steph Andy you got uh bran you know like let's see where all of these characters are at let's see what they're doing with their lives right now and you know maybe they got kids maybe they started a family whatever okay actually would have been okay with that you know maybe if they were in college you know yeah oh yeah we went to college and blah blah blah like okay that should be fun let's go ahead and explore what they're doing you know are they still after more pieces of one eyy Willy's treasure you know where are they at with it why are they coming back together for another adventure I might have been on board with that now oh hell no okay I don't want no parts of this stuff at all because you know Hollywood right now they're just looking to milk franchises they don't have a good idea for this thing you already know they don't have any good ideas for this they're just trying to milk an old franchise and drag this thing out of mothballs and then bring it back to the Silver Screen and hope to capture people like myself and get us excited about another adventure look at this point all of these people are in their 50s and maybe even their 60s like there's no reason to be doing this there's no reason to be doing this nobody wants to see some 50 60 year old kids you know on an adventure you know like if you were like introducing a new era of Goonies maybe but I don't even trust that yeah no CBR is covering the same thing uh rumor The Goonies sequel with original cast uh given the green light yeah so uh most of the original cast is still working in Hollywood obviously broling you know he's been doing a lot of work all right he was brand uh Cory Feldman is still poking around all right we just saw keiwan you know and everything everywhere all at once and then also in Loki all right he's still poking around Sean Aston is still around all right I don't know about these two chicks uh it's funny because uh the guy that played Chunk uh which is um uh he's actually an entertainment lawyer right now um and his name is Jeff Cohen all right he's an entertainment lawyer I actually looked him up and see all man how is chunk looking is chunk looking like chunk or is he looking like something else yeah uh this is chunk now okay this was chunk then this is chunk now like bro you don't look like chunk right now okay all right I mean you can kind of see the resemblance obviously is the same dude uh but yeah he's an entertainment lawyer all right and it's like yeah see you you don't look like this little chubby kid that we all you can't do the Truffle Shuffle looking like this bro I'm sorry it's not going to work man yeah I found like another picture uh on his uh Facebook or actually on X look at this man this BR look like he's in shape man he's standing next to KI Kuan this is when he got I think his um Oscar or whatever everything everywhere all at once or whatever yeah it's like bro and this is his lawyer as well he's like representing this guy I'm like man you don't look like chunk man you don't look like chunk at all so yeah that for that reason alone I'm sorry man we can't do the Goonies if we can't get a proper CH Truffle Shuffle out of this guy and he don't look like he got any truffles to shuffle whatsoever yeah I don't think so man I don't think so but yeah they're apparently trying to milk another franchise and this is the problem with Hollywood is Hollywood doesn't want to come up with a new original idea like come up with something new come up with the next Goonies don't come up with a Goonies sequel create another film that will capture Uh current audiences like The Goonies did for us back in the 80s you know when The Goonies came out I think I was like 12 years old or whatever Love The Goonies all right watched it a bunch of times in theaters when it came out on home video bought it watched it a bunch of times I mean me and my cousins everybody just The Goonies was the best but you don't need to recreate this all right they already did that with stranger things to be honest with you they kind of created or or recaptured that same magic that The Goonies had when it comes to young kids on an adventure and all that kind of stuff but yeah let's go ahead and read this and see what they talking about uh the original cast of the 1985 classic The Goonies will reunite for a sequel set for release in 26 or 27 according to the Sun so it's still a rumor uh but the sun is reporting this uh The Goonies reboot has been talked about for a long time but it's finally been given the green light to go ahead The Source said according to the source the plan is to start developing the ideas uh for the followup next summer with a possible release of 26 or 27 listen it's all rumors I don't believe this is real all right at least right now I have a huge amount of skepticism when it comes to this because every major franchise would love to come back and do a reboot you know top gun Maverick obviously you know Beetle Juice just had theirs you know I think but Beverly Hills Cop just dropped a fourth movie everybody wants to try to capture that same magic that same flavor that they caught back in the 80s and when you see the success that they've had obviously top gun Maverick had a lot of success um and then you have Beetlejuice Beetlejuice just recently that had a lot of success all right it's doing great to box office so that's going to entice more people to say oh yeah yeah yeah you know let's do some 35 yearlong sequel you know the second sequel comes 35 years later let's go ahead and do that because people from the 80s would like to see some of these franchises revived or brought back to the Forefront and honestly again I don't think they have any good ideas with it I personally would prefer they just go out and make new things all right leave the stuff that was in the 80s leave it in the 80s you don't have to come back and try to recreate the magic of the 80s go make the magic of the 20s or the 2020s or whatever do that that's what we need right now we need somebody that tries to find the magic that exists today and you can still tap into some of the tried intrud methods of Storytelling that you used to get from old Hollywood but you don't have to recreate whole cloth The Goonies like that's just stupid you know there's no point in this other than the fact that you're just trying to milk old 80s fans like myself for money see I'm not coming to watch it all right I just don't want to see it I'm not interested in it and I know again some folks will be uh the nearly 40-year-old movie was based on the story by Steven Spielberg a Chronicle to group of kids from the Goon we all know about that on the uh Quest For The Treasure of pirate one ey Willie and obstacles they had to overcome in the way their signature catchphrase was Goonies Never say die yeah I got a shirt that says that man yeah the Goonies were great man fantastic uh the source said the team is starting the project it's so excited The Source says it's in the early days uh but the youth Adventure Market is on fire so they want to capitalize on this The Goonies is 39 years old and the idea that they can bring uh the magic to the film to a whole new audience has the team very excited why not just do something new okay why don't you bring the magic of the film to a whole new audience by doing something new not the old school stuff not The Goonies okay not trying to like entice this guy to get out and do the Truffle Shuffle you know I mean again there's enough of the original cast that's still living um you know I think like the fatelli brothers are still with us you know at least um you know the main two uh I forget the one guy's name he's like a actor director um the guy that played the older brother and then you have uh Joe patalano obviously uh it's one of the fatelli obviously Ann Ramsey is no longer with us John matusak is no longer with us so you can't have sloth you know it's like yeah you can't even have sloth so like why even do this you know it's just dumb to me man I mean again it's laziness it's Hollywood laziness and this is why Hollywood fails not to say that if they did make this movie it wouldn't be successful but again you're you're still talking about tapping in to Old franchises instead of creating something new Give us new things Hollywood this is what people are looking for not just recreating old stuff but creating new things they they don't know how to do that anymore and that's the major problem uh with Hollywood right now yeah old classic pictures man what other the pictures they got look at this man this is a great film man great film you know if you guys haven't seen The Goonies and I know a lot of you guys have the coach's favorite film right yeah coach from ebn man he loves The Goonies is his favorite film of all time man make sure y'all give him a shout out yeah I mean just there's no reason to do this over again you're never going to capture what this film was uh the cast has been kept busy over the years the Goon star Shan Aston 53 so this guy's 53 years old as Mikey Cory Felman is 53 his mouth Aston as success obviously Lord of the Rings Rudy for 51 dates uh you got Josh Brolin obviously uh he's been in Avengers Infinity War Avengers endgame Deadpool and all that kind of stuff all right uh Jeff Cohen that's the guy that played Chunk is an entertainment lawyer kii Quan is uh the one that played data you know obviously we remember him also from Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom um you know snagging best supporting actor award for everything everywhere all at once uh the movie also featured Carri green as Andy and Martha Plimpton as 53 as Steph uh John matusak the X NFL player he passed away so he can't be in it as well um yeah again you got some folks that are still in it but I I don't care I I just don't want to see him do it because number one it's just you know ripping off old school stuff from the'80s and that's lazy that's pandering into your old fan bases that's not giving us new things to enjoy and watch all right I'm not saying that you can't have a sequel to an older movie I'm not saying that all right but it seems like now that's the thing like oh yeah let's do stuff from the 80s they're still tapping into the 80s like I said even after stranger things and the success that it had well let's tap into the 80s once again it's just super lazy you know I wish Hollywood was better uh at this point um yeah Chris Columbus of course uh produced it it was directed by Richard Donner you know him and uh he and uh Spielberg tried a few times to develop a sequel to The Goonies but the idea never went past the pre-production phase yeah again if these guys didn't have a great idea and they couldn't get it off the ground pull a plug okay we're done we're not doing this all right that's it just put a pen in it say hey look hey it was a good idea way back in the 90s but at the end of the day we just can't really get it done so let's go out there and make something hey why don't we take like a idea like The Goonies with kids on an adventure but make it not The Goonies and just do something different I mean you did that with stranger things don't set it in the 80s set it in the 2020s and just give people something new God Hollywood man you guys are that devoid of ideas that you got to go back and you got to try to do The Goonies it's just ridiculous man at this point again I don't really care um they had a poster up here which I actually thought was a cool poster yeah actually thought this was like kind of a dope poster a new adventure is calling uh The Goonies are good enough you know and they're saying stepen Spielberg was supposed to direct it yeah again if I'm Spielberg I want no parts of this nah I'm good you know we we we did The Goonies back in the 80s we really couldn't make a sequel to this let's just call it quits but nevertheless these are where the rumors are at all right there's a lot of rumors swirling around so we'll see what happens but you guys let me know what y'all think are you interested in a Goonies sequel you know some folks might be and honestly again if it was up to me if it was in the'80s 990s I would have been all on board now Hollywood is just completely woke and stupid and this would have all kind of messaging in it and it would probably just be not a great idea you know at this point but you know we'll see what happens anyway you guys let me know what y'all think jump down in the comments give me your thoughts and opinions on that thanks for watching see you next time

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