Amandala Stenberg reveals Hollywood cope and cult mentality while talking The Acolyte cancellation

just when you thought we were done with Star Wars the acolyte Amanda Stenberg decided to chime in by way of an 8 minutes long video and over the course of that video she inadvertently revealed just how suppressive the echo chamber is within her Hollywood and Lucas film bubble let's see what she said and what gave it away [Music] so on August 28th Amanda Denberg posted what appears to be a minimally edited video on X where she addressed the recent cancellation of the acolyte while the tone couldn't be any more different than the dist trck she earlier released against the series detractors much of the same sentiments were expressed obviously she expressed gratitude to lesie Headland and to lucasfilm for the opportunity and there is a sense of loss and sadness expressed throughout which I can empathize with I mean she was playing a dual role in a Star Wars series on paper it should have been her meal ticket for years to come but now it's completely up in the air if she'll ever reprise her roles and if she does where or when a huge opportunity for her just got snatched away and that obviously sucks but who's to blame for it I'm going to say I'm going to be transparent and say that it's not a huge shock for me of course I live in the bubble of my own reality but hold it right there and remember what she said she lives in a bubble of her own reality just take note of that because it will be important later on for those who aren't aware there has been uh a rampage of vitrio that we have faced since the show was even announced when it was still still just a concept no one had even seen it you can argue the accuracy of the term vital but there obviously was negativity though it was aimed primarily at the concept itself and secondarily at lesie Headland furthermore you can argue the skepticism was justified as the finished product was everything the detractors feared it was going to be uh and that's when we started experiencing a rampage of um I would say hyper conservative uh bigotry and vital prejudiced hatred and hateful language towards us you noticed all of that since the moment the series was announced I won't argue that it may have felt that way for her but this claim would have had more Merit coming from lesli Hedland as she was there since the series was first announced in 20 20 whereas Amandla wasn't cast until 2022 but moving on and jumping forward a bit she speaks about being cast in Star Wars and dealing with the alleged hate she received for it and it brought up a lot for me a lot um sociopolitical Dynamics a lot about my own value system how I respond to that kind of hatred how I moved through the World At Large and it just became inarguable for me at a certain point that in order to uh continue to be myself I have to honor my value system by being vocal even within the context of working for Disney and and working um within the large I can't within the large massive IP that is Star Wars what I am hearing here is someone who sees the world through an IDE political lens where any criticism and skepticism about the project is interpreted as hate and hate directed personally at her at that because that is how she perceives the world tell me if you think I'm wrong in the comments but to me her glassy stare as she's saying all of this tells me why in the past she has claimed to receive so much hate despite there being no public trace of that that anyone else can see in social media but if she interprets skepticism towards her show that promised from day one that it wasn't going to be the Star Wars that fans wanted then that would explain some of the past statements that she's made jumping forward a bit she thanks the fans of the show and lets it be known whom she believes were the real detractors of the show and I just want to let those people know out there who supported us in that way um and supported us vocally despite and in the face of all of the vital that we received and the kind of the targeted attack I would say we received by the altright okay so the show's detractors came from the altright it wasn't a majority of regular fans horrified with what has been done to Star Wars no it was the alt-right all along now we're getting into the Hollywood mindset of how to cope with such a Dei series being rejected by the audience it's not lost on me how the way that these events have unfolded is also due to uh the hyper divisiveness of the time that we live in that is driven I would say at this point by Echo chambers of thought and and algorithms that reinforce our biases and I think that applies to every everybody that was very telling and very revealing at the same time for two reasons one she knows that she is in an echo chamber and two she then judges the world from herself and her point of view and then projects that everyone else are in their Echo Chambers as well especially the show's detractors that is driven I would say at this point by Echo chambers of thought and an algorithm that reinforce our biases and I think that applies to everybody but I think that in a particular sect of people it manifests has a lot of fear for what is changing a lot of hatred for anything that is other there may be some minor element of Truth to that everyone is in their own Echo chamber depending on where you are and what kind of information you seek out but where Amandla is concerned she's not just in an EO chamber it's far worse than that because she's also in a bubble a bubble where as you heard blaming algorithms is used as a thought stopping mechanism we have covered this before as Kevin Smith another Hollywood bubble dweller revealed this when he was dealing with a woke failure of his own Masters of the Universe Revelation was hated by the fans and showrunner Kevin Smith initially did did realize that right up until someone else inside the bubble gave him an intervention and told him to stop believing his Lying Eyes because it was just the algorithms to illustrate this point and see the parallels with amandas Denberg let's take a moment to revisit our video of December 2nd 2021 of Kevin Smith rationalizing away the backlash over Masters of the Universe Revelation so far we've established that there was a backlash and it took Kevin Smith completely by surprise now is where he should have been talking about how this made him do some soul searching and contemplate where they went wrong and draw some lessons from it so this never happens [Laughter] again you serious yeah notice how I emphasized should have been in the past never tense because that didn't happen here's what Kevin Smith actually said Malcolm calls me out of the blue he texts me first and he goes hey congrats you've got the most talked about show on the planet right now it's getting great reviews and everybody loves it you must be so happy I immediately put down everything I was doing and call Malcolm to be like is that your read of the situation he's like yeah all I see is positivity and stuff what are you seeing I was like all I'm seeing is people that hate my gut and he's like well stop clicking on negative things and I was like so Malcolm is your perspective from outside of this that I shouldn't kill myself he's like no I think you're fine I think anybody would be enviable of the amount of coverage the show is getting I'm going to watch it now the reviews have been great what just happened there was Kevin Smith relaying how he was told to ignore the real world feedback from the actual build in target audience the series supposedly was made for and instead focus on the positive reviews from within the Hollywood bubble and from their friends in the entertainment media complex who incidentally are also bubble dwellers Kevin Smith and Amanda Denberg are actually revealing the same mindset here the mindset of the Hollywood bubble dwellers it wasn't the audience that rejected their shows no it was the ultra conservative altright they're just more visible because of the algorithm something which if you think about it don't really jive with the acolyte being cancelled over lack of viewership but that's the mindset and coping mechanism inside the bubble and here I will credit Amandla because even if she thinks everyone else is as well she actually realizes that she is indeed in a bubble I would challenge us all and challenge myself to continue questioning what it is that I digest um and think critically about what shapes it and uh let's vote y'all let's vote yeah let's do that while I appreciate her not telling her fans how to vote I do hope she will come to realize that the division of her land isn't caused by algorithms only and maybe look into what or who else may be driving it before she votes let me know your thoughts on this in the comments

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