Amandla Stenberg Breaks Her Silence On The Acolyte Cancellation To ATTACK Fans Again! Blames HATE!

[Music] howy y'all I'm Adam the Renaissance nerd and every time I think I'm done with the acolyte Disney Star Wars pulls me back in last night I was having a good old fine time playing Dragon Age Origins over on my gaming channel Renaissance arcade so I missed this I miss that a madla Stenberg decided to finally break her silence when it comes to the acolytes cancellation now here's the thing here's the thing she is one of the ones that made it even worse while everything was going on because she decided instead of just saying I'm sorry you don't like our show please give it another chance no while it was going on let's remember she had had to make it about my racism my bigotry y'all hate me cuz I'm black in my show and I'm a woman and I'm a pronoun using they them that is what she had to make it about so I am not surprised to discover that she has opened her cow mouth and decided to once again attack people now as I said this dropped while I was playing video games last night on my other channel so I haven't watched it yet this is going to be my fresh fresh fresh reaction and instantaneous commentary on the what I am going to now believe is complete and utter lunacy and idiocy coming from this mids mouth so why don't we give this a listen shall we um however uh I okay so apparently she couldn't even properly record this on her in it's for her Instagram it's on her Instagram uh learn how to push play learn how to push play it's not hard [Music] okay hello I um I thought I would get on here first of all she does you got to understand you could see it the moment before she did the reset it's the whole thing I'm going to play with my hair and be very nonchalant while I talk to you but you can see it's a goddamn act she can't even freaking edit out the part that shows that she's pretending this is pretend right away I can see this is pretend complete and total pretend and just speak candidly right there candidly no no pre-prepared planned Pretend This is not candidly this is you obviously had it prepared by showing how you were going to start doing this by playing with your hair and not getting it started right and then restarting the recording and not being even smart enough to edit that part out I hate doing this I hate doing this but I'm going to do it you love it um I honestly I don't use social media very much any anym um no I just use it to post a diss track to attack millions of people that's all we do well we're 33 seconds in and I've stopped what five times to break her lying narrative already and I'm so happy about that um but there are many folks out there that I want to acknowledge and I want to show appreciation and love and support for so that's why I'm hopping on here to talk about this um which is that our show our Star Wars show has been cancelled your Disney Star Wars show just just get that correction there and I'm gonna say I'm going to be transparent and say that it's not a huge shock for me cuz it was [ __ ] it was [ __ ] it was [ __ ] from the beginning and you knew it you knew it of course I live in the bubble of my own reality but wow how's that for an admittance you live in a bubble congratulations congratulations being just a little bit self-aware for those who aren't aware there has been uh a rampage of vitrio that we have faced since the show was even announced correction Disney Star Wars opened the Salvo by attacking fans first no we just criticized that it's going to be another [ __ ] Disney Star Wars show but you and your ilk you opened the salvos and you said we're going to lose this CU of Mor racisms now and then you carried it on with your diss track when it was still just a concept when no one had even seen it when it was a concept nobody cared when was a concept we said this is stupid nobody cares the vitriol is because Disney Star Wars has destroyed everything it touches it isn't George's galaxy far for anymore it is Dave filon John favro Kathleen Kennedy Ryan Johnson and every other [ __ ] including Leslie Hedland former assistant to Harvey Weinstein which you were directly involved in we we we react because you attack us first and when they announce these Concepts it's a very simple response of these are people who have no business writing or creating these stories that's the reaction you you make it about color gender and sex uh that's when we started experiencing a rampage of um I would say hyper conservative uh bigotry oh my God I don't make this [ __ ] ideological I don't I don't listen it's very clear how where I fall in my belief system but I don't make it about that I don't want anything about that they make it political they make it ideological she took part in a show that was pushing Kami Marxism plain and simple and then they want to blame everything on ideology oh my God conservative bigotry show me the receipts Amandla show me the receipts where somebody's calling you a Flatout racist name show me the receipts where misogyny is on display show me the seat receipts where homophobia is on display show it to me you cannot after all this time but I can show you the ratings over and over again of why this failed cuz nobody watched it and vital prejudiced hatred and hateful language towards us um I'm just G to keep combing the same spot on my hair that I'd plan to comb the entire video and you know this really affected me when I first got the job um because it's just not something even though I anticipated it happening this is total [ __ ] you got the job that was handed to you by Leslie hedin she created the role for you they rolled you out at Star Wars celebration which is a concentration of idiocy stupidity and standom you got you got Roars of Applause when they rolled you out for this [ __ ] you were completely welcomed by that end of the spectrum the 50,000 or so that have managed to scr together signatures a petition that will go nowhere so don't tell me that you were rejected no no don't tell me you had a problem and you walked in the door no you got a red carpet they made this for you they gave it to you they handed it to you and you said thank you I will gladly be a part of this ideological piece of agenda it's not something you can fully understand what it feels like until it's happening to you Dre look at this half breed thank you um however uh I feel like I've kind of moved through those feelings in various ways including being vocal about it myself Oh you mean your diss track Like I said before your diss track where you attacked millions of people and called them racists and bigots because they didn't like your show um for me it just became a situation where there was no option but for me to uh honor my sense of ethics and my belief system and my value system you mean commi Marxism the The far-left Not So secreta trans gay lesbian agenda that doesn't actually represent people who are gay and lesbian but only the commi Marxist version of that kind of [ __ ] you mean that you mean you mean that belief system because that's what you believe in while being in this very unique position uh it was kind of like I had this very unique experience of and here's the acting look at that this is all planned every motion every second this is planned this is not candid she is purposefully leaning putting on her hand she is practice this she is an actress very poor mid actress but she is an actress nonetheless and she has practiced this every little second of this is planned there is nothing candid about this you can see looking up and away this it's it's every moment is planned uh experiencing The World At Large which is of course hyperd divisive right now hyper divisive cuz you make it that way um through the lens of this very very unique opportunity of being in Star Wars and brought up a lot for me a lot um sociopolitical Dynamics a lot about my own value system how I respond that kind of hatred respond by putting out a diss track respond by attacking people who simply said you're a bad actress and a bad show never never never Reed or word about the color of your skin none how I move through the World At Large mean move through the World At Large where everything's been given to you your entire life where you've never had a want or a need that wasn't that wasn't instantly given to you for gratification cuz she she has never wanted a moment in her life never never struggled Rich Jewish daddy Rich Jewish daddy career handed to her in Hollywood modeling for Disney at a young age never a moment where her every wish wasn't granted so shut up and it just be became in arguable for me at a certain point that in order to uh continue to be myself I have to honor my value system by being vocal even within the context of working for Disney and and working um within the large oh shut up Disney's never going to censor you that because you you line up exactly with everything that they want to do so shut up stop pretending that oh my God I had to struggle to find a way to be vocal within the halls of Disney and lucasfilm Disney is very happy to let you do that they probably had a preview of your diss track and thought it was a great idea she has not been sanctioned once for anything she's done in the past couple of months not once can't within the large massive IP that is Star Wars um on that topic I just have to say it has been an incredible honor and dream for me to be in this universe [Music] um it still feels even though of course I'm very sad about the show being cancelled you don't give a [ __ ] you don't care only thing you care about is that you lost a platform to spew garbage on you're going to flit off to your next handed to you role and in another year this never happened never happened liar um and I'm sad about us not being able to give people who are invested into it more cuz they'll just feel a lot of levity and wow the edits terrible it's terrible she can't edit out the beginning where it's obvious that it's all planned out but then these mid edits in midw oh around the fact that it that I got to experience it um and that people loved it and that people were so responsive I people you know the tiny minority that you made it exactly for that are very vocal and that couldn't carry the load sustain the interest because they are nothing and insignificant I poured through a lot of different generations of fan art and ship art in oh yeah horrible fan art [ __ ] ship art that is sexual promoting abuses romance give me a break fan the more minutes of this [ __ ] things that were just so beautiful and filled my heart with joy no no it filled your ego you have no heart it fluffed your ego cuz that's what you care about that these weirdo stands worship you because you fit into their weirdo not so secret pronoun agenda and I just want to let those people know out there who supported us in that way um and supported us vocally despite and in look I'm I'm I'm finishing my hair it was all planned in the face of all of the vital that we received vitriol you got to keep saying vitriol vitriol criticism of a show legitimate accurate criticism is not vitriol show us the receipts Amanda Show us the receipts of all the hatred and bigotry you can't and the kind of the targeted attack I would say we received by the altright um this let's just put out those buzzword alt right targeted attack he how about the world just didn't like your show how about that just that you were deeply loved appreciate it and it made this job all the worthwhile for me and it this is acting this is acting she doesn't really care made all of the the challenging elements of it completely worthwhile for me um and so that plus my love of sci-fi and fantasy and being able to be a part of the legacy of something that I so um deeply um value and that means so much to me and looked up to for so long liar so I also just want to say thank you to lucasfilm um for just being a [ __ ] awesome team they were so wonderful to work with they were so they were so wonderful that they told me don't worry we're going to start the false narrative that racism was why the show was never going to succeed before the show even starts we're going to don't worry we're going to attack the fans right away and give you the shield so that when it all falls apart you can claim more racism and M bigotry don't worry and uh uh just everybody that I worked with in Lucas film particularly rain Roberts my produc was just H and it was a really beautiful looks like EXC my friend she's just one of the best okay she's just going to and I I love this experience with her forever buddy who watched it thank you for being so loving and supportive and excited I mean this whole I'm doing my hair while doing it's so fake looks like she's going to ramble on about thanking people and pretending that she gives a damn that she is actually not the soless ideologic driven monster that she has shown us to be and nerdy and awesome and um I'll continue to process this for a long time no you won't but maybe the last thing I want to say on the subject is that we all exist in the context of all in which we live but I'm serious um it's not lost on me how the way that these events have unfolded is also due to uh the hyperd divisiveness of the time that we live in that is got just got to get that in one more time our show failed because it's a hyperd divisive time and conservative bigots on the altright we're going to destroy our show no matter what let's just ignore the fact that your show was terrible and the normies rejected it yes did commentary and Analysis and reviews help to spread the word of how bad it was true but where were all the normies in the first place Amanda where you don't don't know because you don't care and you don't understand and you exist as you admitted in your bubble normies rejected this 150 million people have a subscription to Disney plus and nobody watched it that's the truth don't blame it on ideology and fake racism driven I would say at this point by Echo chambers of thought and you want look no further than the stand Community the stand dizney Star Wars community on X Twitter for an Echo chamber look no farther than that you will find it and she loves it because it fluffs her ego and algorithms that reinforce our biases and I think that applies to everybody but I think that in a particular sect of people it manifest has a lot of fear for what is changing oh we're you're just afraid of change no we just want good stories we just don't want our franchises butchered we don't want horrible people like you pretending you know more and that you're better than the rest of us that's the response there's no fear I'm not afraid of you cuz you're a half breed I'm not afraid of you cuz you got dark skin I'm not afraid of you cuz you're a woman I'm not afraid of you cuz you're a pronoun wielding [ __ ] I'm annoyed that you and your ilk have infiltrated every single part of entertainment and continually ruin my escapism that's what I am there's no fear I'm pissed off and annoyed out of hatred for anything that is other and I would challenge us all and challenge myself to continue continue questioning what it is that I digest what that is the that is word salad means nothing um and think critically about what shapes it and um let's vote y'all oh right at the end let's vote y'all she got to she got to get that in there Dre one more time here we go again with this half breath thank you she just had to get that in there at the last second go vote vote for the brat godamn let's vote let's vote uh I think that's all I have to say yes I I finished my script that I wrote for myself so I got nothing left to say yeah amand Le you're full of [ __ ] you're full of [ __ ] you're the one full of hate making it about this stuff making it about your ideological [ __ ] you're the one that can't comprehend that your show just sucked and that World At Large rejected it nobody watched it nobody cared about it except the exact minority it was made for and when I say minority I mean the stand base the weirdos the pronoun wielding confused sexually morons who believe in everything that your ilk pushes with the not so secret agenda the acolyte was a failure because it sucked because you did a bad job acting because your character sucked the whole story sucked the whole concept sucked and Leslie Headley is a hack and disy Star Wars overall is a failure that's why it was a loser of a show not because of hatred and bigotry by the alt-right conservatives blame games blame games blame games that's all these people ever do when things fail they live she admits they live in their bubble they live in their Echo chamber and they never want to hear the truth and the reality the facts and the logic which I bring to you and I leave it for you to decide who's the one that was responsible for the acolyte failing was it the Phantom racist bigot allright conservatives or is the fact that Disney Star Wars just sucks with that I guess for now I'm done thank you for watching this video If you enjoyed it a like would be very much appreciated if you are new here I invite you subscribe to me right here where I hope to earn your trust with facts and logic because facts and Logics do not care about whiny fifes like this cow thank you again for watching take it easy thanks for watching everyone if you enjoy the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel check out my gaming channel @ Renaissance nerd arcade and follow me on X Twitter under the red nerd thanks again for watching take it easy

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