Star Wars Outlaws Sales TANKING! Ubisoft Stock DROPPING! Is Disney Star Wars Killing Ubisoft?

[Music] howy y'all I Adam the Renaissance nerd Disney Star Wars what can I say about Disney Star Wars that I don't say all the time well hell I'll say it again it's failing it's done it's dying nobody cares about it nobody likes it and it has never been more apparent that only the stands Remain the stands who are not capable in number or power to hoist it on their weak little soy shoulders and carry it on into the future Disney Star Wars is has never been and will never be a success and is never more apparent in video games video games the most profitable industry in the world yes we have a lot of crap these days but it's still makes a lot of money across the board and Star Wars as I've talked about a lot recently there was a period of time in the late 80s early 90s then all through the 90s entirely through the 90s to correct myself all the way into the 2000s where Star Wars game meant money it meant Lucas Arts was going to give you something great or Lucas arts in partnership with another company was going to give you something that you would cherish and replay over and over and over and over again because it was great Star Wars games were great they're not anymore ever since Disney took them over it's been one either me or after another people say they like the Fallen order Survivor crap but guess what it's still mid crap and hang on nobody talks about them anymore they're not Beloved the replay value is [ __ ] unless you're a Stan and if you're a Stan you pretend to be a gamer you pretend to be a fan and you pretended you pretended that Star Wars Outlaws was the game you've been waiting your whole life for I needed it I need to be K VES who got hit by every branch on the Ugly Tree she fell down to the ground beautiful voice actress the woman is beautiful hly Gonzalez she's hot but KES got beat up and left on the corner and that's what's left her bent nose her mullet head her ugly ugly face and the story is [ __ ] too we've talked about it it's a story where she's not even really involved she gets dropped in the middle of what sounded like it even actually more capable story of brother against brother Empire involved point is the game is a disaster and we now have mounting evidence you already saw the physical evidence you saw all the clips the game is broken beyond belief but now here comes well the rubbers meetting the road so to speak we knew this game was not going to sell I have predicted over and over again for months it would not sell more than 5 million copies or not even and here we go right now Star Wars Outlaw sales forecast looks Grim analysts conclude estimated sales down by 3 million oh it said here Ubisoft thought they were going to get 8 million purchases of this game they were going to move 8 million copies they have now lowered it to 5 million and there she is bent Nos and all it's only going to be 5 million that is the truth no one's going to buy this game as opposed to black myth wukan which is sold probably I think almost 20 million copies in a week and a half maybe two weeks now and made a billion dollars black myth Wukong people love it no agenda just a monkey with a stick beating [ __ ] up Star Wars Outlaws packed with agenda an ugly ass character guess what sex still sells it still sells and people would have been people would have been able to say a word if you had just taken umin Gonzalez and put her face on KV with her pretty long hair not the mullet and the broken ugly face listen they they can put that black chick who's bald perfectly in every game she's in including multiple Star Wars games but they can't take a hot chick and put her in the game they just can't and the stands are going to tell you oh she's beautiful well STS think a dirty ass is beautiful so what are you going to say about that but here we go they are not going to sell enough copies to make a profit this game is doomed and here it is right now Star Wars Outlaw sales 55% lower than Jedi Survivor in United Kingdom because it's quicker to get numbers out out of there I guess they have to report that [ __ ] for tax purposes over there right away and Survivor was mid as hell mid as hell people played it and then forgot about it no one talks about it anymore so right away this was the most expensive game Ubisoft has ever made over $200 million in budget and then another $100 million in marketing on the record saying the most expensive markeet marketed game they've ever made failure failure and here is now another factor I have been again on the record for a few months now saying asking the question will this be the beginning of the end for Ubisoft will Outlaws combined with shadows Assassin's Creed shadows will that Mark the end of Ubisoft as an independent company who will likely fail and get absorbed well it's beginning Ubisoft shares take a hit as analysts predict lower than expected Star Wars Outlaw sales ubisoft's share price has fallen Fallen following the launch of Outlaws which some analysts have said Has Come in below expectations massive entertainment Star Wars Outlaws the first open World Star Wars video game launched on August 27th launched on August 27th remember it launched on August 27th and all those people who had Early Access they got in the game they played it for three days and on an actual launch day there was a patch that said sorry you have to start over again because your game is corrupted and if you keep playing as you are you'll hit progression blockers and you won't complete the story you can't get forward you'll be stuck so sorry for 3 Days of progress you got to start over remember that that that that that's what happened on the 27th you get nothing you lose and since then Ubisoft share price has fallen 12.6% to a near 10year low of 15.22 at the time of this AR complication Ubisoft was valued at 1.96 billion EUR and it's only going to get worse this game is not going to sell Shadows is going to be a massive appoint me there are reports and rumors that stores and outlets and things they are not recording High number of sales for Shadows wonder why wonder why any of this stuff isn't working because you know why they're not making this [ __ ] for real Gamers and real fans they're making this [ __ ] for the stands who have no power who are true minority they are not the people that allow franchises to carry on they don't spend a lot of money and they are not there's not a lot of them cuz that's what a minority means it means you're this much you're tiny you're insignificant you have no voice the majority the fans The Gamers the normies are checked out and you know what they're not coming back I ain't coming back that nobody cares about Disney Star Wars nobody cares Ubisoft is a damaged brand of a company nobody trusts them nobody likes them every game is broken and now that obviously they care more about people who who who want pronouns and everything and want to indoctrinate kids and force fake narratives about racism and bigotry and all that fun stuff that nobody really cares about anymore because they've ruined it because moronic stands and fake fans have saturated the market by calling everybody every name under the sun therefore it has lost all meaning it really has and that's a shame because there is still real hatred out there there is but now you got to do deep Dives to find out if it's really true or if it's just some s who doesn't like your opinion calling you a racist and a bigot Disney Star Wars Ubisoft they're done it's over it's burning down you know what happen happen faster burn brighter burn hotter burn faster I will dance by the bonfire and I invite you to join me for all the funning games hit that like button subscribe to this channel I'm done thank you for watching I appreciate all your support I'm here to bring you facts and logic because facts and Logics do not care about fake fans Stan andw fees thank you again for watching take it easy thanks for watching everyone if you enjoy the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel check out my gaming channel @ Renaissance nerd arcade and follow me on X Twitter under the red nerd thanks again for watching take it easy

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