The Rings Of Power Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Boring, Lore Breaking Affair! Elves Get Viagra Rings!

you did it we'll eat for [Music] days that's right everybody eat [Music] bugs howy y I am ad on the Renaissance nerd and welcome to my first review of the Rings of power season two we are here episode one let's have bugs for lunch my God we have been waiting and waiting for this to happen and here we are and I'm going to say I'm underwhelmed I thought honestly when I was going to watch this I was going to be continually pissed off and continually annoyed God's honest truth I'm just really bored this episode is just supremely boring now there are lore breaks in there and I got to remind everybody once again since we're starting this off kind of from the beginning I am a casual Lord of the Rings fan I'm the definition of a casual I have absorbed knowledge through osmosis of others who know way more than I do and then doing research because this episode and I'm sure going forward I'm going to have to do some research to make sure I know what I'm talking about when the lore breaks happen some of these lore breaks I spot instantly some of them I have to go check up on but they are all there this episode is just a disaster of lore breaks and that's kind of the definition the the the real core of what we're dealing with with Amazon's rings of power it is fanfiction not just fanfiction billion dooll fanfiction they spent a whole lot of money on this [ __ ] and they have gotten really no return whatsoever and all it is is telling a story that didn't happen characters still do not behave like they do in the actual token lore events are not playing out remotely the way they should and guess what don't throw at me well well Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings that wasn't lore accurate completely either yeah but you know what difference respect Peter Jackson had respect for the source material he just tried to adapt it in a way that could fit into a movie this entire series and everybody involved they have no respect for token they have no respect for the Lord of the Rings they simply are trying to push stupidity there are moments in this when we get through this review that I'm just going to go look right there this this screen cap this moment tells you everything you need to know about how they feel about token's world they don't care they don't respect it in fact I think somewhere deep inside they hate it it's that simple anyway so we are going to go through this pretty easily this is just a first episode review I'm going to do it like I did it last season we're going to break each plot down into its own and talk about it because guess what with the exception of the final scene none of the story lines intertwine it all it's as though they just happen and then just boom the show would have been better off just having each thing blocked out instead of editing jumping back and forth here and there so we're going to go over Sauron first that's right Sauron our hero he's just misunderstood we're going to do his [ __ ] then we're going to go to gandf not Gandalf and Nori the bestest ever in the world fake froto we're going to go to them they they are a blip in the episode we'll be done with that in less than five minutes I'm telling you and then we'll talk about the elves The Elves and how they are completely broken and [ __ ] with all right so I've beat around the bush long enough let's get into this rings of power season 2 episode one I have to serve a lot of M to the end of my days and his saon is hellbrand hellbrand is saon Salon was been there since the beginning and here is salon's back story just because they're gonna here's this whole section this first section of the episode is clearly a response to all the criticisms all the plot holes that we poked all the stupidity that we pointed out surrounding how brand pretending to be or Salomon pretending to be Hal brand back in season 1 that's what this whole first 20 minutes this episode was a 1 hour just a little over an hour take away about 8 minutes here and there for credits and this happens this happened last season this will happen this season that kind of crap so 20 minutes of what Salon was doing at the beginning of the second age and then what he was doing when he became Hal brand it's so ridiculously dumb and boring we open up at literally I guess it is the beginning of the second age at the place where it's going to be eventually turned into the ice Fortress that guy ladel finds at the beginning of last season Salon is holding court and it's not the guy who plays Hal brand it's the other dude they hired to play saon for a minute he's holding Court basically saying to the Orcs I'm all you got Mor goth is gone you now must bow down to me I'm going to be your savior because guess what nobody loves you but me men will hate you elves will hate you dwarves will hate you you are outcast yes I love you so put the crown on my head it'll be great trust me now during his speech the Orcs in orcy tongue yell at him don't trust Sauron oh don't trust Sauron he wants to make Mordor great again don't listen to him and some some orc tries to gank him and saon of course being a demigod he's an angel demigod I mean however you want to classify it I'm not hardcore enough to know exactly where the line is crossed but he's essentially I like to call him a demigod like to call him a demigod he catches the guy of course pulls out the dagger and then brutally stabs the orc over and over again in the head because that's apparently going to go over real well with the crowd so once he's done he turns around and starts saying see I love you you have to love me I'm all you got so then Adar played by the new dude who's Adar uh he takes the crown and says oh h Salon then Salon bends the knee to be crowned not bending the knee in Sub in submission bends the KNE to be crown and then Adar now this is the story of how Adar killed salon and turned on him and stole his Mojo he flips the crown around the famous the famous three-pronged crown of Sauron and he stabs him in the back with it while his head is bowed for the for the for the crowning and then we have a a base Bally a Julius Caesar moment where all the Orcs gank him he tries to fight back kills a few here and there but eventually it's just we're stabbing you to death stab stab stab stab I have a problem with this so much I mentioned a moment ago we're talking about a powerful entity that yes has taken on a physical form but but this is not the same as the Wizards coming down from heaven and being crammed into mortal bodies where they have limiters on where they're basically capped at how much they can do and how much of their actual power they can wield saon is still there from the first age let's forget the part they've already forgotten the part about the lore where at the end of the first age the end of the war where the heaven and made him heav basically made him bend the knee and say I'm sorry I give up I go back to the good side no right away he just quickly is not even repentant he's not even repentant at all and he's just bad instantly he was always bad that's not my point my point is this they skipped over the part we're immediately at the point where he is now trying to be the new dark lord but to my whole reason of going around this is that he was he he he Sauron descended from from heaven with all his powers he isn't capped like the Wizards okay he has no limiters so for H to him to be ganked like this it feels wrong now if you are more of a Lord of the Rings hardcore guy you can correct me on this please do but I've he doesn't have that kind of he he he should not be dominated like this he should shouldn't have his ass kicked like this he just shouldn't it feels wrong especially with the fact that this never happened Adar doesn't exist the ganking of Salon doesn't exist doesn't work like that Mordor already existed morgoth created Mount Doom it's all there and he goes there and he starts doing his [ __ ] and he begins hatching his plan for the Rings not this where I'm going to control you whoa we have to dominate people with speech here I love you we'll dominate I'll love you that's not how it works so he gets ganked and while they're poking the STI poking the body make sure it's dead he then explodes with light and now showing off that he's a powerful entity turns everything to ice it was all flowers and trees and unicorn farts before but now it's a frozen tundra Wasteland everybody's picking their bodies up is sour UND dead yes he's dead I'm Adar I'm I'm your father Orcs I'm father of the Orcs let's go yeah meanwhile salon's black blood seeps into the ground and drips and gathers in Cavern below where he transforms into a symbiote and eats things like rats and bugs and lurches his way back to the surface and then proceeds to just crawl across the Middle Earth for who knows how long because once again we don't know how much time passes I'm going to make that very clear in a second he simply lurches along until he just drops on a road and a wagon rolls over him he latches on there's some chick driving it he eats her and then after he eats her he becomes hbr Sauron okay he's how out we have no idea how long he's been goop Roman around Middle Earth because we then cut to a moment where he's just walking along singing a song with nobody by his side and he sees a bunch of refugees he's in the south of what what will be Mordor but you'll already be Mordor they're running from ORS and he has a conversation with some old dude who's got the pouch with the kingdom Insignia that he steals to pretend he's a king in season 1 remember how I talked about that they're going to try and fix the plot holes we pointed out why is it there why is it that oh he stole it from somebody later on so that he could pretend has a conversation about where are you going I'm going here don't go there the old man says there's there's trouble there well we're all running from things why don't you come with us you can find your your salvation find something new be a better person run away so he runs away and guess what they're on a ship going to a safe place which happens to be happening now in the moment that gadriel is trying to go to valanor before she has her moment of oh no I'm the only one that can save men in Earth I will now swim thousands of leagues back to Middle Earth on H cuz I was halfway to valador so she's GNA swim back and his ship is getting attacked while she's swimming the ship gets attacked by a sea monster while he's having a speech with the old dude who says we've all done evil things you can come back from being evil meanwhile as the ship is getting attacked and the old D is pinned under a beam and dying Sauron will take the pouch with the Insignia so he can pretend to be king cuz they fixed that for us cuz we needed it fixed oh my God it had to make sense and then the ship gets destroyed and as he's swimming underwater floating there because he's a he's a Demi God who doesn't need to breathe the beasty tries to eat him but then he just looks at it and goes and the beasty Runs Away Great beasty runs away he swims to the surface and we find him now on the makeshift raft with all the other people just as gadriel come over it says I'm swimming back to Middle Earth because I couldn't go to validor because I must hunt saon to the ends of time and he then helps her on and he says says the line that we all made him instantly known as saon last season like that dude saon as soon as he freaking said those lines we knew there was no mystery right skipping forward in the episode we're now in m and Adar is showing how bad he is he's torturing the people he's torturing people and S has allowed himself to be captured under the guise of hbr future wion would be king of the Southlands and he wishes to negotiate with Adar and Adar basically has his old man dude who drove the sword which was just a key to open a dam to put water into a canal to make a volcano happen and that's how Mount Doom was created in this [ __ ] [ __ ] show remember that he's there basically being a hype man saying you want bow down to a or I'm gonna kill you or he has other people killing for him anyway so uh eventually Hal Salon is brought before Adar and he wants to make a deal negotiate free My People free my people he pretends to be a king human this and that and he know he's getting a kick I'm saon and you don't no it's me and that's kind of the whole point of the stupidity now let's get right to that this whole section of the show where we keep coming back to Hal brand being held prisoner by Adar while pretending to be well or or Sauron being pretended to be H whatever I know this is their lame ass attempt to give us Sauron the deceiver he plays tricks he messes with you he lays plans within plans and puppeteers everything that their attempt at this and it's sad and pathetic because it doesn't make any sense simply for the fact that we're operating on broken lore we're operating on broken lore where the Rings at at large haven't been made yet except now for the Elvin Rings which were the last rings to be made not the first rings to be made and now Sauron has to kind of set things up so that he can make the rest of the Rings before he makes the one ring but the elv Rings already made and we're going to get to that when we talk about the elves in segment three of the review here so it is just ridiculous at how this all plays out as he pretends to be weak we go through this whole schmeal of H him basically cow Towing pretending to try and make a bargain to talk about how he knows where Sauron is it's like SA telling Adar that he knows where Salon is that's the funny part it's the funny part don't you get it it's a joke he's deceiving him either way we get through the whole thing at one point he befriends a war doggo I guess using dark speech and the dog now will bend to his wheel showing us that oh look he's just playing posum but it makes no sense he's just freaking conquer everything in moror get the wheels turning and then go make the Rings that's how it worked but they've already screwed it all up because they already had him go to every single place that he goes to to manipulate the world to make the Rings he's already been everywhere it it's just it's all out of order and it breaks the flow of believability of how this all should work eventually he Praises Adar uh promises to serve the dark lord of Mordor notice that he says I promise to serve the dark lord of Mordor cuz he's the dark lord of Mordor promises to serve him and then they let him go and he's going to H basically get his revenge on the old man with the Sword and the key and this and that by tricking because the old man's been beating him the entire time he basically unlocks the doggo's collar when the old man goes to feed the doggo the doggo is is free and it eats him and as how Brand's riding away he just goes so that's basically it he'll arrive at the final scene and we'll get to that later so Hal brand Salon basically were watching him be the deceiver he's on his way to Orion to deceive to deceive Kell bmore all over again in his hbr form so he's going to be in his hbr form when he gets there and get turned into anatar it's wow they're actually they're doing that we'll get to that the end so there it is I this this whole thing is [ __ ] and it's boring it's just boring a lot of we're just talking about this we're talking about that is Salon alive he might be alive oh he's not he's dead oh let's keep making Orcs I'm Adar the Father Of Orcs all the Orcs now the orc I will give this this the orc makeup is a little bit better than last season they didn't roll out the white Orcs this time they sort a it's still still lazy and sloppy but it's a little bit better a little bit so that's it moving on to stupid I miss my home as well you don't even remember yours no sometimes I perceive a glimmer of it nonetheless okay this one is really easy we're going to get through this really fast okay you've got Gandalf not Gandalf in having he's having a nightmare dream he's having a vision about his future where he's going following the stars and he basically do you need any more do you need to be told anymore that this this is Gandalf not Gandalf because as he's walking forward to the star the constellation he sees this image of a branch that keeps transforming into Gandalf staff so he has a dream and then he has a flash of a bunch of images of some evil other wizard yes there's another Evil wizard out there we know from the trailers and other [ __ ] and then he then we cut to him and Nori the bestest ever fake Frodo as they're wandering this Wasteland on the way to run they don't know where they are there's a lot about oh we're lost no we're not lost uh I'm never lost we're just going to find our way don't worry about it and they have this really dumb conversation about no we have to we have to stop and collect ourselves but we're hungry we haven't eaten forever and Nory says Hey make food basically and Gandalf now Gandalf decides to do it but doesn't want to do it because he can't control his magic he can't make his magic work he can do it but he doesn't have the power to make it not hurt anybody and he and they have this really bad lame attempt to comic relief where he keeps telling her to back up more back up more Nory they're trying to have banter and it's not working not working at all so Nory backs up enough and then he puts his hands in the in the in the gravel sand dirt and pushes it towards the stump and then this tree explodes and you think I thought you were going to try and make it grow apples or something like that that kind of ridiculousness but then Nori comes over and you saw it in my intro clip bugs bugs just hundreds of bugs spewing forth and she's so happy we're going to eat for days that's right everybody they managed to get the messaging in here hey everybody eat bugs yeah hey world it's okay to eat bugs yeah we can see that messaging a mile away so while they're having a nice dinner of bugs at one point gandf not gandf goes I can feel the legs in my throat well that means they're dancing that they're dancing gandf they're dancing down your throat and while she's talking about that dancing uh she then feels Melancholy Nori feels bad about not being home anymore and they have this conversation oh it's okay to miss home Gandalf not Gandalf says because it's just a part of life you want to belong to where you belong and she says how do you know you don't even remember your home but says oh hi remember my home I remember the feelings I look upon the the world and it's like a a fleeting image just beyond the sunset they try to be flowery and it's really just lame and cringe leading up to a point where they just joke back and forth oh ho ho we're going to work out together we're going to figure this all out we'll be together until they realize they're being followed CU somebody has a they see a pin prick light in the distance so they they stash their their fire they go to sleep and they overnight they set some traps they set a really stupid line trip wire and they're each holding rocks watching as somebody and I swear to God I saw it instantly I knew I knew it as I saw it they capture goddamn Berry muncher poppy it's like oh my God it's poy Poppy's here right now the perfect time to save us because guess what poppy is there to save them and because apparently they had gone very far now first of all how did she find them since when is Poppy a tracker she just found them boom I found you after days weeks we don't know we don't know how much time passes around here been days maybe so they have this whole conversation oh poppy I'm so glad you're here and she says well I had a feeling you were going to need my help so I brought berries to munch on and I brought a map and of course Gand gandal says a map you say a map oh what what do you mean a map well the map map is the map is a song because the harfoot traveled these lands in the past oh my God the hars went everywhere and you sing the song to find the landmarks that can lead you to Rude so they sing a freaking song and follow the landmarks and get to Rune again there we go just like that problem is here's how ridiculous that is Gandalf not Gandalf is following a constellation in the sky and every night which they should be traveling at night not during the day the constellation would be stationary and you could follow the constellation in that direction and not get lost do you understand how [ __ ] this is that they have to wait for poppy Berry muncher to come with a map that tells them how to sing a song and look for landmarks when we know the whole time he's following a constellation so if you followed the constellation at night if you travel at night you could get where you're going but no we needed an excuse to get Poppy Berry muncher back in the show so that Nori fake fake froo Nori can have her fake Sam the show is [ __ ] of course the whole time they are being watched by bad guys in masks so there you go we're done we're done with these idiots that's all they had to offer for this episode now let's talk about gadriel Warrior Princess and the elves he is no man he has been masquerading as one appearing in Fair form to hide his true self he's so gadriel Warrior Princess born to be great born to lead Born to Be commander of the north and yeah none of that happened that is the remainder of [ __ ] from last season where she's Commander gadra La Roy Princess where she has all this power and ability she's the greatest ever except here we go somehow we start off this nonsense somehow in the moments from when they made the rings and they were all holding them happily or looking staring at them happily at the end of last season suddenly in the interim I guess a few minutes before everything started Elon grabs the Rings he grabbed them put them in a pouch and galloped away so we start off where gadil is chasing elron or what femr femr I'm sorry femr chasing femr uh and trying to grab the pouch with the three rings the three Elven rings off off his waist and she can't quite get it I thought she was so good I thought she was the bestest ever can't quite do it as they they're they're racing to gilgalad so they both both arrive at gilad at the same time and elron has basically oh told his side of the story first that there's a problem gadil is not being good and Gil goad looks at her and says gadel what's the matter with you why are you chasing femr around he's femr he's not interested in women why and gagro says well I have my reasons femon says why your reasons are this you you want the Rings but we can't trust the Rings because they were made with Badness in them by a man who deceived us and Gil goes hey wait a minute gadel what are you talk what's he talking about why are these Rings tainted and then they basically force it out of her take seconds that we were deceived it was it was Sauron and I'm still thirsty for him that's coming I know it's coming she's going to be thirsty for Sal rod and I needed that last season and they're going to give it to me this season but it's going to come later not this episode so she admits that hbr was Salon Salon was hbr finle is Einhorn Einhorn is finle that kind of [ __ ] and suddenly Emron thinks he has a winning he has a winning argument oh see we can't we can't get rid of the we have to get rid of the Rings can't trust him now we're let's let's let's pull up short right here right here in this version gadriel gilgalad and everybody else are all for the Rings they want the Rings they need the Rings they need that blue pill to make it get all so big stiff and hard they need it because the elves are limp and flaccid they have no power the tree is dying they have to go back to valinor now they have to abandon Middle Earth but wait if we put on the Rings it's magical Viagra but but everybody is for it when in fact in reality everybody was against it and elron had nothing to do with the Rings elron had nothing to do with the Rings it was all them it was everybody else that was against it while Sauron as anatar was deceiving everybody but he's not even there so they've already made the Rings which were supposed to be made after everything else after the One Ring all that kind of stuff anyway so in this version guadal She is wet for that ring she needs to put that ring on she needs that she need that she needs that girl boner gilgalad he needs a boner and femon doesn't want it to happen Okay so he takes the Rings he says no it's tainted by Sauron but Sauron wasn't even there no it's tainted I am the only one that knows this I am femr and I'm going to take the Rings away and get rid of them he jumps off the cliff he jumps off the cliff you see it coming a mile away he jumps off the cliff and they all just stand there all right go get him okay they can't find him he manages to swim away he eventually finds himself in great Haven now it's a real place a real place in tolken lore we meet and I forgive me if I mispronounce his name sidin the ship right a very important character the oldest of the elves in Middle Earth now here he comes and he I know according to my research eventually at the beginning of the fourth age he could he's all bearded he's all bearded and and looking old but at this point you shouldn't look like an old man but he does he doesn't look very Elvish at all so sidan the wisest of them all the eldest of the elves he's there and femon goes to see him and basically at the same time while he visits with femr cuz he says oh femr I know you're here everybody's gone come out now let's talk meanwhile gadel and gilgalad are having a talk uh guadal basically do you trust me gilad yes I trust you you're dumb cow but I trust you you're you're really pigheaded but I trust you you wouldn't be talking to me if I didn't trust you right now so just shut up and go away we have to find femon but then she says wait a minute wait a minute I'm gadriel I have all the ideas trust me listen to me femr doesn't want to keep the Rings he wants to destroy the Rings he wants destroy so maybe he's going to go talk to the wisest person out there someone who holds sway even over you my lord King gilad so gadriel just instantly knows that femr talking to sidan she knows he's talking to cidan so they get up and go and now we cut back to femon and sarin having a chat and and San's talking about oh man oh man I know the Kell brimo I always knew the Kell brimo he was going to make something delicious and beautiful the world oh man it was great I wish I could have seen it and fan says well right here he's got some great stuff but we can't look at it CU it's tainted by Sauron you have to do something sidin I need you to do something you're the wisest of us all and seran says okay maybe just maybe I'll take these Rings or we could take these rings and there's a there's a big there's an abyss in the ocean that was cleaved during one of the big battles and it's so deep that no one could ever find it if we toss the Rings into the water they will sink and we will be rid of them problem is before they can do that gadriel and gilgalad show up so femon will send sidin off to do it and Syrian is going to fast travel all the way out there really quick he's going to get there and guad and femer going to have a talk and she's trying to convince him you have to understand we need this we need that and it's going to be all about oh you don't understand salon's a deceiver he he he he's he's getting in your head gadriel don't you understand that maybe just maybe that everything you've done wasn't because you were trying to stop evil but because you were wanting to be evil oh no oh no femr has said that God lazel might be bad well gadriel is bad Galadriel she's good gadriel she's evil she's an evil [ __ ] okay so yes that actually makes sense when femon says to guadal you know what all these years maybe you were hungry for the dark and she is hungry she's hungry once she has her her ring boner she's gonna go look it for Sauron because she's the one who's going to be doing the pegging you know it you know she's hungry for it and she's a gas at this and that and they are now at a they reach an impass because the Rings are gone they think serin's going to go throw them away and they're all back now uh having a party having a farewell party they're getting ready for farewell party oh gilad saying all right our time's over we didn't get our magical Viagra boner Rings we cannot we cannot continue with our Elven kind here on the shores of Middle Earth so we're done and as he's talking as he's talking we get a pan over the gathered elves and my goodness the diversity praise Middle Earth Jesus for the diversity that is upon us it is here I see black elves I see Native American elves I'm sure there's an Indian elf in there there's some other Brown elves in there they're all over the place don't you understand how diverse Elven kind is you have to see it to believe it praise Middle Earth Jesus it's you look at this screen this is ridiculous where did they all go not only were they where did where did they all were they just die all was it was it I'm thinking of South Park I'm thinking of South Park the movie oper operation get behind the [ __ ] where they put all the black people in front so that they would take the hits in the next battle with Canada so what what is this what is this rings of power aror asan get behind the black elves get behind the elves of color we're going to send that send them out first into war and when they have basically act acted as fodder and weaken the orc lines then here come the white elves that's why there's only white elves later on cuz they said all the elves of color out to get killed oh the racism is killing [Music] me so you see all the diverse elves and then here come they're about to leave but then suddenly here comes sidan and ferron's you could see it on his face instantly oh no serin's betrayed me here comes sidin he says we don't have to leave I've looked upon these rings and they will give you the biggest boner you've ever had and he lifts it up to like look look I got a big hard one right now I got the ring of fire on my ring finger middle finger whatever and he's like look look we can do this three is a great number just like gual said three is a balance we can balance each other it's a checks and it's going to work checks and balances it's the way it should be we're not tainted by Salon Kell brimo is a genius so then femon tries to stop it and the ring leave gilad's hand and one bounces in front of GAD and she picks it up and she puts it on like yes I've got girl poer and then Gil goad puts his on and then suddenly the power of three The Power of One The Power of Two the power of three is enough the leaves regrow and the elves can stay and they're all happy let's fight some Orcs baby if 's not happy though he's sad he's afraid so they've got the rings of power they get a good shot of everybody wearing the Elven rings of power then we're going to go over to Aron and they're getting ready for the forge uh Kell brimo is going to be making [ __ ] and he gets a message somebody's at the gate to see him to basically talk terms with the Southlands and he looks over and there's Hal brand hey buddy how you doing you screwed me over why I'm going to let you right back in and there that's the end of the episode so we basically have it set up where Sauron shows up as Hal brand and then he's going to become anatar I don't know we're going to find out end of episode [Music] woohoo well my Lord do we Grant him entry [Music] first one in the books we got two more to go but I'm not doing the I am not watching another piece of that crap today you'll get my episode two review tomorrow this has started off boring essentially I mean I made this as fun as I could for you guys but it was literally boring they're all just talking talking blah blah blah breaking lore here and there breaking lore there none of there none of this happened in actual token lore none of it it's all out of order Sauron was never pretending to be a human the Ring The Elven Rings were made way later on uh Kell rimbor wasn't a man in the MooMoo uh serin doesn't look like an old man now uh it's it's all ridiculous it's dumb Adar doesn't exist mortar already existed it wasn't some pathetic thing created by a sword in a in a in a floor in a in a in a dam in the river and a buck it's [ __ ] it's we haven't had anything super cringe yet I'm sure it's I'm sure it's going to come I'm sure it's going to happen I'm ready for it but this episode episode one pretty much just boring and lame and stupid and lore-breaking but nothing outrageous I guess the outrage is yet to come but either way thank you for watching this video If you enjoyed it hit that like button stick around come back for episode 2 review and keep sticking around for episode 3 and also this Saturday August 31st 8:30 PM Eastern join me and several other others as we come back for our seasonal panel show for this stupid show called Mordor country this is Mordor country man join us it's going to be a lot of fun we're going to go over all three episodes we're going to lose our minds we're going to lose our minds me Jed a few others gonna have a great time thank you all for this I hope you enjoyed it hit the like button subscribe and I will see you next time until then take it easy thanks for watching everyone if you enjoy the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel check out my gaming channel @ Renaissance nerd arcade and follow me on X Twitter under the red nerd thanks again for watching take it easy

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Media Joins Woke Disney Star Wars Fans In ATTACKING My Channel After MASSIVE Drama | This Gets WORSE

Category: Entertainment

[music] the last several days in the star wars youtube community had been very interesting to say the least and it all started last wednesday september 4th when a group of disney star wars fans decided to get together and coordinate a targeted campaign to get myself jery from geeks and gamers and gary... Read more

Amandala Stenberg reveals Hollywood cope and cult mentality while talking The Acolyte cancellation thumbnail
Amandala Stenberg reveals Hollywood cope and cult mentality while talking The Acolyte cancellation

Category: Entertainment

Just when you thought we were done with star wars the acolyte amanda stenberg decided to chime in by way of an 8 minutes long video and over the course of that video she inadvertently revealed just how suppressive the echo chamber is within her hollywood and lucas film bubble let's see what she said... Read more

80s SEQUELS NEVER SAY DIE! Goonies Sequel Is Rumored To Be GREENLIT With Spielberg Directing! thumbnail
80s SEQUELS NEVER SAY DIE! Goonies Sequel Is Rumored To Be GREENLIT With Spielberg Directing!

Category: Entertainment

[music] what's up everybody derrick anderson the da all right everybody check it out man so i don't know if you guys have been keeping up with this little bit of news that i found and i stumbled upon a lot of rumors are circling around a goonies sequel a sequel to the goonies has been talked about and... Read more

MAKE HIM GAY!? Salty games media uses Astro Bot success to CRY about Concord FAILURE!? thumbnail
MAKE HIM GAY!? Salty games media uses Astro Bot success to CRY about Concord FAILURE!?

Category: Entertainment

[music] everybody is talking about astrobot a fun little platformer game that i didn't even know existed until thursday of last week maybe i think it's the first time i i heard of it when i saw some gameplay and a review talking about how great it is and then i watch watched a couple more reviews and... Read more

PlayStation's Concord is the biggest video game failure of all time thumbnail
PlayStation's Concord is the biggest video game failure of all time

Category: Entertainment

Even the normies now are just getting to the point where they're actually starting to recognize and realize what's happen i think you're right actually like did you guys so i made that post in the in the room earlier like concord is worse than we thought it was so the numbers came out for that and it's... Read more

ERASED! Sony PlayStation erasing Concord game from existence! Tax write off rumors likely true!? thumbnail
ERASED! Sony PlayStation erasing Concord game from existence! Tax write off rumors likely true!?

Category: Entertainment

[music] well this is kind of disappointing i i thought that this game was doing better because i hear a lot of people talking about how great it is including myself astrobot actually a really fun game i really like this game in fact i would say it's a reason to dust off your ps5 i don't play my ps 5... Read more

IS THIS CONCORD?! A Minecraft Movie teaser trailer getting BACKLASH from fans! thumbnail
IS THIS CONCORD?! A Minecraft Movie teaser trailer getting BACKLASH from fans!

Category: Entertainment

[music] warner brothers has released a trailer for the upcoming minecraft movie i forgot this was even a thing but it is and it's something so lot of cgi stuff here you can kind of see the world right here you got the blocks for the sand right there it looks like minecraft but this doesn't i don't know... Read more

YIKES! Ubisoft stocks COLLAPSE as Star Wars Outlaws sales underperform! thumbnail
YIKES! Ubisoft stocks COLLAPSE as Star Wars Outlaws sales underperform!

Category: Entertainment

[music] well things aren't going very well over there at ubis slop two big aaa games predicted to be lackluster in sales is not a good thing for them and their stocks taking a hit now if you don't know what's going on yesterday i did a video talking about this right here star wars outlaws sales 55%... Read more

#rottentomatoes has dropped the audience score! #hollywood #shorts #metacritic thumbnail
#rottentomatoes has dropped the audience score! #hollywood #shorts #metacritic

Category: Film & Animation

Ron tomatoes has officially dropped a traditional audience score in favor of a new verified ratings popcorn meter system which will only measure ratings from fans who have actually purchased tickets through fantango are you kidding me this can't be real so for those you initiated fandango owns rotten... Read more

Woke Star Of The Acolyte Amandla Stenberg BLAMES Fans After Disney Star Wars Show Gets CANCELLED thumbnail
Woke Star Of The Acolyte Amandla Stenberg BLAMES Fans After Disney Star Wars Show Gets CANCELLED

Category: Entertainment

[music] it's been 10 days since the news broke that the acolyte the biggest disney star wars failure we've ever seen on disney plus had been cancelled and rightfully so the $180 million catastrophe led by leslie hedin harvey weinstein's former personal assistant had the lowest viewership of any star... Read more