Media Joins Woke Disney Star Wars Fans In ATTACKING My Channel After MASSIVE Drama | This Gets WORSE

[Music] the last several days in the Star Wars YouTube Community had been very interesting to say the least and it all started last Wednesday September 4th when a group of Disney Star Wars fans decided to get together and coordinate a targeted campaign to get myself jery from Geeks and Gamers and Gary from nerd rodic demonetized from YouTube they said that this is gone on for too long we can't have these people that don't like these Disney Star Wars shows that criticize garbage shows like the acolyte we can't allow them to continue on this platform and this was something that was Amplified by Lucas film friendly YouTubers this was something that once again clearly was a coordinated campaign they launched all these posts at exactly the same time and they were desperate to get us shut down unfortunately for them didn't really work out that way YouTube ja a parent organized cancel campaign from Disney Star Wars fans that targeted nerd rodic Geeks and Gamers and yours truly Ryan kennel and of course the most famous response was to this rewriting Ripley post right here the same people that for the past three and a half years have run these targeted campaigns to try to get us deplatformed they once again took an enormous loss with this response thanks for reaching out just heard back and confirm this content is not violative and will remain up we totally understand understand you may not agree with the decision but we reviewed this video very carefully against our policies absolutely wrecked but it is not ending there as I said this thing is far from being over and now the media is pouncing on the story to back up those poor Disney Star Wars fans who had their garbage Show cancelled including places like the Mary Sue racial lishman the Star Wars fan demands action from YouTube against racist and sexist fans and Paul tassy from Forbes decided a weigh into this as well now certainly one of the things that accelerated this was probably a video that got dropped by Star Wars Theory talking about Star Wars explained specifically the other day and I do appreciate him calling that [ __ ] out for what it is right a targeted attack to try to get us demonetized that had absolutely no basis in truth because we didn't violate to now I certainly here on this channel I don't drop any this YouTuber exposed videos or or anything like that not a big fan of those things when it happens and I don't really Advocate that anybody go and downvote Star Wars explain videos or unsubscribe or whatever Star Wars explain can continue making their content they disagree vehemently from me doesn't really bother me all that much but that has launched this now kind of into the Stratosphere in terms of attention and now you have stuff like this the acolyte has caused Star Wars fandom to plunge into Civil War from Paul Tassie you think the drama of the acolyte is over think again and now what has been arguing about content of the show has progressed into full-on Civil War in the Star Wars fandom Community the two parties that appreciate shows like Acolyte and did not appreciate what seemed to be a coordinated Relentless assault on the show and its actors by YouTubers and their subscribers they're attempting to demonetize many of those accounts which they believe are racist or encouraging targeted harassment campaigns so ironic right the only targeted harassment campaign that we have seen is from the people trying to get us demonetized have I made statements about the Acolyte and about some of the people involved with it when they in my opinion say really stupid [ __ ] of course I have never once have I encouraged anyone else to you know go to this person's Instagram or you know tell this person they suck I've never done anything like that and in fact anytime it gets brought up I've encouraged the exact opposite I'm not telling anyone what to do I'm certainly not coordinating with anybody when I make my videos but the campaign that we just witnessed that's a different story this actually is targeted and coordinated and there's no doubt about it but anyway let's continue on the other side says they simply hate the show for normal reasons the I I like how there was so much context and so much explanation behind your side Paul tassy and not the vast majority of people out there that didn't like the [ __ ] acolyte that's the reality most people didn't like the acolyte they thought it sucked bottom line that's why people didn't watch that's why the people that did watch thought it was garbage and that at the end of the day is why it was can canell the YouTubers in question devoted dozens if not hundreds of videos dedicated to tearing down the show and everyone associated with it each and every week which led to not just push back from acolyte fans but stars like a man L Stenberg publicly talking about the racism she experienced weird that amand L Stenberg actually made a diss track and attacked Star Wars fans let's not put that in here though got it then the show was canceled given Disney's well Disney the decision likely came down to mainly an absurdly high cost which is very much Disney's fault and low viewers though many including some of the cast credited the racism and harassment and felt it gave a wi to toxic parts of the fandom now we enter the current phase which went members of the Star Wars community in supportive shows like the acolyte what garbage shows that no one watches and its actors baned together to create a movement to try to get a number of specific Star Wars Channels demonetized with examples of what they believe was racism and harassment in their videos which should be against YouTube terms of service yeah the unfortunate part for them is no we're not breaking terms of service we're not breaking Community guidelines just because you think when criticism is leveled at a person of color the same type of criticism that has been labeled on a bunch of white people associated with these Disney Star Wars shows as well from Dave Fone toar Hamill to you name it for some reason if it's a person of a different skin color or gender you claim that that's racism or misogyny and there of course is r r and Ripley the ones behind this target attack there is team YouTube's response however once YouTube itself was tagged the concept was met with an immediate reply 13 minutes later from YouTube that they reviewed the video in question and found it was not in violation and no action would be taken let's provide a little more context for this them tagging team YouTube on September 5th was about 24 hours after hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these Disney Star Wars acolyte fans went out there with the same exact message tagging team YouTube getting m multiple dozens and dozens of replies from YouTube encouraging them to report the videos encouraging them that they'll look more into at all of these different things and of course A lot of these Disney Star Wars fans celebrating and saying we've been reporting them for years you finally have to do something about this so it's not like this is the only time team YouTube was tagged about this issue okay uh they had been tagged hundreds and hundreds of times and already replied dozens and dozens of times over the past 24 hours and this was their subsequent response this was celebrated immediately by the targeted YouTubers in question hey that's me though further investigation reveals is a pretty generic YouTube Auto message which has been used hundreds of times before and there's no evidence YouTube Took the quite elaborate movement seriously for more than a few minutes or did anything resembl an investigation as I said you're leaving out a lot of context Paul tassy journalist Paul tassi YouTube had been dealing with this stuff and replying to these people for 24 [ __ ] hours hours before this and yes have we seen that message before from Team YouTube we have now the idea that oh they just use that all the time they've you I went back and counted they've used that reply 29 times in 2024 okay you can go and look you can go and look that's somebody that just copy and pasted exactly what they said but here are all the team YouTube responses featuring that exact thing going back to January it has been used 29 times times in 2024 okay so it is not like they're constantly spamming that out and team YouTube has 3.3 million posts on Twitter they're replying a lot they're replying very very often thought I should add that context it was likely just a bot scraping a video and what video that was isn't even clear the one embedded to Twitter question mark that level of abruptness and lack of diligence is not very surprising since this happened fans now pointed toward people moving on to comment on a black actor's Instagram saying they want the ACC treatment viewing that as a threat to mount a similar movement this is nuts Somebody went on a rings of power actors uh on on their Instagram and said you really want the acolyte treatment don't you meaning you really want to drive people away from the show so much that it gets cancelled that's what that post means and Bad actors like Paul tassy and all the [ __ ] freaks that were part of this cancel culture campaign attempt they are now trying trying to twist that narrative compl completely into something else by the way rings of power has lost half of its audience from season 1 to season 2 they are well on the way to having viewership that would not justify it being renewed just as a small as side the YouTuber side of this is escalated thanks to Star Wars Theory the largest Star Wars fan channel on the internet who has been the frequent center point of what is viewed as the toxic part of the fandom Theory also constantly bash the acolyte with its usual its bad riding and breakes Cannon claims though it's a long pattern of him moving on from Focus Disney Star Wars low discussion to lambasting much of what Disney has procured he went off on social media saying things had crossed the line by trying to get these channels demonetized which goes after after people's livelihoods he just released a video calling out another Channel Star Wars explained who had signed off on the demonetization movement a video which got extremely personal reviewing his private Communications with the Channel's owner in the past now I am not a big fan of leaking private messages or private DMS or anything like that when I saw you know started explaining suppose I expected like some really heinous stuff it was more just about hey these people they really just care about views and money in my opinion virtually every single YouTuber out there at least the ones that are doing this for a career they do care about views they do care about making money and I don't think that should really come as a surprise to too many people now if somebody truly is just so obsessed and bitter and jealous because somebody might have more success than them well that's a personal problem that you got to [ __ ] deal with everybody on YouTube at one Point started out by making videos when they weren't getting paid they weren't getting anything for some people maybe they hoped eventually that would turn into a career I never expected what I was doing to turn into a career for myself ever but it took off and it happened and I'm blessed to be able to continue talking about things that I'm passionate about while also happening to get paid for it when it does come to people caring about views and money and things like that this is what I will say because every single [ __ ] YouTuber that is doing this for a living they do care about views they do care about money the question you should ask yourself is do you think that that person is saying these things not because they believe them but because they think it could get them more views or more money and you can look at that a few different ways do you think that maybe someone maybe they actually think the acolyte is garbage maybe they think a lot of this Disney stare stuff is crap but they're saying it's good to maintain access to possibly get these exclusive interviews to potentially make more money for themselves or maybe because they think that's a way to get better views and certainly the opposite can also be true maybe somebody who was super positive about some of these things before and if they saw the way that the wind was Shifting the way the Sands are shifting and they decided to say you know what I think maybe I can get more views or more money by saying this thing about it like those are reasons to question what are people's actual motivations because when you start to think that a YouTube Creator is not being genuine with what they're saying and you might disagree with them you might not like their take on a movie or on this story or whatever but if you think they're being disingenuous if you don't think they're being authentic that can be a very very big problem that is the beginning of an end for a YouTuber out there when people think you're being fake as [ __ ] for whatever reason whether it's for Access whether it's for views whether it's for money whatever it may be but that whole video and the back and forth between that now has certainly you know just poured gasoline on this fire that's going on right now so many people are now talking about that and I have no love for Star Wars explained uh for Alex or Molly at the same time I don't encourage anybody to go over there and dislike bomb their videos I don't encourage anybody to [ __ ] [ __ ] all over them on social media they have in my opinion they've exposed themselves by taking part in this campaign to try to get us demonetized that's the way I personally feel about it they are already taking hits and now it's just getting worse I also did see earts ladder a big Star Wars YouTube channel I saw him catching some flak for for some stuff as well I just want to say on the record even though he and I probably disagree politically on everything we've never talked politics we always talk Star Wars and family [ __ ] but he's always been a great dude to me from the moment I started YouTube uh and he's one of the people that when any of this stuff goes on whether it's this cancel culture campaign to get us taken off YouTube or other various things that have happened over the years he's always one of the first people to reach out to me and ask hey you doing all right man I saw this stuff it's [ __ ] and ask if I need anything and I'm sure he disagrees vehemently at times about the things that I say or how I feel about these shows and things like that and I don't know what's gone down throughout his entire history on YouTube but I'm just saying when it comes to me the dude has always been a standup guy and a great dude just wanted to put that out there the hate for the accad is unlike anything I've seen in Star Wars history possibly even more than the Last Jedi which is saying something it it's true that it is worse than the Last Jedi and do you know why it's because the Last Jedi was a truly divisive movie and what I mean by that is you had people that passionately hated the movie you also had a lot of people that were defending and really [ __ ] enjoyed the movie The acolyte is a different story because yeah you have your renew the acolyte stands you have your Disney Star Wars fans you have some of these access lucasfilm YouTubers that are defending the show but the vast majority of people thought it was absolute garbage that's the difference that's why you're seeing so much negativity about it because guess what the vast majority of people thought it was [ __ ] there absolutely wasn't industry created on YouTube dismantling the show each and every week much more forcefully than anything else before it even though this we hate Disney Star Wars crew has been around for a long while it did in fact make talking about the acolyte online with any suance of positivity practically impossible without being swarmed by what were often devotees of these channels if not the YouTubers themselves oh my gosh when I talk when I say nice things about the acolyte there might be some people on the internet that disagree with me crazy guess what I did a watch party with mer and Gary on his channel how the dragon each and every week and we enjoyed season 2 I thought season one was awesome season two a little bit of a step down but still really enjoyed a lot of it guess what we got a flack from our own audience who said I don't think this is good why do you guys like this blah blah blah people are going to disagree with you whether you hate something whether you love something there's going to be people out there that vehemently disagree with you that's just the internet that's the way it is the actl was almost certainly canceled for an absurdly high budget reportedly 180 million and very low viewership which third party has estimates have documented being lower than any other Star Wars series still the cancellation was absolutely celebrated as a win by this YouTube fan crowd and what they believe is Vindication of their hate campaign against the show yeah you know what when the worst show ever produced by Disney Star Wars the one the failure we could see a mile away not specifically because well they cast a black actress no instead it was everything that Leslie hedin was saying about the show it was about the way she went about describing how they chose this story what they wanted to do who they wanted to hire and for what reasons it was a train wreck that you could see coming down the tracks and so yes when it is finally recognized that this show is a complete and total failure of course we're going to take a Victory lap of sorts for being right the entire [ __ ] time if a manless Stenberg says she experienced lots of racism before and during the area of the series she is not lying if she says this she's not lying she also said it was a massive hit she also said it was because it had such high viewership that she was getting such criticism was she not lying then because that was obviously not true um it would be very very different to mount any sort of campaign to prove a giant corporate blob like YouTube that specific Star Wars channels are break in to due to racism or harassment as evidenced by that 13 minute later autor response no context provided to that how about the entire [ __ ] campaign that went on for 24 hours before that which YouTube replied to over and over and over and over again absolutely shameful journalism not because it's not true necessarily but getting anyone other than some keyword searching robot to examine this closely is near impossible there's also a fine line between what you can prove to YouTube is over racism or Target harassment and people just being awful in general which is allowed on the platform there will be likely nothing to stop this large group of YouTubers in their large audiences I cannot think of other examples of fanom where a toxic portion has simply been wiped off the map in any meaningful way maybe the worst offenders but rarely it just doesn't happen it's more pronounced here because Star Wars is one the worst manifestations of this other than say MCU haters who spent hundreds of videos on their channels going after Brie Larson hey I am the Brie Larson Defender I have been defending Brie Larson she likes my tweets for God's sake so don't don't love me with these people I'm a Brie Stan okay you cannot rely on Disney to back up its harass actors like they should you cannot rely on YouTube to do anything useful here they're corporations they care about money above everything else and they rarely ever listen to fans over issues like this unfortunately that's just the way it is there's nothing we can do guys these racists out there they're just going to win just give up all hope holy [ __ ] so yeah don't have much hope anything here changes not that the movement isn't Justified given everything that's possible but any actual result seems effectively impossible so we are only in the beginning of this the mainstream media now joining in and having the Disney Star Wars fans back in an effort to get us demonetized that's what the purpose of this is that's what the purpose of the Mary Sue article is that's what the purpose of Paul tassi on Forbes article is to do now of course he's cage it with hey there's probably nothing will'll ever be done but he absolutely wants more people talking about this in an attempt to get us demonetized make no mistake I will once again say I think that some of these Star Wars YouTubers involved with this cancel culture campaign I think they have [ __ ] embarrassed themselves I think they've exposed themselves but I don't Advocate anybody going in [ __ ] attacking them or disliking their [ __ ] or anything right they've had it rough enough they're losing enough Subs they've got enough dislikes I don't Advocate anyone doing that I am just going to continue to make videos about stuff that I care about that I see fit to talk about and put my opinion out there if you can't handle that or if maybe you're bitter because you're not as successful for one reason or another that's a you problem you're going to have to figure that [ __ ] out yourself because we are not going anywhere what do you guys think about this let me know in the comments section below smash a like button subscribe to the channel ring the bell for notifications share get this video out there and I'll talk to you later [Music]

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