LIVE: Trump vs Biden presidential debate spin room

what were the worst parts from Biden in your opinion look I think the best parts from Trump were when he was talking about his policy record as the President of the United States I thought he was at a particularly poignant moment when he said that the reason I ran was actually because of Joe Biden's failur that's a unique thing to say I think it was very personal I think it was human and I think it landed because it was true a guy like Donald Trump doesn't have to be putting himself through what he's going through and I think that landed as really authentic and vulnerable and true in a way that you don't usually get from politicians I think the worst moments for Joe Biden really came at the very opening of the debate only because that sustained itself throughout but people wondered is this man ill is this man mentally capable is he competent and I think people came out with the answer to that question is he mentally competent is he mentally capable the answer was no what you have I think for many people who might have otherwise been open to supporting Biden is you might have a lot of people who won't cast the vote for Biden based on what they saw tonight even though they might have some personal sympathy for him as an old man who was really cast as a sacrificial lamb out there tonight of Islamic Republic of Iran came up a few times especially about when um both candidates were asked about October 7th and also the fact that the Iranian regime has been selling billions of dollars of oil during the Biden Administration what do you think about the contast uh when it comes to foreign policy between the so I think that was one under Biden they knew they couldn't do under Trump Senor I know you were expecting the former president to do well were you expecting the president to do this poorly I didn't know what to expect I mean you know the guy spent I don't know what they did for six or eight days in Camp David you know getting ready for this um he repeated things that are not true but he's also said things that I to be frank there are times I couldn't understand what he was saying thank God we had that close caption I don't know how those guys did it but um there were times I couldn't understand what he was saying to be fair maybe he was saying something brilliant and and very uh astute but I couldn't understand it so I think that was a problem and but look I think voters saw it I don't think there's any spinning out of it and again um you know I uh it's a I think it's a dangerous thing for our country but I want to go back to the core and the core of this is the country was better off when Trump was President whether you like everything he says or not that's the bottom line and that's how most Americans are going to end up voting is who who who are they better off on Senator you are a top pick in the VP contention how do you feel about your chances uh to be uh next to the president Trump well that's what they say in the media I don't know about I'm a top pick that's what I've heard reported but uh I've said that before look I think ultimately you know um the president has a lot of really good people to choose from and um we got 10 or 12 people that are better than KLA Harris so um you know he'll make that choice only he can make that choice and I'm confident it'll be a really good choice and um you know we'll wait for him to make that choice what do you think is at this point about no no and if I did I wouldn't tell you anyway any conversations with Trump I mean I they've gone through the normal process that you go through anytime you're talking but I'm sure they're doing that with a lot of different people but I've uh no one's told me anything and frankly I didn't expect them to do you want that commission well anytime you have an opportunity to serve like I've served for a while now in the Senate and it's I'd be happy to continue to serve there I think there's a lot of work left to be done uh but when you have a if you have a chance to serve in the executive branch at the right hand of a of a president with a chance to fix so much of what's wrong with our country you have to be honored by that opportunity and you have to consider it obviously very seriously I would be honored that but but again I'm being presump said nothing's been talked to me about that the Optics tonight can you talk about the Optics tonight yeah they were a disaster for Biden I mean it's just not good it's bad for the country like I said they're watching I mean our adversaries have television you know they have TVs I they they're going to get to see this and they make analysis about all this and and I'm you know I worry about that I also worry about who's actually calling the shots in the white house um it's hard to believe that the man I saw on stage tonight look I didn't serve with Joe Biden in the Senate okay but I was around when he was vice president I even watched a video today of four years ago to today mean it's just painfully obvious I'm not again I don't want to be cruel about it it's just a reality but but uh but I but I do worry that our adversaries will read into it that they can make decisions and you have to ask yourself like who's actually like making decisions on a daily basis in the White House CU I don't think the person we saw tonight could be involved in the you know the details of governing at this point from what I saw what do the effect on Russ Jo bid makes your life harder and worse Donald Trump makes your life easier and better the good news is the American people don't have to listen to Media or me they get to look at their own paychecks to figure out which economy was better they can look at the southern border to figure out which one was closed which one's open and they can look at the crime and the devastation in the streets Across America and come to a very simple conclusion we need four more years of trump Senator do you think this debate will swing any voters yeah I mean I think there are uh probably 10 to 15% of American voters who have not made up their mind you were watching this debate you're voting for Donald Trump it's it's one of the greatest contrast between two politicians I've ever seen in my life uh the dominance of Donald Trump was undeniable that's why the Joe Biden Camp started putting up that he had a cult they're looking for a way to cover the tracks before the debate was over that is a tail taale sign unde Senator how important is this debate at all listen we this is the most powerful country on the planet uh the the leader of the Free World having a chance for the American people to make a decision based on the style the substance of the two candidates very important night very very good night I'd say great night for Donald Trump Senator you shed any light on whether you'll be the candidate for vice president I can only shed the light on the fact that four more years of Donald Trump will make America a stronger healthier better place to live and former years under Joe Biden leads us to our socialism Senator former president Donald Trump talked about one of your hello I'm good how are you good thank you he talked about one of your key issues in the stage tonight opportunity zon talk about what it's an exciting time from from for the people living in impoverished communities under Donald Trump we saw my opportunity Zone sign into law what that means is $70 billion committed to the poorest community's often times majority minority $70 billion has led to to in those communities about an 8% wage growth versus 3% outside of the zones 20% appreciation in your property values and the restoration of hope it was a really good four years for people who grew up like I did in a single parent household meor of poverty so talking about opportunity zones is talking about perhaps the most powerful force for good from an anti-poverty focus on the private sector we've seen in my lifetime person a sh out listen is always good to hear your name called if it's called in a positive way but B bottom line is it's not about me it's about what can we do to make sure that the American people experience their version of the American dream and that's what we should all be focused on and working towards see good night what do you think well you know I'm glad we have a process whereby people can hear from both of the candidates but I think it was uh fairly embarrassing that the rest of the world gets to see this but they get to see the leader of the Free World in that state we your ass of President Biden doctor do you think he was Winsome and no capable no I think he was rambling and uh unfortunately did not represent our country very well what do you make of the White House saying that he had a cold tonight well I guess they're looking for any excuse that you can find um you know he looked like he was healthy relatively healthy and uh you know I really felt sorry for him as he struggled to come up with answers and he was trying to remember the things that they've told him and uh many times he was switch from one subject to another and then start rambling uh it really was not a very good performance do you think it has to do with his age no not necessarily there are a lot of 90 something year old people who are very very uh cognizant of what's going on and express themselves very well uh I think it has a lot more to do with his physical condition do you think they who is this Gavin's over there all okay y all right let me seei we're GNA come in here s we'll come back soon camera up everyone take a step back all right guys and uh great proud to be joined here today with uh uh members that fully represent uh the rich diversity of the Biden Harris Coalition look tonight I think what you saw uh again what we knew what we were going to see coming into Theon night which is a very clear contrast a very clear choice in this election uh what you saw out of Donald Trump tonight was the who took the stage and lied the entire night grew increasingly unhinged throughout the night and reminded the American people by the end of the debate exactly why they fired him in the first place four years ago in contrast to that you saw President Biden take the stage and did exactly what he did over the course of the last four years fight relentlessly on behalf of the American people he fought through a cold and he made the case for his historic record of accomplishment everything from 15 million jobs 800,000 manufacturing jobs the the work that he has done since the day he took office uh to lower cost for Americans capping the cost of insulin at $35 uh the work that he's done the cap prescription drug cost out of pocket for our seniors at $2,000 annually the work that he's going to continue to do in a second term in Donald Trump you saw somebody who repeatedly refused to say that he would accept the results of the election once again the same way uh that he did so in 2020 we saw the way that that played out most violently on January 6th he is but promising to do that again uh if he loses this election again he's already spent uh his months out on the stump saying that there's going to be a blood bath if he loses this election he reminded the American people in prime time of that very pledge tonight we saw him talk about the fact that Ro v Wade the overturning of Ro v Wade was a great thing uh once again as he is out on the stump every day talking about the fact uh that these extreme state level abortion banss are playing out brilliantly that is the fundamental contrast that the American people uh saw as this debate played out over the course of the night and with that I'm going to turn it over to congresswoman Jasmine Crockett hello everyone so I represent Texas and we know that abortion is on the ballot and to be clear tonight we saw two things people can choose between a con in Chief or a commander in chief and so what we saw was someone who sat up there and was acting as if he was some used car salesman that wanted to just tell us whatever and pretend tend as if it was fact the reality is that our president submitted to you what looks like substance the substance of the issue was simple we have somebody that is bragging about the fact that he took roie Wade away from us whereas we know the next step they've gone after M prone they want to go after contraception and unfortunately in the state of Texas they're talking about instituting the death penalty what the American people have to decide is that they're going to choose themselves this election isn't about all of the lies that Trump is selling you what it's about is the facts the facts are that he took that right away from us and he wants to take more rights away from us and he did not shy away from it every time he didn't want to answer a question he just decided to deflect the reality is that people are dying we had over 26,000 women that were impregnated in the state of Texas alone in the last year since the do's decision as a result of rape that is unacceptable you all know the story of Kate Cox you know the story of Dr jard you know the story of women that are potentially losing their lives and so there is only one Clear Choice and that clear choice is Joe Biden and the blue team and that's exactly why we're here Senator we now going we are now going to Senator warau War hold on we're going to going to go through the Run show and we'll have the elections are about the character of a Nation they are about jobs they're about the economy they're about War and Peace about a whole range of issues but at at the end of the day it's really about the character of a country and the American people got a chance tonight to be reminded about the character of Donald Trump a man who stood there and lied for 90 minutes straight but what I was also struck by was by what he did not say every time he was asked a question that had something to do with the lives of the ordinary working class class people that I represent here in the state of Georgia did you notice he never answered the question when he was asked about child care which is a real issue in this country a lot of people can't get to work because they don't have child care he didn't have an answer for that he tried to take credit for capping the cost of insulin and prescription drugs well I know that's a lie because that's my bill I passed it and Joe Biden signed it uh into law uh when it came uh to anything having to do with ordinary people he reminded us that this man wants to do uh the only thing that he's ever done and that's focus on people like himself that's why he passed a tax cut that went to the riches of the rich on the backs of ordinary working class poor people middle class people we passed a tax cut the largest tax cut for middle and Working Class People in American history he's trying to divide us and uh we've got a make sure that we stand up as a nation stand up for the American Covenant he plur Unum out of many one and we should always be afraid of somebody who's telling us to be afraid of each other that's Donald Trump America's better than Donald Trump and I believe that come November 5th the American people are going to stand up once again and prove it as they did in 2020 is the president the best all right we're now going to go we're going to go we're going to get to everybody's questions we're going to get to everybody's questions we're going to go to uh to governor governor doome um thank you all and uh I'll associate myself with many of the comments were just made um to me that was just daylight and darkness I'm a little oldfashioned uh I care about substance I care about policy I care about facts um I care about people being accountable uh to their lives what I saw tonight was Donald Trump uh weakness masquerading and strike a guy who was incapable as a senator said answering any question directly uh off you skating pointing fingers and more important than anything else disgusted by the fact that I heard ex president United States talk down the American economy talk down United States of America to the degree he did tonight sir what about the president as it relates to the president on the substance on the comparic trast and economic record were just in the last three and a half years that 15.6 million jobs represents eight times more jobs in the last three Republic Republican presidents combined a 3% GDP growth it's Envy of the worlds where we're seeing inflation tamed down 2/3 an economic policy and a vision for the future to bring back American uh manufacturing I was very proud of the president tonight so from my humble perspective uh this is not about you know style this is about delivering results for the American people and tonight I think Joe Biden not only asserted himself he reminded people of his accomplishments and his vision for the future Congress Congressman Congressman Garcia Congressman Garcia look I think I think first of all first of all this should be very clear what you saw tonight was a clear contrast between a good man that we believe in that is going to win re-election and a con man a criminal and a traitor to this country let's also be very clear Donald Trump tonight doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric in the debate he called somehow that immigrants are creating a rat nest in this country that we're an uncivilized country because we bring immigrants in that is offensive to the Latino community and to immigrants who help build the United States as an immigrant myself I'm disgusted at his rhetoric tonight he's the most anti- Latino president that we have had in decades and one other thing he also tonight lied lied and lied again especially about covid and the pandemic I lost two parents to the pandemic one was actually a healthcare worker my mother and Donald Trump stood up there and lied about the pandemic while he was telling people to inject bleach to not take the vaccine and cause more harm to this country when he was president than any president that we have seen so Joe Biden tonight did what he needed to do which was deliver a message about substance we're proud of him and we're going to win in November great and finally and we're going to get to everybody's we're going to get the questions but before we begin Mary Trump um thank you I want to make something very clear um the most embarrassing moment in our country's history was 2016 the day Donald Trump was elected if we are unfortunate enough to put him in the white house again in 2024 it would be an unthinkable tragedy this man has one policy position and it's to keep himself out of prison we saw tonight that he does nothing but lie do not let the fact that he lies loudly and with impunity blind you to the fact that he is a traitor to this country we have seen him betray this country and we know that the people who know him best cannot support him because of that I've known Donald Trump all of my life he's the same man now as he was when I was a child he's incapable of changing and if we let him anywhere near the levers of power again that would be one of the worst mistakes this country could ever make and I believe at that point the American experiment would be over we must we must reelect President Joe Biden thank you in the house are talking tonight in Washington about replacing President Biden do you support that idea uh look I will never turn my back on President Biden never turn my back on President Biden I don't know a democrat in my party uh that would do so especially after tonight we have his back we run not the 90 yard dash we are all in we're going to double down in the next few months we're going to win this election but what about his performance what about his performance tonight everyone's questioning his performance well how about the substance again I mean but it's the performance everyone's talking about Governor have if you're asked would you be willing to take that I'm not even it's not everyone told take Donald Trump never turn my back on are you ready to take on Donald you have any concerns about his Fitness for office none I spent a lot of time with him I know Joe Biden I know what he's accomplished in the last three and a half years um I know what he's capable of and I know his vision uh and I have no no trepidation listen listen listen we can talk about Reas the reason that we're yeah want what glasses yeah sorry oh my God I think it's better that was just like a bit of a mess right yeah what who's this guy Governor n would you accept the Democratic nomination at an open convention Governor n would you accept the Democratic nomination at an open convention Governor Nome Governor Newsome stage Governor Newson would you accept the Democratic nomination at an open convention would you accept it thank you guys step back please step back step back please step backe usely please please de uh on his record uh on his vision for the future and I'm old fashioned I'm an oldfashioned guy I'm not looking for a performer I'm looking for someone that can deliver results for the American people govern that was that was a disastrous performance wasn't it well I think the performance the last three years has been anything but I think he's delivered for the American people he's laid out an economic plan he laid out a vision for the future uh and he delivered on substance Donald Trump was a disaster tonight because he couldn't no I think think ISS voice and may have had a cold or something but I mean look that's not that's not why I love we're all here hold on y' thank you so what you make of the debate make sure that the Free Press is all right so what you make of the debate and the performance of President Biden today I think that the contrast between these two men could not be more St and I I hate to admit this because I'm somebody who's in politics but I almost forgot how much Donald Trump lies I mean the man stood there and lied for 90 minutes straight that that's that's a rare Talent it's not one we need in theice what I think I I think you all are talking about style and the people I'm talking to in Georgia listen let me finish the people I'm talking to in the state of Georgia they're not focused on style they're thinking about their families they're thinking about whether or not they can afford child care so they can get to work what was Donald Trump's answer to that he doesn't care the reason he couldn't answer is he's not thinking about those people he's thinking about the people he gave the Lion Share that $2 trillion tax cut to people like him the wealthiest of the wealthy he has spent his whole life thinking about himself and nobody else and nowadays because he is under such a vast criminal Cloud he is obsessed with himself he's not simply running for the White House he's running from the jail house that's his problem we need a president who's focused on the on the American people attached to me sorry sorry it's all these are trums I think those are the only yeah they crammed it over you know what here she stanic I don't have a great exposing that it's the Democrats who are the radicals on that issue the Democrats who are hurting babies women and families across this country uh so it was an overwhelming win by by President Trump finally congresswoman Donald Trump said his VP pick is here tonight are you that VP pick have you been eded you know I don't get into the specifics of the process I'm honored to have my name in the mix and I'm working very hard as house Republican conference chair and most importantly as representative for New York's 21st congressional district my constituents I'm proud to be the first member of Congress to endorse his re-election and I'm proud to be here today as a surrogate and I'm going to work my very hardest to make sure that he gets elected so that we can save this country on behalf of the American people thank you Congressman nice seeing you tonight thank you very much we'll you right after I know you reached out did you that it took 20 minutes for Biden surrogates to come down on the spin room floor because they know it was a disaster for Joe Biden uh and it's an embarrassment for the American people to see how unfit Joe Biden is to serve as president the United States and commanderin-chief but the good news is is the American people will save this country and we are going to elect President Trump this November so overwhelming win for president Trump and then Biden is going to New York tomorrow do you think he's going to have a good welcome what do you think about this trip upcoming Democrats are in full panic mode uh no matter who you talk to across the country no matter how desperately they try to spin this coming up with excuses which they're already doing it was a bad night for Joe Biden and this is a bad president and the American people see that and New York what's interesting is President Trump pulled just six points behind in New York that Gap is still going to close this is a traditional blue state that the momentum is moving in president Trump's direct uh direction we picked up those five congressional seats in New York and he's going to do very well on the ballot in New York state and then one more one more um Nikki Haley just tweeted that it's time to replace Joe Biden they're going to replace him but I heard you say that they're not going to that he's going to be the Democratic nominee do you think there's no chance of them doing something right before the DNC look Joe Biden is on the ballot this November we will defeat Joe Biden Democrats uh they are getting desperate because they know what of a disaster it was including Biden insiders and Biden campaign uh people who have told folks uh on background that it has been a disaster and avoided the spin room because they know it was just a historic failure for Joe Biden but look Donald Trump is going to defeat Joe Biden uh Joe Biden is the sitting president of the United States and and Donald Trump's going to beat him this November you I mean it's desperate it's full-time panic mode for Democrats that first 20 minutes when Joe Biden froze up it's clear he's unfit to be president of the United States he's unfit to be an elected official uh or or any big professional responsibility and the American people saw that on Stark display what was it life inside the watch party tonight you were with a lot of several other potential contenders how did you guys interact with each other and what were some moments stood out inside tonight we're all friends uh I know all the other names that are in the mix I've worked with all of them I've known some of them for a long time uh went to college with VC I've worked with Tim Scott with Marco on many issues with JD have gotten to know Doug bergham so it's a team effort we're all working very hard to support president Trump and we're proud to serve as surrogates and uh I know that uh we're just we're we're all great friends what was clear in that room was just watching the failure of Joe Biden those first 20 minutes that were just catastrophic for Joe Biden he is unfit to be commander-in-chief versus the strength of president Trump who was able to talk about so much of his effective policies whether it was border security whether it was economic growth whether it was peace through strength when it came comes to National Security foreign policy issues there any topic I'm sorry there anything you that President trumped in on more during the debate or anything you wish better you know I say I would say the moderators did a very good job asking questions and I was hesitant with CNN which is very biased uh in their coverage of president Trump very biased in how they interview Republicans but their questions were good questions they were policy questions and they let the candidates answer the questions without uh editorializing I think that's very important to have an effective good debate for the American people to see so I think that you know president Trump had the opportunity to talk about all the issues and I'm looking forward to him continuing to communicate with the American people which he loves doing versus they have to hide Joe Biden if this is what Joe Biden this is his performance after a week of being uh in debate Camp that's catastrophic for for him an embarrassment question you mentioned a lot of a lot of questions a lot of topics on the table is there anything that you would have liked to have seen address that wasn't you know I think the the questions talked about the main issues that are on the American people's Mind questions on inflation questions on the border questions on National Security issues uh questions on energy so I think the debate questions covered a broad range of policies that people are concerned about right now and what was most important were the answers we saw Joe Biden trying to point fingers Joe Biden also lied very much about uh the failures of his administration president Trump talked about many of his policy accomplishments uh compared to Joe Biden who just has created chaos with his wide open border with his war in American Energy Independence or his very weak foreign policy that has hurt our national security aist how just seeing the performance tonight how are you feeling about being on that short list now I'm honored to have my name in the mix uh I'm proud to be a good friend of President Trump and the first member of Congress to endorse his re-election in 2024 uh most most importantly I'm the representative for New York's 21st congressional district so I'm proud to give my constituents a seat at the highest level uh they support president Trump uh and I'm proud to be a surrogate and I've said I'd be honored to serve in a future Trump Administration but I am focused every day on making sure he wins this November well on that how do you think he um will s swing voters with today's tonight's performance I think swing voters as they have been on what's important and the states and the gravity of this Governor Gavin Newsome here tonight uh I think Governor Newsome's here to check to see if like Joe Biden still has a pulse anymore he's a pretty opportunistic guy who wants to be president and right now the Democrats are are in a state of freef fall you think theid campaign has collapsed after this debate uh the Biden campaign has collapsed disintegrated Joe Biden is clearly a man in Decline he is in a campaign in Decline unfortunately he is leading a country in Decline so if we want to restore hope and promise back to people we've got to get president Trump back in the White House and the best way to get the Trump policies is President Trump Joe Biden didn't look like a man who was in Comm command of the country or the facts or his own campaign or the debate and like this is after Joe Biden retreated to a log cabin in the woods for a week to get constantly drilled meanwhile president Trump was out on the road campaigning in swing States carrying his message directly to the voters America deserves an energetic President we get that in president Trump and with President Biden it's more like a silver alert than an energetic presidency representative Jessie with 11 alive news here in Atlanta this is a swing state there are 8% undecided voters right a lot of those voters that I talk to say I'm not showing up anyway I'm going to stay home did this performance tonight convince these voters here in Georgia to come out and vote for your candidat it's a great Point president Trump will secure the Border he will save our economy he will restore our standing in the world and he will end the wars I think that's what voters want in both political parties and no matter what Joe Biden's campaign says you saw a man who cannot execute on anything he canot execute on presidential Vision he could barely execute pre-planned pre-canned lineses in the debate so I would encourage folks here in Georgia if you want to see these interest rates come down if you want to be able to buy a home if you want your place of work to be growing and not Contracting you need to get out and vote for president Trump earlier today we talked to Governor Brian Kemp and I asked him hey look there are people who might like Trump's policies but they do not like him they don't like his character they don't like what he represents they don't feel like it's a person that their kids can look up to how can he get around that his character flaws that some people feel like he has I saw someone on stage tonight displaying a focus and a seriousness that ought to really reassure those voters reassure them that he's going to fight for them president Trump's policies improved quality of life for people even people who didn't agree with him saw bigger paychecks they saw cheaper gas they saw their purchasing power go farther at the grocery store and when they were paying for electricity and so you don't have to like President Trump to vote for him forget about that you don't like them well you just have to like yourself if voters if voters care about their own economic conditions their own safety their own hope for a better future for the country then they should vote for president Trump thank you for young voters Donal got earlier we didn't get him what's over there oh it's just a oh should I get one you see make repic terms of Defending that right saying 18 million people across the border that's not true 18 million people haven't but many have but what do you say in response to things like that first of all it's well over 10 million and we don't know the amount of people that border patrol can't even account for so let's be very clear on that number two Joe Biden lied vly in that debate he said at the beginning that no troops died under his watch that is a lie we lost 13 soldiers in the evacuation of Afghanistan through his dereliction of Duty through his weakness it was a catastrophe what happened to our country he lied about that to the entire world we were all in the back room listening like wait a minute did he just say no troops because that's a a lie we had to ask ourselves if that's what he said at the end of the day when you're looking at immigration policy we have more than 10 million people who have come in illegally because Joe Biden wanted to open the boarders that's what he wanted to do and now he wants to blame everybody else for comprehensive immigration reform not being passed well you know what um in the last Congress Nancy Pelosi was speaker Chuck Schumer was Senate leader where was the comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill did it come up I was in Congress no bill like that came up from Joe Biden about theorder but I think we all know record number of people coming AC every P was going to say that no matter what about inflation worried about Public Safety worried about National Security they got no answers from Joe Biden so big victory for president Trump when you expect him Tod and what's your message to Donald Trump tonight what's your message to Joe Biden tonight well I I'll have a chance to talk to president Trump so I don't need to deliver that here but I would just tell him like everybody everybody around him is congratulations he was calm he was strong uh he was focused uh he was everything that people were expecting to see tonight and I I think again uh for uh for for on President Biden's performance I think the one thing it's not just concerning to Working Families in America remember that uh Putin was watching tonight remember that the Ayatollah were watching tonight remember that the Chinese CCP was watching tonight and if they see that and they go wow we could have five more months this kind of weakness uh maybe now is time to make our move I mean I feel like that National Security risk went up for our country based on tonight's performance we've never we've never in our history had a sitting president appear that week uh International for that length of time and I think it's a concern everybody should have you think you should bow out of the race uh that's for the Democrats to decide I think they've uh you know they've created this situation that they're in this is their end they're they're going to have to work their way through that but it doesn't matter who's up president Trump is going to win in the fall do you think that the debate matters longer term for voters I think these I think tonight uh maybe mattered more than any other presidential debate in history because the contrast between President Trump's strength and Joe Biden's weakness was just so absolutely clear you could have watched this show tonight with the sound off and you would have figured out who won that won that debate it would have been president Trump okay we got to run we got to run to another spot indication of when President Trump's gonna [Music] he see what should President Biden do to reassure Democrats governor didn't have a lot at the beginning but we got bites too I think it was chaos yes yes did he leave leave he left left he just walked out maybe stick around sorry we got him check can you tell me yes 9 20 just check awes sounds no this is stupid it's all work um Char R we got him y speee speech everything and then you know they'll send their emiss oh you're I'm here oh who is it no we don't oh we got him we got him already he's a congressman he's a d though isn't he he is a d we get SE they trust him to speak there's Danny oh Danny got J that would be good that would be okay um right he's the only one of the okay yeah somebody to go in or I know it is pushing into each other yeah they're already talking about trying to replace him look this debate tonight will have long-term repercussions I think the Democrats probably lose 30 or 35 House Seats in Congress because of this debate performance tonight were you pleased with the way Trump performed Donald Trump was masterful it was a master class in keeping your cool answering your questions holding your opponent accountable and delivering a message to the American people well he was phenomenal but people are do talk about the fact that you know he spread some fake news there he had to say I did not have sex with a porn star which is something that you wouldn't accept expect in a debate yeah but you have to look Joe Biden said he was endorsed by the border patrol which we know is not true Joe Biden said no no v no Military Officers were killed in his watch we know that's not true either so look these candidates say things that are quickly fact checked and Joe Biden was quickly fact checked and if the debate performance tonight is measured by the American people seeing what they saw 100% of the audience of 150 million people agree that Donald Trump won tonight do you think that Trump is going to go back to the White House I do I think he's going to go back there on January 20th of 2025 and he's going to spend four more years of the White House and do you think that U Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee look I think it's going to be very very difficult to get him off the ticket the delegates have already been selected the way the process works is you can't unselect these guys and so I think the only way that uh Joe Biden is not on the ballot in November is if um we see a tragic event if you were to die between now and then would be the only case and I don't think that's going to happen Okay it sounded like you think that's going to happen no no I don't think that's going to happen but other than that I don't see any scenario where he's not on the ballot in November and him being on the ballot is going to be devastating to those Democrats who have to stand for election all right thank you so much for this interview you bet thank you I'm going to have like a full year old left he walked out heed he was like 10 minutes ago he was here I forgot about good we got everything no we it's crazy no no no I know I got um you do that right someone's calling mey Marie Marie oh thank you thank you I can hear you yes yes oh thank you yeah you know what we were just waiting for um JD Vance is doing an interview with somebody right now so the one person we haven't really talked to came late so has everything been okay but like they stuff's speeding in okay no one's [Music] complaining sure just I actually I have asked right okay sure and I'll just um for the slug uh is it just I'll just put new at the end okay great that sounds great okay thank you thanks byebye great no she said it's sounded great that we're getting pant we have to I have to do an end [Music] got do Bud good down yeah now what hold on did you do share the did you do air drop I don't know sh I think I did wait what happens when you do it yeah just shares the contact well that's a good way to exchange phone information that sounds like some good local news stories in a bar creepy dudes going up to and getting your contact information right but it's struggling right like it's air used to be so much better we were there in the group separately e e e e for

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