LIVE: Donald Trump speaks at MAGA rally in Pennsylvania

Published: Jul 31, 2024 Duration: 01:27:50 Category: News & Politics

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[Applause] well thank you very much everybody it's a great crowd there a lot of people over 20,000 people couldn't get in and we didn't need anybody to get the people here we didn't need a star we didn't need a star we didn't need some Entertainer to fill it up and then she goes on last night in about six minutes everyone was leaving they were pouring out we don't need that we've got our star you know who the star is all of you people are the star are you the star and I mean that hello Harrisburg a very special hello to Pennsylvania I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful Commonwealth with thousands of proud hardworking American Patriots thank you very much as you know this is my first returned to Pennsylvania since our rally in Butler we're going back to Butler too by the way people said to me are you serious I said I'm serious we're going back it's a great place 18 days ago where we had a very terrible day we had a rough day I will tell you by all accounts I should not be with you today I shouldn't be with you but I am I want to thank all of the people of Pennsylvania for their extraordinary love and support it is incredible we're going to win this thing so big we're going to win it big including everyone at Butler Memorial Hospital they were fantastic wow wow they saw they saw some pretty bad things thank you [Applause] thank you very much no they uh they did an amazing job and we have by the way we have the doctor one of the great doctors was there he worked on Corey actually he was Corey had a hard time Cory Cory is special thank you Doctor appreciate it very much great great doctors great doctors the job they did on David Dutch and James copenhaver was just incredible and uh as you know they brought him back from very very seriously wounded they were going to be uh maybe not with us it was a group of us but they uh are doing really well now they're making it they're going to be fine not going to be perfect maybe but who is who is as we get older who is perfect but uh the doctors were so great they had two great doctors also and most most of all we lift the memory our memory to the brave firefighter who was so cruy taken from us Corey comparator Corey comparator a very brave guy loved by his family and his friends he was really loved in his last act on this Earth Corey threw himself over his wife and daughters and died shielding them from the bullet the bullets of a very disturbed guy Corey is a hero to all of us to all of [Applause] [Applause] us I want to thank a friend of mine too I'm not going to mention his name because he's pretty well known and he came up to me he said uh would it be okay if I presented Cory's wife and family with a check and I said yeah it would be okay with me it's certainly okay and he handed me a check for $1 million $1 million think of that thank you Dan so he was very generous in addition we have a GoFundMe that's uh it's really been great I think we're at $6 million Mark for the the three of them plus some other people [Applause] so but you know what Cory's wife said I'd rather have my husband isn't that good I know a lot of wives that would not say that I'm sorry they would not say that but no it's a great family he was a great man he was a brave man he saw what was happening and he jumped on top and he got hit but uh we will carry Corey's Spirit of love and devotion and patriotism with us for all time and we will never forget Corey or his beautiful family and maybe let's have a brief moment of silence in memory of Corey great Pennsylvanian thank you very much thank you everybody beautiful beautiful that is the most quiet I have ever heard in Arena I have never heard you could hear a pin drop no it's amazing it's a beautiful thing in the wake of this hatus attack we gather tonight more determined than ever our resolve is unbroken and our will is undeterred nothing will stop us on our mission to make America great again nothing's going to stop us our country is doing badly front row Joe's over here front row Joe's look at them they've been to 212 events you know I'm pretty sure we have their vote I'm not sure P you can never be sure of anything you're voting for Trump okay front row Joe's they love us and we love them thank you very much thanks everybody but as we're fighting to bring back the American dream for you and your family the radical left Democrat Party bosses have installed a puppet candidate to fight only for themselves kamla Harris got zero votes she's totally scripted owned and controlled by the donors and the power Brokers who created her campaign and who rip off our government and make billions and billions of dollars they want to call them up and they want to they want to deal with her and I didn't deal like that I never dealt like that I didn't need the money I said no I don't want to do that I told a lot of guys that I like and some guys that I don't like but very rich people I just can't do that I can't do it they want to do the telephone systems they want to do lots of little things like that we'd like to take over the telephone system of the United States I'm sorry I can't do that but unlike her I cannot be bought and I cannot be controlled I have no interest in that my only loyalty is to you the people and you know that well I could have had such a nice easy life I could be at a nice place right now relaxing watching the waves break in but I'd rather be right here in Harrisburg with [Music] you people that built our country you're the people that built our country I mean some people don't like saying that but you are indeed the people that built the country we have no matter where we go we have the most incredible people after lying to the country for years about Joe Biden's mental and physical condition kamla is now being given a personality makeover don't forget four weeks ago she was like considered the worst not smart terrible the worst vice president in history he's the worst president we've ever had but they were considered terrible and all of a sudden she's the new Margaret Thatcher that happened right the great margarate thater no I don't think so but you're going to you're going to learn little things like defund the police that doesn't work does it huh you're going to learn cuz everything about kamla Harris roll out it's phony and it's fake did you see when President Obama and Michelle called did you see hello hello yes yes who is this oh this is Michelle and Barack oh oh so surprised to hear they got four cameras in front oh I'm so surprised it's on speaker phone listen we just want to congratulate you on destroying Joe Biden I mean on the winning the hey is Joe Biden G was that the phoniest phone call you've ever seen how do you think Dan what do you think Dan muser great Congressman what do you think was that a phony phone call you wouldn't do it you wouldn't get away in your District you wouldn't get away with it would you but she's they defund the police radical trying to pass herself off as a tough un crime prosecutor she wasn't tough un crime she's only tough on guys like me because they want to go after their political opponents and we won the big case in Florida did you see we won it and he and he had a similar case but it was much worse and he didn't have the presidential records act he had a similar case and you know the special counsel which is basically special prosecutor a judged him to be essentially mentally incompetent with poor memory but a nice old guy he's not old you know 81 is not old I have friends that are 95 that are still Bernie Marcus founder of Home Depot 95 years old still sharp still sharp I spoke to him the other day I said I think you're smarter now than you were 30 years ago I don't know what's going I said what's going on it's working every 81 is not old and uh but he's different he's a he's a bad 81 he's a bad 81 and he's ruining he destroyed he's destroying our country I'll tell you and she's worse than he is she is actually worse than he is because she's a real radical left he's a foldy radical left he didn't believe this stuff he didn't believe in open borders and she does she wants to open your borders she wants to have all electric cars she loves the all electric car mandate she destroyed San Francisco but she's the architect of the Border Invasion trying to pretend she's strong on border security she's now pretending that she was never called the borders are she was called the Bazar the first day she's the Bazar and uh she never went she actually went you know they'd say they fact check me anything I say is like a little she actually went to a beautiful part of the Border I would love to take my first lady wife there to have dinner it's beautiful very safe now she didn't go to the real border did she front row Jo she went she went to a nice little place was there for a short period of time and left so she's never really been to the border and she's the borders are and our country is being invaded with people from prisons and people from mental institutions and terrorists she's a failed vice president leading a failed Administration while trying to convince you that she represents hope and change well she does represent change she wants to turn us into a communist country that's her change she was voted the most unpopular vice president in history that's hard for a vice president to be that unpopular right just like Biden will go down as the single worst president in the history of our nation the happiest man is Jimmy Carter he's an old guy right now he's an old guy but he's happy because his administration is considered brilliant brilliant by comparison to This Disaster that we have right now in Her speech in Atlanta last night kamla Harris even tried to out brand a new southern accent did you hear a new accent if I ever did that all of those people back there look at them look at all those cameras that's oh when I go through hell I have a week of hell if I ever tried to do that the contrast could not be more Stark on the one hand you have a radical left puppet candidate who is fake fake fake and on the other hand you have a president who fight fight fight for America [Applause] this is a hell of a big arena how many CES this looks like Madison Square guard this is a big this is a big beautiful place wow I didn't care I didn't care although they'd prefer that we be in Arena I don't know why but we're not giving up the outdoor rallies you know all those people that we had to turn away today at an outdoor rally you can have we had 107,000 people show up in New Jersey 107,000 but you know in the South Bronx we had 25,000 people was like a Love Fest South Bronx tough place but it was a lot of love no matter how much kamla Harris tries to change her image he cannot change this fact she is the most extreme liberal candidate in the history of our country by far she's an extreme radical left lunatic and you know I've been saying for the last six months I've been saying about politicians because I really know politicians well I've dealt with them on both sides and you know then I said let's do this you know thank you but when a politician comes out early on with an idea like she wants to defund the police and all these other things she wants to do really bad things that's where they're at they're going to be there eventually right Mike Kelly stand up Mike will you please this guy he used to stand up he's my friend he endorsed me on day one right day one day one he endorsed me before I was running he said that guy's got to run I endorse him I didn't even run I had how many endorsements do I have well you got Kelly of Pennsylvania I wasn't running anyway thank you Mike I appreciate it he would he would stand out at those outdoor rallies when it was 10° below zero and it was 97 degrees out without a shirt on it's not that pretty a site not that pretty but he would have he had no fear he's a tough guy and they love him they love you in this state camela Harris co-sponsored Bernie Sanders $32 trillion socialist takeover of the entire us healthc care system think of this US Health Care it would mean that we're going to have to raise your taxes bankrupt our country and she supported Outlaw all of the Private health insurance a lot of people in this room have great some people want Private health it's some of it's incredible you go to these companies they're doing an incredible job they want to be able to she wants that ban and she wants that Outlaw you can't buy that anymore you're paying for it but it's great stuff I mean some of the companies have unbelievable the golden plans and all that and she wants it to be ended she pledged to give free taxpayer funded Healthcare to all illegal aliens think of that oh and she'll do that which will totally destroy our social security system she sponsored a bill to give illegal aliens taxpayer funded lawyers so they could sue us and she called for abolishing ice the these are unbelievable Patriots by the way they're almost as tough as our Congressman sitting in the front they're almost as tough as the man that's going to be your next Governor by the way he's tough too he's tough he's a great military hero and he'll come up I'm allowed to have him up for a little while right just a couple of minutes right he's great he's great and I hear you doing very well but you get ready you get it ready you're got to knock them dead she compar Paradise agents to members of the KKK she likened border patrol agents to practitioners of human slavery we have a lot of those great people here tonight like Brandon Jud the head of the Union Paul we have so many different people and they didn't like that analogy too much she voted in favor of deadly Sanctuary cities numerous times she supports open borders that's all you'd have to hear I think two words you know they say sir go down a list we have a list of 25 things all you really have to say is two things open borders defund the police the rest is all but you know although she is going to kill Social Security because by putting all of these illegal aliens into Social Security it's dead it's dead she opposes even saying the words illegal alien and radical Islamic terrorist she backs Mass amnesty Mass amnesty and citizenship for all illegal supports mandatory gun confiscation would anybody mind Mr Congressman would they mind uh having their guns ripped out of their arms as they enter their house or their apartment I don't think so I don't think she said that 70 to 80% tax rate is quote a very bold idea something that we have to discuss very seriously she likes it and you know all my life I watched politicians and they've always said we will reduce your taxes we will reduce your taxes we will cut your taxes they want to give you a tax increase of five times what you're paying now how the hell do you get elected this country is so screwed up everything's backwards we want open border we want tax how do you like to be a politician we want open borders we want tax increases we want all electric cars so that you can go 15 minutes before you charge it up and for all the congressmen that are here in the Midwest they built eight charging stations now you know what that is that's like a gas pump with electricity coming out of just a charging terminal it caused $9 billion did you hear that Mike did you hear that Scott oh you said he's another tough we got tough Congressman here these are these are tough cookies these Pennsylvania guys wow look at that we're introduce him in the second Scott so they spent $9 billion on eight Charing stations two of which never worked I don't think any of them were she wants government intervention to slash consumption of red meat they don't want red meat that means they don't want your cows get rid of your cows we like does anybody what anybody like to keep red meat raise your hand you know I think of it borders and electric mandate and all of the things red meat oh how the hell do you get elected right you know how they got elected by cheating they get elected by cheating because nobody they want to raise your taxes by five times oh please vote for me I'm going to raise your taxes five times higher but the red meat is to fight climate change okay climate change she supports ending cash bail to immediately release criminals upon arrest they kill somebody no bail don't worry about it no cares you don't have you just killed three people no let's let them out in Harrisburg it's a wonderful place and in 2020 she personally urged her followers to donate money to bail out the violent riers get them right out of jail including murderers you know what that was all about right in Minnesota which I think we have a good chance of winning hasn't been W since 197 to by a Republican and we're leading Tom emmer is going to bring that one home they tell me he's going to bring it home this November the American people are going to reject kamla Harris's dangerous liberal extremism and a massive Landslide we're going to too big to rig right too big to rig too big too big to rig we're not going to let her turn the United States into a communist San Francisco Colony we're not going to let it happen that's what they want to do they want to destroy our country she's the worst she was a bad da long before you had your da long before you had some of these Das that you have as you know in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania but in Los Angeles all over the place all over the place you have bad da you have radical left horrible Das that are funded by Soros and others and they weak they're just weak on crime they don't mind if somebody murders somebody they don't want them to go to jail you can kill somebody now our country is sick the mindset of our country is sick and we're not going to let her do to Pennsylvania what she did to California she destroyed San Francisco one of the best cities in the world and it's in tatters so she's a liberal from California she ruined the state she ruined this great one of the greatest cities in the world you know 15 years ago a great friend of mine Bob Tish great guy who's an owner of the New York Giants and a very smart guy wonderful guy too maybe even longer a little longer than 15 he said San Francisco is the best city in our country and today it's a disaster just a disaster he passed away quite a while ago and he would look down and say what the hell happened to that City but he thought San Francisco was one of the greatest he thought Chicago was one of the greatest you know Chicago on July 4th weekend had 117 shootings and 17 people died think of it uh this is not even believable when you hear about Afghanistan and the horrible job that this President did with Afghanistan a low point but they don't have they don't have anything like that in one of the most astoundingly phony moments in Her speech last night kamla Harris bragged at quote I will proudly put my record against Donald Trump's any day of the week I will put it against Donald Trump this this got one of the worst records in anywhere well comma let's go challenge accepted are you ready let's compare our record Point f I can't believe I'm doing you know the the weird thing I mean two weeks ago I was talking about Biden I didn't even know her name nobody did Kamala hello beautiful I didn't even know her name Kamala I heard she was a rotten bordar that's about all I knew about her her only job was the border and she never went there but two weeks ago three weeks ago it was all about Biden then I kept hearing they were going to steal it from him and I said you know it's hard to do because I understand when you have the delegates he had all the de he had 100% of the delegates you had 14 million votes and said you can't really do it but then they threatened him very strongly they said you're incompetent and we're going to get you out he just won you know no they happened to be right he wasn't comp but these are Minor Details no he just won he had all the votes and he could have said no but he was afraid and he's an angry man right now here's the big question I have will he be invited to the Democrat National Convention will he be invited Mr Congressman I don't know now we will because I'm mentioning it if I didn't mention it he would not be invited but now they have to invite him but you know what's crazy the craziest thing so you don't mind if I go off teleprompter all the time it's such a shame I have these great speech writers they really are Ross and Vince they're great they're the best speech writers and I you know I hardly speak about this but I could read the most gorgeous speech but you may be bored to tears no it's they're beautiful the words are beautiful everything's great the sun will rise the moon will set the oceans will glisten I say that's beautiful but I'm not sure that Harrisburg wants to hear that stuff what do you think Congressman what do you think do I don't think so no they are great but I tend to I tend to go off about 75% of the time but you know the hard part is that three four weeks ago I was talking about Biden he's incompetent he's a horrible president he's the worst president in the history of the country now I say she's the worst vice president which is true she's considered the worst she's the most unpopular vice president in the history of the country she did a transformation you know the Press is very corrupt you know that they gave her a transformation like Houdini that was a Houdini like that was a magic trick but don't worry she's going to fall because it's not about him or her it's about the policies they're the same and they're horrible right but they gave her so you know it's sort of like I don't know if anybody watch UFC as an example do you watch it right Dana White the Great Dan in a white did you see him he introduced me the other he introduced me the other today at our convention we had the greatest convention in the history of politics in my opinion thank you Milwaukee and Wisconsin and the arena was beautiful it was unbelievable but Dana White introduced me and he heads up UFC he's done an incredible job but it's almost like you're having a fight between two guys and one guy is getting beat up bad then he goes to a debate right the debate didn't work out too well how did the debate work out for him I don't think so good Scott the debate didn't work out exactly good then he tried to recover from the debate by going out every day and it got worse and worse was a basic disaster but it's like having two fighters and the one guy is getting beat up really badly really and they say all right stop the fight come on out I'll put a new one in that's what we have here KES is the new fighter who cares under my leadership we achiev the most secure Border in US history you know that cuz you didn't have people sleeping on your loan all night we ended Catch and Release we stopped Asylum fraud Cole we got remain in Mexico remember that one you think that was easy to get I call up the president of Mexico friend of mine he's a socialist but still he was a friend of mine he gave us many many thousands of troops to guard our border while we were building the wall I built hundreds of miles of wall and then they didn't want to finish it up which could have taken place very quickly but think of it but you know we got remain think of it remain in Mexico that means you can't come into our country you have to remain in Mexico till you get approved of which very few people got approved you think that was easy that wasn't easy negotiated historic safe third agreements which are complex I won't waste your time but they were great with Central American nations built 571 miles think of that a border wall we're going to add another 200 far more than I said I was going to build and it was working it was working it was good we had the best illegal immigration nonf flow I call it we had they don't they were having a hard time also drugs were weighed down human trafficking was weighed down it's human trafficking in human trafficking in women mostly you know it sounds ancient human traffick it sounds like something from a thousand years ago but it's as big a business in a sense is the drug business and the reason is because of the internet the internet made human trafficking a very very big and horrible business they traffic in women they put them in the trunk of a car they put them in the back seat and they close it up and they you can't even breathe and they bring them they bring them across the border we had knocked it down cold and now it's at a level five times greater than it ever was before nobody's there to check nobody's to look at the car nobody knows who's there who's in it but you can see it on a certain chart that I have you know this chart saved my life where is that CH I love that chart I'm going to sleep with that chart for the rest of my life that chart that chart you know the amazing thing you know the people that operate the the computers and all the brilliant equipment we have backstage she said to me she's great she's great she should come out just tell her to come out here for a second quick quick quick quick you got to get her out she's never done this before she saved my life in a sense I said you saved my life here she is wow wow [Applause] hi no she's a computer genius she saved my life no so you know the story is open but that chart I only used it probably less than 20% of the time so other words we do the rallies and stuff sometimes I'll pull it down sometimes I won't because I do things a little bit at random while I'm up here hello look at a big fell back there but I do things a little bit at random but two things about the chart it's always on my left which means I'm gone it's always on my left if it was on my left I have Mr Governor Mr future Governor I have no chance because it would have been perfect perfect hit and it's only used a little bit and I always use it at the end of a speech I never used it early in fact she were saying today it was so we were really sort of flabbergasted because you called for it at the very beginning of your speech and that chart I'm so proud of it now I like it much more than I liked it before but see the arrow in the bottom that's the lowest level of illegal immigration in the history of our country recorded and that was the last week of my president presidency Mike so that was the last week and look what happened to our country after that and those are now a little bit old because if you look on the right it's a little bit old those numbers are much higher they right now would go off the ceiling and that's what happened to our country in a short period of time three and a half years but look at that number and look at that Arrow so anyway much more importantly right now I say I'm talking about illegal immigration real I said you know what pull up the chart pull it up and they weren't ready because but they're so good and I said wow that was so quick there's nobody over here except for this lunatic and because the crowd was massive as far as the eye could see as far as I mean that's why I love those outdoor sites because you don't have to send 20,000 people back home and I hate to do that they come out and they want to get in and then you get the seats would anybody like to give up your seat I thought you were nicer people than that in Pennsylvania anyway so so I I say chart and i' go like this in the chart so a couple of things she she told me today she said you know the amazing thing is you always call for the chart at the end of the speech not the beginning so that was one factor that's crazy it's always on your left not your right it happened to be on the right this time I don't think I've ever seen it on the right and various other things and if I'm here it's over if I'm here it's no good if I'm I had to be exactly because he was exactly where that very beautiful woman in the white is Right stand up that's exactly and my son said that's not a long distance 100 I don't know so much about shooting other than I'm very good for the Second Amendment I can tell you but I don't know so much about J but I know about sports I know about golf he said that's like sinking a two- foot putt dad that would be the equivalent is that right he actually said might be less than that because some people can't sink a two foot part like Biden I would say Biden Biden can't say but but that's like sinking did anybody see the Bry and DMO thing did you that was cool we had a good time he's a great guy great young athlete so all these things and you know then you figure one of the odds that that happened right where you're just you're literally exactly there you hadn't made the full turn but that chart will always be my world's most favorite chart for a lot of reasons number one is that day in Butler Pennsylvania and number two is look at those numbers that was the lowest number of illegal aliens that we've ever had so it really was a very important uh that was a very important thing it was done by border patrol now let's examine the record of borders are Harris she inherited the strongest Border in US history and immediately turned it into the worst border nightmare in the history of the world there's no country in the world that's ever had a border like this I think the real number is 20 million people maybe more nobody knows you know you have a thing called Goda ways we have millions of Goda aways meaning people that weren't caught they got away upon taking office Harris and Biden sto wall construction halted all deportations protected Sanctuary cities ended remain in Mexico and our Asylum cooperation agreements which are very important and allowed a gigantic invasion of our country bringing in millions and millions of illegal aliens at levels never seen before now actually other than that I thought she's doing a very good job right she's done a wonderful job she's the worst ever and she's going to be your president you'll she will destroy our country this November the American people are going to compare these records and they're going to tell bordar Harris you have done a horrible job you're a disgrace to our country you're fired get out of here you're fired get out get the hell out of here but Cala is protected by the fake news they're trying to delete everything she said hey did you ever see the unselect committee the unselect committee on January 6 did you see where they went and deleted and destroyed all evidence was deleted and destroyed so I think Dan you and all of my friends here they should be indicted for that they destroyed evidence you know why because the the evidence showed that we were innocent the evidence showed that Nancy Pelosi should have had protection at the capital that I offered her and they turned it down the evidence showed that all these stories were fake including me wanting to grab a big strong secret service agent around the neck think of think of this think of this I'm in a car I say fellas I'd love to go down to the capital sir we don't think it's good because you know you're very exposed there all that's okay I said you don't think we could no so I said all right where do you want to go they'll go back to the White House that's the exper this one person had me getting extremely upset I don't get upset when somebody smart says sir you probably better and nothing was Happ just people were walking down remember patriotically right right right so they had me coming from the back of a car now these guys are very strong they're young and strong not as strong as me but they're strong and I grabbed the one guy driving and he's got arms he's got arms like this I grabbed him and I was rebuffed and then I went over to the right and I think he's like a world champion karate guy right like a very tough cookie Bobby his name is Bobby that's all I know but I know him well it's a good guy and I grabbed him around the neck and I began to twist and turn and he was in tremendous pain because of the power of trump tremendous pain and then I went back to the White House and I started throwing hamburgers at the wall this is the story this person so they went to the Secret Service they found out it was all everything all made up it was just made up which most people I mean honestly most people would think that you know think of me grabbing these two strong tough guys that's what they do the one guy said you know if I ever if somebody ever put their arms around me he's trained automatically to go with his fingers like that you know just what he's trained I me I like other things better personally I'd like to run the country better that's what I'd like to do you know they're good with the finger they're good with their fingers into the eye the fingers into the eye and you have a tendency to immediately let go and and and get a towel and start crying cuz it hurts they say oh that hurts no this it was all made up stuff you know it was all made up stuff but wouldn't you think it is I mean who would believe Trump was so angry he grabbed the one guy who is rebuffed that he grab the other one around the neck these people are sick who would believe it but probably some people do even if it's five people but no but some people would believe it you know they hear it they deleted everything because the stories turned out to be false they deleted everything Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 troops or National Guard if we had 500 you wouldn't had a problem and what you never see is the crowd the crowd was Inc it was the largest crowd I've ever spoken before and a small portion walked peacefully and patriotically down to the the capital you remember the term peacefully and patriotically he's horrible it's Insurrection you know if you have an Insurrection you don't say peacefully and patriotically right Mike you say let's go no they these are really bad people these are crooked people and then her daughter you saw that about a month ago her daughter taped her saying that it was her fault the day their daughter is a cinematographer I'm sure Nancy's thrilled they just released a tape where Nancy is saying this is my fault this is doing the thing because she didn't accept my offer she said this is my fault I could have stopped this now she's trying to say well she didn't really mean that no these are these are bad people they're trying to delete everything that she said over the last think of that this is on Cala it's no difference over the last 10 years that's controversial or bad it's like def fund the police the fact that she was given authority over the border that you know they're trying to say that under no circumstances was she even in charge of the border and the fake news is trying to delete everything are you seeing what's going on they're trying to delete everything but you know it's a wonderful the internet is wonderful in certain ways we have every single copy of every article but they're trying to delay that under crazy kamala's policies you know when I got hit everybody thought I was going to be a nice guy and they thought I changed remember just before the Republican convention and and nobody thought I'd be there you know it's not great to be there when your ear is slightly throbbing let's go to the convention darling to the first lady let's go uh but I I got there next day I left right and it was the greatest convention but but and it was like a convention like no other it was a convention that we were all so proud of but they all said Trump is going to be a nice man now he came close to death and I I really agreed with that for about eight hours or so and then I realized they were trying to put me in prison for doing absolutely nothing wrong they went to judges who are crooked judges they went to judges who are fake they had prosecutors who were Democrat radical lefts and always in areas where it's like 3% Republican or or less and I said you know these are bad people so I was nice for about what would you say Dan three four five hours and then I said these are bad people we have to win this battle and you know what they're going to become nicer when we win but we're going to have to win I believe to make them reasonable because they are crazy they are crazy under kamala's policies criminals rapists and vicious gang members are pouring in from South America Asia Africa the Middle East from prisons from jails from mental institutions and in San Asylum you know s Asylum is a step above right this is oh they go crazy when they want to try and say he's cognitively impaired you know I stand up here for two hours and I speak without a mistake but when I say Hannibal lecor they say why does he keep mentioning because Hannibal Lecter was a serious psycho right he was Silence of the Lambs Dr Hannibal Lector he'd like to have you for dinner see the man with the w stand up look at this guy he's here so much he's great he's great he's he's a trump voter I don't think we have to worry about him do we he's a trump voter all the way but Hannibal Lector would like to have you for dinner but these people are now in our country and they always you know actually it's quite clever I think but you know what do you do but they're always saying like he mentions Hannibal Lector it doesn't make sense so it makes a lot of sense they're coming into our country and they're coming in from insan as alums which are closing all over the world it's not just South America because we have the worst people representing our country they laugh at the stupidity of these people all over the world they're coming from the Congo in Africa 22 prisoners right out of Prisons from the Congo in Africa not just South America meanwhile our crime rate is going up how about where they say our crime rate's going down we just had 117 people shot you could take just Chicago and the whole Nations congre crime rate look these are bad people they're phony people they're Liars they cheat on elections they do a lot of bad things and we have to win this election because crime statistics are a disaster they're made up by people that work in the White House and obviously the crime is getting worse because we have probably 20 million people in our country right now and every single day you read about one of these horrible monsters from Parts Unknown who raped a young girl killed her cut him up use his knives not guns because it's a slower death these are monsters and we have them in our country and we're going to deport them at a level like nobody's ever seen we're going to get them the hell out of our country they're going back to the country from which they came because we have become a Dumping Ground for the world and we're not going to take it anymore we're going to get rid of these liberal lunatics like Cala just yesterday it was reported that more than 1,000 members of the The Savage Venezuelan gang trendy aray are plotting to conduct Ambush attacks on police and law enforcement in the United States all the while Harris and Biden sit in the white house and try and figure out who's Dumber they sit in the White House think of it massive massive numbers of Venezuelan gang members now Venezuela is very smart they sent them into our country and then you read that crime is down 72% in Venezuela which it is on Sunday in a separate incident a Venezuelan illegal alien criminal let in the Border by our bordar Harris shot a female police officer in Texas you read about it multiple times with a rifle thankfully the officer is perhaps going to survive they don't know yet but probably but most victims are not so in Texas last month 12-year-old Joselyn Nary was tied up sexually assaulted and strangled to death by two illegal aliens who Biden and Harris released into the United States if bordar Harris stays in charge every single week will bring NeverEnding streams of illegal alien rapist bloodthirsty killers and child predators to go after our sons and our daughters and our wives and our husbands they're letting horrible people into our country they're poisoning they're poisoning our country by contrast if I am elected on day one we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history and we will immediately Deport all of the criminals that bordar Harris has allowed to enter our country they'll be deported [Applause] but no comparison of our immigration records would be complete without considering the terrorists that this crazy borders are of ours is leeding into America can by the way can anybody imagine her as in all fairness we want to be politically correct and all that great who cares can anybody imagine her dealing with president shei of China who's a fear individual fierce person you know she was sent to deal with Putin to keep him from invading Ukraine which by the way he would have never done if I were president Israel wouldn't have been attacked he would not have attacked Ukraine the recent hits on Israel wouldn't have taken place we wouldn't have had inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible disaster in Afghanistan none of these things would have happened would be respected again now we're laughed at all over the world they're laughing at us when I was President Terror watch list encounters at the border reached one year and I don't believe it it was done by border patrol and Ice they have one year where it was Zero they said and I I don't even believe that myself but you know what I'll take it because the charts are usually the other way zero and then after and it was part of that that we just looked at but we had zero terrorists reported coming in in 2019 I believe the year was 2019 zero so let's say it was 10 or 20 now it's thousands of people coming in I never believed the zero but I'll tell you we'll take it but assuming it was 10 15 20 thousands and thousands of terrorists are pouring into our country under Camala Harris thousands of terrorists have been let right in right in and according to news reports the Biden Harris administ ministration has absolutely no idea who they are or where the hell they come from just come on into our country but you're going to be finding this out you're going to have to be think you're going to have a migrant crime statistic that's going to rival anything that we've ever had and the only thing good about these people they're very tough people they come out of those jails and those prisons and those mental institutions the only thing that is really good about them is they make our criminals look like very nice people it's true our criminals that we used to fear we don't fear anymore doctor they're like nice people compared to the people that are coming into our country no candidate who would knowingly keep the Border open as terrorists pour across it can ever be trusted to be commanderin-chief you can't do it can't let her can't let it happen if she becomes your president and I think worse than Biden I think worse than Biden and he's gone he's shot but if she becom comes your president our country is finished I'll tell you in Pennsylvania your beautiful Commonwealth it's always good when you remember it's a common well he would call it a state often remember when Biden used I used to love this guy because you were on pins and needles watching him speak you know when's he going to blow it and it would always happen remember he finished a speech and he couldn't find the stair go and then these handsome men would run up and grab them and help them and every time I imitate it the first lady tells me why why do you keep doing that because they keep saying you can't find the stairs off the you know you've only got about nine stairways off the podium but unlike KLA Harris I will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country we're going to keep them out going to be safe we going to have a safe fact is four years ago we were respected like never before I would say like never before we were respected by China by Iran look at Iran Iran is going wild now aren't they you know Iran was broke when I was President they didn't have money to give to Hamas they didn't have money to give to Hezbollah you see what's going on now with Hezbollah now you're going to end up in a world war you're going to end up in a third world war pretty soon with this with this guy between Ukraine and Russia and the stupidity with what I will get that negotiated and ended before I ever take office I'll do it after the election as President elect in addition to her atrocious record on border security KLA Harris would also obliterate Pennsylvania's economy you know about that she's against fracking she's against oil drilling she wants everybody to have one electric car and share it with the neighbors Harris say stated repeatedly that she supports quote Banning frackin I ban fracking I will ban it on my first day now she's denying it remember a politician always goes back to what their original thought was right and she co-sponsored the $100 trillion green news scam designed to abolish the oil coal and natural gas Industries entirely we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than Saudi Arabia than Russia by far and under me we took it from fourth place and third place we took it to first place by a lot we were energy independent soon to be energy dominant we're going to make so much money we're going to pay off debt and reduce your taxes still further now you can't do anything with these lunatics under a Harris presidency 423,000 Pennsylvania job are linked to fracking that all be demolished she's against fracking she's not going to allow you to Frack she's not going to allow you to frag and the only reason they're allowing it now you know they cut it way back that's what caused the inflation and then he opened it up again back to the Trump days he opened it up to the same because it's similar because he wanted to try and get reelected they didn't know his party was going to overthrow him it was a coup this was a coup of a president he will be famous he will be more famous for the coup than the bad job he's done okay but this was a coup of the president of the United States this was a like a South American you know you read about South America every week they have a coup and they also do the attacks on political opponents by the way your economy would take a $41 billion hit this is Pennsylvania gutting billions of dollars from your state and local budget slashing funding for your schools and police forces and plunging Pennsylvania into severe economic depression enjoy it look if they get in your state is screwed your St if you guys are screwed good luck everybody have a have fun in Congress Mike but I will never let that happen but you don't need to take my word for it alone K's anti-American energy Crusade let's just listen to her now she's a totally oh no I I love Frack let's just see what her video says she had it taped just a little while ago let's go will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office adding the United States to the list of countries who have B this devastating practice there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking okay if I said that nobody would believe it so uh and that's where she is she's a radical left person who destroyed San Francisco and she'll destroy the country just like she did California and San Francisco she was the leader of that pack that destroyed San Francisco it's not only Gavin nusum Gavin nusum he's another Beauty oh we're doing great in the state everyone's leaving we're doing great the state's doing wonderfully they do have wonderful weather and it's a beautiful place but it's overridden with crime he's doing such a terrible job he's a con man you know I watched him in the great Sean Hannity Show and he was in saying like no the state's never done better never done it's all a fake it's all lies the state is a disaster they're moving to Texas Florida Tennessee they're moving to a lot of North Carol ol in South Carolina when we win this November we will end the Biden Harris war in American Energy and we will end their terrible war on fracking fracking is incredible the money you make in Pennsylvania you could quadruple your taxes if you if you lost that industry you could quadruple your taxes the policy of the Trump Administration will be to drill baby drill right right I will also terminate the Biden Harris Electric Vehicle mandate on day one and save the US Auto industry from destruction we are going to rebuild our Auto industry and the United Auto Workers are mostly going to vote for me but you know they have a head of the United Auto Workers who's a fool he's giving our Auto industry to China by allowing this electric mandate to even be thought of and again I'm all for electric cars is a certain little section that wants to have electric I can understand that but it's a small section they want to have gasoline powered cars they want to have hybrids and they're going to have that they don't want to stop every 15 minutes they refuse to stop and I have a friend of mine got a electric car and he was used to driving from Kentucky great state to Washington and he drive and you know he drive it that'll be it now he's driving it he had to stop six times he said what the hell is going on he thought it was good for the environment it's not good for you know he's a idealistic kind of guy I think I'm going to do something good for the environment he got rid of that thing so fast your head would Spin and it's great if you want to go to the candy store and back then you plug it in in your garage it's no wonder the Democrat Party and their thugs are so desperate to stop us they know that we are the only ones who can stop them the only ones you know this is a movement make America great again this is a movement the likes of which no country but our country has never seen before mega mega no country has ever seen anything like it remember when Biden would get up we will stop magga he had no idea I said Joe do you know what it means no not really no it means make America great again we don't want to stop it all of their persecution is only happening because I am running for president and leading big in the polls oh if I wasn't I wouldn't have any of these lawsuits oh they wouldn't be suing me because I'm breaking their ass also they wouldn't be suing me they're doing this because I'm running and I'm leading and I'm leading by a lot we're leading by a lot in this state by the way in this Commonwealth we're leading by a lot in our Commonwealth the radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 20120 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024 we're not going to allow it to happen and every time the radical left Democrats marxists Communists and fascists indict me I consider it a great badge of honor thank you very much cuz I'm being indicted for you did you like my mug shot did you like the mug shots lovely my father's looking down my mother and father they're looking down cuz they're definitely in heaven they made Heaven they're great they're looking down they said I can't believe my son took a mug shot this is unbelievable but it's the number one selling mug shot in history it beat Elvis and it beat Frank Sinatra did you know that Frank Sinatra had a big one did you know he got arrested for something and I think Elvis had a fight at a gas station or something but Elvis was one Frank Sinatra was two and I'm proud to admit and I'm proud to tell you that you have made mine bigger than both of them by a lot it's the biggest selling mug shot ever and I still haven't figured out whether or not I'm happy about it I'm not sure in one way I'm thrilled in another way I'm not sure I like it never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom which is true they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the end they are not after me they're after you I just happen to be standing in their way and I will continue to stand in the way I will always be here I'll be here I don't know I'm getting tired of protecting you but I love it we're going to protect you we're going to go and soon you won't need protection because soon you're going to have a great country again it's true you won't need protection the country will protect [Applause] you but think of it I say this to I got indicted more than Al Capone the great Al Capone can you imagine Al Capone Scarface the meanest man you've ever met I have him beat but we're pleased to be joined today by some fantastic Pennsylvania Patriots friends of mine incredible people starting with the next US senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania David McCormack he's incredible he's a come up David come up here come he's a military hero and honestly you know you're Senator I don't think I ever met him in four years nobody knows who he is it's the weirdest thing it's almost like how do they keep getting elected you got to elect this guy he's a war hero he's a national hero he's a brilliant man he went out he made a fortune and all that stuff that's a good thing not a bad thing it means he's smart right do we agree mei's smart you guys didn't make that much but you're very smart anyway but David has been a friend of mine he's an incredible man and respected all over the place and you know you have one chance to get a guy like this in a lot of people after watching my experience they're not doing this anymore are they so I'd like to introduce Dave McCormack a great guy hopefully he's going to be your next Senator you're going to win and you're going to win big David you thank you thank you thank you president Trump thank you so much all of you and listen in Pennsylvania we know Mr President this is the most important election of our lifetime we know it and we also know that this is Ground Zero which is going to put you back in the White House and a majority in the Senate right here sir right here in Pennsylvania and I want to welcome you back to Pennsylvania after Butler we're so glad you're here sir thank you thank you for being here and I want to say what you all know which is this is an incredibly important choice because we have can continue to have the failed horrible policies of Biden Harris and Casey and I say Casey because he votes 98% of the time that destroys our economy open borders the fentanyl crisis crime the war on fossil fuels but it only gets worse it only gets worse under Harris Casey it only gets worse and that is why we need strong leadership Common Sense leadership and when I go on the campaign Trail Mr President the thing I hear that people want most is strength and I tell them listen I'm a combat veteran I'm an army wrestler and when I was standing there in Butler and saw those uh bullets flying and I've seen people get shot at before and you came up and put that fist in the air and said fight fight fight I said to everybody that strength that's what we need for America that's why we're going to win on November 5th God bless this Commonwealth wow wow that's great you know David it is true David was in Butler and he was sitting exactly there and you know Corey was sitting right behind him can you imagine Cory was killed he was sitting right behind David and David didn't Flinch he didn't move I mean some people moved actually I think it was really known that when bullets are fired in a stadium everyone really gets moving fast and they call it a stampede nobody moved you looked at the people behind me right everyone seen those people those people have become legendary that was just a small group the main tens of thousands of people out here you couldn't even see the end nobody ran nobody moved they knew I was in trouble they said he's in trouble every if you went to a soccer stadium where you'll have a bullet go off one bullet the whole place runs for the exits nobody ran and how about the man behind me with the black outfit and the green floppy hat he's like this David did you see him he's he's looking right where get up here is that him yeah that's [Applause] wow that's great huh well you're good you can be in a foxhole with me anytime manow thank you that's great that was a hell of a day huh but there were a number of them back there they were just Brave everybody there was nobody that fled I think I think nobody fled right they were brave people and they were looking and they were pointing they saw it they were pointing it was incredible and one of these crowd control people that came in afterwards said they've never seen it where bullets are fired and I'll tell you something David was standing and sitting right literally the bullets were going over your head they were going over my head too the second group but uh you weren't a flincher either were you you weren't and Cory right alongside of you right behind him and uh you got to vote for this man he's a hero and he's a great gentleman he'll be a great son Senor and it's time for a change it's time for a change I mean that a vote for Dave McCormick as they vote to seal our border stop migrant crime defeat inflation bring down prices and defend Pennsylvania energy you have to defend your energy they will not allow fracking as soon as if they got in her first move will be to end fracking all throughout the United States Dave is running against truly a not a good member I don't like to be disrespectful he's been there a long time but B Casey is a stiff he's a stiff nobody nobody knows who the hell he is I don't think I've ever gone to a meeting where he's been in the meeting Mike Mike has been in the meeting Dan has been in the meeting Scott has at too many meetings right no I don't think I've ever been I don't think I've ever been to a meeting where Casey's even been there and I've been through a lot of meetings with a lot of Senators but you know he just sort of goes along you're after years father was there he's there we want to have a great warrior Dave Good Luck Good Luck thank you DAV vote for him we're pleased to be joined today by some really fantastic people some I would say truly great warriors and if you could maybe uh Congress people just stand up right just stand up Scott Perry Mike Kelly GT Thompson GT hiy Dan muser Lloyd smucker these are unbelievable Warriors these are great Fighters and if you can add David it's going to be an unbeatable combination Pennsylvania Treasure thank you very much fellas you've done a great job you've done a great job Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy G Lancaster County Commissioner Josh Parsons great job Josh Jim Worthington he's a fantastic man thank you thank you Jim nice to see you and two people that are amazing very talented very talented very incredible people one is a spokesman for the lawyer by the way but a great spokesman truly committed to make America great and me but truly committed to make America great which is more important than me for more important I mean it's just something special she has been an incredible person going around and and letting people know how important our country is how we love our country Alina Haba Alina stand up Alina I didn't know she was going to be here [Applause] today and another person one of the most talented writers a person who truly has the pulse of this area Pennsylvania and the Rust Belt in general the Rust Belt is her territory nobody covers it better Selena Zito Selena where are you Selena where are you thank you she's a great she's a great writer we're also joined by Tiffany Hall a single mother of four from Columbia Pennsylvania who want wants to tell us firsthand what the Biden Harris inflation nightmare has done to her family it's destroyed her family Tiffany please come up please thank you thank you Tiffany this is happening All Over America because of inflation by the way thanks thank [Applause] you thank you very much so gas prices are just astronomical um being able to afford anything for my children anymore like sports is just kind of out of the question now um when President Trump was in I could do these things with them since then I've have not been able to I can't put them into sports I can't go on extrav extravagant vacations anymore we can go to free parks around here I I miss it I miss when we didn't have to pull out of our pockets for things um I'm hoping we can get back to a point where I'm financially aable and others I know I can't be the only one we're all going to the Gas Pump and being like man here goes the last of what I [Applause] have I know I would like to be able to go into a grocery store again and not have to put something back or say nope we can't do it a a nice cake from the bakery we have to try and do one from hope so I really hope and pray that we can make America great again and get you back in [Applause] office wow thank you Tiffany so cute you know she said oh I can't believe it I left my notes down on her seat I said just go and wing it and she did better you did better than if you had your notes Tiffany I have to be honest that's great you did better thank you appreciate it things like that happened I said well give it a shot she did better starting on day one of the Trump Administration we will end inflation and we will make America great again we will deliver regulation Cuts energy price cuts interest rate cuts and we will drive prices down and we'll drive them down very fast we will pass massive tax cuts for workers and that includes no tax on tips to protect Pennsylvania jobs I will revoke China's most favored nation trade status I will pass the Trump reciprocal trade act if China or any other country makes us pay a 100 to 200% tariff for tax we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff or tax of 100 or 200% right back you heard us and we hurt you it's an eye for an eye before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after we win the presidency and it's we win the presidency I mean that I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled and I am the only one that can say I know all the players and they respect us they respect me and they used to to respect our country but no longer I will prevent World War III that's where we're heading we're heading to World War II and you see it I will restore peace through strength over and over again our enemies have watched Biden and Harris signal a lack of will total weakness to do what's necessary to protect American people and stand up for our allies a week ago the prime minister of our closest middle Easter Ally Israel came to address Congress you saw that instead of sending a clear signal that the United States will never abandon an ally a very important one Kamala chose to politicize the moment to grandstand making a show of refusing to attend you know where she was she went to a sority party could you believe it even though it was her Duty as president of the Senate to be there it was her duty to be there her Democrat allies fell in line Chuck Schumer refused to shake the Israeli Prime Minister's hand Chuck Schumer has become a Palestinian yes says can you believe it he's become a proud member of Hamas Nancy Pelosi likewise denounced the speech in shameful terms you know 15 years ago Israel had the strongest most powerful Lobby in this country now it's almost the opposite with AOC plus3 and all the people the the enemies of our country in a true sense but they are and the enemies when they saw all these people abandoned Israel they took note and I don't think it's accidental that just four days after Harris and Biden repudiated our Israeli allies Iran's top terrorist group hisbah fired an Iranian missile to kill 12 innocent children at a soccer field in Northern Israel happened right after he left with great embarrassment he left the terrorists did it because they assumed they could get away with it because the United States is weak and ineffective and no longer respected we are no longer respected we are a failing Nation I mean it's horrible you don't want to say it I wish I didn't have to say it I wish I could say they're doing a phenomenal job I wouldn't run I wouldn't run I wouldn't have to run I would be very happy to have somebody do a phenomenal job I wouldn't have to run and I'd be very happy with that I'd be proud of our our country but right now our country is a joke it's being left at all over the world the truth is Harris and Biden's weakness is inviting every Rogue enemy worldwide to absolutely get away with murder in my next term we will build a great Iron Dome missile defense Shield over our country a dome like has never been seen before and it will be entirely made in the USA and right here in Pennsylvania big sections of it and I will cut remember this I will cut all of the bad talk about social security they're going to destroy your Social Security but I will not cut one cent from Social Security or Medicare and I kept my promise for four years that I will keep it again and seniors should not pay taxes on Social Security and they won't they won't there are the people it's up to you no tax on social security by contrast kamla cast a tiebreaking vote to cut Medicare you saw this by 237 billion dollars in a heartless betrayal of American seniors we're going to rebuild our cities into beacons of Hope safety and Beauty better than they have ever been before we will take over the horribly run capital of our nation in Washington DC clean it up renovate it fix it rebuild it we will again have the most beautiful Capital anywhere in the world and there will be no crime no crime allowed very strong right now you go there you get mugged you get shot on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content onto the lives of our children and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate and I will keep men out of women sports how simple is that I will fully uphold our Second Amendment as I did for four years we just got the backing of the NRA complete and total endorsement from the NRA we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech to our country again and very importantly I will secure our elections our goal will be one- day voting with paper ballots proof of citizenship voter ID we're going to do it we're going to do it a lot of other countries are doing it the mailin voting isn't working it's corrupt but until then Republicans must win we want to have a landslide because the best way to protect against the rigging and these people know it is too big to rig there's a level at which they can't she so if you want to save America get your friends get your family get everyone you know and vote vote early vote absentee vote on Election Day I don't care when you vote but whatever you do you have to vote and make sure you're ballot counts cuz these people cheat they cheat like dogs and if you want to help us ensure election Integrity sign up at protectthe protectthe and in conclusion from Easton to Hershey from Jamestown to Allentown and from Pittsburgh to right here in beautiful Harrisburg love Harrisburg we got a lot of in Harrisburg we stand on the shoulders of American legends who poured out their Blood Sweat and Tears for our rights and for our freedom Pennsylvania is where our founding fathers declared America Independence think of that think of the history that this great great place is beautiful Pennsylvania think of the history that you have it's where the Army weathered its brutal winter at Valley Forge where General George Washington we never taking his name off any buildings they'd like to when they want to take Washington Lincoln and Jefferson off ain't going to happen but it will happen under her George Washington LED his men on the daring Mission across the Delaware and where the union was saved by The Immortal Heroes at Gettysburg Gettysburg wow Gettysburg and this is the state where generations of tough strong Pennsylvania Miners and Steel Workers Forge the greatest nation in the history of the world but now we are a nation in serious decline we are a failing Nation we are a nation that has lost its confidence lost its willpower and lost its strength we are a nation that has lost quite simply its way but we are not going to allow this horror to continue less than four years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again soon with our leadership every disaster Joe Biden and Camala Harris created can be fixed and be quick very quickly we're going to do it so quickly remember I used to tell the story we're going to win win win right we're going to win so much you're going to get tired of winning we're going to win we're we going to start winning please please Mr President we're winning too much we can't take it anymore we're going a winwin win every problem can be solved and every wrong can be rectified by this time next year America's borders will be strong sealed and secure inflation will be a full thing of the past it will be in full Retreat our economy will be roaring back optimism will be surging the American dream will be thriving again for citizens of every race religion color and Creed Law And Justice will reign all throughout our land Freedom will be restored the flame of Liberty will be burning bright Joe Biden and kamla Harris the worst Administration in the history of our country will be a fading memory of the past and our great silent majority including the once forgotten men and women of our country will be the one shaping America's magnificent future when I am the 47th president of the United States because we are all Americans and together we will show November 5th to be the most important day in the history of our country We Are One movement one people one family and one glorious nation under God and together we will make America powerful again make America wealthy again make America strong again make America proud again make America safe again make America free again and we will make America great again thank you Pennsylvania God bless you God bless you thank you thank you thank you everybody you he on me when the day comes and you down and I trouble and I back to th

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LIVE: Donald Trump hosts MAGA rally in Las Vegas

Category: News & Politics

[applause] well thank you very much everybody hello las vegas hello las vegas i'm thrilled to be back in this incredible state with thousands of proud hardworking american patriots which is what you [applause] are as you all saw three months ago we had a monumental victory we had a beautiful victory... Read more

Biden's student loan debt forgiveness plan is communism: Jonna Spilbor | National Report thumbnail
Biden's student loan debt forgiveness plan is communism: Jonna Spilbor | National Report

Category: News & Politics all right. we'll take you now to washington, where the supreme court has declined to lift a block on the biden administration sweeping student loan relief plan. the high court, refusing to revive the white house repayment plan, instead choosing to wait for multiple lawsuits brought by gop... Read more

LIVE: Donald Trump speaks after presidential debate in Arizona thumbnail
LIVE: Donald Trump speaks after presidential debate in Arizona

Category: News & Politics

[applause] this is a very rambunctious crowd this is a run well hello tuon it's great to be with you i love i love this place we've been very successful here as you know and i'm thrilled to be back in the great state of arizona with thousands of proud hardworking american patriots that's why this is... Read more

FBI admits to Congress Trump was struck by bullet after initially casting doubt thumbnail
FBI admits to Congress Trump was struck by bullet after initially casting doubt

Category: News & Politics

It is a privilege to appear before you today to discuss the fbi's investigation of the attempted assassination of former president trump on july 13th in butler pennsylvania before going further i want to again offer my and our condolences to the victims of this heinous attack to the family and loved... Read more