What Dual Threat QBs Need on Film, Gators Record Prediction and More (GridironStuds Show)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:47:38 Category: Sports

Trending searches: florida gators
welcome to the grd iron studs show I am Chad Wilson owner of grd iron sts.com and the grid iron studs app and we're here we're talking College Football Today college football recruiting and we are already into the season the kickoff Classics hit off down here in South Florida last week and we've got some major ESPN action coming up this weekend hope you guys check in and watch all of that and get yourself fully lathered up for the high school football college football does also kick off this weekend Florida State and Georgia Tech are going to solve their issues over in Ireland great we're growing this fort we're heading out to Ireland love that good good uh definitely a good experience for you know the college football players on both teams so that's a good thing some of those guys well let's just say the majority of them will never ever go to Ireland again so good for them to head over there and um kick off this college football season the real super real action does start a week from now at the end of the month a August 31st bareheaded by the big matchup between the University of Miami and the Florida Gator in the swamp I know many of you are looking forward to that and uh I'm looking forward to doing these shows each and every week with you talking about college football college football recruiting Because we do love college football yes they've done some things to poke Us in the side over the last few years but there is just um no denying that the on the- field action and the Nostalgia and all of the the Fanfare of college football is just unduplicated by anything else that we have in uh the American Sports World so for as much as they Tinker with it outside of the actual um grid iron the the love for what happens on that field and in those stands each and every Saturday in the fall just cannot be diminished I dare say though they might try but anyway coming up on the show today just a little bit of news items with regards to some signings I don't do a big part of that here on this show we're also uh going to talk about the NCAA flexing their muscle again wait till you see who they flexed on this time around also got a prediction for you I'm going to talk to you guys about what I think the Florida Gator record will be this year looking forward to doing that as you know I do the two Chumps football podcast with Amo Camino and we've just completed going through all of the conferences uh in the big four so the SEC ACC Big 12 Big 10 we just finished doing that and then laying out our college football playoffs for you what an interesting exercise that was if you guys have a chance go ahead and hit to CH football podcast see our latest episode As We Lay out to you the college football playoffs and um you know over the last few weeks we've been doing all of the individual conferences so I did touch on Florida but but going to go a little bit more in depth on that in this program talk to you about what I think Florida is going to end up doing this season and then a little bit of a note there for you guys that are dual threat quarterbacks and there are more and more of those in this day and age I think we're probably going to move to a point where we don't even classify quarterbacks as dual threats anymore since it's kind of a requirement of the position now that you be mobile or you're just not going to get a whole lot done nevertheless we still have a dual threat quarterback category and yes there are guys out there that definitely run better with that football than others that are at the quarterback position but I'm going to break down for you the things that you guys need to show on your highlight video if you're going to try and attract the college football offers and attention from college football coaches and scouts at the next level so looking forward to doing that with you guys if this is your first time here or you've not had a chance to do it go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you're watching on YouTube otherwise however you are listening to me right now I'd appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button so whether it's podcasters Spotify uh Apple podcast however you are listening to this right now and if that is your uh podcasting stream device or Outlet of choice go ahead and hit the Subscribe button and uh make sure you don't miss out on another episode when it breaks you're trying to reach me about anything that I talked about on the show today of course if you're watching on YouTube the comment section is always open love those comments ments and love the back and forth in there so go ahead and hit the comment section otherwise you can email me C Wilson grid iron sts.com again C Wilson grid iron sts.com and once again man if you're a high school football player and you're looking to play at the next level there you absolutely need to be on the grid iron studs app I'll have a link to it in the description down below but basically allows you to come on there and create a profile with all of the information that you need to be recruited by college football program so that's your height weight track times weight room um information stuff that you're doing there pictures highlight video of course uh your bio then the uh recruiting status updates that you're going to keep updated all along as well as stats and again everything that you need to put forth to show your worth and value to the next uh level so and any of the college football programs and of course we've got college football coaches using the grid iron studs app each and every day and week looking for the next group of guys that are going to come in and help their program so why not put yourself there and get the exposure that you need and put yourself before the very guys that can offer you those scholarships so make sure you do that if you're a high school football player and you have not had a chance to do that yet every High School football player should be on the grid iron studs app so couple of signings to talk about um Oklahoma a team that I'm listen people have had their thoughts about Oklahoma and Texas moving into the SC in uh hey you know big 12's not the SEC da D okay I think they're aware of that but also we're not bringing in any mid-tier big 12 teams here this is Texas and Oklahoma and I think they will fear just quite fine in the SEC they can lay their hat amongst the big boys in that League the Alabam the LSUS the georgas they're going to fit it just fine and one of the big reasons is both of those schools have always been able to kind of recruit whoever they want and that's just going to continue there's a lot of money in in in that area of the country okay Texas Oklahoma those Wells of oil runneth and so there the the money and the names Oklahoma and Texas we're talking about the Blue Bloods of college football and they're not going to have any problem there they may even experience an uptick in their recruiting now that they are going to be playing in the SEC that might fire up even more people to go and join uh both of these programs and I think they'll just find evidence of that is Oklahoma picks up a five-star tackle uh three days ago and Michael ausi 6'5 athletic gentleman um probably projects as a right tackle you know these left tackles nowadays Have To Be Giants they're 6 foot6 6768 especially at programs like this but Texas um uh Oklahoma beat out Texas as well as Oregon Missouri and Texas A&M you're doing something when you beat out Texas A&M for recruit the state of Texas so um they Oklahoma comes in Dallas and grabs Michael Susi um out of Lewisville High School in Dallas Texas had a chance to check him out on film here's the thing about recruiting offensive line when uh you know at the high school level it really is a tough thing and that's why I think probably for I might be saying something here but I think High School camps probably are best and most beneficial for guys on that offensive line why do I say that because it does allow them the chance to go to the camps and and I fully realize you're not patted in these camps I'm talking about the recruiting camps and a lot of times some of the oncampus camps yes they sometimes they you know might have you lightly paded whatever but when you go there it's the best of the best especially on the defensive side too because what happens to a lot of times and you're talking to a guy that's watched a ton of offensive linemen film in high school it is very rare for a high school offensive lineman especially left and right tackles to go up against a guy that's going to resemble anything like what they're going to see at the next level there are miles of film for guys of all all likes five stars on down to three stars and guys that are no stars that are going up against 195 pound defensive ends um you might even see 185 pound defensive end out there um guys that need to be athletic to rush to passer and that works for some of these teams in most games until they run into a five-star left tackle so you see them coming off the ball and mauling a guy that's considerably smaller than them or they go to that next level and they're hitting a linebacker that's that doesn't resemble anything like what they're going to be facing at the next level even when the five-star offensive tackas going against a program with athletes a lot of times they only really have one Marquee defensive end and if that tackle doesn't have a guy his equal on the other side well you know a smart defensive coordinator is going to take their best defensive end and put him on that other side he's going to be opposite of that five-star tackle abusing the Lesser guy that's just smart football you are going to make the offense adjust to that and kind of probably stay away from the five-star tackle every now and then you do get those matchups you know Big Time defensive end going against an offensive tackle sure but most of the time as you watch the film these offensive tackles are not going up against a guy that's going to be remotely close to what they're seeing at the next level so a lot of these guys get recruited based on their Dimensions you know if you're 65 if you're 270 275 280 and up 300 lb and you're carrying that weight well well your guy that's going to be heavily recruited a lot of times it's not a whole lot on like the the the film per se they do want to see you moving around um they you know they they do want to see some of your athleticism there but I'm here to tell you if any of you guys have watched film it's a lot of offensive tackles going against guys that they just clearly could dominate that's why the camps are so good they get to see them against guys like that working against a pass rush at other various things that they do at these camps so um that's I say that because that's kind of the case with Michael pusi when you take a look at his highlight video um he's going against a lot of those types and yes he's definitely dominating them if he wasn't doing that he wouldn't be as highly touted as he is now but nevertheless that's the case Oklahoma comes into uh Dallas Texas and grabs that guy the other big signing this week was uh for Alabama akund Deere uh the number one ranked running back in the class of 2025 um out of out of Mississippi um one of the top players in Mississippi one of the top players obviously in the country has now signed with alab well not signed shouldn't say that and we're going to hit on a little bit of that down in the show has committed to Alabama so um kayin dor is um they're not slouching around down there the big thing that happened that people U paid attention to and talked about was what initially happened when Nick sain left Kaylin dbor got the job was a lot of transfers out of there and you got to understand that those things would happen people came there for Nick Sabin and then got a little scared you know some assistance left went other places so guys left and that got the headlines in the Press early on but as you look at it Bama is still Bama we will obviously find out this fall just how well kayin dbor can coach in Tuscaloosa we already know and had a chance to see what he could do in Washington got those guys all the way to the last game that in and of itself is an accomplishment and should motivate people and should um at least have some kind of calm for tide fans but I know they're going to be Hell on Wheels coming up behind the Nick Sabin era so I don't know if if anything short of being in the title game or the final four is going to satisfy Bama fans but the truth remains that kayin debor is a good coach is she's put together a really good staff in terms of both coaching as well as going out and recruiting Because right now the tide have the number two ranked class in the class of 2025 I know we're a little early but only Ohio state is ranked ahead of them so um obviously they've got the chops and Alabama name still holds heavy heavy weight as you're out on the recruiting Trail because you know they've been able to put together a class but talking about Dar he is a non-nonsense guy not a whole lot of Jukes he's kind of a one cut guy finds a Lane hits it um and that kind of Suits what goes on in Alabama never been one to have the jittery type back there at running back it is you know get behind your pads coming downhill get these yards don't be playing around so he's definitely an Alabama type back put up 2,000 yards last year as a junior hard to imagine him barring injury not doing the same thing this year even though everyone will be looking out for him but he's uh that's kind of always been the case for him for a couple of years now so um and with his kind of running style um we could see another 2,000 uh yard season and him really pushing himself deeper into the history um and the history books of Mississippi so uh two big sightings in this past week the NCAA once again has flexed their muscle this is the same NCAA now that um has completely Fallen back as the nil thing has blossomed in college football if I could use that word they've kind of been hands off you know you guys can kind of just do it want every now and then now they come and poke their head in there and start slapping people on the wrist or really gripping the wrist and as always the NCA tends to go a little bit harder on programs that they feel they can go hard on and then they tend to look in the other direction with people that pay the bills and you guys know who they are I don't need to run through that list if you're a college football fan and I feel pretty strongly that you are if you're watching the show you know you know the schools that I'm talking about that just don't seem to rack up any of these violations though they bring in number one classes and they are totally killing it in the transfer portal they just don't seem to rack up any of these violations you know who got a violation KK France the Elder Statesman in college football in terms of coaching has somehow racked up a recruiting violation that's going to put him on the Shelf him and an assistant on the shelf for one game the opening game of this 2024 season is going to see Kirk FR not on the sidelines for Iowa think they will be able to to hang they'll be able to get it done I mean kudos to them you know was a bit of a play you know you know what these schools um tend to do when they go with the self-imposed penalty so apparently uh the infraction here is that Kirk fance had improper contact with uh recruit namely uh being uh Kade mcnamer who fell on the depth chart obviously uh behind JJ McCarthy at Michigan and decided to leave uh Michigan and ended up at Iowa apparently there was improper contact before uh Cade mcnamer hit the transfer portal and so that's going to put K Kirk fence on the Shelf along with his um his assistant ladies and gentlemen do you not think that this is going on all across college football when you see a guy jump in a portal and in under five days he's at another school do you think that he just legitimately decided to jump in a portal without talking to anyone and within the space of five days spoke to a school ironed everything out and made a decision in five days have you guys at all watched High School football recruiting do you see how long it takes in that process for guys to make a decision all the things that they've got to go through if you believe that a guy goes in the transfer portal and in the space of 24 48 72 hours makes initial contact with a school talks and and gets everything sewed up and now he's at another school I have land in the West Indies I want to sell you so basically everyone's doing this in fact nil deals are being agreed upon and spoken about before guys are even in the transfer portal I mean who are we fooling why does the NCAA insult us like this here's how I look at the NCAA handing out or at least coming after Iowa because you know Iowa did in fact is self-impose but coming after Iowa come on NCAA when you do stuff like this you lose even more credibility you know we're no one holds the NCA in high esteem as it relates to college football but then when you do stuff like this come on now leave Iowa alone it's hard enough as it is for them to acquire the kind of talent that they need to battle it out with the big boys in the Big 10 that gets harder of course this year as you've got some new Imports some upper tier teams from the Pack 12 coming in but whatever the case may be Iowa seems to be in the think of things I mean I was played in a couple of big 10 championship games with all the talent that existed all these schools like Ohio State Penn State Michigan Iowa has found themselves in the final game for this conference a couple of times already get out of their way come on Kurt fance uh is somehow um a Viner of the rules yeah and the true sense of it you know he did admit to the fact that improper contact was made and they do Pride themselves on following the rules there at Iowa but for God's sakes for Real come on come on fellas but that's it um we'll see who the NCA decides to lean on next I mean is Vanderbilt in the crosshairs for the NCAA we're going to find out we're going to see that uh time to jump on to a record prediction here and I've chosen the Florida Gators as the one I know I have some Florida Gator fans that watch this as you know Florida based basically so Miami Florida Florida State they all check in and so um it is my pleasure to do this one of the big reasons why I wanted to take a look at the Florida Gators and uh and give a little special attention to uh their record prediction obviously I've got some kind of a history with the Florida Gators with my two sons going there but um also there's been much talk about the Florida Gator schedule it is without a doubt the hardest schedule in college football this year when you look at the likes of Tennessee Kentucky Georgia Texas LSU Old Miss Florida State being there from The Middle on to the end of the season and then you're kicking it off with the University of Miami someone um many people believe will be um in the ACC title game have a good chance of winning it and be in the college football playoff when you're kicking the season off like that and then you've got that gamut of teams I even forgot about Texas A&M who they have it in week three that's a tough road to hoe and people were already in Gainesville and in Florida land skittish about Billy Napier it's very hard to please Florida fans but if I'm just being honest here not having a winning season in your three years while you're at Florida is a tough pill to swallow I don't care what fan base you are and when you are talking about Florida Gators who have some national championship um rings in their you know on their shelves at home this is a really tough to swallow it has been since good Lord the D-Day era uh World War II since Florida has lost had a winning a losing season in three straight Seasons the last time it happened 1945 to 1947 and I've already told you some of the names on this schedule that they have this year should it not work out for them and once again they have a sub 500 season it would be the only the second time in their history which is rather rather long that they've been able to put together four straight losing Seasons last time it happened the only other time it happened 1935 to 1938 and so there's a chance history could be hit up here for the Florida Gators and I've already talked to you about the names on the list but here's my feeling on this I've seen some wild predictions um the haters out out there of the Florida Gators have said 10-2 is likely 3 and N is probably what's going to happen I would say this if Billy Napier and his staff at Florida flirt at all with the 500 record this season you really um should be clapping it up for that guy and I know that's tough for FL fans who witnessed the urban Meer era and the fans who witnessed both the Steve spur and urban Meer uh era where you you brought home some titles I know that's tough thing for you to hear but you've got to like divorce yourself from the past you can remember it but Divorce Yourself from that and understand where you are as a program right now and that is you are not what you used to be things are different in Florida and you have this schedule now the CC has changed and you've have these new Imports and you're facing one of those new Imports at their place Texas in your season and so you can't go judging this team this program this coach against anything in the past most notably the urban Meer era which I honestly feel has spoiled Florida fans and has continued to spoil them for years on Ed this why you prematurely got will mus champ out the door um and then you had problems keeping m Mar and you and then you got Mullen out of the door you wanted offense so bad in Florida you know just playing good defense and being a solid double digit win team was not enough for you you got Dan Mullen in and off rip he was doing that putting up points on the board um and New Year six bowl games and then you couldn't you you had a problem with that and then I really think what happened towards the end of it was Mullen just threw his hands up like a little effort then you know you guys guys can't find um you know some appreciation for what I've done here in these early years well just whatever we'll just ride this thing out I'll get up out of here you guys can fire me and I'll take my money and I'll go home and the reason I have that feeling is like Dan mullen's been in no hurry to go coach again after that that's what would lead me to lean hard on my theory here is like he's just enough with this enough with this crowd enough with the administration that's going to listen to the fan base so on and so but again talking about the prediction the good things all right let's talk about the good things for the Florida Gator going into this season nine returning starters on offense including your quarterback Graham Merz who showed some showed some good things last year you're bringing six uh starters back on your defense that's a good thing you've done some good things in the transfer portal um you've you've done well recruiting and some of those players you've recruited have now matured their way into the program if they're not starters um there are quality backups that will'll see time this year and provide uh for whatever success it is that you might be uh that you might have coming your way so you've got an experienced team coming back I think a lot rides on what happens in this game a couple of weeks your opener at home against the University of Miami win it it probably gives you a good feeling some good confidence to maybe flip a game that was on the schedule as a loss into a win because you go into into your real season with a good feeling about your program and that stuff is very very important for a program on the edge like this if you're in one of these upper echelon Schools Ohio State um you know Alabama George of those types you look at a opening game loss as you know setback you dig down you go hard you just fix it during the rest of the season but if you're Florida who's had their struggles as I said three straight losing seasons and then you start off the year 0 and one it can have a bit of a not I don't want to say a devastating effect but it can have a a strongly negative effect on you as you go through now you do have a chance to come up from ER obviously the next game you're against Samford but then Texas A&M Comes to Town the good thing there is they're breaking in a brand new coach and you do have them um kind of at home you're playing a game in Jacksonville so it should be predominantly a Florida crowd there so it's a like I said A lot's going to be riding on what happens in that first game how the rest of this thing goes we could see a situation let's just say Florida beats Miami in that opener you could go you could conceivably go 5 and0 before you head out to Tennessee which you know obviously that's going to be a tough game to win at Tennessee Tennessee is a solid team they play very well at home yes they've had their trials and tribulations in their series with Florida but right now I would say Tennessee is a better team and Florida's got to go on the road and play this game you've also had your problems with Kentucky who's your next opponent after Tennessee and then the Run of games after that is incredible it's it's it's uh legendary Georgia at Texas LSU ol Miss Florida State it's hard to find those wins there so what do I think's going to happen the thing that bothers me about Florida coming into this season is you had five double digigit losses last year and historically I'm not going to dig into the roster I'm not going to sit up here and and talk to you about individual players on this team I think a lot of people when they do this prediction stuff and I've been doing it for a while get too caught up in exactly what players are on the team and because they have these players they should win these games they should win X amount of games having played coached and all of that yes you definitely need to have good players but if you start digging into the players and you start using that solely as your predictor as to how a team's going to do you will get disappointed a whole lot of times there's a lot of factors that come into play here it's the talent the culture that's there how the talent messes with the coaching staff which is always difficult for people and then you have a whole lot of what you're coming off of last year and for the Florida Gators the five double digigit losses last year really do bother me it's hard to see a team historically go from that many cons you know what's the word I'm looking for when it's double digit solid losses to just turning into a really great team this year and you know what a really great team for Florida this year would be given this schedule is anything above 7 and5 8-4 would be outstanding for Florida that would be a major turnaround and when you've had five double digigit losses last year when I look at games like um not being all that competitive against a Georgia team that was not the strongest Georgia team of the last few years you lose by three touchdowns there um you go to LSU you get slapped around there that's a three touchdown loss um you play Florida State who doesn't have their quarterback Who as we saw was everything you lose that game home um almost by double digits you know you lose by nine points those are troubling to me and you you have that mindset you're bringing it into the next year and you've got these this gamut of games to run through so in my mind this is a 5 and seven football team and I'm here to tell Florida Gator fans this if Billy Napier and his staff can pull together a five- seven season he absolutely deserves to be back in Gainesville next year if he's a 500 football coach this year if he's a seven and five football coach this year you got to extend that guy they've done well in the transfer portal the whole jayen rashada thing um um and and maybe some other mishaps that have happened there with the nil aside they've done a really good job recruiting they've been able to grab some recruits that people didn't think they were able to get they've done their thing in a transfer portal um they got this whole thing together where kamani mlan we remain to see how that's going to work there's a lot of upside potential there and they didn't risk a whole lot kids a walk- on but you could see the movement there and we are far enough away now from the urban meire era where you can like let's start readjusting your mindset and understand you're coming from the bottom up you're not from the top down anymore so if your team ends up being 500 or five- seven as I predicted this year or even seven and five that is a win for Florida Gator team that has Georgia Texas LSU Old Miss Florida State to close out the season and opens the year against um a college football playoff hopeful in the University of Miami that's how I see it now is there the potential to go three and N yeah how would that happen you lose that Miami game you and you have a mishap with Texas A&M you're going to be in a lot of trouble you're going to be in a lot of trouble I will say this looking at the schedule Florida Gators on behalf of the big three Florida Florida State and the University of Miami handle your business against UCF if you fumble around against UCF and you let that program walk out of the swamp with a w I think will all throughout the state regret it because this is the UCF team that proclaimed themselves national champs about five or six years ago 2017 season if they go in there and they defeat defeat any of these big three teams on their soil we will never hear the end of it and then UCF will definitely say they have replaced Florida in the big three there'll be no doubt about it then people will be forced to agree on the heels of these three straight losers seasons and then UCF is coming it's going to really look bad and then mentally I don't know what that would do to this Florida team for the rest of the way so you in the early part of this season you lose to Miami you lose to Texas A&M you got a problem you lose to Miami you mess around at all with UCF and end up with an L there I think mentally you're going to be dealing with the wrong type of Team the rest rest of the way and you could see a disastrous season you could see three and N or is the haters may may get their way at 2- 10 in which case going to be hard to bring Billy Napier back and then once again you're starting over in the state of uh Gainesville up there the University of Florida once again you're going to be tracking private jet flights and you're going to be going through that whole coaching change thing again which you seem to be doing every 2.75 years in Gainesville please make it stop but uh my official prediction here as it was on the T Chumps football podcast for the Florida Gator is a 5- seven finish to the season that's how I see it here folks for the uh Florida Gators reading and we would love to read you guys comments down here how do you think the Florida Gators are going to finish this 2024 season we've talked about their uh ridiculous schedule all throughout um you know the the off season that's been a big thing that people have talked about so already know that's the situation here so let's jump on to some recruiting advice because that's uh a lot of what's done here on the on uh the grid iron stud show we are this is a recruiting outfit obviously I talked about it in the beginning the grid iron studs app and all how all of you high school football players should be on there if you're listening to this right now if you are the parent of a high school football player you definitely should be on that grid iron studs app again we'll have a link to it down in the description down below but I'm here today to close this out and talk to our dual threat quarterbacks out there which are becoming more and more plentiful at the high school football level AI you know out of necessity or just imitation because you know you see the Lamar Jacksons you even see a guy like Patrick Mahomes who's not really classified as dual threat but he does move around well and everyone is seeing the mobility that is needed at that position and everyone's kind of moving in that direction so like I said we still have a dual threat category and so um there's some advice here for you guys that uh here are the things you're going to need to show on you guys' highlight video and I'm going to lead this off by saying arm strength and accuracy you're classified as a dual threat quarterback so the given here is that you can run around with the footall the truth remains though that if you're going to be consistent and you're going to win football games you have to make throws from the pocket I'm from that school and the evidence points it out at all levels whether it's well less so in high school because you could just be a fully run team even though that's becoming less and less a possibility and and still win a whole lot of high school football games but when you get to that college level you the armies and navies aren't winning any national titles so you got to be able to throw the ball and so since you're classified already as a dual threat quarterback you know the foundation here is your ability to throw the football your quarterback you know so the uh Recruiters on film are going to be looking for a guy who can zip the ball in the tight windows with Precision going to need to demonstrate the capacity to make the required throws whether that's short throws the intermediate as well as the Deep throws typically your dual threat quarterbacks can can throw those Bombs all right it's just kind of they've come out a little Le with that they were either running with the ball or they were throwing a deep 50 60 yard touchdown somewhere so you you're going to have to be able to illustrate your your ability to throw the ball now which means a full monum of throw so that's be able to make short intermediate and the Deep throws um and show your ability to adapt if someone is you know possibly taking taking away your legs if they're going to go all out to take out take away your run game you've got to be able to make the throws and her a so being accurate on those deep throws is more important than being able to throw at a country mile we've all seen guys like that who could throw the ball 70 80 yards and it's fun to it's fun to watch that stuff at a camp it's entertaining but it can be maddening during a game when you can't complete those passes you're overthrowing them you're way off you're even throwing interceptions on those deep balls so you got to be able to show some accuracy on those deep balls because we know that you you like to throw those but um being able to have some accuracy is going to be key for you also now number two thing is having your pocket presents and your decision-making I consider decision making for all quarterbacks to be the number one tree um that's that's how these game managers because that was a term that was you know really big a couple of months ago as they were going Cam Newton put it out there the whole game manager thing that's how they make their living that's those are the guys that win these championships those game managers and you can't be an effective game manager if you're not making um legit you know decisions out there on the football field whether it's just leading your team or when you drop back with that football and you are uh Computing what's happening in front of you you're reading that defense and you you're just making 40 50 decisions throughout a game you got to be really good at that as a dual threat quarterback you've got to be able to show you got to be able to exhibit some Poise um in that pocket yes everyone knows that you can run um but like I said you got equally crucial is your ability to make split-second decisions in there these things happen fast out there you've got to be able to quickly assess the coverages the schemes and identify the open receivers and get the ball out um and like I said I find that to be one of the most important skills whether you're a pocket passer or you are a dual thre quarterback so uh you want to be able to demonstrate that um on film the next thing obviously is your mobility and escapability and you know obviously that's one of the defining attributes for a dual threat quarterback you know is your Mobility you know your highlight reels should showcase your ability to extend plays with your legs otherwise why are we calling you a dual threat quarterback and that's whether you're scrambling for yardage so you're hitting him up for big big yards 50 40 50 60 yard touchdowns as you will see dual threat quarterbacks do at the high school level but also it's your ability to roll out out do the designed pocket movement plays the roll outs the you know the quarter roll outs and stuff like that and be able to execute that but then also you know being able to escape in the pocket not always take off down the field stay behind the line of scrimmage get yourself into an open area and find guys down the field I think a lot of dual threat quarterbacks would do well to get really good in that area that's where the really really big plays come from I've always said the ball moves faster than your legs so I know you can run I know you can do it yourself but if you can find a way to have a happy medium between knowing when you actually really need to take off and run with that ball but also just Escape out of the pocket stay behind the line of scrimmage and hit a receiver 40 yards down field being able to demonstrate that is huge as well and you know what your receivers will thank you it's no fun for them to keep running down the field um running you know just being running these dummy routes essentially getting open down the field and expecting the football only to turn around and see you running and now they're turning into a blocker that'll be cool for a little while but after a while it's not going to fly you know we know receivers really want that football in their hand a four thing I would say is a football IQ and field Vision dual threat quarterback sometimes will get a bad rap as not being high IQ guys sometimes you know coaches minds and fans Minds can get skewed bu your running ability and they just start to pigeon hole you into the thought of that that's really all that you can do um and the guys that run around with the ball and don't really distribute it like some of the others are just not really big high IQ guys they can't read the defenses or they just not are really in tune with how the offense works unfortunately that is a bad rap that guys get so as much as you can on your film you want to show that you're not that guy beyond your physical abilities they you know these coaches do want to see you have an understanding of the game this is true for all high school football players but we're talking about quarterback here which is the most important position so on film quarterback should demonstrate an ability to have some field Vision show the ability to read the defenses anticipate the openings anticipatory throws are really really great not always having to see the guy open first and then throw it throwing it into a window before a guy gets there those those are great those show off your IQ your accuracy all those great things another great thing is being able to ident ify blitzes recognize coverage rotations and things of that nature exploiting mismatches that you obviously have all these things are going to obviously help you win games in the fall but then they're also going to look impressive to the college coaches that are coming around and taking a look at you so I know it's a lot to put on your shoulders as a quarterback but hey that's the requirements of this position you get a lot of Praise And this is the uh this is the the the cross you have to bear as a as as a quarterback uh at any level but as a dual threat quarterback you don't just want to be a guy who's focused on your physical attributes you want to be really in tune with the academics of the game so you display um a high IQ and then the final part all quarterbacks should show this but again sometimes this is a bad rap that dual threat quarterbacks can get that you're not the greatest leaders you're a guy that just wants to do everything on his own by himself um and just kind of try and put the team on his back but you know you're not a distribute of the football so you want to be able to demonstrate your leadership um quarterbacks are basically the leaders of the team I'm not telling you anything that you didn't already know but you know being able to show the ability to show your you know rally with your teammates Inspire confidence um on Films recruiters will observe how the quarterbacks command the Huddle um they'll do that when they come in person how they communicate with teammates both in that huddle and then on the sideline something that they can obviously do when they come see you in person displaying some composure under pressure and you know some resilience when the setbacks come in the game and we know that they will come those leave a lasting impression on a coach and so sometimes when it comes down to you and another guy that's a tiebreaker for them it's just your ability to be able to handle the pressure because that's what college football is going to be undying pressure each and every week throughout the games and then who's going to be able to handle that and keep the rest of the other guys in the Huddle calm uh if need be the entire team you know show leadership that allows a defense to go out there and do their thing the really great ones have the ability to have a a caling effect on the entire team not just their unit not just their receivers and things of that nature so and this is not a skill that you want to be turning off and on to be elite on the field you must practice this skill off the field so you know you want to hone your personal discipline watch how your teammates follow you when you do that once you got them following you and you're doing the right things your team is definitely going to benefit so a strong leader does in fact Inspire strength into the teammates all right so these are the main things that you want to do I'll throw one final thing in being able to be clutch in in games and in performance in game management that's a big big thing too because you know um when you start playing the real games they're not the cakewalks it's not the games where you're up 28 nothing 35 nothing at halftime when you get into those postseason games or the tough District games or you got the the tough preseason game where a lot of stuff's on the line being able to show that you're clutch and that you can come up and make some big plays in big situations in big games you know what they say big time players make big time plays in Big Time games if you can show yourself to be that in those games be Kyla Murray es if any of you have ever seen his highlight video um from high school one of the best highlight videos I think you would ever see at a high school level just his ability to get out there and make plays whether it's scrambling around and making a big throw down the field or it is taking off and getting the defense for 20 30 40 yards or breaking it all the way just the ability to come up clutch in those games will definitely uh definitely help you so these are things that you guys want to be displaying on your highlight video I hope you took notes on that um as you put things together this season you're going into that season catalog that and like I've said said on several videos that I've talked about on this Channel about putting your highlight video together you have to start with those best plays first because those college coaches have so many videos to watch you don't capture their attention in this first 10 to 15 seconds they very well can move on so that first play is got to be something you want to hold their attention and you kind of you know it's not one of these major Motion Picture films where you're trying to build up to a you know an end um that's not how we're doing this thing you're hitting them at first with all of that and you want to grab their attention but make sure you put those things that I talked about in this video um on your highlight video so that you can capture their attention and you know hopefully you're able to pull some of these things off this season and help your team and all of the best success all right that's it from the recruiting corner here um and the advice that I give to you guys I hope you guys enjoyed the show and again before you step out of here um give the video a like and a share as well as hit your comments down below you know are you a dual threat quarterback are you a pocket passer talk to me about that there and then you know anything else that you want to comment about that happened on the show today any comments questions go ahead and hit me down in that comment section if you're watching on YouTube or send an email the C Wilson grid iron sts.com one more time before you head out if you're a high school football player a parent of a high school football player get on that grd iron studs app now hit that link in the description download it and put your profile together today I've got Scouts uh my own personal Scouts on the grid iron studs checking out guys so we may drop an evaluation on your profile definitely want to read that because the biggest strength you have the best skill you're going to have as a college football hopeful as a high school football player is selfawareness knowing what kind of player you are helps you in the biggest way in your college football recruiting process so um our Scouts are there waiting to evaluate uh your profile and your highlight video make sure you put a high like video on your profile all right guys I'm out thanks for watching and until next time good iron studs PC

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