Cheesesteak Sliders for Monday Night Football

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:56:39 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: monday night football song
Live on YouTube already are you what about that you don't know anything about it uhhuh no you don't yes uh so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pop these fries in the other you made one I'm not frying them you made one football song oh be quiet and all and all your legs were wrong this is these are the Checker spouts from the grocery store today did you do this already is that the right angle all right okay so this going in the oven 4:25 for about 18 minutes that timer on there 18 minutes I like them to be kind of crispy but I still like to have the the tenderness of the potato in there I don't like the I don't want the Crispy Crunchy fries I don't want Crispy Crunchy fries okay what we're doing today guys we are doing cheese chees Steak Burgers Cheese Steak Burgers yeah that's what I was going I'm going tell you why the meat Dum using we got from we actually got this from Sam's Club and it's they're prime rib Burgers so because they're prime rib I'm like I make a cheese but in the form yes I'm sitting that on purpose purpose hello Trucking life of SE girl you know I love you not I love you thank you for your gift for 4999 you we appreciate apprciate it thank you so much or not in this camera okay somebody said that my mic is going in night it's not it's not hold on hold on one second hold on guys got some tech difficulties it's look at me all right y'all we're back for what oh yeah so B's G I'm gra as you guys can see this is live and my son my son Eric and his wife my daughter-in-law McKenzie came over today I'm very very very excited um so again guys I know we're just a little bit late we will be ready for the game tonight though so uh we all know that the football game is coming on hey Trey sweetness how are you we're gonna jump right see here's the thing what's going on nothing because I'm in this way when I'm reading these comments we we'll leave it we'll leave it it's cool okay so we just got back late last night from St Louis oh shoot and my son would and my son and um daughter Eric and McKenzie they were there as well really EXC so our my bonus son Von son Evan and Sarah got married and we're just so excited for the new addition to our family and hopefully soon after that we'll have yet another addition to our family the baby grandbabies so they're they're already talking about grand babies that makes us they they they got have kids but I don't I won't hold my breath he's going to do everything in order they'll take a year they'll travel whatever and then maybe get to it okay guys so this yes Von has a mic it fell off that's why you didn't hear me for a minute jvon it fell off the tape let me show you guys is it still messed up I love this it's like garlic butter with like parmesan in it and uh parmesan cheese and basil but let me tell you something about it this right here if you make wings fry up some wings and you just take this and you toss it in this you talk about some garlic parmesan wings it's gonna change your garlic parmesan Wing life like the life so I'mma use this for my vegetables okay I got a public service announcement to make what oh did you drop it on the ground no oh I'm not you can you Mike am I on YouTube too right now okay so for any of you who may one day find yourself in front of a camera with a mic on never ever Miss mic check because I came in late I was in the shower and he put a mic on me but it didn't stick he put one piece of tape on it so because the show's rolling he's got to do whatever makes the thing stick so we just put this big ass piece of tape can I finish yes okay so he put this big ass piece of tape trying to make my microphone stury trying to make my microphone dirdy you know you like it all day you know you like it no that's that's I mean you're quick that's Swift but stop for a second anyway so he had to put this big ass piece of tape on my chest and it's right on my chest hair so it's gonna hurt like hell so for anybody who's got chest on their hair don't miss mic check because you end up in big trouble how big is this pizza tape look at this big ass Pizza tape you put on oh mik you should have cut it you know what look at this this is going to rip all my CH hairs off in this area it's going to be Bal and then had a nerve to put it on and do me like this to make sure that [Laughter] sh oh my yes it is yes it is so of course we're going to take our pre-infusion more put the deer go this way go from there back okay but down here but I'm going show you what I'm going to do my love you going to mash them in there yeah you just take this the back of this difference and then you okay spread it okay yeah don't miss any areas I'm not going to miss any of the you can smell that girl you want me to do it oh can't y'all smell that oh my goodness oh my gosh no they can't smell it we don't have that television we don't have smell a vision but if you could these are our soon soon T so with this griddle I can maybe put 9 to 12 on here they're they're slightly Frozen so I have it on low still you got to press them out or you're not gonna press them not yet they have to still kind of I'm saying you're not going to damn look at how you're not gonna see to get them on here first hey Megan Joy Tammy Anders Lori devores brillan Lee Elena Elizabeth Lisa Bell Jay Bon sweet Janice forever intellectually curious I like that name oh but I like it so Al while you're doing that why I'm doing what reading that what do you want me to do I am going to get my vegetables together in my skillet what you do here so I'm going to put the onions keep this for you green pepper and mushrooms there anyone who doesn't like Mushroom in here raise your hand boom what are you doing with all that stuff well aside from the lettuce and tomato I'm going to put this in the pot and you do know most of those are bigger than the burgers we're cooking dear look look you run your M and I run my business when it's cooked down it's going to look differently what yeah a lot if you talk again you got to on camera set okay don't you let him bul you into that McKenzie no no she she had no problem chiming in come over here you can get some of this too lots and lots because our other son Caleb and his fiance are coming over as well so we want to make sure we have enough for everybody they're coming over do yes mini burgers yeah PR 1978 no mushrooms please we love mushrooms I love mushrooms GNA put a little salt and pepper on our veggies y this world I think you lost everybody else likes mushrooms and pepper why are you cooking it all together like a cheese steak oh but you're put how you going to put all that on these little bitty ass buns de look you run your M and I run my business the Buns aren't that small I have the pretzel slider buns and I also have the mini sub rolls okay pumpkin still very small to put all that stuff on dear if not B Gonna Be This Tall how long have you been cooking how long have you been cooking cooking what exactly and the only thing we're going to put on this me our Kinders buttery sakhe y'all know you already know you already know Samantha everon hey from the STL from Florida nice who's from STL oh hey from the STL put it on the side exactly yeah you do not you do not have to put all of it on your on your burgs okay you can do however you want to do but this is going to be just in time why you put on here you can't even mash them out it's not ready to mash I'm just trying to te test they still frozen some of them are oh well then you got to cook them longer exactly that's why I'm sweating up my bed turn the heat down oh no it's only on 250 oh West Island damn thank you for joining all the way from Northwest irand that's awesome I spent a lot of time there time there I um play balling Belgium ort Belgium and we spent we played in your country I spent a good amount of time in in Ireland Kimberly an thank you for your donation yes 9.99 thank you so much we're GNA use it to buy food as soon as we figure out how to get to it yeah because food is high they not high enough we haven't figured out how to get to this free money well donations okay so while this is uh being created let's talk about these five free memberships guys first of all we thank you to our our our members we thank you to our sponsors we thank our subscribers what about the sponsor okay so Tammy Fuller Tammy Faith as we call her she has gifted five free memberships okay and the memberships and the membership offers they are chosen not by us they are chosen by YouTube and YouTube chooses who gets that membership Bas on your interaction engagement and your engagement with the channel so our to our members um if you're already a member you are not eligible to receive a free gift gifted membership now this membership is only for 30 days yeah but please if you guys want to gift memberships is only for 30 days and um if they want it from after 30 days and they have to go ahead and continue the subcription on their own but um make sure you opt in so that you can get the uh possible free membership oh you set this up didn't you what do you mean that's just crooked it's okay yeah okay so these are starting to be smoos worthy yeah we need to smooy watch out you want to smoosh them bab yeah I will if you want okay you smush them where are you going over here they're not going to be able to no I'm just going to check on the uh the peppers and stuff they'll be okay right these are sweating down very nicely she said that the subscriptions or the the free membership free memberships are based on your engagement so if you engage on YouTube I mean the honest answer is is based on the algorithm YouTube is probably already decided they just looked at who had the most engagement and the added benefits are anybody can watch our comments and Cocktails um but you won't be able to comment unless you remember you can comment after the fact but I didn't know that was part of it but given how some people have been speaking of my wife lately I'm kind of glad because people aren't going to spend money to say negative stuff typically so or maybe they'll spend it just to say negative things well but if they spend it then it's it's a little different than some clown from their mother's basement just making comments it's just I don't know I don't I don't think you have a right to speak negatively to people regardless if you pay or not but maybe that's just me who else just sent another 49.99 Jesus Lord who's that second person I know it was Trucking life and we thanked you and I'm not am I am I on this am I on YouTube or not right now you can see me on YouTube okay what is that these are the pickles that Tammy Fuller made us this smell like Kool-Aid because they're made from coola this is the tropical punch flavor oh my God is that not amazing oh my God Tammy I have a word for what this concoction is but I cannot say it on here without uh being can it's a four syllable word matter of fact I'm matter of fact I'm about to call you and tell you what it is right now like turn how you turn how I turn my mic off can I and it's sweet oh my gosh Eric you want some no you want y y got least try it [Music] I'll cut the back coola come over here bro that's part of the P for getting in here answer the phone Tammy it's me I peace for you and peace for your wife are you watching the live okay let me let me get my mic on on taste it what do you think it's not bad right y say say hello to Tam hey Tammy and they are delicious by thought they going to be nasty and they are delicious these are the tropical punch ones say hello to everybody Tammy you on live take that to your wife no take that to your wife so let me let me make sure my mic is off so I can tell you what the name I have these am my mic off yeah still good y it's so it's so delicious Tammy Tammy first of all shout out again to Tammy for the um five free membership gifting the five free memberships and I thank you for sending us these delicious pickles my my daughter-in-law didn't like it say the person eats boiled chicken y' that's a treat name was you feel free to message it to people but I can't say it on here did you eat them tamy delicious I love them did you cut me some right there oh I'm about to try it right now Tammy it better be good all right hold on well here I'm I'm back on I think it's a delay tell me when you can see me I won't eat it till you can see me I'm in front of both cameras and they stay in your fingers you threw my paper it's right it's my hand it's in my hand can you see me yet Tammy he is such a baby it tastes like a it tastes like a delicious I don't know what it tastes like a good it Tastee like that's your question Tammy delay you did this on purpose I love them so you like them no no that's for you no like pickled robot Tes it is so it is so good my St my statement when I was off mic remains I was correct do your thing well the pineapple the pineapple mango one is very good your little country ass friend loves them though it's all that matters and it is good all right I'm G let you go all right go ahead okay I'll talk to you later more minutes bye no what pickles and did you show them this it's like they're still dripping in Kool-Aid that's what makes them so deliciously delicious they're delicious guys they really really are I've never had old B pickles and I'm from Marland yes yeah I said my nose just you can't there's no preparation for that I'm sorry whatever they're delicious you it's an but you have to at least try it once just an experience I don't care if you talk about me Von V over here whispering to my son [Music] don't don't go over there talking badly about me those on want some purple ones I have some great ones in there that's even worse no no ra in your head check the questions please check the questions someone that's what somebody said no questions yet maybe it went away can we see Eric's we can't see ER SP come over here dude all right I just going to get a little bit of this grease cuz it is prime just hold in front of the camera get in the C you can't I can't see you you've been on TV a long time get your mark move over well hi there you go you see these that's like stinky man that's ER my oldest baby no probably a stinky man no this Stinky Face baby's always stinky faces I thought these were elongated beats when I saw them that would have been better you tried them too you tried them too so Eric's wife is white so I know she never had anything like this she's boiled chicken what you mean love what I'm saying she never tasted oh yeah you want to tell your a boiled chicken Story how many of y'all heard of boiled chicken I dated a bunch of White Chicks I never heard of boiled chicken that's must be a different kind of white chick that story too y' must be different kinds of White Chicks I ain't never heard of no boiled chicken before some look did you what did y'all season it with C what did y'all season it with you just yes throw it in the water and boil it you don't no I mean not even Sol do y'all have L's in your house growing up L you don't even know what it is it's like red bring it out bring it out here so she can see it I'm not bringing out low you know you some onions garlic y'all just threw it in a pot and put at least you put B you didn't you didn't grow up with that in your house you've never seen L see holy cow dude what are you so the reason oh that's why you think he's such a good cook you just Ain never had you a good cook but if you go to what y'all do from boiled chicken I mean I'm just saying that's why she thinks you the Master Chef well first of all my son you're talking about I amazing that's why she want you on Beat Bobby fle yeah I mean he's good but hey so just just throw it in the water how long you know how long you cook it for you never cooked it you just when they said it was time to eat you just showed up so you so you bought it for the dog that sounds more appropriate yeah that could so you just boiled the chicken and gave it to them okay but you you don't know how long it Cooks take 35 minutes to boil it and then y'all just took it out and smattered it with barbecue sauce and then ate did y'all pick it up on it too did y'all pick it up or eat it with a knife and fork Oh okay that's cool at least y'all got y'all pass that one all right Mackenzie don't let Bon give you a hard time like that girl I'm asking questions Bo chicken girl you like boiled chicken do you like it though did you like it you just ate it because it was yeah you didn't even know you could enjoy food until you met him huh and now it's rled everything I get it now I get it now that's why she sits that's why she sits and quietly and waits for you to cook it's gonna have some seasoning on it yeah well hey come over here and tell people how you how you burned a salad come here she burned a salad you didn't you didn't am not telling a lie Eric Eric you don't have to call your wife out if you don't want you son you said exactly you burned the salad you're newly married that's supposed to be better you toasted the salad you burned a margarita yes you're not supposed to cook Margaritas even I know that how' you burn a margar what' you do so the friction made it warm on the inside not just warm smoke it smoking hot and so you you had a smoke margarita yep you had to throw that whole calar out want to make good but you drank PTF y it's okay there there's microplastic anyway that's true yeah fun fact oh Lord Americans eat about a credit card sized worth of plastic every year just so you know we about a credit card size so take out your credit card or debit card that's how much plastic you eat a year in this country all my you know what that's what I'm talking about son okay we have pretzel sliders and we have regular those I'm gonna leave you alone today bro hey son do me go in the pantry and give me another one of these pants stay with it stay with it I did it wrong we got to use all of it now no I put in the ziplock bad bring a zip loock out of there here can you put it on a plate or something I mean I can I know so anyway about this boiled chicken baby leave her alone her boiled chicken baby what did y'all eat with it like with the sides egg noodles those are the ones that come in that clear bag with the with the red writing on the front so what did y'all season that with y' didn't season the noodles so boiled chicken but boil did y'all boil it together no no they they two pots but you boiled the noodles and then you did you put butter on them at Le okay so you put butter noodles what about salt and pepper corns Corn's good you boil the corn that's fine we everybody boils corn that's cool nothing that like so so corn what about that was it burnt leave my daughter alone holding that any conation what kind of green vegetables you grow up on okay oh those are the big HS are you German or Welsh so you're English so you ate a lot of what's that lot of shepher pie shepherd's pie what's that nasty fish y eat the one that stinks real bad okay cuz Engish people eat this one fish is oh my God okay you're Scottish okay so you guys are snoody then yes there's nothing wrong with a little bit of snoots magoots if I have a granddaughter she's gonna be very I can't make fun because I because my ancestors the ones that we didn't choose are Scottish and Welsh so I can't make fun of you because that's like the other side of my African and Indian so I'm just teasing but not about the boiled chicken i' had never heard of that I mean okay so I'd never heard of boiled chicken before and then my wife's Sons end up with not one but two chicks who grew up eating boiled chicken and they having these boiled chicken conversations and the rest of us are looking around like what are they talking about it was two of them and they talking about boiled chicken I'm like you boiled chicken and I'm like okay um what do you call that chicken and dumplings but they weren't talking about that because that has seasoning in it you know AO and that's that's in a broth not water so I was thinking maybe they had like chicken broth because you can buy that in you know the the the cardboard boxes that have liquid in them you know but no they weren't talking about that either they were just talking about just a so you did you put like chicken parts or was the whole chicken I put in there so you put chicken legs in there boil them and then just take them out barbecue after you take them out lay them out put barbecue sauce on them let them fit and they atat them okay well but they were still pale weren't they when you when you got them out but they were still pale though they wouldn't change colors because it's boiling they might be a little gray but they were they weren't they were never crispy or nothing huh if it's any consolation my wife her butt off now well I'm sure she got used eating with seasoning I mean what is she going to she can't go backwards there you go that's what I'm saying you can't unring a bell how do you want your me c oh well we're beyond that so where's the cheese where where the okay right here it doesn't matter pumpkin 9302 I'm done yeah well you want um all the fixings oh yes to get a plate for my son now see my wife said that her husband came first but then she's feeding her her son first see well that's because he's a guest today he's a guest now in our home he has his own marriage and his own life and his own everything so playing I don't care well when are they gonna be done they're about to be done wa you just pulled my bra down who did why you have a bra on anyway at home uh okay they still stand up well I don't want everybody see my mountains num and Jo okay Sor right son I I can't okay here's another thing so everybody's different right down every family's different every relationship's different whatever but I've heard my wife have some conversations about male female interaction that I would have never had my mother well first of all and this is nothing negative to say about people being there or not being there it was important for me to talk to my sons because essentially I was a you had to do both yeah I was a single mother for a while so it was important for my sons to know that they can come to me and talk to me okay about anything come in come in here sure so I learned about sex with my father okay did you learn about it from come in here man can't nobody see you get your mark you've been on television since you a baby sure you know better look here and there trying to keep the the space organic you know there you go right here and also stay out of the way all right right there so okay so you learned about true FSE you learned about sex from your mom in part we've had that conversation with Dad too okay so which was more comfortable with her or with your dad ah sadly in a weird way talking about it with M straight up and like you know how awkward it is with so like that's how bad things yeah it was it was really really really really really not even like a little bit awkward like I I wish we had just you know learned about it the way that everybody else does how do everybody else learn the internet well they okay first off you knew about sex long before you knew about the internet you were conscious long before the well I feel like we grew up together the internet you okay In fairness you did but you know for people like me I mean I went I think the first time I was on the internet I can tell you I was working for Xerox corporate um so it would have been 97 barely we didn't have flat screens matter of fact the first big screen I bought was a Mitsubishi it was a tube television it was 35 inches and it cost me almost $4,000 and it was a big tube television huh but anyway so it was easier for you with your and I never even had those conversation with my mother that was with my dad and my brother and I was it I was just curious and Cale would tell you the same thing Caleb has a different take on almost everything from anybody I've ever met his he has the most unique perspective on life I've ever seen who's all that for Eric all three of them huh it's two get no it's not it's three burgers in it it's three burgers but it's only two sandwiches you want me to eat first whatever you want wa wait a minute tell tell them hold it up to this camera hold it up to that camera give it to me you don't know what you're doing okay so this is the pretzel one and it has provolone mayonnaise ketchup lettuce tomato and of course our medley of the green peppers onion and mushroom and it's the same thing on this just a different kind of bread do it again Trina we're on YouTube Trina H okay I don't want to burn my I don't want to burn the green stuff so do you remember okay do this one this is a pretzel and it has provolone um and the onion Med Med medley good gracious with the onions the peppers and the uh mushroom got a lettuce tomato U mayonnaise and ketchup Eric thanks sir okay you go taste Eric you want me to drizzle some pick juice no no just saying just for added flavor no please here let me get you a napkin thank you which one you eating first tell people so I think we're going to start with a pretzel one here just it's the easiest to grab you got dude there's two cameras you got to find your mark look look at both of them okay you know how to do that I know you do I've seen you do it back up just a little bit leave there can you see him on YouTube mik okay look you wrecked it look you messed it up already I'm mess it up even worse here in a second I hear you so mhm delicious oh fries sweet let me get one um these were frozen frozen H why they still cold no it's not that just there wasn't um there wasn't time for the my everybody's telling me to leave you alone you see it's from well you wanted yours rare you see what happened you wanted rare no just they just you weren't able to get enough sides me caramelized yeah dude you messing this burger up fix it okay hold on put the you got you missed the thing I miss here you feel better out of the two of us one which one is the mner trained actor the what exactly boom what do you say mner trained actor the whole years so how is it how is it no I don't exactly oh you went to a acting school got certified he's classically trained he's a trained trained actor you got your clown certification not but I'm working on it he wants to be a clown see everybody's gonna get mad at me for saying that but he really wants to be a clown too sad why don't people laugh but it's delicious I will dude if you don't eat that other Burger I'm about to snatch it hurry up you're taking too long a whole wife he's going to give some to take a B I got a chair no take a bite of the other one this is my son for real cuz she won't make mine until you get done hurry up I can't even eat till you finish hurry upus is it done in the middle let me see it's so turn it towards me it's so good yeah let mine cook a little longer yeah he doesn't my sons don't like it to be cooked all the way through oh you try this oh wait hold on you want me to try yours no I'd like my own all right go go ahead let your wife at least have bite FR I make her her own so I'm gonna make enough for in time for the football game that starts in about 10 minutes so I have to get this together get it in order for for football are you ready football so uh Von acts like I don't feed him so I'm gonna have to make him something to eat and uh's just joking and playing with the family all stop y'all doing too much but anyway um make a long story short too late uh thank you all again thank you for thank you for subscribing thank you guys for your membership hey miss juicy baby hey um don't forget um oh you got it babe put in the dishwasher sorry got this so so don't forget to ask in in order to receive a free membership if if it's if it's still offered I'm not sure if they're all gone yet I have no way of getting to the back without a card and everything look at you all go away what is wrong with you today go away it's so silly oh you're reading it from right there no that's not true okay now you got to have look now I'm like man are you ready to eat I don't know am I I'm not ready I mean I would like some food but I'm not ready because there's no food in front of me how can you be ready to eat okay I'm G do I'm gonna do yours just glove free I'm just gonna hurry up for you I don't care about that I do so it was good hey are you taking pictures F you know I'm going bring you over here and make youat it in person if you don't there we go y she's eating in slow motion just for mess with me hurry up man eat it eat or eat the way you want to eat mac and cheese I call her mac and cheese her name is McKenzie my children live in St Louis yes and Evan congrat congratulations to you and Sarah again for your absolutely beautiful this weekend it was so amazing and so wonderful and thank you guys for showing up that man that M good time I'm G tell you what Sarah's parents loved y'all well they're easy to love huh oh you Caleb oh he's coming in right Caleb is he still we're not waiting for Caleb I won't mind I'm hungry well they're four minutes away four minutes W four minutes for Caleb where is he right now is does he sound like he's in the car is he at home you don't hear when um Jo we have we having a family conversation right now I apologize do you hear bird or do you hear wi put it on speaker yes Caleb put on speaker hey where are you are you at home who's your brother okay so he's at home he's still at home no he's four minutes away I want my burger now I'm not waiting exactly he's saying he's about to get ready to come over I'm not waiting on him right I need a structured burger and I need it no say again son hey tell him to bring uh DJ so y'all can have the boiled chicken conversation no don't do that to my children vanon has jokes today no who's the tongue tongue yes oh so you do it too so you do it too just make songs up out of nothing it's a curse really it's definitely a curse I live with it too he does it every week but yeah you're not alone you not alone that's right son my bad I'm sorry I walked head first into that one it is that's before I signed up I didn't know it was this bathroom yes you did exact thank you Eric where's the mayonnaise it's on there it's mustard on there no no must do one line did you shake it up didn't you see me I just don't want to Water Shake It Up cuz it CU it'll get okay that's okay I got to take these off I don't want them to burn oh too almost too late almost almost like Randy Almost Doesn't Count perfect how do you oh they're Checker fries got them right there from K Roger in the frozen section they on sale it is not no it is not no dag on spicy they're Checker fries coming from boiled chicken they probably are spicy yeah I mean just you know it's all perspective I know that's right little girl okay some of them turned out a little bit more Brown than I wanted them to be but we have more so B turn the vent I'm busy I have to turn the vent on y'all hey no yeah look good huh it was good man good this one kind of got deformed a little bit but mine cooked perfectly edible little bit of kinder I'm sorry if y'all can't hear because of this thing but we not burn hey can somebody open up that back door real quick I burn up the okay y'all how do youall like y'all done like that some more my baby how many more you want oh wait so the you want these to be rare I need okay let me know how rare you want it Mac you want yours rare you're welcome my love so these will be done in just a minute it was super fun it was super easy you guys saw them um make it in time for the football game um you can actually you can do this also with cold cut um just make them yes take them what whatever you want to do it's just quick it's easy spam no V doesn't like spam you don't like spam I like what is wrong with you I like okay no who eat Spam wait no no clarify who Brown on here eat Spam the entire state of Hawaii for one that's start there start there son I want I'm talking about a YouTube and Instagram poll who Brown on here you spam I'm barely on the mic you're absolutely right and these are great these are good want me flip these want me to flip them is that Browner is that uh R like that still juicing oh yeah okay so I'll go ahead and season these and y'all will have your little rare burgers also Von that's that's not that's not a fair po what well because there's there's a a large number of our population that doesn't dig on swine our population who you you like mixed with everything sure what are you talking about you said specifically brown people okay of African-American origin so because I know Hawaiian people eat of course there's a large population not majority there a large black population that doesn't eat for Pork yeah oh I didn't eat it because it was I did not eat it because it was pork I didn't eat it because it looks nasty you don't need spam all right has even had it there we go yeah you said the same thing about said the same thing about yeah those are all Whole Foods spam is from left over stuff that's like after they make the hamb the hot dogs you know they make the hot dogs after they make the hamburgers they got that run off then they make hot dogs and then the rest of the stuff they got laying there they push it in the spam pile don't need it okay make one for you make one for your wife I already made the first one thank you these are all these are rare baby I just want you to know Mike when I turn my head I can feel my you got this tape on here so bad you're gonna eat that yeah that's how he eats it gross leave him Al you don't have to he's not asking you to eat it I can't even watch it not watch oh I can't even watch you eat that I promise you huh oh yeah you like an minute no no noard no I love anchovies oh fix PES I love an wait the cheese oh Jesus Christ this is my child you guys I'm G do with I'm not put the gloves on I can't help it that one was good so one time we were shooting it was a four of us and before we we can't repeat it because everybody will lose their job but we had the most inappropriate conversation oh we were both in tears and every every time the jokes got worse and worse and worse and y'all think I'm bad you should hear him he's freaking terrible yeah absolutely terrible absolutely he is an HR nightmare oh my God forun where I'm at we don't have but shortly you going to have have to ctail it bro yes are these your Burgers right here or or not um those are mine okay did you get enough food Kenzie did you want let some tomato on it and um [Music] all day long when the two of them together it's worse these AR this is their rare burgers ow these are rare on there you go yeah yeah better baby yeah that's all the burgers right yeah yeah well you turn it off or no I think I did yeah you did it's going down what about them you want some no Jesus no you want some Kool-Aid pickles don't you bring that my house looking at me like please don't please don't make me I won't yes I have you know you know what you dished it out plenty you're just not doing it right now he go son do it in the camera again is it different or the same it's just rare yeah it's just rare they like to eat meat with blood coming out of it well it's not blood it's my globin just yes like my son said it's not blood it's myoglobin a blood derivative is that better no your highness what Caleb does too blue rare it just kind of seared on each side it's still kind of it's still kind of Frozen cold in the middle so you eat raw meat so you're a vampire off in a minute you know I've never seen you during the daytime now I think about whatevers all right so we're going to clean this off we want to make this make sure this is hot again because it cleans better when it's hot I'm not sure if my my other son Caleb is coming he's coming but it's gonna be forever so um he's getting one of these extra Burgers whatever's here there're plenty of burgers in there no whatever whatever is here is what he's getting so we have the um I got to put soap soap on there I know but I'm just trying to get this remnants off okay uh-huh hot huh yeah you think here do something with that yeah so the game is coming on in 10 minutes so less than 10 minutes so um anemic people can benefit from Remy yes they sure can they sure can what what they say that anemic people can benefit anemic yeah I'm anemic yeah I am so you know so I'm GNA make sure Mike and Jennifer get this food in before we watch this game at least the beginning of it it's 805 let's still warm up we have plenty of time yes we like to I want to hear Trina and Eric s together one day something not tonight not tonight he's coming his way he's finished come on man let enjoy his enjo yes son I will sing something you wrote next time that you come that way I can learn the song boom my son's an amazing writer hey plays guitar like a bad a s s so just let you guys know he's extremely talented I'm so proud of him proud for him because he's the so bye y'all we love y'all enough to say good night game's about to start uh these fries are gonna get warmed up and we're gonna put these uh in the oven so that they stay warm and uh thank y'all that's it that's it the game's coming on thank you for joining yes thank you guys for joining thank you for your badges thank you for your subscriptions thank you for your membership thank you Trucking life with C you are everything um thank you um hey Devonte Riley um I do want to say to uh my members thank you guys for gifting your memberships and we thank you guys for being members and everybody who else is not a member don't forget to subscribe we're about to do some really really great things for our members and we'll watch guys maybe next week we'll tell them about the whole rundown of that but it's gonna be on the site anyway once it comes up next week yeah we'll talk about it next week so we just uh Devonte said hey oh I didn't mean that no he did not he meant peace he meant peace he had the food he had the food in his hand sorry sorry sorry so you know when he when he has his food you know there's no telling with what Bon's gonna do I'm sorry there will not be any leftover Burgers they're G to be gone they're gonna be G to the o to the end to the what E Yeah Caleb's gonna be yeah Caleb's gonna be here his fiance is coming here we have of course Mike and Jennifer we are going to Grub a dubbed up and I'm gonna eat my pickles thank you Tammy Fuller they're little people give them three hamburgers a rest of I love all of you again congratulations to Evan and Sarah we love you guys thank you Sarah welcome to the scales family I am no longer uh it's no longer just me and Cassandra who are the only M scales three of them now now there are three M scales Oh Cassandra me and now Sarah thank you guys and I just want to shout out much love to Cameron and you guys look so handsome the other day and of course I love my brother-in-law St Sten who who you dance with who I dance I dance with Eric and McKenzie how thought you dance one of the boys too oh I danc with brenon for a little while oh cool yeah so that was it thank you Devonte for your badge yo I'm gonna be honest y' we have to go we're going to watch the game and I have to clean up this kitchen because now I have to clean the kitchen so he can watch the game so that's I'm G help you'll help but you gon as I watch the game it's gonna be halfhazard so I'm saying bye for the last time bye and goodbye thank you guys for watching Monday Monday night meals withr and Bon we'll see you guys on Friday right after the show when we do our BTS behind the scenes and we're just going to have a good time love you guys I appreciate you see you later

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