Category: People & Blogs
Man i've almost done it i'm almost at 10 miles bro i just got to keep going dude i'm almost at 3,000 cups this is really hurting my abs yeah i just got to go a little bit more in oh man finally 10 miles all complete all bro i'm going to go upstairs to get something to eat oh me too man i am starving... Read more
Category: Gaming
Oh i love you babe oh my i thought you put your son to sleep jeffy get out of here i'm having mommy and daddy time i want to have mommy and daddy time what no jeffy you're supposed to be upstairs grounded oh fine but one more thing before i go daddy take some with these e that all over my mouth jeffy... Read more
Category: Gaming
Today we're going to be playing hide and seek in roblox but get this guys we're going to be doing it by being camouflaged oo that sounds really interesting right okay so uh first you're going to seek tails oh okay i mean i'm pretty good at this sonic check this out am i camouflaged no shadow that's... Read more
Category: Gaming
Oh yeah i'm having so much fun i'm skateboarding in the house my daddy's not home and i could do whatever i want oh yeah let me go in the living room oh let me take this bad boy downstairs oh this is so much fun what the heck i just received a snapchat from sky oh my god let me see what she said johnny... Read more
Category: Gaming
I can't wait to finally have a relaxing day today is going to be so fun hey sonic um wait what the heck why are there a bunch of girls at my window well come on sonic we have a surprise for you h you come outside get out of your house we're going to take you somewhere yep somewhere really nice yeah... Read more
Category: Gaming
Today i'm going to be buying a batman private jet in roblox driving empire and i'm going to be rising up tons of girls with it this is about to be awesome sess what do you think about my car wow your car looks so cool freddy and you look so cool too and thank you girl hang on what's going on here i'm... Read more
Category: Gaming
Bon les amis vous l'avez vu comme moi ce soir il y a une éclipse dans brook haven je crois que c'est la première fois qu'il y en a une dans brook haven et j'ai tellement hâte bon par contre c'est vrai que si je regardais les clips tout seul ça serait un petit peu nul c'est pourquoi j'ai fait appel à... Read more
Category: Gaming
Riley i don't know what the heck is going on but something is really wrong with our stuffed animals guys this is it this is the moment i've been trading for for a really long time it's either soak or be soaked okay i think i hear riley's footsteps oh my god she's right there okay i'm going to go out... Read more
Category: Gaming
E aí galera sejam bem-vindos a mais um vídeo aqui no canal como vocês podem ver sim vou trazer uma notícia realmente horrível para vocês aqui né velho é lembrando que eu não tô falando tão alto para não meio que estressar minha garganta para quem não viu eu postei algo lá na comunidade quem quiser aí... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Sabia que o evento conhecido como se a terra parar ocorreu em portugal no ano de 1755 um terremoto de magnitude 9,0 atingiu lisboa destruindo grande parte da cidade o desastre foi seguido por um tsunami e incêndios que causaram ainda mais devastação a tragédia levou a mudanças significativas na arquitetura... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] [laughter] my game concord has been cancelled there wasn't enough us wokies to support the game and the hat it's all the haters fault it's your fault i want concord to live but you non wokies destroyed it you get yours [music] Read more