today we're going to be playing hide and seek in Roblox but get this guys we're going to be doing it by being camouflaged oo that sounds really interesting right okay so uh first you're going to seek Tails oh okay I mean I'm pretty good at this Sonic check this out am I camouflaged no Shadow that's not what I mean come on let's go find a hiding spot and I'll show you exactly what I mean it's going to be so cool I'm going to count in your weird artistic piece right here all right bets we'll be on our way to hiding one two three all right come on Shadow let's go let's go let's go all right where are we going we're going to find the best spot ever all we're going to do is just blend in and act like we're part of nature okay I'm so ready all right so come over here we're going to go like pretty far away from the house actually let's just grab a car and do it get in Shadow oh this is a nice car my car is nicer though uh no it's not whatever anyways we're going to just go ahead and uh whose house is that you know what actually why don't we post up in the front yard but let me actually just destroy my car and Shadow can you move that car yeah I got it hold on I'm going to change the color because the color on this car is kind of lame that's better oh my that's probably not even your car uh it is now whatever anyways I'm going to go ahead and go into my avatar and check this out Shadow all I need to do is search up like tree or something all right Shadow and look at this outfit I just made I'm going to blend in with nature so well what how did you do that how do I camouflage Just customize yourself come on hurry up we probably don't have that much time and you know what I'm going to make it nighttime so it's even harder for tails to spot us okay I'm going to customize my avatar right now all right and boom look at this we're actually camouflaged right now this is so cool I got it look I'm going to look like I'm part of the house oh wait Shadow no that doesn't blend in I guess so but why not just face the front oh okay I'll try that wait wa Shadow you're like a sigma mhm I'm like play that audio over me what the sigma look I look like I'm part of the house now yeah you do all right uh I'm going to go ahead and pose up right here and Tails is not going to be able to find me and look at this I'm posed up like this and oh my gosh tails is never going to be able to find me and uh you know Shadow does stand out a little bit but there's no way Tails finds us uh tails you can go ahead and start seeking and dir ready or not here I come all right looking around looking around uhoh Shadow taals is on his way but we blend in right oh yeah Tails will never find me look how good my spot is I think mine is better where are they they in the house I don't think they're even in the house anymore oh no my feet are sticking out oh just boom just like that oh no oh no oh there we go Sonic if only you had a spot as good as mine mine is better guys comment down below whose hiding spot is better mine or Shadows obviously Shadows no it's not mine is better well they weren't in the house so I think there might be somewhere else let's see oh wait there's I see tail Shadow I see Tails oh no way I see him too oh no he's coming right this way let's see tree that's a really tiny tree ah makes sense he didn't know he didn't notice it worked ooh nice Sigma statue I liked it oh yeah he thinks I'm a sigma wait I I'll even make a noise um what the sigma man I can't find them is this a wait a minute I a gear that's statue just move no it didn't no it didn't no oh no Shadow he got he got you wait that's shadow that makes sense yeah sure is I also heard some talking over here look at this really fake tree right here Tails hey oh my you just gave me a way Sonic it's you I can see your blue spikes whatever you know what fine Shadow you're seeking next uh all right I I'll start counting one two tails I have a really good idea I have a really good idea oh what's your idea what's your idea we're going to go hide in the town and we're going to just blend him with a building and I'm pretty sure that shadow won't be able to find us oo good idea where should we go first um let's see I think we're going to go to the shopping area cuz that's a really easy place to blend in yeah that's it's true the shopping area okay all right uh tails look this area is perfect to try and blend into yeah it really is um however how are we going to blend in here so go ahead and just try and find something that you can use oh I know what are you going to do uh you'll see it's going to be really really cool um let's see hm where would I be hiding probably in a bush again cuz nature is probably the best move but I don't want Shad to think I'm doing the same thing and then end up finding me really easily so you know what I'm going to act like I'm one of the things on the playground so let me go ahead and try and find something 15 16 oh no perfect oh hey Sonic hey there what's up H not much I decided I was going to be a trash can oh wait really yeah well you're probably going to need to take off something of yours like I'm probably going to have to take off my head well I guess you're right wait hold on I have the best idea ever what is it I'll just put a lid on myself like uh this and maybe there there you go he's never going to know it's me oh you're right that doesn't even look like you I'm going to go ahead and blend in like this I'm a rock right now and then I just need to do a pose real quick and oh that's not going to work H let's see what would work the best probably something like this I just go ahead and boom there we go that'll work perfectly all right uh Shadow are you going to start seeking soon and here I come oh no uh Tails he's on his way okay quick Sonic um just uh act natural I am acting natural I'm acting natural as possible I'm literally a rock right now I don't think rocks are supposed to talk oh yeah you're right uhoh uh wait is Shadow on his way trying to look for him I don't see him anywhere uh wait a second do you think he's still at his house let me just look around H I feel like Sonic is the type of guy to hide at the playground oh no I see him and wait a second how do he know hold on let me spit my gum in this trash can po going to keep looking around don't see anyone ooh that well doesn't look like it's always been here we just jump in no I think this well is natural Tails that's really gross you just spit into your trash can no don't need to remind me it's gross what about this stump over here this doesn't look right no it looks like it's real gosh where could Sonic Be Tails you're the trash can aren't you trash I don't think trash can's tar Tails oh man he just found Tails I'm not tails Knuckles yep well I found you anyways oh man this sucks where could Sonic be I would never sell out my best friend is he at the park no no why would he be at the park and why would he be a rock I mean a tree I mean a bench I mean why would he be here at all so was a rock okay where could he be oh no Sonic I'm sorry no tails H I don't see a rock anywhere though wait a minute you said a rock right uh-oh guys I'm getting a pickup request from shad no yeah I got you ha oh my gosh that was a really good spot though yeah that was amazing actually it really was I didn't even know where you were all right Sonic it's your turn to seek it is my turn to seek all right guys um I'm going to go ahead and count in this bush 1 2 3 4 and now it's time for me to seek here I come I'm going to find you guys there's no way that they're like somewhere insane good they're kind of both stupid so they definitely have to be somewhere in the neighborhood market trying to probably be like a shopping cart for sure uh no they're not a shopping cart oh man oh let's see what else could they be maybe a staff member no that didn't work uh they cannot be anything in here then cuz none of this is big enough to have like a costume for so you know what I'm just going to move on from this place let's see could they be in the daycare maybe hm that's actually not that bad of an idea oh let's see anywhere in here guys Shadow t I'm going to find you oh nope they're not in here but guys get this while I'm trying to find them I already know what I'm going to do next it's going to be insane I'm going to go invisible and they're never going to find me oh my gosh I can't wait for next round oh my gosh is that their car no way oh my gosh they're so dumb that's Shadow's car right now all right you guys are definitely in here cuz Shadow's car is outside tail SP spot is so good I don't even know where you're at guys comment down below if you see any of them right now cuz I don't see anyone um wait this it can't be this frog machine um not that machine that machine is too small maybe oh let's see in this claw machine no wait a second no uh this can't be Tails Tails isn't a motorcycle um is this Tails no where could Tails be and where's shadow shadow would definitely be hiding back here right no oh my gosh this is impossible my spot's so good my spot is so good let's see are they maybe next to the bowling pins and wait a second oh I see you Shadow hold on is this you Shadow or tails no I am the wall I'm not going to lie your spot was really good I didn't even see you until now only because the wall right here the pattern you're trying to blend in with stops I don't know what you're talking to I am the wall all right Shadow I found you so you're probably seek yeah you're seeking next fine now all I got to do is find Tails where could tails even be you're never going to find me wait a second is this Tails no this is an ATM did that machine just move oh my goodness there's two ears sticking out of this machine Tails this is you fine you got me oh my gosh your spots are very good but you know what I know that I'm winning right now cuz I've been found last twice all right fine all righty so this final round decides if I win or not so uh Shadow go ahead and start counting I'm counting one wait do I hide too yeah you hide with me tails come on okay all right all right and Tails get this I'm invisible can you see me where did you go what Sonic see isn't that so cool I'm able to have invisibility enabled Shadow's not going to win I'm going to win just because of this all right I see I see I see what you're doing um uh what should I do to hide though H I'm not sure you know I'm just going to go ahead and make it nighttime again though oh I have an idea I'm just going to turn into a cute dog he's never going to know it's me wait that's really good Tails yeah plus I mean I can keep my ears and I'm not a dog though I'm a fox but I can keep my ears but you got that Tails you're definitely going to win as well oh my gosh we're going to beat shadow he's never going to know you know what I'm just going to follow Shadow around the whole entire time it's going to be so funny and I'm also going to troll him I'm just going to appear and then disappear and he's not going to know what's happening and 30 time to search oh wait he's he's right there in the car I'm going to get in the car with him actually hold on uh let's see boom I'm in the car wait what's Shadow doing I need to look for Tails where could Tails be and we're Sonic too that blue loser probably doesn't have a very good spot wait look at this cute little doll W hello there puppy would you like to come with me all right we're going to go search for Sonic and Tails together woof where is Tails and Sonic I'm going to go back up to their houses let's see oh wait I think tails's house is over here wait a second this is so cool oh my gosh he has no idea that I'm here wait you know what I'm just going to follow them in and wait is that tails in his hand oh my gosh it is I just realized that Tails Sonic where are you oh man how do I troll him how do I troll him you know and why don't I just uh push him in and boom take that whoa what the heck what who just knocked me in wof wof was it the dog I don't think so the dog was in my hand I I can't swim oh Shadow can't swim I'm going to go ahead and uh let's see can I turn on the grill no I can't but I can just uh close this door real quick and boom who just shut the door on me oh my gosh this is so funny I'm trolling Shadow right now oh man okay let me let me look around some more maybe Sonic in here I don't think Sonic would be in tails's house let me just drive over to Sonic's house wait I can just drive away in his car man I'm in the passenger seat it's okay though he can definitely just keep on driving with me in the car he's never going to find me all right H I have a plan oh I can't climb up the mountain never mind oh my gosh wait wait a second I'm going to troll shadow shadow look over here huh where oh man oh wait right here what I I just saw you where'd you go am I hallucinating oh yeah you must be hallucinating I'm no near you Shadow I guess so let me check this house right here this is kind of funny wait did the dog just talk uh meow wait I in wolof wolof I in wolof tails is that you no I I'm a do I mean wolf I knew it was you Tails well not really but I found you oh man I should have known from the two tals good luck fighting Sonic you're never going to fight him yeah right I bet he's in this house no uh sh Sonic's not in my house hold on hold on I have a really good idea what if I just set my home on fire what is he going to do boom wait what what just happened why is there a fire that's probably not that big of a deal it's cuz I started one Shadow wait what Sonic is that you the fire is growing I need to get out of here I need to get out of here oh yeah you do and wait shadow look behind you I'm looking boom sonic I know you went in here oh wait Sonic's house is on fire oh no Sonic you're in the bathroom where are you uh I'm nowhere hold on I'm going to lock the doors suie tries to go out boom it's locked wait why is the door locked oh my gosh I can't open it fine fine I'll unlock it oh my gosh what what is going on this is so funny Tails I'm going to win Tails where's Sonic I can't tell you Shadow your time's almost up no I'm going to find you no you're not wait Shadow oh no what's that in the movie theater what where bye wait what are you cheating you're invisible no I'm not what are you talking about Shadow I'm over here in the game room game room where even is that it's outside the movie theater oh yeah I found you let me just tag you where'd you go oh my gosh that was way too close wait wait Sonic how' you do that whatever I'm going to play fortnite on his computer oh my gosh and now his time's about to be up in 10 9 8 7 where are you 6 5 4 3 2 1 and hold on let me just uh come out from here real quick and then it'll act like I'm not even cheating Shadow I was in here I wasn't even playing as anything what are you serious yep I was that was so f but my house is on fire uhoh we should probably go put that out yeah I agree but if you guys enjoy this video make sure you click another video on screen and like And subscribe for more we'll see you in the next one bye bye see you tomorrow subscribe

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