Dallas Diaries : Abby! I Got Cov🤧d , No More Fashion Content! | DadouChic

[Music] I am going back to what are you trying to say Abby I just said it what was that you're not organized that's not nice what do we think so I never thought I would fall a victim to this but I did I had Co the over consumption that I used to partake in it's not going to be like that that's the update guys most people don't know actually someone was asking me about that fashion content I don't think I'm going to be making any fashion content like that I've been in was being a [Music] bum good morning guys happy Thursday today I've got Bible study with my friend Chanel you probably know her she has a YouTube channel she's here on YouTube so definitely follow her I'll link her Channel she like one of the perfect match because you know she's like a fashion it's nice to talk about God and people that have like similar interests to you I mean obviously it's not like the most important thing but we've been internet friends for so many years now I can't tell you how long we've been internet friends it's been so long every time for us to meet up we never get a chance to meet up this year it's going to be the year I was hoping to meet her last year when I went to napack she is in the Bay Area but we didn't get a chance to meet up which is okay you know everything is got timing anyway right today I am back in one of my favorite dress I mean if you guys been following me like in the 2021 era 2020 era actually all about the cottage core this dress from H&M was probably H&M's most successful dress everyone had this little white dress it's so cute like even though this is not necessarily my style anymore I'm going to reserve this like in the future as like Garden dress I feel like when I have a garden this is a dress that I would wear in my garden and everything I decided to bring it out today I was like you know what let me do little dress and also today I decided to sleep in and not go on my HG walk this morning which is very very unlike me this is probably the second time this happened to me and when I tell you when I start my day with my HG girl walk it's the best my days goes so much smoother so much better but I I needed the rest though I've been going to bed super late I don't know since I've gotten my stuff I always find so much to do so much cleaning to do and then next thing you know I look at the time it's like midnight and I'm like what am I doing up at midnight which is why it's good to enjoy that is one thing that I'm always reminding myself right enjoy the moment the season that you Inn because it gets busy when God is giving you rest he's putting you into isolation just enjoy that time you know go to bed early get all the rest that you need because time comes when it gets super busy and then you're like OMG I would love to be in bed by 9:00 p.m. I try to go on my walk at like 7:30ish my evening walks so I do two walks a day my morning and the the thing is today I did wake up early God actually woke me up early today sometimes you're going to go to periods where God's like waking up you like early in the morning because he's trying to talk to you he was trying to like tell me something but it's something that he's already told me before but he was kind of like reminding me so faithful like God is so good when he's waking you up on like 4:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning it's time for you to just get up you know go to the Bible ask the Holy Spirit where what he wants you to read you know sometimes he's just trying to talk to you and give you a message so yesterday he did wake me up and then I went back to bed today I was just like okay let me actually get up so I get up you know I got my Bible I have my little flashlight right next to me so yeah I have my little flashlight and then I open my bible and then it's like something that he told me earlier this year this is like the third or fourth time he's waking me up to like tell me that in months so he's so faithful he's so good so I'm excited for Bible study honestly because again I want more people that I can talk to God it's just so funny sometimes some people when they ask me oh why did you move to sex that's like God told me to move here and then they respond by saying yeah I'm glad you trust your gut and then I'm just like what are you talking about I literally just told you God told me to move here I mean these are like non-believers but hopefully God is using me to tell my story hopefully that can touch them it may not be right now so maybe very soon maybe you know soon down the line they can have their own experience with him maybe that's just like me planting a seed and when I opened my Bible again it sent me to Luke the parable of like the sore how some seeds were like dropped in certain areas and then they died it actually just clicked with with me maybe that's what it is telling my story and maybe that's just splinting some seed in some people's mind and then maybe some of the seeds will fall on the concrete and nothing will gr but maybe some of it that falls onto good you know so will actually gr thank you Holy Spirit for this Revelation I'm going to sit in the fan over there and drink some water just relax because I don't know I not feeling sick per se but I'm feeling a little like wonky in my mind is because I didn't do my hot girl walk it feels more like a h over but I didn't drink so I'm definitely not hung over that I know for sure I need to get some milk I wish I could have a matcha right now because I just had some spint and SP kind make you like sleepy a little bit also did do my salt when I tell you get straws single-handedly the reason why I drink so much water yeah there's been a lot of like bubble happening in this it's smelling like pain it's not smelling sour yet so today's day 11 so we've got three more days for me to know yesterday I Tred to do the floating test where you fill up a cup with like water you drop it in there if it floats if is on top it means it's ready for baking falls on the bottom that means it's not ready so at first it stayed on top I was so excited and then it fall it went down so I was just like up not ready yet three things in my water every day all the time apple cider vinegar honestly I think that's what that's one of the reason why my belly has just been so flat I've been doing this for like consistently for since I've gotten my stuff two weeks straight now when I tell you my belly has gone down considerably it's insane I can even see like outline of my abs in my little workout set when I put it on but I feel the difference because usually when I sit down all I can feel is my tummy popping out now when I sit my tummy my belly goes like this know the fat is like melting away I don't drink my water unless I'm outside which I'm really outside always always always put those three things so I put lime a little bit of Celtic salt the apple cider vinegar so good one of the book that I am dying to study it's Proverbs I feel like Proverbs always reads me to fil so I'm trying to be like a really better person and I feel like proverb is such a great book to study if you really you know want to sanctify yourself do all that good stuff I used to be a judgmental person don't get me wrong I've been working on that God has been working on me now every time I think of something I you know remember to repent for it immediately so that's been helping me quite a bit that's it guys that's the update really but yeah belly is doing good I've kind of like been weighing myself in the morning now to see but you know one thing that I noticed the week that I ate meatballs I had my lento salad and meat balls that week was the week that I lost the most weight and I was making my sandwich in the morning with the flowd dough bread so every morning for that week I had breakfast sandwich and then I had my lentil salad that's the week I lost the most weight waight I'll be making a lot of Meatballs because meatball is just like so easy to make and then you can just add it to like any meals that you eating I'll be eating a lot of Meatballs hopefully I can perfect a really really nice recipe the first time I made them they were really good the second time was okay I don't remember what I changed this time around I'm going to try them again so I need to go to Whole Foods and get some ground beef and I saw this recipe for a kimachi at in Kamari I saying that incorrectly but this guy he spent a month in Tanzania Africa there's a salad that he was eating every day called Kamari I don't remember but it looks so good and I've been needing like a new salad I love my lentil salad don't get me wrong but I've been leading something else to try out something a little bit fresh to try out I'm going to be trying that salad over the weekend I will catch you later oh my head feels so heavy this is the dress you guys remember this little cute dress I still have two of it I've got both the perfect little house dress and garden dress and then I was looking for house shoe you know what I never wear these shoes why not make these sort of like my cute house shoes I got these in maresh at the souk I went back in 2017 I believe yeah you can go to the souk and then just have them make some shoes for you or just buy something that's already made I've got my Bible I've got my notebook guys guess what this whole time I thought today was Thursday today is actually Wednesday like what I'm here got my Bible ready if about to text my friend Chanel because it's 3:05 and then I was like let me check the DAT it's Wednesday and also the weather is already out of control in Texas it's 98 right now it's going to be 100 at 5:00 p.m. I guess who's that going out La it's 83 so it's pretty hot too in La Napa 78 Napa is my fave Montesito 76 mono is where it's at honestly like H 76 right now in June o I would love that it's 92 in New York damn it's pretty hot Mexico City 72 of course faves I need to take a trip to Mexico City I miss it so much it's one of the places that I wish I could have like a second house I love it there I think it would be nicer to have like a house maybe in Waka or like Italy Tuscany o Tuscany my dream when I at those 78 all right then never mind my whole plan is kind of like all over the place because I mean I did not want to be on social media today if I'm honest I kind of want to take today off well this changes everything now I've got no plans we well I can edit I can edit a video you know what that should be the plan let me actually go wash my hands I have lotion and sometimes it's a little sticky is to edit outside is not about to see me I want to make some fried plantain I'm going to have to go to Tom I'm going to have to walk to Tom o it might be better to go now today I'm trying to do everything that I need to do early so I can go to bed early because I hate that I've been going to bed at like midnight pretty much every day for the past 2 weeks I don't like that at all plus I'm going to have to do my steps today ooh 99 now we're not we're not going to play about this sun babes actually this is a little bit too much guys can you please tell me why there's like a $700 accent chair at Target like this is is this not Target is this C2 like what is happening this places has lost their in mind because be for real the last time I bought accent shair from Target they were like 250 bucks I need a couple of accent shairs like the legs don't even look straight I'm pretty sure this is a style but absolutely not I'm going to stick to uh Facebook Marketplace Texas heat is a different kind of heat I just went outside when I walked was cloudy it's literally like going into an oven oh damn you made it it it's at 100 yeah that that was something else that I just experienced because on the way I was just like okay this is that so bad and on the way back when the sun came out and I was just like oh and I've got chabani this is one of my favorites I got an avocado for tomorrow as soon as I stepped outside I put on the AC I'm glad I can control my thermostat through my app that's one thing that I could say about you Texas Apartment everything is so highte I love it here like you know you don't need keys everything is done on the app or like a number Super Hightech you would think you New York City would be this Hightech but it's not not it's like it's the ghetto over there yeah I'm curving plantains so I'm just going to make plantains guess what time it is it is juice [Music] time what are you trying to say Abby I just said it what was that you're not organized that's not nice cuz Abby's wasting me hi Fans Say hi to the fans cuz they keep asking they keep asking oh Lord why why are you so cute huh don't call me cute please you cute hello guys happy Monday happy July no I've been sick for the past 7 Days actually today's Monday I forgot I keep thinking today Sunday it feels like a Sunday to me but that's because I've been sick I've actually switched my bed over here in the living room I've been sleeping in the living room I don't know what it is for some reason I feel like I didn't want to bring the disease on my bed I've actually been sleeping in the living room since I've gotten sick for like 5 days now I think I don't know if my voice changes I I can hear it like it's different even my mom tells me your voice is still not there yet right now I don't sound like myself and also if I look all typ of crazy obviously I'm not wearing in makeup but if I look a little sickly or anything like that that's because um I've been sick I think I have had Co for the first time I don't know maybe second time now I never had it during the pandemic this time around I it was Co I mean it was bad but honestly again when you serving the lord like I see it as a blessing because I've been go go go and the Lord has been telling me to rest and I just don't know how to rest especially now since I've gotten my stuff I feel like I'm like constantly cleaning doing things around the house I can be restless sometimes you know always like finding something to do even though if it's not like a big thing but I still find things to do and also going on my walks doing this doing that and the Lord's been telling me like you need to rest girl I haven't been listening so a lot of time for me another for me to rest I have to be sick unfortunately but again I just saw it as a blessing honestly I've been enjoying it I will be drinking tea all day long so I've been making ginger thank goodness just a God is so good so when I went to Whole Foods I ow on the ginger so I was like you know what I'm going to get so much Ginger and I guess that's why I ended up with the ginger I was literally prepping I guess to be sick unknowingly I me just like God is just so good he just like make you do this like things just to prepare you for things drinking ginger and tea morning afternoon evening night can't really like smell anything anyways and I can't really taste anything properly I made my favorite breakfast sandwich it tasted so bad but today I'm actually not eating I think I was telling you guys that before I don't know if it's something that I'm going to continue all year long but one thing that I started doing was actually you know giving the Lord the first day of the month it's kind of like his day so on that day I kind of like Fast all day but as you can see I am in my natural hair which is something you really see but I don't know maybe you guys will be seeing me in my natural hair more often don't get excited this is my second time trying to do this I finally found a video on Tik Tok I tried it last time I did wash my hair the other day also I don't know whenever I get a cold or I'm sick like that I do find washing my hair is the perfect way to actually like heal me or make me get better faster I don't know what it is about washing my hair this is my hair I do need to trim so bad I need to trim it I have the scissor and everything I did measure my hair the other day I want to do like the slow Pon because I do think they're like so Chic and I could never do them in the past but I finally found like a YouTube video not YouTube struggle to find YouTube videos because I just know people on YouTube always be doing the most like get to the point please that's why I love Tik Tok like don't get me wrong I love YouTube I think I love YouTube for like when I'm relaxing but for me to learn something a lot of times I do not want to learn it from YouTube I I'm sorry like a recipe oh my God they're going to give you so many stories about their grandmas in the 1900 I'm sorry give me the recipe I'm not trying to spend an hour in the kitchen that's why I don't even cook Haitian food because Haitian food takes 5 hours to make so I love your grandma but just tell me what to do that's why I love Tik Tok Tik Tok just so easy Once you plug in something in the search all the videos related to that thing comes up and then you can actually watch and pick what you want and then the thing about YouTube is because every video it's like five to 10 minutes you end up wasting so much time trying to find like the right video for you compared to Tik Tok it could literally be like 30 seconds of someone showing you how to make something in 30 seconds and you cannot beat that usually the best app I mean YouTube is but Tik Tac is a close second if not like tied together it's the best app to learn things honestly you've already missed the best part of Tik toks but it's still pretty good download Tik Tok please it will change your life like the things that you will learn on Tik Tok is just amazing well maybe not I shouldn't be promoting it so much because you probably won't be spending as much time on YouTube YouTube for me is TV I don't necessarily care for TV because TV is not what it used to be anymore how did we end it up here all right let's get back to subject never mind what was I saying my hair so also I need to go to the store and get some Rosemary so I can make my Rosemary spray because when I was making my rosary spray when I tell you my hair was going so fast and it's been going so fast and I haven't even been doing anything I do need a trim has I been talking for 16 minutes and I'm just trying a few things until I find what works again I need to work on the shape this is my second times I think I showed you in one of the previous Vlog what it looks like last time I tried to do this I think it's so cute that's the update guys I think I had Co I've been in a house being a bum but it's been good though like I said it's just like the perfect rest that I've needed and now I'm finally getting better so hopefully by tomorrow or by the end of this week I'm good see you guys later let me go [Music] good morning guys first day that I am feeling up to going back out of course I just spilled my Ginger shot all over me sometimes I'm like does my mouth has a hole in there it does not make a sense whenever I'm drinking something I don't know how I manage to like have it all the way in my mouth off at 6:26 let's go a little bit later than I would like if I am honest with you my thing did not move move I think the first day that I did it it was just going crazy but there has been no movement so I'm hoping on the second day it will be better I need to learn how to make it 80° outside it's going to be up in 100 yeah we got to hurry up let's go it is time for us to make Brey I hope it tastes good but honestly my taste bud is still not back I still can't really smell anything I don't know what it's smelling like inside the house I mean I didn't M yesterday yesterday I was cleaning and cleaning actually I was on phone with my friend Lucy from Italy I was just cleaning because I had that burst of energy I was just like God I'm going to use that burst of energy to actually clean so I map over here did a few things so oh I just love that I became a cleaning person this garlic thing it's like the best thing ever hopefully this bring my taste buds back but I may have to do like a shot of CNAC again because yeah it helps a lot like alcohol help like I have a friend like every time she has like it goes away in like 2 seconds she drank Haitian wor I would say drink some dark liquor though well I mean any type of liquor would do but I think dark liquor works better but I don't know I don't think it matters what kind of liquor it's definitely not wine though you need like liquor liquor if you know what I mean Jelly Bean this is going to be so glicky we love that I'm going to put someon too my first day back I'm already renting on Instagram I hate the app so much every time you go back in the app they make it worse every time you go it's just like this app cannot catch a break man D now I want quiet money trying of wa to make online without being the face of it I just don't feel the need to be seen oh someone was asking me about that fashion content again I don't think I'm going to be making any fashion content like that the over consumption that I use to partake in it's not going to be like that most people don't know I actually hate having a lot of stuff I don't like having a lot of clothes I went to like a minimalist phase a few years ago and since then hello guys we are back so I never thought I would fall a victim to this but I did it finally got to me Tik Tok shop finally got to me I finally fell into the hole when I saw this cute little dress guys I could not resist you guys know how much I love a white dress as soon as I saw it oh my goodness I have to have it and I clicked on it and it was only n bucks like how could I resist a little dress for 9 bucks tax it came to $10 free shipping on top of it I did have to wear the week for it but I did get a size medium I'm going to put it on and then it just look like a cute little thing to just like wear in a house or for me personally I think this would be cute for like Hotel breakfast I love looking super cute and feminine for like Hotel breakfast I don't know why I just want to feel girly and I think I've told you guys a story before but this is probably one of the most embarrassing moments in my entire life 10 years ago when my friend was and I we went to Italy in Milan at a hotel we go for breakfast at 7:00 in the morning and I just threw on my night dress you know like black people we all we all have like a house dress I think I bought mine with me I kind of like my my hotel dress right back from going outside when I'm the hotel just just popping on or whatever so at the time I used to never wear pajamas so I used to wear my house dress I my pajamas threw that and I remember exactly the dress it was a dress that I came that I bought back from Haiti actually it was a cute little orange dress printed we both looking like bums going for breakfast and we walked in we literally thought it was a conference room all the men's were in suits all the ladies wearing the most beautiful dresses their hair was done everything was done and since then I vowed to never show up to Hotel breakfast looking like a bum and since then I will always make sure my something is done I always make sure I'm ready I mean when I'm on vacation a lot of time I try to wake up early to do my makeup cuz I know my makeup Tes a long time or what I'll do is I would actually do my hair I just think like hair if your hair is done everything else is just like secondaries I would still wear something cute though I would still wear like a cute outfit to go so I will never like throw on just anything for hotel breakfast so since that day never ever make that sck again this is the type of dress I was thinking and also this is a cute dress for me to relax in my house like I said I took a medium honestly just go to Tik Tok it will save you a lot more money I hope the breast part you know fits but let's actually go try it out dress is here it is a little bit too snug but I know we still have 10 lb to go but the thing is I don't even want to go back to that skinny skinny that I was I think I was a little bit like too thin goal is 15 but I think I would be happy with like 10 I feel like I've been losing weight but I don't don't really see any reduction on my chest back then that was the first place you know that used to go was the chest when I when I lost we because most of it was in my chest but now after surgery I don't know if that's kind of like change your body it's chemistry the word I don't think I word but body functions or whatever it is how I lose weight now yeah this used to be the the first places you know the chest and in the belly but now I'm like M but I do feel like you know 10 more pounds would be like you know like a good little spot to be at I'll be more comfortable but it's okay though this is the dress as you can see it's a little bit tight then I would like I thought it was going to be a little bit more loose on me I should have gotten a large for the price honestly I may get the large I'm still going to keep this probably get the large as well I can have my little Lou beach bag this could be like a cute boat look I think this would be like superb for a low boat outing what do we think what do we think what do we think guys making pasta for the first time it's so easy three ingredients really actually two one egg and and half a cup of flour I'm making one serving this is my first time ever making pasta so I'm so excited to actually see how it turns out and sort of like a lemon garlicky sauce to go with it so you're going to melt some butter add a lot of garlic this time around I'm adding lemon and now I'm boiling pasta you only need to boil it for like 2 minutes and then you're going to add the cheese I almost forgot the cheese let's get the cheese with the pepper it's almost like making T baby right so we going to have a taste test to see if if this is actually better than so good wow that is fresh AF wow that is beautiful it's stunning actually all right guys I am out well I am at the post office I just dropped off a purchase now I just remembered in my Vlog which one was it I think it was the one where like things were looking up it was the one right before I mve in I ended up going back to this cute little hotel where I find the beautiful Park even though I couldn't spend time there cuz my allergies are so bad I ended up finding this like kind like a farmers market style grocery store they had such good stuff there so guess what I'm going to go back there because it's really close by I was actually going to walk 24 minutes there there are these almonds honey almond thing migi that was so good so I'm going to go back and get some of them and I also need some honey called my Uber which was 3.99 to to go to that place can you imagine like sometimes I literally feel bad to call Ubers because of how like cheap they are and I'm just like 3.99 what is this person even going to like get from it the thing on top of that they like so nice such good folks such you know good energy it's just it's amazing to see so I'm just waiting for the car to get here typically when I come here I walk to the Spanish grocery store cuz it's right around the corner elano but I like to go to elano to get like a lot of stuff cuz the stuff is so affordable there it's where I should be going to do my shopping we're reunited with [ __ ] Farms market whatever it's called yeah it's [ __ ] Farms market they even had merch that I wanted to ooh look at the Watermelons this looks good these Texas Tomatoes 2.49 per lound all right get a ooh look at all this stuff we are back CU this is where I need to go do my shopping at first I thought it was a little bit expensive for what it was didn't have anything to compare it with really now since I've been going to tum Thum tum make everywhere else look so cheap their stuff is good stuff and what I love about it is a small grocery store it's not a lot so you don't have a lot of like different millionaire produce so they only select just a couple of Brands which is perfect I got some worem I've been wanting to get some so I can make the wmer water for my hair big avocado I have gotten some chips because I was like ooh it's going to be for July you know I don't have anyone here with me so maybe I could make some guacamole and chips and something like that I also got some organic bananas and today I thought maybe I will make soup I got the kin fire beef broth else I got some Italian parsley beautiful carrots in the pack of three and this is what I've been craving it's this honey roed Peanut when I tell you I'm not the biggest fan of for peanuts especially American peanuts but this roed peanuts honey wed peanuts are literally one of the best things ever some oats because I want to make my own oatmeal I can also make oatmeal and then I got this honey again my cabbage oh plus I got this oh this this is this organic creamy dairyfree this is like probiotics cheers this is the kind of shots we take now Ginger shots it's not so bad even I'm scrunching up my my face good morning guys guess what back on my walks hopefully this is me getting back to my routine it's 7:55 didn't get out as early as possible but you know what thank goodness it was cloudy out it was actually perfect but um I'm good with the sun until about 9:00 but I still try to get back home by before 800 we are back before 800 I'm going to get ready today might be the first day that I put some makeup on it's been over a week cuz I had Co and I'm still not in the mood for my breakfast sandwich because my taste board kind of like ruined it for me because it tasted so bad and now I'm just like ooh I don't want I don't even want to think about a breakfast sandwich so I'm just going to make oats goodness I still have bananas I'll finish them very soon in the new future I want to have a Costco card so I can get some stuff in bulk let's say this is better than like drinking alcohol just do healthy shots oh that's the other thing also yesterday I did make a cocktail one of my favorite cocktail ever it's a a piscal sour alcohol is one of the things where I can't really drink it anymore I don't enjoy it I don't like it I'll have two sips and I don't like the way this tastes I don't like the way this makes me feel and also the Holy Spirit has been convicting me to like not drink especially like hot liquor it's been really hard for me to to drink these days which I'm not mad about actually because alcohol is not good for you anyways and I used to never drink I really picked up this habit you really have to be careful who you sh on yourself with honestly because I used to never drink not really I used to always find alcohol like disgusting I remember like when I was so much younger when I used to go out with people and they're like oh you're not drinking I was like no I don't really like alcohol like that going back to be careful who you suround yourself with because you are the sum of like the people that you hang out with one of my friend we used to work together and then we started like hitting the bars every day she used to get so drunk every night she get drunk and then she used to like embarrass me it was just like the craziest thing it's to the point where I was just like I can't go out with you if you're going to embarrass me like this yeah that's how I kind of like picked up drinking and then the pandemic happened and then boom it kind of like escalated drinking I was like drinking two glasses of wine every day Insanity Insanity that's probably what messed up my metabolism too I was doing that for like a year or two like drinking every day every couple of days I was ordering like a bottle of wine it was it was bad it was bad any alcohol is bad alcohol is poison Spirit that's why they call liquor like Spirits because it eats away your spirit your soul so especially like hot liquor like the Holy Spirit has been convicting me to not drink cocktails anymore I could have like a glass of wine not only it affects my skin again it affects your metabolism especially if you're trying to like lose weight it's just not a good combination anyways I'm going to leave wine to drink when I'm on vacation when I'm on vacation but even then like ultimately I would love to just not drink I mean I can honestly once in a while you know if you're celebrating I mean do you need it or you could just stick to water like juice I found a company that has nonalcoholic stuff I've been using them to make mocktail they're so good it's Sid lip I got in a bottle and I had never used it until last month and it was so good like you couldn't even tell especially with the fresh Victor this is another place also fresh Victor those juices I need to try these sea salt I think I tried the sea salt it's actually good guys I'm going to get ready we are back I've gotten ready it's 10:00 now today is Aaron's day so many places to go to I'm hoping everything that I can find I can find it within you know a couple of stores so I am ready T tank you already know pants are from and Other Stories you know and stories always have amazing linen for the summer time I got these in a size six and they already too big I did my wax I think I remember telling you guys I think it was like back in November I told you guys that I was going to start doing my own waxes and I have not looked back since let me actually show you what I use if you are interested so easy I think it was November I don't remember I believe it was on Thanksgiving I remember go um hold on you know me I'm always listening to worship music this is the kit that I got from Amazon I believe this was like 29 bucks or bucks I've been doing my own waxes like I said for the past 5 months now I believe it was November I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was November and the wax beads it came with it just ended it's so easy to use I mean the first time I did struggle a little bit but now I feel like I'm technically a PO now I've gotten so good at it it's just so easy for me it comes with the little spatula thing for the wax it comes with the pre-spray and the after spray this is what it looks like it's been in years as you can you can see all the hardened waxs I don't even wear gloves anymore when I do this I can't see myself going open my legs in front of someone and have them watch me I never felt comfortable anyway called me a PUD but I never felt comfortable like spreading my legs in front of like a different stranger every month I need to do my own wax because I can't shave like razors just give me the worst bumps it's so bad I don't really have that issue anymore if you've been wanting to do your own wax maybe I should do a video on the things that I stopped doing not to necessarily to cut but it's it's part of it the lot of beauty treatments are so inconvenient to me like if I could do my own facial at home I would do it I want to do things when I am inspired to do them I've never been a nail girl anyways I've always preferred to do my nails at home I have this thing in my head that I don't think the stuffs are clean enough I don't want to catch like disease or St whatever it is M it's not even healthy like breathing in all this chemicals and you know putting your fingers into those UV lights they used to burn my little fingers every time my hands will go underneath that very very happy I've never been a nail girl and even when I tried I it just wouldn't last I don't like fake nails that's the other thing also I don't like fake nails I need to feel my real nails I'm so glad there's a lot of things I don't really feel pressure to to do or get done I've never been like a hair girl anyways so I used to never really get my I don't really need to get my hair done I don't like my hair look glued at all I don't want I don't want to bust that I don't want any of that I know a lot of people try to make me a bad bee but that's not me I'm not a bad be I'm just a Chic little simple girl people trying to turn into something else but no no no not for me this is not me like right now my hair is just like I don't know for me it's perfect as long as it looks neat or that's all that I care about other than that maybe like food I stopped basically eating out like that for sure I make an exception you know if I'm meeting up with a friend but I kind of like stopped eating out for a long time now too much talking for what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] quick commercial break I am joking this is not a add but I quickly wanted to show you guys this beautiful dress you guys know J mlin is one of my favorite places to shop if you love the kind of like castal aesthetic they are the perfect place for that they've been collaborating with this taste maker Philipa the Abu I hope I'm pronouncing that correct or Abu she's Portuguese so she did a collaboration with them and then this is one of the dress from the collab region stunning is this and it features like my three favorite colors together white yellow you guys know how much I love yellow and then green green is like my new favorite color that I've been trying to add to my wardrobe for the past couple of years again it's supposed to go over your shoulders but I don't think I like it over the shoulders I just feel like it gives too granny over the shoulder I just feel like I love it like this offsh shoulder I feel like the offsh shoulder gives it like a more Chic Vibe also from jog glocken they make some of my favorite basket style bags every year I always get one from them and I still have all of the ones from like every year and last year I actually went on a trip with them to H not what's the place it's in the uh what is this place called it's in the Hampton like another side of the Hampton um I'm going to link the video so you guys can check it out but when I saw this I was like I've been on the market for a basket style clutch but something that was like Chic enough that I can actually wear out at nighttime classy event finally found the perfect one like this material it's just everything and then you you have the bamboo which gives it like a more casual Vibe but at the same time like the shape of Chef's skiss it I love this clutch so much plus it dress has pocket I'm wearing a size small by the way I'm going to link everything below for you guys if you are interested I'm so excited for the dress I cannot wait to wear this on vacation I am actually pairing it I was contemplating selling these shoes I listed them and I removed them these Amina muis I was thinking instead of selling them I would rather give them to my cousin than to actually sell them for less than 500 bucks and the way the market is right now nobody's really like buying anything cuz I think we just like finding out like designers is just gimmick at the spread right designer stuff is just gimmicks you're just paying for the name I don't know if you guys saw the order code the other day like it takes do or $57 to make the purse they trying to sell you for $4,000 and the thing is do your pures don't even hold the values to begin with I think I am done buying designer stuff I've never looked at something designer and thought Oh I'm glad I got this like if anything I always regret everything designer that I've ever purchased I want to tell I Never B designer again but I'm getting close to it I'm like I don't really care anymore another thing also I am going back to sort of my personal style which I think I was trying to go in another Direction with my style especially after my surgery since I could wear more stuff I was trying to change my style up a little bit and wear other things but one day that I realized because of my body shape a lot of things just don't really suit me like the style that I love it just does not suit my body you can't what is the saying you can't fit a square into a hole or something like that yeah that's saying definitely dress for your body shape cuz I think a lot of time especially online when we see someone wear something and then we just want to go crazy and buy it not realizing does it look good because that person is skinny right take into account your body shape like Christopher Esra dresses not for my body shape cannot wear any of these Styles it would make me look crazy and you know what as much as I don't really like to wear style of dresses like this it is the style that fits my body the most is just like what can I do I need volume on the bottom because I am topheavy and also I need flowy the kind of stuff that that works for my body shape just like being in Texas now I feel so free it's so freeing and also because in the city sometimes I just felt like I couldn't wear stuff like that it's not Chic enough for the city it's more sort of like country I guess I have a more country style in a way not all the way but you know what it is what it is it is Maxi on me cannot wait to take this on vacation with me this is it oh and I also got this ratten belt I've been on the market for ratten belt for the longest time sorry guys oh my Lord I forgot I just pained my toes when you just pain your toes not supposed to be wearing shoes like this oh no completely ruined after you pain your toes you need at least a good at least 24 before you should be trying on shoes I just completely ruined my toes now I have to P them all over again I didn't like them anyway so this is the ratten belt so you can actually belt this as well if if you want to I plan on wearing this with another Jam of Lin dress that I have in white and I feel like it would look so cute and also there's a lot of like white dresses I would like to Belt them sometimes but I don't have the white ratten belt for them how cute is this I wouldn't wear the belt with this because I think it's a little bit too too much cute though this over a white dress [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so I'm making do with what I have I don't have any cheese heavy I don't have anything to make this pasta good not even lemon so I know it's looking like soup that's what we're going to eat at least this homemade pasta right as you can see pasta is so easy to make it might look like soup but it is so delicious so I was just trying to use the tomatoes cuz it's about to be a week tomorrow I'm just trying to use whatever I have in this dish it is so delicious cuz I want to make ravioli so I may just get the ravioli shape things M so good it's 511 um it looks like it's going to rain in the next hour so now I'm going to go to warmart just get a couple of things I have one thing to return I want to put my rug but if I put the rug then part of my mattress is going to touch the floor and I don't want that because right now it's sitting on top of the plastic that it came with so I'm like you know what I'm just going to wait until I get the bed not in a rush and hopefully I get the bed very soon I've seen a couple of options on Facebook Marketplace but I would love someone who has like a big truck you know like a pickup truck I want a pickup truck I feel like I need a pickup truck in my house when I have a house like that needs to be one of our cars I love a good pickup truck it kind of like reminds me P I used to literally run in the back of a pickup truck it would be so easy for me to just go and pick up some of the Furnitures that I found on fa's book Marketplace oops all right never mind Uber is here let's we are back from Walmart like the plastic wrap for making pasta or baking or whatever else I need to make some napkins the house coffee cuz I'm wearning lell is a Caribbean staple it's strong and then you already know this is a Haitian household again we need the pl TS I might fry up some tonight and I've just been craving some like steak I haven't really had meat I've literally been craving it I wanted to get some ground beef to make meatballs but next time peppers are the ones that I use for my for my pey I got some lemons and then over here I needed flour I use flour a lot you know if I'm making pizza or if I'm making pasta got bananas because I have not been in the mood like a Savory breakfast since I got Co I have just been craving just like something so boring like oatmeal that's what I've been eating every morning and then I've got some hooks as you saw I was making my pasta earlier I did didn't have the thing to cut it so I got a pizza cutter it's going to work both free a pizza cutter and also as a pasta cutter I've needed some MPP I like the dark robust ones I might make pancakes tomorrow I got some cayenne pepper I need that there used to be this thing that I used to do in the morning I drink olive oil with some cayenne pepper in there it's really really good for your stomach it's almost like a massage for your tummy I also got milk what I tell you Walmart is where I need to do most of my sharing I got the extra creamy milk and pads you don't need to see that this is one of the main things I went to get is this draw organizer for my Cutlery it's been driving me crazy how my cutor is all over the place I'm going to go and actually organize that right about now I always buy one of this every time I'm there let's go ahead and organ oh I got cinnamon from India vadam this looks really cool I told you guys the cinnamon that I currently have it's such low quality it's horrible um every time I put it in something and I'm like why did I even bother it's not one of you can sprinkle and I guess I'll let you guys know how it is little brush to clean the back let's go ahead and organize that I have 700 step to make it to 10,000 it's still pretty early it's only like 6:59 [Music] guess we went on a late night walk to finish our 10,000 steps I got two ice cream because they were on a special at home never tried the strawberry so we're going to try the strawberry and then the pistachio almond is one of my faves so one of those let's try the strawberry I'm not a big strawberry person the only thing strawberry I like I think we all know this cream candy I think it's made in Columbia or something I've never been like a big ice cream person but Texas has turned me into an ice cream person I finally found an ice cream brand that I actually quite like I really like goell you already know guys always do the Apple side of veg V and honestly that's one of the reason why my tummy has just been like flat bloating it's really control my bloating I went down considerably in my belly area if you're going to put apple cider vinegar make sure you have a straw because ruin your teeth and you do not want that and you don't even taste it but actually my friend Peggy she gave me this little gift like almost 10 years ago and I still have it it's this little music it has a CD it's like music and cooking I've never listened to this I have no have a cassette paer I don't have like a CD player no I need a CD player that's why I miss my old Mac I miss the old computer so badly I was telling her like when she come comes visit me we should try this one of the thing is a crusted Lim with piece two potatoes this I cannot wait to make this I think I've attempted to make one of the dessert in here chocolate almond it has drinks also this is such a cute little book a [Music] good morning guys making pancakes today again I get all my recipes from TK Tock just so easy to follow them on there another mix and then we'll mix the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients together this is how I usually like my pancake better it's kind of thick and it just like barely runs off your spatula our job here is done let's move over can I tell you I'm so happy to be reunited with my stuff I don't think you guys understand I haven't seen my things in almost a year it's just amazing as you can see it's fluffy these are the pancakes let's actually see how they are foods like strawberries blueberries look prettier on pancakes but I actually don't like them on my pancakes for me bananas are the only thing I like in tolerate on pancakes I know call me crazy but it's the only thing I like on my pancakes for me the berries it's like opposite taste for me it doesn't really taste right M this is not bad at all it's missing something though I don't know maybe it's the the butter that I didn't have the butter make it taste better though when you cook it in the butter every time I open that drawer now I literally get so happy I can't believe now I'm turning into like an organized Queen when my things are organized and also that is one thing that God has been putting on my heart lately also it's just like you have to stay clean you like your house have to be in order like I remember last year I had so many moments where a brand sent me something for delivery and my apartment was such a mess and they couldn't necessarily come in cuz I didn't really want to spend money on that apartment it's just like I knew I wasn't going to be there for long oh finally it feels good to be eating on my couch but I just knew like my spirit just knew I wasn't going to be in that apartment for long I didn't want to like spend a lot of money buying furniture and even then I waited so long to buy furniture and I still end up regretting a lot of the things that I bought except for the couch the couch is like the only thing I don't regret pretty much everything else I do regret getting like my dining room table I regret getting that I thought oh I was going to start entertaining I was going to like start throwing dinner parties and it was around the same time where God literally took all my friends away like literally everyone it's just so funny how that happened because God did tell me not to buy that table but I went and bought it anyways that's why obedience is better than sacrifice listen to him that same week um I think it was around that same month where I pray that prayer like you know Lord where should I move was on like Thanksgiving and stuff one thing I regret about my New York City Apartment it's like I've always wanted like the perfect New York next to the apartment so my friends can stay with me when they visit New York nobody visited New York well at least none of my friends none of my friends from other places really visited New York which actually make me sad because I'm like finally I have this beautiful apartment like come through folks like come stay with me but nobody really came to New York that year didn't have the opportunity so good you know the thing about pancakes even though I crave them sometimes I always regret like eating them I don't think I've ever eaten pancakes and thought Oh yeah I'm so glad I ate that always as always the minute I'm done eating and I was just uh why did I eat that no more pancakes for us I tell you I feel disgusted right now especially I didn't even go on my hard walk this morning but don't worry though I'm going to get my 10,000 steps later I much prefer doing half in the morning because it's so easy to do the other half in the evening [Music] is [Music] making my wiary water when I told you I could not wait for this so you're just going to boil this for like 10 minutes and then you're going to let it cool all the way down and then we're going to transfer it to like a plastic bottle I just look for something that's like 11 hours and then I just play it all day long my feel they fell oh this is one of my favorite tongue too for 15 minutes and then yeah you just buy like a bunch of these guys I finally make some good pickles oh when I tell you this tastes so good way too spicy though I put five Peppers five peppers in this but I like it spicy as you can see I like it spicy though last time I added way too much vinegar not enough lime and less vinegar so much look at the sunset look at this thing [Music] oh

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