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was a bad General bad General and you know nobody was fired it was the most incompetent I think it the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country the way it happened you know remember the planes taking off and people falling off the planes many people fell to their death they were hanging onto the wings you know they probably thought they could take the plane and fly on the plane and they didn't realize the plane's going 500 mil an hour and they fell off at 3,000 ft that's three times the height of the Empire State Building fell off they started falling off and then they all were off and a lot of people but it was a horrible horrible moment but uh you had 13 people killed many people badly injured meaning no legs we had one no arm no legs and the arm that was left was battered face was badly hurt and these are people you know this this is just horrible casualties but I got to know the people I felt very badly and they viewed me as their president frankly they and I don't want to do anything about I don't want to say that but they viewed me and I I I you know everybody knew CU it was covered but shouldn't not covered like the Press should cover it I mean the Press doesn't talk about bad things I mean they they don't talk about what happened in Afghanistan anymore with the Taliban with you know with that horrible leaving it wasn't the leaving it was great to leave because you know they were there for like 20 years and we were leaving but we were going to keep barram which is one of the biggest Air Force bases in the world and we keeping it not because of Afghanistan but because of China because it was 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons so we were keeping them and it would have been fine but we you know it was time now to turn it over despite the threat to democracy I did turn that over I didn't I didn't say you know they said he'll never give it over these people are crazy they're crazy but anyway so I gave it over and they they then they took over and I didn't have anybody killed in Afghanistan for 18 months I had a long talk with the head of the Taliban who's really the boss and his name is Abdul and I said Abdul don't do it don't you don't do it and he said uh but why why sir why do you send me a picture of my home uh AB believe you'll have to figure that one out like but why but why do you say sent me a picture of my home your Excellency call me your Excellency and he was fine look I said you can't do you can't you hit any dead snipers that were killing our people are are wonderful uh soldiers you know snipers from a long distance and uh we didn't have lose one person in 18 months and then we had this catastrophe happen which it should have never happened we had them in good shape but we had to get out it's ridiculous that we were there and we left $85 billion worth of equipment you know they became brand new equipment to equipment that I bought they left brand new goggles tanks planes we left it there instead of taking it out I remember when Millie told me General Millie he's one of the woke guys you know he was saying you know all about him he's bad his bad General but he was saying sure I think we should leave the equipment behind I said why cuz I was talking about getting it and I was going to get out I brought it down to the number men but we had to keep bam you got to keep the Air Force the big base built many years ago for billions and billions of dollars but say sir we should leave the equipment behind why well it's much less expensive I said wait a minute we got a $150 million airplane and we could fill it up with a little gas a little tank of Airplane Fuel and fly it to Pakistan or fly it all the way back home you think it's cheaper to leave it and it's a new plane you think it's cheaper you think it's cheaper to leave army tanks where we can put them in a trailer take yes sir it's cheaper I said this guy is really bad it's true and that's when I lost total respect for the guy and didn't never a lot cuz you know you never got good news I want people with there's good news you know like the general I used to knock out the you know I knock out 100% of Isis it was supposed to take 5 years it took about 4 weeks right we have a great military I tell you we have I had a great general in charge of that and he knocked the hell out of him he said sir I can do it in about four weeks I said why didn't they do it before sir they didn't want to really fight they wanted to be politically correct sure but uh it was amazing we have you know I just say to this room we have a great military and our military our real military is not going to be woke you couldn't convince him to be woke if you screwed at him all day for the next 10 years but know but the guys on television awoke and a lot of the top people awoke but they'll all be gone pretty quick they're going all be gone get them out when I was in Milwaukee I got to meet some of the gold star families so what yeah we had a big problem uh so I was called by these families and there were probably four of them there was also somebody very badly injured with with the legs and everything and they asked me would it be possible 2 days ago right to go to Arlington National Cemetery to celebrate the life of their children who had been killed uh 3 years ago and this was the whole thing the whole disaster in Afghanistan where they set off a bomb and probably 500 people were killed all together and we got to think of the other side also but it was it was a terrible thing thing but we lost 13 soldiers we had 45 soldiers that were really badly hurt too you know nobody ever talks you know somebody loses their leg or both legs or their arm in one case an arm and two legs and nobody ever talks about them they talk about because we have to remember that those people [Music] are nobody ever talks about them and we had some people that were horrifically injured anyway they called and they said sir would you be able to come now I got to know them because I have a place in Bedminster New Jersey which is a spectacular place and they wanted to know whether they like New Jersey they in New Jersey is good New Jersey is some of the most beautiful things but so this is a beautiful place and I had most of the families uh there about a year and a half ago and they all want to know whether or not I'd be showing up I didn't know if I could and when I heard they were there I I went out and I saw them and they thought I was going to stay for 5 minutes or 10 minutes Shake everyone's hand and leave I ended up staying with them like for 4 and 1 half hours we listen to music up with the members we have this beautiful deck overlooking everything and you're looking at the sky great food a very luxurious place I it's beautiful and we had I don't know like 20 25 people you know members of of the family of these 13 people most of the 13 and we ended up listening to music Elvis and Elton John and everybody and certain songs were very sad and I point to the sky I said your son your son is looking down at you and he's very proud oh the people it was like crazy I was with them like for 4 and 1/2 hours my my 15 minutes do you think we could get him stay for 15 minutes could he sign something a picture of my son so I ended up staying there and I got to know him and I got a call a little while ago like a week two weeks and they asked whether or not it would be possible to go to Arlington National Cemetery two days ago and also could I say for the uh Changing of the Guard and the whole thing which was beautiful I did that and but it was very tough for me to get there because I was doing something else I had to get out of something that was not easy to get out of and I did that and I did the changing and then they said could you come with us to the graves of which is quite a bit away you know you had to go into cars and go into you know through the cemetery beautiful Arlington Cemetery and I did that and I was getting absolutely killed because they're calling me they're saying sir we got a lot of people waiting said don't worry about it let them wait and I did it and they're looking at the graves and they're explaining one of the the mothers was saying and I I've had this a lot actually sir could I tell you about my son yes he said sir he was a good football player he was a quarterback he had a very strong arm and you know he was playing another team and this was and it was a long story and I just listened to it because I saw the it was like therapy she was so proud of him oh they loved you so much president they had such wonderful things to say about you when we spoke so really appreciate it was so good but just so they said sir could you take some pictures with us at the graves of our child and you know the CH the child because the child maybe 22 or 24 but that's their child right they're not sing uh at the grave of the man you know nothing political or anything this was their child this was their baby could you take a picture with and and these people are devast these people can never ever be the same and it was all because of Biden okay po I'll get in trouble I don't care get me in trouble this should have never ever happened nobody should have been killed they should have left from B which is this massive base they shouldn't have left from this little local airport where the whole city ends up piling in and everyone went crazy and and by the way they shouldn't have taken the military out first they should have taken the military out last when everything was done they took the military out and I could just imagine Abdul who's smart as hell Somebody went to Abdul and they said Abdul Abdul the American soldiers have left he said you're a stupid man to say that of course that didn't happen no Abdul they've left they've left I could just see it the conversation then he found out they left he said I can't believe it and once they left they had a field day what they did to us was incredible but they kept everything but thanks so uh the people were coming up to me and said sir could I have a picture of you at the grave of my son I said absolutely I would love to do that so the whole family gathered around we had the the Beautiful You Know Stone the uh marble with the name of the soldier on shouldn't have been on it because they shouldn't have been dead and we took pictures at the different grave sites and that was it it was beautiful and they were all crying everybody was crying you know it was it very sad they're Terri terrible it's even worse when there was no reason for it to happen you know it makes it even worse it's one thing it's a war but here's a thing it shouldn't have happened just in incompetent it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country but it shouldn't have happened and these kids shouldn't have been uh dead and the 45 people that were so badly hurt and the and frankly the 300 people mostly civilians from the other side they shouldn't have been dead just a grossly incoming group of people so thank you for respecting our dead Mr President oh thank you very much thank just to finish so thank you very much appreciate it so but just just so I took I took pictures I I said to people should I tell the story I told the story once today I said should I tell it CU I think it's a terrible thing so I stood with a mother's fathers sometimes both sometimes a sister there was a sister who beautiful sister who also had some difficulty because of a war injury but I stood with different people over different Graves and took pictures I didn't want to take pictures but I wanted to take them if they wanted to take them and I you know the former president of the United States is with them they're very happy about that as happy as they can be cuz they'll never be happy and I took pictures and that was it and I left and we said goodbye and it was beautiful actually and then I get a call that night Sir uh we're getting a complaint from the White House that you used the soldiers for publicity pictures and for public relations and I said I can't believe it and I said I can't believe it so here's a guy he killed he killed those people okay these people were killed by Biden as far as I'm concerned and then I get and I get a call and I'm taking pictures he's a pictures with parents Etc sisters brothers people that are laying in the ground right there shouldn't be shouldn't be dead and I get a call and I actually got a lot of bad publicity they said uh Trump uh president Trump spent time at Arlington National catary taking pictures of things it's just so disgusting and I'll tell you if you haven't noticed I get a lot of publicity I don't need that publicity I don't need that publicity it doesn't I get a lot I get too much I'd like to have half the publicity I want to hire a PR person to get me half the publicity what you hire PR people for I just I just thought it was such a terrible thing so I just want to show you I think it meant an incredible amount to them I had no idea they've spoken about it and thank you for loving the American people thank you for working to make America great again thank you so we thank you for your time today spending time with us I want to tell you mom's for Liberty is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization um we only Endor in Schoolboard races but I want to tell you personally sir that I endorse you for president thank you that's very nice wow I didn't even expect that thank you Je thank you love you thank you so much well thank you so much and it's an honor to be here this is a nice group nice we just left Pennsylvania we had a big rally and a big speech and I said okay that's it for the day right Nur sir you're going to DC now congratul so it's but it's what I heard exactly the group I knew anyway but when they reminded me this was it this is so important the job you've done is incredible really and it's an honor to be here thank you Mr President we just want to say how thankful we are that you're doing okay what a scary day that was in Pennsylvania and you are looking great and we're so happy that you were able to join us you and I were talking a little bit backstage and you were sharing with me a lot of the concerns you have about the border and what you're seeing happen with illegal immigrants across the United States and I thought I'd give you an opportunity to talk a little bit about that to start off sure because U you're talking about moms and you're talking about family such a big factor for you just about everything and when you look at what's happening in our country this is so tough you know it's one thing you don't Grill oil or you don't do something that you can do with a new group coming in but millions and millions of people 21 million people I think the real number is you hear 13 14 15 like that's not a big number but it is but 21 million people and many of these people are criminals many of these people are coming out of uh the roughest countries in the world and they're coming from all over the world they're not just coming from South America you know everyone thinks they're coming from like Guatemala El Salvador they're coming from Mexico they're coming from everywhere I was speaking to the border patrol they said in the last 12 months 15 59 different countries were represented by people having come in illegally and that's some number but uh these are tough people they're coming out of the jails they're coming out of the mental institutions uh they're coming out of prisons and they're coming I mean they're just coming out of there's a difference between a prison and jail it's subtle but I say that they come out of mental institutions and insane asylums there's a difference there also and uh they coming into our country at levels that nobody's ever seen and I've been saying for 2 years that this has got to stop been saying for longer than that but for 2 and a half 3 years I said this has to stop and now it's catching up with us and you see what's going on in Colorado I don't know if anybody got to see Aurora I mean they're taking over the city they're taking over apartment complexes these are young very tough people these are tough they make our criminals look nice that's the only thing good about them our criminals are like nice people by comparison and uh if you saw the Colorado thing and this is happening all over just not Colorado but the Colorado thing caught the imagination because there were many of them with the biggest weapons that you've ever seen and these came from Venezuela which is emptying out all of its criminals you know what Venezuela crime is down like 72% because they're bringing all of their criminals from karacus and everywhere else they're bringing them to to the beautiful USA thank you very much Venezuela we appreciate it and we're allowing it to happen because we have open borders and again this is happening with uh every continent we have Africa well represented coming out from the Congo 22 people came in recently from the Congo where do you come from we come from prison what did you do to get into prison we will not tell you bad stuff and we have them here no intention of bringing them back none whatsoever and they're all over the country but now what they're doing you know if you think 21 million so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad because when you empty out your prisons and you update out your mental institutions it's a lot of people it's bigger than most AR iies are in our country if you add them up totally so we had 159 countries let's say but we have massive numbers of people and what happened in Aurora today is incredible because they basically have just taken over swwa and the building and they the people are petrified the people living in the building they're leaving and when they tell the police about it I mean the police you know they don't need uh AK 47s that's a very powerful weapon I I've learned a lot about weapons over the last 6 weeks I there a big difference between different weapons but they're coming in with very powerful weapons and the police have guns that are rifles and machine guns and things like that wielding around pretty freely and know how to use them and this is affecting our schools because we want to talk about schools then they're taking over schools we have MS13 gangs they're the toughest gangs they say in the world probably are I got them out by the thousands I took them out by the thousands Obama couldn't get them out because the country wouldn't allow him to come back in they were putting airplanes big airplanes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes that have to come back to the United States loaded up with these same people that they were supposed to take out and I got them to take them by stopping Aid 7750 million to different conts and I won't go through this so too much but basically I said uh how much money do we pay to Guatemala and few other countries and the number was $750 million which is a lot but it's not that much we give so much money away it's so crazy to countries that hate us by the way we give a lot of money away every year to Afghanistan billions and billions of dollars and I think that Harris and by now it was starting out by Harris a Marxist she's a Marxist by the way people are finding that out she's a total she's a total Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor he teaches uh I guess the economy from a Marxist perspective and he taught her well but uh when you look at what was happening you couldn't get the people out and when I said you're going to get these people out here the general came to me said they won't take him back who won't take them back the countryes from where they came and they would put airplanes on the runway they block up the bus routes they block up everything so we bring them back and you couldn't bring them back Tiffany so it's such a horrible thing and I said how much Aid do we pay them sir we pay them $750 million combined they say that's a lot of money it's a lot we'll tell them we're not paying them anymore it's effective immediately W yes sir and they told him that and the following morning I come into the beautiful Oval Office that Resolute desk which is so beautiful you know now Biden goes around using that he didn't even know the name of the Resolute Des now he just I sit behind the Resolute ask he even know what the hell it is this guy that's up for you boy I tell you did they take a do they do a cool on him anyway so uh I said uh tell them that's not happening so the following morning I get to the office and I get a call from three countries let's not use names and all very smart leaders I'd be doing the same thing about with them to tell you the truth I'd say I empty up my prisons dump them into the United States don't ever let them back and I would be doing it every bit as much as them I don't blame them because they can get away with it but they should be able to get away with it so I said that you're not going to get the money they call me up they say sir I understand and I know all all three of them I know all of them I know all the leaders they're all at the top of their game and we have a bunch of dead weights okay we are being taken advantage of as a country so much I've never said that one again so they said essentially the same conversation sir good morning sir I understand this a problem sir you have to understand this has gone on for 10 years they wouldn't take that people people back they wouldn't take MS13 back they dumped them in our country wouldn't take them back I said well you know you're sending them up in the Caravans and other ways and you're not taking them back you're never getting any more money from the United States sir sir we would like to take them back we would love to have MS 13 back with us we think they such workable anyway they made it very easy for us to get them back and we took them back by the thousands and we took also a lot of others back and uh then these clowns took over the country and nothing everything closed up and by the way they're paying them now $4 billion I understand can you believe it and they don't take them back it's just so sad to see what happens they're paying much more money than U I was talking about they raised it they actually felt it was good to pay them more they said why they said Economic Development it's not Economic Development it's the development of a dictator because they keep the money they're not doing any economic vment we have the dumbest people in history running our country okay the dumbest in history and we have to get and we have to get these people so we brought it back at all but but what's happening to our country our country is being poisoned poisoned and your schools and your children are suffering greatly because they're going into the classrooms they taking diseas and they don't even speak English it's crazy and we have our people that aren't going into a classro we have students that were there last year that aren't allowed into the school this year they're not allowed it's crazy we have our veterans sleeping on the streets and we have illegal immigrants coming into our country living in luxury hotels above where the veterans are it's so reverse of what it should be so I know you love New York City I'm from New York originally my dad grew up in Brooklyn in Flatbush yeah New York um but like many other cities in America right now it's a city in Decline you were in New York when mayor Giuliani really did great reforms he was such a great mayor and uh you know he also fought for a lot of things that he should hey he was right about the laptop from H you know he was the one that came up Rudy was right Rudy was right about a lot of things you know they have a hat truck was right about everything but Rudy was right about a hell of a lot he was right he got he was the first one to see the laptop I guess and he revealed what was on there and everyone hit him hard he's actually a very brave guy but he was a great mayor and he took over the city when it was in really bad shape and very dangerous and he made it the safest big city in the country and made it beyond that it was a vibrant City and now it's got tremendous problems and and in all fairness look you have hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants here how do you do you can't run it I I read where they're spending billions of dollars I thought New York had no money and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money and it's not given by the federal government so how are they doing this the city is suffering and they're all suffering no City can take in when you think that 21 million people came into our country that's bigger than New York 21 million people came into our country no country can take that nobody can with understand that it's going to bring us down and in addition to that many of these people are hard criminals and we have to get them out and we're going to have deportation at the level at the highest level we've ever had as a higher level you know the highest deportation was a pretty moderate guy but Dwight Eisenhower he hated that our city was that our country is being swamped and Dwight de Eisenhower president of the United States a good president good General he won because he's a general and you know generals by the way I know a little statistic so of the presidents 2% were politicians and 8% before me 8% were Generals and then I came along and I don't think no I don't think any rich guy will ever CH us they look at at Trump they say I don't know they all wanted to do it they said if Trump can do it I can do it I can do it but they see what you have to go through they say you know maybe I won't give it a shot so let's talk a little bit about family because we really feel at moms for Liberty that family and parental rights are under attack in America all of America got to meet your granddaughter Kai at the Republican National Convention it's very obvious that you love being a father and a grandfather um so I'd love to know why you choose and continue to choose to work with your children in business and politics and do you have any advice for people with working with your kids well I've always liked it I don't know that I'll be doing it very much politically cuz I think it's been very unfair to them like Ivanka was a great she she could have done anything great student great beautiful girl beautiful everything she was a perfect person worked hard she you know she gave up do you remember the ianka line and I loved those shoes please tell your daughter she made great shoes she was making so much money with that thing I say what the hell is going on it was so hot and then I ran for politics and the truth is she wanted to come she she pretty much gave it up it was really good great shoes great everything very stylish and a lot of people still talk about it but she gave it up because she wanted to go and and she didn't want something like the United Nations secretary I wanted her to do that I said you would be a great uh ambassador to the United States Nations United Nations secretary you there'd be nobody to compete with her I tell you she may be my daughter but nobody could have competed with her with her rat Tad Tad the whole deal she's got and and she said Daddy I don't want to do that I just want to help people get jobs and she would go around not a glamorous job but she felt so good about it she would go around to see Walmart to see Exon to see all these big companies to hire people and she had hired like millions of people during the course of her stay and I mean always there was nothing ever good it was just very tough I think if she were a Democrat it would have been it's much easier to be a Democrat let me put it that way apparently you don't have to make any interviews that's right you don't have to you don't have to do anything we saw that the other night and you won't see too many more interviews and I have a debate coming up with this one and she didn't she didn't want a debate she didn't want a debate they were not happy about it but they got the network that they wanted this network is the worst of all uh George slavis you know but they are the worst in terms of that so they wanted the network and you know it's like with Biden they came to me they wanted to do a debate I said uh isn't it a little bit early like you know we just started you want to do it now yes so yes and they thought that if they said it was going to be Dana Bash who last night was extremely easy she there was there was no like why aren't you doing this or why did you say a thousand times that there'll be no fracking in Pennsylvania and then all of a sudden say oh well have fracking it felt like a multiple choice CIT you would give her like several answers that she could have given they were feing it to I was surprised actually I mean I was surprised she didn't do a lot of interviews but she's not good at it I guess and they do that they knew something that we didn't know I think she would have been better off if she just had interviews even if they weren't great it would have been better than because now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective she's a defective person and we don't need another defective person as president of the United States you just had that I've heard you talk about your mom in interviews before she go OB a very strong woman um was she hard on you with school tell us about your mom a little bit no she wasn't she was great I had a great mother great father very different people my mother came from Scotland and she came over to this country is are there people from Scotland you know actually that's hidden do you know that some of the biggest smartest most brilliant leaders in business come from Scotland and nobody knows it or at least you know they parents came from Scotland but Scotland Scotland did very well in this country I tell you it's very like we have people and I know that one group they're very successful group now she came from Scotland great place and she came over just for the summer and uh she was 19 I guess and she met my father and they had a very long marriage I said I'll never tap you on that PP you know you always want to be a little bit better than your father if you can a little more and my father loved that you know some fathers don't like it when you have a father that doesn't want his son to be a successful you got a problem with a father but there are plenty of them I've seen plenty of them they make it actually hard for the son but no I had the opposite I had a father that loved what was happening but they met they fell in love they got married and they were married for 6 and 1 half decades wow a long time I said Pap I'm not going to be able that beat you with that but anyway and they had just a great marriage very different people but they had a great marriage very very strong marriage so I want to talk to you a little bit about The Apprentice um we talk a lot at moms for Liberty that we're in the middle of a cultural revolution in America people like to be dismissive and say it's a culture War but truly the culture is being changed I look at you as a a president and and perhaps our next president hopefully our next president W that's right and you are a cultural icon so you had The Apprentice it ran for am I right is it 14 Seasons 14 Seasons 12 years we had actually one season where one for three times during the SE that means they liked it but uh but it was basically 12 years and and 14 Seasons so how do you think you kept the audience that long well it just worked then we had um Mark Bernett great producer he did Survivor and he came to me and they rented the wman rink he wanted to rent it for the finale of Survivor so it have like this uh jungle setting facing New York City right in the middle of Central Park it was gorgeous it was beautiful and he invited me I didn't know him but he was a young producer he was the producer of the Survivor any was O Survivor was a very successful show in CBS and went there said wow this is great I rented him the the ring so I wanted to see it also but he invited me I went there watch the show and he said I really invited you because I have a concept of a show it's sort of Survivor uh with the asol jungle aspect of it right de bre this and he told me and I said wellow that's interesting he said I'll only use you there's nobody else I want to be to do it if you don't do it I'm not going to do it so I thought about it and I had an agent from a very big agency and he said don't do it you don't do it there's never been a business show in history that's been successful business shows are not successful in prime time there's never been I guess a business show successful I say well this isn't really a business show it's a sort of a different kind of a show than a business show it's got a little business to it but really it's more than a business show he said don't do it he was a very respected guy actually he was a good guy but he told me not to do it don't do it and then I made the deal with ABC and the deal was done and then Eisner you remember Eisner previous guy a while ago and he's heard about the deal and he broke the deal he said I can make a better deal than that so let's make a better deal and I got angry about it and so did Mark berett and everybody wanted us they wanted us so we get a call from jesser of all people from uh at the time from NBC then he was heading up NBC they were having a real drought they hadn't had a top 10 show in a long time and they were not doing well and I never forget we walked into his office he took the key out of the door and threw it under the chair and rockefella Center he locked the door he said you locked in we're not going to leave the room until we have a deal so we made a deal and ABC was not happy about it actually the man from ABC that made the deal with this top person I think like the president uh he quit over this and he quit he said we made a deal with these people and he was second guest by AAR and he actually quit and had a lot of there was a lot of anger about it but we made a deal with NBC instead of ABC we did have the original deal with ABC anyway it goes on television and the first week it was like at number 10 which is uh uh very very hard and by the way the agent told me you've got to break the deal you're going to be embarrassed because you're going to have a total failure and you're going to be embarrassed so it goes on it opens at 10 which is amazing and NBC was happy because now they have a top 10 show and then it went through various things like number eight number seven it cut progressively better and it finish up is the number one show on television I'm sitting there can you believe and I mean you remember this just I watched The Apprentice we love the show yeah the finale actually had of that season at 42.5 million was second to the Super Bowl it was always the Academy Awards and we beat the Academy Awards since then the Academy Awards has gone to hell it's incredible you know why cuz all they do is you know political stuff what a they destroyed it but uh so it finished up and number one and I'll never forget and I enjoy said I had the number one show and I didn't even have an agent and so I get a call from the agent I'll never forget 6:00 in the morning he called me he says I want to congratulate you shows number one I said yeah it is thanks a lot I appreciate it he said uh could I come over and see you I said why he said so we could work out a fee I said you told me not to do it there's no way I'm paying you a commission you told they wanted to get a commission I said there's no way I said if it was up to you I would have never done it I had the number one show you said I couldn't make it so there are little little things but it it was successful for years it just did well and then around the 13th actually the 12th season they put me into a poll with a real stiff named Mitt Romney total stiff this guy's bad news he he's worse than a rhino and they they and he was running and they just put me into a poll I think it was NBC and I I was watching the uh I was watching Meet the Press actually and with sleepy eyes Chuck to did you ever hear of him he's a sleepy guy isn't he sleepy eyes another Beauty so so they put me into a poll and in the poll I go to number one I'm rated number one Romney's a distant second or third and I was in various polls and all and I kept saying you know I'm always like graded number one and I wanted to get out but I couldn't get out of the contract cuz I had an apprentice plus I had two buildings that I was finishing I wanted to get them finished not good when you don't finish him rely on somebody else you don't want to do but I said you know maybe if I have a chance I'll do it the next time and I did the next time I ran and we had 17 people it was a rather violent uh series of debates if you remember right Rosie odonald only Rosie odonald that was a tough one only Rosie odonald you've said this and that I won't use the terms you've called women this and that and that and lot A lot of it was show business related I said only Rosie o Donald the place went crazy and the second question I got was Brett Bear he said this was a fox one he said uh please raise your hand if you will not support the winner of the group of 17 people whoever wins the nomination so I raised my hand I was the only one I said I can't say for sure I'm going to support I don't like certain other people I don't know them a couple of them I do you remember that that was my those were my first two questions only Ros o do and I raised my hand and uh I said that I was honest and the place was crazy so uh actually they were two of the more interest they were the first two questions I had I went through a lot of debates I went through like 14 15 debates then then we had the debate with crooked Hillary Clinton remember that one oh that that was pretty good defin remember that debate that was a pretty good one crooked Hillary she was that crooked one and uh we had uh what so uh so politics has been very interest never stops right then we had the debate last time with with sleepy Joe Biden how did he do he was sharp as ATT teack I thought I would just like to say I thought you handled yourself so beautifully in that interview I have to be honest but for many Americans who have watched as their family member have aged and have experienced dementia it was difficult to watch president Trump I think there were a lot of parents that were watching with their children and there was a moment when he had a very hard time collecting his thoughts and I just thought that you handled it with such Grace so thank you for that well I was a little I was a little surprised and you know I was surprised by a lot of things so I I came on the stage and I looked and he I I you know I looked at him just for a brief moment because everybody didn't look at him I didn't want to look at him I was I was angry at him because I think he's done a horrible job for the country I think he's been the worst president we've ever had and then it the worst vice president she's been rated the worst vice president and don't forget she was last in terms of getting the job you know she competed for his job and I think they had 22 people or something and she was the first one to quit she she bummed and she quit and then all of a sudden she's now running and from my standpoint I I spent $100 million fighting Joe Biden and even during the convention you know we're only talking about Biden Biden Biden and then we're not fighting him anymore we're fighting somebody else he got 14 million votes I'm not saying he should have gone her but I think uh it seems unfair because a lot of people did a lot better than him like you had a person that came in second and third and fourth and you know it's Bernie Sanders actually essentially came in second place I guess right and and uh so you'd say you know why aren't you doing a democratic process so you know give them some of their stuff they are a threat to the Democracy they say they are correct of democracy so so she and she was also she was the nastiest person to him you remember she called him a racist the bus you remember the story of the bus you know fake Story Probably well she also said I worked at McDonald's turn out she didn't work at McDonald's anybody seen that after an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes they found out they found out she never worked there so you know there's a lot of fake stuff going on but we don't need that for a president and our country can't stand it we we are really in trouble we're failing Nation whether you like it or not and I'm sure you don't like it but we are a very sick Nation we're a failing nation and on top of it we have millions of people in here that they can't we can't have them if they were great if it were but you're not going to have people where they're emptying the doors to jails and emptying the doors to mental institutions where seriously sick people are coming into our country and you no country can stand this there's no country can stand it so I was not happy with him because you know I only did it because I went out the country you know I didn't need this I had a very nice life some of you know I see some of you in here you know how to you youve known me for a long time long before politics I had a nice life but uh even running again if I thought he was good and I thought he was doing a good job I would have been happy but he's he's doing a horrible job and you know he's been absent for a long time if you go back 25 years he wasn't The Brightest Bulb in the ceiling I can tell you him and he was not doing a job and and I told this and I meane I would have been happy if he were a great president and I wouldn't have run I wouldn't have run I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election I mean I think we won that election by so much by so much if I thought I lost if I thought I lost that election I absolutely would you know wouldn't have R because I would have lost the election but I think we did phenomenally I mean honestly we had millions of more votes than we did in the first election we did greater the first one we won and I was we got 63 million votes in the first election I was told that we get 6 63 million votes same number there's no way we can be defeated I got 10 or 12 million votes more than them more than anybody had ever got we got the most votes of anybody of any sitting president in history and he beat us by a whisker and it was a terrible thing they used Co to cheat and it was a terrible thing and then I watched and I thought it was very very sad because of you know the election was it brought great division to the country but uh I watched and I saw how bad they were how bad things were I saw the border the open border and everything you know I found out about Tiffany I found out about the open border when we built hundreds of miles and then we had a little bit more that I was going to add because there were certain areas that you needed it and we had everything fabricated very expensive wall those walls are expensive they're steel concrete and rebar and they have a lot of wiring in them for all sorts of security equipment but but it's very expensive stuff it's exactly what border patrol wanted they have anti climb bars and everything on them so we built we didn't they it could have been erected in 3 weeks and they kept saying we're not going to do it we're not and then I realized they weren't going to do it and they sold bun of that wall for 5 cents in the dollar so you know that's when I realized they actually want open borders because you say to yourself who would want open borders think who would want Men playing in women's sports me just think of this think of this no but who would want that all the things Harris apparently yeah no she wants it you know you talk about like Horus I'm a big fan of Elon Elon gave me tremendous embarrassment you have to send a rocket up to get those people out of there it's C he you know he's great I said what are you sending a rocket up well you know Elon is a very different kind of a guy as he thinks he talks whereas a lot of people you know they want the words to be perfect and all and they think less and talk more and with Elon it's like well you know I'm doing a new stainless steel Hub that can get us around the engines much quicker because there's a problem with the type of engine going into space snow and I'm hearing it and uh but in the end I think we can have a good hook up because of the new foils that are coming up and I'm hearing everything that's going through his mind but he's like he's a Super Genius guy oh I loved that conversation that you had on Twitter I listen to the whole thing I thought that was absolutely fantastic I think we're going to do another one D they had a number like I heard 750 million they had a number that was so crazy and large and we had a good time we talked for 2 and 1/2 hours and uh yeah it was the number one ever there's never been anything like it in terms of people listening or watching or whatever but uh but he's he's a great he's a great guy but but I said to him you know uh the one thing is that and I'm a huge fan of his electric car I think it's incredible this car I think what he does and I'm a big fan of electric but they don't go far and they are expensive and China does have the mature we have gasoline more gasoline than anybody else has call I call it Liquid Gold we had liquid go but um and and electric absolutely has a place you know you have electric but have to have gasoline powered cars and hybrid powered cars and maybe hydrogen is going to be next who knows but you know the things that they're proposing you know it's interesting I mentioned Men playing in women's sports so the Olympics we watch the Olympics right and did you see the boxing situation yes sir we do so you had this beautiful Champion Italian female boxer and she was supposed to be very good get women and I watched I was watching it for some reason I find it very interesting and she was fighting a person that transitioned and I wouldn't want to fight this person but transitioned and met certain qualifications so can you talk about that for a second because Elon you're talking about Elon mus Elon musos recently did an interview with Jordan Peterson and he talked about the fact that one of his children um has decided that they're transgender he talked about the woke mind virus when you look at Tim Walts who is now C Harris's running partner he has made his State a sanctuary C Ser which means that um Sanctuary State excuse me for children that they can go there and have gender surgeries paid for by the government and so I just ask you there's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender um and children are being taught that they were born in the wrong body it's an incredibly abusive message to send so let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president well you can do everything president has such power because that's that's for instance you can close the border you don't need a bill you know they keep say well just give us a bill it's just they had the worst Bill I've ever seen it was a disaster and they wouldn't decide it anyway cuz they do want open borders they want to have open borders they want to have all sorts of things and almost nobody in this room wants who I think 85 90% of the country doesn't want if they absolutely AG but the transgender thing is incredible think of it your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what's going to happen with your child and you know many of these Childs 15 years later say what the hell happened who did this to me they say who did this to me it's incredible just to finish that Bo so attacking girls and the left is not a Hard Punch for those of you not into pugilistic Affairs but a left is just sort of a guarding P so she's fighting this person that transgender and the guy boom hits her with the left it was like she got hit by a horse and then she backed up it was weird she sort of like and then he hits her with another left and she said that's enough I can't take that he ended up winning the gold medal and there was another one who also transgendered and he or she she ended up also W to go Tiffany said it I didn't see I'm a politician I have to be politically correct I'm a mom I have to protect my kids no but think of it so the two people the transgender it's the whole thing is crazy have you seen the swimming records lately how about the weightlifting records that's one of the best you know a record that was like for 18 years they put a quarter of an ounce on one side quarter of an ounce a little bit on one a little bit things that hell for 18 years this guy walks along at Point beat the record by 115 lbs it's crazy the volleyball we're a a Championship volleyball players playing against a team and one or two of the people had transitioned and the ball was hit so hard into the head of the other girl on the other side that she was knocked out had a concussion and she said if she was a championship player like an all American player she said I played volleyball all my life I've never seen a ball travel with that speed it's crazy and even with all of that they won't change and you know what what everyone's afraid to talk about it even the people not Tiffany not Tiffany we're going to fight to keep our girls safe president Trump we're going to fight to make sure that our girls have privacy and safety in their bathrooms and that they have that they have Christy gome I think said it best she said we will not allow mediocre men to beat extraordinary women that's right it's also very demeaning to women I don't know how they get away with it but the Olympics was the best thing that I've seen because you really see when these boxes came out it was so ridiculous and they just go through it like nothing and why should women have to swimming to why should women have to compete now was sort of hard to get in I don't know how these two people got in but they got in cuz in some cases you know they weren't allowed in so they have a crazy standard going on but it it's so demeaning to women and women are working so hard to like make a team or to make a record and these records that are being sent you know set now by people that transitioned will not be broken maybe a thousand years from now by a woman I don't know but they're not going to be broken by a woman it's a very it's a very sad thing and and you know you know kamla is totally in FA now she's gone away from everything you know she's called the greatest flip flopper in history she loves uh fracking now she said there will never be fracking we will never Frack Frack frack and everything that she said wouldn't do she's never doing there like 12 or 14 things there's never been anything like this and you know in one way it makes you very dishonest because you know if you could I could see somebody it's throughout history people have gone into one or two areas where there's a difference you know you like something and then all of a sudden it's but almost every single thing in fact we're seriously thinking about sending her tomorrow a mea hat because she loves everything they're doing so we're going to send her a nice bright red make America great again you should do that I love I love I love when jie van said that he thought maybe she might come out at the debate a blue suit and a red tie on that's right that could happen that's crazy so president Trump you know our moms are our busy women and they have families and in busy lives right and many of them never thought that they would get involved in politics and run um you did you ever think about running for office at other times in your lives and then just some advice because you come Under Fire a lot our moms are standing for things that often the media attacks them on we'd love to get some advice from you about running for office yeah so I would say don't do it no run for office we want you to run for office I I do say this though it is nastier to run as a Republican and is now I'm the ultimate you know I mean uh they suffer from a thing called TVs do you know what that is TS it's a horrible horrible terminal disease it's just destroys the mind it destroys the Mind before the body but the body eventually goes ts's Trump derangement syndrome they have it at levels they can't even stand their life they can't stand anything and you know part of the reason is I won an election which everybody said couldn't be won couldn't be won for a lot of reasons number one he had never done it before you know it's not that easy to be a politician and me you have to have a some something and we won and we really did a great job you know we had we rebuilt the military we gave the largest tax cuts ever largest regulation Cuts uh in terms of health we did something that was amazing we had uh right to try you we have great we have the greatest scientists in the world greatest doctors in the world greatest Laboratories in the world better than anybody else much better than China China is very good but much better acknowledged and we have uh things to fight off diseases that will not be approved for another 5 or 6 years that people that are very sick terminally ill should be able to use but there was no mechanism for doing it and I got everybody into a room the uh insurance companies didn't want to allow it because they're terminally ill they don't want to do it because then they'll get sued for somebody dying even though they're terminally ill the states didn't want it the uh government didn't want it the federal government uh most of all the doctors and the labs didn't want it because they didn't want to say that we're going to try and make somebody better they didn't get better now everyone's going to say whatever it is doesn't work and they got them all into a ro everybody and I said here's what we're doing you're going to sign these documents nobody's going to have liability if somebody wants to come because you know they' fly to Asia they'd fly to Europe theyd fly if most of them didn't have money they go home and they die it was a hopeless situation but if they had money they go to Asia they go to Europe we have much better technology and what happen happened is I got everybody in the room I said listen there's not going to be any liability people are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country they're not going to sue the state they're not going to sue the doctors or the medical platforms they're not going to sue anybody they just want the drug and we have saved thousands and thousands of lives it's amazing actually worked out differently the drug companies now are liking it to a certain extent because it's the ultimate test somebody's terminally ill and and all of a sudden they get better and it's happening a thousands and I got that done they they've been trying for 60 years to get it done and we got to they don't have to fly away and it's really had the reverse people were finding CES of things that when a terally ill person a person that's almost ready to die goes in and starts taking something and now all of a sudden that person gets better it's an amazing thing and we save thousands of life so we did a we've done a lot of we've done a lot we'll talk about parental rights if we could for a little bit we're a parental rights organization um and we saw Terry muli lose his bid for governor in Virginia remember that he actually do and and he he said famously that he didn't think that parents should be making decisions about what their children were learning in school and we believe that every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children right and that includes their education so what do you plan to do at the federal level to help us to protect parental rights and education Freedom like school choice okay so I like to say that we're the party of common sense I mean we're conservatives and all of that walls are common sense right all of the things we're talking about no men and women sports no gender operation I mean this these operations it's crazy you know I don't know if you know Europe has gone to totally away from it now we're way behind them they don't do it anymore and this is just horrible but who could even believe this is happening so think of it you have these parents that end up in fist fights at school meetings and the parents mean well they end up getting arrested put in prison I I've seen things especially lden County right Len County it's a hot bed anybody from l you know I have the property I have the big great golf course there right on the I actually I offered you had the head of your one of your groups that was very impressive to me and I said anytime you want to use my land along the pic river right under the American flag I mean I have sort of an unlimited capacity there's a lot of it's a lot of acres and uh it's miles along the bomic it's truly beautiful but you know I'm I'm for parental rights all the way I don't even understand the concept of not being thank you and no but when you see some of the things when you see some of the things that doesn't that's another you know like why would somebody want to have an open wall why would some when you see some of the things that that they want people to do in these School boards and they become like dictatorships and the parents are screaming for the life of their child a lot having to do do with transgender a lot having to do with a lot of other things you got to give the parents the parents truly love the kids okay some of these people on the boards I think they don't like the kids very much what they're doing so you have to give the rights back to the parents and I can't imagine it well okay this Administration has been the opposite this Administration it's like the FBI goes after the people that like it's some kind of an Insurrection it's crazy they called us domestic terce president Trump for speaking out at school board meetings to well we'll change that on the first day I promise no can you believe it you are not a domestic or a terrorist we do have terrorists coming in and they're coming in by the thousands but you're not one Tiffany thank you very and and you know the president can do that very easily but but you just wonder where's the mindset to take the parent I see those meetings and it does seem like loud has a lot you know that loud is the ultimate example of it it's so vocal but uh tell the people in loud County if you would like to be on the bomic river beautiful having a picnic and talking about taking your rights back where you're allowed to say could my son study a little bit of arithmetic instead instead of something else that but we teach the kids to read that's correct that's right yeah let's teach them how to read please so uh yeah let them know that though that would be my honor absolutely will and thank you for that we appreciate this uh Tina desich the co-founder of mom for Liberty and I we do a lot of interviews yeah and um there's a lot of international interests specifically Japan we get asked for a lot of interviews and we were talking with a reporter and we said you know why is there so much inter interest in moms for Liberty in Japan and he said we are watching America's light dim and we're very concerned and we want to know what you're doing about it and you guys are doing something and so I feel like America is slipping back from the freedom and liberty and the beacon of light that we've been so how will you take us forward We're a nation and deine we are and it's because of the people that we have leading our nation we are a nation you know I say this and and I said it a little bit in 2016 and I meant it we had a bad border but it was like unbelievably good compared to what we have now I mean we had a bad border but it was a regular bad border this this is a border the likes of which there's never been anything like it this is a horrible you know many people are killed coming up in the Caravans it's rough stuff you go through snake country you go through oh it's just these these what happens and by the way remember I said rape when I first came well rape rape is massive percentages of women are being raped and just beat to Hell coming up in the Caravans it's I mean I say this I look this a very sophisticated audience mothers give their girls uh big bottles big big bottles of birth control pills because they know bad things are happening to their daughters coming up and you know we're allowing it to happen we're we're telling telling them come up we're going to give you education we're going to give you this we're getting them to come up if you say the border is closed and it is closed people aren't going to even come up those Journeys up when you talk about death many people are dying especially women many people are dying on the trips up they're being mutilated and it is a nasty and when I first came I said I I use the word rape I remember I got great marks for the speech when I first announced I was running remember the lobby of Trump Tower and 2 days later I think the times called did you say rape I got great marks I said it was a great speech and then they said did he say rape and I said yeah I said rape that's what's happening tremendous levels and after that it was like that that's when it all began and it was like incredible with they well what I I said is nothing compared to what the fact is it is it is a horrible thing those Caravans are mean mean and you know you have people 10 to 20 25,000 people coming up in these massive Caravans and this tremendous death and injury and problems that uh nobody would even believe and uh we're causing we're causing this but I did mention that word and now everyone's saying you know Trump was right Trump was right but you have to go through hell and you have to say it and you know I respect you so much because you speak up like you said no with all for that right very few people would say what Tiffany said a couple of moments ago about something that was a little bit controversial that shouldn't be controversial at all but they just wouldn't do it so when you said that I said that's refreshing to hear [Music] I just want to thank you for taking the time to meet with so many of the victim's families of crime that we've seen Lake and Riley's family for example um I'm just going to ask what is that experience like for you meeting with the parents of children who are being killed by illegal immigrants it's terrible uh they're being killed by uh illegal aliens you know there's no correct term because any term you use they criticize you shouldn't use the word alien you shouldn't use the word migrant they want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore exactly right but uh lakol was his beautiful young woman who was savagely beaten and killed by u a migrant and but there are many of them there are many of them I can tell you the parents will never be uh will never be the same I had it I was at the border three days ago with uh three people too where they're child was killed one where she was badly injured beautiful woman she was uh badly badly hurt they stole a car she tried to stop them and they ran her over and this and that she was you know thought she was going to be dead but she had a terrible fracture in the head and uh I mean I had a case it very interesting uh the uh 13 people that were killed in Afghanistan you all know about that that was grossly incompetent getting out was fine because I was going to get out I would have been out before them but we had an election that happened uh but we would have been out with dignity and strength we would have taken the military at last not first they took the military at first but they had 13 people killed and I got to know many of the families of the 13 it was a terrible tragic thing none of them should have died those people were essentially killed by a stupid Administration that didn't didn't know what they're doing and and bad generals like Milly who was a bad General bad General and you know nobody was fired it was the most incompetent I think it's the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country the way it happened you know remember the planes taking off and people falling off the planes many people fell to their death they were hanging onto the wings you know they probably thought they could take the plane and fly on the plane and they didn't realize the planes going 500 M an hour and they fell off at 3,000 ft it's three times the height of the Empire State Building they fell off they started falling off and then they all were off and a lot of people but it was a horrible horrible moment but uh you had 13 people killed many people badly injured meaning no legs we had one no arm no legs and the arm that was left was batter face was badly hurt and these are people you know this this is just horrible casualties but I got to know the people I felt very badly and they viewed me as their president frankly they and I don't want to do anything about I don't want to say that but they M me and I I I you know everybody knew because it was covered but shouldn't not covered like the Press should cover it I mean the Press doesn't talk about bad things I mean they they don't talk about what happened in Afghanistan anymore with the Taliban with you know with that horrible leaving it wasn't the leaving it was great to leave because you know they were there for like 20 years and we were leaving but we were going to keep barram which is one of the biggest Air Force bases in the world and we're keeping it not because of Afghanistan but because of China because it was 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons so we were keeping that and it would have been fine but we you know it was time now to turn it over despite the threat to democracy I didn't turn that over I didn't I didn't say you know they said he'll never give it over these people are crazy they're crazy but anyway so I gave it over and they they then they took over and I didn't have anybody killed in Afghanistan for 18 months I had a long talk with the head of the Taliban who's really the boss and his name is Abdul and I said Abdul don't do it don't do it and you don't do it and he said uh but why why sir why do you send me a picture of my home uh AB you'll have to figure that one out he went but why but why do you send me a picture of my home your Excellency quote me your Excellency and he was fine look I said you can do you can't you hit any they had snipers that were killing our people are wonderful uh soldiers you know snipers from a long distance and uh we didn't have lose one person in 18 months and then we had this catastrophe happened which it should have never happened we had them in good shape but we had to get out it's ridiculous that we were there and we left $85 billion worth of equipment you know they became brand new equipment to equipment that I bought they left brand new goggles tanks planes we left it there instead of taking it out I remember when Millie told me General Millie he's one of the woke guys you know he was saying you know all about him he's bad his bad General but he was saying sure I think we should leave the equipment behind I said why because I was talking about getting it and I was going to get out I brought it down to the number of men but we had to keep bam you got to keep the Air Force the big base built many years ago for billions and billions of dollars they say sir we should leave the equipment behind why well it's much less expensive I said wait a minute we got $150 million airplane and we could fill it up with a little gas a little tank of Airplane Fuel and fly it to Pakistan or fly it all the way back home you think it's cheap to leave it and it's a new plane you think it's cheaper you think it's cheaper to leave army tanks we can put them in a trailer take yes sir she I said this guy is really bad true and that's what I lost total respect for the guy didn't never left CU you know you never got good news I want people where there's good news you know like the general I used to knock out the you know I knock out 100% of Isis it was supposed to take 5 years it took about 4 weeks right we have a great military I tell you we have a I had a great general in charge of that and he knocked the hell out of him he said sir I can do it in about four weeks I said why didn't they do it before sir they didn't want to really fight they wanted to be politically correct sure uh but uh it was amazing we have you know I just say to this room we have a great military and our military our real military is not going to be woke you couldn't convince him to be woke if you screwed at him all day the next 10 years but you know but the guys on television awoke and a lot of the top people are woke but they'll all be gone pretty quick they get all down get them out when I was in Milwaukee I got to meet some of the gold star families and so yeah we had a big problem uh so I was called by these families uh there were probably four of them there was also somebody very badly injured with with the legs and everything and they asked me would it be possible two days ago right to go to Arlington National Cemetery to celebrate the life of their children who had been killed uh 3 years ago and this was the whole thing the whole disaster in Afghanistan where they set off a bomb and probably 500 people were killed all together and we got to think it the other side also but it was it was a terrible thing but we lost 13 soldiers we had 45 soldiers that were really badly hurt to you know nobody ever talks you ever notice somebody loses their leg or both legs or their arm in one case an arm and two legs and nobody ever talks about them they talk about because we have to remember that those people [Music] are nobody ever talks about them and had some people that were horrifically injured anyway they called and they said sir would you be able to come now I got to know them because I have a place in Bedminster New Jersey which is a spectacular place and they wanted to know whether they like New Jersey they New Jersey is good New Jersey is some of the most beautiful place but so this is a beautiful place and I had most of the families uh there about a year and a half ago and they all want to know whether or not I'd be showing up I didn't know if I could and when I heard they were there I I went out and I saw them and they thought I was going to stay for 5 minutes or 10 minutes Shake everyone's hand and leave I ended up staying with them like for 4 and 1/2 hours we listen to music up with the members grab this beautiful deck overlooking everything and you're looking at the sky great food a very luxurious place I something beautiful and we had I don't know like 20 25 people you know members of of the family of these 13 people most of the 13 and we ended up listening to music Elvis and Elton John and everybody and certain songs were very sad and I point to the sky I said your son your son is looking down at you and he's very proud oh the people it was like crazy I was with them like for 4 and a half hours my my 15 minutes do you think we could get him stay for 15 minutes could he sign something a picture of my son so I ended up saying there and I got to know him and I got a call a little while ago like a week two weeks and they asked whether or not it would be possible to go to Arlington National Cemetery two days ago and also could I say for the uh Changing of the Guard and the whole thing which was beautiful I did that and but it was very tough for me to get there cuz I was doing something else I had to get out of something that was not easy to get out of and I did that and I did the changing and then they said could you come with us to the graves which is quite a bit away you know you had to go into cars and go into you know through the cemetery beautiful Arlington Cemetery and I did that and I was getting absolutely killed because they're calling me they're saying sir we got a lot of people waiting said don't worry about it let them wait and I did it and they're looking at the graves and they're explaining one of the the mothers was saying and I I've had this a lot actually sir could I tell you about my son yes he said sir he was a good football player he was a quarterback he had a very strong armed and you know he was playing another team and this was and it was a long story and I just listened to it because I saw that it was like therapy she was so proud of him oh they loved you so much president they had such wonderful things to say about you when we spoke so we really appreciate that it was so good but just a so they said sir could you take some pictures with us at the graves of our child and you know the the child because the child maybe 22 or 24 but that's their child right then that's say uh at the grave of the man you know there's nothing political or anything this was their child this was their baby could you take a picture with and and these people are deast these people can never ever be the same and it was all because of Biden okay I'll get in trouble I don't care get me in trouble this should have never ever happened nobody should have been killed they should have left from bar which is this massive base they shouldn't have left from this little local airport where the whole city end up piling in and everyone went crazy and and by the way they shouldn't have taken the military out first they should have taken the military out last when everything was done they took the military out and I could just imagine Abdul who's smart as hell Somebody went to Abdul and they said Abdul Abdul the American soldiers have left he said you're a stupid man to say that of course I didn't have but no Abdu they've left they've left I could just see it the conversation then he found out they left he said I can't believe it and once they left they had a field there what they did to us was incredible but they kept everything but thanks so uh the people were coming up to me and said sir could I have a picture of you at the grave of my son I said absolutely I would love to do that so the whole family gathered around we had the the Beautiful You Know Stone the uh marble with the name of the soldier on shouldn't have been on it because they shouldn't have been dead and we took pictures at the different grave sites and that was it it was beautiful and they were all crying everybody was crying you know was it very sad they're Terri terrible it's even worse when there was no reason for it to happen you know it makes it even worse it's one thing it's a war but here's a thing it shouldn't have happened just in incompetent it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country but it shouldn't have happened and these kids shouldn't have been uh dead and the 40 5 people that were so badly hurt and the and frankly the 300 people mostly civilians from the other side they shouldn't have been dead just a grossly incompetent group of people so thank you for respecting our dead Mr President oh thank you very much just to finish thank you very much appreciate it so but just to just a so I took I took pictures I I said to people said tell the I told the story once today I said should I tell it cuz I think it's a terrible thing so I stood with the mothers fathers sometimes both sometimes a sister there was a sister who beautiful sister who also had some difficulty because of a war injury but I stood with different people over different Graves and took pictures I didn't want to take pictures but I wanted to take them if they wanted to take them and I you know the former president of the United States is with them they're very happy about that as happy as they can be cuz they'll never be happy and I took pictures and that was it and I left and we said goodbye and it was beautiful actually and then I get a call that night Sir uh we're getting a complaint from the White House that you used the soldiers for publicity pictures and for public relations and I said I can't believe it and I said I can't believe it so here's a guy he killed he killed those people okay these people were killed by Biden as far as I'm concerned and then I get and I get a call and I'm taking pictures these are pictures with parents Etc sisters brothers people that are laying in the ground right there shouldn't be shouldn't be dead and I get a call and I actually got a lot of bad publicity they said uh Trump uh president Trump spent time at Arlington National secretary taking pictures of things it's just so disgusting and I'll tell you if you haven't noticed I get a lot of publicity I don't need that publicity I don't need that publicity it doesn't I get a lot I get too much I'd like to have half the publicity I want to hire a PR person to get me half the publicity all right not what you hire PR people for I just I just thought it was such a terrible thing so I just want to tell you I think it meant an incredible amount to them I know did they've spoken about it and thank you for loving the American people thank you for working to make America great again thank you so we thank you for your time today spending time with us I want to tell you mom's for Liberty is a non-partisan nonprofit organization um we only endorse in Schoolboard races but I want to tell you personally sir that I endorse you for president wow thank you that's very nice wow I didn't even expect that thank you thank you love you here thank you so much well thank you so much and it's an honor to be here this is a nice group we just left Pennsylvania we had a big rally and a big speech and I said okay that's it for the day right Nur sir you're going to DC now congratul so it's but it's said when I heard exactly the group I knew it anyway but when they reminded me this was it this is so important the job you've done is incredible really and it's an honor to be here thank you Mr President we just want to say how thankful we are that you're doing okay what a scary day that was in Pennsylvania and you are looking great and we're so happy that you were able to join us you and I were talking a little bit backstage and you were sharing with me a lot of concerns you have about the border and what you're seeing happening with illegal immigrants across the United States and I thought I'd give you an opportunity to talk a little bit about that to start off sure because uh you're talking about moms and you're talking about family such a big factor for you just about everything and when you look at what's happening in our country this is so tough you know it's one thing you don't Grill oil or you don't do something that you can do with a new group coming in but millions and millions of people 21 million people I think the real number is that you hear 13 14 15 like that's not a big number but it is but 21 million people and many of these people are criminals many of these people are coming out of uh the roughest countries in the world and they're coming from all over the world they're not just coming from South America you know everyone thinks they're coming from like Guatemala El Salvador they're coming from Mexico they're coming from everywhere I was speaking to the Border Patrol they said in the last 12 months 159 different countries were represented by people having come in illegally and that's some number but uh these are tough people they're coming out of the jails they're coming out of the mental institutions uh they're coming out of prisons and they're coming I mean they're just coming out of there's a difference between a prison and jail subtle but I say that they come out of mental institutions and insane asylums as a different there also and uh they're coming into our country at levels that nobody's ever seen and I've been saying for two years that this has got to stop been saying for longer than that but for two and a half three years I said this has to stop and now it's catching up with us and you see what's going on in Colorado I don't know if anybody got to see Aurora I mean they're taking over the city they're taking over apartment comp complexes these are young very tough people these are tough they make our criminals look nice that's the only thing good about them our criminals are like nice people by comparison and uh if you saw the Colorado thing and this is happening all over just not Colorado but the Colorado thing caught the imagination because there were many of them with the biggest weapons that you've ever seen and these came from Venezuela which is emptying out all of its criminals you know Venezuela crime is down like 72% because they're bringing all of their criminals from karacus and everywhere else they're bringing them to to the beautiful USA thank you very much Venezuela we appreciate it and we're allowing it to happen because we have open borders and again this is happening with uh every continent we have Africa well represented coming out from the Congo 22 people came in recently from the Congo where do you come from we come from prison what did you do to get into prison we will not tell you bad stuff and we have them here no intention of bringing them back none whatsoever and they're all over the country but now what they're doing you know if you think 21 million so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad because when you empty out your prisons and you empty out your mental institutions a lot of people it's bigger than most armies are in our country if you add them up totally so we had 159 countries let's say but we have massive numbers of people and what happened in Aurora today is incredible because they basically have just taken over a swath and the building and they the people are petrified the people living in the building they're leaving and when they tell the police about it I mean the police you know they don't need uh AK-47s that's a very powerful weapon I I learned a lot about weapons over the last 6 weeks I will that's a big difference between different weapons but they're coming in with very powerful weapons and the have guns that are rifles and machine guns and things like they wielding around pretty freely and know how to use them and this is affecting our schools because we want to talk about schools and they're taking over schools we have MS13 gangs they're the toughest gangs they say in the world probably are I got them out by the thousands I took them out by the thousands Obama couldn't get them out because the country wouldn't allow him to come back in they were putting airplanes big airplanes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes and have to come back to the United States loaded up with these same people that they were supposed to take out and I got him to take them by stopping Aid 7 $750 million to different Pro and I won't go through S too much but basically I said uh how much money do we pay to Guatemala and to few other countries and the number was $750 million which is a lot but it's not that much we give so much money it it's so crazy to countries that hate us by the way we give a lot of money away every year to Afghanistan billions billions of dollars and I think that Harris and by now you was starting out by Harris a Marxist she's a Marxist by the way good people are finding that out she's a total she's a total Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor he teaches uh I guess the economy from a Marxist perspective and he taught her well but uh when you look at what was happening you couldn't get the people out and when I said you're going to get these people out of here the general came to me said they won't take them back who won't take them back the country is from where they came and they would put airplanes on the runway they' block up the bus routes they block up everything so we bring them back and you couldn't bring them back Tiffany said it's such a horrible thing and I said how much Aid do we pay them sir we pay them $750 million combined I said that's a lot of money that's a lot well tell them we're not paying them anymore it's effective immediately yes sir and they told them that and the following morning I come into the beautiful Oval Office that Resolute desk which is so beautiful you know now Biden goes around using that he didn't even know the name of the Resolute desk now he tells I sit behind the Resolute desk Hees didn't even know what the hell it is this time head up you boy I tell you did they do they do a cou on him anyway so uh I said uh tell them that's not happening so the following morning I get to the office and I get a call from three countries let's not use names and all very smart leaders I'd be doing the same thing if I were them to tell you the truth I'd say I empty up my prisons dump them into the United States don't ever let him back and I would be doing it every bit as much as them I don't blame them if they can get away with it but they should be able to get away with it so I said that you're not going to get the money they call me up they say sir I and I know all all three of them I know all of them I know all the leaders they're all at the top of their game and we have a bunch of dead weights okay we are being taken advantage of as a country so much I've never said that it so they said essentially the same conversation sir good morning sir I understand this a problem sir you have to understand this is G for 10 years they wouldn't take their people back they wouldn't take MS-13 back they dumped them in our country wouldn't take them back I said well you know you're sending them up in the Caravans and other ways and you're not taking them back you're never getting any more money from the United States sure sir we would like to take them back we would love to have MS13 back with us we think they such wonderful anyway they made it very easy for us to get them back and we took them back by the thousands and we took also a lot of others back and uh then these clowns took over the country and nothing everything closed up and by the way they're paying them now $4 billion I understand can you believe it and they don't take them back it's just so sad to see what happens they're paying much more money than um I was talking about they raised it they actually felt it was good to pay them more they said why they said Economic Development it's not Economic Development it's the development of a dictator because they keep the money they're not doing any Economic Development we have the dumbest people in history running our country okay we and we have to get and we have to get these so we brought it back at all but but what's happening to our country our country is being poisoned poisoned and your schools and your children are suffering greatly because they're going into the classrooms they taking the Seas and they don't even speak English it's crazy and we have our people that aren't going into a classroom we have students that were there last year that aren't allowed into the school this year they're not allowed it's crazy we have our veterans sleeping on the streets and we have illegal immigrants coming into our country living in luxury hotels above where the veterans are it's so reverse of what it should be so I know you love New York City I'm from New York originally my dad grew up in Brooklyn in flat Bush yeah New York um but like many other cities in America right now it's a city in Decline you were in New York when mayor Giuliani really did great reforms he was such a great mayor and uh you know he also fought for a lot of things that he should hey he was right about the laptop from hell you know he was the one that came up Rudy was right Rudy was right about a lot of things you know they have a hat Trump was right about everything but Rudy was right about a hell of a lot he was right he got he was the first one to see the laptop I guess and he revealed what was on there and every wouldn't hit him hard he's actually a very brave guy but he was a great mayor and he took over the city when it was in really bad shape and very dangerous and he made it the safest big city in the country and made it beyond that it was a vibrant City and now it's got tremendous problems and and it all fair is look you have hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants here how do you do you can't run it I I read where they're spending billions of dollars I thought New York had no money and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money and it's not given by the federal government so how are they doing this the city is suffering and they're all suffering no City can take in when you think that 21 million people came into our country that's bigger than New York 21 million people came into to our country no country can take that nobody can withstand that it's going to bring us down and in addition to that many of these people are hard criminals and we have to get them out and we're going to have deportation at the level at the highest level we've ever had as a higher level you know the highest deportation was a pretty moderate guy but Dwight Eisenhower he hated that our city was that our country was being swamped and white D Eisenhower president of the United States a good president good General he won because he's a general and you know generals by the way I know a little statistic so of the presidents % were politicians and 8% before me 8% were Generals and then I came along and I don't think no I don't like any rich guy will ever do us they're looking at Trump they're say I don't know they all wanted to do it they said if Trump can do it I can do it I can do it but they see what you have to go through they said you know maybe I won't give it a shot so let's talk a little bit about family because we really feel at moms for Liberty that family and parental rights are under attack in America all of America got to meet your granddaughter Kai at the Republican National Convention it's very obvious that you love being a father and a grandfather um so I'd love to know why you choose and continue to choose to work with your children in business and politics and do you have any advice for people with working with your kids well I've always liked it I don't know that I'll be doing it very much politically cuz I think it's been very unfair to them like Ivanka was a great she she could have done anything great student great beautiful girl beautiful everything she was a perfect person worked hard she you know she gave up do you remember the avona line and I loved those shoes please tell your daughter she made great shoes was making so much money with that thing I say what the hell is going on it was so hot and then I ran for politics and the truth is she wanted to come she she pretty much gave it up it was really good great shoes great everything very stylish and a lot of people still talk about it but she gave it up because she wanted to go and and she didn't want something like the United Nations secretary I wanted her to do that I said you would be a great uh ambassador to the United Nations United Nations secretary you there'd be nobody to compete with her I tell you she may be my daughter but nobody could have competed with her with her rat the whole deal she's got and and she said Daddy I don't want to do that I just want to help people get jobs and she would go around not a glamorous job but she felt so good about it she would go around to see Walmart to see Exon to see all the these big companies to hire people and she had hired like millions of people during the course of her St and I mean always there was nothing ever good it was just very tough I think if she were a Democrat it would have been it's much easier to be a Democrat let me put it that way apparently you don't have take any interviews that's right you don't have to you don't have to do anything we saw that the other night and you won't see too many more and I have a debate coming up with this one and she didn't she didn't want a debate she didn't want a debate they were not happy about it but they got the network that they wanted this network is the worst of all uh George sadlos you know but they are the worst in terms of that so they wanted the network and you know was like with Biden they came to me they wanted to do a debate I said uh isn't it a little bit early like like you know we just started you want to do it now yes oh yes and they thought that if they said it was going to be Dana Bash who last night was extremely easy she there was there was no like why aren't you doing this so why did you say a thousand times that there'll be no fracking in Pennsylvania and then all of a sudden say oh well have fracking it felt like a multiple choice C you would give her like several answers she could have given they were feeding it to I was surprised actually I mean I was surprised she didn't do a lot of interviews but she's not good at it I guess and they do that they knew something that we didn't know I think she would have been better off if she just had interviews even if they weren't great it would have been better than because now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective she's a defective person and we don't need another defective person as president of the United States we just had that I've heard you talk about your mom in interviews before she was obviously a very strong woman um was she hard on you with school tell us about your mom a little bit no she wasn't she was great I had a great mother great father very different people my mother came from Scotland and she came over to this country is are there people from Scotland you know actually that's hidden do you know that some of the biggest smartest most brilliant leaders in business come from Scotland and nobody knows it or at least you know their parents came from Scotland but Scotland Scotland did very well in this country I'll tell you it's very like we have people and I know that one group they very successful group now she came from Scotland great place and she came over just for the summer and uh she was 19 I guess and she met my father and they had a very long marriage I said I'll never tell you that PO you know you always be a little bit better than your father if you can a little more and my father loved that you know some fathers don't like it when you have a father that doesn't want his son to be a successful he got a problem with a mother but there are plenty of them I've seen plenty of them they make it actually hard for the son but no I had the opposite I had a father that loved what was happening but they met they fell in love they got married and they were married for 6 and A2 decades wow oh long time I said Pap I'm not going to be able to beat you with that but any and had just a great marriage very different people but they had a great marriage very very strong marriage so I want to talk to you a little bit about The Apprentice um we talk a lot at moms for Liberty that we're in the middle of a cultural revolution in America people like to be dismissive and say it's a culture War but truly the culture is being changed I look at you as a a president and and perhaps our next president hopefully our next president that's right and you are a cultural icon so you had The Apprentice it ran for am I right is it 14 Seasons 14 Seasons 12 years we had actually one season Wars went for three times during the season that means they liked it but uh but it was basically 12 years and and 14 Seasons so how do you think you kept the audience that long well it just worked I mean we had um Mark Bernett is great producer he did Survivor and he came to me and they rented the wman rink he wanted to rent it for the finale of Survivor so it have like this uh jungle setting facing New York City right in the middle of Central Park it was gorgeous it was beautiful and he invited me I didn't know but he was a young producer he was a producer of the Survivor and it was hot CU Survivor was a very successful show in CBS and I went there I said wow this is great I rented him the the ring so I wanted to see it also but he invited me I went there watch the show and he said I really invited you because I have a concept of a show and it's sort of Survivor uh with the asol jungle aspect of it right de prce and he told me and I said wellow that's interesting he said I'll only use you there's nobody else I want to be to do it if you don't do it I'm not going to do it so I thought about it and I had an agent from a very big agency and he said don't do it you don't do it there's never been a business show in history that's been successful business shows are not successful in prime time there's never been I guess a business show successful I say well this isn't really a business show this is sort of a different kind of a show than a business show it's got a little business to it but really is more than a business show he said don't do it he was a very respected guy actually he was a good guy but he told me not to do do it don't do it and then I made the deal with ABC and the deal was done and then Eisner you remember Eisner previous guy a while ago and he's heard about the deal and he broke the deal he said I can make a better deal than that so let's make a better deal and I got angry about it and so Mark Bernette and everybody wanted us they wanted us so we got a call from jesser of all people from uh at the time from NBC then he was heading up NBC they were having a real drought they hadn't had a top 10 show in a long time and they were not doing well and I'll never forget we walked into his office he took the key out of the door and threw it under the chair Rockefeller Center he locked the door he said you locked in we're not going to leave the room until we have a deal so we made a deal and ABC was not happy about it actually the man from ABC that made the deal with this top person I think like the president uh he quit over this and uh he quit he said we made a deal with these people and he was second guest by AER and he actually quit and had a lot of there was a lot of anger about it but we made a deal with nbet of ABC we did have the original deal with ABC anyway it goes on television and the first week it was like at number 10 which is uh very very hard and by the way the agent told me you've got to break the deal you're going to be embarrassed because you're going to have a total failure and you're going to be embarrassed so it goes on it opens at 10 which is amazing and NBC was happy because now they have a top 10 show and then it went through various things like number eight number seven it cut progressively better and it finish up is the number one show on television I'm sitting there can you believe this and I mean you remember was just I watched The Apprentice we love the show yeah the finale actually had of that season at 42.5 million was second to the Super Bowl it was always the Academy Awards and we beat the Academy Awards since then the Academy Awards has gone to hell it's incredible you know why cuz all they do is you know political stuff what a they destroyed it but uh so it finished up and number one and I'll never forget and I enjoy I said I had the number one show and I didn't even have an agent and so I get a call from the agent I'll never forget 6:00 in the morning he called me he says I want to congratulate you Show's number one I said yeah it is thanks a lot I appreciate it he said uh could I come over and see you I said why he said so we could work out a fee I said you told me that to do it there's no way I'm paying you a commission you telling now they wanted to get a commission I said there's no way I said if it was up to you I would have never done it I had the number one show you said I couldn't make it so there's a little little things but it it was successful for years it just did well and then around the 13th actually the 12th season they put me into a poll with a real sff named Mitt Romney toal sff this guy's bad news he he's worse than a rhino and they they and he was running and they just put me into a poll I think it was NBC and I I was watching the uh I was watching Meet the Press actually and with sleepy eyes Chuck Tod did you ever hear of him he's a sleepy guy isn't he sleepy eyes another Beauty so so they put me into a poll and in the poll I go to number one I'm rated number one Romney's a distant second or third and I was in various polls and all and I kept saying you know I'm always like graded number one and I wanted to get out but I couldn't get out of the contract cuz I had an apprentice plus I had two buildings that I was finishing I wanted to get them finished not good when you don't finish them rely on somebody else you don't want to do but I said you know maybe if I have a chance I'll do it the next time and I did it the next time I ran and we had 17 people it was a rather violent uh series of debates if you remember right Rosie OD only Rosie OD that was a tough only Rosie o' Donald you've said this and that I won't use the terms you've called women this and that and that and lot A lot of it was show business related I said only Ro o Donal the place went crazy and the second question I got was Brett Bear he said this was a fox one he said uh please raise your hand if you will not support the winner of the group of 17 people whoever wins the nomination so I raise my hand I was the only one I said I can't say for sure I'm going to support I don't like certain other the people I don't know them a couple of them I do you remember that that was my those were my first two questions only Rosie o do and I raised my hand and uh I said that I was honest and the place went crazy so uh actually they were two of the more interest they were the first two questions I had I went through a lot of debates I went through like 14 15 debates then then we had the debate with crooked Hillary Clinton remember that one that that was pretty good doesn't remember that debate that was a pretty good one CR Hillary she was like good one and uh we had uh what you what so uh so politics has been very never stops right then we had the debate last time with with sleepy Joe Biden how did he do he would Shar as a attct I thought I would just like to say I thought you handled yourself so beautifully in that interview I have to be honest but for Americans who have watched as their family members have aged and have experienced dementia it was difficult to watch president Trump I think there were a lot of parents that were watching with their children and there was a moment when he had a very hard time collecting his thoughts and I just thought that you handled it with such Grace so thank you for that well I was a little I was a little surprised and you know I was surprised by a lot of things so I came on the stage and I looked and he I you know I looked at him just for a brief moment cuz I really didn't look at him I didn't want to look at him I was I was angry at him because I think he's done a horrible job for the country I think he's been the worst president we've ever had and that improves the worst vice president she's been rated the worst vice president and don't forget she was last in terms of getting the job you know she competed for his job and I think they had 22 people or something and she was the first one to quit she she bummed and she quit and then all a sudden she's now running and from my standpoint I I spent $100 million fighting Joe Biden and even during the convention you know we're only talking about Biden Biden Biden and then we're not fighting him anymore we're fighting somebody else he got 14 million votes I'm not saying he should have G on but I think uh it seems unfair because a lot of people did a lot better than him like you had a person that came in second and third and fourth and you know it's Bernie Sanders actually a actually came in second place I guess right and uh so you'd say you know why aren't you doing a democratic process so you know give them some of this stuff they are a threat to democracy they say they are a threat to democracy so so she and she was also she was the nastiest person to him remember she called him a racist the bus you remember the story of the bus you know fake Story Probably well she also said I worked at McDonald's turn that didn't work at McDonald's anybody seen that after an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes they found out they found actually never work there so you know there's a lot of fake stuff going on but we don't need that for a president and our country can't stand it we we are really in trouble we're a failing Nation whether you like it or not and I'm sure you don't like it but we are a very sick Nation we're a failing nation and on top of it we have millions of people in here that they can't we can't have them if they were great if they were but you're not going to have people where they're emptying the doors to jails and emptying the doors to mental institutions where seriously sick people are coming into our country and you no country can stand this there's no country can stand it so I was not happy with him because you know I only did it cuz I went out the country you know I didn't need this I had a very nice life so of you know I see some of you in here you know how you've known me for a long time long before politics I had a nice life but uh even running again if I thought he was good and I thought he was doing a good job I would have been happy but he's he's doing a horrible job and you know he's been absent for a long time if you go back 25 years he wasn't The Brightest Bulb in the ceiling I can tell you that and he was is not doing a job and and I've told this and I in it I would have been happy if he were a great president and I wouldn't have run I wouldn't have run I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election I mean I think we won that election by so much by so much if I thought I lost if I thought I lost that election I absolutely would you know wouldn't have R CU I would have lost the election but I think we did phenomenally I mean honestly we got millions of more votes than we did in in the first election we did great in the first one we won and I was we had 63 million votes in the first election I was told that we got 60 63 million votes same number there's no way we can be defeated I got 10 or 12 million votes more than them more than anybody had ever got we got the most votes of anybody of any sitting president in history and he beat us by a whisker and it was a terrible thing they used Co to cheat and it was a terrible thing and then I watched and I thought it was very very sad because of you know the election was it brought great division to the country but uh I watched and I saw how bad they were how bad things were I saw the border the open border and everything you know I found out about Tiffany I found out about the open border when we built hundreds of miles and then we had a little bit more that I was going to add because there were certain areas that you needed it and we had everything fabricated very expensive wall those walls are expensive they're steel concrete and rebar and they have a lot of wiring in them for all sorts of security equipment but but it's very expensive stuff it's exactly what border patrol wanted they have antil climb bars and everything on them so we built we did they it could have been erected in 3 weeks and they kept saying we're not going to do it we're not and then I realized they weren't going to do it and they sold much of that wall for 5 cents in the dollar so you know that's when I realized they actually want open borders because you say to yourself who would want open borders thing who would want Men playing in women's sports but just think of this St think of this no but who would want that and all the things Harris apparently yeah no she wants it you know you talk about like corus I'm a big fan of Elon Elon gave you tremendous ement you have to send a rocket up to get those people out of there it's crazy you know he's CRA I said what are you sending a rocket up well you know Elon is a very different kind of a guy as he thinks he talks whereas a lot of people you know they want the words to be perfect and all and they think less and talk more and with Elon it's like well you you know I'm doing a new stainless steel Hub that can get us around the engines much quicker cuz there's a problem with the type of engine going into space nowadays and I'm hearing it and uh but in the end I think we can have a good hook up because of the new foils that are coming up and I'm hearing everything that's going through his mind but he is like he's a Super Genius guy oh I loved that conversation that you had on Twitter to the whole thing I thought that was absolutely fantastic I think we're going to do another one dud they had a number like I heard 750 milon they had a number that was so crazy and large and we had a good time we talked for 2 and 1/2 hours and uh yeah it was the number one ever there's never been anything like it in terms of people listening watching or whatever but uh but he's he's a great he's a great guy but but I said to him you know uh the one thing is that and I'm a huge fan of his electric car I think it's incredible this car I think what he does and I'm a big fan of electric but they don't go far and they are expensive and China does have the Mater we have gasoline more gasoline than anybody else has I call it Liquid Gold we have liquid gold but um and and electric absolutely has a place you know you have electric but you have to have gasoline powered cars and hybrid powered cars and maybe hydrogen is going to be next who knows but you know the things that they're proposing you know it's interesting I mentioned Men playing in women's sports so the Olympics we watch the Olympics right and did you see the boxing situation yes sir we do so you have this beautiful Champion Italian female boxer and she was supposed to be very good against women and I watched I was watching it for some reason I find it very interesting and she was fighting a person that transitioned and I wouldn't want to fight this person but transitioned and met certain qualifications so can we talk about that for a second because Elon you're talking about Elon Musk Elon Musk recently did an interview with Jordan Peterson and he talked about the fact that one of his children um has decided that they're transgender he talked about the woke mind virus when you look at Tim Waltz who is now camela Harris's running partner he has made his State a sanctuary City sir which means that um Sanctuary State excuse me for children that they can go there and have gender surgeries paid for by the government and so I just ask you there's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender um and children are being taught that they were born in the wrong body it's an incredibly abusive message to S so let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president well you can do everything president has such power it does has such power for instance you can close the border you don't need a bill you know they keep say well just give us a bill just they had the worst Bill I've ever seen it was a disaster and they wouldn't decide it anyway cuz they do want open borders they want to have open borders they want to have all sorts of things and almost nobody in this room wants who I think 85 90% of the country doesn't want if they actually absolutely agree but the transgender thing is incredible think of it your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what's going to happen with your child and you know many of these Childs 15 years later say what the hell happened who did this to me they say who did this to me it's incredible just to finish that box so the Italian girls and the left is not a Hard Punch for those of you not into pugilistic Affairs but a left is just sort of a gardening punch right so she's fighting this person that transgender and the guy boom hits her with left it was like she got hit by a horse and then she she backed up it was weird she sort of like and then he hits her with another left and she said that's enough I can't take that he ended up winning the gold medal and there was another one who also transgendered and he or she she ended up also withing the go medal Tiffany said it I didn't she I'm a politician I have to be politically correct I'm a mom I got to protect my kids no but think of it so the two people the transgend it's the whole thing is crazy have you seen the swimming records lately you how about the weightlifting records that's one of the best you know a record that was like for 18 years they put a quarter of an ounce on one side quarter of an ounce a little bit on one a little bit I think health for 18 years this guy walks along at Point beat the rec by 115 lb it's crazy the volleyball we of a championship volleyball players playing against a team and one or two of the people had transitioned and the ball was hit so hard into the head of the other girl on the other side that she was knocked out had a concussion and she said if she was a championship player like an all American play she said I played volleyball all my life I've never seen a ball travel at that speed it's crazy and even with all of that they won't change and you know what everyone's afraid to talk about it even the people not Tiffany not care we're going to fight to keep our girl saith president Trump we're going to fight to make sure that our girls have privacy and safety in their bathrooms and that they have that they have Christy gome I think said it best she said we will not allow mediocre men to beat extraordinary women that's right it's also very demeaning to women I don't know how they get away with it but the Olympics was the best thing that I've seen because you really see when these boxers came out it was so ridiculous and they just go through it like nothing and why should women have to swimming to why should women have to compete now was sort of hard to get in I don't know how these two people got in but they got in because in some cases you know they weren't allowed in so they have a crazy standard going on but it it's so demeaning to women and women are working so hard to like make a team or to make a record and these records that are being set you know set now by people that transitioned will not be broken maybe a thousand years from now by a woman I don't know but they're not going to be broken by a woman it's a very it's a very sad thing and and you know kamla is totally in favor now she's gone away from everything you know she's called the greatest flip-flopper in history she loves uh fracking now she said there will never be fracking we will never Frack Frack frack and everything that she said would do she's never doing it there's like 12 or 14 things there's never been anything like this and you know in one way it makes you very dishonest because you know if you could I could see somebody throughout history people have gone into one or two areas where there's a difference you know you like something and then all of a sudden it's but almost every single thing in fact we're seriously thinking about sending her tomorrow a meah hat because she loves everything we're doing so we're going to send her a nice bright red make americ great again you should do that I love I love I love JD van said that he thought maybe she might come out at the debate with a blue suit and a red tie on that's right that could happen it's crazy so president Trump you know our moms are are busy women and they have families and and busy lives right and many of them never thought that they would get involved in politics and run um you did you ever think about running for office at other times in your lives and then just some advice because you come Under Fire a lot our moms are standing for things that often the media attacks mom we'd love to get some advice from you about running for office yeah so I would say don't do it no run for office we want you to run for office I I do say this though it is nastier to runers a Republican and is now I'm the ultimate you know I mean uh they suffer from a thing called TVs do you know what that is TVs it's a horrible horrible termin disease it destroys the mind it destroys the Mind before the body but the body eventually goes tvs's Trump derangement syndrome they have it at levels they can't even stand their life they can't stand anything then you're a part of the reason is I won an election which everybody said couldn't be won couldn't be won for a lot of reasons number one he had never done it before you know it's not that easy to be a iation you have to have a some something and we won and we really did a great job you know we had we rebuilt the military we gave the largest tax cuts ever largest regulation Cuts uh in terms of health we did something that was amazing we had uh right to try you we have great we have the greatest scientists in the world greatest doctors in the world greatest Laboratories in the world better than anybody else much better than China China is very good but much better acknowledge and we have uh things to fight off diseases that will not be approved for another five or six years that people that are very sick terminally ill should be able to use but there was no mechanism for doing it and I got everybody into a room the uh insurance companies didn't want to allow it because they're terminally ill they don't want to do it because then they'll get sued for somebody dying even though they're terminally ill the states didn't want it the uh government didn't want it the federal government um most of all the doctors and the labs didn't want it because they didn't want to say that we're going to try and make somebody better they didn't get better now everyone's going to say whatever it is doesn't work and I got them all into a room everybody and I said here's what we're doing you're going to sign these documents nobody's going to have liability if somebody wants to come because you know they fly to Asia they fly to Europe they fly most of them didn't have money they go home and they die it was a hopeless situation but if they had money they'd go to Asia they go to Europe we have money much better technology and what happened is I got everybody in the room I said listen there's not going to be any liability people are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country they're not going to sue the state they're not going to sue the doctors or the medical platforms they're not going to sue anybody they just want the drug and we have saved thousands and thousands of lives it's amazing actually worked out differently the drug companies now are liking it to a certain extent because it's the ultimate test somebody's terminally ill and all of a sudden they get better and it's happening a thousands and I got that done they they've been trying for 60 years to get it done and we got it done they don't have to fly away and it's really had the reverse people were finding cures to things that when a terminally ill person a person that's almost ready to die goes in and starts taking something and now all of a sudden that person gets better it's an amazing thing and we save thousands of so we did a we've done a lot of we've done a lot of L we'll talk about parential rights if we could for a little bit we're a parental rights organization um and we saw Terry muli lose his bid for governor in Virginia remember that he I actually do and and he he said famously that he didn't think that parents should be making decisions about what their children were learning in school and we believe that every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children right and that includes their education so what do you plan to do at the federal level to help us to protect parental rights and education Freedom like school choice okay so I like to say that we're the party of common sense I mean we're conservative in all of us walls are common sense right all of the things we're talking about no men and women sports no gender operation I mean this these operations it's crazy you know I don't know if you know Europe has gone totally away from it now we're way behind them they don't do it anymore and this is just horrible but who could even believe this is happening so think of it you have these parents that end up in fist fights at school meetings and the parents mean well they end up getting arrested put in prison I I've seen things especially Len County right l it's a hot bed anybody from L you know I have the property I have the big great golf course there right I actually I offered you had the head of your one of your groups that was very impressive to me and I said anytime you want to use my land along the pic river right under the American flag I mean I have sort of an unlimited capacity there's a lot of it's a lot of acres and uh it's miles Al the pic it's truly beautiful but you know I'm I'm for parental rights all the way I don't even understand the concept of not being thank you and no but when you see some of the things when you see some of the things that doesn't that's another you know like why would somebody want to have an open wall why would some when you see some of the things that that they want people to do in these School boards and they become like dictatorships and the parents are screaming for the life of their child a lot having to do with transgender a lot having to do with a lot of other things you got to give the parents the parents truly love the kids okay some of these people on the boards I think they don't like the kids very much what they're doing so you have to give the rights back to the parents and I can't imagine it well okay this Administration has been the opposite this Administration it's like the FBI goes after the people that like it's some kind of Insurrection it's crazy sir they called us domestic terrorists president Trump for speaking out at Schoolboard meetings to well we'll change that on the first day I promise now can you believe it you are not a domestic place or a terrorist we do have terrorist coming in and they're coming in by the thousands but you're not one Tiffany thank you very and and you know the president can do that very easily but but you just wonder where's the mindset to take the parents rights I see those meanings and it does seem like lden has a lot you know that lden is the ultimate example of it it's so vocal but uh tell the people in L County if you would like to be on the pic River beautiful having a picnic and talking about taking your rights back where you're allowed to say could my son study a little bit of arithmetic instead instead of something else that we teach the kids to read that's correct that's right yeah let's teach them how to read please so uh yeah let them know that though that would be my honor absolutely will and thank you for that we appreciate this uh Tina Des the co-founder of moms for Liberty and I we do a lot of interviews yeah and um there's a lot of international interests specifically Japan we get asked for a lot of interviews and we were talking with a reporter and we said you know why is there so much interest in moms for Liberty in Japan and he said we are watching America's light dim and we're very concerned and we want to know what you're doing about it and you guys are doing something and so I feel like America is slipping back from the freedom and liberty and the beacon of light that we've been so how will you take us forward We're a nation in Decline we are and it's because of the people that we have leading our nation we are a nation you know I say this and I said it a little bit in 2016 and I meant it we had a bad border but it was like unbelievably good compared to what we have now I mean we had a bad border but it was a regular bad border this this is a border the likes of which there's never been anything like it this is a horrible you know many people are killed coming up in the Caravans it's rough stuff you go through snake country you go through oh it's just these these what happens and by the way remember I said rape when I first came well rape rape is massive percentages of women are being raped and just beat to Hell coming up in the Caravans it's I mean I say this I look this is a very sophisticated audience mothers give their girls uh big bottles big big bottles of birth control pills because they know bad things are happening to their daughters coming up and you know we're allowing it to happen we're we're telling them come up we're going to give you education we're going to give you this we're getting them to come up if you say the border is closed and it is closed people aren't going to even come up those Journeys up when you talk about death many people are dying especially women many people are dying on the trips up they're being mutilated and it is a nasty and when I first came I said I I used the word rape I remember I got great marks for the speech when I first announced I was running I remember in the lobby of Trump Tower and two days later I think the times called did you say rape I got great marks I said it was a great speech and then they said did he say rape and I said yeah I said rape that's what's happening tremendous levels and after that it was like that that's when it all began and it was like like incredible what they said well what I said is nothing compared to what the fact is it is it is a horrible thing those Caravans are mean mean and you know you have people 10 to 20 25,000 people coming up in these massive Caravans and this tremendous death and injury and problems that uh nobody would even believe and uh we're causing we're causing this but I did mention that word and now everyone say you know Trump was right Trump was right but you have to go through hell and you have to say it and you know I respect you so much cuz you speak up like you said no with all for that right very few people would say what Tiffany said a couple of moments ago about something that was a little bit controversial that shouldn't be controversial at all but they just wouldn't do it so when you said that I said that's refreshing to hear I just want to thank you for taking the time to meet with so many of the victim's families of crime that we've seen Lake and Riley's family for example um I'm just going to ask what is that experience like for you meeting with the parents of children who are being killed by illegal immigrants it's terrible uh they're being killed by uh illegal aliens you know there's no correct term because any term you use they criticize you shouldn't use the word you should use the word migrant they want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore exactly right but LOL was this beautiful young woman who was savagely beaten and killed by u a migrant and but there are many of them there are many of them I can tell you the parents will never be uh will never be the same I had it I was at the border 3 days ago with uh uh three people two where their child was killed one where she was badly injured beautiful woman she was uh badly badly hurt they stole her car she tried to stop them and they ran her over and this and that she was you know thought she was going to be dead but she had a terrible fracture in the head and uh I mean I had a case it's very interesting uh the uh 13 people that were killed in Afghanistan you all know about that that was grossly incompetent getting out was fine cuz I was going to get out I would have been out before them but we had an election that happened uh but we would have been out with dignity and strength we would have taken the military at last not first they took the military out first but they had 13 people killed and I got to know many of the families of the 13 it was a terrible tragic thing none of them should have died those people were essentially killed by a stupid Administration that didn't know what they're doing and and bad generals like Millie who's a bad General bad General and you know nobody was fired it was the most incompetent I think it's the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country the way it happened you know remember the planes taking off and people falling off the planes many people fell to their death they were hanging onto the wings you know they probably thought they could take the plane and fly on the plane and they didn't realize the plane's going 500 mil an hour and they fell off at 3,000 ft that's three times the height of the Empire State Building they fell off they started falling off and then they all were off and lot of people but it was a horrible horrible moment but uh you had 13 people kill many people badly injured meaning no legs we had one no arm no legs and the arm that was left was B face was badly hurt and these are people you know this this is just horrible casualties but I got to know the people I felt very badly and they viewed me as their president frankly they and I don't want to do anything about I don't want to say that but they viewed me and I I I you know everybody knew because it was covered but shouldn't not covered like the Press should covered I mean the Press doesn't talk about bad things I mean they they don't talk about what happened in Afghanistan anymore with the Taliban with you know with that horrible leaving it wasn't the leaving it was great to leave because you know they were there for like 20 years and we were leaving but we're going to keep barram which is one of the biggest Air Force bases in the world and we're keeping it not because of Afghanistan but because of China because it was 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons so we were keeping that and it would have been fine but we you know it was time now to turn it over despite the threat to democracy I didn't turn that over I didn't I didn't say you know they said he'll never give it over these people are crazy they're crazy but anyway so I gave it over and they they then they took over and I didn't have anybody killed in Afghanistan for 18 months I had a long talk with the head of the Taliban who's really the boss and his name is Abdul and I said Abdul don't do it don't do it you don't do it and he said uh but why why sir why do you send me a picture of my home AB you'll have to figure that one out like but why but why do you send me a picture of my home your Excellency quote me your excellen and he was fine look I said you can't do you can't you hit any they had snipers that were killing our people our wonderful uh soldiers you know snipers from a long distance and uh we didn't lose one person in 18 months and then we had this catastrophe happen which it should have never happened we had them in good shape sh but we had to get out it's ridiculous that we were there and we left $85 billion worth of equipment you know they became brand new equipment to equipment that I bought they left brand new goggles tanks planes we left it there instead of taking it out remember when Millie told me General Millie he's one of the woke guys you know he was saying you know all about him he's bad his bad General but he was saying sure I think we should leave the equipment behind I said why cuz I was talking about getting out and I was going to get out I brought it down to the number of men but we had to keep B you got to keep the Air Force the big base built many years ago for billions and billions of dollars but says sir we should leave the equipment behind why well it's much less expensive I said wait a minute we got $150 million airplane and we could fill it up with a little gas a little tank of Airplane Fuel and fly to Pakistan or fly it all the way back home you think it's cheaper to leave it and it's a new plane you think it's cheaper you think it's cheaper to leave army tanks we can put them in a trailer take yes sir she I said this guy is really bad it's true and that's what I lost total respect for the guy didn't never a lck cuz you know you never got good news I want people where there's good news you know like the general I used to knock out the you know I knock out 100% of Isis it was supposed to to Take 5 years it took about 4 weeks right we have a great military I tell you we have a I had a great general in charge of that and he knocked the hell out of him he said sir I can do it in about four weeks I said why didn't they do it before sir they didn't want to really fight they wanted to be politically correct sure uh but uh it was amazing we have you know just say to this room we have a great military and our military our real military is not going to be woke you couldn't convince to be woke if you screwed at him all day for the next 10 years but you know but the guys on television are woke and a lot of the top people are woke but they'll all be gone pretty quick they can all be gone get them out when I was in Milwaukee I got to meet some of the gold star families and so what yeah we had a big problem um so I was called by these families and they were probably four of them there was also somebody very badly injured with with the legs and everything and they asked me would it be possible two days ago right to go to Arlington National Cemetery to celebrate the life of their children who had been killed uh 3 years ago and this was the whole thing the whole disaster in Afghanistan where they set off a bomb and probably 500 people were killed all together see and we got to think of the other side also but it was it was a terrible thing but we lost 13 soldiers we had 45 soldiers that were really badly HT too you know nobody ever talks you ever know somebody loses their leg or both legs or their arm in one case an arm and two legs and nobody ever talks about them they talk about because we have to remember that those people [Music] are nobody ever talks about it and we had some people that were horrifically injured anyway they called and they said sir would you be able to come now I got to know them because I have a place in Bedminster New Jersey which is a spectacular place and they wanted to know whether they like New Jersey they New Jersey is good New Jersey is some of the most beautiful things but so this is a beautiful place and I had most of the families uh there about a year and a half ago and they all want to know whether or not I'd be showing up I didn't know if I could and when I heard they were there I I went out and I saw them and they thought I was going to stay for 5 minutes or 10 minutes Shake everyone's hand and leave I ended up staying with them like for 4 and 1 half hours we listened to music up with the members we have this beautiful deck overlooking everything and you're looking at the sky great food a very luxurious place I beautiful and we had I don't know like 20 25 people you know members of of the family of these 13 people most of the 13 and we ended up listening to music Elvis and Elton John and everybody and certain songs were very sad and I point to the sky I said your son your son is looking down at you and he's very proud oh the people it was like crazy I was with them like for 4 and 1/2 hours my my 15 minutes do you think we could get them stay for 15 minutes could he sign something a picture of my son so I ended up saying there and I got to know him and I got a call a little while ago like a week two weeks and they asked whether or not it would be possible to go to Arlington National Cemetery two days ago and also could I say for the uh Changing of the Guard and the whole thing which was beautiful I did that and but it was very tough for me to get there cuz I was doing something else I had to get out of something that was not easy to get out of and I did that and I did the changing and then they said could you come with us to the graves of which is quite a bit away you know he had to go into cars and go into you know through the cemetery beautiful Arlington Cemetery and I did that and I was getting absolutely killed because they're calling me they're saying sir sir we got a lot of people waiting said don't worry about it let them wait and I did it and they're looking at the graves and they're explaining one of the the mothers was saying and I I've had this a lot actually uh sir could I tell you about my son yes he said sir he was a good football player he was a quarterback he had a very strong arm and you know he was playing another team blah and this was and it was a long story and I just listened to it because I saw the it was like therapy she was so proud of him oh they loved you so much president they had such wonderful things to say about you when we spoke so really appreciate it it was so good but just so they said sir could you take some pictures with us at the graves of our child and you know the CH the child because the child maybe 20 2 or 24 but that's their child right they're not saying uh at the grave of the man you know there's nothing political or anything this was their child this was their baby could you take a picture with and and these people are dentist these people can never ever be the same and it was all because of Bing okay po I'll get in trouble I don't care get me in trouble this should had never ever happened nobody should have been killed they should have left from Barra which is this mess at base they shouldn't have left from this little local airport where the whole city end up piling in and everyone went crazy and and by the way they shouldn't have taken the military out first they should have taken the military out last when everything was done they took the military out and I could just imagine Abdul who's smart as hell Somebody went to Abdul and they said Abdul Abdul the American soldiers have left he said you're a stupid man to say that of course that didn't happen no Abdul they've left they've left I could just see it the conversation then he found out they left he said I can't believe it and once they left they had a field day what they did to us was incredible but they kept everything but than so uh the people were coming up to me and said sir could I have a picture of you at the grave of my son I said absolutely I would love to do that so the whole family gathered around we had the the Beautiful You Know Stone the uh marble with the name of Soldier on shouldn't have been on it because they shouldn't have been dead and we took pictures at the different grave sites and that was it it was beautiful and they were all crying everybody was crying you know was very sad they ter terrible it's even worse when there was no reason for it to happen you know it makes it even worse it's one thing it's a war but here's a thing it shouldn't have happened just in incompetent it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country but it shouldn't have happened and these kids should have been uh dead and the 45 people that were so badly hurt and the and frankly the 300 people mostly civilians from the other side they shouldn't have been dead just a grossly incompetent group of people so before expecting our dead Mr President thank you very much just to finish thank you very much appreciate it so but just just so I took I took pictures I I said to people should I tell the I told the story once today I said should I tell it cuz I think it's a terrible thing so I stood with a Mothers father sometimes both sometimes a sister there was a sister who beautiful sister who also had some difficulty because of a war injury but I stood with different people over different Graves and took pictures I didn't want to take pictures but I wanted to take them if they wanted to take them and I you know the for former president of the United States is with them they're very happy about that as happy as they can be cuz they'll never be happy and I took pictures and that was it and I left and we said goodbye and it was beautiful actually and then I get a call that night Sir uh we're getting a complaint from the White House that you used the soldiers for publicity pictures and for public relations and I said I can't believe it and I said I can't believe it so here's a guy that he killed he killed those people okay these people were killed by Biden as far as I'm concerned and then I get and I get a call and I'm taking pictures he's a pictures with parents Etc sisters brothers people that are laying in the ground right there shouldn't be shouldn't be dead and I get a call and I actually got a lot of bad publicity they said uh Trump uh president Trump spent time at Arlington National catary taking pictures of things it's just so disgusting and I'll tell you if you haven't noticed I get a lot of publicity I don't need that publicity I don't need that publicity it doesn't I get a lot I get too much I'd like to have half the publicity I want to hire a PR person to get me half the publicity right but what you hire PR people for I just thought I just thought it was such a terrible thing so I want to tell you I think it meant an incredible amount to them I know it did they've spoken about it and thank you for loving the American people thank you for working to make America great again thank you so we thank you for your time today spending time with us I want to tell you moms for Liberty is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization um we only Endor some Schoolboard races but I want to tell you personally sir that I endorse you for president thank you that's very nice wow I didn't even expect that thank you tany love you thank you so much well thank you so much and it's an honor to be here this is a nice group nice we just left Pennsylvania we had a big rally and the big speech and I said okay that's it for the day right Nur sir you're going to DC now congratul so it's but it's when I heard exactly the group I knew anyway but when they reminded me this was it this is so important the job you've done is incredible really and it's an honor to be here thank you Mr President we just want to say how thankful we are that you're doing okay what a scary day that was in Pennsylvania and you are looking great and we're so happy that you were able to join us you and I were talking a little bit backstage and you were sharing with me a lot of the concerns you have about the border and what you're seeing happen with illegal immigrants across the United States and I thought I'd give you an opportunity to talk a little bit about that to start off sure because uh you're talking about moms and you're talking about family such a big factor for you just about everything and when you look at what's happening in our country this is so tough you know it's one thing you don't Grill oil or you don't do something that you can do with a new group coming in but but uh millions and millions of people 21 million people I think the real number is you hear 13 14 15 like that's not a big number but it is but 21 million people and many of these people are criminals many of these people are coming out of uh the roughest countries in the world and they're coming from all over the world they're not just coming from South America you know everyone thinks they're coming from like Guatemala El Salvador they're coming from Mexico they're coming from every every where uh I was speaking to the border of Patrol they said in the last 12 months 159 different countries were represented by people having come in illegally and that's some number but uh these are tough people they're coming out of the jails they're coming out of the mental institutions uh they're coming out of prisons and uh they're coming I mean they're just coming out of there's a difference between a prison and jail it's subtle but I say that they come out of mental institutions and insane asylums there's a difference there also and uh they're coming into our country at levels that nobody's ever seen and I've been saying for two years that this has got to stop been saying for longer than that but for two and a half three years I said this has to stop and now it's catching up with us and you see what's going on in Colorado I don't know if anybody got to see Aurora I mean they're taking over the city they're taking over apartment complexes these are young very tough people these are tough they make our criminals look nice that's the only thing good about them our criminals are like nice people by comparison and uh if you saw the Colorado thing and this is happening all over just not Colorado but the Colorado thing caught the imagination because there were many of them with the biggest weapons that you've ever seen and these came from Venezuela which is emptying out all of its criminals you know what Venezuela crime is down like 72% because they're bringing all of their criminals from karacus and everywhere else they're bringing them to to the beautiful USA thank you very much Venezuela we appreciate it and we're allowing it to happen because we have open borders and again this is happening with uh every continent we have Africa well represented coming out from the Congo 22 people came in recently from the Congo where do you come from we come from prison what did you do to get into prison we will not tell you bad stuff and we have them here no intention of bringing them back none whatsoever and they're all over the country but now what they're doing you know if you think 21 million so you say a certain large percentage of them are bad because when you empty air your prisons and you update at your mental institutions it's a lot of people it's bigger than most armies are in our country if you add them up totally so we had 159 countries let's say but we have massive numbers of people and what happened in Aurora today is incredible because they basically have just taken over a swath and a building and they the people are petrified the people living in the building they're leaving and when they tell the police about it I mean the police you know they don't need uh AK-47s that's a very powerful weapon I I've learned a lot about weapons over the last six weeks I will that's a big difference between different weapons but they com in with very powerful weapons and the police have guns that are rifles and machine guns and things like they wielding around pretty freely and know how to use them and this is affecting our schools because we want to talk about schools and they're taking over schools we have MS13 gangs they're the toughest gangs they say in the world probably are I got them out by the thousands I took them out by the thousands Obama couldn't get them out because the country wouldn't allow them to come back in they were putting airplanes big airplanes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes and have to come back to the United States loaded up with these same people that they were supposed to take out and I got them to take them by stopping Aid 7750 million to different projects and I won't go through so too much but basically I said uh how much money do we pay to Guatemala and to few other countries and the number was $750 million which is a lot but it's not that much we give so much money it's so crazy to countries that hate us by the way we give a lot of money away every year to Afghanistan billions and billions of dollars and I think that Harris and B start now by Harris a Marxist she's a Marxist by the way people are finding that out she's a total she's a total Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor he teaches uh I guess the economy from the Marxist perspective and he taught her well but uh when you look at what was happening you couldn't get the people out and when I said you're going to get these people out of here the general came to me sir they won't take them back who won't take them back the countryes from where they came and they would put airplanes on the runway they block up the bus routes they block up everything so we bring them back and you couldn't bring them back Tiffany said it's such a horrible thing and I said how much Aid do we pay them sir we pay them $750 million combined I said that's a lot of money that's a lot well tell them we're not paying them anymore it's effective immediately yes sir and they told them that and the following morning I come into the beautiful Oval Office that Resolute desk which is so beautiful you know now Biden goes around using that he didn't even know the name of the Resolute desk now he I sit behind the Resolute to ask K do know what the hell it is this gu that's up for you boy I tell you did they take a do they do a cool on him anyway so uh I said uh tell them that's not happening so the following morning I get to the office and I get a call from three countries let not use names and all very smart leaders I'd be doing the same thing if I were them to tell you the truth I'd say I empty up my prisons dump them into the United States don't ever let them back and I would be doing it every bit as much as them I don't blame them that they can get away with it but they should be able to get away with it so I said that you're not going to get the money they call me up they say sir I understand and I know all all three of them I know all of them I know all the leaders they're all at the top of their game and we have a bunch of dead weights okay we are being taken advantage of as a country so much I've never said that like it so they said essentially the same conversation sir good morning sir I understand is a problem sir you have to understand this has gone on for 10 years they wouldn't take their people back they wouldn't take MS13 back they dumped them in our country wouldn't take them back I said well you know you're sending them up in the Caravans and other ways and you're not taking them back you're never getting any more money from the United States sir sir we would like to take them back we would love to have ms3 back with us we think there such workable anyway they made it very easy for us to get them back and we took them back by the thousand then we took also a lot of others back and uh then these clowns took over the country and nothing everything closed up and by the way they're paying them now $4 billion I understand can you believe it and they don't take them back it's just so sad to see what happens they're paying much more money than um I was talking about they raised it they actually felt it was good to pay them more they said why they said Economic Development it's not Economic Development it's the development of a dictator because they keep the M they're not doing any Economic Development we have the dumbest people in history running our country okay the dumbest in history and we have to get and we have to get these people so we brought it back at all but but what's happening to our country our country is being poisoned poisoned and your schools and your children are suffering greatly because they're going into the classrooms they're taking disas and they don't even speak English it's crazy and we have our people that aren't going into a classroom we have students that were there last year they aren't allowed into the school this year they're not allowed it's crazy we have our veterans sleeping on the streets and we have illegal immigrants coming into our country living in luxury hotels above where the veterans are it's so reverse of what it should be so I know you love you New York City I'm from New York originally my dad grew up in Brooklyn in Flatbush yeah New York um but like many other cities in American right now it's a city in Decline you were in New York when mayor Giuliani really did great reforms he was such a great mayor and uh you know he also fought for a lot of things that he should hey he was right about the laptop from H you know he was the one that came up Rudy was right Rudy was right about a lot of things you know they have a hat truck was right about everything but Rudy was right about a hell of a lot he was right he got he was the first one to see the laptop I guess and he revealed what was on there and everyone hit him hard he's actually a very brave guy but he was a great mayor and he took over the city when it was in really bad shape and very dangerous and he made it the safest big city in the country and made it beyond that it was a vibrant City and now it's got tremendous problems and and in all fairness look you have hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants here how do you do you can't run it I I read where they're spending billions of dollars I thought New York had no money and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money and it's not given by the federal government so how are they doing this the city is suffering and they're all suffering no City can take in when you think that 21 million people came into our country that's bigger than in New York 21 million people came into our country no country can take that nobody can withstand that it's going to bring us down and in addition to that many of these people are hard criminals and we have to get them out and we're going to have deportation at the level at the highest level we've ever had as a higher level you know the highest deportation was a pretty moderate guy but Dwight Eisenhower he hated that our city was that our country is being swamped and Dwight de Eisenhower president of the United States a good president good General he won because he's a general and you know generals by the way a little statistic so of the presidents 2% were politicians and 8% before me 8% were Generals and then I came along and I don't think no I don't think any rich guy will ever tell us looking at Trump they say I don't know they all wanted to do it they said if Trump can do it I can do it I can do it but they see what you have to go through this say you know maybe I won't give it a shot so let's talk a little bit about family because we really feel at moms for Liberty that family and parental rights are under attack in America all of America got to meet your granddaughter Kai at the Republican National Convention it's very obvious that you love being a father and a grandfather um so I'd love to know why you choose and continue to choose to work with your children in business and politics and do you have any advice for people with working with your kids well I've always liked it I don't know that I'll be doing it very much politically cuz I think it's been very unfair to them like Ivanka was a great she she could have done anything great student great beautiful girl beautiful everything she was a perfect person worked hard she you know she gave up do you remember the ianka line and loves those shoes please tell your daughter she made great shoes she was making so much money with that thing I saying what the hell is going on it was so hot and then I ran for politics and the truth is she wanted to come she she pretty much gave it up it was really good great shoes great everything very stylish and a lot of people still talk about it but she gave it up because she wanted to go and and she didn't want something like the United Nations secretary I wanted her to do that I said you would be a great uh ambassador to the United Nations United Nations secretary you there'd be nobody to compete with her I tell you she may be my daughter but nobody could have competed with her with her r that the whole deal she's got and and she said Daddy I don't want to do that I just want to help people get jobs and she would go around not glamorous job but she felt so good about it she would go around to see Walmart to see Exon to see all these big companies to hire people and she had hired like millions of people during the course of her St and I mean always there was nothing ever good it was just very tough I think if she were a Democrat it would have been it's much easier to be a Democrat let me put it that way apparently you don't have to take any interviews that's right you don't have to you don't have to do anything we that the other night and you won't see too many more interviews and I have a debate coming up with this one and she didn't she didn't want a debate she didn't want a debate they were not happy about it but they got the network that they wanted this network is the worst of all uh George slavis you know but they are the worst in terms of that so they wanted the network and you know it's like with Biden they came to me they wanted to do a debate I said uh isn't it a little bit early like you know we just started do you want to do it now yes so yes and they thought that if they said it was going to be Dana Bash who last night was extremely easy she was there was no like why aren't you doing this why did you say a thousand times that there'll be no fracking in Pennsylvania and then all of a sudden say oh well have fracking it felt like a multiple choice qu you would give her like several answers that she could have given reading it I was surprised actually I mean I was surprised she didn't do a lot of interviews but she's not good at it I guess and they do that they knew something that we didn't know I think she would have been better off if she just had interviews even if they weren't great it would have been better than because now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective she's a defective person and we don't need another defective person as president of the United States you just had that I've heard you talk about your mom in interviews before she was obviously a very strong woman um was she hard on you with school tell us about your mom a little bit no she wasn't she was great I had a great mother great father very different people my mother came from Scotland and she came over to this country is are there people from Scotland you know actually that's hidden do you know that some of the biggest smartest most brilliant leaders in business come from Scotland and nobody knows it or at least you know their parents came from Scotland but Scotland Scotland did very well in this country I'll tell you it's very like we have people and I know that one group they very successful group now she came from Scotland great place and she came over just for the summer and uh she was 19 I guess and she met my father and they had a very long Mar I said I'll never tap you on that pop you know you always want to be a little bit better than your father if you can a little more and my father loved that you know some fathers don't like it when you have a father that doesn't want his son to be a successful you got a problem with a father but there are plenty of them I've seen plenty of them they make it actually hard for the son but no I had the opposite I had a father that loved what was happening but they met they fell in love they got married and they were married for 6 and A2 decades wow a long time I said Pap I'm not going to be able to beat you with her but anyway and they had just a great marriage very different people but they had a great marriage very very strong marriage so I want to talk to you a little bit about The Apprentice um we talk a lot at moms for Liberty that we're in the middle of a cultural revolution in America people like to be dismissive and say it's a culture War but truly the culture is being changed I look at you as a a president and and perhaps our next president hopefully our next president that's right and you are a cultural icon so you had The Apprentice it ran for am I right is it 14 Seasons 14 Seasons 12 years we had actually one season Wars for three times during the SE that means they liked it but uh but it was basically 12 years and and 14 Seasons yeah how do you think you kept the audience that long well it just worked I mean we had um Mark Bernett is great producer he did Survivor and he came to me and they rented the wman rink he wanted to rent it for the finale of Survivor so it have like this uh jungle setting facing New York City right in the middle of Central Park it was gorgeous it was beautiful and he invited me I didn't know him but he was a young producer he was a producer of the Survivor and it was O Survivor was a very successful show in CBS and I went there I said wow this is great I rented him the the ring so I wanted to see it also but he invited me I went there watch the show and he said I really invited you because I have a concept of a show it's sort of Survivor with the as wall jungle aspect of it right deep prce and he told me and I said wow that's interesting he said I'll only use you there's no somebody else I want to be to do it if you don't do it I'm not going to do it so I thought about it and I had an agent from a very big agency and he said don't do it you don't do it there's never been a business show in history that's been successful business shows are not successful in prime time there's never been I guess a business show successful I say well this isn't really a business show this is sort of a different kind of a show than a business show it's got a little business to it but really it's more than a business show he said don't do it he was a very respected guy actually was a good guy but he told me not to do it don't do it and then I made the deal with ABC and the deal was done and then Eisner you remember Eisner previous guy a while ago and he's heard about the deal and he broke the deal he said I can make a better deal than that so let's make a better deal and I got angry about it and so did Mark berett and everybody wanted us they wanted us so we get a call from Jess of all people from uh at the time from NBC then he was heading up NBC they were having a real drought they hadn't had a top 10 show in a long time and they were not doing well and I never forget we walked into his office he took the key out of the door and threw it under the chair and rocker fell Center he locked the door he said you locked in we're not going to leave the room until we have a deal so we made a deal and ABC was not happy about it actually the man from ABC that made the deal with this top person I think like the president uh he quit over this and he quit he said we made a deal with these people and he was second guest by AAR and he actually quit and had a lot of there was a lot of anger about it but we made a deal with NBC instead of ABC we did have the original deal with ABC anyway it goes on television and the first week it was like at number 10 which is uh very very hard and by the way the agent told me you've got to break the deal you're going to be embarrassed because you're going to have a total failure and you're going to be embarrassed so it goes on it opens at 10 which is amazing and NBC was happy because now they have a top 10 show and then it went through various things like number eight number seven and cut progressively better and it finish up is the number one show on television I'm sitting there can you believe this and I mean you remember this just I watched The Apprentice we love the show yeah the finale actually had of that season at 42.5 million was second to the Super Bowl it was always the Academy Awards and we beat the Academy Awards since then the Academy Awards has gone to hell it's incredible you know why cuz all they do is you know political stuff what a they destroyed it but uh so it finished up and number one and I'll never forget and I enjoy I said I had the number one show and I didn't even have an agent and so I get a call from the agent I'll never forget 6:00 in the morning he called me he says I want to congratulate you Show's number one I said yeah it is thanks a lot I appreciate it he said uh could I come over and see you I said why he said so we could work out a fee I said you told me not to do it there's no way I'm paying you a commission you told me not they wanted to get a commission I said there's no way I said if it was up to you I would have never done it I had the number one sh you said I couldn't make it so there are little little things but it it was successful for years it just did well and then around the 13th actually the 12th season they put me into a poll with a real stiff named Mitt Romney total stiff this guy's bad news he he's worse than a rhino and they they and he was running and they just put me into a pole I think was NBC and I I was watching the uh I was watching Meet the Press actually and with sleepy eyes Chuck to did you ever hear of him he's a sleepy guy isn't he sleepy eyes another Beauty so so they put me into a poll and in the poll I go to number one I'm rated number one Romney's a distant second or third and I was in various polls and all and I kept saying you know I'm always like rated number one and I wanted to get up but I couldn't get out of the contract cuz I had an apprentice plus I had two buildings that I was finishing I wanted to get them finished not good when you don't finish him rely on somebody else you don't want to do but I said you know maybe if I have a chance I'll do it the next time and I did it the next time I ran and we had 17 people it was a rather violent uh series of debates if you remember right Ros o' Donald only Rosie o' Donald that was a tough one only Rosie o' Donald you've said this and that I won't use the terms you've called women this and that and that and lot A lot of it was show business related I said only Rosie oon the place went crazy and the second question I got was red bear he said this was a fox one he said uh please raise your hand if you will not support the winner of the group of 17 people whoever wins the nomination so I raise my hand I was the only one I said I can't say for sure I'm going to support I don't like certain other people I don't know a couple of of my do you remember that that was my those were my first two questions only Rosio do and I raised my hand and uh I said that I was honest and the place was crazy so uh actually they were two the more interest they were the first two questions I had I went through a lot of debates I went through like 14 15 debates then that we had the debate with crooked Hillary Clinton remember that one oh that that was pretty good doesn't remember that debate that was a pretty good one crooked Hillary she was that crooked one and uh we had uh what so uh so politics has been very interest never stops right that we had the debate last time with with sleepy Joe Biden how did he do he would Shar up as aack I thought I would just like to say I thought you handled yourself so beautifully in that interview I have to be honest but for many Americans who have watched as their family members have aged and have experienced dementia it was difficult to watch president Trump I think there were a lot of parents that were watching with their children and there was a moment when he had a very hard time collecting his thoughts and I just thought that you handled it with such Grace so thank you for that well I was a little I was a little surprised and you know I was surprised by a lot of things so I came on the stage and I looked and he I I you know I looked at him just for a brief moment cuz I really didn't look at him I didn't want to look at him I was I was angry at him because I think he's said a horrible job for the country I think he's been the worst president we've ever had and that Ines the worst vice president she's been rated the worst vice president and don't forget she was last in terms of getting the job you know she competed for his job and I think they had 22 people or something and she was the first one to quit she she bombed and she quit and then all of a sudden she's now running and from my standpoint I I spent $100 million fighting Joe Biden and even during the convention you know we're only talking about Biden Biden Biden and then we're not fighting him anymore we're fighting somebody else he got 14 million votes I'm not saying he should have G on but I think uh it seems unfair cuz a lot of people did a lot better than him like you had a person that came in second and third and fourth and you know it's Bernie Sanders actually essentially came in second place I guess right and uh so you'd say you know why aren't you doing a democratic process so you know give them some of their stuff they are a threat to democracy they say they are a thre the Democracy so so she and she was also she was the nastiest person to him you remember she called him a racist uh the bus you remember the story of the bus you know fake Story Probably well she also said I worked at McDonald's turned out she didn't work at McDonald's has anybody seen that after an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes they found out they found out she never worked there so you know there's a lot of fake stuff going on but we don't need that for a president and our country can't stand it we we are really in trouble we're a failing Nation whether you like it or not and I'm sure you don't like it but we are a very sick Nation we're a failing Nation and on top of it we have millions of people in here that they can't we can't have them if they were great if it were but you're not going to have people where they're emptying the doors to jails and emptying the doors to mental institutions where seriously sick people are coming into our country and you no country can stand this there's no country can stand it so I was not happy with him because you know I only did it cuz I want help the country you know I didn't need this I had a very nice life some of you know I see some of you in here you know you've known me for a long time long before politics I had a nice life but uh even running again if I thought he was good and I thought he was doing a good job I would have been happy but he's not he's doing a horrible job and you know he's been absent for a long time if you go back 25 years he wasn't The Brightest Bulb in the ceiling like I can tell you him and he was not doing a job and and I've told this and I me it I would have been happy if he were a great president and I wouldn't have run I wouldn't have run I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election I mean I think we won that election by so much by so much if I thought I lost if I thought I lost that election I absolutely would you know wouldn't have R cuz I would have lost the election but I think we did phenomenally I mean honestly we got millions of more votes than we did in the first election we did great in the first one we won and I was we had 63 million votes in the first election I was told if we get 60 63 million votes same number there's no way we can be defeated I got 10 or 12 million votes more than them more than anybody had ever got we get the most votes of anybody of any sitting president in history and he beat us by whisker and it was a terrible thing they used Co to cheat and it was a terrible thing and then I watched and I thought it was very very sad because of you know the election was it brought great division to the country but uh I watched and I saw how bad they were how bad things were I saw the border the open border and everything you know I found out about Tiffany I found out about the open border when we built hundreds of miles and then we had a little bit more that I was going to add because there were certain areas that you needed it and we had everything fabricated very expensive wall those walls are expensive they're steel concrete and rebar and they have a lot of wiring in them for all sorts of security equipment but but it's very expensive stuff it's exactly what border patrol wanted they have anti-climb bars and everything on them so we built we did them they it could have been erected in 3 weeks and they kept saying we're not going to do it we're not and then I realized they weren't going to do it and they sold bunch of that wall for 5 cents in the dollar so you know that's when I realized they actually want open borders because you say to yourself who would want open borders than who would want Men playing in women's sports just think of the stuff think of this no but who would want that all the things Harris apparently yeah no she wants it you know you you talk about like carus I'm a big fan of Elon Elon gave me tremendous you have to send a rocket up to get those people out of there it's crazy you know he's CRA I said what are you sending a rocket up well you know Elon is a very different kind of a guy as he thinks he talks whereas a lot of people you know they want the words to be perfect and all and they think less and talk more and with Elon it's like well you know I'm doing a new stainless steel Hub that can get us around the engines much quicker cuz there's a problem with the type of engine going into space nowadays and I'm hearing it and uh but in the end I think we can have a good hook up because of the new foils that coming up and I'm hearing everything that's going through his mind but he is like he's a Super Genius guy oh I loved that conversation that you had on Twitter I to the whole thing I thought that was absolutely fantastic I think we're going to do another one to they had a number like I heard 750 million they had a number that was so crazy and large and we had a good time we talked for 2 and 1/2 hours and uh yeah it was the number one there's never been anything like it in terms of people listening or watching or whatever but uh but he's he's a great he's a great guy but but I said to him you know uh the one thing is that and I'm a huge fan of his electric car I think it's incredible this car I think what he does and I'm a big fan of electric but they don't go far and they are expensive and China does have the mature we have gasoline more gasoline than anybody else has call I call it Liquid Gold we have liquid go but um and and electric absolutely is a place you know you have electric but you have to have gasoline powered cars and hybrid powered cars and maybe hydrogen is going to be next who knows but you know the things that they're proposing you know it's interesting I mentioned Men playing in women's sports so the Olympics we watch the Olympics right and did you see the boxing situation yes sir we do so you had this beautiful Champion Italian female boxer and she was supposed to be very good against women and I watched I was watching it for some reason I find it very interesting and she was fighting a person that transitioned and I wouldn't want to fight this person but transitioned and met certain qualifications so can we talk about that for a second because Elon you're talking about Elon Musk Elon Musk recently did an interview with Jordan pet and he talked about the fact that one of his children um has decided that they're transgender he talked about the woke mind virus when you look at Tim wals who is now Kev Harris's running partner he has made his State a sanctuary C Ser which means that um it Sanctuary State excuse me for children that they can go there and have gender surgeries paid for by the government and so I just ask you there's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender um and children are being taught that that they were born in the wrong body it's an incredibly abusive message to send so let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president well you can do everything president has such power it does has such power for instance you can close the border you don't need a bill you know they keep say well just give us a bill it's just a they had the worst Bill I've ever seen it was a disaster and they wouldn't decide it anyway cuz they do want open borders they want to have open borders they want to have all sorts of things that almost nobody in this room wants who I think 85 90% of the country doesn't want if they absolutely agree with but the transgender thing is incredible think of it your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation the school decides what's going to happen with your child and you know many of these Childs 15 years later say what the hell happened who did this to me they say who did this to me it's incredible just to finish that Bo so the Italian girls and the left is not a Hard Punch for those of you not into pugilistic Affairs but a left is just sort of a guarding punch right so she's fting this person that transgender and the guy boom H to her left it was like she got hit by a horse and then she backed up it was weird she sort of like and then he hits her with another left and she said that's enough I can't take that he ended up winning the gold medal and there was another one who also transgendered and he or she she ended up also the go medal Tiffany said it I didn't see I'm a politician I have to be political correct I'm a mom I have to protect my kids no but think of it so the two people the transgend it's the whole thing is crazy have you seen the swimming records lately how about the weightlifting records that's one of the best you know a record that was like for 18 years they put a quarter of an ounce on one side quart of ounce a little bit on what a little bit think that H for 18 is this guy walks along at Point be bre about 115 lb it's crazy the volleyball we're a a championship volleyball players playing against a team and one or two of the people had transitioned and the ball was hit so hard into the head of the other girl on the other side that she was knocked out had a concussion and she said if she was a championship player like an all American player she said I played volleyball all my life I've never seen a ball travel with that B it's crazy and even with all of that they won't change and you know what everyone's afraid to talk about it EA the people not Tiffany not Tiffany we're going to fight to keep our girls safe president Trump we're going to fight to make sure that our girls have privacy and safety in their bathrooms and that they have that they have Christy gome I think said it best she said we will not allow mediocre for men to beat extraordinary women it's also very demeaning to women I don't know how they get away with it but the Olympics was the best thing that I've seen because you really see when these boxes came out it was so ridiculous and they just go through it like nothing and why should women have to swimming to why should women have to compete now was sort of hard to get in I don't know how these two people got in but they got in cuz in some cases you know they weren't allowed in so they have a crazy standard going on but it it's so demeaning to women and women are working so hard to like make a team or to make a record and these records that are being set you know set now by people that transitioned will not be broken maybe a thousand years from now by a woman I don't know but they're not going to be broken by a woman it's a very it's a very sad thing and and you know Kamala is totally in faor now she's gone away from everything you know she's called the greatest flip fler in history she loves uh fracking now she said there will never be fracking we will never Frack Frack frack and everything that she said would do she's never doing it there's like 12 or 14 things there's never been anything like this and you know in one way it makes you very dishonest because you know if you could I could see somebody throughout history people have gone into one or two areas where there's a difference you know you like something and then all of a sudden it's but almost every single thing in fact we're seriously thinking about sending her tomorrow a Maga hat because she loves everything we're doing so we're going to send her a nice bright red make America great again you should do that I love I love I love when JD van said that he thought maybe she might come out at the debate with a blue suit and a red tie on that's that could happen it's crazy so president Trump you know our moms are are busy women and they have families and in busy lives right and many of them never thought that they would get involved in politics and run um you did you ever think about running for office at other times in your lives and then just some advice because you come Under Fire a lot our moms are standing for things that often the media attacks them on we'd love to get some advice from you about running for office yeah so I would say don't do it no run for office we want you to run for office I I do say this though it is nastier to run as a republican it is now I'm the ultimate you know I mean uh they suffer from a thing called TVs do you know what that is yes it's a horrible horrible terminal disease it destroys the mind it destroys the Mind before the body but the body eventually goes tvs's Trump derangement syndrome they have it at levels they can't even stand their life they can't stand anything and you know part of the reason is I won an election which everybody said couldn't be won couldn't be won for a lot of reasons number one he had never done it before you know it's not that easy to be a politician and you have to have a some something and we won and we really did a great job you know we had we rebuilt the military we gave the largest tax cuts ever largest regulation guts uh in terms of health we did something that was amazing we had uh right to try you know we have great we have the greatest scientists in the world greatest doctors in the world greatest Laboratories in the world better than anybody else much better than China China is very good but much better acknowledged and we have uh things to fight off diseases that will not be approved for another five or six years that people that are very sick terminally ill should be able to use but there was no mechanism for doing it and I got everybody into a room the uh insurance companies didn't want to allow it because they're terminally ill they don't want to do it because then they'll get sued for somebody dying even though they're terminally ill the states didn't want it the government didn't want it the federal government uh most of all the doctors and the labs didn't want it because they didn't want to say that we're going to try and make somebody better they didn't get better now everyone's going to say whatever it is doesn't work and I got them all into a room everybody and I said here's what we're doing you're going to sign these documents nobody's going to have liability if somebody wants to come because you know they fly to Asia they fly to Europe they fly if most of them didn't have money they go home and they die it was a hopeless situation but if they had Monday they go to Asia they go to Europe we have much better technology and what happened is I got everybody in the room I said listen there's not going to be any liability people are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country they're not going to sue the state they're not going to sue the uh doctors or the medical platforms they're not going to sue anybody they just want the drug and we have saved thousands and thousands of lives it's amazing actually worked out differently the drug companies now are liking it to a certain extent because it's the ultimate test somebody's terminally ill and all of a sudden they get better and it's happening a thousands and I got that done they they've been trying for 60 years to get it done and we got it done they don't have to fly away and it's really had the reverse people were finding cous of things that when a terminally ill person a person that's almost ready to die goes in and starts taking something and now all of a sudden that person gets better it's an amazing thing and we save thousands of life so we did we've done a lot of we've done a lot of lot we'll talk about parental rights if we could for a little bit we're a parental rights organization um and we saw Terry mccul lose his bid for governor in Virginia remember that he I actually do and and he he said famously that he didn't think that parents should be making decisions about what their children were learning in school and we believe that every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children right and that includes their education so what do you plan to do at the federal level to help us to protect parental rights and education Freedom like school choice okay so I like to say that we're the party of common sense I mean we're conservatives and all of that walls are common sense right all of the things we're talking about no men and women sports no gender operation I mean this these operations it's crazy you know I don't know if you know Europe has gone totally away from it now we're way behind them they don't do it anymore and this is just horrible but who could even believe this is happening so think of it you have these parents that end up in fist fights at school meetings and the parents mean well they end up getting arrested put in prison I I've seen things especially Len County right Len County it's a hot bed anybody from L you know I have the property out the big great golf course there right on the I actually I offered you had the head of your one of your groups that was very impressive to me and I said anytime you want to use my land along the pic river right under the American flag I mean has sort of an unlimited capacity there's a lot of it's a a lot of acres and uh it's miles along the pic it's truly beautiful but you know I'm I'm for parental rights all the way I don't even understand the concept of not being thank you and no but when you see some of the when you see some of the things that doesn't that's another you know like why would somebody want to have an open wall why would some when you see some of the things that that they want people to do in these School boards and they become like dictatorships and the parents are screaming for the life of their child a lot having to do with transgender a lot having to do with a lot of other things you got to give the parents the parents truly love the kids okay some of these people on the boards I think they don't like the kids very much what they're doing so you have to give the rights back to the parents and I can't imagine that well okay this Administration has been the opposite this Administration it's like the FBI goes after the people that like it's some kind of an Insurrection it's crazy sir they called us domestic terrorists president Trump speaking out at school board meetings well we'll change that on the first day I promise now can you believe it you are not a domestic or a terrorist we do have terrorists coming in and they're coming in by the thousands but you're not one def thank you very and and you know the president can do that very easily but but you just wonder where's the mindset to take the parents rights I see those meanings and it does seem like lad has a lot you know that lden is the ultimate example of it it's so vocal but uh tell the people in Lowden County if you would like to be on the pic River beautiful having a picnic and talking about taking your rights back where you're allowed to to say could my son study a little bit of arithmetic instead instead of something else that we teach the kids that should that's correct that's right yeah let's teach them how to read please so uh yeah let them know that though that would be my honor I absolutely will and thank you for that we appreciate the support uh Tina desich the co-founder of moms for Liberty and I we do a lot of interviews yeah and um there's a lot of international interests specifically Japan get asked for a lot of interviews and we were talking with a reporter and we said you know why is there so much interest in moms for Liberty in Japan and he said we are watching America's light dim and we're very concerned and we want to know what you're doing about it and you guys are doing something and so I feel like America is slipping back from the freedom and liberty and the beacon of light that we've been so how will you take us forward We're a nation and decline we are and it's because of the people that we have leading our nation we are a nation you know I say this and I said it a little bit in 2016 and I meant it we had a bad border but it was like unbelievably good compared to what we have now I mean we had a bad border but it was a regular bad border this this is a border the likes of which there's never been anything like it this is a horrible you know many people are killed coming up in the Caravans it's rough stuff you go through snake country you go through oh it's just these these what happens and by the way remember I said rape when I first came well rape rape is massive percentages of women are being raped and just beat to Hell coming up in the Caravans it's I mean I say this I look this a very sophisticated audience mothers give their girls uh big bottles big big bottles of birth control pills because they know bad things are happen happening to their daughters coming up and you know we're allowing it to happen we're we're telling them come up we're going to give you education we're going to give you this we're getting them to come up if you say the border is closed and it is close people aren't going to even come up those Journeys up when you talk about death many people are dying especially women many people are dying on the trips up they're being mutilated and it is a nasty and when I first came I said I I used the word rape I remember I got great marks for the speech when I first announced I was running I remember the lobby of Trump Tower and two days later I think the times called did you say rape I got great marks I said it was a great speech and then they said did he say rape and I said yeah I said rape that's what's happening tremendous levels and after that it was like that that that's when it all began and it was like incredible what they said well what I said is nothing compared to what the fact is it is it is a horrible thing those Caravans are mean mean and you know you have people 10 to 20 25,000 people coming up in these massive Caravans and there's tremendous death and injury and problems that uh nobody would even believe and uh we're causing we're causing this but I did mention that word and now everyone's saying you know Trump was right Trump was right but you have to go through hell and you have to say it and you know I respect you so much cuz you speak up like you said no will all for that right very few people would say what Tiffany said a couple of moments ago about something that was a little bit controversial that shouldn't be controversial at all but they just wouldn't do it so when you said that I said that's refreshing to hear [Music] I just want to thank you for taking the time to meet with so many of the victim's families of crime that we've seen Lake and Riley's family for example um I'm just going to ask what is that experience like for you meeting with the parents of children who are being killed by illegal immigrants it's terrible uh they're being killed by uh illegal aliens you know there's no correct term because any term you use they criticize you shouldn't use the word alien you shouldn't use the word migrant they want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore exactly right but uh leol was this beautiful young woman who was savagely beaten and killed by um a migrant and but there are many of them there are many of them I can tell you the parents will never be uh will never be the same I had it I was at the border 3 days ago with uh three people two where their child was killed one where she was badly injured beautiful woman she was uh badly badly hurt they stole a car she tried to stop them and they ran her over and this and that she was you know thought she was going to be dead but she had a terrible fracture the head and uh I mean I had a case it was very interesting uh uh the uh 13 people that were killed in Afghanistan you all know about that that was grossly incompetent getting out was fine because I was going to get out I would have been out before them but we had an election that happened uh but we would have been out with dignity and strength we would have taken the military at last not first they took the military at first but they had 13 people killed and I got to know many of the families of the 13 it was a terrible tragic thing none of them should have died those people were essentially killed by a stupid Administration that didn't know what they're doing and and bad generals like Millie who was a bad General bad General and you know nobody was fired who was the most incompetent I think it's the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country the way it happened you know remember the planes taken off and people falling off the planes many people fell to their death they were hanging onto the wings you know they probably thought they could take the plane and fly on the plane and they didn't realize the planes going 500 M an hour and they fell off at 3,000 ft that's three times the height of the Empire State Building they fell off they started falling off and then they all were off and a lot of people but it was a horrible horrible moment but uh you had 13 people killed many people badly injured meaning no legs we had one no arm no legs and the arm that was left was bad her face was badly hurt and these are people you know this this is just horrible casualties but I got to know the people I felt very badly and they viewed me as their president frankly they and I don't want to do anything about I don't want to say that but they viewed me and I I I you know everybody knew CU it was covered but shouldn't not covered like the Press should covered I mean the Press doesn't talk about bad things I mean they they don't talk about what happened in Afghanistan anymore with the Taliban with you know with that horrible leaving it wasn't the leaving it was great to leave because you know they were there for like 20 years and we were leaving but we going to keep barram which is one of the biggest Air Force bases in the world and we're keeping it not because of Afghanistan but because of China because it was 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons so we were keeping that and it would have been fine but we you know it was time down to turn it over despite the threat to democracy I didn't turn that over I didn't I didn't say you know they said he'll never give it over these people are crazy they're crazy but anyway so I gave it over and they they then they took over and I didn't have anybody killed in Afghanistan for 18 months I had a long talk with the head of the Taliban who's really the boss and his name is Abdul and I said Abdul don't do it don't it you don't do it and he said uh but why why sir why do you send me a picture of my home uh AB you'll have to figure that one out he went but why but why do you send me a picture of my home your Excellency callot me your Excellency and he was fine look I said you can't do you can't you hit any they had snipers that were killing our people are are wonderful uh soldiers you know snipers from a long distance and uh we didn't have lose one person in 18 months and then we had this catastrophe happened which it should have never happened we had them in good shape but we had to get out it's ridiculous that we were there and we left $85 billion worth of equipment you know they became brand new equipment too equipment that I bought they left brand new goggles tanks planes we left it there instead of taking it out I remember when Millie told me General Millie he's one of the woke guys you know he was saying you know all about him he's bad his bad General but he was saying sure I think we should leave the equipment behind I said why because I was talking about getting it and I was going to get out I brought it down to the number of men but we had to keep B you got to keep the Air Force the big base built many years ago for billions and billions of dollars but so sir we should leave the equipment behind why was much less expensive I said wait a minute we got $150 million doll airplane and we could fill it up with a little gas a little tank of Airplane Fuel and fly it to Pakistan or fly it all the way back home you think it's cheaper to leave it and it's a new plane you think it's cheaper you think it's cheaper to leave army tanks we can put them in a trailer take yes sir cheer I said this guy is really bad it's true and that's when I lost total respect for the guy and didn't never a l cuz you know you never got good news I want people where there's good news you know like the general I used to knock out the you you know I knock out 100% of Isis it was supposed to take 5 years it took about 4 weeks right we have a great military I tell you we have a I had a great general in charge of that and he knocked the hell out of him he said sir I can do it in about four weeks I said why didn't they do it before sir they didn't want to really fight they wanted to be politically correct sure but uh it was amazing we have you know I just say to this room we have a great military and military our real military is not going to be woke you couldn't convince him to be woke if you screwed at him all day for the next 10 years but you know but the guys on television are woke and a lot of the top people are woke but they'll all be gone pretty quick they're going to all be gone get them out when I was in Milwaukee I got to meet some of the Goldstar families so what yeah we had a big problem uh so I was told by these families uh there were probably four of them there was also somebody very badly injured with with the legs and everything and they asked me would it be possible two days ago right to go to Arlington National Cemetery to celebrate the life of their children who had been killed uh 3 years ago and this was the whole thing the whole disaster in Afghanistan where they set off a bomb and probably 500 people were killed all together and we got to think of the other side also but it was it was a terrible thing but we lost 13 soldiers we had 45 soldiers that were really badly HT too you know nobody ever talks you ever know somebody loses their leg or both legs or their arm in one case an arm and two legs and nobody ever talks about them they talk about because we have to remember that those people are nobody ever talks about it and we had some people that were horrifically injured anyway they called and they said sir would you be able to come now I got to know them because I have a place in Bedminster New Jersey which is a spectacular place and they wanted to know whether they like New Jersey they New Jersey is good New Jersey is some of the most beautiful things but so this is a beautiful place and I had most of the families uh there about a year and a half a them and they all want to know whether or not I'd be showing up I didn't know if I could and when I heard they were there I I went out and I saw them and they thought I was going to stay for 5 minutes or 10 minutes Shake everyone's hand and leave I ended up staying with them like for 4 and 1/2 hours we listen to music up with the members grab this beautiful deck overl looking everything and you're looking at the sky great food a very luxurious place I it's beautiful and we had I don't know like 20 25 people you know members of of the family of these 13 people most of the 13th and we ended up listening to music Elvis and Elton John and everybody and certain songs were very sad and I point to the sky I said your son you son is looking down at you and he's very proud oh the people it was like crazy I was with him like for 4 and 1 half hours my my 15 minutes do you think we could get him stay for 15 minutes could he sign something a picture of my son so I ended up staying there and I got to know him and I got a call a little while ago like a week two weeks and they asked whether or not it would be possible to go to Arlington National Cemetery two days ago and also could I say for the Changing of the Guard and the whole thing which was beautiful I did that and but it was very tough for me to get there cuz I was doing something else I had to get out of something that was not easy to get out of and I did that and I did the changing and then they said could you come with us to the graves which is quite a bit away you know you had to go into cars and go into you know through the cemetery beautiful Arlington Cemetery and I did that and I was getting absolutely killed because they're calling me they're saying sir we got a lot of people waiting said don't worry about it let them wait and I did it and they're looking at the graves and they're explaining one of the the mothers was saying and I I've had this a lot actually uh sir could I tell you about my son yes he said sir he was a good football player he was a quarterback he had a very strong armed and you know he was playing another team B and this was and it was a long story and I just listen to it because I saw the it was like therapy she was so proud of him oh they loved you so much president such wonderful things to say about you when we spoke so really appreciate it was so good but just so they said sir could you take some pictures with us at the graves of our child and you know the CH the child because the child maybe 22 or 24 but that's their child right they're not saying uh at the grave of the man you know there's nothing political or anything this was their child this was their baby could you take a picture with and and these people are deast these people can never ever be the same and it was all because of Biden okay I'll get in trouble I don't care get me in trouble this should have never ever happened nobody should have been killed they should have left from Bara which is this massive base they shouldn't have left from this little local airport where the whole city end up piling in and everyone went crazy and and by the way they shouldn't have taken the military out first they should have taken the military out last when everything was done they took the military out and I could just imagine Abdul who's smart as hell Somebody went to Abdul and they said Abdul Abdul the American soldiers have left he said you're a stupid man to say that of course I didn't no Abdul they've left they've left I could just see it the conversation then he found out they left he said I can't believe it and once they left they had a field day what they did to us was incredible but they kept everything but thanks so uh the people were coming up to me and said sir could I have a picture of you at the grave of my son I said absolutely I would love to do that so the whole family gathered around we had the the Beautiful You Know Stone the marble with the name of the soldier on shouldn't have been on it because they shouldn't have been dead and we took pictures at the different grave sites and that was it it was beautiful and they were all crying everybody was crying you know was it very sad they're Terri terrible it's even worse when there was no reason for it to happen you know it makes it even worse it's one thing it's a war but here's a thing it shouldn't have happen just in incompetent it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country but it shouldn't have happened and these kids shouldn't have been uh dead and the 45 people that were so badly hurt and the and frankly the 300 people mostly civilians from the other side they shouldn't have been dead just a grossly incompetent group of people so thank you for respecting our dead Mr President oh thank you very much just to finish so thank you very much appreciate it so but just to just a so I took I took pictures I I said to people said I tell the I told the story once today I said should I tell it CU I think it's a terrible thing so I stood with a mother's fathers sometimes both sometimes a sister who was a sister who beautiful sister who also had some difficulty because of a war injury but I stood with different people over different Graves and took pictures I didn't want to take pictures but I wanted to take if they want to take him and I you know the former president of the United States is with them they're very happy about that as happy as they can be because they'll never be happy and I took pictures and that was it and I left and we said goodbye and it was beautiful actually and then I get a call that night Sir uh we're getting a complaint from the White House that you used the soldiers for publicity pictures and for public relations and I said I can't believe it and I said I can't believe it so here's a guy that he killed he killed those people okay these people were killed by Biden as far as I'm concerned and then I get and I get a call and I'm taking pictures these are pictures with parents Etc sisters brothers people that are laying in the ground right there shouldn't be shouldn't be dead and I get a call and I actually got a lot of bad publicity they said uh Trump uh president Trump spent time at Arlington National catary taking pictures of things it's just so disgusting and I'm tell you if you haven't noticed I get a lot of publicity I don't need that publicity I don't need that publicity it doesn't I get a lot I get too much I'd like to have half the publicity I want to hire a PR person to get me half the publicity all right not really what you hire PR people for I just I just thought it was such a terrible thing so I just want to show you I think it meant an incredible amount to them I know it did they've spoken about it and thank you for loving the American people thank you for working to make America great again thank you so we thank you for your time today spending time with us I want to tell you moms for Liberty is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization we only endorse some Schoolboard races but I want to tell you personally sir that I endorse you for president oh wow thank you that's very nice wow I didn't even expect that thank you thank you love you here thank you well thank you so much and it's an honor to be here this is a nice group nice we just left Pennsylvania we had a big rally and a big speech and I said okay okay that's it for the day right Nur sir you're going to DC now congratul so it's but it's what I heard exactly the group I knew it anyway but when they reminded me this was it this is so important the job you've done is incredible really and it's an honor to be here thank you Mr President we just want to say how thankful we are that you're doing okay what a scary day that was in Pennsylvania and you are looking great and we're so happy that you were able to join us you and I were talking a little bit backstage and you were sharing with me a lot of the concerns you have about the border and what you're seeing happen with illegal immigrants across the United States and I thought I'd give you an opportunity to talk a little bit about that to start off sure because uh you're talking about moms and you're talking about family such a big factor for you just about everything and when you look at what's happening in our country this is so tough you know it's one thing you don't Grill oil or or you don't do something that you can do with a new group coming in but and millions and millions of people 21 million people I think the real number is you hear 13 14 15 like that's not a big number but it is but 21 million people and many of these people are criminals many of these people are coming out of uh the roughest countries in the world and they're coming from all over the world they're not just coming from South America you know everyone thinks they're coming from like Guatemala El Salvador they're coming from Mexico they're coming from everywhere I was speaking to the boorder of Patrol they said in the last 12 months 159 different countries were represented by people having come in illegally and that's some number but uh these are tough people they're coming out of the jails they're coming out of the mental institutions uh they're coming out of prisons and uh they're coming I mean they're just coming out of there's a difference between a prison and jail subtle but I say that they come out of mental institutions and insane asylums there's a difference there also and uh they're coming into our country at levels that nobody's ever seen and I've been saying for two years that this has got to stop been say for longer than that but for two and a half 3 years I said this has to stop and now it's catching up with us and you see what's going on in Colorado I don't know if anybody got to see Aurora I mean they're taking over the city they're taking over apartment complexes these are young very tough people these are tough they make our criminals look nice that's the only thing good about them our criminals are like nice people by comparison and uh if you saw the Colorado thing and this is happening all over just not Colorado but the Colorado thing caught the imagination because there were many of them with the biggest weapons that you've ever SE SC and these came from Venezuela which is emptying out all of its criminals you know what Venezuela crime is down like 72% because they're bringing all of their criminals from Caracus and everywhere else they're bringing them to to the beautiful USA thank you very much v as well we appreciate it and we're allowing it to happen because we have open borders and again this is happening with uh every continent we have Africa well represented coming out from the Congo 22 people came in recently from the Congo where do you come from we come from prison what did you do to get into prison we will not tell you bad stuff and we have them here no intention of bringing them back none whatsoever and they're all over the country but now what they're doing you know if you think 21 million so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad because when you empty out your prisons and you empty out your mental institutions it's a lot of people it's bigger than most armies are in our country if you add them up totally so we had 159 countries let's say but we have massive numbers of people and what happened in Aurora today is incredible because they basically have just taken over a swath and the building and they the people are petrified the people living in the building they're leaving and when they tell the police about it I mean the police you know they don't need uh AK-47s that's a very powerful weapon I I learned a lot about weapons over the last six weeks I there a big difference between different weapons but they com here with very powerful weapons and the police have guns that are rifles and machine guns and things like that wielding around pretty freely know how to use them and this is affecting our schools because we want to talk about schools and they're taking over schools we have MS13 gangs they're the toughest gangs they say in the world probably are I got them out by the thousands I took them out by the thousands Obama couldn't get them out because the country wouldn't allow him to come back in they were putting airplanes big airplanes on the runway so you couldn't land the planes and have to come back to the United States loaded up with these same people that they were supposed to take out and I got them to take them by stopping Aid 7750 million to different Pro and I won't go through so too much but basically I said uh how much money do we pay to Guatemala and to a few other countries and the number was $750 million which is a lot but it's not that much we give so much money it it's so crazy to countries that hate us by the way we give a lot of money away every year to Afghanistan billions and billions of dollars and I think that Harris and by now was starting out by Harris a Marxist she's a Marxist by the way good people are finding that out she's a total she's a total Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor he teaches uh I guess the economy from a Marxist perspective and he taught her well but uh when you look at what was happening you couldn't get the people out and when I said you're going to get these people out of here the general came to me sir they won't take them back who won't take them back the country is from where they came and they would put airplanes on the runway they' block up the bus routes they block up everything so we bring them back and you couldn't bring them back Tiffany so it's such a horrible thing and I said how much Aid do we pay them sir we pay them 700 $150 million combined I say that's a lot of money it's a lot well tell them we're not paying them anymore it's effective immediately yes sir and they told them that and the following morning I come into the beautiful Oval Office that Resolute desk which is so beautiful you know now Biden goes around using that he didn't even know the name of the Resolute desk now he tells I sit behind the Resolute desk he didn't know what that hell it is this guy that's a be boy I tell you did they take a did they do a coup on him anyway so uh I said uh tell them that's not happening so the following morning I get to the office and I get a call from three countries let's not use names and all very smart leaders I'd be doing the same thing if I were them to tell you the truth i' say I empty up my prisons dump them in in the United States don't ever let him back and I would be doing it every bit as much as them I don't blame them because they can get away with it but they shouldn't be able to get away with it so I said that you're not going to get the money they call me up they say sir I understand and I know all all three of them I know all of them I know all the leaders are all at the top of their game and we have a bunch of dead weights okay we are being taken advantage of as a country so much I've never said that like it so they said essentially the same conversation sir good morning sir I understand this a problem sir you have to understand this has gone on for 10 years they wouldn't take their people back they wouldn't take MS13 back they dumped them in our country wouldn't take them back I said well you know you're sending them up in the Caravans and other ways and you're not taking them back you're never getting any more money from the United States sir sir we would like to take them back we would love to have MS 13 back with us we think this such workable anyway they made it very easy for us to get them back and we took them back by the thousands and we took also a lot of others back and uh then these clowns took over the country and nothing everything closed up and by the way they're paying them now $4 billion I understand can you believe it and they don't take them back it's just so sad to see what happens they're paying much more money than U I was talking about they raised it they actually felt it was good to pay them more they said why they said economic develop vment it's not Economic Development it's the development of a dictator because they keep the money they're not doing any Economic Development we have the dumbest people in history running our country okay we done in history and we have to get and we have to get these so we brought it back at all but but what's happening to our country our country is being poisoned poisoned and your schools and your children are suffering greatly because they're going into the classrooms and taking the seats and they don't even speak English it's crazy and we have our people that aren't going into a classroom we have students that were there last year that aren't allowed into the school this year they're not allowed it's crazy we have our veterans sleeping on the streets and we have illegal immigrants coming into our country living in luxury hotels above where the veterans are it's so reverse of what it should be so I know you love New York City I'm from New York originally my dad grew up in Brooklyn in Flatbush yeah New York um but like many other cities in America right now it's a city in Decline you were in New York when mayor Giuliani really did great reforms he was such a great mayor and uh you know he also fought for a lot of things that he should hey he was right about the laptop from hell you know he was the one that came up Rudy was right Rudy was right about a lot of things you know they have a hat truck was right about everything but Rudy was right about a hell of a lot he was right he got he was the first one to see the laptop I guess and he revealed what was on there and everyone hit him hard he's actually a very brave guy but he was a great mayor and he took over the city when it was in really bad shape and very dangerous and he made it the safest big city in the country and made it beyond that it was a vibrant City and now it's got tremendous problems and and in all fairness look you have hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants here how do you do you can't run it I I read where they're spending billions of dollars I thought New York had no money and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money and it's not given by the federal government so how are they doing this the city is suffering and they're all suffering no City can take in when you think that 21 million people came into our country that's bigger than New York 21 million people came into our country no country can take that nobody can withstand that it's going to bring us down and in addition to that many of these people are hard criminals and we have to get them out and we're going to have deportation at the level at the highest level we've ever had as a higher level you know the highest deportation was a pretty moderate guy but Dwight Eisenhower he hated that our city was that our country was being swamped and Dwight de Eisenhower president of the United States a good president good General he won because he's a general and you know generals by the way a little statistic so of the presidents 2% were politicians and 8% before me 8% were Generals and then I came along and I don't think no I don't think any rich guy will ever do it they're looking at Trump they say I don't know they all wanted to do it they said if Trump can do it I can do it I can do it but they see what you have to go through they say you know maybe I won't give it a shot so let's talk a little bit about family because we really feel at moms for Liberty that family and parental rights are under attack in America all of America got to meet your grand da Kai at the Republican National Convention it's very obvious that you love being a father and a grandfather um so I'd love to know why you choose and continue to choose to work with your children in business and politics and do you have any advice for people with working with your kids well I've always liked it I don't know that I'll be doing it very much politically because I think it's been very unfair to them like Ivanka was a great she she could have done anything great student great beautiful girl beautiful everything she was a perfect person worked hard she you know she gave up do you remember the avona line I loved those shoes please tell your daughter she made great shoes she was making so much money with that thing I say what the hell is going on it was so hot and then I ran for politics and the truth is she wanted to come she she pretty much gave it up it was really good great shoes great everything very stylish and a lot of people still talk about it but she gave it up because she wanted to go and and she didn't want something like the United Nations secretary I wanted him to do that I said you would be a great uh ambassador to the United Nations United Nations secretary you there'd be nobody to compete with her I tell you she may be my daughter but nobody could have competed with her with her rat T Tad the whole deal she's got and and she said Daddy I don't want to do that I just want to help people get jobs and she would go around not glamorous but she felt so good about it she would go around to see Walmart to see Exon to see all these big companies to hire people and she had hired like millions of people during the course of her stay and I mean always there was nothing ever good it was just very tough I think if she were a Democrat it would have been it's much easier to be a Democrat let me put it that way apparently you don't have take any interviews that's right you don't have to you don't have to do anything we saw that the other night and you won't see too many more interviews and I have a debate coming up with this one and she didn't she didn't want a debate she didn't want a debate they were not happy about it but they got the network that they wanted this network is the worst of all uh George slavis you know but they are the worst in terms of that so they wanted the network and you you know was like with Biden they came to me they wanted to do a debate I said uh isn't it a little bit early like you know we just started you want to do it now yes so yes and they thought that if they said it was going to be Dana Bash who last night was extremely easy she there was there was no like why aren't you doing this or why did you say a thousand times that there'll be no fracking in Pennsylvania then all of a sudden say oh well have fracking it felt like a multiple choice question would give her like several answers she could have given they were feeling it to I was surprised actually I mean I was surprised she didn't do a lot of interviews but she's not good at it I guess and they do that they knew something that we didn't know I think she would have been better off if she just had interviews even if they weren't great it would have been better than because now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective she's a defective person and we don't need another defective person as president of the United States we just had that I've heard you talk about your mom in interviews before she was obviously a very strong woman um was she hard on you with school tell us about your mom a little bit no she wasn't she was great I had a great mother great father very different people my mother came from Scotland and she came over to this country is are there people from SC you know actually that's hidden do you know that some of the biggest smartest most brilliant leaders in business come from Scotland and nobody knows it or at least you know their parents came from Scotland but Scotland Scotland did very well in this country I'll tell you it's very like we have people and I know that one group they very successful group now she came from Scotland great place and she came over just for the summer and uh she was 19 I guess and she met my father and they had a very long marriage I said I'll never St you that PP you know you always want to be a little bit better than you father if you can a little more and my father loved that you know some fathers don't like it when you have a father that doesn't want his son to be a success so you got a problem with the F but there are plenty of them I've seen plenty of them they make it actually hard for the son but no I had the opposite I had a father that loved what was happening but they met they fell in love they got married and were married for 6 and 1 12 decades wow a long time I said Papa I'm not going to be able to beat you with that but any they had just a great marriage very different people but they had a great marriage very very strong marriage so I want to talk to you a little bit about The Apprentice um we talk a lot at moms for Liberty that we're in the middle of a cultural revolution in America people like to be dismissive and say it's a cultural War but truly the culture is being changed I look at you as a a president and and perhaps our next president hopefully our next president that's right and you are a cultural icon so you had The Apprentice it ran for am I right is it 14 Seasons 14 Seasons 12 years we had actually One Season War R for three times during the SE that means they liked it but uh but it was basically 12 years and and 14 Seasons yeah how do you think you kept the audience that long well it just worked I mean we had um Mark Bernett is great producer he did Survivor and he came to me and they rented the wman rink he wanted to rent it for the finale of Survivor so it have like this uh jungle setting facing New York City right in the middle of Central Park it was gorgeous it was beautiful and he invited me I didn't know but he was a young producer he was a producer of the Survivor and it was hot CU Survivor was a very successful show in CBS and I went there I said wow this is great I rented him the the ring so I wanted to see it also but he invited me I went there watch the show and he said I really invited you because I have a concept of a show it's sort of Survivor uh with the Sall jungle aspect of it right de prce and he told me and I said well that's interesting he said I'll only use you there's nobody else I want to be to do it if you don't do it I'm not going to do it so I thought about it and I had an agent from a very big agency and he said don't do it you don't do it there's never been a business show in history that's been successful business shows are not successful in prime time there's never been I guess a business show successful I say well this isn't really a business show it's a sort of a different kind of a show than a business show it's got a little business to it but really it's more than a business show he said don't do it he was a very respected guy actually he was a good guy but he told me not to do it don't do it and then I made the deal with ABC and the deal was done and then Eisner you remember Eisner previous guy a while ago and he's heard about the deal and he broke the deal he said I can make a better deal than that so let's make a better deal and I got angry about it and so at Mark berett and everybody wanted us they wanted us so we get a call from Jeff Zer of all people from uh at the time from NBC then he was heading up NBC they were having a real drought they hadn't had a top 10 show in a long time and they were not doing well and I'll never forget we walked into his office he took the key out of the door and threw it under the chair Rockefeller Center he locked the door he said you lock locked in we're not going to leave the room until we have a deal so we made a deal and ABC was not happy about it actually the man from ABC that made the deal with us top person I think like the president uh he quit over this and uh he quit he said we made a deal with these people and he was second guest by Asar and he actually quit and had a lot of there was a lot of anger about it but we made a deal with INB since that of ABC we did have the original deal with ABC anyway it goes on television and the first week it was like at number 10 which is uh very very hard and by the way the agent told me you've got to break the deal you're going to be embarrassed because you're going to have a total failure and you're going to be embarrassed so it goes on it opens at 10 which is amazing and NBC was happy cuz now they have a top 10 show and then it went through various things like number eight number seven and cut progressively better and it finished up as the number one show on television I'm sitting that can you believe this and I mean you my B was just I watched The Apprentice we love the show yeah the finale actually had of that season at 42.5 million was second to the Super Bowl it was always the Academy Awards and we beat the Academy Awards since then the Academy Awards has gone to hell it's incredible you know what cuz all they do is you know political stuff what a they destroyed it but uh so it finished up and number one and I'll never forget and I enjoy St the number one show and I didn't even have an agent and so I get a call from the agent I'll never forget 6:00 in the morning he called me he says I want to congratulate you Show's number one I said yeah it is thanks a lot I appreciate it he said uh could I come over and see you I said why he said so we could work out a fee I said you told me not to do it there's no way I'm paying you a commission you tell them now they wanted to get a commission I said there's no way I said if it was up to you I would have never done it I had the number one sure you said I couldn't make it so there are little little things but it it was successful for years it just did well and then around the thir 1th actually the 12th season they put me into a poll with a real stiff named Mitt Romney total stiff this guy's bad news he he's worse than a rhino and they they and he was running and they just put me into a poll I think it was NBC and I I was watching the uh I was watching Meet the Press actually and with sleepy eyes Chuck to did you ever hear of him he's just sleepy guy isn't he sleepy eyes another Beauty so so they put me into a poll and in the poll I go to number one I'm rated number one Romney's a distance second or third and I was in various polls and all and I kept saying you know I'm always like graded number one and I wanted to get out but I couldn't get out of the contract cuz I had an apprentice plus I had two buildings that was finishing I wanted to get them finished not good when you don't finish them rely on somebody else you don't want to do but I said you know maybe if I have a chance I'll do it the next time and I did it the next time I ran and we had 17 people it was a rather violent uh series of debates if you remember right Rosie odonald only Rosie odonald that wasn't tough that only Rosie odonald you've said this and that I won't use the terms you've called women this and that and that and lot A lot of it was show business related I said only Rosie o Dar the place went crazy and the second question I got was bred bear he said this was a fox one and he said uh please raise your hand if you will not support the winner of the group of 17 people who ever wins the nomination so I raise my hand I was the only one I said I can't say for sure I'm going to support I don't like certain other people I don't know them a couple of them I do do you remember that that was my those were my first two questions only Rosie oon and I raised my hand and uh I said that I was honest and the place went crazy so uh actually they were two the more interest they were the first two questions I had I went through a lot of debates I went through like 14 15 debates then then we had the debate with h Krooked Hillary Clinton remember that one that that was pretty good doesn't remember that debate that was a pretty good one crooked Hillary she was a crooked one and uh we had uh what so uh so politics has been very never stops right that we had the debate last time with with sleepy Joe Biden how did he do he would SHP as attack I thought I would just like to say I thought you handled yourself so beautifully in that interview I have to be honest [Applause] but for many Americans who have watched as their family members have aged and have experienced dementia it was difficult to watch president Trump I think there were a lot of parents that were watching with their children and there was a moment when he had a very hard time collecting his thoughts and I just thought that you handled it with such Grace so thank you for that well I was a little I was a little surprised and you know I was surprised by a lot of things so I I came on the stage and I looked and he I you know I looked at him just for a brief moment because everybody didn't look at him I didn't want to look at him I was I was angry at him because I think he's done a horrible job for the country I think he's been the worst president we've ever had and that includes the worst vice president she's been rid the worst vice president and don't forget she was last in terms of getting the job you know she competed for his job and I think they had 22 people or something something and she was the first one to quit she she bombed and she quit and then all of a sudden she's now running and from my standpoint I I spent a $100 million fighting Joe Biden and even during the convention you know we're only talking about Biden Biden Biden and then we're not fighting him anymore we're fighting somebody else he got 14 million votes I'm not saying he should have G on but I think uh it seems unfair because a lot of people did a lot better than him like you had a person that came in second and third and fourth and you know it's Bernie Sanders actually essentially came in second place I guess right and uh so you'd say you know why aren't you doing a democratic process so you know give them some of their stuff they are a threat to democracy they say they are a threat to democracy so so she and she was also she was the nastiest person to him you remember she called him a racist uh the bus you remember the story the bus you know fake story probably what she also said I worked at McDonald's turned out she didn't work at McDon does anybody see that after an exhaustive study that took about 20 minutes they found out they found out she never worked there so you know there's a lot of fake stuff going on but we don't need that for a president and our country can't stand it we we are really in trouble we're a failing Nation whether you like it or not and I'm sure you don't like it but we are a very sick Nation we're a failing nation and on top of it we have millions of people in here that they can't we can't have them if they were great if it were but you're not going to have people where they're emptying the doors to jails and empting the doors to mental institutions where seriously sick people are coming into our country and you no country can stand this there's no country can stand it so I was not happy with him because you know I only did it cuz I went out the country you know I didn't need this I had a very nice life some of you know I see some of you in here you know you've known me for a long time long before politics I had a nice life but uh even running again if I thought he was good and I thought he was doing a good job I would have been happy but he's not he's doing a horrible job and you know he's been absent for a long time if you go back 25 years he wasn't The Brightest Bulb in the ceiling I can tell you that and he was not doing a job and and I told this and I meane I would have been happy if he were a great president and I wouldn't have run I wouldn't have run I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election I mean I think we won that election by so much by so much if I thought I lost if I thought I lost that election I absolutely would you know wouldn't have read cuz I would have lost election but I think we did phenomenally I mean honestly we got millions of more votes than we did in the first election we did great in the first one we won and I was we got 63 million votes in the first election I was told that we get 6 63 million votes same number there's no way we can be defeated I got 10 or 12 million votes more than that more than anybody had ever got we get the most votes of anybody of any sitting president in history and and he beat us by a whisker and it was a terrible thing they used Co to cheat and it was a terrible thing and then I watched and I thought it was very very sad because of you know the election was brought great division to the country but uh I watched and I saw how bad they were how bad things were I saw the border the open border and everything you know I found out about Tiffany I found out about the open border when we bu built hundreds of miles and then we had a little bit more that I was going to add because there were certain areas that you needed it and we had everything fabricated very expensive wall those walls are expensive they're steel concrete and rebar and they have a lot of wiring in them for all sorts of security equipment but but it's very expensive stuff it's exactly what border patrol wanted they have anti climb bars and everything on so we built we did them they it could have been erected in three weeks and they kept saying we're not going to do it we're not and then I realized they weren't going to do it and they sold bun of that wall for 5 cents of the dollar so you know that's when I realized they actually want open borders because you say to yourself who would want open borders think who would want Men playing in women's sports just think of this Stu think of this no but who would want that all the things Harris apparently yeah no she wants it you know you talk about like Horus I'm a big fan of Elon Elon gave me tremendous EMB good is you have to send a rocket up to get those people out of there it's great you know he's great I said what are you sending a rocket up well you know Elon is a very different kind of a guy as he thinks he talks whereas a lot of people you know they want the words to be perfect and all and they think less and talk more and with El it's like well you know I'm doing a new stainless steel Hub that can get us around the

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