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before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit it for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank Olo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at allrose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it or they they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Cala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terrorist committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $228,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Kamala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve safe Street secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy and the history hist of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War I and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jun is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue of the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this uh tampon Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded Healthcare not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal alien Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come illegally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare care and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front are they're tough as hell but you don't want to be an ice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let him stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marx's crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does any anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Camala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris because nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I hate to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into a thir when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up m massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent $100 million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible yeah but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent $ hundred million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has there been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our country with me I make a speech I speak for 2 hours everybody loves that I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands well if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she's going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race one easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied he said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job yeah what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction Justice David Viviano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran it a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United Auto Workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 3 years you're not going to have Auto Workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you had held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here I love you come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut out cut it out look at that cut it out let me he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe three years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country and the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh no it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more liquid gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably two three billion that's okay I don't care they said do you think you'd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right no these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that included China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way going to end up in World War through we this period of time better happen fast because we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was the night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mlan where's James James thank you James you look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is pusle where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you have medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $59 trillion of of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us steal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us steel is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entire SWS of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to storing electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before that closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we were going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country CU it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest bu it's like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in and one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every nine years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from newor New York six times and Sir they weigh 2 and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing because he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child the beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I'm got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen and build in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible sha Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now and 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big Market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody you're Heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to $187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will improve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anoir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that CU I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then CU now you have the Environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of a now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families cuz a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment B isar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon Jed all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they to the border of Patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no infl you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants them nobody want so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women's sports you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubl no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Camala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it imp impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes IL legal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private healthc care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants watch Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Camala Maga I don't think so get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by her actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Camala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office off these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened kamla killed their children just as though they had a done in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know him ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School Library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the board that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside side you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we deliver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they said Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women's sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was rageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6th goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being move why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job J you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you just a jam she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you in fact you would have bet everything you would have been 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Kamala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they put 1/8 of an oun on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar Tri you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see gu people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got past so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it's so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right now he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we we will rescue our class we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking cuz that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank all steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you going have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it all the They copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she has no what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as a about 3 days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future cu the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve safe Street secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy in the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this is in two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach in do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much now we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded Health Care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come illegally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and Drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front oh they're tough as hell but you don't want to be an nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we want [Applause] sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weit times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man in the street yard they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Kamala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Kamala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris because nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I hate to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into a thir when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the poles and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a $ hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent a $ hundred million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen and we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a state of the Union address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands Bo if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan Congress woman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one of he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race won easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those sing they can make him do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction Justice David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business so successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have aut workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you had held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here for I love you you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut it out look at that cut it out let me he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any aut work within 2 years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour or some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh no it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world they going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably 2 three billion that's okay I don't care they said you think he'd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people that sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast because we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was the night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you believ that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-looking guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is p L where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a few others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had a suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us steal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down enti Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before that closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have have they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're were going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's t you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to Electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is PIP inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved and in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under Cam's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plant will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every 9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good there but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing because he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payload is no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be Environ Al these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I'm got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen and build in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean they give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible sha Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now and 25 years ago it's it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half Within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to $187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Comm has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anir and Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road mapap very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then cuz now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade read kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the L reported not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know cuz I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby we'll be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but with going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families cuz a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment B desar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy but that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent to where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon Jed all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they tell the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these competent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and they're crying crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime with going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you what close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants them nobody wants so just sort of in concluding here's what what we know about comrade Camala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women's you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's an Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubled no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did Apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes IL legal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take get away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Cala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by your actions and we know know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love love them I got to know him ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Kamala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shell with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Kamal Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a prom motion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up weiver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car the we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they said Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell the sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women's sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it's starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you up just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you're in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Camala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they' put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar Tri you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says wow look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got passed so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it's so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right we'll rescue our class we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrill to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank allo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you can have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about 3 days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go 3 years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans Reserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy in the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much now we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue are the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded Health Care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front or they're tough as hell but you don't want to be an nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good now but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man under the street you they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is what the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Kamala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Kamala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris cuz nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I hate to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on with turning into it her when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alfons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a $ hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all whatever it takes but you know uh I spent a hundred million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they were he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has there been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contct with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves that I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands Bo if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where's Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she's going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respect people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race won easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas your next congressman and you're going to have a great Congress who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make him do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks sir thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction just as David Viviano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate it and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have order workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you had held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once un for he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut out cut it out look at that cut it out let me see he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk AC across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at had a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh no it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called a market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably 2 three billion that's okay I don't care they said do you think he'd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right no these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast CU we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took 28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was the night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believ that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is ply where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us deal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entir Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before the closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill right since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the big build just like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved and in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every nine years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business you supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had a just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesels right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls away they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so that we want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a pen PL in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the Union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now and 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going to we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to a187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy cost to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up The Cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anoir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all start to drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to do with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president got that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing kamla and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it for years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help working families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never know the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment bordar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he is really great Brandon J all these guys Paul all these guys they're they're incredible people but they talk the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War II I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost 4 years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women's sports you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie Sanders rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's an no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be trouble no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Kamala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes IL legal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flip-flops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let make her Maga will make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so get her well I'll send her a red hat without without magga on it we know by her actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families had asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know him ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Kamala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Cala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Cala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we we deliver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women women sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our election so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan Manu facturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible borders are you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you're in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Camala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they' put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got pass so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HR I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right rescue our class we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most to your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice States and I also want to thank allo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger you're better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding vote that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% and I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future cu the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bers are in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and A2 years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy in the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War II with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's they going to beat sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview inter it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue are the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this tampon Tim comes from [Applause] kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded healthc care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front or they're tough as hell but you don't want to be a nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street yeah they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Kamala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Kamala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris cuz nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I ha to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into it when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are Rigg too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a hundred million doll on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent $100 million on fighting him we we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friend L you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contct with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands well if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where's Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your State when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she's going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great MK he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race one easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the racist tide they said tide how the hell can it be tied so tide means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction just as David Viviano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate it and Brian pan Becker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United Auto Workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have order workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you had held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here I love come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut cut it out look at that cut it out he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know new numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now INX near right near the border in Mexico owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe three years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least [Applause] the UA members the UA members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into to work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your Pho manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably two three billion that's okay I don't care they said do you think you'd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right no these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way going to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast cuz we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was a he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people they said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-looking guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclen where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is POS humously where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that other than you and a few others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us deal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do with work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entire was of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that M and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LNG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build just like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved and in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented them said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every N9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible short of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartment in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh 2 and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had just a little child saying and he's not so little he's that big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I got to be the automobile manufacturing president to you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen and build PL in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now and 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to $187 had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red Tech we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anoir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake taer was very fair you know I was I ECT I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto social security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatment fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion comma Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment borders our Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug deals they're sending us there people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon jet all these guys Paul all these guys they're they're incredible people but they to the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it it is in Venezuela do you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War II I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over INF the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women's sports you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in indiaan no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubl no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry bahas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which she knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicine and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga we make I don't think so does anybody want to make Camala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by her actions and We Know by her in action we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Camala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did that made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families had asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened kamla killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent beer bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know him ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refus to prosecute pedophiles who m Ed children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your [Applause] body all of us to today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make a America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got but believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police bu a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry here I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women's sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day vote one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that once men in women's sports you see the boxing in the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you up just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again Bing she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punch the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you're in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Kamala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago that put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got passed so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right rescue our class we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody [Music] thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank Olo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes I think great company and congrat congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Cala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be nice they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policy household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Kamala has made middle class life un affable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy and the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War II with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't to army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states world it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue are the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded healthc care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all legal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front are they're tough as hell but you don't want to be a nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set if you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways they pronouncing it right but Cala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris because nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I ha to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into with her when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the Environ he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are riged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent $100 million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was a greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent $100 million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before for and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make a speech I speak for 2 hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands boy if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where's Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race won easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you doing well Tom good running against somebody is not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied he said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction Justice David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much toor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 3 years you're not going to have aut workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you'd held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow Electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supp the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here I love come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut cut it out look at that [Laughter] he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started constru ruction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least some place in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably two three billion that's okay I don't care they said you think you'd do it again and that's the least of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right no these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast because we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was a night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people they said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-looking guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is pusle where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in battle and then you have Medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record t tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab it came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended end up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us steel is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entir was of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to determinate everything I was doing and the the price were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a w it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in hon Texas so for like partic into the air take a m and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country cuz it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build it's like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside they said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in and one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every nine years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has Frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to Cali California from New York six times and Sir they weigh 2 and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing because he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had a just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I'm got to be the automobile manufacturing president to you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen build in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean they give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Sean Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now and 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going to we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half your gasoline I had it down to a187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anoir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then cuz now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy social security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will'll be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families cuz a lot of families can't use it and a lot of the same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they caused the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla haris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never name the borders AAR yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment bordar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug deals they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon Jed all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they to the border of Patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going away down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela do you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Camala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women's sports you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's an Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubl no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian and getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to poas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy C person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Kamala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she well let's make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Cala Maga I don't think so get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by her actions and We Know by her in action we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did made up my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know him ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rap and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor interner City kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shelves with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle less nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have you back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car the we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that ter but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women's sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approv that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November six goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Camala comrade you doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border paty you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left J just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Cala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18yearold record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and look at you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize a person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got passed so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's said is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete hook I'm glad I remember to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right our econ will rescue our we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that no nobody can believe it I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for it the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody uh thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank Olo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Road steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic night mayor will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American American Dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policy household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about 3 days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for 3 and A2 years she only wants to talk about the future cuz the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst borders are in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy and the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War I and you know with the power of weap I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is that a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radical on that issue are the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising commun style price controls free taxpayer funded healthc care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front oh they're tough as hell but you don't want to be a nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we want [Applause] sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good now but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she he was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Cala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris because nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Camala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into it there when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a $ hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent a hundred million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands Bo if I were a Democrat they'd say he's a greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great m he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race won easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as B is the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 Democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction just as David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved to his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate it and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have order workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you'd held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you wait stay here for a I love you come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut it out cut it out look at that cut it out let me see he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any aut workers within 2 years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour or some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street got he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably 2 three billion that's okay I don't care they said do you think youd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way going to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast because we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was the night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people they said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-looking guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is ply where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a few others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us deal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entir Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so like partic into the air take a that M and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country cuz it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green news scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took off as more than 50 power play plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it open those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest builds like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen and all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represent him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Co fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every 9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir there don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge in every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I saidwell when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had a just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these count countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I'm got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen build in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now in 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy cost and half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half your gasoline I had it down to a187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all start to drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map ni know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then cuz now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call them fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral with that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana bash's uh interview in Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will'll be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of the same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they caused the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment borders our Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he is really great Brandon Jed all these guys Paul all these guys they're they're incredible people but they talk the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because thean was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in including here is what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in wom sport you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubled no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Camala but nobody knows Camala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the states allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology ology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Cala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she well let's make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by your action and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made at my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know them ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember defund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Cala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Cala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as vice president of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have you back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion end migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell the sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women's sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get do Supreme Court approve that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so there our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border Psy you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing a left J just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Camala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they' put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt gamberling but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got passed so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take out of the all right no we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete H I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right will rescue our we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe it I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for it the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital cap of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody oh thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank allo steel CEO Randy dck just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all rad steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you can have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream what was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest EST numbers in history right now as about 3 days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and A2 years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast you workers like you and communities like they should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy in the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president shei of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's what everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue of the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this tampon Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded Health Care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come and to our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front or they're tough as hell but you don't want to be a nice you don't want to walk into M 13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you m Mur somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street yard they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Kamala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris cuz nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I hate to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into it when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent a hundred million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves that I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trum cigar great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands well if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she's going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race one easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas your next congressman and you have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for pole we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction just David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate and Brian pan Becker who's like a friend of mine this guy where where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United Auto Workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have Auto Workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that You' held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here for I love you come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut it out cut it out look at that cut it out let me see he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any aut workers within two years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want it but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I is gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably 2 three billion that's okay I don't care they said you think you do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast cuz we have nobody running our country we have nobody here at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was a night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented so everything good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is ply where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and other often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being so to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us deal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entire Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially ban drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they ever a one it's all good but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill right since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend 16 billion these are the biggest build it's like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him so I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all cold fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you're like having to replace the windmills every 9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our PLS just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small pay load because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had a just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payload is no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a pen come and build plant in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he's so sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now in 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to a187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy cost nacy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrad Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new IND industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been Maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese own electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of a now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she's going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't go on fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they caus the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never know the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment bordar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them free housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon jet all these guys Paul all these guys they're they're incredible people but they talk the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War II I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you what close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women sport you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie Sanders rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in India no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be trouble no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible possible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms government is paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Cala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by her actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and let last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these uh prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know them ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting vice president of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody oh all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your [Applause] body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up we deliver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell the sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore we're going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border Psy you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing in the Olympics two transitioned people they transition from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Cala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they'd put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18yearold record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar try okay you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says wow look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got past so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right we rescue our CL we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the go everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice States and I also want to thank Olo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream what was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be nice they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Kamala cast the deciding votes that cause the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $333,000 per family the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst Bazar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Kamala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go 3 years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong da where has she been for 3 and A2 years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy and the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call in inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War I and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much and we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue of the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes from [Applause] kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded healthc care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front are they're tough as hell but you don't want to be a nice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more pain they killed two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time EUR old fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just K I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street yard they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Kamala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Kamala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris cuz nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there right say tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into a when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent $100 million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they were he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make it speech I speak for 2 hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands well if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where's Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race one easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction Jus as David Viviano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much toor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United Auto Workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have aut workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that You' held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here for I love you come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut out cut it out look at that cut it out he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know of you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in mexic near right near the border in Mexico owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe three years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you w but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time y but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine bills plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably two three billion that's okay I don't care they said you think he do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way way going to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast cuz we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was a night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at them got that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is ply where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that came in other than you and a few others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended nap are the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once covid came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of woan on the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel indust also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us steal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do what whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entir Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they ever a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than sodi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green new scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took off his more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from Electric electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build just like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had his pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you're like having to replace the windmills every nine years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartmentss in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh 2 and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge in every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing because he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payload is no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a pen come and build plant in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now in 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody you're heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to a dollar r 7 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will Flash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we we going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anoir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took him a year and a and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of a now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake taer was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing kamla and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on social security benefit right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they caus the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment B AAR Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us there people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world uh Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great Brandon Jud all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they talk the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela do you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I was listen I wish I wasn't and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here's what we know about comrade Camala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class drug struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's an Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubl no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's po Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Kamala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes a legal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga we make I don't think so does anybody want to make Camala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by her actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Camala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there it was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families had asked me to be there as they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these uh prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened kamla killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incomp competent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know them ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refus to prosecute pedop files who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as vice president of the United State she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up with taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to seea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment re when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing in the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you up just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't tell it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Camala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago they put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18 year old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and okay you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says wow look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away fact it was very sad they got pass so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right we rescue our CL we'll put America First and we will make America great again we go going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the go everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan the nice State and I also want to thank all steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes H I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be next they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Kamala cast the deciding votes that cause the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of the typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future cuz the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst Bazar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fastk workers like you in communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy in the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War I and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bed we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much now we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's where everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue of the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded healthc care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal aliens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into our country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front or they're tough as hell but you don't want to be an ice you don't want to walk into MS13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they killed two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and Force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to do that I think pretty good now but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man in the street yard they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Cala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris because nobody knows who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Cala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into a thir when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alfons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the environs he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied Todd you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a $100 million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen 2 days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent $100 million on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing badly you got to get out they were he was losing by a lot but they went up to him they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has there been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a he St the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our country with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump's a great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people now we got thousands and thousands boy if I were a democ rat that say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw Paul where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race won easily he had my endorsment that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those poll sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric nbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction Justice David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi tutor she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much Tor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 3 years you're not going to have order workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please thank you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that You' held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put mandates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking every everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it once unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you stay here I love come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy C cut it out look at that shut it out let me he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe three years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go and tour some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country thank you the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was gone they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric car but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going to all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think he's great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Tamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I lost billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably 2 three billion that's okay I don't care they said you you think you'd do it again and that's the least out of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can to end up in World War I we this period of time better happen fast CU we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was the night he made his brilliant speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talk talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people they said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something's good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him that that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did what he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is poisly where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in batt and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and a others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake a lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had never gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us deal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entire SWS of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they have a one it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have is they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so for like partic into the air take a that M and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country CU it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green news scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill since Harris took off his more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had is pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved in in one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represent him so I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and they're just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fire power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every 9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plants just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they're all work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have Lov some of these apartments I said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I saidwell when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child a beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had a just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payloads no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I'm going to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a [Applause] pen and build in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Shan Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now in years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs and half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to a187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy costy to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which Comm red Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new industries that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling them up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get get anare in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road mapap very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she is going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter was we see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't go I'm fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know because I know people in that party too they're going to add 5 years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our efforts to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he really doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing in a IAL Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never name the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment Bazar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them Free Housing and groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he is really great Brandon Jud all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they to the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela did you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I was and be careful with World War II I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close October 7th would have never happened because Iran was broke with me they had no money for Hezbollah they had no money for Hamas Russia would have never ever attacked Ukraine we would have had no inflation you wouldn't have had that horrible embarrassing mess that horrible horrible mess in Afghanistan so many things this country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants so just sort of in concl here is what we know about comrade Camala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost 4 years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care here she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in run the sport you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie Sanders rated number one she makes Pocahontas look like a conservative you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in India no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be troubled no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to Pocahontas for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Camala but nobody knows Camala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she could couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which he knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for it people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Camala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga we'll make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by your actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incredible service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time it was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there I was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of the prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed the their children by incompetence should have never happened kamla killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one general or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know them ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens remember to fund the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Cala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Cala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as vice president of the uned United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up weiver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford grow iies a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of Hungary he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approved that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6 goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Camala comrade you're doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible bordar you're not a bordar you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing and the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing I left you up just a JB she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Camala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago theyd put 1/8 of an ounce on each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try okay you mean like this oh they beat it by like like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they're Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see gu people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt chamber but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got passed so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what's sad is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election I he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right we'll rescue our we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe and I can do it so easily we were all set to do it and then we had the the covid disaster come in from and we did a great job never got the credit for the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking cuz that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody uh thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan nice State and I also want to thank Olo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Rose steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes huh I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you have even better I'm here here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic nightmare will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream when was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be ni they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Cala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about 3 days ago the highest number in history now Camala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future because the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Cala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it great again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go 3 years and now they say oh we're going to do this this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20 million people many of them hor horrible criminals my vision is for a middle class that is once again the Envy of the entire world it's going to happen it's going to happen fast thank you workers like you and communities like this should be able to afford a nice house a new car and a growing family on a single income all while enjoying the highest standard of living on Earth right thank you Americans deserve Safe Streets secure borders Great Schools healthy children bustling factories and a nation that is confident and a nation that is strong that's the future that I intend to deliver and I will deliver and you had the best economy and the history of our country just a short while ago and now you have what they call inflation what that has done to this country and frankly they've done also worse and you're going to end up in World War III with these people I'll tell you what we've never been so close to World War II and you know with the power of weapons I always say this isn't two army tanks running back and forth shooting at each other the power of weapons today very dangerous very bad we have people we don't even do we have a president he just got back from California he was supposed to go to the white house he never got there he went to Delaware and he's laying on a beach sleeping all day long no no seriously who the hell wants to sleep and who wants to sleep in public he's sleeping do you think president she of China is at a beach sleeping do you think Kim Jong-un is sleeping from North Korea with his nuclear weapons all over the place they don't sleep so much now we have a guy sleeping and she's look she's incompetent she can't do an interview it's been months she can't I just did an interview backstage was a very terrible person but she was okay actually NBC fake news it was NBC fake news she asked me about all sorts of things she asked me about abortion and I handled it very nicely because you know what that's so overplayed we have abortion we have the whole thing brought back into the states where it belongs that's what everybody wanted it for years and years and years and they're voting on it and I happen to believe in the exceptions Ronald Reagan did for life of the mother rape incest the exceptions probably 90% of the people do but you know the uh I was just telling this reporter the real problem and the real radicals on that issue of the Democrats where you can have an abortion in the ninth month and in Six States you're allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born and you know one of those States is Minnesota where this ton Tim comes [Applause] from Kill the baby after the baby's born so that's no longer abortion that's called called execution right you're allowed to execute the baby after the baby they're the radical Cala is promising communist style price controls free taxpayer funded Health Care not that you going to want nobody in this room is going to want it for all illegal alens Mass amnesty and citizenship for the millions and millions of migrants she lets in she wants to give citizenship to people that have come here illegally they didn't come through the system you know we want people to come into country but they have to come in Legally right they have to come in Legally we're taking people that are murderers and drug dealers and she wants to give them amnesty I tell you I don't I don't get it but all of this will destroy Medicare and will destroy your Social Security she called for the abolition of ice you know ice these are great Patriots these are tough people I'm looking at some of these people right in the front are they're tough as hell but you don't want to be an nice you don't want to walk into MS 13 gangs and start slugging it out these guys are seriously tough and they love our country you know somebody's got to do it I took them out by the thousands now they don't want to take them out anymore they want to let ice the worst gang probably in the world the meanest the nastiest they slice up people with knives they'd rather use a knife than a gun because it's more it's more painful they kill two young students walking to school two beautiful young 16-year-old girls walking to school they sliced them up in Long Island and they want to let these people stay and we're not going to let them stay we [Applause] want sponsored a bill to blow up the entire US Health Care system and force every American into a socialist government run program with rationing and deadly weight times you go there and they say yeah that's good we're going to be all set for you come back in 3 months she endorsed a 70 to 80% tax rate increase look at this she thinks the rate actually the rate could be as much as 80% she says I'll think about that well I won't think about it okay I won't think about anywhere near it in fact we're going for a tax cut you know we gave you the biggest tax cut in history and that gave us tremendous numbers of jobs and we actually took in more income the following year after the cut because our country was booming like it had never boomed before she supports abolishing cash bail so that when you murder somebody oh don't worry about it you're free to go no cash no nothing and then they go murder somebody else and in some cases much more than one person and she endorsed the Marxist crusade to defund the police do you know that she was the leader of the defund the police does anybody in Michigan you almost I said why don't I just walk up I don't have to waste a lot of time you're all fans right is anybody here not going to vote for Trump I'm just good I raise your hand if you have the courage to to do that I think pretty good no but you know I said why do I have to make a speech all I have to do is say she was the leader of the defund the police movement and then I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and leave because when you hear that no she's a Marxist her father's a Marxist he's a Marxist Professor it's very nice this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom that's what it's about and nobody nobody really knows her they they were doing something the man on the street they said you know Harris everyone's saying who the hell is Harris nobody knows who Harris is once the vice president's name they have no idea what the name is now the name Cala is it's a little complex because about 19 different ways of pronouncing it right but Cala is uh at least it's a name you sort of remember you can't use Harris cuz nobody knows who who the hell Harris is who's Harris we want somebody they know and you know one of the reasons they don't know she did a lousy job she was considered the worst vice president in history I don't know who does this stuff but she was considered the worst Camala will turn America into a third world country will happen it's already getting there I hate to tell you when you look at our borders when you look at our elections our rigged elections when you look at all the crap that's going on we're turning into it when you look at how they go weaponized against me by doing absolutely nothing wrong I got indicted I think nine different times nine times I never even knew what an indictment was for my whole life all of a sudden the last year I think I had nine indictments far more than alons Capone who was quite well known in Chicago and the Environ he liked killing people but he had nothing like me nine times you know and every time they see me going up in the polls and we're leading in the polls and I think we're leading by a lot you know the polls the polls are rigged too the polls are rigged too you know they say uh Donald Trump is tied tied you know we were up massively by Biden how would you like to be me I spent a hundred million on beating Biden we had a debate and everybody said this guy's shot they never give me credit they say he was shot maybe I did a good job somebody said that was the greatest debate performance I've ever said and then you know what that I've ever seen said it was a CNN person said this is the single greatest debate performance I've ever seen two days later they forgot about that they said he was terrible you know but that's all right whatever it takes but you know uh I spent a $ hundred million do on fighting him we weren't fighting anyone else we weren't fighting a vice president we didn't even know who the hell she was and then all of a sudden they say Joe you're losing bad you got to get out they were he was losing by a lot but they went up to him and they said get out that's like you're in a fight and you have a fighter and he's doing great and they say listen we're going to take the opponent out we're going to throw another guy in to finish it off it's that's what they did really it's never been done before and you know she was last online and she came in last she I think there were like 22 people she was the first one to get out and she got out she had no votes she had no votes she went to was supposed to go to Iowa she quit before Iowa that was the first state she never made it to Iowa and now she's running and what about those other 20 or so people they did much better than her and they're saying they're sitting home watching television but you know they're having a big discussion now because they don't understand why she refuses to sit down for just an interview and they've got a lot of friendly you know it's much easier being a Democrat because you see all the fake news back there if you're a Democrat they say he just gave the greatest speech that we've ever heard not since FDR has been a speech I saw this with Biden he made a State of the Union Address it was so bad oh it was so bad I saw her make a speech it was so bad and after they get off this was one of the greatest performances we've ever seen in our contract with me I make a speech I speak for two hours everybody loves it I got thousands of people by the way outside trying to get in I never they never said Trump are great speaker I don't even want that but I must be a great speaker right I must we got thousands of people no we got thousands and thousands boy if I were a Democrat they' say he's the greatest that ever lived he made Abraham Lincoln look like nothing but no I don't care about that I care about winning for our country I care about making America great again and that's what we're going to do so we're pleased to be joined today by some really great uh winners Champions Patriots and one of them is Lisa mlan congresswoman where is Lisa hi Lisa you are doing amazing I'll said don't be fooled by her she's a very nice person but she's brutal when it comes to your state when it comes to jobs right Lisa and she's proud of it too yep she is thank you great job and another man that I uh picked out of a large group I said this guy's got what it takes he's a highly respected person he's running for the US Senate and I think he's going to win I just saw a poll where he's leading by a little bit it's not an easy race it's not an easy race but the other one is going to be just a disaster she going to vote everything that whoever it would be except me they won't but we hopefully we're not going to need it but she's a disaster Mike Rogers is one of of the most respected people in Washington and he will be I believe your next Senator great M he's one he is actually one of the most respected people in Washington and he came out of a large group of Republicans that all wanted the same job and he really did a he ran a great ran a great race one easily he had my endorsement that helped but he did he won easily and uh he's got great gravitas uh your next congressman and you're going to have a great congressman who I think is going to win Tom Barrett Tom thank you Tom great job I heard you're doing well Tom good running against somebody that's not good not good for your state not good for our country Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall are we going to win Matt that's he gave me a good summary I said you're going to win sir you know they have these fake polls they're almost as bad as the fake writers the fake news we interviewed 49 democrats for a poll we interviewed 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans you know it's a little thing on the B I'm surprised they even put it they probably must be a law but they put it 49 Democrats and 21 Republicans and the race is tied they said tied how the hell can it be tied so tied means I'm leading by like 14 or 15 points I don't know but it's fake news it's just it's it's as bad it's as bad as they are with a pen I'm telling you it's really bad they can make those polls sing they can make them do whatever they want Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric Nesbit Eric thank you great job what a beautiful young daughter what a beautiful young daughter great thanks Eric thanks very much we also have some people of great distinction just as David vivano is here with us David thank you David highly respected Justice thank you David uh judge Patrick ogrady Patrick is here someplace where's Patrick another one highly respected so whatever you're doing keep keep it going good and tutor Dixon who really ran at a good [Music] race where is tutor well hi t she's a great person loves this loves this state and loves the workers I I knew her father her father was in the steel business successful guy I knew him as he was leaving our planet right leaving he was very sick and leaving but he loved his daughter he loved his he was so proud of you so he's up there watching thank you very much toor appreciate and Brian pannebecker who's like a friend of mine this guy where is is he where's Brian where where is he do you want to come up do you come on up here Brian this guy he thinks the United aut workers have the worst leader and that they're crazy they're going to be driven out of business all the business is going to China within 2 three years you're not going to have order workers in this if they vote for Trump we're going to we're going to bring in factories at levels that you've never seen before we're going to get the Auto Workers jobs back like it was 30 years ago and 40 years ago before everybody left we're going to get it back at levels that you've never seen Brian say hello please than you thank you Mr President and uh the last time you called me up on stage in Grand Rapids it was the first uh rally that you had held since the assassination attempt and I honestly I was speechless but tonight I want to say a couple things real briefly I represent the Auto Workers for Trump organization which was a Facebook group I started that group I started that group thank you there's some Auto Workers here I'm sure Lancing got a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of them have lost their jobs listen Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once but if we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government they're going out of business again we got to fight against that and this guy standing right here is the only person who will do it we cannot allow the federal government to put man Ates on the Auto industry to build electric vehicles when the consumers do not want them so I'm asking everybody I'm asking Auto Workers and I'm asking everybody that supplies the Auto industry get 10 or 15 of your friends make sure they get out and vote our very uh survival depends on it and we can't allow it to happen so vote Trump and JD Vance and we'll turn this country around he's done it unfortunately he's going to have to go back and do it again thank you here I love you come here you know as he's speaking look at the arms of this guy cut cut it out look at that cut it out he's really great and a real Patriot and it's true you know they're building I don't know if you know numerous of the biggest Auto plants in the world right now in Mexico near right near the border in Mexico uh owned by China they think they're going to build the cars and send them in and with this Administration they won't even know what's happening they'll take every single job you're not going to have any Auto Workers within two years maybe 3 years nobody's going to be making cars here I told them if you do that we're going to put tariffs on at 200 250% you're never going to sell one car in this country and they didn't build them and then as soon as I left because of a bad situation that happened cuz we did great in this state too yeah you want but a bad situation that happened corrupt bad situation you have to keep your eyes open this time but you know they use Co to cheat very simple they use Co to cheat but I told them I said you do it you're not going to sell any cars as soon as I was gone they started construction and they're almost finished and that's going to wipe you out they're the biggest plants anywhere in the world my friend of mine builds plants and I think he's building these I said I want to see some big plants I want to go on tour or some of the big Auto plants that's all he does honestly he's a great guy can't walk across the street he can build a plant like nobody he said sir you're going to have to come to Mexico I said no I want to see one in the United States he said the big ones are being built in Mexico that's no good and we're not going to let it happen we're not going to they can build their plant they're not going to have any cars coming into this country if they want to build a plant they can they're going to build it in Michigan or at least someplace in our country the UAW members the UAW members realize this now and I'm doing a rally at a different Auto Plant every week I started in June we're going to go all the way to November and we're talking to the Auto Workers as they come off their shift and go into work and 70 or 80% of them are voting for Donald Trump because they know their jobs depend on it thank you wow that guy's he's a dynamic guy isn't he huh now it's uh really look I didn't know Brian he just knows that you know we had four great years but I got an award years ago in Michigan I got man of the year long time ago in fact the fake news said I never got it I never got it I made it up I didn't make it up and then they found out I actually did get it I was lucky they found out who it was it was like a chamber of commerce someplace and I gave a whole speech this was probably 15 years ago 17 years ago I gave a speech on why are you letting them steal your auto manufacturing business and it only got worse and worse and worse then I stopped it and then uh as soon as I was G they let it happen and these plants that are being built all around the world are going to take all of your business and I'm a big fan of electric cars but they're limited they don't go far they're very expensive and they're going all be made in China because they have the material but we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than anybody else it's called gasoline for what we talk about and we want to build gasoline propelled cars but we also want to build hybrids and we want to build electric cars you know Elon Musk I think is great and he endorsed me very strongly I said listen you know I'm all for electric cars but not all of them because they really don't go far yet but they're incredible the job he's done and the job that others have done are great and it's called a market you have to be able to buy what you want to buy there'll be another form of car they talk about hydrogen now they talk about all sorts of things but it's called the market but we can't do that they want to put and like immediately all electric cars but we don't have enough electricity to supply ourselves right now you go out to California who which was destroyed by Kamala destroyed she destroyed the city of San Francisco it's and I own a big building there it's no I shouldn't talk about this but that's okay I don't give a damn because this is what I'm doing I should say it's the finest city in the world selling get the hell out of there right but I can't do that I don't care you know I love billions billions of dollars you know somebody said what do you think he lost I said probably two three billion that's okay I don't care they said you think he do it again and that's the least out of of it nobody they always say that uh I don't know if you know Lincoln was horribly treated uh Jefferson was pretty horribly Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all that he was treated worse than any other president and I said do that study again because I think there's nobody close to Trump I even got shot and who the hell knows where that came from right now these are bad people they're sick people you know we have people on the outside the countries but if you have a smart president the countries will be an asset not a liability that includes China that includes Russia if you have a smart president but we don't have a smart president right now by the way can to end up in World War through we this period of time better happen fast because we have nobody running our country we have nobody at the Resolute desk there's nobody the two of them she's no good and he's sleeping in fact I'm going to go back to the name for him sleepy Joe instead of crooked Joe did you see they found last week Brian he took $28 million they say he stole his family took 28 million and nothing happened there was a night he made his Brillion speech which was all about Trump you know everything they do they talk about Trump they talk about Trump I think 347 times they talked about the Border once they talked about crime twice they talked about all of the things that you should be talking about not at all but they talk about Trump and uh look we did something that they're very angry about we beat somebody that should have been beaten in an election that we weren't anticipated to win but I thought we were going to win because I came to Michigan the night before we had 49,000 people she came to Michigan the night before because she was told she may lose it and this was an upset so they had a fast tour she had like 300 people I said why would we lose we had the crowd you wouldn't have believed that half of you were probably there but we're also joined by a very incredible service member I presented him with a thing called the Congressional Medal of Honor and he is a fantastic man and he's a good-look guy I don't know he looks better than he did when I presented something good he's doing good specialist five James mclan where's James James thank you James look good good head of hair look at him that that good Irish Scottish whatever hair look at that guy stand up just stand up come here I'm proud of him I wouldn't have done what he did I know what he did why he did I always say there are two Awards is the Medal of Honor and often times is pisle where you know they're they're not there often times they've died in battle and then you medal and I always say I'd rather get the presidential medal because the guys that come in other than you and others often times they've suffered greatly right they've suffered greatly or they're not around but it's our highest award and it's an honor to have you here and I'm very proud that I was able to give you the award Thanks James in four short years under my leadership we passed record tax cuts record regulation cuts and built the greatest economy in the history of the world I ended NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made you people had to suffer with it for years and replaced it with the US MCA that's Mexico and Canada which they say is the best trade deal ever made actually the best deal I made probably was with China but I don't talk about it because once Co came in that was the end of China once they did that to the world not to us to the whole world $ 59 trillion of of Damages and millions and millions of people and it should have it came out of Wuhan the lab came out of the labs and uh that's where I said it came from and it was incompetence it was a mistake I believe it was a mistake lot of people don't think so a lot of people think they did it because I was getting hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs from China you know no president had ever gotten anything from China I got hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and saved a lot of jobs by doing that because they ended up not being able to do what they were doing and I saved the steel industry also as you know those are the guys that like me the most but now I see us steel the great us steel us steel is being sold to Japan I don't like that can you imagine us deal that would have been that was one that was the greatest company in the world 70 years ago 60 something years ago us steal is going to be sold to Japan I wouldn't let it happen I wouldn't I just wouldn't let it happen such a big Benchmark that shouldn't be going to Japan they should rebuild it they should do whatever they have to do would work with them would make it great again just like we're going to make our country great again under Cala we are rapidly approaching economic and social catastrophe most Americans are unaware that Harris and Biden have been shutting down entir Wass of our energy and electricity infrastructure without replacing it or even talking about it leading to Soaring electrical prices and energy prices and also an energy shortfall like we've never had before they're closing down things that are that shouldn't be closed down this week Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million Acres of public lands so what they did is when they came in what caused inflation other than their spending which was a big factor but it's energy because they came in and they wanted to terminate everything I was doing and the the prices were going through the roof for gasoline and everything so they said put it back put it back so it all came back or most of it came back maybe not to the same but pretty close they said go back you know after the election if they ever W it's all gone but what they don't say is they'll say oh but we have the similar to Trump and that's sort of true but what they don't have they don't have anoir they gave up anoir the biggest site anywhere in the world in Alaska that I got done Ronald Reagan couldn't get it done but really most importantly what they don't have is we were going to be four to five times bigger by now so when they say they had it back they only had it back to where I was we were going to have so much energy coming out out of the ground so much liquid gold we're going to pay off debt we're going to reduce your taxes further I mean we have more than we have more Liquid Gold than Saudi Arabia we have more than Russia and we were going to use it and you know where we're getting a lot of our energy now Venezuela which isn't even I mean it's tar you know that it's tar and you know where it's refined there's only one plant in the entire world that can do it happens to be in Houston Texas so like partic into the air take a that mess and we have clean beautiful stuff you can I mean we have the best we have the best and we have the most and we don't use it we go to electric or we go to something else uh you almost say do they hate our country because it's so incompetent do they hate our country the first thing I will do to make middle class life dramatically more affordable is to end kamala's war on American Energy terminate her green news scam and drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill right since Harris took office more than 50 power plants have been shut down many of these were great plants but they didn't like the way they were fueled up you know many of them are needed to create electricity it's like it comes from some it starts from somewhere it doesn't start from electricity and by the way just a little side note so AI is a big deal for us to compete successfully with China and others on AI we're going to need twice the electricity that we currently produce can you believe that we're not going to be even close the only guy that can do that is a guy like me I opened up plants I opened up two plants in Louisiana that went through 14 years LG plants they went through 14 years of approvals and were turned down I got it done in one day one day we got it opened those owners whoever they were they were actually people going to spend $16 billion these are the biggest build it's like the Empire State Building on its side times three the longest biggest buildings you've ever seen all they had his pipes inside I said what the hell kind of a building is this but you know what billions of dollars and they got turned down I got it approved and and one of them one day the owner or the head of the company couldn't believe it he said I got a call I guarantee you a consultant somewhere that represented him said I did a great job I didn't speak to Consultants I just got it done and now they're up and they're they're roaring and just fantastic under camel's radical power plant rule issued by the EPA all Coal Fired power plants will be forced to close in the next few years what are you going to do gutting more than one six of the power and really we're going to go to a very weak form of producing power they don't have we don't have energy that can power up those big massive plants that we need including the ones right here in Michigan you don't have the energy wind is wonderful if you like high cost if you like having to replace the windmills every 9 years you know they wear out and they're very intermittent and they do kill a hell of a lot of birds if you want to see a lot of dead birds go to a windmill and just look underneath you'll see birds all over the place same rule has frozen virtually all new investment in large natural gas projects setting us up for a horrible shortage of at least 30% of our electrical grid capacity in the future so we're going to have much less in the future we're closing down all our plans just like trucks they want they want you to make electric trucks and the truckers come to see me sir they don't work one man had 29,000 he said I started with nothing I have 29,000 trucks he said I'd buy trucks and every year they got better they got more efficient they got stronger they got more beautiful I started building apartments in the back of the cabs right you know what that is he said sir you're rich but you would have loved some of these apartments I said said no thanks but that's okay no it's beautiful this stuff is fantastic we had four or five companies I said which one did the best he said they all do good sir but now they want us to go to electric trucks and I'll have to stop six times on the way to California from New York six times and Sir they weigh two and a half times more than a gasoline or than a diesel power truck I said so what does that mean he said that means you're going to have to rebuild every bridge and every major roadway in the country country just because of the weight and they're very inefficient and the battery is much bigger than the tank and he was telling me the battery would take up at least half of the area right now that they use for hauling I said so when you tell people like that you'd have to rebuild every bridge in America that you'd have to rebuild the roads that you the tank that you have to stop six times from New York to California he said with a load of diesel a good truck can go all the way and even start their way back that's how good it is and he said this was amazing cuz he said it right from the heart he said if they make us do this I'll be out of business we'll all be out of business your supply chain will be a disaster but if they made us do this every year that I bought a truck it was better they got better better better we will have gone back 70 or 80 years we'll have trucks that don't go far we'll have trucks that don't work well we'll have trucks that can carry a very small payload because of the size of the batteries and the weight so I said well when you tell these officials this what do they say they say we don't care you're going all electric so if you had a child let's see do we have any children if you had a child the beautiful boy in the green shirt if you had just a little child saying and he's not so little he's a big boy he's going to be a big one but but if you said to a child it doesn't go far it weighs too much the payload is no good and lots of other problems and they're much more expensive he would say let's stay with diesel right these guys say we don't care then they want to make our army tanks you know all electric and the problem is they don't go far they're the wrong torque and you know where they want the battery cuz the battery is massive they want you to like you pull a wagon a child pulls a they want to build a wagon at the back so it pulls the battery along so they want to be environmentally friendly as we blast our way into a country that we hate right we want to take on these countries and be environmentally friend these people are deranged they're deranged people I will be the American Energy president I'll be a president for a lot I got to be the automobile manufacturing president too you watch and it won't even be hard I can do it with a pen come and build plant in the United States preferably here but come in and build your plants in the United States of America and if you don't you're not allowed to sell cars here and we're going to tax you at 150 or 200% I did that with steel and people are going to flow in and the head of your union who's absolutely terrible I mean they give him an IQ test I mean this guy doesn't know what is happening he's horrible Sean Fain he's horrible what a terrible job he sold out the union and they automatically endorse you know they automatically endorse democrats for many many years but if you look at your car industry now in 25 years ago it's like a different world you've just uh what you've lost is so bad we can get it all back we can get so much of it back because you're still the big market and that's why we have to do it fast because we have to remain the big Market the way we're going with this country we're not going we're going to lose that we're going to lose our currency values we're going to lose the dollar standard if we lose the dollar standard that's like losing a war if we don't have the go dollar standard we are a third world country my goal will be to cut your energy costs in half within 12 months after taking office so we can do that if you have the oil supply which we have more than anybody your heating and air conditioning electricity gasoline all can be cut down in half you gasoline I had it down to $187 I had moments when it was much lower than that to achieve this rapid reduction in energy cost to allow us to dramatically increase energy production generation and Supply which comrade Camala has destroyed she's destroyed [Applause] it starting on day one I will approve new drilling new pipelines new refineries new power plants new reactors and we will slash the red tape we will get the job done we will create more electricity also for these new indust indes that can only function with massive electricity and we'll get it done and nobody else is even going to come to us they won't even try and they if they did try nothing would happen under President Trump America's future will be energy abundance energy Independence and soon we will be energy dominant we're going to be dominant much more so than Russia you know we started off number three by the time I left we were number one by a lot and we were going to be doubling and tripling that come up the cutting of anoir was a shame Ronald Reagan tried to get it he couldn't get it every president they all tried to get anir in Alaska I got it it's they think the size of Alaska in terms of what's under there and uh in the first week in office he terminated it I got it all done they were all started drilling took them a year and a half they got everything perfect they were all starting in Alaska to drill and what a shame that is anoir could have been Maybe maybe the biggest site in the world but we're going to get it back it'll be back very quickly I promise you that cuz I know the road map I I've know that road map very well people said I can't believe you got n War Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody could get it and it was easier then because now you have the environmental stuff at levels that you know nobody's ever seen before much of it to stop us from making progress I will also stop Chinese owned electric vehicle battery companies from coming to Michigan and stealing our intellectual property our workers knowledge and then sending it back to communist China we're not going to let that happen we're not going to let that happen every part of comrade kamla's economic plan looks like it was written for her by the Chinese Communist party it actually looks much of her now in all fairness she did an interview today she didn't want to go in alone how do you think president she's going to deal with us oh he's just he's just savoring it so she went in with this Vice president guy that nobody ever heard of and she did an interview with a very friendly reporter we'll see maybe the friendly reporter not friendly to a lot of other people they were she was very fair to me Dana Bash very fair to me in the debate we had the debate with sleepy Joe he was very she was very fair and Jake Tapper was very fair you know I was I respect I don't call him fake Tapper anymore I may have to start eventually but no but they were I thought they were very fair I just said new neutral could you be neutral would that be okay and they were they were pretty neutral and uh but Dana Bash is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview we got the wrong person to get more relief to workingclass Citizens and seniors on fixed incomes we will have no tax on tips and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits right right and I did it four years I didn't touch your Social Security and they're going to end up adding a lot of years I know cuz I know people in that party too they're going to add five years six years on we're not going to add any years on they're going to add and they're going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because they have all these millions of people coming into the country they want to make them citizens and they want them to get onto Social Security Medicare and other plans and that's going to be very destructive it's going to destroy Social Security in addition as part of our effort effs to help Working Families I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely and for the same reason reason we will also allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning that you know if you talk to them they'll say oh he it doesn't like they have ads like I'm against it it's just the opposite by comparison they're against it but I'm totally in favor of it but we're going to do what I just said we're going to pay for it and uh it'll help families because a lot of families can't use it and a lot of these same families have been hurt so badly by their inflation they cause the inflation and we are going to pay for the IVF treatments fertilization they're going to pay for it we're going to take care of it and another key driver of inflation is the migrant Invasion kamla Harris has created on our Southern border which is causing immense inflationary pressure on housing and essential Goods there's never been anything like coming into our country borders are Harris now she's saying I was never named the borders are yes she was but we don't have to just say she was in charge of the Border we don't have to call her AAR she wasn't really AAR I think AAR is a compliment Bazar Harris will import Millions more illegal aliens and give them free housing in groceries and I will send the illegal aliens back home where they belong we have no choice we have no choice it's not like we cannot afford this you know if they got in four years you'd have over a 100 million people from all over the world and remember this crime rates are going down in all these countries because they're sending us their criminals they're sending us their drug dealers they're sending us their people that are in jails and I don't have to go and crazy but that's common sense I would do the same thing if I was running some nice country in South America or all over the world the Congo in Africa 22 people came out of jail recently they sent them here where do you come from Congo oh that's nice where are you from in the Congo jail oh what did you do we don't want to say you can imagine let me just tell you welcome they're your citizens and they're doing this all over the world Tom homman told me that who's great by the way uh he's really great right Brandon Jud all these guys Paul all these guys they they're incredible people but they tell the border patrol people are incredible what they put up with from these incompetent lunatics that don't even talk to them they said we have as of last week this year 169 countries represented by people coming illegally into our country 100 most people don't even know you have that many countries you know some of those countries we don't even know the language is a different language we don't have anybody in our country that even speaks it but they're pouring in and many of them are the worst people in those countries and their crime rates are going way down in Venezuela their crime rate has gone plummeted because they're sending their killers and if you saw that skit today it was a skit I thought it was well I've seen it all I guess I didn't really think too much about it other than how bad it is in Venezuela do you see the gang of Venezuelans today they took over a building they literally took over the building walked in with machine guns guns gang members from Venezuela you haven't seen even the beginning of this migrant crime we're going to have a migrant crime and just remember you know they have a hat it said Trump was right about everything and I have to say I pretty much was right about everything you're going to see unfortunately unfortunately I wish I wasn't I wish I was it and be careful with World War III I don't want to be right about that and I'm not going to say but I will tell you with close country would be a totally different country now and I will end deadly Sanctuary cities in the state of Michigan and all across the country nobody wants him nobody wants him so just sort of in concluding here is what we know about comrade Cala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking people or middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs or criminals coming across our border she's been vice president for almost four years and she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country she says that that's not her job but it is her job the president of the United States gave her that job she just didn't do it and she won't do it now she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity and she doesn't care about the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find another comparable job she doesn't care she does not care if you have to run up your credit card to levels that are unsustainable she does not care if you and your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she's one of the leaders men should play in women sport you know she's far further left than Bernie Sanders think of it nobody wanted Bernie Sanders to be president she's much further left than Bernie sand is rated number one she makes pocah look like a conservative do you know who Pocahontas is yes Elizabeth War she said her mother said that she had high cheekbones and therefore she's in Indian no I don't think so actually that's a very racist statement that she said isn't it if I ever said that that would be trouble no she said my mother said I was Indian because I had high cheekbones and then she put down on every application that she's an Indian she's an Indian getting jobs all over the place but uh we knocked her out of the presidential race pretty good too that's Pocahontas they said we want you to apologize to pocah hontus for using that term I said I will do that people were shocked because I don't give up too easy and I did apologize to Pocahontas the real Pocahontas I said Pocahontas I'm sorry I got you tied up with this person this crazy person sorry Pocahontas I'm sorry Pocahontas but Elizabeth Warren is not nearly as radical left as this person Cala but nobody knows Cala because she doesn't do anything she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as her running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children do you know that the state's allowed to decide whether or not they're going to do a sex change operation on their children Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like it or not she couldn't care less and you can't afford to do that because again they don't go far but they're much more expensive she does not care how it impacts you and your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes a legal alien should receive Social Security and Medicare which she knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs make it it impossible for you to receive your pension and your health care which you paid for for your entire life you've been paying for people are going to take it away those people that are coming in remember they're living in luxury hotels and our veterans are dying on the street you know that they're dying on the streets under the hotels you have pictures last night veterans dying on the street and others citizens but veterans dying on the street and inside the hotel nice and high in nice rooms the government's paying a fortune to keep illegal aliens that came into our country many of them criminals there's something wrong with the thought process she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decisions she wants Washington to decide what procedures medicines and care you should receive whether you like it or whether you don't she doesn't care Kamala Harris has had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist just like her father despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Cala Harris is she's the greatest flip-flopper of all time she's copying every policy of trump she will let's make her Maga well make I don't think so does anybody want to make Kamala Maga I don't think so we get her we'll send her a red hat without without MaGa on it we know by your actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about the American citizen she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 incred service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan which was surrendered by Kamala and sleepy Joe whether or not Camala Harris cares about our young people and our military those incredible parents and sisters and brothers they asked me to go yesterday to Arlington and I did and while I was there was there for a long time was very tough to get to because I was not in a good position to get there it was very far away but I did I made it my I got there right on time and I spent a lot of time there and while I was there those families that asked me to be there they said three families plus one soldier who was horrifically injured both legs and an arm and they asked me if I would be there so I went and while we were there they said could you take pictures over the grave of my son my sister my brother would you take pictures with us sir I I said absolutely I did and then I said farewell I said goodbye and last night I read that I was using the site to politic that I used it to politic this all comes out of Washington just like all of these prosecutors come out of Washington they all come out they send their prosecutors into the DA's office they send them into the Attorney General's office these are bad people we're dealing with so I go there they ask me to have a picture and they say I was campaigning I don't need the one thing I get is plenty of publicity I don't need that I don't need the publicity but these are great people and when you think about it Joe Biden killed their children by incompetence should have never happened Kamala killed their children just as though they had a gun in their hand by gross incompetence and not one General or incompetent bureaucrat was fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country and then they accused me of having a picture taken at the tombstone with a family because they love the president they love me and I love them I got to know them as the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers and rapist and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law boding citizens remember to from the police ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Cala Harris cares about you she destroyed San Francisco Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she has opposed police in schools to protect our children she has defended stocking School library shells with filthy graphic books horrible books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested children when she was Da and AG in California does this sound like someone who cares about your children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed totally as Vice President of the United States she's been a total failure nobody even knows who she is she's broken trust with you she's done nothing for the middle class nothing for working families and she's done absolutely nothing for hardworking people people your eyes don't lie you see it you know it we all see it she's the sitting Vice President of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants to get a promotion did the worst job all she had to do is take care of the border that would be okay just take care of the Border she couldn't even do that she never even went there she went to a location that you'd like to go to to have dinner with your family she never even went to the Border effectively think of it never spoke to anybody all of those great border agents did you ever speak to her no nobody ever spoke to her well I'm here to not give her a promotion I'm here to give her a demotion because she can hide she can lie through her surrogates and the corrupt media and they are very corrupt to remember that but the truth is coming out and it will come out the American people are smart they are not to be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and advertising and as you deserve a president who respects you talks to you and who levels with you puts it right on the level and who always has your best interests and has your back I have your back I have your heart and I have every other part of your body all of us today are part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country this is the greatest movement in the history of our country we did something that no we really broke them up this was getting bad we broke them up they're not happy about it they're nasty but this is the greatest Mega make America great again the greatest movement in the history of our country you know outside they won't ever report this they ever report it outside you have thousands and thousands of people that couldn't get in they don't get seats like you guys they didn't get the seats that you got believe me but you have thousands and thousands of people outside as far as the eye could see as we're driving up weiver taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car a we will stop immediately the horrific Invasion and migrant crime support our police build a missile defense Shield all around our country like other countries have we make them here it'll all be made right here and it'll be made also in Michigan a lot of it but we're going to have and Ronald Reagan wanted that many years ago but the truth is at that point we didn't have the technology now we have great technology you see that other countries have it we don't have it we're going to have the best of all we're going to have a missile defense system going to be built in the the United States installed all over and around our country we're going to restore peace through strength which is what I did we had no Wars When Donald Trump was president now we have nothing but Wars prime minister Victor Orban of hungry he said the reason that the world is a mess because Trump is no longer president when Trump was President they were afraid of trump I don't want to use that term but he did he said they were afraid China was afraid Putin was afraid I stopped Putin's pipeline in Europe I'm sorry Vladimir I can't let you do it I stopped it it was stopped cold and then when Biden got in the first day he approved it then they say Trump was weak on Russia Putin said if you're weak on us I'd hate like hell to Sea if you're strong on us but the war would have never happened would have never ever happened but Victor Orban said you bring back Trump and the whole world is going to be a safer place we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our schools we're going to keep men out of women sports and we're going to return our society based on Merit which the Supreme Court has given us the right to do based on Merit we're going to go back to a merit system if you're good at something that's what you get the Supreme Court approv that that was courageous we will defend the Second Amendment re when we're going to do something that I think is very important we're going to restore free speech and we will really truly restore we're going to fix our elections so that our elections are going to be honorable and honest and people leave and they know their vote is counted we are going to have free and fair elections and ideally we go to paper ballots same day voting proof of citizenship very big and voter ID very simple very simple one day voting one day you ever see these things you know everyone's talking about November 5th but forget November 5th it starts on September 6th in various States North Carolina but various States Delaware it starts on November 6th goes months and months voting why are those boxes being moved around why are those ballots being moved why are they not there sir we're fixing the air conditioning in that particular room it is so bad it is so out of control everyone under President Trump will prosper every family will Thrive and Michigan manufacturing will dominate like never before you're going to dominate like never before but for that to happen this election day you must tell comrade Cala comrade you doing a horrible job you've been a terrible vice president a horrible horrible borders you're not a borders are you're a border py you were played by every country in the world the worst job we've ever seen probably the worst vice president we've ever had he certainly was the worst president comrade Camala you're fired get out of here you're fired get out of here get out of here it's amazing they can have support I I don't get it who would support somebody that want wants open borders who would support somebody that wants men in women's sports you see the boxing in the Olympics two transitioned people they transitioned from men to women did you see fighting a young beautiful Italian boxer top boxer they thought big things from her and then Bing a left JB just a jab she go whoa what I just got hit with a horse again pink she said I'm out she quit she couldn't take it two punches the second one likewise got into the ring with a couple of very talented women just beat the hell out of them they both won the gold medal shockingly are you shocked you're not shocked huh you in fact you would have bet everything you would have bet 100% the odds were pretty good right and then you have people like Cala how about weightlifting weightlifting record set many years ago that put 1/8 of an ounce on the each side 18-year-old record they go out there they they're strong women they can't quite make it though guy comes out have you lifted before no no how do I do it just put your hands in the bar and try and okay you mean like this oh they beat it by like hundreds of pound the whole thing is crazy and nobody wants to complain you know the women like the swimmers they don't like to complain they're really afraid to complain because they'll be accused of uh bad things bad things but look at the swimmers they come out they Olympic swimmers and they look left they look right they see Guy people that they were growing up with great swimmers and then they look over and they see this huge it was Wilt Chamberlain but slightly bigger and she says well look at the size of this person I don't recognize the person from California from the California Swim groups that I participated in for 10 years before I got to the Olympic trials and uh this person blew them away in fact it was very sad they got past so fast the wind was so tremendous that she suffered wind burs they had to take her out of the all right now we we joke about very serious subjects I mean it's so sad but really what said is that people that would want something like that and it's so demeaning to women right don't you think it's so demeaning to women we love women that's so demeaning to [Applause] [Music] women never had anything like it but you have to watch the fights it's it's so it just says it it says it so simply you watch these two fights it was like they didn't even have to do anything Olympic gold they won Olympic gold they transitioned so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out and you got to vote and Pete you are doing a great job by the way I see you sitting there you are doing a great job Pete HRA I'm glad I remembered to introduce him I would have been he would have quit just before the election he's doing it we're doing good right yeah he's a Fant he was a great Congressman he was the one we right will rescue our we'll put America First and we will make America great again we're going to make America greater than ever before we're going to bring back your car industry we're not going to just keep it a little bit that you have left you lost most of your industry we're going to bring back your car industry we're going to let them build plants but they're not building them in Mexico they're going to build them in the United States of America and they're going to be fired up by our Auto Workers and we're going to bring them back in numbers that nobody can believe it I can do it so easily we were all said to do it and then we had the the co disaster pter coming from and we did a great job never got the credit for it the ventilators the Therapeutics that we did the robes the the gogg everything but what China did was very bad very bad but we're going to bring it all back to this state you're going to have the greatest state in the world for automaking you're coming back with automaking because that's what you do and that's what you do best and a lot of these people even if it's just job related Auto worker related this is what they want to do and they want to be here they don't want to have to move but you're not going to have any place to move because other jobs are going to be gone too they're taking away all our jobs we're not going to let it happen we're going to make America great we're going to make America the production Capital manufacturing capital of the world and it's going to happen very fast I hope you're going to go out and vote for me because honestly if you don't our country is finished thank you God bless you God Bless America thank you everybody ah thank you very much I'm thrilled to be back with the hardworking Patriots of the great state of Michigan ni nice States and I also want to thank allo steel CEO Randy Glick just met Randy and he's fantastic the job the family is done he's done it's beautiful and all of The Talented workers here at all Ro steel I hope you're all happy are you happy with the company I think yes huh I think great company and congratulations on 76 years of manufacturing in Michigan and you're you had your best years four years ago but you're going to have even better years coming up I can tell you that you're going to have even better I'm here today with a simple message for the American Auto worker and for the American worker your long economic night May will very soon be over it's going to be over going to turn it around with your vote we will defeat comrade Camala Harris and we will bring back the American dream bigger better stronger and just better bigger better we love the American dream you don't hear about the American dream what was the last time you heard about the American dream they don't talk about it although they copy everything else I do so I guess that'll be nice they'll be copying they'll be saying oh the American dream she doesn't know what the American dream is over the past four years Camala and crooked Joe Biden have presided over an economic reign of terror committing One Financial atrocity after another as vice president Kamala cast the deciding votes that caus the worst inflation in American history you're all victims of it we all are everybody is a victim of it it's a nation Buster costing the typical family $28,000 under her policies household wealth has plummeted by $33,000 per family the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has really tripled and you can't get the money so you know you will go from 2% to 10% but you can't get the money at 10% I guess they want more than that but you just can't get the money credit card debt has ballooned by 40% and they have the highest numbers in history right now as of about three days ago the highest number in history now Cala say she wants to talk about the future but she's been there for three and a half years she only wants to talk about the future cuz the past has been so the job they've done let me tell you he's the worst president in the history of our country and she's the worst vice president and she's the worst bordar in the history of the world and she's the one who gave us every single disaster that our country is facing right now look at Afghanistan she said I was the last person in the room what a what a horrible horrible event that was Kamala has made middle class life unaffordable and unlivable and I'm going to make America affordable again in addition to making it gr again we're going to make it affordable again and that's going to be starting on day one isn't it amazing they go three years and now they say oh we're going to do this we're going to do that the only good thing that she's flip-flopping she's the greatest flip-flopper things that she never even thought of she's probably goes back to her room and gets sick to her stomach when she says what she has to say because she's a Marxist she's a fascist and she never believed I mean now she's saying oh we want to build a strong border where has she been for three and a half years as we took in 20

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