Witness says conversation between Nipsey and Eric Holder was messy, aggressive and about snitching

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:30:50 Category: Travel & Events

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all right welcome to Street TV I'm Alex alono I'm here with another update in the Eric Holder trial I got a synopsis of testimony for day three which was the star witness of the case Bernita Nicholson she was witness number 10 and she testified for most of the day on day three and into day four and let's go over what she had to say under direct examination by John McKenna uh she's about 35 years old she was born in LA but she left La when she was 2 years old and she moved out of state um and then at some point later she came back to LA she's employed as a a a caregiver she works at homes and at a facility and she's been working for an agency for 10 years and she does transportation she picks up customers working for Lift uh she was in living she was living in Long Beach for about one year when the incident on March 31st 2019 happened and prior to that she had been living in Bellflower she had Mo lived in Bellflower from about 2008 to 2018 and then after that she moved to Long Beach John mckenny asked her are you a gang member and she replied no do you associate with gang members she said no and how familiar are you with LA and she said she used to live in La by the Magic Johnson theater on Martin Luther King Boulevard which is in the area of khaw and King and she said and he asked her how old were you when you lived in in that area in LA and she said she was in her 20s maybe she was 24 years old at that time um she was asked if she had any siblings and she said no she's an only child and that she had lived with her mom in LA belflower and Long Beach so basically um but at the at the time of the incident in 2019 she had just found a new place in Long Beach and was getting ready to move in there so basically she has been living with her mom all the way up until she was 35 um oh she she was 35 when she testified in court just recently so in 2019 she would have been 32 so she's been living with her mom most of her life and she had just found an apartment at that time in 2019 she was asked do you know the defendant and she said yes and uh they they asked her by what name she said Eric and how did you meet Eric and she said she had picked him up at at Seal Beach during a lift and dropped him off in Long Beach that was on February 25th 2019 did you have a conversation with with Eric she said yes we talked exchanged information I gave him my phone number during the ride did you want to see him again and she said yes when you were dropping him off did you recognize the area in Long Beach yes it was right next to the area I was about to move to so that's that's an interesting coincidence right where she was getting her new apartment was pretty much the same area where Eric Holder lived in Long Beach so you can imagine they they probably hit it off um did you start a friendship with him yes how did you describe how would you describe how he was towards you in the relationship she described it like a homeboy what is a homeboy well we were just hanging out we had no title just trying to get to know each other was it a dating relationship she said no then she was asked what's the difference between a dating relationship and hanging out and she said we had no title no commitment it was whenever how often did you see each other between February 25th and March 31st of 2019 she said not every day but a lot we went to eat went to the mall went to the beach um where the two of you with when the two of you would go around how would you get around she said my car who paid for the dates she said she did she mentioned one of the dates was a Red Lobster were you interested in him like a boyfriend one day she said not really were you ever intimate with Eric and she said yes but it was one time and then she talked about meeting his cousin who lived in Long Beach also uh were your dates in the Long Beach area or were they other places and she said they were other places but mostly in La what about the area that nipy hustle was shot have you been there before with Eric no not in that not in that spot but in the area she said how many times were you in the area with Eric uh one time we stopped at a liquor store did you ever ask Eric where he was from she said no but he said he was from LA did you ever tell did he ever tell you what neighborhood he was from no did you know he was in a gang she said no not until after the shooting and then the prosecutor asked are you talking about the shooting on March 31st 2019 yes and then they started to talk about what happened on that day so the way she explains it is she was doing her lift job on March 31st she was driving in the Disneyland area in Anaheim and Eric had kept calling her and she wasn't answering his call but at some point she decided to answer the call and he said he wanted to hang out so she decided to do one last lift trip and then ended early and then she went to go pick Eric up in Long Beach then he asked her what did you do next um right after she got off the phone with Eric she went and got some gas she got something to eat and then she went on her way to pick him up um she said that Eric wanted to get in and out and then he said he wanted to go to La she said she wanted to go to the Slawson swap meet which is right there on slaon and Western and then they talked about that he lived with an uncle so she picked him up from where she where Eric lived with an uncle she said she met him several times but she didn't know what his name was and he asked did you ever have a fight with him before and she said no was he ever physically abusive to you she said no have you seen him with a gun before and she said yes more than one occasion yes when was the first time you seen him with a gun the prosecutor asked uh the first time was when we went to his cousin's Harold's Place where he had a studio at Harold's did you see Eric rapping yes did you know he wrapped before that day no did you ask questions she said no and then um the prosecutor prosecutor asked did you listen to his music she said yes it was on his phone um after he wrapped with cousin Harold after he wrapped cousin Harold actually walked over to him and handed him a gun she said it was a silver long one he put gun away by the waistband that was the first time seeing a gun did you ask any questions she said yes I asked why do you have that and he said it was it was for protection that was the first time she saw a gun the second time she saw a gun uh she wanted to say it was at his place and it was a revolver that was just sitting on the couch and that would have been a couple days later and it had duct tape around the handle as she remembered so two different times he had two different guns were you concerned prosecutor asked she said yeah but he said it was for protection the third time she saw the semi-automatic black gun did you ask any questions no did you did you see him a lot with that gun she said yes he just carried it with him he was riding around with a gun in your car he was asked he asked her she said yes were you concerned that the police would pull you over she said no did you want to be his girlfriend no it was a homeboy situation nothing serious she said why did you spend so much time with him I don't know was trying to get to know him she said okay so back to March 31st he asked uh so how was he dressed when you picked him up she said he didn't have a shirt on he had a bandan around his neck and then he asked he has tattoos all over did you ask about the tattoos she said I asked him about the LA tattoo on his neck never asked many questions about tattoos he had God on his arm and a gun on the other so you guys drove straight to La she said yes he wanted to stop in the neighborhood close by how did you get there he gave me directions to where he wanted me to go then he got out the car talked to these guys they're friendly for about 2 minutes from picking him up in Long Beach did you see a gun she said no and then they then she said um she mentioned let's let's get some food that you said you wanted to get and then they ended up pulling up at the marathon store on slaon which was not too far away from where they had just saw where Eric just saw some friends so then um prosecutor asked what happened when you pulled in she said she says she saw nipy and she was like oh there's nipy he looks fine I want to take a picture with him what did Eric say she said nothing he said nothing did you expect to see nipy hustle there no just pulled into Fine Parking and ran into nip I parked in the parking lot in the middle what did you think when you saw Eric Holder understanding with nipy hustle because when she pulls into parking lot he jumps out the car he walks over to Master Burger and then a minute after that he walks over to the group and then she looks up because she's on her phone she looks up and she sees Eric Holder standing there with nipy hustle so the prosecutor asked her what did you think when you saw him over there and she said that that I thought he was trying to beat me to him to get a photo so I went over over there so if you look at the video you'll see her exiting the car and walking towards the group what did you see she said there were two other guys with nipy and Eric I asked if I can get a photo one of the guys said wait a moment after they're finished talking Eric was talking to nipy talking about snitching Eric asked nipy did he snitch then at that point nipy said he was excuse me ready to take the picture then I took a photo and I left any raised voices she said no now remember this is all during direct examination under the prosecutor now what did you hear Eric say did you say I snitched Eric was asking nipy if he snitched and then at that point she said she took a photo and then she walked off and went back to her car what did you do in the car prosecutor asked her she said she posted the picture of nipy to Facebook then um she said she was excited to meet him and then shortly thereafter she said that Eric Holder had walked to her car to ask for $2 because he needed money what actually what happened was cuz she may not have been paying attention after she walked to the car Eric Holder leaves the group and goes to Master Burger and then he goes from Master bger to the car where Bernita is in and ask for $2 because apparently he doesn't have enough money to pay for the chili cheese fries so then the prosecutor asks why is it that you're always paying for everything she says I don't know actually he paid for half his chili cheese fries then you asked him if he was ready to go did he want to eat his food then he said drive around so now he's back in the car with the chili cheese fries and he asked her to just pull out of the parking lot and to drive around then then um when I drove out of the parking lot I made a ride on slos and and went around the Shell gas station and then basically they went all the way back around and she said once they came back around the block they pretty much did a circle he began to put bullets in the gun she said he was putting bullets and then holding the gun by the window and she asked what are you doing you're not going to shoot out my car then he put the gun away on the side and and she didn't see it again so she said we drove and turned on khaw and he still wanted to eat his chili cheese fries and he told me to pull into the parking lot and he wanted to eat his food so basically she pulled into the parking lot where Fat Burgers at and then went into the alley and then parked in the alley her car was facing in South pointing right towards 58th place and that's where they sat in the car and he started to eat his chili cheese fries so um Eric said stop here I want to eat so she said he ate a couple of bites of the chili cheese fries and then she said to him she says I kept stressing to him let's go then he said wait right here I'll be right back he she was asked what was his demeanor was it upset no was it Angry no did he curse anyone out no I was just ready to go she says and then he said to her I'll be right back he got out the car with his food and he had actually had a drink as well he got out the he got out the car with his food and drink and he started to walk North Through the Alley back to where nipy hustle was standing at with the group she said that she was looking at him and she noticed that he set the food on the hood of a truck that was parked in the alley um and she said she didn't she didn't see a gun he got out of the car with the chili cheese fries and did not have a gun but then she said um she said no but I was on social media so I wasn't paying attention and then she said within a very short time probably seconds she hear shots she said I was afraid when I heard the shots and then I saw a man running and I started to pull the pull the car off into the street so at that moment there is some footage from another camera that you see her car pulling forward and then she was asked would it would it have been safer for you to leave she said yes and then she said Eric returned to the car she characterized it as a power walk back to the car and then and then he asked her did you see guns in the car and she said I just asked what happened and then he said you talk too much I should slap you he had a Stern voice he said drive very loud so I just started to driving and I left and it was quiet in the car the whole time he wasn't responding and I didn't want to get him upset she said did you tell the grand jury that you saw him get into the car with two guns she said said yes but now you're saying no then she responded I didn't see the guns right away at the moment did you see him with a gun when he got back into the car after the shooting I didn't see a gun I saw the gun after we drove I saw a revolver and the automatic the only thing I asked what happened I didn't ask if he used it why not she said it didn't cross my mind there has to be a reason why you didn't ask prosecutor asked her her response was I just didn't ask what happened next he wanted to get dropped off at cousin Harold's I dropped him off then I went to my mom's I stayed at my moms wash clothes watch TV and laid down at that point did you hear that nipy hustle was shot she said no not until later that night what did you think when you heard that he was shot I was just saying I was just was there I spoke to my mom and social media posts oh then then he asked her what about the social media post that you made with the photo of nipy did you read the comments she said yes they were posting that Eric did it common said damn sis you were right there how did you feel prosecutor asked her she said sad because social media was saying Eric did it I wasn't sure if Eric did it then she said that he called called her on Sunday night and asked to asked her to pick him up from Harold's he asked if he can come over I told him yes then I showed Eric on my phone what they were saying you shot him it's on my phone and then prosecutor asked her were you afraid of him she said no I brought him to my mom's because I didn't have furniture at my new place and my mom was at work did he sleep what did he do he went to the balcony he smoked and then he went to sleep then the next day on Monday morning I had to go to work and he wanted to get a hotel room and that was the end of day three that testimony ended at about 3:20 p.m. when the judge excused everyone and then she was scheduled to continue her testimony on day four and and she continued on direct examination starting at about 9:45 a.m. and the first question that was asked was what time did you get to the mother's house she said around 7 or 8:00 p.m. this would been after she picked up Eric Holder to come back to the mom's house she said that he went to the balcony he smoked I asked him what happened he ignored me and he went to sleep the next morning I asked him if he was ready to go home he said I can't go home my place is a mess he asked her um he asked if he can get a room because his place was dirty prosecutor said have you been to his place before she said yes was it dirty she said yes it was so we called around found a Motel 6 in Long Beach and she let him use the ID to get a room and then she left she dropped him off the Motel 6 helped them get the room and then she went to her caregiver job did you see a gun on that day she was asked she said no do you know what happened to the two guns no I went to work then you saw information on social media that Eric may have done the nipy hustle killing she said yes I went to discuss the shooting with him I showed him on my phone what people were saying on Instagram he had no response so then she said while she was at her mom's um at her mom's place U her name her car came up on the news saw the news that her car her license plate was on the news so her mom told her to call the police it was it was that was that the first time you believed that Eric Holder was the shooter from the news report and she said my mom called the police and they told her to call back at 6:00 a.m. when the detectives arrive so moms and Berita went to the police they spoke to a police officer at the front desk and basically the the front desk officer uh told her that don't believe everything you see on the news and they left and then moms decided to be persistent about it and called back later at 11:00 a.m. they went back to the police and then that's when when ber first met the detectives that were investigating this case and that's when they interviewed her for 5 hours so they went in the morning early then they went back at 11:00 and then the investigation of Berita and Nicholson started did they tell you your rights she said yes did you wave your rights she said I did they told me to call Eric Holder while I was at the police station so during the interrogation with Bernita she actually calls Eric Holder and um they they were actually trying to set him up I believe it said during the phone call uh you spoke to Eric about coming over to the house she said yes apparently they were going to arrest him that way but um for some reason um that was the end of the questioning on that topic and then um did you show the detectives the photo you took with nipy she said yes the detective to look into your phone yes they copied your phone yes I consented did they search your car yes did they search your apartment yes did they search your mother's yes did you consent yes I did and then they um showed an exhibit of an immunity agreement that was signed on June 20th 2022 which would have been just a few days ago and it was a 1 and A2 page agreement that states that anything she says cannot be a use against her unless she lies or the judge doesn't believe her and then the judge can revoke the agreement did you read this agreement she said yes my lawyer did it's first time we ever heard that she had a lawyer at this point she for the immunity agreement an lawyer was was a a lawyer was appointed to her um it says nothing you say can be used against you as a crime except if you commit perjury or the judge believes you lied did you come talk to me John mcken was saying she said yes um did you tell the police myself and the grand jury the truth she said yes and um basically she they went through they played the video of her pulling in and everything that happened jumping out which um which occurs over the course of about five minutes and then when she was ready to leave she asked Eric Holder are you ready to go he said no I want to eat my food so she was pulling the car out now this is right after Eric Holder got his chili cheese fries and he got into the car that's when Bita said are you ready to go and he said no I want to eat my food and then that's when they drive around in a circle and he pulls the gun out and she she prevents him from doing the shooting not physically but verbally tells her to stop tells him to stop and he complies and then that's when they go park in the alley and um that's pretty much the end of direct examination it went till about 10:42 in the morning and then cross examination by Jansen started at about 11:00 a.m. and he went into some topics he said said that um after Eric got back into the car at some point later he was loading a gun she said yes you didn't see that gun prior she said no he was pointing the gun by the clothing store on slaon I she said yeah I said you're not doing a drive by out in my car then he said to park the car in the alley by The Fat Burger which he did and he started eating the fries and then he said wait here here I'll be right back then you heard gunshots so he's basically going over some of the same points that the prosecutor brought out of her uh he asked um let's see here did you feel like you were the getaway driver she said no um did Eric Holder get mad when you said nipy was fine and you wanted to take a picture she said no um they played some of the video and it turns out that Berita was in this conversation or overheard this conversation was present for it for about 53 seconds U the entire conversation between Eric and nipy last approximately 4 minutes U she said that um you were interviewed on April 2nd 2019 in a recorded interview and you were also interviewed by John McKinny on April 29th then the defense attorney asked her did you know that that second interview was recorded and she said no so they play a clip and the clip says um what were they talking about and this is back in 2019 now this is Berita talking in 2019 they're playing a clip and she said there was tension from nipy you can tell he didn't want to talk to Eric nipy looking like he needed to go somewhere Eric was talking to nipy kind of messy then the defense attorney asks you were listening to a conversation about snitching you said some interesting things you said there was tension from nipy and she said nipy didn't really want to talk to Eric yes he was brushing Eric off nipy was wanting Eric to stop talking before he took the pick Eric asked nipy if he was a snitch and then the defense attorney asked well yesterday you said Eric was not messy but this interview from 2019 you said he was messy and then um she said Eric kept asking nipy have you ever snitched and nipy brushed him off and then uh the defense attorney played another transp um he played a clip from the interview now she was interviewed by the cops for about 5 hours and in this clip they played a part where um it she said I didn't hear I didn't hear an argument But Eric was a bit aggressive aggressive saying cuz but yesterday but then the defense attorney said but yesterday you said Eric was not aggressive but in the video from 2019 you said he was getting aggressive so the defense attorney was really trying to establish a level of aggression that was taking place between nipy and Eric Holder and then um when you were on the grand jury under oath with immunity did you know Eric Holder asked about a specific name regarding snitching conversation between Eric Holder and nipy hustle apparently she claimed that a specific name was mentioned during this conversation at the Grand Jury did you say there was a specific name used in that conversation she said yes but I don't know the name and then the defense attorney um directed the questioning to the grand jury transcript page 256 line 7 to 27 how would you describe the conversation back and forth did it seem normal or a fight was about to happen she said Eric Holder was trying to get to the point about something that happened in the past he say someone snitched but I caught it in the middle how many times did Eric Holders asked nipy you snitch before you said Eric you said Eric Holder asked three times yes it could have been more how many times did you hear Eric Holder say something in nipy about snitching many times back to back have you ever snitched was said yes he asked that multiple times being Eric is asking nipy had he ever snitched and that pretty much wrapped up Bernita Nicholson's testimony which went from day three to day four and thanks for tapping in with Street TV be sure to subscribe so you can get the next update on the Eric Holder trial thanks for staying tapped in to the street TV channel and this Eric hold the trial update make sure you subscribe so you won't miss the next update which I got dropping first thing tomorrow

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