Home Built 5.0 First Startup! Plus New Hoops!

made me lie too does it work no look at them [Music] diams absolutely kill her dad's humor like my Mama's Family oh Make It Count nice and shiny L ability what is that hey girl who woo spectacle Dolly on a stick oh yeah y'all ready for this done extra sweet surely he's after you we don't know what this means wow okay you got to check your rear end mma's old hip yeah you got gas told you to quit wow what's the world coming to oh Lord now go beiger go home looks awesome and we put pond water in it scared me to [Music] death okay look at all these babies oh yeah gross welcome back to sleeper dude Channel we're back with our 63 Falcon future here you may not recognize it from below but this is it we've done a lot of work under here in this video we got some metal work to do I'm plan on doing subr frame connectors doing a mini tub on the car also got to make my floor pan to cover up where I cut out the floors for the four link setup we put it in the last videos we're also going to try to get it running in this video it needs to be plummed and wired and all that so hopefully we can get all that done if you're not familiar with the car it's got a built 50 out of a 9495 Mustang it's got a T5 in it it's also got a 49 in rear end under it with a four link setup we're trying to build a serious autocross car try to compete this year at Ford Fest and it is coming up very soon you mean actually compete this year yeah exactly I think I'm want to start out with subframe connectors here I've never put subframe connectors on any of my cars I went sixes in the eighth without them I went actually went fives in the eighth without them but this car because we're doing a lot of like twisting on the curves we want to make it as rigid as possible we have some prefabricated subframe connectors here now these are actually for a 64 or5 Falcon but they look like they're going to fit so they basically tie into our torque box here in the mirr right in front of our four link bracket and and this is supposed to go inside that frame rail so we're going to have to cut this out right here to recess it into there also going to have to notch this right here where the seat bracket is wondering how it went in yeah it goes you could weld it to the top of it honestly but you know I want to tuck it up in there as much as possible we've also got some new hoops and casings ordered for it hopefully they will be here in the next couple days maybe we can get them on the car cuz I think you're going to absolutely love them I know I do well let's get to cutting and grinding and Welding look scooter got his haircut you look so much different you look so different buddy it looks like it's white hair usually you can't see his eyes like that so pretty I like him you're so handsome he's so funny looking I love him like that he's happy he's like he's so proud is he yeah he looks so happy [Music] there we go I should give us room to do what we need to do right [Music] there well we need to clean off around here cuz we're going to weld all these edges so let me Mark them and we'll grind them off I believe this is galvanized metal as well we're going to Perimeter weld it all the way around the an here I'm going to go ahead and mark the other side too and we'll just clean it all off at the same time I wish it was a marker you're terrible I'm not terrible maybe says I'm wonderful made me lie too that's tragic this still s this which has an offset on this which pushes this up and down which pulls the hammer up up and down which go does it work no because it's all messed up right now oh okay but I'm about to get it [Music] work okay oh Lord right there is where it needs to be I'm have to get a floor jck I need to pay attention to the door gaps too CU being a hard top car it may Flex a little bit still got a gap doesn't it that's better but it's not great door Gap looks good came off it worked every time until you come here I don't think we got it there I want to attack this thing in place Ralphie's going to burn it in there now for us it's was what did you do W is going to get these wheel tubs ready to go back in so this is the stock tubs we're basically doing when you mini tub something is we're adding to the tub here in the center the way I'm going to do it is I'm going to weld this back into the frame and then whatever Gap it is we're just going to fill it up with metal this has spot welds all down through here you see them yeah so probably the easiest way to do this would be for you to clean it on this side with the wire wheel the spot weld will show up see the spot weld okay you can kind of see them but we need to get this down cuz I got to weld [Music] look at them dimes oh you got some dimes on there good job Ry guys one thing I've learned with building project cars like this Falcon project we're working on is it always costs more than you think it's going to cost like a lot of things in life you know maybe you've built a project car and uh pulled out the old credit card to pay the bill when it went over budget you know it's not very hard to go into debt it's a little harder to get out of debt and today's sponsor PDS debt can help you get out of Deb quick save you a bunch of money on all those High interest loans and get it paid off in a fraction of the time PDS debt will work with anybody that has at least $10,000 in debt there's no minimum credit score required fair and bag credit is accepted and maybe you got in a debt it wasn't even your fault maybe you had a medical emergency I mean maybe you didn't have health insurance that's one of the biggest reasons people go into debt today and when you have a bunch of debt like that it's super stressful you get behind on payments you feel like you're drowning you're not making any progress I know for me when I was younger during the housing market crisis I had a house that wouldn't sell and we needed a bigger home because we had had three kids in 3 years and I was trying to make two house payments and it was a mess and it's just not any fun to be in debt and be all stressed out PDS debt strives to understand your specific scenario and can help provide alternative solutions to becoming debt-free PDS debt has customized options for anybody struggling with credit card debt collections personal loans and medical bills so stop waiting and start saving get a free debt analysis right now at PDS debt.com sleer dud it only takes 30 seconds at PDS debt.com sleer dude that's PDS de.com sleer dude big thank you to pdsd for helping us out and sponsoring this video now go check them out and let's get back to work on this Falcon well hello there hi this is a 38 Dr it's a little bit big when I work at the body shop we use a 5/16 probably cuz it's older car I want you to center it up on the spot welds and then drill right to the center of them okay okay see if you drill that weld out it'll split right apart in everything [Applause] chky look at gray she coming in oh you better get in there gr Murphy has got somebody's drinks he's now got the GL off of it well we got them welded in there Ralphie did the easier stuff to reach and I did the more challenging ones to reach in there I like how it fits everywhere except for these outside edges see how the gaps too wide there I mean it was weldable but it was wider than I wanted it to be it must be because this is for a 645 it's like everything else a lot of people make parts for a car kind of like this but it seems to be hard to find parts for this car so everything's well in there that should tied all together I feel so legit right now it's unbelievable because I've never had subframe connectors on anything I've ever done if I had a dollar for every time somebody's been like you need subframe connectors you're going to rip the car in half I've had cars that wheeli cars that did lots of things made lots of power and I've never had a problem with not having subframe connectors but I think on a car like this where you're wanting the stiffest chassis possible to do autocross is is definitely a good idea for sure one nice thing too is these lower bar brackets hang down quite a bit on the car you can see and that kind of gives it a ramp to get to there so it's not going to like knock the bracket off a car at least it'll like you know skid on past it maybe but everything on this car hangs about the same level like the oil pan the transmission the headers this is the lowest point on the car right there has she found a nibble or something they doing something Ming Scrat she thinks there's something underneath that wheel to so does he [Music] well after a bunch of hammering and dollying and grinding I think we've got the wheel tubs ready to fit back in there so you can see they got a lot of spot loads through here use the old panel splitter here to split them back apart and then I use the air hammer as well the air hammer is fast but the air hammer can like rip through stuff so I've got to test fit these but I can already tell our cross member under here is overhanging about an inch because this guy is trimmed to fit so we're about to trim it to fit I got some torch blades here that's got to work right I hope there we go I help you all right let's Swit okay five speed everything now can you mash the gear what you think the clutch ain't hooked up yet I just want to say I can't it's a soft clutch isn't it it Ain working good see it used to be automatic now it's oh man this be much better oh I can sit now going to for Fest and made me rip it around autocross hey she drove them you I like she also got in a fight at the round track just saying that's right don't M after a ton of grinding stuff I think we got all this done this undercoat here is super thick isn't it oh yeah it was rough she finally got her all ground down there I want to see how much wider this is in stock oh we got to roll the lip too don't we oh yeah it looks wider it's hitting something up there oh it's your uh trunk mount the bracket yeah the bracket's hitting the other bracket this gives you an idea right here look how much wider the front is that's wider than I thought be that's probably at least 3 in right there in there yeah so it looks like it's not going to be that far all the way around looks like towards the back it's quite a bit less and we'll get right back on this mini tub tomorrow sh scooter you're so good looking boy three1 of Y tonight the new to lay I will sit down an army to find you in the middle of the door well good morning I'm out here early I believe it's hitting on this crossmember here you see how it's kind of rocking back and forth right about here so I think I'm going to have to grind a little bit off of that crossmember let me run a screw in this and we'll look at it from the top we going through three layers of frame rail here see once you get these plug welds welded up pull that screw out and weld that little tiny hole up and you're good to go I got it at the right height up here at the top where it's even you can see there's a gap here and it's sitting against it right there so I'm going to shave a little off the top of this probably about the amount of that Gap in the back so that this will fit up better and sit up more straight too it looks like it's because this is embossed here is that the word embossed you can see that there now it fits a lot nicer up against that the tub is straight up and down now this is where we're closest right here to rubbing is going to be right in here and the same place on that side so we're going to roll that lip and this I'm going to change the shape so originally it came around this way I'm planning on pushing that against the frame round welding it which as you can tell distorts the tub so we're going to have to probably pie cut this somehow I'm going to go ahead and Mark where this intersects that here and get it ready to weld cuz right now it's painted we don't want to do that [Music] they actually got mold seam sealer in here I got to get out definitely don't want that with your weld one really nice thing about screwing these things in place is you can put them back exactly where they were you see those two holes there that way you know it's exactly where you had it before I think I'm going to start the process of welding these in I'm going to plug welding this in the center and then I've got to work on these ends figuring out how to do this you can see we're widening it much more in the front than we are anywhere else but that's because the way this frame rail is if you look the frame rail goes in at the front and out at the back so we're going to be gaining more there than anywhere but right here is where the casing intersects is here and here so this is very important spots cuz we got like over 13 in here but we don't especially back here [Music] I got all that welded in there as you can tell here it's welded to the Cross mover on the inside you can see where I pie cut it here so we're adding 3 in right here which is going to be crucial we're actually adding 5 in right here and I decided to put this little piece of like angle iron in here because we have to get access to this bolt I prefer for it to be from the bottom so I put that in there to block this off so stuff won't come up behind the wheel tub into the car so that should help out there we can take this bolt nut out without any issues I made this little piece here and screwed it in before I started messing with these Corners cuz I knew it was going to flex all this so I screwed that in place to hold it so you can see we're only adding about an inch and a half at the top Center but much more down here now we've just got to make a pattern to do this strip down the center I think I'm going to try to make a pattern for this out of paper I'm going to tape it to it and kind of Mark out the width on it you can kind of see through this thing which makes it handy so I'm going to probably overlap it about an inch on each side I felt like I wouldn't do a good job of guessing at it try to follow my squiggly line here I'm afraid I'm going to run out of metal before I get to the floor I thought I could do these strips with a smaller piece of metal I've got but it wasn't long [Music] enough this is a tool right here that if you've never owned one you should probably get one if you're going to do much sheet metal work so this side punches holes this side makes flanges and it will save you a ton of time don't have to use drill bits and all that I'm just going to punch a hole like every 3 in I never measure stuff stuff like this out because I feel like you can spend all day doing that nobody will know where you put them [Music] anyway much quicker that is than drilling a hole I'm going to screw this thing down every few screw holes we'll take the screws out one by one as we weld near them let's weld this band in here get some fat casings under it [Music] don't do that I got a little bit of welding done and then they told me that the hoops and cases were here well four Hoops two Cas are here we have got to get these out and see if they fit right Murphy I know CER so what we have here is some Steely boys some big Steely boys so I like the big these are 18 by9 and these are 255 358s you can see this is kinda brand and these are us wheel I got all this stuff from Summit Racing part numberers in the description if you want to get some for yourself I wasn't going to run nines at every corner but the 8 in option had the wrong back spacing for what I needed so the nines were actually a better fit these are 18 by9 with 5 and 1/4 in back spacing they just have like this much more back spacing than they do have front space hopefully they fit how much do they weigh they're significant I can't oh I didn't have understand they're definitely heavier than aluminum but I think when we get it all done you'll really like how they look it'd be cool if they ran us from Factory like that big yeah oh you could you you seriously could have like an inch wider on the back really don't tell him that look and it clears your brakes really good look oh know we got quite a bit of room that's probably good we need that we don't need to go any bigger I thought about going with tin and I was afraid that tins was going to be like too much we still have room to roll the lip so yeah we're going to roll the lip for sure so that's probably what an inch and a half I would think then we probably got an inch or so on that side it's not sitting at Rod height right now so that may have a small effect on it but that's pretty much where it's going to be right there so we could have never ever fit this without mini tubbing it because it had a bracket on a frame that was like this big with a bump stop and this welded out here like another inch and a half 2 Ines out so looks good with a quick performance badge in the middle yeah let me show you the center cap whoa we got them we're planning on painting these white I really wish it took Factory caps but they don't but I have a plan for that eventually So eventually I would like to get it to that so use a factory center cap on it eventually tucking oh yeah she's H still look good not hit nothing no it's every bit of all you can fit uh maybe an then some it's right up against the bump stop I think we're going to be all right it is like even with the outside of the fender here you guys Cas it sus out well this Fender's kind of one good anyway so my idea was to kind of roll the lip maybe stretch on that Fender a little bit I think it'll look better like farther out it's been hit in right there on this one I think it's going to look absolutely killer when we get it's going to be so good I cannot wait man I love how it tucks that rear like that looks so good it kind of looks like old NASCAR car even though it's bigger than what Nascar would have run like some of the look I was going for is like I always like those old NASCAR cars where they had the steelies that were like whatever tins all the way around on the car it should give us all kinds of grip with it being that big now yall have a job to do what you get to paint these hey and we to mount them after we paint them no no no no we paint them if we scratch them in the process it wouldn't matter and we can just tap up the you got to paint the bead and everything you don't want rust being in the bead and all that check out these can baby what in the world look at those H oh my God that is wild that's serious huh you never had nothing like that that is so crazy I've never used one of these cans I what's it called turbo can we're using the red Scot BR cuz it's the roughest one there is J com off is there yeah is it standing pretty easy yeah obviously these are be they actually sell them in white and black but the white ones right now are out of stock that's why I didn't get ones that are already white could have got black maybe should have might would have been easier part of the reason why I went with 18s if you go with the hoop that big it can get past the ball joint up top so it allows you to run a wider hoop if you run a 18 anything smaller than that you got to run a more narrow hoop I've always wanted big steelies like this I've always run steelies on all my cars that I drag raced just cuz I wanted that like sleeper look but I always want like 18 or 20in steelies and yeah I'm excited about these 18s all look pretty big on this car I got some brake cleaner here and I'm going to spray those SP tow wipe it [Music] down okay so I did it like three times off camera okay so we're using this selfing power for be steel and he's moving his wagon because even if the wind blows he it's still a going to hit that much but he's worried about it we're going to throw these down hey wa go ahead start it's sign a rice and I a [Music] rice Innovation I can set it up straight there you go very good surely dy I now dry than dad's humor yeah that was a good [Music] one I think we got all Edge Prime good now it says to wait 30 minutes then we can sand again with the scotch pry and be ready to top coat it white right Mar yep because of me splitting this and stuff I'm going to have to hammer and Dy this back flat I've got all that band welded now except for right here you want to have a dolly on the back side if you want to get it a certain shape check out them dimes Ralphie yeah so obviously we got a little too much metal here I'm going to try to heat up and shrink it is what I'm going to try to do instead of cut and another split in it we'll see if this works I got a hammer we need a man's Hammer try to get it red hot it's like 4 Alie it didn't turn out as nice and pretty as I hoped but now we can weld this Gap up which is [Music] nice so it's been 30 minutes and we've got the scotch BR back and we're going to sand these down so we can paint them cuz you don't want to just go straight to it or else it ain't going to turn out good turn out like my mama's family not good don't sand it off just scuff it up huh yeah scuff it up you can see the difference in how it looks I have never used one of these cans so I don't know how it's going to spray it has the oddest tip on it look at that we'll see how this goes I think you stay back a little farther I don't know oh oh my Lord whoa okay wow that's incredible that is a huge pattern oh we're going to have to be really easy with this so we're going to run it that's a crazy why Haven we bought this before it's like a paint gun it's like $17 a can that worth it X fire that that does paint like a paint gun that's insane that's go get her she ain't kidding you can really mess something up quick with that I mean you let Marge with this she's done for you need to already be moving when you hit it cuz if you stay still you're going to run it oh no we got to get oh yeah I can get used to this I'm just going to be like slim here that's crazy it don't take no time do it nicey I feel like incredible doing this what did they invent this I don't know me and Mar didn't know about this this is definitely [Music] new just don't come the same place SP you could really paint with that could you yeah I might if I ever paint a car I might have to do that yeah typical me I'm going to flip them while they're still wet you know we ain't never going to see the backside anyway it'll be covered and break dust I just wanted to make sure they weren't going to rush you know Make It Count yes we can't mess up the front guys that's quick isn't it so quick easy that's good let's just let that dry for [Music] okay well this is the third coat I was really worried about it so I'm doing the last coat here it's just about out so two cans did do all of them front and back well they look pretty good don't they yeah looks like a painting nice and shiny as much as I would love to start mounting up some casings I really don't want to peel the paint off these either so we're going to let these things dry it says 24 hours oh we're not exactly did you say track prep it is like the track isn't it yeah I've been noticing your knees are always like brown yeah like every hey whoa watch out my paint bro back up don't get that knee crust into my paint okay I don't want no need crust in my paint bro I've got this wheel tub here fully welded in now I was welding here and there when there wasn't so many paint fumes around I think I'm going to go ahead before I go to the other side and roll this lip we've been talking about for ages the flat areas we should be good but I think we'll probably just split it once or twice here and a few times over here you definitely don't want to cut this lip off because then your quarter panel is no longer attached to your wheel tub yeah loose ability exactly loose ability [Music] this is a door skinning Hammer it's what you use to fold a lip around a door we may actually crack some of the primer here but I'm not worried in the least what is that it's a it's a door skinning Hammer that's what I just [Music] said so you don't want to fold one spot all at once you want to kind of work your way around fold it all a little bit and go around two three more times once I get it folded over with the straight end now I use the curve in it there you go we got a nice smooth lip now that probably gave us another half inch or so we can go forward without it rubbing it's not fun when it rubs is it Marge nope I need to weld the trunk brace back to the tub on the inside that's right obviously this is moved in in like inch or so here so we're going to have to reattach this brace so our trunk doesn't flop over the place it looks like it's going to have to be about a 6 in Long 2 in like a 6X 2 in piece of metal should be able to slide it right in there well up to this well to that cuz I can't bring this in if I do then when the hinge come down it's going to hit this what happened to my handle right here huh oh I don't know mom may have used it I'm not sure Mom hold the camera was this like a 8ot long piece of metal or something no we have oh I used on this I just forgot about that look look at his seat that's what it went to I forgot so I have enough for one of these it's exactly 6 by two if you can believe that he's been making letter openers a lot a lot of letter openers got cut out of this stuff red slicers yes tack it all the here it doesn't move I think we're done with this side it's like seam sealing it and painting it but that's after we get all the metal work done you approve with that yeah what I'll do is go later maybe with a plasma cutter and then belt cander and smooth that out to the curve it's supposed to be but that'll give us a lot more bracing here cuz that was flopping in the wind there well Marge it only took me all day to do one I know now I got another one to do over here just like it lot like work it is it yes it is hey girl W that was a big jump what are you doing huh what are you doing you little spoil baby she gets to go see Granny sometimes outside and most of the time she lives in the house how will where's a little diaper around the house there's your mom out there at least this one fit up a little better screw this thing in and get started got a seam here that we can line up by this little bead that's rolled into it so stuff like that's real helpful Are You Buck Wild huh yeah you're Buck Wild I know it w get it girl W you are some else come on oh goodness goodness goodness that's going to have to be tomorrow guys it's already light and we don't W light it not sh wow she fast wow I didn't know she was that fast she's hilarious she's faster and more well apparently I painted my feet [Music] tonight hang them high tonight but the Lord takes care of those that do his work early the next morning we had to go get some steel we only lost two pieces of sheet metal in the middle of the intersection had to get out it wasn't embarrassing at all no not at all I really couldn't believe it fell out anyway too bad we weren't videoing there's more stuff that happens off camera it's funny I think than there is on camera but if you're going to get cheet metal get it at a place that sells like metal and bulk because if you go to like Tractor Supply or something like that and get it it's like 10 times more expensive so a 10t x 4ft piece which is huge is 70 bucks so doing all this work with the wheel tubs and patching the floor we may have $5 or $10 in sheet metal so yeah you can Main haveb your car for like 10 bucks it's not that bad you do all the work yourself now that we have enough metal to do what we need to do let's get right back on this same thing just other [Music] [Music] side it's ball time around here she was no help woman at all look here wagger tail y'all would have been cracked up if you saw me and Mom today getting that metal it didn't fall out the truck once in the middle of the road but twice those big sheets those big sheets 10t long sheets in the middle of the road we had them in there like that with the tug up they wasn't 18 in out the back of the bed of the truck and we're like it'll be fine I don't know how but twice they came out the back going down the road we had a hazard L right in the middle of the intersection and car stop we stop and Tra and everything spectacle yes it's probably on video somebody it's probably posted already out there somewhere yeah I had to end up strapping them in with which for Tasha's family is like unheard of I did get this side done it just took most of the day to do it I reckon our wheel tubs are done I got our little offset brace welded in welded or solid to this which makes me feel a lot better because I didn't feel that comfortable with this cross not being welded in the Middle with the weight of the car on it well you can see there how much extra space we got pretty happy how it turned out eventually we'll be smoothing all these welds out and making it SM SM you know all I've got to do now is roll the lip here I didn't get that done yet I went ahead and cut it but I didn't roll it yet one tool I'll say that was a real big help is the old Dolly on the stick and if you're not a body te you may not know what that is but I used it to square off these Corners cuz this was completely round here you know and like I would weld here and then beat this thing in the corner with a hammer back here and that completely squared off and it has like a nice rounded Edge right there so it works really nice for doing the metal work and the corners like that that's a tool I would recommend if you're doing a lot of stuff like that [Music] what do you think W yeah looks good look no lip anymore no I'm talking no lip get it pretty good one we're still waiting on our other two casings they should be here in the next couple days and I really don't think I want to mount them up until I get all of them here I'm also worried about scratching the paint the longer it dries the better we've actually made a list of all the things we do it's like this long the yellow things are things that we have to to actually start the engine the whole this really has to be done before we can actually drive it we have no brakes or anything you know right now we're going through our stuff here we actually got a box in from Summit yesterday evening check out summitracing.com they were a huge help with this project I'm super excited to be able to work with them it's like a lifelong goal of mine or a dream of mine I've been using them for 20 something years I've got a straight shifter stick I guess you'd say it's a Hearst one I like it short yeah the other one was curved if you remember in the last video and we curved it to the front to miss the console it's really too far out there like it's uncomfortable so I wanted a straight one that said heurst on it and we got our awesome shifter knob show them Ralphie look at that racing stripe shifter knob I love it I think I'm going to work on the floor while they're working on this stuff there's a lot of little things we got to do herey W oh gosh our new shifter if we did like this it would work that hurts so bad I'm trying to decide how to do these floors I've had thoughts of just going flat all the way across just covering this up I think I'm going to do it in two pieces though I want to leave as much floor space as we possibly can for the seat so my plan is to come straight out to this point and then follow this slope down I also need to patch up some of this floor that I didn't patch in the last video you can see it's rusted out right there under the seat so this car must must been leaking at some point so I'm probably going to patch that up too probably going to be a separate piece though it's about 16 in wide something like that there's that yeah I am going to put the ignition Co in while Ralph is working on the shifter okay so now I found a chunk that was 17 in this way I just going to leave it full length there get this thing off if you ever want to buy anything at Eastwood use code Josh 10 you're going to get 10% off okay oh yeah it's better is it way better looks [Applause] good that does look so much better it looks correct for the car I think that matches the console with that Chrome one there okay I think I want to do the fan and now we got to show you what fan we got y'all ready for this is it thin enough definitely thin enough definitely so this is the fan we had they're actually both spout fans and see the thickness difference there oh yeah this guy there was no chance of it fitting even though this has a higher CFM rating this is the exact same diameter same brand okay but on there wow look going to it's hitting the bolt hey Daddy you might want to come take a gander it would work it may have 4 th000 of clearance is that close on the very middle it may have 4,000 oh well once it got past the slip actually you can't go any farther let me see let me see for a second yeah barely it Ain got 4,000 look at that it's got4 of an inch I was up on this slip and I didn't know oh okay okay okay yeah this literally fits the core perfectly I mean 1/4 of an inch is enough okay I want to take the old gauges out now oh dang it forgot to put the little thing on little cushion thing maybe I can cut it that only goes where the oh yeah yeah you did forget man I can cut it in the middle put it over and squish it on I'll accept that on the first one only okay sitting over here on his Anvil you see right there extra sweet oh my gosh speaking of extra sweet where's my candy at don't steal that that's a good Lord that is sweet that's chewy okay so I put a little slice in it and split it over there and then push it against the radiator where I need it there we go that'll work that's solid something I marked a line at 4 in over I'm going to put it in the brake here and kind of give it an angle I did not check what angle that should be I'm just winging it here try that first you got try it yep Oh that's weird now I've got to make a curve on this to match that floor get in here and pull it through okay there we go it's mounted fan done boom so right there I just need to trim some off of here and probably off this corner well if I trim this corner that may actually fix this corner what in the world why is it still connected one way to Mark stuff like this is get like a set distance away from your Edge and then just follow the edge with a marker like I did right there not super scientific but it might work look at that wall beautiful if I make some holes we can weld that in I'll just have to make a piece for right there basically won't I yeah here's our overflow and it's a recirculating one which recirculates stuff when it cools down the water comes back out and back up into the radiator but we have a intake system that has to have a spot right there so we're mounting this down low so now I've marked my holes and now I'm going to drill them out to quarter inch trying to mark on the floor here where we can and can't plug weld basically these areas are where we can plug weld and what you do water it out I want to use that come here make sure it's flat against it pull it through let's do one up here kind of in the corner oh slow down there so I'm going to wire brush this get it clean enough so we can paint look good I like it I was taking this out I was doing everything normal and it breaks off in there so I'm going to use this e out right here and get this thing out of here it's like trying to twist a lot no it's not it's just chewing the aluminum up isn't it yeah I don't know if I've ever used one of these on aluminum before it may just chew it up instead of actually grabbing why don't we try to H in more yeah it's not that's not going to do it we're going to have to drill and tap it unfortunately this is where our four length bracket is I'm going to drill some holes in here to plug weld on that as well [Music] so I'm taping up this hole so we don't get a bunch of shavings down in the radiator Ralphie got me a 5/16 drill bit which is what it says we need for a 8 in pop for tap it was aluminum fitting in aluminum radiator and whenever they threw that in there and the places unknown it probably just Gall up you got to love drill into radiator I can't believe Ralphie's done broke my brand new radiator I didn't do nothing okay I think we got good threads now all of our weld spots appear to match [Music] up get our hose CL on here goes on the short one I'm going to tighten it up before it gets down there cuz you like can't the way I like to do some of these curves if you see there's a little bit of a gap there is I'll weld right next to it and preferably while it's still hot I'll beat it down to where it matches that curve and I also usually hold it down with a hammer until I get it welded now I don't let it go until it's cooled off just a little bit you don't want to let go while it's still red go see now it's got the curve these [Music] there you go install all right I think I got that welded in there obviously I got a feel in here I'm not sure if I'm going to go straight down I'll probably wait until I get this side done we may just do something all together there I dare say that's probably going to strengthen this up cuz it's welded straight to that dimes if I do say so myself so now I've just got to call C that on this side and then we got to do this patch over here that's kind of cool about there [Music] yeah looks like it fits surely what are you doing this even all right I think it's welded in there feels really solid I don't think I'm going to do any more welding tonight cuz it's getting really late I know it seems like I've worked on this for like 10 minutes today but it's actually been like an entire day just really time consuming what we're doing right now I'm really thinking I may just bring that same height across there I guess you could have done it in one piece if you were like a metal magician or something me and Ralph are going to work on the Anvil a little bit he wants to do a little repairs on it yeah so we'll see you guys tomorrow sure [Music] he loves to play with Ralphie C down can you out run him oh he oh he's after you he's after you just like granny merchandise available at the sleeper doo.com like our new stickers we just released keychains hats hey it's getting to be cold ER what about a hoodie huh get you one we got t-shirts we got the kids artwork when it's in stock go check it out at the sleeper dude.com we really appreciate your support check out our second Channel at sleeper dude 2 third Channel at sleeper dude armed and check us out on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok at sleeper dude88 good morning well we got that Anvil fixed last night Ralphie was really worried about that he has all his projects going on he's really in the metal working right now as badly as I want to move on the engine things I've got to fix this floor first I'm going to get to cutting some metal welding some junk in so I can get done with this we can SE still and paint all this [Music] stuff well after several hours I got all that done decideed to make this this way I think it looks better even though it's under the back seat definitely looks like we have plenty of room for our back seat unless I'm totally wrong don't judge me on this little patch here okay I made this thinking it was going to cover that got the measurement off a little bit obviously and had a little hole I had the patch but weld it all into that cuz that's where your seat belt bolts on this one you could even see the water line under here you see it where this thing was full of water at one point yeah that corner was in really bad shape I struggle with having good metal to weld to I stitched it along the edges a lot trying to fix that but I'm really happy with how it turned out so I think that's all the metal work I'm going to do I think we're going to go ahead now and Prime and seam steal and paint all this well we got a little bit of a Buffet here on what we're going to use I've got several different cans of self fishing primer I don't know how we use half of them put them back on the Shelf really anywhere that we're going to put seam stealer I'm going to put self-etching primer I may actually self-etch primer every piece of bare metal but for sure I'm going to on the gaps where I'm going to seam seal it because in my experience even if a seam sealer says it can go on bare metal a lot of times after you paint it everything you know the sealer will shrink I've seen a bunch of times the metal end up rusting underneath the sealer and then it just peels right off so I always prime before I seal I've got this single part seam sealer here it's for automotive stuff and then we're going to use some semi gloss black everything as far as the floor pane goes and I'm going to use some under Coating in the wheel tubs so we've already wire brushed this and everything this is our selfing primer so self-etching primer is made to go on bare metal surfaces now that that's dried we're going to seam seal this I really like the two-part sealer better but it is quite a bit more expensive than this this will stay soft and it's paintable in under 30 minutes whatever that means but this will keep all our moisture out so I like to take a Bondo spreader and just try to push it into the seam like this some people use like a a brush to do this I've never liked using a brush always use a spreader some people are so picky about things like this like it's nice to work on a car that's just yours you don't have to worry about if the customer's going to be mad n out of 10 people don't care at all what their steam stealer looks like and you'll get one customer that just like hates the way you did it and you have to dig it all out and redo it yeah that covers up a lot right there between this and the under coating they'll never know now on these we're going to use undercoating I like to use undercutting like on the bottom of floors and in the wheel tubs and stuff like that this stuff will get all over you so definitely don't want to be under it when you're spraying it it's like stains you it's not like normal paint so this gives it like a textured coat it's basically the same thing they would have put on this from the factory it's very different than paint though much thicker much more textured the rubbery it helps seal it and also gives it a good surface to deal with like rocks and stuff like [Music] that and just like that it's all painted and undercoated and the whole rear axle's been taken out I think that out by myself today bro wow you can't even tell that you fixed the floor besides the big thing in the middle but thank you most all of this got undercoating except for where we welded in the new four link brackets and stuff I really didn't want to undercoat them just in case we had to do something later with him Ralph's been working on his Anvil today on one Edge the other Edge we still have to do more welding let me lower it down and show you the top look how beautiful the top looks so very professional right Ralphie yeah I see guys that do sheet metal work like on Instagram and they do so much detail and stuff about it my point of view is yes you want to do it right but like whether or not there's dimple dieses underneath your floor maybe if it's on the outside just get the car done man drive the car I'm not all that worried about what this looks like because it's underneath the floor it's underneath the seat I seam sealed the wheel tubs and I actually undercoated the wheel tubs but not the floor this is all spray paint here and there so I like it I like how it turned out not perfect but it looks good only thing I think I've got left to paint is this I just welded these backstrap braces on that we forgot to weld up in the last videos this thing I think I'm going to clean it real quick with brake cleaner and I think I'm just going to brush paint it so I don't get that aluminum chunk all nasty and the brakes all nasty I didn't want to have to take the rear end back out but there's only one way to get all this stuff painted under here especially around those four link brackets and above the rear end the only way to do that right was to pull the rear end and that's something I'm kind of stickler about is it doesn't have to look perfect but it's got to be corrosion proof because I saw so many cars in the body shop where they came back with rust issues cuz guys didn't seem steal them or paint them right you know yeah a little behind the scenes I normally don't come out here and work I'm usually inside editing while the kids are at school for the most part or ordering parts or whatever making trips to town to get parts with a tight timeline on this I'm having to come out here during the day and work kind of like last year we did that with the grimlin we work 13 days straight I mean we can't have a rear axle this nice and not paint it Ralphie yeah I know we usually don't paint stuff like this shout out to Quick performance huh yeah very nice reactor I'm going to use this sweet poatoa blackout on it as you can tell I've had it a while used it on several projects it does a really good job of sticking it stuck the lid down that if you go sweet b.com and use code sleeper dude you're going to get 5% off your ORD that's glossy isn't it glossy this way it's protected we won't tell squeezy that you used her paintbrush we got that painted like a kindergartener D so we're going to let us drive over night we got music practice we got church we see y'all tomorrow sh time for a press face against wall time we don't know what this means well good morning look how nice and shiny that is huh me and Marge are going to try to get this rear end back under that car just us here right now we'll see how this goes if we can put a harness on granny she could like she it up through there huh slow you just make sure it doesn't fall off there what wow okay we're going to try to use the transmission jack I'm missing all them little helpers right about now I know so it's got to roll my way we don't need to push it off the lift thing I was looking this morning this car ran a 50 two that Ford fest with the stock stuff you tell me what to do okay been doing it for years oh yeah yeah keep going okay back here okay don't mo oo that work push it push it a little bit more now I've got the delicate task of torquing everything to spec here got my handy dandy torque wrench I'm going to T these things I can reach up top then get up to ride height and torque everything at ride height right granny these coilover bolts torque to 60 ft lbs and these big four link bolts are [Music] 75 well I got everything tored now I let the rear axle back down I absolutely love this fuel plug here never had one with one of those quick performance recommends putting 80 w90 gl-5 in it so that's what I'm going to run most of the time I've been working with war out stuff and I put like 80w 140 and it I really like doing like fluid maintenance stuff on cars once I get this in here we'll be done with the rear axle I believe aside from the [Music] brakes guys you got to check your rear end nobody's going to check it for you I swear I do this every time I should only buy the small balls I buy the the big ones because it's cheaper by the ounce but then I spill all the ounces I saved I believe right here on the floor I'm just going to have to start buying the little bottles I guess cuz I cannot fill them up without spilling it everywhere now I can finally start installing things that might actually make this thing run so I'm going to set the gas paint back in here looks a lot better in here with the black paint okay I'm going to use my Mercury Comet gas cap I saved off the other Falcon I so oh look at that cool I like how it looks so that's from a Mercury [Music] Comet I decided to change sizes on the rear I was originally going to go with 255 35s all the way around the other two were back ordered so I switched to a 265 35 cuz those were in stock they're supposed to be here today according to United Parcel Smashers I'm going to continue working on the fuel system I might as well while I'm under here so I've got some 38 aluminum line I I've seen guys make like rollers where you just roll this off the roll and it's perfectly straight when you get done I don't have one of those I need to make one or something this way we won't have a rubber fuel line the length of the car I'm super limited here because if I put it right here I'm afraid the control arm could come up and hit it so I think I'm going to go outside the frame rail to here and then drill a hole in this and come out through this hole right here and down the inside of the rocker lip to the back axle pull it straight there Mar [Music] can we thread the needle here of course we can so this is a bigger fuel line than what this car would have had from the factory most everything had 5/16 or maybe even 1/4 in if it was really puny this is 3/8 I didn't want to put it on the inside of the frame and be right up against the headers you don't want your gasoline and your exhaust headers touching not a good idea this should be out of the way of every thing cuz there's a lip wider than the fuel line on the frame rail this is one of the reasons why I went carburated with this one no ignition box or anything I just wanted to build something really simple like seems like everything I built lately was fuel injected and I love fuel injection and I actually do like complicated builds like that but I wanted something that was just super simple to hook up just run a rubber fuel line to it you're good to go mechanical pump I just wanted it to be as basic as possible so I got an fuel filter here on the inlet side of the pump now mechanical pumps can pull a whole lot better than they can push this will be down out of the sight here where it'll be real hard to change if we ever need to should be perfect I'm just bending all this with my hands nothing special here trying to make some of these curves now we got to figure out how to get back to the rear end now I could just rubber line it from here but I really don't want to I guess I'm going to have to go straight up this frame rail here I like to use these Cutters like this instead of like a cut off wheel because it don't make all the junk that goes inside there you know you don't want dirt and fuel system I'm estimating this is about the right length to reach the gas tank something like that right there guys I wish I could take credit for this one but I just can't so these are 516 hold Downs here and I was like man I'm all out of the/ inch ones and these 516s are too small margin like just peel them Bad Boys open and put two screws in them and they'll fit so that's what we did you're welcome and we are just knocking it out today I guess I'm going to do the heater hoses I was wondering in the last video where these heater hoses go one of them comes from the water pump there the other one comes into the intake so that was the fitting I was missing so I'm putting a fitting in here now you got of heat you know don't want piggies getting cold I thought one of these was 5/8 and the other one was 3/4 but it looks like they're the same size yeah I think they're both 58 check out these old school clamps that were under the dash I was really afraid about the heater core being super brittle like Mama's old hip but seem like it was pretty strong still this is really nice on the old L4 I'll be back at choir practice I wish I had a really tight 9° fitting but I don't think I do here hadn't found it if I do hopefully the heater core won't start leaking now all right heater hos is done I'm going to move on to the gauges now the ones that were in here stopped working like the oil pressure one quit working I don't think any of them work now that I think about it they were like the cheapest with electric s unit so these are actual auto gauge brand and I like the Chrome and white phas I like the classic style on it these are all mechanical gauges I trust them way more especially if you're using a cheaper brand I like to use mechanical not electric so we know the vial is on this thing we don't want to start it and not know what's going on we have a convenient hole here in the fire wall I'm just going to run this guy down the intake let thing right down into our water jacket in the front of our intake try to make it as neat looking as I can we don't want to make it look like my wife's family did it or nothing that's all there is to hooking up the water temp gauge so this kit came with a plastic line for the oil pressure gauge but we've been there last year we about ruined the engine with that I keep the copper stuff in stock here now and it's is going to screw in right here there's a oil pressure fitting right there by the fuel pump and these are a compression fitting so you only got one shot of this so you better get it right goes in here and when it tightens down crushes it into the hose so got to get it right the first time I got some of that Teflon tape on here that's made for petroleum products and really if we wire it we're about ready to fire this thing the old three gauge combo man no telling how many of these have been installed in cars it's my go-to I know that I'm going to go ahead and take this old radio out somebody's already cut the dash to fit a radio and this thing's like 20 lb I ain't never listen to radio in this car it ain't got on speakers even okay is that a factory one or not guys look it's got somebody's name on it say Ford on it doesn't it I have to save it back but it must have had an aftermarket one at some point cuz somebody drilled some holes oh look who it is oh man our casings came in whoa bro don't hit W's car that's what we've been waiting on right there hit you get don't hit me don't hit me those are Steamrollers ain't they yeah so these are 265 35 these are even bigger can you believe it hey baby you've been good these are going to go on the back the 255s are going to go on the front it's basically the same I think it's only like you know a third of an inch or something different slightly taller slightly wider the 35 is the aspect ratio so you can't just say a 35 series is this tall it depends on how wide is the wider the casing is the taller it is even though it may have the same 35 series or 40 or 45 series or whatever we got to get them mounted up bro I got you w Murphy you haven't been down here all day now that Ellie's down here you show up okay what's going on why we're bolting in the valve stems here a lot of like racing things you have to do you're supposed to have a bolt in valve stem but these are directional so this is going to go towards the front so we're going to have to make sure we Mount correctly or we're going to have one backwards and everybody's going to make fun of us any chance at this thanks need help or no oh my gosh really must di hold this right here in the beach but I got to go to the put your knee don't worry about that CLE your out Ralph no what it's not it came out yeah this ain't going to work yeah keep a BL Li hard hard if there's any chance of us doing it we got to get below this bead on this side got to get down into here come on there went all of our progress I me I've mounted these on like a traditional casing machine but never on something like this well I really thought we could Mount them up here that short sidewall is getting us we don't want to scratch them all pieces we'll let the professionals put them on and they'll charge me like a $100 to do it's ridiculous so I'm going to go ahead and fill up the cooling system we're use water just in case we have any leaks we may he knows hopefully not Marge is gone right now to get gas for us cuz I didn't want to run 87 I want to run 93 in this thing I Dr the Hol for this battery box and I'm trying to do them on the flat spots all right you got gas it's got no gas in it I got Gess I knew it you said 87 right stop it okay so we got them in there we'll just have to wire in the lights and the volt gauge when we get that for D 93 is expensive now over four bucks a gallon I don't want to run that cheap stuff in here cuz you know she's a h leg right yeah so this Summit battery box kit comes with the battery cable this one will go straight down to the frame and ground there this guy obviously will go all the way up to the front of the car to the starter [Music] it even comes with gromet Mar wow yeah that gr is so legitimate too legit quit it goes right through that like butter doesn't it yeah I like to leave the cables long enough so it can go to either side you know different batteries go to different sides [Music] it's a shame to knock off that brand new paint that's what I was thinking we might can use this as a ground strap for the engine or something if I'm careful I can use this to just strip this back like that right there came with the cable ends as well get your strands in there hold ready no I don't think I am ready really hey I'll wedge this one you ready yeah give it to it that's so scary give it one more does it change at all now I didn't see it much I'm going to use some bigger hold down straps for this because I'll probably end up running wires through here for certain [Music] things trying to work here okay we have taped a TIG Rod to this to see if we can fish it through this hole I made here I felt it all right there you go come on hey we made it I just didn't want to run it by the headers once again so we just made our own holes since this has like a factory mini style starter instead of the old school Ford starters that had a solenoid on the firewall it looks like we should be able to go straight to this starter with the battery cable which is the way I like to to do it so it gets all the amps and we'll run another wire off there to the alternator so it can get charged that way as well she bought you she went down I was like what was freak every time oh your fingers are cooked they better not be I'm going to go over our steering stuff here try to keep it out of the way of everything thing away from the header so I got my charging cable here about half the size of the battery cable a lot of people go undersized on a charging cable it's very important to get the right size cables for the amplo you're dealing with so you need a big wire go for it wall not my fingers but the silver part okay I don't have a good name with haams wow that was wow I'm telling you it's a bad idea I'm going to get my fingers out of the way so slam it on that silver part yeah hey there you go get it one more time like that good job that was actually a factory charging cable off something I probably brought from work I saved everything like that should have good power and stuff see this little Spade terminal here that's what we send power to to actually start the engine raly wanted to see the chock Tower brace here so we're adjusting it that's the one of the big things I like about this one is adjustable slow down mine's slower than yours this thing bolts through the firewall in here we got to drill some holes into it let's go straight through the firewall ralie you want to get in there this plate goes in there and the washers and nuts and stuff okay okay yeah got it ow oh yeah there's something over here blocking me well maybe that'll work you ready yeah you resting your face that has been a 12-hour day out here in the shop working on this thing we are getting super close the main thing I got to figure out is that wiring so we will see you guys tomorrow for hopefully the final day of work on this thing before it runs good morning all right we're on our way to school Daddy's got to go get some casings mounted up maybe we can start it when you get home W well we got them dropped off hopefully they won't mess anything up I told them no weights on the outside you wouldn't think it take two seconds but they said it might be a couple hours so we'll see I guess it's time for me to start doing this while I'm waiting on them to get mounted up I'm really not sure what all is involved with this it's probably going to take a bunch of looking at the wiring diagram and tracing things down I know you guys have seen me wire a lot of cars so I'm not going to bore you with the step by step on this I'm just going to set up a time lapse camera wire this whole car and I'll give you an overview when we're done got quite a bit of wiring done but they just called and said our C already so we're going to get them well only $132 later dang they put the front bead on for me and Balan them what's the world coming to with the prices of stuff guys it's ridiculous like everything is so expensive anymore I mean I used to buy a whole set of casings at Pet Boys for that right cheaper than that they were 99 bucks anyway that's ridiculous I guess I'm going to have to buy a casing machine or something yeah I mean I could have already bought one by now right all right let's get these things home I have been at it all day I don't have everything wired but I think I have enough to try to fire it at least so let me explain this regulator situation so our car is a 63 so it came with a generator from the factory so this is a generator style voltage regulator and it says armm which I believe stands for Armature lld which is field and bat which is battery so the field wire is a little small wire it was unhooked already I believe its purpose is to turn the generator on and off so it wasn't even hooked up so it didn't matter the arm leg here I didn't use any of the wires for me either if you look down here this is all the wires I cut out of the harness so this is the wire that was going to the arm leg there and it wasn't hooked up to anything either but from the factory this would have went to the generator so that makes sense on why it wasn't used but yeah I cut all this stuff out of there this is the factory charging wire I basically simplified everything cuz it had legs that went off here to the horn relay this car even have a horn on it so I just deleted all that junk out so basically the only wire I hooked up that was hooked up to this at all was the one that went to the battery side on this car it is a bright yellow wire you can see it right here it's the only heavy gauge bright yellow wire in the harness from what I understand that goes up under the dash to the fuse box and Powers everything so I hooked that up so I think that's really all I have to do this yellow and black wire went to the battery Li on the dash which I'm not using this one came out I believe to the horn to turn the horn on I was able to use the factory coil wire to power the coil I checked it to make sure it had 12 volts when the key was on so B how this ignition system works it's super simple it's a protronics igniter 3 so it has a built-in rev limiter that you can change the RPM on it has two wires the red wire goes to the positive side of the coil you just have to have the correct ohm coil and I just bought the petronics one this is a 32 ohm one coming out of the positive side goes to a 12volt power source so I did that the black one comes right out of the distributor to the coil that's all you have to do it's literally like a one wire hookup now down here I hooked up our fan on a relay I haven't tested any of this so what I decided to do was run a brand new power wire it's a 10 gauge wire all the way from the battery straight up here to this power lug so I can power other things the heavy red one goes to the fan relay the heavy blue one goes out to the fan and then I grounded the black wire on the fan the way these relays work is it's high amperage in high amperage out I'll show you the pin out here on screen that's the only thing that sees a lot of amps the brown wire here is a really light load ground signal that can switch the relay on that's how I've got it switched so the brown wire goes up under the dash to a toggle switch and then it's grounded up under the dash when that toggle switch comes on it sends the ground sign this and kicks it on the blue wire here on the far side you could actually Loop it over to the red wire but I didn't think about it when I was doing it instead I looped it over here so it's constant power constant power power out to the fan and switch ground that's how that's works the blue wire coming off this power lug goes around this ignition switch has always been weird you guys know it like sometimes it starts the car sometimes we had to touch wires together so I decided to not put the start on the ignition switch so I put it on a push button under the dash so this blue wire comes from this power source to the push button and back out to the starter so I run new wires to all our starter I obviously will'll wrap all this up and tie it up later I still got to do my tack and my volt gauge that's the only thing that I haven't done so far as far as wiring goes spent a lot of time just figuring out what I can cut out of harness I guess let's hook up the battery and try oh Lord now it's ready we need to see if it works right yeah okay it's my test lot here so let me try the push button start this should work anytime the battery's hooked up okay that didn't work is it a battery connection I going say probably maybe a bad battery okay let's swap that battery let see if that's it I hope it's the battery hope I didn't do it wrong this is a bigger boy here okay apparently it was the battery all right so the starter works what about our electric fan it gets power all the time it's she slly it's not that bad huh yeah okay do our headlocks still work yeah yeah that headlights okay maybe I did something right I guess it's time to Prelude the motor and yes put plug wires on it stuff pull this guy up out of there oh we haven't shown them the Hoops mounted up have we m- we got to show everybody that I didn't go ahead and put them on I like I got to wait for the kids oh those look good good like it yeah this is a front or back that's a rear there so we got to get some on I mean we can't just not put them on right now oh they're heavy heavy yeah they're well this is a right front all right put it where it goes these things look really good it's going to look good when it's painted excited about it I don't know how hard it's going to be to get them on there cuz oh it's going to be hard you think there's not a lot of room there's not a lot of room this way you know I'm trying to get in there I'll get to lift it up oh [Music] wow okay we have to like we're going to have to air it down or something [Music] not a lot of sidewall there to collapse that breeze got us in it wall yeah what we need to do BR you're so close maybe give it more angle this way I need to get under there and pull it is this going to be this hard to get better hope we don't have to change it on the side of road push you're going it's going go beiger go home like push no we could we could hook unhook the coil over lower it I was hoping it would just go in there oh okay there go it looks good for well the front two shouldn't be the problem okay good the back going be the hard ones look at that huh looking good though I love them it'll look even better when it's down on the ground so you got all the room it needs Ralph I think oh you got a half inch get the biggest one they said it'll hit they said Lord Mighty oh wow a workout I'm ready to set it down mhm I want to see the rod hop now this is the lowest rod hot we can say that that's slow looking good we still got room barely give a down here went back oh man that looks so good it looks great oh yeah you got a finger whip at the top you can fit your finger through there you're fine at the top we got like 3 in look at this Marge look at this incredible feeling in here we got about a/2 inch right there okay over here we got about a/2 inch oh my gosh I think it'll work that's how big that like right in the center up top is probably the tightest but you got once again probably a/ in or so I don't think I ever measured to see how tall of a casing you could fit M that that looks so good on there back up and show them well get the front ones on there front Let's do let's do it these are right at 10 in wide I would say you couldn't have hit any more than a seven on a factory one I'm so glad to get these off here especially the other one it's got like glue on it and everything hopefully this will fit this is basically just as wide as rear it's 10 in wide she's a big the reason why we went with 18 on the front is it gets you up over this ball joint which allows you to go even bigger so if you went with a 17 you run into that or you run into the outer tie rod but 18 gets pter that's why I pick this size look at that oh yeah she's in there a 10in wide front on a falcon that close out panel with the bump stop on it that is narrower than a stock one so it gives you more room to go back you don't have that big Cool Spring from the factory you have a a cool over so it's gives you more room going in yeah I'm just king Crazy Beautiful it's like a modern version of like the old NASCAR cars with the mhm or like a trans a car from back in the day looks so good did they peel a sticker off or is that you no they didn't can you believe that oh we're about to Bar don't they know how you get the sticker off yeah like what are they do this Fender is hit right here so I think we're going to probably have to get it back out where it belongs I'm sure we'll have some clearance this has never been rolled either so we'll see how it works out wow that's that's good that's rubbing for sure that one rubbing yeah that's that's definitely in rub we know this side's bent in let's go the other side that's wild looks good though looks good for sure oh that's yeah you're handing there oh yeah that's good I'll turn it see how works when to turn it are we good yeah got a pay clearance I think we're good yeah well yeah we're good we still got to P clearance you say Clarance Clarance that looks so mean it looks so good love it wow I plan on painting the car and it'll probably have some sort of blue and white paint Scheme yes finally we get to paint a blue car I thought about like a metallic blue and this scallop be white oh yeah to match the Hoops on it it's crazy that that fits it's about this far from everything front and rear like it is literally the max that you would put on one of these cars luckily you didn't go wider I know I've seen a lot of guys they flare these out real big or they cut out the opening in the back and flare it like they'll cut this out like the front is M and they'll flare it but I really don't want to do that I wouldn't cut it I may flare I would flare it probably though it's hard to flare it when you get a Bo on up there yeah I love this look love it absolutely love it looks awesome those are really good these came from Summit Racing we really appreciate their help with the channel they look super awesome on there so these are us wheel 18 by9 and they have 5 and A4 back spacing so a 9 in hoop is actually 10 in wide to the outside edge it's got just barely more back space it's like 4.75 to the front 5.25 to the back and those are 26535 and 25535 are we going to put the H caps on it you want to see what it look like yeah we got to do it okay let's try it will it fit over the studs hopefully I love it that looks so good that does look really good H that makes it more old school looking doesn't it oh yeah it's funny you can't even see the studs or the a axles or anything let's know in the comments Caps or no caps for you oh caps caps for me I think these are superior eventually I want to do that it's a factory Falcon cap you just got your all hand marks on them and they're supposed to be like perfect sorry that's better looks exactly like I thought so good it would look we got Sidetrack we got to get back to what we're doing trying to make this thing actually runs this what we're going to Prime the oiling system with all it is is a qu inch Drive Sixpoint socket and a/4 in extension I don't have a special Ford oil pump driver like I do for a Chevy Rie why don't you go watch the uh oil pressure gauge oh it just got oil there you [Music] go 80 that's like 85 the gauge isn't leaking no how much pressure is that 75 going that slow at 75 wow so this is filling up our oil filter circulating oil through all the passages it's filtering dirty oil as it goes through if there's any dirt no leaks it's got a roller cam so I'm not super worried about initial break in there but that should be good enough oh see that drill smoking mhm let her eat so we got to get this thing uh top dead center number one here in just a second just got to make sure it's engaged with the oil pop Drive Che no it's that drill I burn up oh oh right there I going to put my finger in this spark plug hole over here more more oh right there it's funny there's a lot of heat generated from that right at zero we were at maybe 5° so to get this as close as possible with our timing I'm going to get it to like 20° here and we're going to point it right there cuz engine don't really start at 0° our pointer is pointing right here okay keep that in mind we want this to be kind of in the center of its adjustment so we got about that much room if we line this one up right about there that should be about where it should start at so we're going to call this our number one cylinder we're going to start with number one cylinder and it's right there by the Sher these are some 8 1/2 mm Summit Racing plug wires now a 5.0 ho it's a different firing order than a 302 cuz Ford I guess that's right if you have a 5.0 ho it's the same as a 351 win if you have a regular 302 or a non ho 302 they have a different firearm so pay attention to that when you're doing it all right that's the last one there got everything in order hopefully these are made in the USA look at that hey I always forget to buy those holders that hold all the plug wires nice and straight I know you can make them out of zip ties I'll probably just buy some at the part store or something so it came with two coil wires both of which don't work with my coil cuz my coil is an not an Audi so Ralphie found this plug wire here it's the MSD that we had upstairs so that's off some other kit that didn't work for so we're going to use it until we can get one to match it okay we should have an ignition system now and timing it somewhat close it looks like a bird's don't it when we pulled her out of the Mustang she did not run it ran for one day in the Mustang we beat the hand out of it without changing the oil and we put pond water in it I haven't got the throttle hooked up yet or anything like that so I'm going to have to work it by hand I'm putting some fuel down in the bowls this carburetor came off of the 64 Galaxy I believe it's a holly double pumper mechanical secondary electric choke I did hook up the electric choke too I think it's been on a few things yeah it has been on a few engin I hooked the electric choke up to some Factory wire that was h on this side of the motor that had power when you turn the key on that's all I know let's see what she does okay I got out of gear I have no clutch and no throttle why don't you hit the starter button while I up the thr why does it fall down like this battery I put a different battery on it the timing light only went once in all the cranks really y it tried to fire once it's on try it again okay something's up it's two batteries dead going put our little jump box here on it it's in the yellow what was the timing oh my gosh it's loud it's a little loud it wasn't run that great right there I didn't see scar ready to death it hasn't pumped any fuel yet we might need to put more fuel in the bowl it rain at least yeah you know shoot that's loud well we haven't had time to do the exhaust yet let me put some more fuel in it maybe it does have fuel on [Music] what was it that above Zer it was like here's the mark and Zero's over here so and it it was Zero supposed to be on the other side right right okay so it's like way off so it's firing after top di Center we need to fire more before so I'm going to go that direction not my R should Oh wait we're pumping fuel now you see the fuel filter full I forgot I had mechanical pump so I I didn't hear the pump kick on yeah and I was like why is [Music] that okay you may have went the wrong way you know it looks even farther down okay you're probably right hey you let me know if it gets near 12° okay we' got the vacuum Advan on Hood B all right try again want I think it's way too much oh we got a full leak see it dripping around over there oh yeah where's that leaking from I think it's running down from the top is it from up here yeah I I see it coming down this yeah coming down the thing that's what I thought you were talking about that feels tight already why that would be leaking looks like our fuel bowls are right where they're supposed to be right in the center of the Side Glass I got to get this Tim now [Music] [Music] woo try it [Music] again we're somewhere way off but I don't know why our time will be off it's still pouring fuel out it's dripping fuel like crazy so that stinks H our fuel Inlet deal there might be bad the way it works there's no like Teflon tape or anything you always want a fuel soaked dragon on top of your motor we're letting the starter cool off for a minute putting this battery on the charger I don't own a lot of great batteries you know they're expensive they're super expensive we end up taking this guy off I guess these flares here are just not smooth enough or something I don't know why it wasn't sealing off so I just got this home make garbage here and we're going to try it see if it works oh my garbage I think that was 50 that's 50° before top dead center that means it's firing too early why is it opening it's electric choke it opens with electricity this way it should be less timing all right go [Music] again any any idea on the timing there it's hard to tell when it's not running more right there right about there should be like dead on doesn't look like we were 180 out or anything like that go again w [Music] [Music] the distributor Cap's not even down and it ran okay and wow you weren't hooked up over here where are you cuz I didn't hook it back up I'm such a mess right [Music] now I didn't do nothing right oh my go and it ran okay it's running yeah good deal let me put the cat back on that would help W did you look at the oil pressure no okay n n that's Mama's girl right there I'm it's go for it [Music] [Music] we may have to go one plug wire over cuz we're R again yeah 12 [Music] [Music] [Music] got 80 lb it's charging have [Music] [Music] [Music] yay woohoo sounds good down sound good yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] so exciting be can see what it sounds like a muffler it's running fine now after all that trouble is about like 75 like staying strong and the F like 150 160 [Music] [Music] [Music] that that's you can turn it off what did it get up to what's the temperature right now like 150 160 it went down a little bit on temperature after we turned the fan on so how exciting I know I was a little worried there at first because I was like it's not wanting to start so we're all the way against the heater hose on this side so we're probably going to have to move all the plug wires over one and rotate it back that way cuz we need some adjustment to it it probably run just fine there oh we we never did hook back up the vacuum advance after that so it'll probably run even better there basically what we're doing there we're setting our initial timing so initial timing is the ignition timing without any mechanical advance and without any vacuum advance you set your base timing say at 10° we set ours at 12 it's basically a centrifical event so as it spins faster it has counter that sling out and that adjusts your timing it's basically like turning your distributor at high RPMs like right there it was at 12° when I revved it it was like 35° cuz this has 24° of event so actually it's going to 36 which is right where I would like for it to be in the mid to high 30s so it does that as RPM goes up what if you're going really low RPM down the highway you still need a bunch of ignition timing to get good fuel economy right to run good you don't want run on 12° well that's where the vacuum advance comes in and it adds timing with vacuum so as you're going down the highway you have like another 20 something de there basically it puts it at like 30 something de everywhere but idle and we've tuned with laptop we know that's basically what you're doing on the laptop man that is good to see not leaking yeah has good oil pressure it's not overheating not making any terrible noises that's a good feeling in it very good feeling this car has been a 6 owner car its whole life so it's never had any real power cuz 6 owners back then they didn't make them for power back then nowadays they do it's going to be like almost 10 times the power of the motor we took out wow so our other engine made like 37 horsepower and then it made like 42 or something 42 yeah 43 the next year cuz we bumped the timing in her you know put a couple degrees in her man I'm super happy with it hey our homemade fuel line didn't leak oh yeah I me to buy another uh fuel line is it too loud yeah it is really loud we're going to get some Mufflers on it guys we have come so far with this car it's crazy how much work we've done to it oh wow Mary was way too close for that did you get it in your got everywhere you got did you shake it no somebody shook it pour your homies no Murphy no Murphy there you go this is a kind of a dream come through for me to have a project like this I've always built drag cars and I've always wanted a serious autocross car I know I've talked about it but it's a big deal to me to be able to do this we could not have done it without help from our sponsors Summit Racing was a huge part of this and we really appreciate their help go check them out also big thank you to Detroit Speed for their help in this field American powertrain as well quick performance the rear axle awesome I can't wait to drive this thing um here you go I can't wait to drive this thing come on she's going to drive it now I want to drive it we appreciate everybody that watching the channel thank you so much for watching the channel we just be making home videos If was for you guys thank you for everybody that comments likes subscribes all that we have a really loyal fan base and we appreciate you guys we're going to try to get this thing to Ford Fest guys that's the plan it is upon us right now if you don't know about Ford Fest come to Holly Intergalactic Ford Fest at beach bin Park this September just a few weeks away on the 28th right Bing green K Bing Green Kentucky you won't be disappointed okay so much going oh yeah it's awesome man I've just been going at this car guys this is not the way we normally film but we have ran out of time and I'm trying to get done in time to drive it for a couple days before I have to go and make sure everything's good but I'm just glad that everything worked out good we got a lot of little things to do that's probably going to be the next video guys we're just going to hammer down this car we got to get it done trying to do all the other things it needs not because they're easy because it's hard exactly trying to drive it for the first time that's the plan hopefully all that works out oh I'm sorry here you go buddy here you go Budd so good you are so good sometimes you can check out our website the sleeper doo.com we got t-shirts hats stickers keychains paintings metal artwork sometimes pencil drawings maybe once every few months check out our second Channel sleeper dude 2 check out our third [Music] Channel sleeper dude arm and check us out on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok you just early that's all all right let's go see some baby goats wo hey porta power what did you use that on phone sniff just like granny she loves my phone that's looking good son look at all these babies look they're just hopping around like bunnies over here there oh up the slide playground hey walkie oh they're getting big they are getting big George hit you hey calm down calm down hey baby man he's got little Nubs oh man he does look at that Granny's baby don't have no Nubs yet Gran there you go granny oh yeah she already had a little bit of foam going too yeah it was nice brown black white they're all mixed up I got and he's got Nubs too he does have little Nubs they're super cute out here it's funny just to watch them this the brown and white group apparently man that call him in for Miles right there there she is she must have been down at the pond come here come here come here we don't even feed or anything guys she just eats the grass and stuff in the field taking your life in your own hands there gross this is her life that no shoe life please follow oh hey and remember Jesus saves and do JS every seven miles wow

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