Is it the BEST bowhunting setup? | It's definitely Top 10! | My 2024 Bowhunting Gear List

hi I'm NE with average Jack garre pro shopping range here in fburg PA and today I want to go over my hunting setup from top to bottom for 2024 so if you're a regular viewer of the channel and you saw me back in April um and I want you you yes you the regular followers of the channel if you see me shooting anything other than this this summer as my hunting setup I want you to scream in the comments Nate don't change you promised you wouldn't I told you to hold me to and here I stand with the exact same rig however many months later here we are on a beautiful day here in August Seasons right around the corner from most of the country Pennsylvania doesn't open up until October 5th so I have a little bit longer to wait yet but since I've had this bow set up exactly the way I've shot it all summer it's been like riding a bike and so it's not one of those things where you know I've had this massive change from last year to this year do my bony string cables I've been shooting it I've been active with it and so I know what maintenance it does need which thankfully this is a brand new Elite ethos brand new for 2024 from Elite Archery I'm shooting at 31 in and 70 lb I'm shooting around 80 is% let off I'm shooting the limb stops I'm shooting a hamsky trinity I did upgrade to a Epsilon launcher blade I'm kind of a cowboy I don't shoot it with the cage it just kind of gets in my way and it hasn't failed me yet knock on wood one thing I've always done in the past is I've always run a front bar back bar I'm a big fan of be stinger and CBE uh stabilizers traditionally ran uh the CBE Torx Hunter set 11 and 7 in here um but this year I wanted to clean up the package a little bit make it a little bit more compact but still get phenomenal balance I mean this bow is literally just hanging here on my thumb and I'm getting great balance out of this be Stinger dovetail counter slide uh so I have I think what five or six ounces yeah 5 ounces here on the back and just 1 oun on the front and this bow is holding like an absolute Rock and particularly for a hunting bow I do like longer axle to axle bows I've done videos on how I think a lot of people could shoot the longer axle to axle platform for whatever company you do want to uh actually shoot with I think as shooting a little bit longer axle to axle in today's market just gives you the extra stability and realistically this is still not a big bow I did shoot this for 3D uh in the IBO uh All Summer Long uh couple Podium top five top four finishes uh and this was a really really successful platform for me I am shooting with performance mods and with my 3D rig a 410 Green Arrow I was getting 3117 ft a second now I know I'm a 31in draw and I'm shooting 7 lb but even still this era right here is new for me anyway I've never shot a kinetic chaos from gold tip before but I decided to give it a try it's a 5 mil Arrow I do like gold tips uh footer and half out system more than anybody else in the industry uh Victory does make a decent one but they kind of like chamfer it real weird it's really grooved uh choose a bag Target it's like you wouldn't believe um and this is a a really heavy Arrow uh 10.4 GPI so this is like your eastn axis um you know your FMJ something like that this total arrow with a lighted knock weighs 517 grains which was not my intention at all I like to shoot like a 440 to 470 normal like a GOP XD Hunter a serus supernova which I've shot in the past with 125 grain point and stock insert that's what I really like to shoot uh and I get great speed out of that and I get great trajectory and I get amazing penetration with a fixed blade Broadhead or a small cutting mechanical we'll talk about broadheads in a minute uh but I just chronoed this bow yesterday and I'm working on sight tapes today uh and it's going 285 ft a second uh with a 517 grain arrow that is absolutely cooking I've never had an arrow of that weight go anywhere near this fast and uh the ethos like I said in April the draw Cycle's fantastic I'm usually not a 70 lb shooter but it's so quiet it's so vibration free the loudest thing here you're shooting in the back yard is the arrow actually whacking the bag Target down range uh it's just been a really good platform for me if you're still on the fence about upgrading right before season in 2024 definitely give the ethos a look now I'm a big hamsky fan I do like their inside peeps for Target so that's what I'm continuing to run here I didn't change a thing basically I just unbolded my target stuff and put my hunting stuff on here I took the clarifier out so I am running this at the max 316 hamy makes a great peep that baffling system in there really cuts down and glare which is really nice uh new for me this year I'm shooting the CBE Trek 2v uh so this is a direct Mount site this little guy here is how I hook it into H strap when I'm saddle hunting I have videos on that I'll link them down description below uh but this is a fixed two pin slider site and I'll do a video on how to site this in and whatnot at a later date again if I've done it already I'll link it down in the description below uh but this has been a phenomenal site for me it's a short compact uh slider site which I really do like i' like obviously for Target the long you know dovetail out there I can stretch it out I can get exactly the pee that I want uh but here I have it running as close as possible so I get as much travel out as myself as possible um and this site here at that I think it's around the $250 $240 street price has a positive stop first second and third axis microtune everything uh it's just been a really good performing site for me has the fibers right here on top so you get all that available light you can add a light here I just have the twist light in I'll eventually add my EAC uh that I use for Target all summer now I'm not a quiver on shooter so I don't have it on here but I do have the mounting bracket on here for this CBE adapt quiver I have become a tremendous fan of Riser mounted Quivers over the past few years not necessarily A two-piece quiver that stays on permanently cuz I do like to take the quiver off it's a lot of extra weight although it still balances very very well uh there I'm holding a little bit there with my index finger but there's all the thumb so even uh with the Riser Mount quiver on there fully loaded with three very heavy ARS it still balances out really well the CB adapt is probably one of the better price Riser amount of Quivers out there offers all the adjustment both uh laterally and and vertically to fit all your arrows since I have a really long draw length that have really long arrows I like to have a quiver that I can push up you know to meet the top cam and still fit everything so I don't have all my Fletching sticking out the bottom which is a problem I've always had with sight mounted quiver so you can see I mean I've changed that adapt that point by about you know 6 seven in at least uh and so being able to adjust all that and be able to sit it within the package of the bow um it's just really nice when I'm picking the bow up from the ground when I get to my saddle height or my tree standand height whatever uh it's just been a really nice clean package it's very lightweight machined aluminum everything obviously the hood is going to be polycarbonate uh but I've really enjoyed this quiver so far this summer and I plan to really have a lot of success with it this fall I've actually never shot with this quiver on now I'm kind of curious here we're only at 20 yards but just see what the balance is like at full draw it's a little Tippy to the right but still not too bad and actually not that loud considering how much a was sticking out the bottom now as for the business end of this a I'm going to be floating between two broadheads I'm going to be shooting the Grim Reaper Pro Series 4 blade it's the bigger brother of the mini mag which is one of my favorite broadheads that Grim Reaper makes it's an inch and 38 by inch and 38 four blade which is a pretty significant size cut I've shot the Mini Max with great success for a couple years that inch and a quarter by inch and a quarter I think even on the lighter pounded shorter draw archers can still shoot that Broadhead but since this arrow is so dagam heavy for me anyway and also has so much kinetic energy going 285 ft a second I was like let's try a bigger cut Broadhead and let's just see what happens so I'm going to try out the pro series ancient 38 by anent 38 I'm also definitely of course going to be screwing on a Magnus black hornet also in 125 grain the black hornet for me is just an absolute Terror flying down range and I've had tremendous success since they launched it what 2017 2018 somewhere in there it's been inarguably my favorite Broadhead from Magnus I get asked all the time do you shoot the serrated or the straight edge in the Black Horn I shoot the straight Edge in the serrated stinger in the buzz cut um I don't know why that's just the two broadheads that I gravitate to the most I might shoot a buzz cut why not throw that in there as well uh but I get great flight out of all those heads I just mentioned and uh if you're in the market for a good mechanical I would definitely try out the mini if you need that smaller cut if you're looking for a fix blade it's really hard to go wrong with the magnets of course I'm always going to be wearing Hunt's camo this is their disruption pattern we just launched vertek here a couple weeks ago the beginning of August if you're interested in checking out huntworth gear right now running a 30% off preseason sale uh through September 1st at midnight on all disruption and tarnan patterns vertex currently not on sale because it's a brand new item maybe wait till September though uh but anyway uh at this point I'm definitely going to be running all disruption it's my favorite pattern from huntworth vertek will be sprinkled in there obviously as well being brand new uh but if you're interested in some new camo windproof waterproof wicking uh quick drying scent reducing we have it all um particular something like the Elkin which can really take you from like your 50° weather down to your 30° weather with the proper layering I wear the Elin bibs with a two-way hip zip all the time they're going to run you less than 200 bucks on sale windproof waterproof film ultra quiet fleece exterior knee patches and a rear patch it's definitely worth trying out if you're interested Homeworth so that's all for this video on what I'm taking with me into the woods this fall if you have any questions about any of the gear that I use whether I mentioned it or did not please do follow the links in the description below hit me up on Facebook Instagram you can always leave a comment here on YouTube or send me an email average gartry if you're interested in trying out a bow from a leite or gold tip eras CB sites or anything else realistically in this spard of archery and bow hunting you're always welcome to come down to our store 21 North Front Street in Philipsburg PA and we also have some huntworth gear in there to sell a lot of the lightweight and midweight options just like the Elkin bibs that I mentioned hope you're able to get outside enjoy the sport of archery archery hunting if you so choose definitely enjoy God's beautiful creation and if you're not shooting your bow get out and do it a lot and we'll get to see you next time

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