Category: Entertainment
[music] like furiosa and twisters before it netflix's rebel ridge is the latest action movie this year to forego a traditional romantic storyline between its male and female leads instead aaron pierre's us marine terry richmond and anna sophia rob's court clerk summer mcbride forge a close platonic... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] rebel ridge not only walks through thrilling action sequences and a compelling crime drama but also features memorable performances from a talented set of actors serving as jeremy s's fifth feature film rebel ridge is significantly different from the director's previous works unlike blue ruin... Read more
Category: Entertainment
E e e e e e e e rebel ridge is an american crime action thriller film written produced directed in jiber by jeremy snia the film stars aaron jiber don johnson ana sophia rob david denman emry cohen steve zus zan j hay dana lee and james cromwell rebel ridge was released by netflix on jba 6th 2024 jba... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [music] hi hi hey how are you good good i don't hear the voice of god we're ready to go guys all right i guess we are kathia woods with the philadelphia triban how are you today good how you doing excellent excellent um everybody's looking great on this lovely day we appreciate [music] okay... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Alright, let’s dive into rebel ridge! the plot centers around terry richmond, played by aaron pierre, an ex-marine who gets into deep trouble when small-town cops unjustly seize the cash he needs to post bail for his cousin. now, from the get-go, you know saulnier is pushing buttons, especially... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro so rebel ridge is the latest movie to be released on netflix and it's safe to say that the story following former marine terry richmond felt like it could have been taken out of a lee child novel which focuses on the stories of jack reacher with corrupt cops at the core of this movie and action... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] रेबल रीच ये एक क्राइम थ्रिलर फिल्म है जो छोटे से टाउन आता है लेकिन टेरी का मुश्किल वक्त इस टाउन में आकर उस वक्त शुरू हो जाता है जब कुछ करप्ट वाइट पुलिस ऑफिसर्स टरी पर झूठा इल्जाम लगाकर उससे उसका वो पैसा लूट लेते हैं जो वो अपने कजन की बेल करवाने के लिए लाया होता है और फिर उसके बाद टरी अपने कजन को छुड़वाने और अपना लूटा हुआ पैसा वापस हासिल करने के लिए क्या कुछ करता है वो सब जानने के लिए आपको देखना होगा इस फिल्म को अब... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] this is uh samuel with jbs medium productions um i've been following you since krypton days and you were phenomenal in this film i wanted to talk about the fact that this is reminiscent of characters we've seen before in rambo or walking tall or even jack reacher but this is very different terry... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
I che [música] Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] alive and alert on the north side of the dirt it is your man d real coming at you with another b real with d real where entainment explains it good morning um and welcome to another b real with d real where we do a movie review and we're going to do a movie review on a movie that just came out... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now listen i'm sure you all can agree when it comes down to these netflix films sometimes a little bit of a hit or miss especially with action but i'm going tell you right now this one is certainly one you want to go out the way to check out is really good and in fact it might be netflix's best film... Read more
Category: Entertainment
सो लग सकता है बट उसका जो ट्रीटमेंट है वो इस मूवी के अंदर मेकर्स ने काफी ज्यादा लाइक अलग तरीके से करा हुआ है सो अगर बात करें इस मूवी के प्लॉट की तो आप लोग को मूवी की जो कहानी है अपने मेन प्रोटेगी के ऊपर फोकस करती हुई देखने को मिलेगी जो कि एक्स मरीन है एंड अब देखो भाई टेरी की सिचुएशन जो है वो कॉम्प्लिकेटेड तब हो जाती है जब वो अपने कजिन को लाइक बेल कराने के लिए कुछ पैसे लेकर जा रहा होता है एंड रास्ते में ही उसकी जो मुलाकात है वो कुछ ऐसे... Read more