“Racist To Report” - Douglas Murray EXPOSES The EU: Why They’ve BANNED Reporting Migrant Crime Stats

well let me let me ask this question this the part that's kind of uh confusing to me because in in uh um when you're recruiting people to a company the way you filter them out is either by a degree right and you'll say okay let me see what level of Education you got I went to Harvard all right I went to UC Berkeley ah I don't know if I'm want to touch Berkeley right now I went to Stanford I went to Penn I went to Duke I went to USC I went to UCLA okay you did a four-year program yeah and I I got my NBA where'd you get your NBA from I got it from Michigan I got it from you know Penn you filter based on who you think is going to be most productive for your company and you offer the benefits and you welcome them in right if you are interviewing somebody for a CFO you're going to discriminate against somebody that doesn't have a college degree doesn't have a high school degree yeah you don't care what skin color that person is you don't care what the religion is you care the fact that this person is not the most qualified person to be a CFO of a company right and I'm willing to pay you $250,000 a year for the CFO job you know whatever it is if you're experienced but you don't have it no one's offended it's very much a you know good we have no issues with that right I may say so Douglas you're applying to be the CTO of our company yes what makes you think you're qualified to be the CTO why I was a former CTO at Uber how long were you there six years wow that may overcome even where you got your college degree from because why would Uber keep you for six years so you can still hire Based on data background all of that right absolutely why should countries not apply the same method of research background standards to bring the best people to their country why wouldn't they use that same logic because it doesn't work at scale that's my view I mean it should it should be able to work but it doesn't at the moment um the work you would put in to research somebody for a major position in your company is simply not the work that any government can do about the number of people coming into a country like America at the moment um most people think the size of the state is a little bloated at the moment can you imagine how much bigger the state would have to be to do that kind of background research on everyone walking across the southern border I don't think you could do it so okay so one you were saying as bandwidth okay fine but let me ask you this could I not with all the data that I have have sta statistics that I have for example I had Dominic tariny here three weeks ago okay and I don't know if you know who he is he's with the EU Parliament two two term and he's with the Polish Poland Parliament two terms that's who he is maybe you recognize the face yeah yeah of course he's in law and Justice yes he is and we sat there we spoke he's from Poland and he comes in and he's the guy that once he was being interviewed he says we will not let one not one yeah it was it was with Kathy Newman yes it was it was with Kathy Newman she says a lot of people call you racist right they call you racist for XYZ Rob I don't know if you have the clip if the audience doesn't know which one it is I'm sure you know which one it is you know he says I'm not going to let not one person in not one person can come in here right okay great and he's sitting here I said so tell me statistics about Poland and he says lowest unemployment rate out of all the EU countries 27 lowest in crime lowest in rape and lowest Muslim population okay out of everybody and this is the clip if you want to play it so the audience can know which one we're talking about go ahead Rob how many refugees has Poland taken zero and you're proud of that if you are asking me if you're if you're asking me about Muslim uh Muslims illegal immigration none not even one will come to Poland not even one if it's illegal we we took over 2 million ukrainians who are working who are peaceful in Poland we will not receive even one Muslim because this is what we promised but I ask not about illegal immigrants I asked about refugees and jeanclaude junker the commissioned President says that you're racist you sound proud of the fact that you haven't taken any refugees of course because this is what our people expecting from our government that's number one this is why our government was elected but this is why Poland is so safe this is the the the reason why we had not even uh one terrorist attack look at the streets in Poland and we can be called populists nationalists racists I don't care I care about my family and about my country so you you watch that right so a country can say statistically from what region gives me the least least amount of crime yeah any country can pull up data and say okay Muslims that come from XYZ country they're civil they're great we'll welcome them Muslims that come from here no they our most crime comes from here Christians from this place Jews from this place this from this place Buddhist from this place it's not hard to pull up data and say this is what we're willing to receive well it actually is hard to pull up data because nobody collects that data if I was to pull up right now you're not allowed to collect that data in most countries why in the US we can you're saying in Europe most countries you canot most countries you're not allow why is that considered the facts would be what Kathy Newman would call racist I mean for instance I was in Poland um probably last about 18 months ago and uh they've had a huge influx of course of ukrainians um Ukrainian women primarily uh since the beginning of the the war um now I can't remember how how many it is it's more than a million two million I think uh that's a lot of people for relatively small well relatively small by American Standards country like Poland to deal with how is it not led to I know suicide bombings outbreaks of rapes and so on so forth because Ukraine to Poland is not that big of a leap in cultural terms um and the Polish are you know happy to relatively happy to welcome in their neighbors in this distress because they are their neighbors and they the polls know that this could happen to them and they'd hope that if this happened to them their neighbors would help them that's quite different to say Sweden taking in large numbers of people from Somalia because we know that I mean Somalia which has had terrible terrible Civil Wars and violence for many years now and this is not the fault of the people in that bited country but it's inevitable that if a large number of people from Somalia particular young men land in your country they will bring a certain level of violence which the Ukrainian women moving into Poland will not bring now that's common sense but it's also it's also difficult um and and the the desire as um Kathy Newman uh shows there to Simply say well that's racist or the facts are racist is overwhelming and at the moment that still works in terms of shutting down any of this any of this discussion I mean I always say there are three things with only three things with immigration that really matter um speed numbers and identity speed numbers and identity you can integrate you can integrate large numbers of people relatively fast if the identity is pretty close you can integrate a small number of people with a very different identity if it's a small number and the speed is slow if you do fast large numbers with a very different identity you've got not got a hope of integrating you just not got a hope why would they they can live in communities with other people who are like them and uh they they don't need to be part of your society and if you have no no punishment as it were for for not integrating then yeah there's no incentive and and one other thing so remember what we're dealing with in the 21st century is a lot of people leaving very bited countries where the standard of living is just horrific by our standards where and when they come into societies like like this one Western Societies in general you know even you know particular with the welfare state you can have a much better standard of living than you could dream of in the country you've been from you've come from and we don't know what to do about that we just don't know what to do about it we America in particular but West and Europe as well is too attractive of course it's too attractive I mean but that doesn't mean she's for everyone right you know a woman can be too attractive but that doesn't mean she needs to have 50 husbands you know what I'm saying a uh a a building can be too attractive but you know only one family gets to buy it and live in it you know it's so we we can we can do that part and allow certain people to come in but again the background goes to finding a way to identify a pattern of what produces kind of like back in the days you know how they used to say you know kids who used to come to college in Us in the 80s or the 90s they would stay mhm then it flipped they used to come here come to college and then go back home why are they leaving after we educated with our system why are we letting these guys go let's find a way to keep them here right so retention went down well who do we want to keep if we just educated you why are we giv you back to your country well if of course if the person has has paid their way in it then you can argue uh that a lot of the University education system in the west is a sort of money-making scheme there are a lot of universities that just make money from foreign students charge them Absolute top whack and they don't care so how do how do you solve this how do you solve this I mean in in uh Europe you're saying you can't get the data right when I'm looking at some of the numbers Rob if you want to pull up like uh you know even with Tommy Robinson he's talking about what's going on in UK walking around getting into fights left and right I typed in Europe's largest Muslim population pure research okay and let me see what year this is so this is I think this is as recent oh this is super old Rob type in type in uh uh Europe's Muslim population what it looks like see if we have one from 20 24 on what the largest you won't have um accurate data for 2024 but what's the most recent one you'll get accurate is it the 20151 from PE research or well if you if you take well there's one I'd like to see how you break that one down 50.3 like where it's at um take the UK sensus that happens every 10 years the last one um was Eed out bit by bit because um uh the authorities were rather worried that the public would um leap to certain conclusions about the data so the data had to be um Rob I just send it to you Rob if you can pull that up so this one I see this is from 2015 okay so we're talking nine years ago because if you're saying every decade and this is this is at the start this is the start of the migration crisis I wrote about in strange death of Europe yeah so this one number one Germany was number one 4.76 million if you want to zoom in France is second 4.71 UK 3rd 2.96 the is pre-brexit Italy 2.2 Bulgaria 1 million Netherlands Spain Belgium Greece Austria right M that are coming in you know if if you see the numbers is there a pan I guess you wouldn't be able to pull that off if you can't specify is there a pattern of trying to see any kind of trend or data of what what types of migrants coming in are creating a positive net positive valuation to nobody wants to do that that why wouldn't you want to do that because then you might get some results you don't want I mean for instance why don't we have crime stats for Germany for instance which is one of the countries that taking the largest number of migrants in the last decade there's no crime stats for Germany you can't break them down by demographic who thinks that's a good idea do it for France that's a really interesting one crime for France okay by demos what you're asking yeah can you see if you can find that Rob number of violent crime offenses in France 2016 to 2023 okay damn so it shows the growth but it doesn't show Rob I have it from statista I just sent you the link if you can pull that up and you'll notice a a good amount of climb Almost 100% in the last eight years mhm okay if you have that right there Rob that's what it's shown mhm to 2023 something happened what did happen well we don't know because we don't have the facts are you trying to tell me that no one on the conservative side has the brass or the ability to get in there and find ways to get the data not even independently research organization it's extremely hard to do I mean there are there are groups I me migration watch in the UK has tried to do some of it you can't collect it's very hard to collect crime stats particularly when as in most countries on the continent the identities of the um of the accused are kind of hidden from the public there's a t there's a trend in uh in the reporting for instance in Germany of any crime that you don't give the name of the person you do um first name and then letter same thing in the Netherlands now of course you can tell a certain amount quite from the first name by the way this is well well let's just Ling on this for a second um there is a reason for this as my point there's a reason why you can't Dr down into this look at um if you I don't know if you want to do one that's been very controversial and um very obvious in recent years which is the increase in rapes in Sweden uh this is an enormously toxic issue um there you go uh number increased uh increasing 20 went up for from 16,000 to 24,000 um by this is in an area which people should really care about I mean like rape status is something that is very important to collect properly it's one of the most underreported crimes a lot of women don't feel able to come forward you should have a society in which people are willing to come forward and you should have a society in which when an increase in rape happens or sexual assault the society worries about it because something's going wrong wrong for instance if it's that the men who are already in the society are suddenly really getting into raping you would want to find out what was causing them to do that but it's possible that that's not the explanation but you can't really know because we don't have data it won't be collected and it probably never will be who in the right mind think that's a good idea to not pull up data that's one second why aren't the guys on the opposite side doing their part to pull up you know we don't know how many people are in our countries we don't even have numbers we round to the nearest million on illegals in relatively small countries to Millions we round to millions in countries about illegals never mind on illegals the the about the best uh most reliable data you can get on I think any Western Country on this is the census that happens every 10 years in the UK even that uh is not that easy to trust because it's massively Under reporting people in very high density immigrant areas who I do not believe in their entirety respond to the form from the US data authorities the UK data authorities that comes every 10 years um I'm pointing out that this is just information we don't have and when do you say well why wouldn't we have that data I'm saying because the data could be dangerous it could be dangerous for the society it would be um it would be used by some bad people for sure in a bad way there would definitely be bigots and racists and pot stirrers who would you know as with all dangerous things pick it up and run with it you might also say it's the right of the public to know but uh my view is that for a long time the view has being the public can't be trusted with the facts so don't give them the fact public cannot be trusted with the facts if they don't give them the facts the public cannot be trusted with the facts so don't give them the facts why if you give it to them what do they do with it they make the argument they they kind of expose the LIE we don't know they could do anything I mean we've made I made this point after the recent riots in Britain I said when you have mass legal and illegal migration at this speed and at this rate and with people from such a different identity one of the things you do is you move a very what was a very high trust Society into a very low trust Society okay and that can happen from stats like this or it can simply happen on who do you give a pound to when they're begging on the streets so I look at this your number of elal Crossings between border crossings this the one I just sent in the EU from n 2009 to 2022 mhm you'll see that mhm you know where the 1.8 million in 2015 yeah uh by the way which was vastly undercounted in 2015 I was touring around all the places that the migrants were coming in and the camps and uh refugee camps in southern Europe and the Greek Islands and the Italian Islands south of Italy and so on I followed all this firsthand and I saw it all I saw the boats all coming in and uh the authorities greeted the boats and help them in and um it was partly I mean there was partly a humanitarian catastrophe of course coming from the Syrian Civil War but um the beginning it was we should allow in Syrian refugees which there's an argument for for sure but very soon as I saw with my own eyes people were coming from all over Africa the Middle East the Far East I met people whose uh who were from uh Asia who you know were from relatively well off backgrounds but they saw that the borders were open and so they they came and of course they're still in Europe none of them were been removed listen we get a lot of messages that hey how do guys get your stories everything you've been doing eventually I decided to invest a lot of money into it hired 15 machine learning guys to make a new site available to you guys we wanted to build it for us but we're making it public to everybody it's a premium then there's two different paid aspects to it called VT news. I'm going to play a commercial for you this the first time you're seing a commercial to understand what this is all about this is an aggregated site where you need to only visit one new site that feeds everything in from others no bias we're not writing the Articles other people are writing it and you get to read the article and say this is a left Source this is a right Source this is Center Rob play this clip go forward there are currently 8.2 billion people on Earth 6.9 billion use their smartphones to read an astonishing 2 million news articles every day before you read another news article it's important to understand how news outlets make money change conflict controversy in other words the angrier you get the more money they make so how do you get your peace of mind back when every outlet has their own motives the media leaving out the full context of what Trump was saying instead pumping out these types of headlines left leaning right leaning who can you trust introducing BT news. an Innovative news source that uses Ai and machine learning to deliver a more human understanding of what's going on there's more than one side to every story who's covering it what are their agendas why is one side reporting a story when the other side is ignoring it BT news shows them all access to 130,000 news sources most advanced AI in news ability to chat with v aai bias meter showing the number of Left Right and Center sources lopsided stories are clearly identified news timelines covering the lifespan of the story and predictions bring the pursuit of Truth to your fingertips visit VT news. your only destination for news sick we are so excited about this we are so excited about this that uh finally this product is here that we can release to you we shared this at uh the Vault conference the reception was absolutely insane for those of you guys that run podcast or you're busy like me you're somebody that's an executive businessman you're running around you got a lot of things is going on you don't have time for a lot of things you just kind of want to see the motives and the bias on the stories go become a member there's three tiers the premium you got the second tier and a third tier that gives you unlimited amount of questions and customization for your own news including local mess around with it go to vtne news. we got a lot of big plans with this year CU it's another one of those businesses that feeds into what we're doing again go to VT news. AI become a member take advantage of the premium or anything else that it offers for you and uh we're excited about other things that's coming in the future with this so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]

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