Father of Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray appears in court: Watch the full hearing

Hi, good morning, sir. Are you Mr Colin Gray? Am I pronouncing your first name correctly? Mr Gray? My name is Curry Mingled or if I'm assigned to preside over this morning's proceeding. This is your first appearance hearing. Um, and at this hearing, I'm gonna first gonna ask you just a few, a few questions and then I'm gonna advise you of your rights and, and, uh, also let you know about a preliminary hearing that's been scheduled uh for you. Um, why don't you just state your name, please? All right, and pull the microphone down, please. Um, there you go. All right. And, uh, how old are you, Mr Gray? 54? And are you able to read and write and understand the English English language without any difficulty? Uh How far did you go to school? 11th grade GED? Ok. Um, and I note that you have counsel seated with you at the table, do you understand that you have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times, uh, for this and all future proceedings in your case? Yes, sir. Um, and you understand that, of course, if you cannot afford an attorney that the public defender will be appointed to represent you upon your request, sir. All right. And uh, counsel, would you identify yourself, please? For the record? Donna C Graves. We are going to have new council assigned to Mr Gray later today. All right, thank you. All right. Um ok, sorry. Just to make sure that um the system is working and all right. So, um, the following aren't questions that I'm gonna ask. I'm just informing you of some things you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you at further hearings or at a trial on the charges that you're facing, uh, for this hearing, you're not gonna be questioned about facts and circumstances surrounding, uh, your charges. Um, you are currently charged with and you'll be provided with copies of the warrants if you don't already have them currently charged with two counts of felony murder in the second degree. Uh, you're charged with four counts of felony, involuntary manslaughter. You're charged with eight counts of felony cruelty to Children in the second degree. Now, for these offenses, uh, for the felony murder counts, um, in the second degree felony murder in the second degree, uh, the maximum imprison, the maximum penalty for each count is up to 30 years of imprisonment for felony involuntary manslaughter. Of course, again, there are four counts. The maximum penalty for, for each of those offenses is 10 years imprisonment for the eight felony cruelty to Children counts. Um The maximum penalty under the law for each of those eight counts is 10 years of imprisonment for a maximum total uh possible penalty for the charges that you currently are facing of 180 years imprisonment. If you have questions about the these charges, which I assume that you, you will, the court urges you to discuss those with your attorney. Um Let me inquire as to whether there's a motion for bond. If, if, if Mr Gray is moving for bond at this time. No, sir, not at this time. We will allow alternate counsel to make that decision. All right. Thank you. And I also need to inform you that you have the right to an indictment by a grand jury. Um, uh, and you also, uh, have the right to a preliminary hearing unless you make bond or waive. Uh, uh, such a hearing, you have the right to a speedy and public trial by a judge or jury. You have the right to confront and cross examine all witnesses. You have the right to call witnesses on your own behalf and testify in your own defense. Uh, if you so choose, I want to make it clear to you, uh, Mr Gray that you are presumed innocent, your refusal to testify at any point or will not, cannot be used against you in determining whether you are guilty or not guilty. I mentioned the first appearance hearing a moment ago. That is being set for you for December 4th 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Currently that's set to take place in the magistrate court of Barrow County. It could be subject to change, but I just want you to know that that is the date that we currently have. In fact, counsel. Could you approach please? I have um, the subs, let's see, I need to scratch this down, this document that discusses bond and, and gives the day the preliminary preliminary hearing and I guess I could sign that and he could just get a copy of it and then the warrants are attached to that, that so, and I would like for him to sign it, please. They just saying you're getting copy of this. He is giving you a cop. You do you want me to go ahead and give them his copy? Yes, please. And the page continues. I, and these his copies of the warrant those are provided and they say service copies on them. So I assume that they're for him, Sergeant Briscoe. Do you concur with that? Is that what those copies are for? Was it for the detention center? So he's got his own copies or he'll have the provider? All right. So the detention center wants to hold on to those. All right, let me, uh and thank you, Missy Graves. I want to um certainly acknowledge the presence of our district attorney, Mr Brad Smith and he's assisted by his chief assistant Patricia Brooks. Is there anything else counsel that the court needs to address, that I have neglected to address later. No, sir, not at this time.

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