Air Canada Boeing 777-200LR Polar Cockpit Toronto🇨🇦 to Hong Kong🇭🇰

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 01:55:28 Category: Travel & Events

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good morning uh welcome my name is reck Allen I'll be your captain today on flight 015 uh we're at the Toronto International Pearson Airport and I'd just like to introduce you to our crew today so we've got Peter Thompson first officer good morning first officer Francois champen who's a relief pilot today and we're waiting for first officer Ron valanga who's probably caught in traffic uh we're just about to start our flight planning as you can see it's a pry lengthy Flight Plan 48 pages which uh encompasses all the no times of the various airspaces which we do fight one of these things with uh uh today's flight on the Triple 7 it's the only aircraft in our Fleet that flies polar so we're planning a polar flight today it's either Route One route two we think uh we have up to uh route four so it's probably just taking a look at the flight plan quickly are we going by abery or yeah a Barry a Barry so that's polar route one so there's some real advantages to Flying polar routs and uh one of them obviously is uh shorter time uh it's better for the environment less fuel burn uh so that results on less carbon emissions in the environment also fuel savings for the airline which results in cheaper costs uh going over the pole usually we have less turbulence and some of the things that we have to consider for Transport Canada is uh different areas such as eops alternates communication solar P what else do we have on here Peter um space weather HF conditions and weather fueld so it's a little different than normal flight planning and uh compared to some of the other routs and if any of these exceedances are required then we would take a non-polar route which would result in uh longer flight plans more fuel burn and maybe less so there's some maps if we want to take a look at just our rootings so here's here's our route uh over there going uh just uh just a little bit south of the pole there and uh into Asia from the pole all the way to Hong Kong through Siberia Mongolia there you go so there's a big picture from Toronto there you go FR from Toronto all the way just south of the pole on the uh Iceland side and uh then all the way to uh Hong Kong through uh yeah exactly Mongolia China and uh all the way to our destination so some of the remarks we have on the flight plan right from the uh beginning is that there's no slot required sometimes we need a slot to enter the Russian airspace that's not required today space weather is nil for all levels and our HF conditions are fair uh you can see here we have the gander Oceanic frequencies to use and uh the dispatcher marks we have a little bit of weather feel for possible uh CB vicinity of Hong Kong which is kind of standard for this time of year absolutely uh operating flight plamber marks p r is check completed and there was no outages some of the things to consider in the winter time is uh when the temperatures are uh very low we're not allowed to fly for more than 90 minutes at a temperature of- 65° C but this time of year that's not an issue uh minimal equipment list items we have none so we've got a good airplane today M plan examine here we go first flight level is going to be 270 tropes at just at 50,800 temperature deviation plus two wind component on the average is plus 14 great circle route is 6,779 and it's 7238 there's my phone so as a senior director I have to take that excuse me there our estimated on R flying time 15 hours and 51 uh minutes and uh the burn is 113.1 U basically we're just taking a look at U well the flight plan routing itself which uh basically through Russia is a standard rooting down to Sia and um crossing the border from Mongolia at uh pohole and R straight through China and then down to our alternate information and for everybody out there Ron Valena I've known Ron since first met him in 1993 we were in a Furlow together and uh we went to air traffic control here in Trump so we saw how the other side of the fence Ron was working the West Side sou Southside and I was working terminal for uh finally get some good so we lost it there till 1995 were we there longer no no 95 and then we came back and uh pet Thompson nice to see you so all right what we do here is we check the kale Flight Plan versus our flight plan route uh from dispatch so at flight level 270 it's a luster 7 departure going to Tony Victor 34 Yankee echo echo J 556 North Bay direct yvo Direct yfm Direct 56 at 7246 West 58 North at 7151 West tefo Direct aru Direct canel Direct 69 North 60 West 75 at 50 80 at 40 and then 83 at 30 85 at 20 direct abery and then Bravo 934 adeli Bravo 934 Mike x-ray Bravo 155 tuner Alpha 45 OA golf 490 Cerna Mike 520 poho golf 218 TMR Bravo 458 KR Bravo 458 wxi a461 to uh Zulu Fox Alpha 461 to LG R 473 whiskey Yankee November whiskey 18 to uh November Lima Gulf whiskey 23 to zuhr 473 CR for the approach activate execute done beautiful very good all right so you can see that's fairly long okay all right so there we were so you happy with our fuel I'm happy with the fuel yeah okay they given us the 1.5 for weather which is good okay so now we're uh into our crew alerts and our no time section of the flight plan which we'll start a review So Soft liation we know that one that's fine see sometimes in Toronto we uh got departure up 05 we'll try and request 33 right all the time because it's going in the right direction that'll save us 10 15 minutes of Taxi time saves us fuel so these are things that you would sort of point out a look at when it's closed yeah so was right during the time when we done exactly so bought we got a long taxi Runway five okay uh talk about the rides coming out of Toronto maybe going north over the bay uh any complaints the first one the Hawker flight yeah so that was John humph he's our dispatcher watching the uh flight today and uh after we reviewed the flight plan we went over the route we checked the notams we just finished checking the weather and looking at the map and the forecast is for some turbet out of Toronto so John says he's got no reports no complaint so far there's a jet stream over Quebec we should be below that right now but what something's a little different today is that there's a jet over the pole we don't normally see that usually there's no wind but it should be fairly weak so uh we reviewed the flight plan with all four crew members num if we want to come down here the last thing we will take a look at is our uh polar charting map that France Juan has been working on so basically we've just taken a look at the weather here in Toronto just to confirm that the winds in the altimeter setting for our departure Runway so that that's good we will be using Runway five and then we've taken a look at our rival weather for the Hong Kong area and it's forecast for some showers basically in the vicinity which is normal and we've taken a look at uh Shenzhen the alternate for Hong Kong for our arrival time and again it's basically the same weather with some showers in the vicinity and a few CBS popping up because of the uh summer hot weather now our alternates our EOP alternates frisher Bay again a beautiful day and long year as well so and your Kuts the weather couldn't be better for the whole duration this is our rooting and this is the jet which Rick was just talking about and a little bit of the weather that's in the Toronto area oh and as we move to the north there is there's the the jet which is in the vicinity of the pool which we don't normally get so we might get a few little bumps when we go over the pool and through Siberia into Mongolia a little bit of weather in the middle of Siberia then clearing out and then when once we enter China again we'll be crossing a couple of jets with some forecasted uh turbulence uh various levels up to 43 000 ft and then China and we took a look at their wind chart and they basically the winds are as predicted on the avac on a polar route or um overseas flight we have to plot our route uh since this the airports uh are very scattered so uh for uh to help ourselves situational awareness to help that that we plot our route on the map so this is the PO Orient uh orientation chart and we start here in Toronto we start to plot basically when we enter the uh a polar area and then uh we plot it all the way to uh until we accept that polar area and that would be at the Mongolia uh border uh over there um what we also plot on there are equal what we call equal time points so these are points uh where we'll be equal time between two airport two contingency airport um in case anything happens and we need to divert to an airport and real then these airport are identified and uh then we know from these points which one is the closest our uh first um alternate airport will be ealt um on bathan island just north of province of Quebec and uh then our second one will be um uh um what's that lard yeah exactly that's part of uh I believe that's Iceland uh territory uh over here and then the last one will be yakut which is in Russia [Applause] [Music] okay so we're now on the ramp at Toronto Pon International Airport and we'll be doing the walk around of a Boeing a 777 uh on its way from Toronto to Hong Kong let's go so um we just take a close look of everything on on the uh the aircraft making it sure that everything is in place and that uh nothing that should not be there is there as well so we'll just take a look at the uh at the tire to start with make every sure everything everything's in place all the linkage are where is supposed to be and then we'll just carry on here we are here we have all kind of Port static ports that uh brings uh all the information about pressure to the air data computer of the uh aircraft uh pressurization valves over there as well all closed all in good condition antennas under the aircraft we'll make sure they're all there nothing's broken aircraft skin is in good condition and then we'll have a look at the uh the engine huge engines on the uh Triple 7 actually there has there some smaller aircraft fuselage are uh smaller than the um circumference of these engines on the uh Triple 7 so all the blades are in good conditions that what we're looking for no DSE no nothing we'll have a closer look to the tires huge tires everything's huge on Boeing 777 as you can see uh we'll be looking at the break probs over here to just making sure that uh we still have some indication of uh that the brakes are still in uh good condition that there's no not too much wear on those all the connection hydraulic connections are in good condition and in place Tire conditions are good no excessive wear here we go so we'll carry on have a quick inspection at the wings make sure there's no Dent position lights the red on the left side the green on the right that we'll see later and then white at the back you will notice there are two bulbs in each uh light and this is for uh this is just as a backup if one Burns then we have another one and we can avoid delays by having to replace one other antennas under the belly of the aircraft all in good condition of course if we had any uh question about uh anything that we would suspect not to be in the proper condition then we would give a call to maintenance uh to come over and uh investigate but uh so far so good everything is uh where it should be in the condition it should be at the tip of the of the Wings and uh the stabilizer on the tail you would you will see some uh what we call static Wicks therefore uh to avoid the static interference on the radios and that's one of the thing that we check on the walk around make sure they're all in place so we'll do the exact same thing that we did on the other side of the aircraft on this side check the tires engine and the wing and then we'll be done with the walk around so this is it uh we've done the walk around of the Boeing 777 priate flight to Hong Kong we're going back into uh carry with our uh regular duties in the flight deck blever Air Canada 015 at 177 we have information Delta and a PDC 0 uh Direction 393 Papa K 015 all correct and 2207 for pushday 207 will be a noise one for count 015 015 vertical profile one R okay just BLS uh all our pre-flight checks are done doors are closed our uh ground crew is just devised it's time to go four minutes to our schedule departure time once again Air Canada on Time Performance is looking good so sit back and enjoy the rest of the flight thank you okay we just uh received our revised load so what we do now here is we check it's we got the uh right uh uh flight number 0015 of the e8th Toronto to Hong Kong uh that's cross check there we got the right fin 702 and here's our breakdown jclass 42 people in the economy class 228 operational flight plant number one and uh load number three and no Tac at no nil which is just for hazardous Goods so our total pasture breakdown 245 people with three infants and in the zones 24 109 112 fuel board cross checks takeoff fuel is good zero fuel weight 2029 so we're down a bit takeoff weight 326,000 kilos so that's 3,000 less than we plan still within the limits for departure figures takeoff W ma takeoff weight ma is 26.8 and everything else checks down at the bottom here nothing there run nope Flight Deck we have four end of part 2.2 very good 015 push back 177 here Canada 015 goodday push tail of the East and uh advise your crew You're Going to exit Delta quec tail to the East and we plan on Delta que 015 okay flight de ground okay for brake release flight to release the brakes okay brakes off ready for push back tail to the East and uh we're departing Delta Quebec all right tail to the east uh out of Delta Quebec and and you are cleared to start one engine on the start on the push okay check uh we'll be starting the right engine on the push 61 with Delta for cl sorry if I use the center intercome does that work yeah okay I'm going to use that one then when I'm count a 606 219 for brown count 606 okay round start right ENT pleas start the right okay I'm looking for the oil pressure which we have and the right fuel control switch is coming on so now we monitor the engine instruments two is coming [Applause] up and when is buing [Applause] fuel flow confirm bre set break second for my PIN bypass pins are removed R check pins remove R time signals thanks for the push great day okay we check perimeters on engine number one there stable start left pleas good morning apron Nova jet 21 at Sky service tax no jet 21 good day hold short of echo Alpha hold short Echo Alp no thanks there's one master going up [Applause] there the light on the left there's a ground crew Tu us away we got the wave off and they're out for the C shot Canada 015 here can 015 hold short delal back again contact ground now 219 good day short delal back again 219 or can so Delta Quebec's just off our left there's an aircraft looks like an RJ point clear on the right and clear on the left thank you taxi lights on ground of canister one5 heavy of can 015 heavy Toronto ground Runway 05 adus Echo altimeter 30 09 behind the RJ to taxi via Delta cross Runway 33 right short of echo Delta cross 33 right short of echo Canada 015 behind Okay cop that inspection 26 10 60 6 mon to8 decimal 35 606 31 33 Comm 3133 ground short of alpha kilo there up to tango 15 left full short Delta clear on the right again and come 3133 continue along Alpha and then right turn Tango and tax Runway 15 left short Delta Tango left Del 3133 isn't the same thing light up 05 or down 015 left [Music] heavy [Applause] 1 okay line up reference rer for [Music] 999 80 hold Roger Z1 rotate J hell no speed 015 left heading 0 1 0 left heading 0 1 0 0 one0 heading selector looking for 3600 ft through the noise AB batment crafts [Applause] accelerator look for the flap speed flaps five please [Applause] FL we can see the aircrafts rolling out here's the heading button on 0 one0 look for the Flop speed once we're pass out I'll call flops one flops [Applause] one Canada 01 in Canada we're restricted 250 knots below 10,000 ft and we'll see once we get to that speed we can go because of the weight of the aircraft we're allowed to fly speed speed of looks like about 24 255 which is approved by transer count main 2 count of the 015 direct to Midland on course direct to Midland on course okay so I'm going to select Midland to the top execute ex and's available up here lateral nav is selected which I say l nav it's we expand our map 80 mile range and we can see Midland Yankee Echo [Applause] EO count the 015 contact run on 13257 13257 air count 053 [Applause] Canada 015 heavy leaving 9,000 for 230 direct and 015 270 okay we're at of 10,000 for flight level 270 you can see now we're going to accelerate to our uh climb speed 320 knots it's kind of tricky Canada 015 after Midland direct Valor on course after Midland direct Valor on course count 015 61 contact 37 1 2 4 37 and before we go still uh actually smooth between uh 22 and right now for Canada [Applause] 261 C 015 I've got two70 a final for you to start is that [Applause] correct sorry 015 we like 290 that's final okay I check that so what we have here is on the Boeing electronic flight bag uh we have our chart clip so for Toronto we can preview down in the bottom portion here you can see the different phases of flight there's actually a pictorial that'll show what it is so right here we have the terminal or sorry the terminal the airport area we have departure we have information we have arrival and then we have approach or we have all which we can select so normally what we do is that we'll pick the charts after reviewing them on which ones might apply for the departure that we're having so you can see on this one for Toronto for our departure we can preview an airport and I'll just with the electronic flight bag we can either have a day mode which we're in or a night mode for evening which is the black background the opposite and here's a picture of the airport diagram in Toronto so what on here it displays plays of different frequencies that are used from AIS a ground control APR control tower and departure frequencies it also has Runway lengths going to have to uh expand it so I can read it it's also a touch screen which we can scroll down and has all sorts of information displayed here so today's departure for flight 015 we departed from Terminal 1 which is this building here there's a terminal 3 over here there's a center terminal which they don't use anymore we departed from gate 177 which one I can expand was basically in this quadrant stand by I want to get backup [Applause] page so other pages that we can review airport information takeoff minimums which all listed here we also have charts in our book which explain this it's a lousy page uh apron procedures barking Gates 109b we can have a review here so as we expand in we can see terminal one the apron area we started in a building or sorry in a room over here for our flight planning ended up walking along the terminal through security Down The Long corridor to gate 177 as you can see in a relationship to the airport positions we also have parking positions either commuter parking in the infield coordinates if it's required for loading your GPS system up uh we have low visibility taxi charts which on today weren't required we have second page we have deicing guidance sign boards and a standard taxi rate so today the weather was quite good so today's departure if you can look at this map here we departed gate 177 we pushed back we departed Delta Quebec which is at Exit there taxi along Delta we crossed Runway 33 right which what we discussed earlier is the longest runway which we would have preferred for takeoff but it was closed due it to not toown once we cleared the runway we went across Delta we came along Mike Mike 3 and then Air Traffic Control uh gave us taxi down Runway 33 left which we went then went to hotel and we departed off 05 towards the Northeast so I expand a Little Closer you can take a look to see what it is so this chart is used and has all the different taxiways orientations it has Preferred roots on it also if I go to another chart here's a standard taxi route chart for Route Six and we didn't use this one today but it would be guidance when you're going from an area following along so you can see this route would take us from this area following the arrows this is what you can anticipate for a departure off six left um Jefferson has these charts but uh air traffic control in Toronto doesn't use them very often hey let's go back to the Chart clip so we can review departures so in Toronto there's five different SIDS standard instrument departure charts that was a test and you can see in Toronto we have the Arro five the Douglas 3 the luster 7 and you can see it's checked green cuz that's the one we departed and that's the one we used the Pearson 9 and the windy one so I'll select the luster 7 departure sorry we'll preview it and there you can see the chart so on this chart which is used for almost all departures that we have it's produced by Jefferson and in the top right corner you see Toronto it's called a sid chart and what we review is uh expiry dates or sorry effective dates what the chart number is it's cross checked with the pilot nonf flying and the dates so you can see in here here's the ident for the airport here's your Toronto departure frequencies 28.8 2757 if they're doing a dual departure they'll have two departure frequencies sometimes airport elevation any other notes which you can read here that are required transition levels transition altitude udes safe altitudes within 100 nautical miles of the airport any cautionary notes and then any other additional requirements which here it says refer to noise AB bment procedures for additional requirements the name of the chart the luster 7 departure and in parenthesis here it has a short firm which would be in the database from when we're loading it in for cross reference in big bold letters here this is requirement for Transport Canada the maximum speed of 250 knots for all aircraft below 10,000 ft for noise bement there's another little chart here Turbo Jet or fan aircraft only Runway All runways and if it was just applicable to certain ones it would have the numbers either 05 or 23 or six left but for all runways in Toronto noise AB bment departure procedure either one or two and today we did one down here you'll also see noise AB aircraft assigned to turn a takeoff commence to turn at 1100 ft so we departed 05 which is right down here and if you follow the runway you can see the pictorial says 075 heading then at or above a th000 it' be left 047 heading after to a certain altitude or point we scroll up on all these Pages there's usually a communication procedure or sorry a communication failure procedure and what it say say here on recognition of a failure 20 minutes or less after takeoff and in ey or far weather conditions proceed as follows and it'll have the instructions standard I transponder mode 7600 and then if you were Beyond Toronto 10 DME proceed directly on course or if not do not climb above last sign altitude for 5 minutes after recognition of failure then climb to the flight plan altitude So the instructions for the pilots depending what Runway today we departed 05 it'll have the instruction on your initial climb what to do so the briefing I gave today was for Runway 05 unless otherwise assigned by air traffic control climb heading 057 de at 1,000 ft turn left heading 047 or assign heading for vectors to assign route the altitude unless otherwise assigned by ATC jet aircraft maintain 5,000 ft there's also a note in the bottom for non- jet aircraft something like a doge shade or propeller aircraft maintain 3,000 ft so we brief that now we will go on to the noise bment chart that will be found on their information which was in the next block you can see in Toronto there's three charts one for no TS longterm the noise abatement and then noise AB bment continued so reviewing the noise chart for the jopon basically it's in the same style uh daylight standard in Toronto it says no operating restrictions and noise AB bment procedures apply at Toronto Pearson International Airport to all IFR and VFR aircraft unless otherwise specified it then displays the restrictions the different types of aircraft whether there's non-noise certified a anx 16 which volumes all other aircraft so here are the restrictions for times local arrival and departures all aircraft between 2000 and 8 in the morning between midnight and 7 between midnight 30 and 06:30 and midnight3 and 06:30 and then it has a whole list of other restrictions at Air Canada we have certain flights that are approved to land um in the what we can call here the noise AB bment hours the silent hours and and those are what we could refer to as red eyee flights usually coming in from the west coast of California Vancouver or Alberta heading to Emon or sorry heading to Toronto and Landing earlier than 0630 we also have some flights from South America that come in that are allowed to land around 5:45 in the morning so request can be made to the senior manager in Toronto of the airport facility for the gtaaa uh so page three of the program expanding it talks about preferential runways for ATC during the the silent hours midnight to 0630 arrivals and departure when engine run UPS can be done training flights so after all that information has been read and understood we can get down to General procedures for noise abatement uh and the first point they talk about reverse thrust and this is pretty standard in a lot of international airports that are close to neighborhoods it'll say reverse thrust consistent with safety of operations and in consideration of high-intensity Runway operations pilot should minimize the use of reverse thrust so as an sop or standing operating procedure in Toronto the recommendation is to use uh braking and idle reverse and we try and plan that unless oper operationally required so today we planned a nadp one departure which we advised clearance delivery we advised clearance delivery that we were uh doing nadp 1 so you can see on the chart here it says nadp 1 or two is required for all runways see the other charts Sid rooting should be followed to 3600 ft for runways 33 left and 33 right no unauthorized transport to Molten sit cancellation does not terminate noise of bment procedures early turn on Runway 05 which we use applies only to the following jet aircraft types and at lists for rivals in Toral the noise mement uh procedures are consistent with safety crew shall minimize approach noise to do this it says for all approaches including visuals maintain 3,000 ft above sea level or until intercepting the extended Runway Center Line and intercept the extended Runway Center line at or outside the Final Approach fix then remain on or above the Glide slope or assume 3° Glide slope there we go and then we just have some other departure times for that so that's noise AB batment uh on the first chart here are the long-term notams that epison will have uh you'll see an effective date and end date and it says all GPS approach procedure titles change to gnss no Tam to Runway 23 threshold display 685 ft and threshold distance 10 ft ILS Runway 23 touchdown height 45 ft so the short-term no TOS which we found on the flight plan okay the time we have now is 15:32 UTC time uh which is exactly 90 minutes past um what time we pushed we pushed at 1402 and we were airborn at 1422 so an hour 10 minutes into the flight you can see from the map here here is approximately Toronto on Lake Ontario and we presently headed almost straight North and we're just in the Quebec here we're at about 51 degrees coming up to about 76 uh sorry 75 degrees and then our route from here we're going to entering the uh eops airspace in approximately half an hour 45 minutes and heading towards aquala formerly called fure Bay up over Baffin Island up towards Greenland and up towards the North Pole which is just over on the other side it's already a tra no problem which lake is [Applause] this sorry this is just a trick rusher make sure we're not lost okay we're 3 hours into the flight plan and uh we just have frire Bay koal uh off our uh Port Wing about 80 mil and you can see the position on the map there is the airport right there and uh what Ron is doing is requesting our Oceanic clearance by our flight information page and you can see how it's displayed flight number ACA Air Canada airline 015 and ATC facility bird entry point is Canal which is on the flight plan we've requested flight Level 310 here's our estimated time of arrival for that point and we requesting M83 so Ron has sent that out and uh at Air Canada sop we have a book called The Cage normal procedures quick reference handbook normal and one of the pages in there talks about Oceanic or eops procedures and just a guide that we can use to make sure everything is covered so you can see in here Pilot Flying we'll verify the clearance once it comes we just received a message from them that said that uh clearance received clearance on request and if we don't hear from them in 15 minutes we revert to voice procedures so pilot not flying Ron he's requested that clearance and then we're going to check the clearance when we have it and we follow the rest of the points here we're checking the weather checking the eops alternate are on appropriate FMS Pages we'll do a HF assignment which we should get cell call checks sure the clared mock is in the FMS and then uh CBD LC or ads uh communication procedures has per the QR later on in a flight and then make sure the EOP systems are operational if we get a Rec clearance we have a guide here on what to do and slop which we use mostly over the Atlantic and then procedures as we're doing Waypoint passages on what we do so I can to talk about that now is that once we're about 2 to 3 minutes from each Waypoint when we're in the eops area we'll confirm the FMS present position we'll confirm the next way point we cross check the track and distance and then we confirm the subsequent Waypoint same thing over on the other side once we have the passage we'll check altimeters our altitude our mock that has been assigned and confirm the method of FMS update we will record those points on the operational flight plan and on the Polar routs uh usually in the winter time we'll uh check the temperature make sure that's okay then after to the way point we confirm the next way point and that the aircraft does take the track of distance on the ND and then 10 to 15 minutes or 2 to 3 degre after the Waypoint we do the plot position so we're checking for gnes which stand for gross navigational errors and even with today's technology it does happen because it's all about input a little finger prop so that's what we cross check at uh manually uh there's Oceanic exit procedures and once we clear on what we have to do that so on the next a page we have what's called eops entry requirements and so this is a guide just basically to make sure that uh this cheuck list is used one with for Airborne determine if the flight may cross into that area and uh if there's any obvious abnormal conditions we will refer to this and here it says the falling conditions are minimum for Crossing into the eops areas and as an example both main electrical power buses must be powered and by separate sources all three hydraulic systems pressurized operating normally we have sufficient uh engine and Wing antias protections to deal with the existing or forecast conditions for the eops and diversion portion of the flight and we have sufficient Bay displays to fly safely in the area Communications autopilot capabilities and navigation capabilities so basically it's everything is working condition if not there are requirements that we may not be able to enter the eops and there are other checklists to refer to that so that's about it for [Music] nowbody so we're approaching we the and tax doesn't ask tax [Applause] you can't live up sh absolutely sh down going sell it we moving them where some place but [Applause] uh okay just an update on our progress we've just passed uh aalt and right now we can see on our position ref page our fnc GPS is showing where at uh almost 65° North by 64 1/2 West so on the map you can see here 65 and 65 so we're just over this little island here I'm not too sure what it's called coming into Baffin Bay heading up towards Greenland weather right here looks very nice beautiful cery off to our West at 31,000 ft [Applause] 5 contact center 1355 355 or count 015 1er on N4 a 7430 L clear thank you next contact at 90 Weston 13502 9 West 32 74 9 left low Canada 015 heavy flight level 31 0 015 loud and clear servic is terminated you can log in ads Charli Z Echo golf okay we'll log in our count [Applause] 01 okay we check VHF 12785 and we just received our clearance via dat link from Ice 05 05 thanks 12785 at canel have a good day hey we just finished talking to uh Edmonton Center and Radar Service is now terminated and we have logged on to ads we just received our clearance from Yak that is bird and there is our Oceana clearance here's a time at 1722 Z here's today's date clearance number Air Canada 015 is cleared to Hong Kong via Canal random route and we're going to check this so I'll read it we're on can cross check it uh 69 North 60 West 75 North 50 West 80 North 40 West 83 North 30 West 85 North 20 West abery Bravo 934 binta from canel 1744 maintain flight Level 310 Mack 83 and a message so it's cross check we're accepting it and off it goes new Ro certain or limit to a certain number of airplanes or Lim a certain number pilot okay so we got our cpdlc link with Iceland and we just switched to uh true heading because uh we left the southern control area now we're into Iceland's airspace and uh switching to true in the northern latitudes because uh the uh magnetic variation changes so fast that uh headings become unreliable as you get closer to the Magnetic North Pole so now we're in true heading 015 radio uh uh um can you go ahead with your position report please okay we are cpdlc and uh we are uh we were 6 Niner north 0 60 West at 1750 flight Level 310 estimating 75 North 050 0 West 1836 next uh 080 North or 80 North 04 0 [Applause] West 015 radio 6 6 W 175 L 3 1 0 75 nor 5 West 1836 next 80 nor 40 West and Report 550 uh you can check in X5 surest on 8891 to see if your position report has turned stop and um then um you are cpdlc and your exit uh confirm your exit Point what is your exit point from the regular control [Applause] area for 015 okay HF 895 secondary 1390 [Applause] 8 Niner 5 secondary 13 Niner 0 count [Applause] 015 uh so that was Iceland that called and you could see on the screen here is that this was an automated message to confirm CB DLC contact with uh recc Center so I had accepted and that was it at 1752 so we can't send message we also had a cell call they came up okay request position report you see that just came up WR and we were talking to them on HF and they were asking what our exit point was so you can see on this line here where we're coming into the Russian fi airspace right here at this point you can't see it because of the L called f and you can see there's the North Pole right here so our rooting position coming along that track so we're just coming over uh coming up to Greenland in a while so we're in Baffin Bay there's the odd Iceberg not too many this time of year out [Applause] there next fuel 57m we put 57 West on this frequency p h is 8891 [Applause] [Applause] okay the 8891 primary 4675 at the moment and bar will be 8895 primary and 11390 secondary 841 w [Applause] 287 186 3 7 North 8 West at46 and 69 North 9 West next 41 wind 34 [Applause] [Applause] 287 Rog 18163 [Applause] 711 okay well good afternoon everybody it's uh Peter and France we've done a crew change uh as you're well aware the uh the duration our duty day um for the flight is uh uh well well over 16 hours so we take four uh 4 hour break four hours on and four hours off so it's our turn to fly the aircraft for 4 hours so we've just arrived and um prior to passing 75 degre north um our dispatch will send us any updates that were are required uh whether there be a change in some HF frequencies or a space weather and on Route alternate information will be sent to us so uh we just pulled it up the here we go so it's the polar inflight update fuel freeze information is not required or the fuel freeze temperature if no one is not applicable so H solar weather updates none or expected levels uh space weather is nil and there's no HF issues and uh there's no additional information to uh add so we're just going to continue on there'll be no with our our original flight plan now we've just passed by 75 Dees North and Iceland radio wanted a call Via HF just to confirmed that they did get our cpdlc position report so we're going to give them a call now and uh not only that we've uh passing 75 North we've gone into a different Zone and so we've got our Greenland uh Escape Route chartred out and we noticed that we're in zone one and France one I were just discussing this if we had to if there was a rapid depressurization uh or an emergency we would U consult the chart and Zone one says to make a leftand turn at 270° and to Tuli and I believe right now we're our alternate for this portion of the flight is still for risher [Applause] Bay okay so I'll give them a call on the HF r [Applause] yes sir we just like to confirm that you've got our cpdlc position report by 75° North [Applause] over okay you're very barely readable Iceland but from Air Canada 015 uh we check you didn't get our ads position report um what I'll do is I'll give it to you now are you ready to copy sir Roger Roger Air Canada 015 is by 75 North 050 West at [Applause] 1836 and uh we're estimating 80 degrees north 04 0° West at 1 Niner next is [Applause] 83 7 3 l 3 1 8 83 [Applause] 2227 Roger Roger Canada 015 switching to 1127 [Applause] Niner Iceland radio Iceland radio it's Air Canada 015 how you you [Applause] read Roger Roger read you 4X [Applause] [Music] five and cell call checks okay for Air Canada 015 and we just want to confirm you did not get our ads position [Applause] report okay Roger we'll call you at 80° North there Canon is 015 uh now we're going to discuss uh Escape Routes um and uh this is on certain routes where the um um the terrain is uh higher than um uh other areas where the the terrain is is higher than the altitude at which we can fly uh safe without being pressurized um we need Escape rout to get out of these uh uh terrain of um eye altitude and get into uh terrain uh which is which where which we can fly lower um at altitude where the cabin doesn't have to be pressurized so for this for the matter of this flight um we're flying over uh Greenland and um we're going through um through this area over here so the lowest ALU we can fly in this area is 13,000 ft through Zone one so we'll refer and the Escape Route is shown on the uh upper right of the uh map there so what happens if we have a rapid depressurization and we have to go down uh if we follow the procedure while we're in that zone we'll descend to 13,000 ft and then we'll head West to get out of this Zone and uh then we'll go to our alternate airport which in this case is uh uh awit uh which is on ban Island at down down here so we would get out of the zone and then go to our uh alternate airport or any other suitable airport that would be uh available at that time we just sent our position report to IO radio via the cpdlc and um since we've been having a little bit of communication uh uh problem with him we're going to call just to confirm that we got it on HF and if we and if need be we'll reive it we'll give it to him again on HF so I'm just going to give him a minute okay okay we've just received a clearance uh from um Iceland radio to climb to and maintain flight level 330 so that's what we're going to do right now we'll set the uh altitude to uh 330 and uh and then reset our cruising altitud to 330 on the uh aircraft will climb there once we're there uh we'll send a uh another um message to Iceland radio to uh confirm that we're level at that cleared out stre and what we'll do is we can uh send it via cpdlc uh we'll arm it now it's armed and it'll automatically send a message uh to Iceland when we're level at 330 speed V Roger [Applause] I I said- 60 it's - 65 for 90 minutes it's over here course [Applause] so we lost so what we'll do is request [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is the most Northerly F of Greenland we can see the NorthShore of the uh of the fur through the clouds uh down there and um if we refer to the map it would be uh that F right over uh right over here where the Waypoint turno is uh depicted [Applause] so one more time with healing you're approaching 83 or [Applause] 30 Iceland radio Iceland radio it's Air Canada 015 position Air Canada Air Canada 0155 radi 7 North 5 West 34 [Applause] okay I just confirm you did not get our position report at 80° North rece the report okay Roger here it is we were uh 80 degrees north 0 40 degrees west at 1 Niner 14 and flight level uh 330 and position fuel is 779 and uh position 83 North is 0 3 0° West at 1 n or 38 flight level 330 and we are estimating 85 North 020 West one Niner 54 next a berry fuel 74 decimal 6 over 84 West 1 N4 Lev 338 33 West 1 38 [Applause] [Laughter] 8est R your estimating 85 nor two 0 West at Time 1 Niner [Applause] 54 Roger Roger we'll call you on this frequency at 85 degrees north Air Canada 015 [Applause] okay uh we're just about to give our uh position report now this will be the last position report we give with Iceland radio um our next position report will be at a berry and uh we'll be talking to uh Banks and this is where we'll be entering Russian airspace and our altitude will change we'll be switching from feet to uh meters and uh we have a chart here for conversion and we also have meters depicted above our altitude and feets so we'll go ahead Iceland radio Iceland radio T Canada 015 Iceland radio Iceland Radio Air Canada 015 Roger Air Canada 015 is by 85 North 020 West at 1 Niner 54 flight level 330 estimating a berry time 20 21 rul is next fuel is 72 decimal 5 over [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] okay can you say the frequencies again for Canada 05 015 fors go go ahead [Applause] Prim is 8 - 5 secondary is [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] 3 okay we a canidate 015 we check a primary 8 ner 50 and secondary 1 39 0 over one that safe Roger Roger thank you very much have a nice day I you okay uh now um there's a Barry which is our next Waypoint which as I mentioned uh will be entering Uh Russian airspace and uh We've uh built a way point in our fix page which depicts the uh location of the North Pole and um if we review our uh polar operations in our fom uh it talks about overflying the North Pole the flight Crews must exercise caution when flying directly over the North Pole due to the possibility of aggressive autopilot Maneuvers when the heading changes from north to south now we're not flying directly over the North Pole so the heading change will be actually very gradual as we uh approach a Barry and continue further to the South we're now 150 naal miles south of the uh North Pole on the um Atlantic side of the uh of the pole and uh as you can see up here so much of nothing uh but we're lucky enough though to uh see uh down to uh uh the ground or the ice however we may call it and uh we can see uh uh how it can be fragmented uh up here and uh just a little bit uh through the cloud layers it's usually pretty covered up uh here but today we're lucky enough to be able to see down there and I believe it's all uh open a little bit of open water in between the uh ice flows for are have 015 m control goad Roger Roger Canada 015 is by ber at 2021 flight level 330 estimating Ru 2055 modem is next and position fuel 68 decimal Niner and Canada 015 is requesting 10,100 M1 l, 100 m m Roger Canada 015 is clear to climb and maintain uh 10,100 M next report [Applause] [Applause] motem k m [Applause] [Applause] 05 try again Delta K both [Applause] M and from Air Canada 015 it's Delta kilo Delta kilo golf Mike [Applause] over5 Del [Applause] Delta kilo kilo not Lima kilo Delta [Applause] kilo 05 AFF AFF Del kilf m [Applause] negative cell call negative cell call Fair Canada 015 05 okay check we next reporting point at ravu and we'll TRW the S call a little later thank [Laughter] you so we're now clear to 10,100 M so we'll check on the map Russia 101 that's uh 331 331 is set and now will climb to uh 331 which is 10,100 [Applause] m fore [Applause] right back [Applause] control you Canada 015 is by uniform Hotel 11,100 [Applause] m control air can to 015 hold on 6 8 9 49 position Bullock maintaining flight level 10,600 M contact control 28 decimal Z 28 decimal z m control controller Canada 015 is by uniform Motel 1 1,100 me 01 control 126 shot control 126 decimal 5 Air Canada 015 [Applause] so sh control good morning Air Canada 015 1 1,100 M 015 and Roger Air Canada 015 estimating modem time 0141 Polo 0154 over 015 11,1 Port mod or report modotto M Canada 015 all right right here here oh good morning everybody we uh we're just traveling uh through Mongol molia right now we cross the border from Russia at Waypoint CA and uh we went by latar and now we are heading towards a waypoint called poho which is the border of China and Mongolia and we'll be uh talking to Beijing airspace we'll be in Beijing airspace we'll be talking to Beijing control um okay okay so now we've been uh in the air for uh just over 11 hours and uh we have burned uh just over 92 tons of fuel uh so far and uh we have uh 31 tons and a half left in our tanks for the reminder of the flight to uh Hong [Applause] Kong because of all the Theo one and the at 05 Roger Canada 015 we'll call you a [Applause] PO so we're just crossed into China so we're about to check in with Beijing control uh be in control hello it's a Canada 015 maintaining 1 1,100 M 042 Roger 042 Air Canada [Applause] 015 light [Applause] m300 me [Applause] 8 62 1 600 [Applause] M [Applause] 800 me okay maintain Beijing hello Air Canada 015 1 1,300 M Air Canada 015 1,600 M Roger Air Canada 015 C to climate maintain 1,600 M 05 12 55 Roger that can 015 switching 124 55 so on affirmative 11,900 [Applause] M Beijing hello it's a Canada 015 War 1,600 met [Applause] rer to maintain 1 1,600 meters there Canada 015 okay so as we're uh flying along uh we've got our flight plan and we're approaching a waypoint and uh we uh for flight planning purposes we take our time over the Waypoint our estimated time and our real time and we compare it to see if we're uh remaining on schedule or not you have anything like to add to that fris okay and then uh we we take a look at uh the winds the forecast winds and the actual winds and we also we take a look at our wind component from that and um we would like to see that the forecasts are fairly accurate and then we record our fuel our actual fuel on board compared to the estimate on board and uh and we usually have a little bit extra we then that's always [Applause] good okay so our last Waypoint as we went by Tango Zulu Hotel actually um we were 2 minutes late we arrived at 28 minutes after the hour and our estimate was at 26 and uh the wind was pretty much as forecasted uh it's within the 10 knots and 10 Dees it was fairly good and our fuel on board we had 26.1 and the minimum for uh for on route for the flight was 22 so we're up 4.1 tons on our fuel hi my name is fr shampang I uh learned to fly in a Quebec College that's a shikui uh College uh and I um ended my um courses flying courses in '92 and I started as a bush Pilot Flying float planes for uh two summer uh between these two summers I took my uh IFR Li licenses and twin engine ratings and I started to fly for a small company on the St Lawrence Northshore so there I flew the Navajo and then Jet Stream 31 before being hired for uh or with air in with where I flew the uh twin other and the uh 748 after that I flew for Transat for two years on the Boeing 757 before being hired with Air Canada where I flew the uh I flew the RJ uh then the Airbus 330 and 340 as a relief pilot then I flew the M Brier as a captain for two years the Boeing 767 as a first officer for two years and now it's been two years I'm a relief pilot on the Boeing 777 okay for traffic separation in uh China they often uh clear us to track um a couple miles off our uh route so right now we've been cleared to track 3 miles uh right of our track so that's what we're doing right now we're just leaving our uh flight plan route to go track 3 miles to the right um yeah it's called an offset and um fortunately uh we have an easy way to uh to do this through our um um through our flight computer here uh we just have to go on the uh on our route page up here and just enter the uh number of miles we want to offset to the right or to the left in this case right 3 miles and then the um autopilot takes us uh exactly there m 015 come from position over 015 uh we're tracking at three miles right of course a beam abli at this [Applause] time air 015 offet 5 miles right off track offset 5 Mile right off track AR can 015 [Applause] W Joe today it's a Canada 015 we are 1 1,600 met can 015 cont and uh what type of speed would you like for a Canada 015 we're doing Mach decimal 85 our normal speed is mock decimal [Applause] 83 Canada 015 Roger high speed okay Roger that high speed Canada 015 [Applause] okay so I'll just start uh with the pred decent uh uh planning here run [Applause] and just keep checking that guy I'm going to check our uh Landing flap they've got flap 30 136 that looks good departure arrival planning ILS 7 left with the Sierra 5 Charlie selected so going into the chart for Hong Kong just checking their work that they put in Sierra 5 Charlie just give you a briefing here Ron 10-2 uniform 8th of July 11 transition level 110 120 with 979 Hector pascals are below transition L2 9,000 ft of required request radar assist to fall correct track Sierra 5 Charlie for Runway 7 left Speed Max 250 below 10,000 less otherwise assigned so from Sierra it's go bord Roa Kanto uh Murray at flight level 130 Silva liines Silva limes that's all in there descent requirement Cross Murray at flight level 130 holding is established over Kanto in the event of a holding each flight will be instructed individually do not descend without ATC clearance under turbulent conditions when approved by ATC 280 knots are mock 080 whichever is less so the cr5 Charlie as I just said two Bard turn left to Roa then to Kanto then via Murray to Silva then left to limes expect ISS approach just send as directed by DC so if they shorten it up that's not a problem okay then we'll transition vectors over to the ILS Runway seven left let me cycle The View here ILS Runway 7 left standby chart dat 8th of April 11 localizer 111 Das one and Final Approach course 073 1290 at the 4 DME fix uh decision altitude 222 ft set on the radio altimeter uh modern approaching minimums and minimums I'll call Landing or go around flap 20 Miss approach climb to 5,000 ft on the ILS climb straight ahead to 300 ft turn left on to 058 De and intercept the 36 degree radio of smt Del lingi then turn right on Toto the 76 degree radio of LKC when crossing the 333° radio of TD proceed on 110° heading to sampoo and expect radar vectors Max 230 knots do not turn before2 of issl MSA over the chv within Hong Kong 4,300 ft on a northern quadrant transition level as we discussed 110 9 approach minimums minimums thank you uh we go down here and minimum is 200 ft and 1200 M here's the Hong Kong map of the airport we're going to be landing on seven lefts probably clearing around a taxiway down here coming around to this spot parking somewhere in the uh South wing of The Passenger Terminal Canada 05 H Kong 127 5 good 12755 count 015 good Dragon 651 130 D 130 Dragon 651 can 015 leaving 2 1 0 for 1 90 Canada 015 for sequencing redu speed to 2 Z North Speed 2 count 01 ps9 [Applause] 13 Dragon 651 13 by 13 chain [Applause] speed arrival 64 [Applause] [Applause] can5 reduce speed to 230 nor turn left Hing 180 Speed 2 three 0 speed 230 KN left heading 18 Z count 015 230 KN selected and left to 1 18 Z [Applause] [Applause] a Canada 015 turn left direct to Murray left Murr 05 [Applause] Ro Canada 015 130 hey Canada 015 Roger expect Runway 07 left 05 07 left B 795 any chance for director se you weather K 015 descend to 9,000 ft q& now one0 ner new8 is coming up ner FT 1 Niner 015 9,000 set thrust flight all change speed 5 9,000 Canada 015 continue present heading present heading Canada 015 635 right 3 63 0 turn left hitting 23 0 can 015 speed 230 knots to send to 8,000 we are 23 8000 ft can 10 for 8,000 ft which is said is set R set alimet 1 z9 hectopascals three times in range check was complete thank you Canada 015 turn left heading 3 5 0 left heading 3 5 Z 05 a 725 altitude 7,000 a 725 Roger 9 for 8000 one upon 175 heading 25 track adjustment left down heading 275 count 015 continue leftt turn heading 280 left turn heading 28 Z count 055 43 number 1 43 maintain expect Runway 07 left run 7 left maintain 1 1 0 5 43 C 725 climb to 9,000 ft clim altitude 9,000 ft C 725 speed all can 015 descend to 4,000 ft send to 4,000 F count 05 4000t set level ch55 can 015 te director 11 n or 5 ner 5 director Canada 015 05 turn 330 right heading 33 0 can 5 635 you're four Mar behind medium we just speed now to 14 14 169635 uh do you have pring traffic inside that's correct 635 635 confirm you're happy to continue approach 635 continue approach 7 left 6 left 635 reduce to your minimum approach speed reducing 635 175 turn 320 05 heading 3 4 speed 18 North heading 3 40 speed 180 count 015 the 4 175 1,500 ft FL 500 909 minimum speed [Applause] 13799 minimum apprach speed left heading right down 0 4 apprach 7 left 1 79 behind 015 speed to 160 KN descend to 2000 ft 160 kns 2000 ft can 015 160 on the speed 2,000 ft set clps 15 05 request a sport win uh 095 and 22 or Canada 015 can 015 160 right 04 to intercept the localizer for approach 07 left 1609 040 intercept the localizer 07 left can 01 0 4 Z set L GL SL K 642 with speed to 180 r80 K 642 on 175 maintain speed 160 4 cont on8 642 desc to 2000 2000 K 642 05 contact slope 5,000 set for the Mist to can 015 I left 07 left 05 to nor continue approach 0 continuing claps 20 gear down Landing check list land three aled cabin's alerted Go fls 25 in turn left on Alpha that's down flaps 30 VF 136 100° 15 North 07 left clear land 07 left 0 136 Target 141 he's clear the runway thank you autopilot coming on FL charer 500 approaching minimums minimums Runway Landing 100 50 40 30 20 6 up 642 to afternoon continue approach continue 642 Andel bre hey and Victor old short Hotel Victor of Hotel Victor sh 42 wind 090 de five knots 37 left clear approaching minimums minimums land 100 50 40 30 20 10 I VI cheor for 41 take it there say Triple 7 okay here we go uh once we came in over maau basically we were on radar vectors uh due to a volume of Tropic weather was absolutely beautiful here for Hong Kong as some thunderstorms down in the South so vectors coming in this is usually the usually what we could expect uh for arrival delays it wasn't too much Landing seven left uh a little hazy temperatures very warm here to today 34° so it's now about uh 1:30 in the morning for us Toronto time we checked in at about uh 7:30 I guess and uh we're going to pack up off we go to the hotel and get some rest and get ready for 016 on the return just ples talk to you soon how

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