Sean Hannity 9/4/24 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS September 4, 2024

a minute former president Donald Trump will join us for an hour in part he will answer your questions think about this in just 13 days early voting will officially get underway across the Keystone State in a few days just mail and ballots will go out in other states and we are only 61 days from what I believe is an inflection point for the country that's less than two months away and that's the 2024 election uh the race according to polls is close in seven states the latest tral poll has Donald Trump up by two in this state of Pennsylvania the state could very well decide the entire race Nationwide the real clear politics average shows statistically it is closed a tie in the states meanwhile left leading statistician Nate silver is giving president Trump a 58% chance of winning the Electoral College that to remains close Trump is now trending up in N Silver's model and multiple polls after kamla's long lived honeymoon phase now finally finally appears to be over our one and only interview was a whopping 16 minutes and 30 seconds of talk time I've done a lot of interviews with Donald Trump I promise you not one has gone under an hour uh she has yet to hold a single formal press conference in 45 days after her coronation she she won't even take unscripted questions from voters at to the town hall later on we will be taking questions taking questions from this audience she apparently pretended to be on a phone call to avoid reporters on the tarmac that was yesterday the truth is she doesn't have a good answer for her radical beliefs or sudden flipping and flopping and flailing or her horrible record in the Biden Harris Administration she keeps saying well I'm going to deal with the inflation on day one I'm going to deal with the border on day one day one was January 20th 2021 so kamla and her far-left emotional support Governor Tim Walls are now hiding in plain sight behind their teleprompter short scripted events Democrats are hoping the comma can win on Vibes phony proclamations of joy and even phonier proclamations of freedom but in reality The Vibes haven't been the same since Donald Trump left office let's look at the facts under the former president Americans had more money less debt housing was more affordable food clothing Insurance gas everything was more affordable interest rates were at record lows the world was a more peaceful place the border of our country was Secure Americans were more safe and secure in their towns and cities so what happened to this country in the last four years under Joe Biden and kamla Harris and I asked this audience in Harrisburg are you better off than you were four years ago today now here to answer that question and any more let's give a warm Harrisburg Pennsylvania welcome to the 45th president of the United States Donald J Trump wow thank you very much beautiful hello everybody hi Sean how is girl seat grab a seat okay get comfortable hello everybody thank you David wow wow nice crowd I would say a big crowd you know I I mentioned we have this terrible shooting in Georgia right our prayers are with our friends in Georgia and I've been doing town halls and interviews in public with you for all these years since you got into the political Arena and I told this audience never before have restrictions been so tight obviously after the assassination attempt as well and director Ray said the threat level is never been this bad he set up five consecutive times before Congress what is going on well it's a sick and Angry World for a lot of reasons and we're uh going to make it better we're going to heal our world we're going to get rid of all these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetent American leadership and we're going to make it better you know Victor Orban made a statement they said bring Trump back and we won't have any problems he was we're very strong about that so we're going to hopefully do very well we have a an election coming up and actually you know they keep saying 60 but it starts in Delaware and North Carolina and other places a lot sooner than that so we're going to be I think we're going to be very well set up to do a great job and do we love Pennsylvania do we love it let me let me ask you Mr President let me ask you this between this this is a very tough interview you you know you one thing I'll say is that we did great in 2016 we did much better in 2020 we got millions of more votes but there has never been enthusiasm like we have now I mean I see it all over there's never been anything and and I hear the polls are very close and we have a little lead little I just find it hard to believe because first of all they've been so bad they've done such a bad job but that's why the enthusiasm so good because they never had anything to compare it by you know we I ran and we did I didn't have anything at all I just was a successful businessman and we did a good campaign but the next time we had something we had something special we could talk about what we did but we never could imagine we'd have borders where 20 million people have poured into our country many criminals from all over the world are coming into our country uh there they're coming from jails from not just South America from all over the world they're coming in at levels that nobody's ever seen they're coming from prisons they're allowing prisoners to come out of all countries they had 100 almost 180 countries represented over the last number of months 180 most people don't know that you have that many countries they're emptying out their prisons and jails they're emptying out their mental institutions and insane asylums they're EMP they're emptying out the sickest people and the they're emptying all into the United States and you said it better than anybody more terrorists have come into the United States in the last three years and I think probably 50 years there's never been anything like it these people are so bad they're so dangerous what they've done to our country is they're destroying our country and we can't let this happen if they won you'd have not 20 million you have a 100 million people you won't have social security you won't have Medicare you won't have anything already if you take a look at the numbers they're filling up and loading up Social Security Medicare with illegal immigrants that have come into our country many of them from jails and many of them from very bad places and we're not going to destroy our country Sean well let me I'm going to play Toma Harris and the comments that she has made about the Border because I think this is important I want to I want to play her in her own words about this you're right we have people almost 11 million plus we don't know how many Goda ways there are we have hundreds of known terrorists that have entered the country we don't know what countries they've come from We're allowing people in they've come in from Iran Syria Egypt Afghanistan China tens and tens of thousands Russia Venezuela I don't think they're coming here cuz they want a better life as maybe some other people are and we know nothing about we haven't vetted them I scroll the names often on this show y of people that have been murdered people that have been raped people victims of of violent crime and all this is all Happening by unvetted Harris Biden illegal immigrants what is your well I I can play or tape I'll play that maybe after your answer but what is your reaction to the you've spoken to some of the I said at the beginning I said when they I heard they were going to have open borders they want to open borders she wants open borders now she's all of a sudden so oh I think we'll close the borders she was the borders whether you like it or not but even if you don't want to use that term she was in charge of the Border it's the worst Border in the history of the world not just here there's never been a country that allowed 21 million people to come in over a three-year period there's never been and 21 million people many of whom are from prisons many of whom are murderers and drug dealers and child traffickers and by the way women traffickers you know women trafficking is the biggest and they're traffickers in women and they're coming in now and they're putting them in our social security accounts and they're putting them in our Medicare and just just one thing it's if you take a look take a look over the last week I said this was going to happen and it's happening because these people are tougher than our criminals our criminals are nice people by comparison that's the only good thing we're showing what how nice our criminals are they came from 22 people recently came from the Congo in Africa where do you come from prison what did you do we refuse to say we're letting everybody in we're letting everybody in take a look at aora yeah in Colorado where Venezuelans are taking over the whole town they're taking over buildings a whole town and the sheriff who can blame them I mean they have AK4 s you saw it the other day they're knocking down doors and occupying Apartments of people the people are petrified and it's getting worse and worse you look at New York Chicago Los Angeles and now you look at all over the place you take a look at Iowa idah places that never had the problem they're pouring in 21 million people that's bigger than New York and we have to stop it and we have to do the largest deportation in the history of let me let me play for you and this is really a problem for the campaign in my view is early voting is about to start and I don't know how many Americans are truly familiar with her positions of decriminalizing illegal immigration and Free Housing Healthcare education Tim Walls wants free college education legal Drive his licenses I was so honored today she wants a path to his brother endorsed me I and his whole family I saw the picture and honestly it looked very it was a very nice looking family but his brother endorsed me and the whole family endorsed me I said who are all the let me play let me play tell there's something there's something weird with that guy he's a weird guy JD is not weird he's a solid rock I happen to be a very Solid Rock we're not weird we're other things perhaps but we're not weird but he is a weird guy he walks on stage there something wrong with that guy and he called me weird and then the fake news media picks it up that was the word of the day weird weird weird they were all going but we're not weird guys we're very solid people that want our country to be great again I mean it's very simple let's play Caro in her own words on the issue of immigration this whole thing about the Border we've been to the Border we've been to the Border you haven't been to the Border I and I haven't been to Europe and I I don't I don't understand the point that you're making you support giving universal healthcare Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally let me just be very clear about this I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from ACC access to public safety public education or public health period we have to have a secure border but I am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals that's correct the border is secure listen I think there's no question that we've got to critically reexamine ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing and we need to probably think about starting from scratch from scratch so and now she wants to offer a path to citizenship which by any definition would be amnesty your reaction but well before you even start with that of course it's ridiculous you can't do it no country could sustain this but she wants no fracking in Pennsylvania she wants no fracking and she said it a hundred times there will be no fracking there will be no fracking there will be no fracking then just recently she said yes I could prove fracking look this is this is a woman who is dangerous I don't think too smart but let's see but she loses her train of thought a lot she goes that's why she doesn't want to do interviews can you imagine her doing an interview like this or like any of them I mean she did an interview she did an interview with Dana Bash on CNN and you know I have to tell you Dana Bash did the debate with Joe Biden with uh I used to call him fake Tapper but I don't do that anymore you know why cuz he was very honorable and so was she and I thought that she would give a fair interview based on the debate because she was fair I was surprised to be honest with you I didn't expect that but she was fair I thought I did well I don't think he did too well although a friend of mine said you shouldn't have done the interview he's not going to make it and you know what he didn't make it you know think of this it's very unfair in a lot of ways I complain about it but she ran against him in the primary she got no votes no votes and she was the first to leave 20 I think 22 people or something like that and she she dropped she was down to nothing never even made Iowa and he got 14 million votes and they threw him out they said we want you out and he wasn't going to win I don't think I mean I don't think he was going to win but we did good debate we had a good debate and it was a fair debate and he was down like 18 or 19 points after the debate and I hate mosquitoes I'm surprised I didn't think we had we don't like those mosquitoes running around we want nothing to do with them but and we want nothing to do with bad politicians that hate our country too you want to know the but he had they went to him and they said we want you out you're not going to win and it was really a coup when you think about it and the woman who came in the person that came in last mean she came in last she was the first one out out of all those people you had many people that did pretty well it was actually close at the end and then in South Carolina and by the way New Hampshire was so badly treated by the Democrat Party and by Joe Biden and her I can't imagine New Hampshire voting for him anybody in New Hampshire because they're watching right now but anybody in New Hampshire that votes for Biden and and camela uh I really think I call her a comrade camela because that's what her ideology is but you know that she did something after decades and decades and decades it was Iowa the first two Iowa New Hampshire and uh that's the way thought people thought it was going to be he didn't want to go to New Hampshire he didn't want to play the New Hampshire game and so he went to a different state we won't mention it's a great state I want it by a lot I love that state but he dumped New Hampshire and I said to people today who the hell from New Hampshire would vote for this guy he changed the whole primary system he changed the whole system because he took them out of the order I I think it's going to have a big effect we really want to win New Hampshire I've done well there and we really want to win New Hampshire let me go back to the issue and it's a big issue in the state of Pennsylvania and you mentioned it and let me just tell the audience so everybody is fully aware is that tonight Fox offered a debate opportunity between you and KLA Harris and I was not going to be here but it was going to be Brett and and Martha this was supposed to be a debate right I would have preferred I think he's a nice guy but I would have preferred a debate thanks a lot but but this is the best we could do Sean the best you're stuck with me I let let me play there a big issue in this state is the issue of banning in now in that I thought it was a horrible interview and a missed opportunity do you know for 16 minutes she spoke for 16 minutes and 29 seconds and that whole interview the only interview you and JD Vance have done this is your 36th interview or press conference between the two of you and we don't know if she supports the green New Deal she co-sponsored with Bernie Sanders that would cost 93 trillion we don't know if she stands by that that we don't know if she supports Medicare for all that would eliminate all Private health insurance we don't we don't know if she would really ban fracking now in the CNN interview she said well I said in 2020 that oh I would not ban fracking CNN had to fact Checker and say no she never said it this is what she really saidar will you commit to implementing a federal ban unracking your first day in office adding the United States to the list of countries who have banned this de ating practice there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking so yeah so would you ban offshore drilling yes and I've again worked on that now correct me if I'm wrong you're a better businessman than I am isn't energy fracking oil the lifeblood of the world's economy so the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania cannot even take a chance because that's the real opinion from her now the whole country would go down the tubes if you didn't do the fossil fuel thing it just would go and you could do all sorts of other things but you know Germany tried it and it lasted for about nine months and they were going to go down the tubes entirely and somebody else came in and I hate to say they're building a coal plant every single week every week and they're building nuclear and they're doing a lot of things it's never worked it never will work but Pennsylvania can't take a chance that that answer is true but she's been there for 20 years that's what she's been saying for a long time and she will do that there's no chance that she's going to allow it the election will take place if she won you're not going to have any fracking in Pennsylvania you have 500,000 jobs think of that it's your biggest business and you get a big majority of your income from fracking and you have somebody that's not going to allow fracking she's not going to allow it you can't take the chance you have no choice you've got to vote for me I you've got to vote for me you got even even if you don't like me you know it's it's no but even if you don't like me you could sit there say I can't stand that guy but there's no way I'm going to vote for her no you have to have fracket you know you're the biggest in the country for this you have two of the biggest sites in the world it's a massive business for p Pennsylvania and you can't take a chance she will not allow fracking she's not going to and she's got a lot of other problems too but for your for your particular for the Commonwealth you have no choice but to allow it 16 minutes and 30 seconds are up thank you for being with us thank you the president has spoken for a total of 16 minutes and 30 seconds I'll I'll say I'll say something El real quick cuz we got a break yeah if you watch that that interview she had notes that means she knew the questions and she had notes she kept looking down up look nobody wants to cover I know all about notes I mean you know it's all right if people know that but she was supposed to have notes so she's asked a question she looks down she keeps she had notes that means she knew that she knew question did did her campaign when they said that they wanted to change the rules that they had agreed to did they they asked for notes did they ask for the they wanted notes they wanted to be seated and they wanted your mic hot and they wanted a desk they didn't want to do I said you got to do a stand up after they already agreed to the other yeah but they wanted a desk from the beginning you know who else wanted a desk sleepy Joe he wanted to all right we got to take a break more with President Trump we are in Harrisburg Pennsylvania continue our town hall we get audience questions and much more thank you for being us you must have the courage to object when they use that term radical Islamic terrorism which ignor how overwhelmingly than the greatest victims of [Music] Terror and we must also have the courage to reject that term illegal alien I have seen some of the worst of criminal Behavior I have seen the worst crime an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal all right we continue in Harrisburg Pennsylvania we're broadcasting in front of a massive crowd uh by the way want to give a we have in our audience uh he is the Republican uh Challenger to a very 98.6% Joe Biden kamla Harris voting suppor Dave m Senator Cas and what is a very important race Dave great to have you thank you now you just heard K Harris our country's failed borders are talking about her commitment you need the courage to never say the word radical Islamic terrorism or illegal aliot president Trump is back with us what is your reaction to that because who attacked us on 911 and who's crossing our border so uh she wants to be politically correct and we can't be politically correct anymore look look we have we have October 7th people saw it we have things going on in the world right now with with Israel and with the Middle East is blowing up it's blowing up we have Ukraine and Russia that would never happen that would have never happened October 7th would have never happened if I were the president it would have never happened and everybody knew it Iran was broke they didn't have the money for Hamas and for Hezbollah they didn't have the money for anybody they wanted to get by and we would have made a fair deal with them I was only looking to make a fair deal with them but you know I wanted to say it's so much during my term we went four years without any blowups we had no World Trade Center blow up we had no radical Islamic Terror we had no radical Islam teror because we were very tough at the borders and we were very tough with our statements and we had no the whole world was a safe place that was the question they asked Victor Orban who's really a very considered a very strong they said he's a strong man sometimes you need a strong man he's a strong man he's the prime minister of Hungary and he said you bring back Trump everybody now I'm not saying it but he said it because I'd rather say respect but he said everybody was afraid of trump you bring him back you're not going to have any problems it's all going to go away the world is blowing up the world is blowing up this this phras and Sean one thing yeah the world is blowing up and when you look at Ukraine and you look at Russia you look at all the things that are happening we are potentially getting ready I'm telling you and I've made a lot of predictions and this is not a prediction because it's so bad I don't want wanted to be a prediction we're heading into World War III territory and because of the power of weapons nuclear weapons in particular but other weapons also and I know the weapons better than anybody cuz I'm the one that bought them and you know we rebuilt our entire military we upgraded our entire program and you know the one program I hated the upgrade hated it was the nuclear program and I understand it maybe better than anybody my uncle was at MIT a professor the longest serving professor in the history of MIT very smart guy we have a smart family it's nice to have a smart family but I knew I understood nuclear for a long time the power of nuclear weapons you need a president that's not going to be taking you into war we won't have World War II when I'm elected but with these clowns that you have in there now you're going to end up having World War II and it's it's going to be a war like it's going to be a war like no other let me let me ask you a more personal question cuz you paid a a very big price for getting into the political Arena never mind opportunity cost that you would have had you've had a successful business obviously you've been a victim of lawfare if you will or a weaponized Department of Justice um although the Supreme Court ruling on immunity I think was very clear although certain judges may not abide by it yeah and I listened to you talk about the borders I listen to you talk about the how dangerous the world situation is I listen to you talk about the economy and fracking and the need for energy and I hear you and then I ask myself okay why is this different if 2016 was about the Forgotten man and forgotten woman what is 2024 about so it's not that different it's still about the Forgotten man and the Forgotten woman people are being treated horribly in this country we're a country that's being left at all over the world and I'll be honest if Joe Biden would be a great president I would be happier than being the worst president in the history of our country because I want to see what's good for the country and I would have been very happy I have very nice places I could be this is not easy I got shot at you know I mean I got hit I got hit I could have been all over that place I could have but you know what uh it's very simple and it starts with make America great again that's what we have to do it makes me think that if you look at every if you look at everything that we have discussed tonight and you look at your platform thank you thank you what really infuriates me and and I'm I'm straightforward I'm a member of the press but I'm a talk show host I'm a conservative and people know where I stand I think the Press they're all liberal talk show hosts but they're dishonest about who they are and and they have an agenda they they've never played comma in her own words so radical statements or extreme statements I think dangerous statements and I just think that if if we're talking about the Border all of these 11 million was all preventable I think on the economy if you had sound Economic Policy you you handed off 1.4% inflation we'd be doing better in the economy we'd be energy dominant by now cuz we were on a path towards energy dominance uh we wouldn't have to Iran was in check you had them on the verge of bankruptcy Russia you you had a relationship with them and North Korea and the mullers and but nobody was tougher with Russia than me I shut down the biggest pipeline in the world that Russia was building it was called northstream 2 nobody ever heard of it and I said no way I said to Germany there's no way we're going to protect you with NATO and spend billions ions of dollars protecting Europe and you guys are going to be buying oil from the person and the group that we're protecting you from and I shut it down it was 100% shut down and then this pathetic person comes in and he immediately approves it but he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline our pipeline so and the head of that Union by the way the PIP Fitters union the pipeline Union the head of that Union nominated and was a big deal in the Biden campaign and he endorsed him and those people 48,000 people lost their jobs it was all approved I got it approved Obama rejected it I approved it it was starting they spent billions of dollars it was also and they rejected it would have been fantastic for us including the 48,000 jobs and what he did is he let Russia build the pipeline that I had stopped it was totally stopped going to Germany and other countries think of it we protect them from Russia and yet they pay Russia billions of dollars does it make sense so I was the toughest on Russia Putin would even say you know if you're not the toughest guy you are you're killing us I'd hate to see you if you were really tough this was the biggest job they've ever had and I stopped it and you know what Russia would have been fine china would have been fine china was fine china paid us hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs under me under no other president and I mean right from the beginning did they pay 10 cents you now we're going to get to audience questions I do have a question as we go to break I and I think this should be a question asked in in every presidential election and I'll ask the people here in Harrisburg are you better off than you were four years ago okay when we come back more former president Trump we're in Harrisburg PA as we continue jobs I've listed them a 100 times working in the service industry and bartending and cooking and washing dishes and construction not McDonald's that was a lie um and I see way she didn't work at McDonald's right she did not well we there's no evidence of it work in McDonald's so far no evidence I don't think so based on what I said here's my question she wants to raise corporate taxes she wants to raise small business taxes capital gain taxes estate taxes the the international corporate minimum tax uh to the point where America won't be competitive anymore and your tax cuts are about to expire in 2025 what does this mean to the economy what does it mean for everybody here struggling so I gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country if you let them if you let the Trump tax cuts expire what she wants to do she wants to terminate them if you do that you will suffer the biggest tax increase in history there's never been a tax increase like it on top of which she wants to add a lot of tax this country will end up and I've said this a lot and I mean it this country will end up in a depression if she becomes president like 1929 this will be a 1929 depression she has no idea what the hell she's doing what if unrealized capital gains taxes were implemented what she wants to do that this is where you have something you don't even know what the value is I tell you what if that's going to happen go out and open an appraisal company because you're going to make a fortune that's about the only group that's going to make it and accountants uh it is the craziest idea and remember this very rich people and big International corporations they don't have to stay in the United States and they will be forced to leave for other countries they can't afford to do a thing like that they may have great wealth and no cash and they're going to have to pay cash where are they going to get their cash uh if they do that the unrealized capital gain it's it's you know it's been talked about for a few years by ultr marxists only like her father's a Marxist her father's a Marxist teacher of Economics can you believe this but if that happened this country and and I think forgetting about that that particular she she's got a lot of things that are just as bad if she gets in I think we will have a depression 1929 style depression that's what I think will happen to our country already they've set us on a path what about price gauging as she calls it or gouging well she called it gaging and and what if they Implement that and then price controls that's been tried in many the former Soviet Union Venezuela even in this country in the 70s it was a disaster every time it's been tried no matter over hundreds of years not just over hundreds of years price controls you end up with no product you end up with massive inflation and you end up with the destruction of a country how does this impact how do high interest rates impact how does inflation impact everybody that's here well they can't buy a home they can't do anything your business is stopped up you can't borrow money and by the way I had interest rates at 2% now they're 10% but you can't get the money you can't get the money there's no money available so 10% is right you know if you can't get the money 10% is not the right number it's got to be much more than that you can't borrow money to buy a house now it it really is unbelievable so we have all of this now let me talk about in 6 days you will have probably your only opportunity to debate KL Harris yeah if if I I I vote instead of George stephanopoulos's Network that I get to moderate the debate um I I havec is not ABC is the worst network in terms of fairness they had a poll where I was 17 points down a couple of days prior to the election I was 17 points down in Wisconsin and they do that so people don't vote because you know hey I love Trump but he's 17 points down I'm not going to go out and vote uh I was 17 points down and I won and I called the biggest the best puler I said why wouldn't they say five or four or three because at three you go and vote at 17 your people say I want to vote but you know I'm busy I have other things to do let's go see a movie and we'll watch the results later they are the most dishonest Network the meanest the nastiest but that was what I was presented with I was presented with ABC George sload dolos you know who he is and he's a nasty guy and yet he's a nasty guy I've had him up to here but but let me tell you let me tell you he's a very very bad kind of a guy but I watched his interview of Joe Biden it was like the softest interview I've ever seen it was softer than the CNN interview of Kamala so but they're very nasty and I think a lot of people are going to be watching to see how nasty they are how unfair they are I agreed to do it because they wouldn't do any other network she she only the other thing is her best friend is the head of the network her husband's best friend is married to the head of the network trust is the foundation of any marriage but what happens when that trust is suddenly Shattered by the person you love most I'm a 35-year-old man married to my wife who is 34 we've been together for 10 years and have three little girls recently I found out something that turned my world upside down my wife was having an emotional affair with another man it all started when one of our daughters asked me a simple question why does Mom have a passcode on her phone that no one knows not even you she had noticed a man's name pop up on my wife's Snapchat notifications that got me worried so I decided to check her phone when she wasn't around what I found were pictures of her at the gym and lying down watching TV showing off her tattoo they weren't inappropriate but what bothered me was that she didn't send those pictures to me my wife had been acting differently lately so I confronted her and asked if she was cheating on me she admitted that she wasn't physically cheating but she had been talking to this guy for hours every day except when she was with me she said the conversations were about helping each other with personal problems and she confessed that she loved the attention she was getting from him she also told me she couldn't believe she had done this to me especially since she thinks I'm a great husband I've chosen to forgive her but I know that healing from this is going to take a long time if anyone has advice on how to move forward I would really appreciate it advice to op key healing from an emotional affair takes time but open communication is key talk honestly with your wife about how this has affected you and set clear boundaries for the future consider marriage counseling to help rebuild trust and address any underlying issues be patient with the process and remember to take care of yourself along the way for for for for qu for [Music] for for for

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Voters react to presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris l News 24-7 l USA news

Category: People & Blogs

One of the foreign policy topics the candidates hit on was a perennial topic for presidential debates in recent times vladimir putin's puppet kamla harris or donald trump putin harris told trump in heated exchange was a dictator who would eat you for lunch russia's leader she said would be sitting in... Read more

Trump’s Unprecedented Moments After the Debate Revealed on Sean Hannity's 'The Spin Rule thumbnail
Trump’s Unprecedented Moments After the Debate Revealed on Sean Hannity's 'The Spin Rule

Category: News & Politics

Nobody's ever seen anything like it uh we really appreciate i know your people are calling for you to uh roll uh what made you come to the spin r i just felt i wanted to i was very happy with the result it's a very unfair situation uh they've weaponized our government politically so i mean that's unfair... Read more

Caitlin Clark's boyfriend Connor McCaffery shows love for Michelle Obama's speech at DNC thumbnail
Caitlin Clark's boyfriend Connor McCaffery shows love for Michelle Obama's speech at DNC

Category: Entertainment

Caitlyn clark's boyfriend connor mcaffrey shows love for michelle obama's speech at dnc caitlyn clark's boyfriend and current indiana pacers team assistant connor mcaffrey showed love to michelle obama on day two of the democratic national convention the former first lady of the united states officially... Read more

Your World With Neil Cavuto (4:00 P.M) - 09-14-2024 | FOX BREAKING NEWS September 14, 2024 thumbnail
Your World With Neil Cavuto (4:00 P.M) - 09-14-2024 | FOX BREAKING NEWS September 14, 2024

Category: News & Politics

Toasy on trump heading to nevada with a new tax break pitch brian yenis on harris heading to wilbury pennsylvania with her new way forward pitch we'll talk to harris spokesman in sams why she chose to expand that pitch in a certain state i'll give you a hint it's pennsylvania all that and former trump... Read more

Trump's Son Fails MASSIVELY As Desperate Kamala Attack Backfires Spectacularly thumbnail
Trump's Son Fails MASSIVELY As Desperate Kamala Attack Backfires Spectacularly

Category: News & Politics

Eric trump went on shan hannity to rail against kl harris's policies that was trump's job at the debate but he flubbed it he biffed the entire thing and so now his failon has to try to do the job for him and to pitch her is being too extreme to be president and so uh he did it but he got an assist by... Read more

Trump Latest News Today | RFK Jr Fight for Transparency #shortsfeed #election2024 #rfkjr #trumpnews thumbnail
Trump Latest News Today | RFK Jr Fight for Transparency #shortsfeed #election2024 #rfkjr #trumpnews

Category: Education

Have to say this nearly assassinated in pennsylvania last month bobby called me to express his best wishes he knows first hand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment when you stand up you bring on some trouble for yourself but you have to do what's right you... Read more