There's a reason people call them fake news.
CNN's first interview with Kamala Harris was, yes, bad for Kamala, but it was also just as bad for
CNN, because it exposed and laid bare CNN's double standards for interviewing Republicans versus
interviewing Democrats. I made a compilation video of Dana Bash's questions for Kamala Harris, and
then we're gonna compare that with her questions. questions and her arguments against
JD Vance and I think you will find it astonishing. The difference between her style, her substance, her delivery, and how aggressive
she was with each candidate. Look, I get we have freedom of the press but the press serves a vital
role in our political machine. In our society. country, if we want to be an informed populace, if we want people to be involved in
politics and know what their politicians are up to and doing to be able to hold their
politicians accountable, then we need a free, fair and healthy press. And this right here,
I think proves that our press is anything but. But healthy. Now, before I show you that
compilation video, I want to show you a clip that proves that CNN was lying. And
here's the thing, they lied about a tiny detail. And if they're lying about something
that small, then how can we trust them with issues that require so much more trust?
Take a look at this clip and notice the lie. You about your opponent, Donald Trump. Um,
I was a little bit surprised. People might be surprised to hear that you have never
interacted with him, met him face to face. That's going to change soon. But what I want
to ask you about is what he said last month. He suggested that you happened to turn
black recently for political reasons. Yeah, that's right, CNN claimed that this
interview was live. But that's the thing, we all know that this interview was pre taped,
it was famously taped beforehand. It was about, what, 41 minutes long, and yet, CNN only
broadcast it. 18 minutes? In other words, over half of the interview was edited
out and left on the cutting room floor? What else isn't CNN showing us? Why won't
they release the whole transcript? And did they edit the interview, manipulate
the footage in such a way to make Kamala Harris look good? I don't know,
but if we had the transcript, we, we'd know. We'd know how Kamala Harris
really did. And that's the whole point. Because if CNN is willing to lie about that
tiny detail, about the interview being live, when it was clearly pre taped, then what
else can't we trust them about? What else are they misrepresenting? Think of it
this way. Let's say an undecided viewer tuned in. Right? And they've heard all this
conflicting messaging about Kamala Harris's temperament and her qualifications and her
ability to be president of the United States. Well, if they knew it was pre
taped, they'd be, you know, skeptical of the answers, but if they
thought it was live, they might say, Oh, you know, she wasn't as bad as I thought she
was going to be. It wasn't a train wreck as bad as Joe Biden's debate. I guess she's good. You
know, perception matters, expectation matters. And by putting that live tab on the bottom
of CNN, they really shot their credibility more than it's already been destroyed. Not
good for them. Also, Kamala Harris answer for that question was complete nonsense. You
know, the question, just to remind you all, the question was her response to Donald
Trump insinuating that she turned black. I mean, and she just said no comment, next
question? I mean, she didn't prepare for that. They didn't see that coming for anyone
else. That would have been an opportunity to, you know, share their story or to give
a counter argument. Um, and Dana bash, you know, she could have asked a follow
up question just off the top of my mind. Uh, Ms. Harris, you've been on camera claiming
that, uh, you're Indian American. Multiple times, uh, you've, uh, cited your Indian
heritage. I understand that you're half black and half Indian, but what do you say to
people who argue that you're pandering based on your race in order to win this election? That's
all she had to ask, but Dana didn't do that. She was happy to move along right
when Kamala Harris moved along. And that leads to the point of this video.
There is clearly a double standard here, and I'm calling her Two Faced Dana Bash.
because she's very two faced. So again, her interview with Kamala was 18 minutes.
I went through the first 9 minutes and I took out all of the clips that um, were of
Deanna Bash's uh, questions and her pushbacks. There weren't really pushbacks,
which is why I used hand quotes, against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. So,
I'm gonna play this and I want you guys to leave in the comments How you would
describe Dana Bash's demeanor in these questions. I want you to notice too, right
at the beginning, she's so fond and kind. It's almost like, uh, a warm conversation
and is that a smile I see on her face? Madam Vice President, Governor Walz,
thank you so much for sitting down with me and bringing the bus. The bus tour
is well underway here in Georgia. You have less time to make your case to voters than
any candidate in modern American history. The voters are really eager to hear
what your plans are. If you are elected, what would you do on day one in
the White House? You talked about, you call it the opportunity economy. You are
well aware that right now many Americans are struggling. There's a crisis of affordability. One
of your campaign themes is, we're not going back. But I wonder what you say to voters who do
want to go back when it comes to the economy, specifically, because their groceries were
less expensive, housing was more affordable when Donald Trump was president. I'm not
doing that anymore. You maintain binomics. I want to get some clarity on where
you stand on some key policy issues. Uh, energy is a big one.
When you were in Congress, you supported the Green New Deal. And in 2019,
you said, quote, There is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. Fracking, as you
know, is a pretty big issue, particularly in your must win state of Pennsylvania.
Sure. Do you still want to ban fracking? 2019, I believe, uh, at a town hall, you
said, you were asked, would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on
your first day in office? And you said, there's no question I'm in favor
of banning fracking. So, yes. So, it changed in the, in that campaign? What
made you change that position at the time? So, to my eyes, Dana Bash was warm, she was
very soft, she wasn't aggressive at all, she even second guessed herself when she was
citing facts. That second to last clip there, she's going, In the town hall, I believe, y
you said, And then she reads the quotes from her notes. No, Diana, it's not I believe.
There's no need to second guess yourself. That's a fact. The fact that you had it in
notes means that you've cross checked your sources. You've done your research. You know
what Kamala Harris said. And that's all she did during the questions. Very soft questions.
Very even tempered. Uh, would second guess herself whenever she was pushing back, even
though she had her notes in front of her. So, yeah, leave me your thoughts in
the comments. How would you describe Dana Bash's performance with
Kamala Harris? Now, conversely, let's compare that with her performance
with J. D. Vance. Take a look, and again, that was just from the first nine minutes. Uh, so
the first half of her interview with Kamala. So. Meanwhile, when she was with J. D. Vance,
take a look at how aggressive, nasty, and, um, diminishing, condescending she was.
You guys seem to be struggling a little bit. Kamala Harris has been calling the
shots, as who? There's no evidence that Kamala Harris threw him overboard, called
you and Donald Trump, and that is weird. Sure. You're saying Tim Walz doesn't
have affection for his wife? I don't even understand that. They, they have
done both. They have both policies, and they are trying to, uh, to define
it. You have been on the campaign trail questioning Tim Walz's, uh, Military record.
Governor Walz served 24 years. He even stayed after he could have retired because of
9 11 more than the country asked of him. Do you honor his service? I will say
that the Harris Walls campaign did say that the governor misspoke. That was
a month before the National Guard even announced that it was possible
that they would deploy to Iraq, and it ended up being two months. He retired two
months before they actually got the paperwork. You know, I've seen a lot of statements
from veterans, including those you serve, with saying it's just untoward. To be criticizing
somebody who served for 24 years, Donald Trump didn't serve in the military. Uh, he received
a medical draft deferment. Do you find that shameful too? You don't think he, he really honors
our veterans, his need for my service first, you wrote the forward for a new book by
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts. Sure. Of Project 2025, whether or not a Trump
Vance administration would allow Miry stone, why is. Not allowing her to end that
pregnancy. Helpful. or supportive of expanding families like you want it to
be. Fatal and could potentially hurt her ability to have more kids. Said she
was almost a childless dog lady because she didn't happen to meet the right
person until she was 40 years old. Another, Joan Lunden, was, uh, offended that you
don't think she has a stake in the future of the country because she doesn't have children. Kamala
Harris has two stepchildren. Pete Buttigieg and his husband have adopted twins. Do you recognize
them as parents, and more broadly, as being part of families? So here, like, multiple times now,
she's cited things people have said, and she even cited Pete Buttigieg as an example of, uh, you
know, trying to emotionally manipulate viewers. Why didn't she do that with Kamala Harris?
Why didn't she pull up quotes and say, well, Uh, this union says this, or this worker
says this, or this industry criticizes your position on this. It's, it's all this pushback
against J. D. Vance, and yet there was hardly, again, that first, uh, compilation of
clips I showed you of Kamala Harris. That was pretty much 95 percent
of all of Dana Bash's talking in the first half of her interview. There
were a few things I left out. Like, uh, one time she turned to Governor Walz and said,
uh, what about you? So like, about four words, right? And so, uh, stuff like that I didn't
include. So, what you saw in that first compilation, that was most of what Dana Bash,
uh, Uh, said to comma a totally different tone. I think here's more like it's my kids call
her mammal. Of course She's not childless. But again after that the criticism. I certainly
did not call my own step. No, no, no You think she's anti child bizarre state? That's a whole
nother conversation because people it's related to this because you didn't know as much
because it was It's literally a novel virus. But Danny, you asked me about, you, you,
okay, you've now asked me three questions about comments that I made three years
ago. The American people about Joe Biden. I was asking about the military record
that you brought up, nobody else did, of Tim Walz. I can't believe I have to ask
you this, but, but I do because Donald Trump. Uh, has been attacking Kamala
Harris's racial identity. Well, he questioned her racial identity. Do you believe
Kamala Harris is black? You changed your position, um, on an important thing, which is Donald
Trump. Of course I did. And so why are you not a chameleon? There aren't media lies. He, we,
we play him and we let him speak for himself. And so people are getting it. There are media
lies such as what you guys did. did with this interview claiming that it was live and putting
that right on the very bottom. And some of her presuppositions were just completely false.
For example, she approached J. D. Vance with a question that he was the one who raised the
issue of stolen valor against Governor Tim Walz. But that's not true. As I've previously
exposed in many videos that I've done before this. J. D. Vance wasn't the
first person to accuse Tim Walz of stolen valor. These accusations
go back over a decade against him, and that's what I've exposed. Veterans groups have
spoken out against him again, decades before J. D. Vance was even a politician. Uh, so,
all of that is just lies. J. D. Vance didn't bring it up for political points.
It's an actual issue that people outside of politics have cared about. This goes back
to all the way before Walls was even governor, back when he served in the
House, when he was in Congress. He was accused of stolen valor. So this
is nothing new. I disagree completely with her assumptions there and what she
Was trying to do to JD Vance. So again, what do you think? Am I crazy? Am I making
it up or is there really a difference in how Dana Bash approached Kamala Harris and
JD Vance? I think it was night and day. And that's why I call her Two Faced
Dana. Two Faced Dana Bash. Because, which side of her are you gonna get?
Are you gonna get the warm, soft, uh, I'm just gonna ask you a question, and I'm not
really gonna push back versus the aggressiveness of her interview with J. D. Vance? Truly two
faced. Now, even CNN was panning her interview. Here are more clips of commentators on the network
pretty much admitting that the interview, yes, was a train wreck. It wasn't a huge, I don't think she
moved the ball that much forward. I don't think there's a policy separation that they've created
with Biden. Obviously she gave a kind of personal You might not like the way she answered him, but
she answered him as a capable, qualified leader. And I do think she, I think she moved
the ball forward a little bit. You know, maybe she didn't score a touchdown. I think the
two biggest issues coming out of Biden for her are the economic policies, which she clearly
wants to embrace, but also the immigration policies. Dana asked her if she had anything to
say about what they did for three and a half years leading up until the back and forth this year,
completely sidestepped it, did not answer it. She goes back to her time as attorney
general. But again, absolutely nothing, nothing, no responsibility, no reflection
at all on the day one executive actions or anything else they did for three and a
half years or anything she said in her previous campaign, which was to have the
most permissive immigration structure. She's trying to skip a block of time at the
debate. Trump cannot allow it. Yup. And I think it's also astonishing that again, It's been
weeks since Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee and then the nominee. So she's had all
that time to prepare and this was the best she could do? Over a month to prepare and she,
she couldn't even knock it out of the park. That's really sad. And with a
friendly media outlet at that, what's even worse is that the media now, so
I made, there's this compilation video, um, of statements that have come out. Since the
interview, then a few previous statements, but the media now is trying to insist that
Kamala Harris doesn't need to speak to them. She doesn't need to be open to the media. Um, why
do we have a free press if we're not going to use it to be part of a, the checks and balances on
the government to hold our politicians, our civil servants. Accountable. That's the whole point.
It's your job, media, to investigate these people, to hold them to account, to hold their feet to the
fire, and make sure that the populace is informed. And now they're trying to argue that
Kamala Harris doesn't need to speak to the press? This is insanity. Candidates
don't need us as journalists to get their message out. They don't anymore
in this ecosystem. In the media, we're preoccupied with like, How much access?
How many conversations is she going to have? I don't know how much that matters. There is
risk in talking to us. There's no doubt about that. Then you hear the criticism.
Oh, she has to do more interviews. She has to talk about policy. Insiders,
you're speaking to. They're sort of like, no. Absolutely not. There's a
campaign hack. No. But I love you all. But I don't want her talking to you all right
now. Remember what Elizabeth Warren did when she ran back in 2020? She had a white paper for
every policy position under the sun. And what happened? She collapsed in the primary. So It's a
belief that perhaps you put more ideas on paper. That's a bad idea. The more details you share, the
more your policies are going to get picked apart. Harris has changed us from being a policy
election and more of like a movement, a cultural movement. It's a vibes
election. That's right. Policy vibes, vibes election. It's a vibes election. This vibes
election that we're all feeling right now. It already felt like a vibes election before.
I just have to stop there because my blood. Oh, I need to calm down. I'm too
young for high blood pressure. Media, it is only a vibes election if you allow it to
be. You guys are part of the checks and balances. You're supposed to be a government watchdog. If
you don't interview the candidates, if you don't look into their policies, if you don't report
on their policies, then what are you doing? What's your job? Why are you even there? Why don't
you just go get a job and work for their campaigns already? Seriously. What a joke. Most elections
are vibes elections. I think every election, frankly, is a vibes election. And I think
there are really only two vibes that matter in American politics. One is hope and
joy, and the other is fear and anger. Yeah, just a joke, a complete
joke. And that's why Kamala Harris, as unserious of a candidate as she is,
is supposedly doing so well because the media is playing interference for her. It
is a joke. Such a shame, but as always, all of this is just my analysis and opinion, and
I would love to know yours in the comments below. What do you think? Was there a difference
between how Dana Bash, Two Faced Dana Bash, approached Kamala Harris's interview and Tim
Walz's interview versus how she did with JD Vance? And that's the thing. This
is just one reporter that, you know, we have concrete evidence now because
Kamala Harris has only done one interview. But if a reporter is able to do that
to the politicians faces, what else, what other biases are they showing outside
of their interviewing capabilities? Is it what topics they choose to cover?
How they choose to cover them? Uh, how much time they spend on them? How much
time they spend on certain controversies? I mean, there are so many ways that the media
can shape the narrative. Without us even knowing. They are just as bad. In fact, I'd argue that
they're worse than social media algorithms. A lot of people argue that, um, social media
algorithms are bad because we don't know much about them. They're not very, big tech is not very
transparent about algorithms and that's correct. But neither is the media. They're almost
an al There is a media algorithm. They're their own algorithm. And most people,
even though they don't trust the media, don't realize just how deep this bias,
and how insidious and ingrained this bias truly is. And that's why we're
here. We need to keep calling it out. Um, again, let me know your thoughts in the
comments below. And if you found something interesting in this video, please share it with
your family and friends. If you haven't already, please be sure to give me a thumbs
up. I know it's a simple thing to ask, but it really does help me and the
algorithm to reach more viewers like you. Be sure to smash that subscribe button
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