🎾Sinner vs Medvedev Prediction | US Open QF 2024 Tennis Preview

Intro hey guys and welcome back to the channel we have a very exciting match to get stuck into yanic sin versus Daniel medev and it is a fourth meeting between the two this year can you believe it and arguably the Rivalry of the Year episode four is what match flow Graphics are saying we've teamed up with them to get into the nitty-gritty and analyze their form give some interesting nuggets of information and of course breakdown tactically and also strategically how the match will play out we'll talk about their head-to-head we'll talk about their route as well to this stage of the quarterfinals and ultimately I give you guys my prediction we're also going to dive into the match flow match flows for the Australian Open final and that wimon match they had as well of course in Grand Slam sorry even it is one winner piece so very interesting going into this Us open courts final and given the people that are left in the draw You could argue this is almost like a final apart from maybe someone like Alexander Zev you know who even then I think yanex and Daniel medv are the number one and two favorites left in the draw no alz no jovic you know this is a really big match in a scheme of things it's bigger than a quarterfinal given who's left in the draw as well before we do get into it though remember that like button do subscribe if you're new and do leave a rating or review if you're listening on a podcast platform okay so for yanic s he has Player Stats Simone vagn nozi and Darren K in his corner of course and he's number one at the moment for Daniel medv he's got J Sara and he's also got J Simone in his Corner if I'm not mistaken as well he is the number five right now and he was number one two years ago he's of course won one Grand Slam at the US Open in 2021 when he stopped Novak jovic from winning the calendar slam and for yanic sner he has that single ground slam this year of the Australian Open so looking to add to that both these players single Grand Slam winners looking to add their tall in terms of win predictor a match I've actually gone and this is very interesting 70% in favor of yanic Sina I definitely would not be giving him that much of an advantage in this match and we'll discuss why um I think this is going to be a really interesting matchup and we're going to get into it now in terms Medvedev Form of form and let's get into that first so Daniel medev you can see on screen has a 75% win rate this year so far and also has some interesting wins in terms of wins against top 10 players he's played 10 matches five wins and five losses so 50% and his hardc win percentage is 79% so bigger than his grass or clay C percentages no surprises there he is a hard court specialist as he likes to say he has five top 10 wins as we said over dimitro C well dimitro twice s catch and Zev and no title wins this year but a final of course at the Australian Open when he was two sets love up ended up losing it and also lost in Indian Wales as well in the final to Carlos alarz when do he lost in the semi-finals to alarz in Miami also lost to Yanik CA so quite a few of the big title losses have come hand there some very good players uh some outliers like Cincinnati and Montreal when he lost Leeta and D faka respectively but he's picked up his level and form going into the US Open and interesting of course that he played the Olympics on Clay lost a Felix Orelia see the round of 16 and it probably took him a bit of time to then get adapted to the hardcourts but it looks like he's okay he doesn't look fatigued he looks like he's playing some of his best tennis and he'll come into this very confident I'm sure Vian s he's had a 91% Sinner Form win rate this year I mean arguably the player of the Season he's just had a phenomenal year 14 matches against the 10 or the top 10 10 wins and four losses that 71% win rate against the top 10 players which is phenomenal on Hardcore he has a 94% win rate so only two losses on Hardcore this year out of 34 matches on Clay an 85% win rate and grass and 90% win rate in terms of tournaments won he's won a he's won Australia with the Australian Open Rotterdam Miami and Hara and on top of that Cincinnati recently so that's already five titles this year and he's looking mighty good it has to be said there is the the slight asteris where he tested positive at Indian Welles in that round of 32 match against Yan stuff so since then of course you know he would have known that he was positive and yeah I mean look again I don't want to get into it too much but let's just ass assume that he is clean and it was just a mistake um for the purpose of all future videos I think it's probably the best thing to do but yeah I mean look he's really good he's a really good wins over verev you know wi over verev and two wins over rublev herat's got a win over de demro twice medev twice jovic once de out I mean these are good wins Runa TFO he just he's running through people like not tomor and Tommy Paul in the round of 16 I was thinking it's going to be a very physical match I thought that c would win but I thought Tommy Paul would maybe take a set off him at least wasn't to be two tiebreakers played clutch Yan s was a breakdown that first set recovered really really nicely so you can see that McDonald mikkelson a Connell and Paul so really good run from Yanik sin so far hasn't looked too troubled and I forgot to mention for Daniel medev leovic marijan kabo and boures had an easier route you could argue um although Cabo in the third round is definitely not an easy match that's for sure very tal talented young Italian okay now what I want to do is Miami Matchflow very briefly break down a couple of their matches this year and look I mean we can talk about Miami but there wasn't really a huge amount to talk about if I'm being honest so I'm going to ignore that one for now because that was 61 62 in favor of sin it was very clinical I want to look at this Wen quarterfinal the most recent one then we're going to look at the Australian Open final so you can see here uh the wilan quarterfinal the first set no breaks of serve in that Wimbledon Matchflow first Set uh clinical serving display from both players and then c ends up taking the tie break 97 what's interesting is Daniel MV has a set point at 65 on his serve so that is yeah I mean he would have been extremely disappointed I think to lose that point and it just shows the swing of momentum because then after that c has two opportunities and he takes it the second one and goes on to then take the set at uh I mean look it was a very impressive first set from both players very high level and then M takes a second set six4 and this is an interesting one because he kn knock on the door S no break points in this one and you can see that game at one0 MV has 405 and takes the break point of the first some of asking then they have a really long game really long game at 3-1 on sin serve and in the second juice C has Advantage again no breako opportunities for m in that game he does hold two3 but he still a break down and then what M does really well is keep on pressing on sin serve saying okay you're not serving that great so I'm going to keep on pressing you takes to 1540 on sin is serve 3040 okay doesn't manage to break fine C holds takes a bit of confidence but he's struggling on serve 4-3 Med Dev still on you know still in front on that break point Sorry with that break even M then holds 53 and then 5'4 pretty straightforward service games and at 54 M serves out to 15 to win the set 64 there was really that one all game that single break point for Medan that very sloppy game you could say from C gave me of that set and that was a real important moment for both players in terms of the third set so MV takes that in a tiebreaker 76 so he has two sets of one up in this match and you can see that one all again he has a break point at 1540 takes it takes the break point and then runs with it all the way up until 54 no breaks no break one opportunities again there's a pretty long game at two4 on S serve but C manages to hold doesn't seem to gain huge amount of momentum from it though and they just keep on serving pretty well no break opportunities until 54 on Mev ser and S then makes his move he goes 40 love up on M of serve doesn't take the first break point but he takes the second one and pushes him back on serve and then what's interesting here is that actually you know at 56 M has a really long game and these are the types of games because it's a it was a four juice game these are the types of games that when they go on longer and longer you feel like the momentum really does shift with whoever wins it doesn't matter if it's a break or it's a hold the momentum is normally then with that player at least for a short period of time and C had a couple of break points break handset points at 5'6 on serve at 3040 and add up couldn't take them Mev holds take it takes it to six0 and then he takes a tiebreaker seven4 so just shows that him holding there gave him a bit of a mental mental and confidence boost in that tiebreaker and it made a big big difference and then in the fourth set s then starts to take over he has two break point opportunities at one all and 3-1 he takes both of them very clinically and gets through the game gets through this set actually pretty quickly as well winning at 6'2 and then if we look at this Fifth and final deciding set you can see here Sina had no breakpoint opportunities a couple of really long games especially that 3-1 game 3-1 up Med a breakup they had five juices on mv's game no breako opportunities for C but if he takes that game it could change instead he goes 4-1 up medev and then it's just a forone conclusion by the looks of it Mev did have three break points on sinister at 21 up love 40 1540 and also 3040 where eventually sinner succumbs to the pressure medev ends up breaking and then he ends up taking a set 63 at the first time of asking on Match points and impressive performance from Med there then if we look at the final a huge amount really to talk about if I'm being honest it was yeah pretty C Turvy final and I think M don't even need to show it to be honest because it was one of those matches where it was a game or a match of two halves You Know M takes the first two sets looks really strong C regroups comes up trumps in the third set and then pushes on to win the fourth and fifth sets pretty comfortably okay let's break it down tactically and strategically so this is an interesting one because the head-to-head between the two at one one stage it was just so lopsided in favor of Daniel medev it really was and now is different because C has been able to figure out a way to play against medev it doesn't always work you know greatest example of that is at Wimbledon but it seems to have some effects 75 in favor of medev Sinner so medev had won six matches against C in a row until s has now won five or he had won five in a row until Med beat him at wimon so yeah it's been a very interesting final sorry very interesting it will be a very interesting quarterfinal can't wait to get into it but yeah tactically I think there's a few things you know for cner well the thing let's summarize it in terms of what does c need to do to to get the win here so one he needs to be patient in the Ries he can't just bail out when Med Dev is being that backboard very it up I think he needs to come forward I've seen him Ser in volley at times against M Dev will serve you know plus one transition then you know some volleys as well but yeah I think his voling and his neet game is going to be crucial against Mev at times okay so the things that c needs to Tactical Breakdown do against Mev to win let's get into that so first of all C needs to be really patient in the rallies and choose his moments when to go on the front foot and be aggressive he can't bail out the rallies if he bails out the rallies it's going to be difficult I know he can hit those phenomenal running forehand and he can hit lines and he will do that at times against M there's no doubt about it but he needs to pick those moments because against medev if you give him easy points if you give him a lot of free points unfor SAS he his confidence just grows monumentally because he is the type of player who builds on other people's errors he is a counter puncher he is that wall that everyone knows the octopus and he's the type of player that if he sees that he's able to get a lot of free errors he's thinking well I'm going to get a lot of force errors out of you anyway and that's something that I think C doesn't want to do he doesn't want to give Mido momentum like that so that's the first thing I think that's really important and you know I think for him it shouldn't be too difficult because in the back and to back and a lot of people would struggle against medev medv has got a very very solid backand as we know and his trajectory is very flat on both Wings especially on the backand side it's very shovel like but sin is very good at getting low on the backand he's actually arguably one of the best if not the best player on tour getting low to the backand um a lot of players would slice that a lot lot of the balls that he tends to hit as a drive backand and he tends to find good angles quite low down which is pretty rare so picks it up quite nicely around the ankles if I'm being honest which is real positive against someone like medev and yeah I mean I think for him he just needs to be patient in those rallies when he gets the opportunity to hit a good angle Cross Court will change direction and go line do it be the proactive one but don't just bail out quickly and if you can get a look onto the into in or into out forehand and that's even better right because then he can start really being aggressive in those exchanges the second point and this is quite an important one and something that both plays did really well at wimon and that's the serve he needs to serve well you know these courts have been quite quick as well at the US Open and not as quick as the Australian Open but they seem to be a quicker surface than the usual Courts at Flushing Meadows in the last few years and something that s's really improved upon in his game since becoming the player that he is today and the world number one and Grand Slam Champion is the serve and being able to rely on it in big moments and have it carry him through matches and make his life a lot easier by giving him some more free points on serve and that's going to be important because there's going to be some long grinding rallies against medev and it can be very very physical as know that jovic would say you know he hates playing m because the rallies are just so so physical against him he really does grind it out and even if sin is ultra aggressive you know there inevitably will be some really really long rallies so any three points he can get on serve are going to be really really key I think for him to get over the line and then thirdly I think it's the tactics utiliz so the variation and I think it's important against medev because if you just of hit at one pace at him he just soaks it up deflects it almost sends it back at times with more Pace finds great angles and just he'll kill you from the Baseline so cner we've seen you know different iterations of sin's tactics against medvid Evan I think we've got to the stage where he's realized that yes serving and voling at times is the right play but it's not the only play he can't be predictable doing it because if you serve and volley against MV say on the juice and you serve out wide and you're coming forward and that serve isn't good enough you just think I can just float it across C sorry float out wide then come to the net because he's so far out oh you know I'm G to get an easy volley into the Open Court even if it's a tough volley I'll still be able to hit it and he'll probably never get to it next thing you know he gets there and then not only does he make the forehand but he hits a pinpoint forehand right you know a couple a meter inside the Baseline a meter from the sideline and he ends up being a return winner and you're stranded in no man's land while trying to come to the net so yeah look he needs to be selective about when he comes in but it's definitely a tactic to utilize I think the Ser volley we know that he stands further back he can adjust the return position against Center I think he was standing almost in between uh so between the Baseline and the five meters that we used to I think he was around two three meters if he does that then it gives something to think about again and it's very interesting of course I still think should utilize it at times I don't see why not as a tactic but obviously he wouldn't utilize it as readily maybe if Med Dev was standing slightly further forward I do also think in the rallies though he he needs to come forward at times because it's an is important right he try and shorten the points and when he's really on the front foot and Mev is grinding him out you know Mev is one of those players like an alarz or that actually there's moments or jovic where there'll be a rally and you feel like oh there's no way he's going to win that rally he'll be on the back foot throughout and then somehow he manages to turn the point on his head and get back to neutral somehow with some miraculous shot that drops in deep when he's on the stretch looking like he's about to topple over into the stands and then even further than that somehow he manages to then get onto the attack and it's like how did you get to that point two or three shots ago so you know it's important important that c doesn't give Mev L of those opportunities to get back into that neutral position and that means coming forward to the net and hitting those really potent approach shots and then volleying well he needs to mix up the approach shots not just go to one side needs to use angles different shapes and then come forward and finish off those volleys and that's going to be important the drop shot as well I think is an important thing to utilize against Madrid over again if he standing really far back back he's not hugging the Baseline then hit that drop shot you know the serve drop shot combination is not a bad one to utilize at times as well if he's standing further back and we know it can be a really useful tool we've seen Al use it really well against m in the past and then finally I think on the tactics the slice I think it's a great variation of course to use against medev you know despite him being extremely athletic and I think he doesn't necessarily hit a bad back end down his ankles he's not going to be able to hurt you with that back hand so I think it's a good shot to utilize um against Med have a good shot to just hit well and sorry not just it well just sorry it's a good shot to utilize uh in just utilizes a change up utilizes a change up disrupt the rhythm of medev if yanic feels like he's getting pumped from the baseline or MV is really starting to find find Rhythm and crunch him from it then what I would do is I would if I was sinner I would say well let's change up the pace whether that's hit a slightly more shaped forehand more Top Spin more Loop a bit slower um or find a different angle a shorter angle or use that slice and I think that's not a bad option um as long as it's a potent slice and you know sometimes it can just be a floated one but I think and you know I think with medev even it's a floated slice he will run around it and hit into at forehand or into in forehand and try and be aggressive and that's when you could be in trouble so yeah he needs to make sure that when he's hitting it he's hitting it so that M need has hit a back hand sorry and a back hand low and it's not going to be a comfortable shot for him that's the key I think so on medev so the things that he needs to do to win we mentioned it for C and the same holds true for medev the serve is just going to be so key on Hardcore it always is I find on on fter surfaces and you know he served really well at Winwood and he got the win in five sets and uh served well throughout the majority of the match and he needs to do the same and look when M serves well he becomes a very very difficult player to beat because he gets through service games really quickly as well there's not large gaps in between points he picks up the balls he just go gets through it sometimes they're 40c games it's just incredible and it really does kill the opponent having to then serve you know a minute just two minutes later they if there's a change over there's no change over then it's literally a minute later having to serve again and have pressure on them so it can be really taxing as an opponent if you're having to face M when he serving really well um so yeah I that's really important and then I think he needs to be a bit Brave a bit braver than at times he has been in some of the losses to sin and he was at win wooden with that plus one I'm not saying to go for a winner on the first ball but what I am saying is I think he needs to hunt either the forehand or look I mean he's got a very good backand but then he needs to try and make something out of that plus one shot so that he's on the front foot more often than not so he can try and get C on the back foot and shorten those points because the longer points on his serve are just not ideal because what C has proven that he's very Adept at doing since breaking he losing streak to medev is that he's able to actually get in to the rallies and some of those longer points I mean the majority of the longer points that Mev was winning against sner in those first whatever six matches that he won against CA since cner beat him those longer points now they have not been as dominant for medev as they were in the past C is signed to win a larger portion of those points so they're not a given like they might have been in the past so something for M to bear in mind he's going to have to win a high higher proportion which he was doing at Winwood and of short points to then combat that and make sure he can still get the win right so that does mean being more clinical when he has the chance and pulling the trigger and he can still give himself margin fera but he hit the ball so flat and he's got great accuracy so he needs to back himself to do that against C and it's important that he does to give himself the best possible chance of winning then I think it gets interesting and I do Wonder with medev whether this is this is a tactic to utilize or not but I think the forand to forehand I don't think he wants to get stuck in that pattern I don't think it's a favorable pattern for him so I think he needs to be the one that goes line first and is proactive and I don't think he Minds getting stuck in the backend of back end despite C having a very solid back end I think medev will back himself more in that exchange I also think it's not a bad option at times when medev feels like he's not able to get into or get onto the front foot in a point to then go deep down the middle and give sin no angle to use and get him to hit a difficult shot if mv's hitting a shot you know half a meter within the Baseline pinpoint flat forehand for example uh with Pace on it at C for C to then change direction and go into out with the forehand for example or crosscourt and hit with good depth and pace is not easy it's not easy at all uh so you might be able to change direction but it's not going to be a winner that's for sure more likely than not and it's probably not going to be an aggressive shot it's going to be a neutral shot at best so that gives MV the opportunity to be the first one to hit an effective aggressive shot in that rally by doing so by utilizing those deep ground strokes down the middle and I think it's not a bad option against s to be honest I also saw that you know he came to the net at times net Forevers we saw against sin I think he has to be very very selective about this his hands are not great and not as good as Sinners I don't think his transition games as good as well but we have seen at times him utilize it effectively so I don't want to completely shut down the the idea of him utilizing it I think it's a good change up it's just a question of you know I think he needs to utilize it when 90% % of the time or 90% of those points when he does it are points where he gets a really easy volley because I just feel like his volley technique is just so abnormal and yes I know it seems to be relatively effective but he also misses some really easy volleys at times that then make reminds you that look you know his technique is definitely I Le something to be desired on the volleys that is so yeah that that's that's my thoughts on the tactics and what both players need to do to win the match let me know in the comments section below who you think is going to win on why I'm going to go with yanx to Prediction win in five sets I would not be surprised if medev wins I wouldn't be surprised if he wins in straight sets or four sets either or whether the same happens to C but this I do think whoever wins this goes on to win the title I do think that it's going to be a really really interesting match so stay tuned thank you very much guys stay safe and well and we'll see you on the next video

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