Packers Eagles Post Game Show! Join the conversation. #GoPackGo

[Music] [Music] f [Music] my [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome to rev Trev NFL my name is Rev Trev and this is the uh post game show um want to talk about the game but I want to introduce you to a friend of mine that you guys if you've been watching the channel are no stranger to seeing by the way the light in this room is amazing so look at this thing anyways here's my friend Peter welcome Peter to the channel to the post game show of another incredible night in the NFL two amazing games welcome how are you doing I'm doing great man so far so good I don't think it was quite as good as this Kansas City Baltimore game but it was a an entertaining game for sure B uh Sal Paulo Brazil got their got their money's worth tonight yeah and like just diving into this game um there were there's so many storylines so many things that we can talk about tonight I'm really excited to have you on to talk about these things and I just want to clarify with people are watching you're going to get the Packer takes tonight like you're going to get the Packer takes you're going to get some eagle takes you're going to get fantasy football content as well because we believe that people who watch football almost about 80% of people who watch football also have a fantasy football team so we're gonna do both and that's why we're here and that's I mean we could just talk I could just go into depression how we lost and how Jordan loves hurt and all that kind of stuff but we might as well stay positive tonight and uh yeah it's week one bro it's week one we so so let's bring up what you thought we made history we went to Brazil right it sounds great sounds amazing oh wow the crowd and who's GNA have more F fans and what it came down to and this is what drives me nuts about these stupid International games is the fields are garbage and they're like slipping all over the field and I'm like why did I start anyone tonight because I know in in Germany it's garbage uh in England is garbage so let's go to Brazil because it's going to be way better no everyone's slipping so that to me was extremely frustrating it just as a a fan of the game it was for both sides of the of the of teams right so technically there's no Advantage right but come on how can we not get this I mean it's a big deal I think it is a big deal I think that something that you have to uh understand especially as a Packer fan at this point is they were saying that it actually mimic quite closely the summertime field at Lambo so the the Packers actually they felt they should have had the advantage slightly because the field felt a lot like Lambo field so yeah I heard that bull crap too Peter I do not believe that for it's it's it's just so that they talk about it and all in all honesty like you see them literally slipping right so so like they're trying to save face and I know that I'm I'm ticked off because we lost but but at the end of the day it's like man that that's just disappointing and I would have loved it to have been in Philadelphia instead uh even though that would have been difficult that would have been difficult still a difficult environment but um that that was frustrating what what wasn't frustrating though was um the the amount of points these like apparently we don't have defenses on either side of the ball and then and then all of a sudden the defense has come to play at the end and it's like okay so we have a defense for a quarter they have a defense for a quarter you it was definitely the tale of two halves the two halves looked entirely different for sure so yeah but it was entertaining it was entertaining and as a football fan watching a game uh those are two good teams in the end it doesn't really matter who won or lost tonight in the sense that that's probably two of the top five teams in the NFC that played the same way that last night two of the top five teams in the AFC played and we got a good show out of those guys too um yeah so um okay so tonight some of the questions we had for the Green Bay Packers was how's the defense going to be can we stop the run we haven't been able to stop the run for two decades and it's like well you're playing Barkley and then the in the schedule like there's if you look at their schedule to start it's insane how many people uh are have good running backs coming in to play against us so it's like all right well maybe maybe we could can slow him down yes and you probably did slow him down if he was going to run for 150 right yeah so uh saquon Berkeley tonight uh in your run game 24 rushes 109 and two scores Barkley had two two rushing touchdowns he had a catching one right too so and and he almost scored at the end of the game they stopped him on just inside the one so he would have had three hey just heads up while we were talking our friend Sean our mutual friend Sean just just texted me speculation on Love's injury I'm not a doctor hey like what do I know the podcast you're trying to get why don't you text me for the inside information I'm not in Brazil I'm I'm thinking that you got you got certain green blood as well my friend so there is there is a little Spock to you he just said I said speculate no he's like not professional I'm like I'm not in Brazil so forget it Sean I suck stop being a Sean and I'm grumpy anyways I just wna like like honestly if you if your friend texts you that right after your team loses like what do you like your your franchise quarterback goes down what what what would you want me to answer it looks bad looks like he tweaks something hey Jordan love and Demco you're in a good spot buddy it's a good season for rev Trev yeah um so anyways uh the Run game is very concerning to me but what was encouraging was two picks on Jaylen Herz by the Green Bay Packers um the the one with McKinny paid him huge dollars and then um and then and then jaer gets that pick which was UN unreal as well so it it was it's uh Jaden going across he had AJ Brown wide open it's hard to make that throw we all know that it it takes takes Talent not that uh Jaylen Herz is not talented but it was encouraging to see like that was the nail in the coffin if they would have scored that touchdown gave us life and I was encouraged by that um but I just didn't feel like we got enough pressure we couldn't stop the run but the secondary was trying to hold up and uh that that was crazy that was crazy so yeah I I can't tell tonight I can't tell tonight whether Jaylen Herz actually uh looked like Jaylen Hertz or whether Green Bay pressured so much that they made him look bad but Jaylen Herz tonight either way I think you might be you might be a little bit too hard on your defense in that sense although the points didn't really show that much but I thought that the pressure because Jaylen Herz did look out of sync tonight there was only like spurts in the game where I thought that there was good play from him but as a whole he did not look comfortable he couldn't get out of the pocket they actually contained him really well so they were trying to contain the two the out the outsides were sealing those outsides and only really late in the third and fourth quarter did he start going up into the B Gap and kind of going inside a little bit so I thought that they did an actually a really good job of containing him yeah yeah so um that that is the it's a good team Philly though right come on now very very good team and and the addition of Barkley really helps um someone who I really enjoyed watching um on the other side of the ball was um Devon Devonte Smith was he was really great um really sneaky I don't think he scored I don't think he scor touchdown but he didn't score no but AJ Brown got the big one it was like AJ Brown didn't really play a great game and then all of a sudden you look at his numbers you're like wow he was the most dominant player it's like no no he wasn't their best wide receiver was Smith but the touchdowns Reign and um and and AJ Browns ended with a great game so yeah if you I think I think his touchdown was either 76 or 77 yards so that that automatically put you real close to 100 yards for a receiver for a game and a touchdown so it looks it looks a lot more dominant than it actually was I think that uh um I think that um oh sorry the other receiver that you were just talking about Devon no Devonte was I think that Devonte had uh six or seven catches tonight I didn't I didn't uh check that stat but I believe he had six catches on seven targets but I'll have to check that yeah I I don't know the targets I don't have the targets here but he had seven receptions for 84 yards and then AJ Brown had five receptions 119 so well he five receptions so but AJ Brown was the dominant slightly dominant receiver so on uh on 10 targets five catches uh Devonte had seven catches on eight targets so it was a pretty it was like 55 45 Target share for the two of them so pretty pretty evenly matched it just that uh Devonte looked like he got the ball in more sort of third down situations and he got more first downs and he sort of kept the ball rolling and not that sort of thing so he was more involved in the game that way for sure five receptions for AJ receptions for Deonte Smith tonight yeah yeah and then we're going to talk a little bit about Jaden Reed later but man he was Dynamic tonight uh he had he actually had three receiving touchdowns but one got called back to a penalty by the way side note and and this is both sides of the ball again the refs were awful tonight uh there were qu like calls and and even the commentators are like I'm not really sure that's what the rule book says and it's like so weird it it really did impact the game the good news is it did happen on both sides of the ball so I was encouraged by I guess I'm encouraged by that but I was like man I I was wishing that it wasn't I mean the amount of penalties was insane so maybe they just both weren't very disciplined teams but man I mean that that those calls were like some of those them just like what is going on and and and that one uh Jer Alexander at the end that was really significant it's like that that's that's not holding right you know but but we got away with stuff too so it was it was frustrating watching I guess that's put a little sour taste in the mouth because everything's kind of happening it's like wow like come on guys like let's do it now I get that they're going game speed it's difficult um and there's some and there's some rural changes as well that they're trying to get right as well um but I mean it you know officiating is always officiating it's it look I felt I felt regardless of the calls I felt it was very even on both sides I don't think that anybody got an advantage there was a couple of um um illegal shifts called on Philadelphia that were that Baltimore was getting called on on the first night yeah um and it's a new rule where the where the guards and the tackles have to be in line they have to be a belt line a helmet belt line to the center uh and that gives it much more of a straight look rather than that sort of that that Arrow shape kind of feel to it um and and so there that's being called and it's very technical like you know you're looking at it and they're like you're looking down the line they're like wow that's that dude's helmet is like millimeters if anything from the guy's Belt Line and you're calling that a foul sort of thing so um a penalty like that I think it I think that Philly got put back a couple times on those two calls um and that's unfortunate because they practice and practice and practice and they do training camp and training camp rep after rep and that call is being made um so I I think it did even itself out a little bit you know what also even itself out was some of the bad throws by both quarterbacks that should have been pick sixes yeah and then got dropped and I was like wow like yeah yeah defens should have both had pick sixes so uh Jaylen Herz tonight uh 20 for 34 278 two touchdowns two picks and it really could have been four picks tonight so uh he was he was fortunate and he didn't rush for very much either tonight 13 rushes 13 rushes 33 yards and only at the end he had an eight yard and a nine yard he was not even averaging two yards a carry until that time so yeah H not a not a not a banner evening for Jaylen Herz and I you know I think that that's part of it was him not looking fantastic and I think that part of it was green Bas defense I think you guys I thought they put a lot of pressure on them so yeah and then Jordan love you know 16 completions 33 attempts and you know only 227 yards but he had two touchdowns and one interception and I I there was moments where you look great and then there was times where he just was off um you know a wide receiver going down this way uh Jordan love throwing behind and and it's too bad because like the other day we yesterday I talked about we talked about you know um Lamar Jackson missing Z Flowers by a mile in the end zone right yeah and it wasn't as big as that but there were some moments and I'm like o that doesn't look good and and it was like a full series you know yeah it's like okay Jordan is now part of it I think is that he was like whatever was going on with his calfs like obviously that affects but but he's out there and um I mean and then there's other times you're like wow he made that throw and that move and uh the that he went uh he he was going to rush and then he found uh Jaden Reed for the big 70 yard touchdown that was really fun to watch yeah so he he looked like he there was some big playability on both teams tonight it was pretty impressive and then um but it wasn't consistent for either one so I just feel I feel personally that it looked a lot like a week one match where you have a lot of players who and and this is here's here's the argument and and I'm all for the players in the preseason not like the starters not having reps not getting the chance of being injured not having the opportunity to do this and that but when you don't play ones versus ones for the preseason week one ends up looking like a preseason game a little bit do you know what I'm saying like you like those guys didn't play they may have played like a series in the in the preseason so they're not playing at game speed they're playing against their own team for the most part they get a couple of crossover practices with a couple of other teams sort of thing but they're not playing at game speed and they're not playing ones versus ones now you get into an actual game and I think everybody uh including Baltimore the other night looked kind of rusty looked kind of out of sync Kansas City to me looked the most organized as a group for week one so far out of the four teams as like through through the through the whole game rather than you know spurts of these oh those are great players and then the next series you watch them and it's like dude this is this is awful like yeah I know I know and and really it's good to to recognize that I I guess this is this the question that Sean was texting me tonight but we don't have an answer we have no idea what the injury is but it is an important piece to the the Green Bay franchise because it doesn't look good whether it's an ankle a knee he looked like in a lot of pain he's limping off but at the end of the day it affects your fantasy team if you have Jordan love it affects your wide receivers if you have if you have Jordan love and um we Malik Willis Malik Willis they only signed I think on August 26 so he's only been at a couple practices um and it it something that might be significant with it that might that and I'm not saying how serious it is or how serious it isn't but the two series before that when he was on the sideline in the Eagles on the field both trainers were working both of his calves so he was off um standing standing uh pronate on this on this board and they were they were working and massaging his calves in the back of his legs so I don't know I'm not I'm not saying what it's got to do with but uh it hopefully it's as simple as you know a minor sort of above a cramp or something like that yeah rather than you know because he was being worked on for the whole time he was off the field in between the last two Series so just anyway just to give you some peace of mind pack Nation yeah well I don't I mean well what and this is what I talked about in another podcast I was invited to and it's like if your starting quarterback goes down there's not very many teams that have a great backup yeah that's gonna you know it's not the Jimmy G ropolo when when uh Tom Brady goes and and goes down and they get you know they're 10 and six they still make the playoffs it's it's it's very worrisome um hopefully you drafted a backup quarterback in your league just in case something like this happens consequently Jim Jimmy Garoppolo is still an excellent backup quarterback you mean a third string quarterback who holds a clipboard you know so yeah yeah we saw the Jimmy G experiment in in Raider Nation is terrible the good news is if you're in a 10 Team league and someone like Jordan love goes down there are guys on on the bench on the waiver like Kurt Cousins uh some some leagues didn't no one drafted Aaron roders twoa yeah well two two's mostly drafted but yeah he's there but there's guys there's guys there that are still available but if you're in a two quarterback League or a super Flex I if you didn't draft three quarterbacks you're crazy so um the good news is you still have plenty of money in your waware exactly for some I don't know um got to take it off of likely and put it onto a quarterback so there you go yeah so just a reminder everyone take a moment to hit the like And subscribe and um follow me on rev Trev NFL on X uh YouTube twitch Tik Tok and Facebook I'd really appreciate it we want to dive into the fantasy side of things unless there's some more things Peter you want to talk about regarding the game itself but it kind of both translates now yeah no I think it we're good so so last night watching the game both starting tight ends looked terrible the backup tight end looked like the best tight end in in the league and the the two best wide receivers on the field even though they look Dynamic didn't have huge fantasy numbers but tonight we just talked about uh Devonte Smith AJ Brown and and jayen Reed who just went off and if you had started any one of those guys and most people would have started two out of the three if not all three and um uh I had a choice between Jaden Reed and Malik or and um and neighbors and I just decided to go with the rookie Talent which is fine it might still work out for me yeah but boy I'm kind of kicking myself now always 2020 right yeah exactly yeah and I know a lot of that's what fantasy players do they have overaction in theater and all that kind of stuff but but let's talk about you had the big question of who is the number one wide wide receiver in Green Bay that's a question that's been asked all offseason so let's let me get your take on that well you know it's funny because uh when we're talking about fantasy in particular when you're on all the fantasy boards um Jaden Reed was was ranked higher than Christian Watson and then dos is quite a bit down like you like there's there's leagues where he's not getting drafted at all okay so tonight what we see tonight is is a couple of things the actual Target share wasn't that much different so dos actually had more targets dos had seven targets Jaden Reed had six targets and Christian Watson had five targets now Jaden Reed did get the one extra carry so he had a rush so he actually had seven touches like he he actually did get the ball the same amount of times but it wasn't outstandingly different than anybody else so in that way if we're talking sure you know sharing of the ball uh there wasn't really a number one guy tonight however what Jaden Reed did show tonight is as far as big plays whether it's across the middle or running the ball from the other side of Jet Sweep or whatever you're going to run it looks like jadden Reed is the guy that they're going for that that to me if you're if you're using tonight as the litus Jaden Reed looks specifically like the number one guy there yeah and he looks Dynamic right because yeah like worthy the other right yeah yeah and so uh they drafted jsn the fan base wanted jsn and they went vaness and then they went and got Jaden Reed in the second round and it's like you know what they kind of know what they're doing so oh yeah I mean who would you rather have at this age no I'm not saying jsn would be bad in Green Bay uh I'm saying that maybe you know Gino Smith bad situation but maybe jsn has a breakout season and his phenomenal this year I think he's super talented but it's interesting conversation well he's he's also you know the one thing the one huge advantage that Reed has right now is he comes into a situation where Devonte Adams just left there isn't a number one Bonafide receiver in Green Bay when you're talking about Seattle with jsn you're you're talking metf and and um Lockett Lockett who been there and been significant receivers for years before he gets there so he goes in there as a wide receiver three and this year kind of goes with Lockett and they kind of are I think they're kind of more like wide receiver 2 2A 2B kind of thing but I mean Reed has the opportunity where he is to be legitimately the number one receiver and uh as long as DK meta's there uh you're not gonna have that shot that's just not gonna happen yeah yeah and and you know Watson he didn't look um he didn't look himself he got the touchdown there he get a touchdown yeah he did a lot of blocking uh it didn't he wasn't as open that much uh good news is he didn't get hurt that's good news hey you know what Rome wasn't conquered in a day my friend yeah exactly so there's a lot of positives I think with this Green Bay offense obviously with Jordan lound uh with Malik um Willis that changes everything I mean you're fading everyone you're I think you're okay I think you're okay and Malik Willis uh no I think that Jordan Love's Gonna be fine oh my yeah I don't know what I know so just on on the Watson note there real quick fantasy wise or or or playing wise uh so he did have five targets three catches 13 yards and a score but just the 13 yards tonight yeah that that's really bad yeah that's rough now the granted is you got saved by the the touchdown so it looks a little better right it does look a little better but but but not a ton yeah so so that's that was one of the that was one of my questions is you know like because I I didn't I didn't take Jaden Reed that many leagues this year I wasn't that I wasn't that confident that when I was at that place where those receivers were available he wasn't that amazing of an option um but tonight uh he looked to prove me wrong so I'm I'm probably wrong on that account at this point yeah after one week right yeah okay let's let's move over to the running backs we'll start with Barkley what's talk about Barkley and his role in Philly there was a lot of question marks coming in and it really came down to what we were talking about from yesterday is Lamar and Derk Henry and who's going to look like the better running back and is that going to affect Jaylen Herz and Barkley and uh we just kind of determined that Henry is a little bit older and a little bit slower uh but tonight let's talk about Barkley's role in are you kidding me in our FY and show me the money at my picks I got to take these two guys and people did not you know they weren't sure what to think of Jonathan Taylor and zayquan Barkley and I was so happy to take him with my first two picks buddy I feel so good about Barkley if I could have Barkley honestly in even in fantasy like in draft season if I could get Barkley in three quarters of my leagues I would be thrilled to get him as a back I don't think there's anything wrong with them dude is squatting like 610 pounds the knee is totally fine it's stronger than it was before the injury happened and this guy is a dynamic player he doesn't care he'll go up the middle he'll run between tackles he'll go to the outside he catches a couple balls and the guy's a Powerhouse he's a dog that's the bottom line uh doesn't matter and when you put him into a situation where tonight Jaylen herz's stunk on the ground he was horrible on the ground at one point he was nine rushes for 18 yards like like horrible so Barkley finishes uh Barkley finishes with a line of 24 carries 109 two touchdowns and then the two receptions for an additional 23 yards so 32 allpurpose yards tonight for Barkley uh and he was taken out on three series for gainwell so and he caught a passing touchdown so he got the trifecta I mean you have you start B Barkley like you did and and it's what 31 points or something crazy like that and yeah he almost scored another touchdown at the end he almost scored the fourth at the end yeah yeah um so that like it's not for me it's not uh uh I certainly wasn't expecting a 31-point night but uh I'm not as surprised at all that Barkley had a 20 or 22o night yeah so that the extra touchdown was just a a crazy bonus yeah and uh Kaden's in saying how about them Eagles um yeah they they had some moments where they looked really good and uh there were some moments where it looked a little shaky but uh you know two good teams playing each other and yeah they they look good uh B packs in the building says once again Packers can't close out a game I know that was frustrating and then he also said can't force to turnovers in the first three drives and only get field goals on both by the way that field goal that we missed as well felt like the San Francisco won that kind of frustrating um you know it's like when he missed that field goal I'm like oh that feels like it's gonna come back to bite us which you did I must have heard the the commentary on the on the on the program wrong tonight because what I thought I heard and I'm I'm happy to be wrong if somebody if somebody heard this differently and I'm incorrect please correct me I heard that in four College years he played your kicker play for 16s yeah it was something insane like that I was like no I I I must have fallen asleep just for a brief moment because I thought what they said so I thought maybe they said in six College Years but that wouldn't have been good either because then that would have been sort of you know deep south kind of stuff and not had a good couple years but I think they said that in four years he played for six teams and then was the late signing after training camp with the Packers and and I think he went three for four tonight if I'm not if I'm mistaken they weren't they weren't deep ones he missed he missed a longer one but he did he did hit three or four field goals tonight so you know that wasn't that wasn't the reason and the thing is about him he doesn't miss extra points yeah like he's insane at them yeah so from short and he's good I mean obviously the longer ones are I mean that's the risk it's the the percentages are different I I I I think he hit a 42 tonight I was just trying to I was just trying to find that yeah and then praise in the building um prayers up for Jordan love friend and's here who's saying that it's 0 and 17 for the Packers oh Andy we love you nothing like a Bears fan we love you Andy you're a good man but I just want to let you know Andy right now I I know you're trolling but I I I just want to clarify I would never ever come into your stream if you if Caleb Williams goes down in week one or any week I would never come in and just joke about the the injury and then say that he's mid but you can do whatever you want I just wouldn't do that good to have Coach Rob Willie here uh welcome buddy good to have you so um we talked about Barkley and how he's unbelievably dominant I are let's talk about the the Jaylen uh Herz side you have Jaylen Herz in a different League of ours a big a serious League of ours yes yes I do and are you nervous going forward like I don't know how many points he end up getting for you I'm not I'm not nervous moving forward I I'm just I don't I think he got uh I'm thinking he got 15.7 or 16 or something like that yeah I'll look right now um and not not fantastic I I've got a very good team in that in that League uh I don't need my quarterback to score me 30 every week but um it certainly he looked sketchy um actually Jordan love was he was throwing off his back foot a lot tonight too I don't think there was any balance to the game neither one of them you know like the each had had Series where they looked like they had Rhythm but it didn't the neither quarterback and and Jaylen Herz would be kind of like a you know you think of him as a top four quarterback in the NFL he did not he did not look fantastic tonight so whether it be for Fantasy or just for his team uh they got out with a win tonight but they got out with a win because uh Barkley carried it for them if it was up to Herz throwing touchdowns it would not have happened probably tonight for and you know we were we were discussing today on the phone about uh Patrick Mahomes and how he's a great real life quarterback but when it comes to Fantasy he really struggled last year and last night he did the same thing got 14 fantasy points but what's Wild is Herz gets 16.42% Lamar is the best and uh with 25 so so interesting that Jordan love and Herz and momes all have bad starts to the fantasy season yeah but we're yeah so it's not am I concerned I mean I'm not I'm not concerned it it you know it's it it's one game in the same way like if you know I basically I need a quarterback I have two good quarterbacks on my roster I need a quarterback who's going to take me into week 16 and 17 in the playoffs and and win uh actually 15 and 16 I guess so that's but no I'm not I'm not too concerned 16 points any and I don't think he played well so that's that's a 20 point quarterback all the time yeah then moving over to the Green Bay Side Josh Jacobs lot of excitement um I I thought it was interesting Peter that they were talking I I was talking with I was watching something today I don't know if it was a must have been a fantasy kind of thing talking about running backs that go into brand new situations often don't play well that season so a lot of people try to avoid them you got Henry that's moved you've got Josh Jacobs that's moved you've got Barkley That's moved and it's like you knowon Jones is gonna be in that group yep yeah yeah Aaron Jones and and just different players that's the kind of Carousel with the salary cap yeah and um man what did you think about Josh Jacobs tonight and was he drafted in the right spot which would have been what third round fourth round probably third round third round fourth round yeah on the H yep uh I I mean I I thought that Jacobs was I think he he had a he had a horrendous first first half so I don't think that there was any stats for him there in the first half but I don't think that they they used him much in the in the first half so I don't think it was really him it wasn't like this horrible first half that he had I think he only got I think he got six carries or five carries in the first half uh so his his yards per carry was horrible uh in the end he broke out a couple of big runs which helped that out I think he ended up with about a 5.3 yard average um yeah on 16 attempts 84 yards there was one for 22 and one for 30 I believe so those two big runs really helped that average but 16 rushes 84 yards you know a stable place for him he showed a little bit of big playability um but but at the same time uh your your your new running back is it Watson ar oh Wilson Wilson uh Wilson looked very strong tonight like I thought that when he came in he had I think three eight or 10 yard runs for first downs that were really explosive he looked really explosive tonight when he had the opportunity so you know is that what does that do for Jacobs I don't know that that bonies him as the sort of the cowbell that he's been in his career so far um which is where his fantasy value is it's not it's not in his like he's yards per carry in fact he you and I have also discuss this he's never and this for the people that are watching this you're going to be so surprised that I'm gonna say this to you maybe you know Trev maybe you've said this before Josh Jacobs does not have a single reception touchdown in the NFL you heard me correctly he has never received a touchdown so so in saying that he kind of relies on being the cowbell carrier in order for his fantasy value to be high so um I think he's probably in a fair Zone there I think that I think that those guys that are drafted around him um to me personally I take Rashad white in that spot like based on what the values were for the 20 24 draft season um but but but who knows maybe maybe people think differently of that if you think differently we'd love to hear from you but I I um I yeah he was he was fine he was he was decent yeah and in a 0.5 PPR League he gets 11.4 points which is a is wild to think that you know 84 yards rushing I I thought he I thought he was going to get a touch down tonight I mean if you get the touchdown all a sudden you're like I'm really happy with this pick right and that's how the ups and downs go um this is where why a breeze Hall a beon are going higher um because they they're probably going to be those guys and you know Barkley went higher you know etn went higher and and I think that's the reason why but in saying that um he scored his touchdown and all sudden everyone's like you drafted him too low right yeah yeah I mean I mean that the touchdowns obviously score um I don't even really think he got a a Red Zone look today so uh it it just is what it is the you know it the game also has to um you know give itself to the fantasy value as well and the game tonight was it was it was decent it was mid but if you think about like going forward with Josh Jacobs he's not going to get The Passing work because the wide receiver core is solid yeah and you know Musgrave is not even like he's invisible out there and Tucker craft is the is the tight end that produces the most points and you're like what what's going on here this is wild so it it's funny because as much as I'm personally excited about Josh Jacobs I am concerned about his pass game uh work um and that's why I took ATN ATN over him um another another other players I mean you had Pacho over Josh Jacobs and um that turned out to be pretty good didn't it oh yeah I I to me P's Pacho is indefinitely like a top seven or top eight back and and so that that to me wasn't the the decision even at tian's not in that group I think that I was putting Josh Jacobs in my own opinion I'm putting Josh Jacobs down into the um Rashad White Josh Jacobs Kenneth Walker you know maybe maybe a slip maybe a slip of um Alvin Kamar in that group and sort of like you wonder which one of those guys but to me Kamar has the most upside with Rashad in that uh that they receive a ton of balls if you're in a half PPR or one PPR League uh so they they they get receptions and um Jacobs isn't as heavy in that reception area so he's he's got to be a Bell cow for you or the fantasy value actually kind of to me drops to another round or two for sure and I like P a lot um but if if we're talking about like what actually happened week one Jacobs was the better running back um Peko his numbers are terrible but he got the touchdown so he gets three fantasy points more which is great but you know he he caught a couple balls and you know so it it is interesting hey how like these guys are they would be considered tier two or tier three um running backs and they go up and down and so it's tough that's why you know people are like oh you know go get that wide receiver and then we're like you know I think this year you go get the stud running backs because it drops really quick absolutely yeah and and you have to get them at that point or or you're kind of done like if you don't get them that's it makes it very hard um the there's lots of depth that run at wide receiver in FY leagues in all those fantasy leagues um but you know I I think that it's I think that you're to me right now um Pacho ends up in a more Dynamic offense um as far as having you know the quarterback play and and the way that they mix the ball around Kelsey was invisible um in Bal against Baltimore in Kansas City the other night and um and yet they still they still looked like a little bit of a machine team so it's a different offense it didn't ever look as disorganized as the two teams tonight did so yeah and JC Jason's in the building he said they the Green Bay Packers had multiple times to put that game away tonight yeah and and they didn't so you got to give credit to the Eagles there uh ex excellent uh not excellent execution but good enough to win the game and in the NFL and a league of parody that's important hey do you know what and and and here we are like when we start that the one thing about fantasy is when we talk fantasy it's it's it's talking obviously specifically about offensive production and and we can determine whether a game is good or whether a game isn't good but if you're talking about like so here you have two teams who didn't necessarily win the battles defensively with points scored on the board because there was actually quite a few points I think it was they must have been 60 plus the over um but they you two teams that that they have some very good defensive players on both teams and they were causing confusion for both quarterbacks you could see that on both quarterbacks they were holding the ball way longer than they should have been holding the ball they were making poor decisions Jaylen Herz was throwing it into coverage because it was confusing what he was seeing whether that's because it's early in the season or Green Bay really turned on you know in the secondary and they didn't he didn't want to throw another pick I don't know what the reasoning was but you got two good teams who don't want to lose games and it looked like both teams weren't trying to win both teams were doing everything not to lose and that's that's kind of what the feel of the game was it was kind of like a a struggle it wasn't someone going out and saying hey we're gonna go win this game so that's my that's my that's how I saw it tonight absolutely and there that's that's some good takes there for sure um so just I mean this was the beginning you've got you've got four really good teams that have played each other already the matchups this weekend are incredible Sunday night you have like lions versus um Rams that's going be really interesting and you know I think most people are picking the Lions but we actually don't know how that Rams defense is going to be um they shouldn't be as good but uh if they can find a way to slow that team down maybe that's another great game and then Monday night is 49ers Jets Jets have a great defense we know the 49ers do yeah um there that that's those are some really really amazing m match ups oh yeah we've got some we've got they the schedule makers did a pretty good job you know we're doing the we're doing the whole Stafford golf thing again and and we're trying to milk that for a little bit longer I think we're on the last teed of that one uh but we'll but the but the two teams are actually very solid teams um um there was a comment there was a comment tonight on the on the pregame um about the Seahawks and how how the Seahawks look and that sort of stuff and they were talking about the Rams being you know while they got the Rams in the division whether they can overcome that and and one of the other commentators goes you mean they also have the 49ers so don't forget about the 49ers so the the NFC West actually this year because Arizona is not going to be is not going to be anything to laugh at uh they're actually going to be very entertaining to watch we get an opportunity to watch Marvin Harrison JR this weekend uh to see what you know how we were you know if we were correct about him in the draft so that that division is going to be a really good Division and they're well represented in the first weekend um of of the season uh by the NFL schedule makers so it kind of shows what they think of the of that division as well yeah yeah I it's really really phenomenal what's what's you know going to shape up and you know a lot because these four teams have already played there's a lot of fantasy points that are already up on the board um or maybe not on the board that you were hoping for but uh there's there's a lot of football to be played and I someone had messaged me and said you know Trev like I'm already done I've lost I'm like no you haven't you haven't it it was literally after last night's game and it's like yeah it could turn around here so you know be careful you don't get too too low it it can I mean crazy stuff like Jaden Reed can go off and get yeah you know 23 points or whatever it is or yeah you know it's just it's wild that's why we play it and there is lots of football to be played yet we got we got lots for the weekend um I enjoyed the two games got a chance to actually watch both games as it ends up up had the evenings um I thought it was fantastic so really enjoyed the whole process can't wait for the weekend there's a number of good games my Chargers are playing uh everybody you know we're we're loving the underdog position right now we're loving the thought that everybody thinks that we haven't got it uh love the love the spot that we're in actually um and so we're looking forward the whole weekend yeah I mean that that one's a interesting matchup because you know we we think they're going to run the ball like like Harbaugh did in Michigan but you know you've got a Justin Herbert who is a talented quarterback you don't really know which wide receiver to be take there might be one of those guys that come and become real big fantasy guys uh whether it's Palmer or Quenton J is it Quenton Johnson is that his name yeah or lad lad they're they're actually very good receivers and and and Quinn Johnson who had a really sucky rookie year playing behind playing behind um Keenan Allen ke Keenan Allen Mike Williams you know like so so they're there that's a that's a big piece right there uh so he really didn't get the Reps but he's actually made significant Improvement and I'm suggesting that you're probably gonna see him have Mike Williams type numbers this year he's that good he's he's the same height the same build the same vertical as Mike Williams um and and he's got he's got those capability so I think that the the value is that Herbert doesn't have to throw 50 times a game I think that that's where you're going to going to see the Improvement his efficiency is going to be way better uh and and that opens up uh the mid the mid sort of level uh passing for him uh rather than having you throw the ball downfield all the time it's gon be and then like a guy like and nobody's like really drafting a bow Knicks but it does matter for Fantasy because you know does Sutton have value does does you know javante Williams look good there you know are they not just you know is a great value yeah yeah and so you got that I mean you still have I mean that they play the Seahawks um that that's a good that's an interesting battle there's so many just so many interesting storylines coming up I'm really excited to see what uh what's going to come up sooner than later right so yeah yeah we get to see we get to see Captain Kirk in Atlanta with with with a new beon and what that does with Drake London and how that all looks with him like there's there's so many things that are ready to happen this weekend uh and changes in the NFL and we're going to actually I think there's going to be quite a Changing of the Guard actually quite frankly I yeah I I think there's gonna be a lot of a lot of games and a lot of teams um that are going to switch and turn you know divisions are going to turn around I think that you know as long as as long as Rogers is Happy there's no way the Jets don't VI for the for the title in the in the AFC East that's that's a thing right so now you've got now the AFC East has gone from the new Eng Patriots dominating it for years and years and years to now it's really the division for Miami uh and the New York Jets like that's that that's predominantly probably the next five to six years worth of you know that division's future yeah so it's it it's it's turning a lot like everything is changing quite a bit and you know a few I remember a few short years ago we were looking at the Cleveland Browns being you know 0 and 16 right and this is that you know it wouldn't be strange if the Cleveland Browns won the North like that wouldn't be that crazy so there yeah and they played the Cowboys in Cleveland yeah week one yeah so there's some some really good stuff happening there um there's those rookie quarterbacks you know what does what does Caleb Williams look like what does what does Jaden look like in Washington you know where you have to see so it's it's it's kind of it's kind of like opening Christmas presents it's kind of like having these little you know stocking steppers right now we get we get we get an NFL stalking stuffer buddy yeah and then speaking of the Falcons game Peter uh just been confirmed today that Russell Wilson's not playing so Justin Fields is the starter in uh Pittsburgh and I've been saying for months that he's going to be the starter but I didn't think it was because of an injury yeah I thought it was because that Justin Fields was gonna outplay uh Russell Wilson so that's going to be a very interesting um Dynamic um I waited on quarterback in one of my leagues really too late got like totally hosed and my it went Jordan love Gardner muu and Justin Fields so I have two starting quarterbacks if Jordan love goes down so and you might even look brilliant at it could you imagine no way am I gonna win a game in that League probably not but maybe Justin Fields uh goes goes you know nuclear and kicks well I think but I think that Justin Fields is that guy and I think the only issue with Justin fields and Pittsburgh is the is Mike Tomlin that's not the way Mike Tomlin pictures a quarterback playing that's not his that's not necessarily his style he spent most of his most of his years with a a Ben rothberger type who who could you know move the ball a little bit with his feet but in general he's a pocket passer he's somebody who passes the ball downfield you have a you know like that's just not his style but I think that they can win with him I think that he really gives them a fresh look um and I actually really like Justin Fields I I think Justin Fields um given given the opportunity in a good offensive line I I I think he can I think he can lead a team to nine or 10 wins I do y yeah and Shah shadid uh is here and you're right we're GNA learn from this the only thing is if Jordan loves done is like if it's a massive injury I I don't I don't think we like we learn from this I think we try to keep our head above water water and um I'm not sure because I don't I just don't believe in Malik Willis at this moment but he's got an opportunity to prove everyone wrong and um you just change the game plan right so so yeah we'll if if Jordan Love's okay we he's gonna play then I agree we learned from this if he's out I'm a little nervous and I went on on a fairly significant rant at the beginning of this video that you might want to watch regarding the field conditions uh I was pretty pretty he from the loss and from the loss of Jordan love too so yeah you're okay man you're okay you got this I the tiger I the tiger yeah um yeah it it's it's it's definitely a fun hobby but sometimes uh it you you just get so excited you you hype yourself up and you just got to be like yeah I mean which just a game I'm watching and uh fantasy football is fun and but it's a hobby right and they Pro and they most likely weren't going 16 and0 anyway no no I said I said 13 and four but other that it's fine there you go so they only have to finish the season 13 and three but I'll I remember I was I was even more upset was it week one Bears versus Packers Aaron Jones Rex his knee he's done The Season's done he comes back and in the game how he did it they said you can't wreck it anymore it comes in they win the game it was like one of the greatest moments uh that it was like there's no way but I can remember being so angry like that was such a disappointing loss because it's like when you lose that guy it's like wow it's like it's over it's over I don't care what people say um but I do we we'll see what it says and uh we'll go from there but any other comments about you know fantasy or the week coming up that you want to he no dude I I it's been you know I'm in the middle of you know going through a couple games I had some players play this week uh my leagues are pretty solid I like I I feel pretty good about the position that I'm in with them right now uh they're I feel bad for those players who you know those those teams who did get injuries or whatever this week that's just part of what we play but I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend there's there's still lots of questions to answer and the questions that we were talking about tonight uh there's plenty of other players that are about take the field on Sunday and Monday uh that we have to answer those those questions about whether as teams in the NFL or as fantasy players on fantasy managers teams so looking forward to it man it's gonna be it's gonna be a blast either way yeah it's going to be great all right everyone thanks for coming out watching hit that like And subscribe and uh thank you Peter for being here I really appreciate it my pleasure man always good to connect and chat uh about the NFL and about fantasy um and stay tuned there's going to be lots more content coming your way have a great I guess yeah oh maybe I should hit the outro video just to make it even more spectacular let's do it [Music] hey [Music] in oh [Music]

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