Import Haiti, Become Haiti: Ohio Pet Eating Edition

bring in 20,000 Haitians basically at that point what would be close to 30% of the population of the city you're going to get Haiti yes the left says that's a good thing I say America the United States is better than Haiti what say you I think it's as simple as that speaking of outcomes this next one is bad and it's not because it depends no it does not depend it might not be yeah if you're Haitian that's not well you go from eating dirt cookies to eating your your neighbor's cat you're like wow youall let these run around so 6 months ago we warned you that Haitians were um Coming uh in in in record numbers they were being let's be clear they weren't coming in they were being sent in they were being flown in bust in by a political party who has a vested interest in purchasing votes let's be really clear about that well now they're in Ohio uh one small town in Ohio I believe population about 58,000 and close to 2,000 Haitian migrants uh and they are there and the results are not great uh for many reasons and I'm getting out here every day and I'm broadcasting this and you guys are just sitting up there and S something like I I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something these Haitians are running into trash cans they're running into buildings they're running into they flipping cars in the middle of the street and I don't even want to like seem like I'm coming down on the immigrants CU it's the people that's bringing them down here cuz wherever they're at that's what they're used to Bro they're in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them and just to be clear that that man is a comedian Anthony Harris and so you may think this is not a real story but more from him later actually anyone can be an investigative journalism but yes can confirm that Haitians in this town have been eating ducks in the park least happy about it by the way is this guy yes yes poor that's a I don't know if that's a real anyway you're not supposed to build fires in the park I but to be fair if you s a duck yes with a with a with a lingan Berry sauce yesz right there are some great Haitian recipes for duck I'm just trying to why did the world accept lingan Berry it's a Swedish thing it's I don't think it exists anywhere else and I don't like the swed well there's a lot of sweds that's why the Haans are here though they have sh firm property in Haiti yes and mall I don't think Haitians what Ducks were are ducks even down there yes you know everywhere Gerald they migrate migrants themselves wrong because I don't know if you know this but in Haiti they simply kill animals to Extinction well there might not be duck they might be gone yeah they might be gone if they're eating dirt cookies I would imagine there aren't thank you many ducks it's very sad the Haitian elephant was um oh jeez that's what happened you should have tried Haitian dodo it was great do I'm sure yeah with with did I mention lingan Berry sauce you did mention lingonberry I'm more of a cloudberry guy so says to cook it to internal temperature why do they sound Jamaican a French Colony can't do it I'm trying to make the point this is not about race it's about and you just thank you so the media wants you to believe that this influx of Haitians is is a good thing let me read you some some some headlines here all references available lorth you can click Link in the description the New York Times says by most accounts the Haitians have helped Revitalize Springfield is that what we're calling it the accounts come from Haitians they're paying taxes on their wages and spending money at Walmart because we like them now on Sundays they gather at churches for boisterous joyful services in Haitian crayle uh by the way here's an example of said joyful [Music] Services cultural differences not sign me up that's the H I made it work from The Daily Mail uh explosion of newcomers in dying Ohio City boosts its economy after Decades of shrinking population but not everyone's happy about it again according to the 2020 census the uh population of Springfield Ohio 58,000 all right now you have 20,000 Haitians who have been sent wow to this city to be clear it's not like they ended up here accidentally and we'll show you some more clips and we'll get to some some key facts into why there can be some cultural differences and and I I'm glad that we're past the point of saying oh this is racism yeah it has nothing it would be the same thing if people were coming from El Salvador and uh killing your your cat or do or Sweden or Sweden or Sweden yeah I I I don't know I I don't know what they Sweden aside from lingen Berry and meatballs and beds that fold into an armor but I don't know if they eat it just fact check false the city now also by the way faces a a drought of cocoa butter and be bike theft is it's it's up 30% the cocoa butter to be clear is not for the skin of the migrants It's actually an ingredient in a well-known Asian okay no that's well hot hot hot dog huh you suck that's fine and this man uh Anthony Harris said was a comedian right so some people think this is a fake story it's not he's actually documented dozens of examples uh of of Haitians crashing their vehicles and I'll get to a theory as to why this may be the case who did this who what it me who car yes who did this you did this how did it happen how did this happen he he come he come here yeah he he check the friend get Anthony here we just got hit no I don't break any any you didn't break nothing but you hit us and you pulled out in front of a car right there because no you you push we're at a red light we're at a red light noted light light light you you what do you think we should do I think these [ __ ] need to go to driving school before they get handed a set of keys or before they get handed aamn car theying out driving like candy that's you get one you get one I think they need to attend the driving course before they get to drive again their kids run butt necked they throw trash out in their backyards with maggots all over them they're trash send them back where the they came from they're trash they're straight trash I can't stand it y they get by with everything well that's why I'm running for May man somebody Anthony Harris running for May so look you may not have picked up on some subtext there um the man interviewing her is black so initially the media would have said racist they go back where they came from what do you mean they they're trash what do you mean they're trash and they would assume that she means black people she's talking to a black American he says I'm running for mayor says someone has to it has nothing to do with race it has everything to do with a culture that is incompatible with the United States of America and I don't just mean the values of freedom of speech of the Second Amendment of rugged individualism I I don't mean this idea of personal responsibility of self-governance of strong communities I mean simple things like your day-to-day getting insurance when you drive your car let me explain something um to you to be clear Haiti people will get more upset if you say it's a it's a it's a crap hole it's the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere okay it is the kidnapping capital of the world Haitian illegal migrants in the United States are the most likely demographic as far as illegals to commit crime and in Haiti they eat dirt cookies so let me tell you that's an actual thing dirt cookies the crazy thing is many of them pay for dirt cookies there's a baker so imagine you come here and you see ducks in the park you're like H you probably also see free holy it's like sh but there are no ducks there anymore it's duck now it's a duck pot pie we have certain social more certain certain grounding here written contracts and Unwritten contracts and I think a lot of people in the Western World particularly the United States you're you're very spoiled all of us are and that you think compromise you think that diplomacy is the way of the world and it's not it's not the way of the world today and it's not the way of the world historically so if you have someone who comes from a place where they've likely seen many many a very high percentage of family members die in the streets starve you're talking about the kinds of problems that you might think no longer exist in the modern world and they come here and they go wait okay I can I'll I'll drive a car people say you got to get insurance well what happens if I don't get insurance well you might get pulled over and if you get pulled over they'll say you're driving without insurance well what happens well then you might have a suspended license I don't have a license well you need to get a license what happens if I drive without a license well they won't let you drive Drive well what if I do Drive well how depends how many times they catch you and they might then take you to jail where you get three Square meals a day which you've never had in your life I'm not going to get insurance or a driver's license and I'm certainly not going to stop and call the police so we can exchange information I'm just going to take this new car z% down because of course Uncle Sam make sure that that happens because I'm an impoverished minority and if I crash into somebody screw them because I don't care so long as I'm not being devoured by potential cannibals you can't take these two types of culture and simply force them into a collision that's what we're dealing with that's what the people of Ohio are dealing with when right now you have Ron Howard coming out saying he's disappointed with JD Vance and Hill elogy was shining a light in the fact that people like this people in a city in Ohio feel completely forgotten and left behind how would you feel if you're in a place that's struggling and they bring in 20,000 migrants who have destroyed your city and couldn't care less about your safety your well-being or your community nothing to do with race that's why you have black Americans who are just as upset is it starting starting to become clear yeah and this Administration thinks it's a great idea to take 20,000 people and put them in a city of just about 60,000 people and say but they're revitalizing the area you have no idea what you're talking about paying taxes and buying stuff at Walmart doesn't take care of everything else that you've done with this let's say that they're the best people in the world you don't put 20,000 in a 60,000 City you don't do that that's stupid you certainly don't put there let me ask you this so San Francisco if you have a few blocks where um it is a high cont an incredible concentration of Chinese migrants right what do you call it Chinatown okay if you have a bunch of uh Italians who move into a neighborhood in New York City right early on in the city that place ends up being called Little Italy Little Italy okay what do you think happens if you take 20,000 Haitian migrants send them to a to a city of 58,000 people but with no coaching no naturalization oath no introduction to Western culture what do you think you get you call how could you expect anything other than Haiti you get a duck free zone that's what I was going to say but the problem is they you know luckily in the summer in the winter they fly south so they there's no ducks there in the win they get the hell out of there right now so now we have to get now we have the government has to subsidize Ducks yes well that's how you get them out you say that Haitians are actually disrupting duck migration patterns well look if they take on Canadian just an S it's [ __ ] let's get out of here Canadian geese fine they will at least put up a fight you earned your kill and they're really easy to decapitate that's not nice they're looking for bread they come over to you and you grab them by the neck jerks bring in 20,000 Haitians basically uh at that point what would be close to 30% of the population of the city you're going to get Haiti yes the left says that's a good thing I say America the United States is better than Haiti what say you I think think it's as simple as that and it's not the people in charge of policy who have to live with the outcome for the residents of Springfield to 58,000 compared to 20,000 Haitian migrants it is a living nightmare I'm done with what I'm seeing it is so unsafe in my neighborhood anymore I have the homeless that were trying to camp out and I have I have made concessions with them and I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squad on my property so I live in Springfield Ohio where the influx of Haitians are and we have had a enormous amount of car accidents because they don't know how to drive and and I don't know what kind of label you can put on this but I'm going taking my cart down the grocery aisle and I have three immigrants strapped across the aisle seen me coming would not budge men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me throwing mattresses in my front yard throwing trash in my front yard and I can't I look at me I weigh 95 PBS I couldn't defend myself if I had to my husband is elderly and last night after living in this home for 45 years he said Noel guess what it's time to pack up and move and my insurance has gone up over $100 a month within 6 months I pay over $420 a month for insurance for full coverage on two cars I would like to see them have some common respect some common decency do not try to bully your way through Springfield Ohio it's not going to work out well I understand they're here under temporary protected status and you're protecting them and I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and underst staffed but who's protecting us if we're protecting them who's protecting me she's did she have to dress like a a ghost on a rainy night is you know what I mean is that fair I mean can you wear a t-shirt that doesn't flow as much right yeah you know what I mean and and and you're speaking in a very haunted yes right I mean if if there was a haunted Silo that would be what a human the version the human version of a haunted Silo I don't haunted grain silo I think all haunt silos are haunted so many people die in those things they fall and they sink wrong I apologize for the Giant death Chambers they are they are silos pigeons the whole thing you know you know how you know it's true hey Mission I don't even know if we have these stats how many people do you think have cars in Haiti you expect them to drive yeah do you think do you think in Haiti they're getting their sweet 16 Toyota with a dirt cookie in the glove box a of course of course they're not going to be able and then you ask okay what are the crime rates what kind of ins how many let's let's just not go how many of them drive a car how many of them have orange are there Progressive commercials Geico commercials in Haiti what do you expect when you say hey everyone is welcome no it's not the it's not the same by the way when people talk about the Statue of Liberty which we've done a whole segment on that yeah there's a huge difference between people coming here to risk something which was the Irish uh when you had Jews of course coming from Eastern Europe when you had Italian Americans and you had polish we're coming here with the promise of nothing in return other than Freedom that is very different from a giant modern welfare state where you attract people to abuse that system who have no skin in the game how many people in Haiti have cars how many people have car insurance how many people in Haiti have have trash pickup and understand how that works how many people in Haiti have Lawns that they maintain doesn't mean that we're better than them I would argue it means that the United States is a better country but you can't bring people from that kind of a place plop with a giant welfare state and expect people to coexist no diversity in this instance is not our strength it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a corrupt government who wants to buy votes yeah and by the way uh 3.9 cars per thousand people in oh okay it's almost a rarity that's car pulling n yep yes got room you got room on your roof yes it's like a clown car you know that's right overestimate how many people I can fit on top of this Honda Cub hope you're flexible well look in the hierarchy of caring people like oh don't you care it's like look I care about people but I care about American citizens first first yep and right now what you're seeing is they care zero about the American citizens that live in Springfield Ohio because think about what she said we've lived here for 45 years and we're going to have to pack up and move good luck selling your house you probably maybe at that point you don't have a mortgage but nobody's going to buy your house now right like who's going to move into that more Haitians that Government funding is going to pay for fine maybe that's the way out but now you're trapped yeah usually you can kind of leave okay the the big Factory closes down fine you can you can get out of there you can go and maybe there's some jobs still around but that was your job so you want to go somewhere else fine you just killed an entire town and made it into a crap hole yeah nobody wants to live and and the New York Times And The Daily Mail praise it it's revitalizing the city really oh great you don't have to live there do you yeah go stay there for a week then write your story it's kind of like when people who live in New York City are telling people in rural West Texas to care more about the environment go screw yourself how about that and your giant cancerous cloud of a city no wonder you feel guilty everywhere you guys have a city you screw it up it's disgusting it's dirty and if you believe that the rest of the world treats the environment the same way you do yeah I understand why you think we'd have a problem hey if you like this video or if you have strong opinions you know comment below where I will tell you this the comment section on YouTube is the best that Society has to offer you won't regret it one bit or you can click one of these videos uh playing right here next to me in that no not not that one that's embarrassing

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