Category: News & Politics
Can democrats slip florida from red to blue in november it's unclear but polls suggests a tightening race at the presidential and senate level a recent morning consult poll shows vice president kamla harris trailing former president donald trump by only two points in the state and a poll from the hill... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] summer is over and both campaigns are full speed ahead to election day 67 days from now we're going to win pennsylvania we're going to defeat comrade kamla harris we are out here running like we are the underdog in this race because we know what we are fighting for vice president harris has... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I learned i think i was i don't know 22 when i started that work i learned that with the swipe of my pen i could charge someone with the lowest level of fence and because of the swipe of my pen that person could be arrested they could sit in jail for at least 48 hours they could lose time from from... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] vice president kla harris and former president donald trump met for the first time face to face at the abc news presidential debate this week flash poll showed that a majority of viewers said harris won the debate and her campaign was quick to call for a second debate moments after the first... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Harrison waltz tried to defend their shifts in their first major tv interview this interview with cnn was taped it was edited and she still messed things up i mean just think uh what they're trying to do with her and it's going to boomerang it's going to boomerang big you watch this this debate she's... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This is exactly what they were doing empire of covert project they pay the people to say what's good for russia and then you get to hear it this is the plan this is what they've always been doing they were paying people to post things on facebook they're paying people to make youtube videos but i don't... Read more
Category: Entertainment
It is wrong to somehow suggest that an undocumented immigrant is a criminal i personally prosecuted everything from lowlevel offenses to homicides i know what a crime looks like an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal 12 seconds later all right 104 there's another available un d 310 we had multiple... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] ladies and gentlemen american jeran bulldog nation today beginning at 2:00 out at 13894 madison pike morning view kentucky there is a music festival that goes on through till 10:00 tonight it concludes from 7: to 10: p.m. we have a vicious cycle a leonard skinnard tribute band and then tomorrow... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Donald trump's remark about throwing the pres out of a campaign like a dog conveys his frustration with how politicians particularly those in leadership are treated with disregard and disrespect it highlights his dismay over the lack of appreciation for those in power she gave up at least 12 and probably... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Because they have these segments but these segments are broken up with kind of like um when you watch a show how they like show you at the beginning like what you can expect to see in the show now the thing that i felt was strange is if you listen to the questions that were asked though the questions... Read more
Category: News & Politics
John mccain's son went on the most trusted name in news to blast donald trump over his visit to arlington cemetery that the media is desperately trying to squeeze into a scandal tell us why uh you called trump's visit to arlington a violation thank you for having me sir well as you well know sirah arlington... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Kamala harris's move to extend temporary protected status tps to over 100,000 haitian immigrants might be seen as a reflection of misaligned priorities potentially neglecting us interests that is why also starting with our administration we gave tps temporary protected status to haitian migrants 55,000... Read more