This Week in DUMBmocracy: Charlamagne Tha God COOKS Plies For Defending Kamala Avoiding Interviews

I think it's incredibly weak weak sauce to show up with your running mate the fact that they don't have enough confidence in her to let her sit herself the actual top of the ticket and do a single interview in fact I think the hand ringing and the gations over this over the last month show a troubling lack of confidence in her political ability but some political maneuvering America welcome to the eulogy eat it up it's called political hey there everybody and welcome to this week in Dumb mcy where we showcase some of the dumbest newsmakers of the week after 37 days of canned speeches manufactured moments and political stagecraft the designate for the Democratic party for president K Harris will finally sit down for her first interview as the designate sort of you see the interview is going to be with CNN's Dana Bash it's going to also include her running mate Tim Walls and it's going to be pre-recorded ASF it certainly appears as though the campaign for the design doesn't really trust her to speak contemporaneously at least that's what the Republicans are saying and that's what certainly what Donald Trump is saying that KLA Harris can't be trusted with a live microphone we're going to go into the circumstances surrounding this interview how it's affecting the campaigns and how there's even been a debate within Democrat circles as to whether or not Kam Harry should be questioned at all but before we get to all of that please subscribe to the channel hit that notification Bell so you don't miss any other the shows and if you like what you've seen here in this or any other video on this fine little political Channel I'm going to ask you guys to please smash that Thumbs Up Button like comment share the show with your friends all that really really good stuff because all that's going to feed the YouTube out algorithm just like every other video I want to thank you guys for all that you do to help grow the channel I appreciate all of your efforts if you're new to the channel I hope this video earns your subscription and while you're here check out the sweet merch like this awesome less government more fun shirt it's a great conversation starter you can pick it up in the store tab on the YouTube channel or go to shop. buffoon ofthe this guy is a grifter back to the story here the Harris campaign has been treating this moment very meticulously there haven't been many contemporaneous offthe cuffs moments with Kel Harris since she's become the design for president notice I don't call her the nominee she was designated by a party after they fixed the primary for for Joe Biden and now she's been installed once they realize that Joe Biden was a dud of a candidate get rid of him throw him under a bus and because the Republicans and Donald Trump and his campaign are questioning whether or not kamla Harris can find a coherent sentence on her own with two hands and a flashlight we've seen the word salads ladies and gentlemen and all people in between and the word out there from the Republicans is that kamla Harris is not trusted by the Democrats to speak contemporaneously quick programming note tonight Wednesday night 9:00 p.m. eastern time we continue the shenanigans of buffoonery as we go live behind lines and they think that this word salad that Kamala Harris does the moving of the shoulders that we talked about in Behind Enemy Lines the giggling the awkwardness of kamla Harris the anxiety that she seems to exhibit when speaking off the cuff is going to be her undoing and that's going to Signal the end of the honeymoon phase for the Democrat campaign it's even gotten to the point on Democrat sides where people are even questioning whether or not Kam har should be questioned at all what am I talking about let's check out this clip for those of you who don't follow hipop or maybe you're not on social media as much this is PES he is a former college football player turned rapper who has put out some great music I remember he did a song with t pay back in the day and he's also on social media he's certainly an influencer there's some viral videos and clips out there from him check him out if you want to the reason why we use in this clip is because occasionally PES will talk about politics on his social media and this particular clip talks about kamla Harris and this controversy over why she hasn't spoken about her platform why she doesn't sit down for interviews let's listen to this take but before we do a quick disclaimer this clip has edited profanity in it so if you're a little squeamish when it comes to your virgin ears you may want to skip ahead on this to the end of this I'm going to put the time frame where should go to right now at the bottom of the video there it is right there that's where you'll get my analysis of this whole thing but for those of you who have a stronger Constitution let's go through what P has to say he this real quick but to everybody who especially the ones who who who look like me the men who look like me who quit to she KLA want my vote she need to explain herself to me what she going to do for the black people by the way that mockery I don't subscribe to that at all I don't think anybody actually talks like that in any community but we're also putting up this count the M count watch this thing Skyrocket listen stop asking black woman to explain their to you or explain their to y'all if y'all ain't willing to ask white man then explain his y y'all cool with the white man not explaining his his mother to you B black she need to explain herself to me what she going to do for the black community she want my vote she need to explain herself asking the white man explain this [ __ ] you too scared to ask him this man is mothering at a high mothering rate I haven't heard a rate of motherucker like this since I was back in [ __ ] high school when I was went to sheeper Bay High School back in the 90s [ __ ] were [ __ ] all over the [ __ ] place back then you kiss your mother with that mouth p is saying how dare you question this black woman woman about her policies how dare you not question the white man about his policies I don't know where PES has been lately but every presidential candidate has to explain themselves whether they're white black male female anything else in between whatever color you want to be everybody has to answer for what they believe in it's a job interview elections or job interviews people have to know what you stand for in order to decide whether or not to hire you for the job this is just complete Civic ignorance [ __ ] somebody need to explain something to y'all well she she been in the office already three and a half years why why she ain't do all the things she said she was going to do cuz she ain't the mothering president that's why when you go to mik Donald that lady that's [ __ ] manager she don't get to do what the she want to do she might can give you some fries but that's about it some free Fri that's about all she do but she can't change the price of that quar pound up there oh big mic so we're comparing the second most powerful office in the country Nate in the world to being a manager at McDonald's not a great analogy she's just a manager she's a little more than that PES being vice president means that you are the president of the Senate you get to decide votes on policy that are tied in the Senate and she's done that a record number of times you were also given task by the president and Authority by the president to do certain things such as to be a bordar oh wait no I'm sorry not a bordar but to manage the Border in a diplomacy sort of way or whatever the hell they're coming up with now to apologize for the lack of progress on the border for the fact that the border is an absolute mess so no pies she's not a mother manager she's a little bit more than that I got to chill with the mother I'm I'm sorry about that but he's got me hyped that ain't that lady White House she just like M you fall in line now if you can get some free fries out every now and again you get some free fries out but y'all mother know this most of y'all but y'all just want something say now she was the if that if she was president and do and didn't do something then that's a whole V all right this is where godamn ridiculous is this how people think outside of political spheres I'm in the bubble I'm in a political bubble I try to get out of it as far as partisanship is concerned but I'm also in a legal bubble when I'm at work and we have to have a a strong vocabulary to be able to communicate what we actually mean on behalf of our clients is this what's going on out in these streets or am I just coming across a very rare occasion where this is completely exaggerated now granted this is social media so PES might be exaggerating for effect here and I'll I'll give him a little bit of that benefit of the doubt here because again this is a high [ __ ] rate but do people actually think that offices in politics these high offices really don't do anything and therefore you shouldn't question someone about looking for a promotion to that higher job I certainly hope not and the same who the the black woman need to explain that y'all the same when when when Barack was running he was black enough for you NE and a lot of y'all what I done figured out what y'all getting confused y'all don't even want black y'all want ignorant that what you you a lot of y'all think ignorant mean black and that's why some of you like Trump because he ignorant but I'm here to tell everybody black ain't ignorant and everybody white ain't smart so put that in your pipe and smoke it what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought all righty then it's safe for all of you guys to come out of hiding now if you want where to begin with this it feels like we just went into something a little more racist than we did talking about policy but in power started talking about how KL Harris isn't black enough because she's not ignorant and that people equate black with ignorant and that's why they're going for Trump that was a ride let me tell you something I don't know if there are people that think this way but if you are one of those people out there that thinks this way God have mercy on your soul try thinking a different way for the sake of all of us because that is so detached from reality that I don't even know I don't even have the words to communicate what to say at this moment it's just so buffoonish like what you see so far go ahead and smash that Thumbs Up Button also leave us a comment and tell us what you're thinking and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss another show in response to the video that you just watched and boy was that a ride Charlamagne the God on his National show The Breakfast Club he had a response to Plies and believe it or not gang I'm with Charlamagne on this one PL is absolutely positively wrong if people are asking questions that's great I don't even know why PL is making this a black woman versus black man thing this isn't about black men and black women it's about elected officials and potential voters the whole point of campaign season is for candidates to go out there and explain to the American people why they should be the one in charge of this country votes are earned not given and they are earned through you going out there and explaining yourself vice president KLA Harris has to go out there and explain her agenda and why she's the for the job former president Donald Trump has to go out there and explain his agenda and why he should be the person to get his job again that actually makes sense pretty simple right I don't need to do any in-depth analysis on this like I said earlier the election for any office is a job interview someone wants to attain a job the public position in office of whatever it may be president vice president city council Town supervisor whatever the case may dog catcher I don't care they have to go before the voters and explain why they are the best for the job some do it more elaborately with policy positions and papers on websites some go out there to door too and they start knocking and tell people what they believe others take to Giant stages in front of tens of thousands of people and explain what they're all about and then others are cloistered away hiding from the Press hiding from the public and only come out to speak in very measured rehearsed terms here to for camela Harris has been doing the latter much like Biden did in 2020 and why wouldn't she it was a strategy that ended up working putting a lid on her day not coming to speak publicly out there or contemporaneously it worked for Biden against Trump trump was out there every day speaking and in some ways over speaking and speaking inartfully or unart however you want to say by the way both words are valid you can use either one folks I learned that this week Trump is out there speaking maybe too much K Harris is out there speaking not enough but at some point the job interview ends and you vote for who you want to vote for now KLA Harris is finally going to come out before the people and speak hopefully off the cuff with the help of CNN editing it up most likely and with Tim Walls sitting there to cover up and take up some of the time there but Charlotte M here is absolutely right get out there and tell people what you believe that's the way politics should work you know I get the job again I don't understand PES or any black person for that matter telling black people to just settle just accept whatever the candidate is giving you don't ask any questions they don't have to explain anything to us they've been doing for a long time even with with Biden when we ask questions to Biden well it's the best two evils you know I mean you got to pick one but no if you have questions people should be able to ask that's the point of a politician right they're supposed to represent us represent our district represent our country shouldn't we ask forget and and by the way oh my God I'm agreeing with DJ Envy here too I guess they learned a lesson from the whole you ain't black moment from Joe Biden flashback listen you got to come see us when you come to New York VP Biden I will it's a long way until November we got more questions you got more questions but I tell it if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump and you ain't black end a flashback maybe they get it now maybe they realize that Democrats take black voters for granted and they want people to think like to think that K Harris is the candidate that's who we're voting for shut off your brain right now that's what we're doing everybody get in line all together we're a monolith anyway we're not a group of individuals that have independent thinking and let's all just go to the polls and vote for kamla Harris it's not the way it works anymore and you we saw earlier when Biden was the candidate that black voters were breaking away from the de Democrat Party com Harris is bringing them back into the fold more likely because of identity politics like this and like what PES is saying but Charlamagne and DJ Envy advocating for independent thinking for holding candidates Feats to the fire pretty cool they should be explaining without us asking that's the whole point of them doing these press conferences and the meeting the same way these politicians have meetings for their donors and they have rallies and press conferences explaining themselves in their agendas to certain groups they should have to explain themselves to black people the same way PL is a billion percent wrong I couldn't agree more whether you're like CNN's Scott Jennings and think that the whole Harris interview is weak sauce whether you think that P is correct in saying that doesn't matter what she thinks just go settle for kamla Harris or if you're in that group like me that agree with Charlamagne and DJ Envy I can't believe I'm still saying that that this campaign is supposed to be a job interview the election is supposed to be a job interview and we're supposed to hear from candidates about what they believe and who they are and and measure them so they they can earn the vote much like I try to earn your subscription hint the hint hint this moment coming up with kamla Harris in this interview is being set up as a turning point as a bellweather in many ways for the Republicans it's to prove their narrative right to show that KLA Harris has trouble speaking that the honeymoon period is over and this is what you can expect from the real kamla Harris when she may hopefully not but may become president of the United States for the Democrats it's to prove that narrative wrong to prove that kamla Harris is brilliant she can speak on her feet she can present well she has command of the issues she doesn't need Tim Walls to be near her to do that although he will be there and even though it's in front of CNN and it will be pre-recorded they're taking some of the Reigns and they letting them loose a little bit on KLA Harris to show that she can handle herself on her own either way it's going to be an interesting moment on Thursday watching andn with this interview to see which side turns out to be right but listen that's just my opinion gang I want to know what you think let's get into those comments together and as always like and share the video with your friends subscribe to the channel hit the notification Bell so you don't miss any of the shows check out the merch get your less government more fun shirt at shop. buffoon ofthe let's talk about this video and all the other Shenanigans and buffoonery happening every day this week in Dumb democracy [Music] All Views and opinions expressed here are not necessarily of the mainstream media and may offend some listeners it's called political buffo

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