Interview with Brent Metz

Published: Aug 18, 2021 Duration: 00:46:52 Category: People & Blogs

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Intro [Music] hi and welcome to author audit the show where you get a peek into the creative process and minds of your favorite writer today our special guest is mitz and he is the author of uh unforgivable sins all right wonderful thank you for coming on today would you mind introducing yourself to the audience Introducing Brent Metz okay um my name is brent metz um like i said the author of unfortunate forgivable sins um it's a book that i've written off and on for the last i guess two years but i actually just put it into actual typed up in the last uh year and a half so i basically just uh when it typed as i went i wasn't uh pre-written it was you know basically just uh off the floor of my brain you know slow my brain type how it went type thing just creating this chain you know try wonderful thank you uh can you tell us a little bit more about your background and where you come Brents Background from and what led you to want to write that book um i was you know was born in illinois raised in all over texas and arizona i was an air force brat and uh i joined uh the army i spent most of the times in nashville texas where i joined the army and i spent 11 years in the army and that was originally the idea for the book came because i was basically saw how bad people got away with a lot of things and they said oh they'll get theirs in the end you know you know eventually they'll get theirs and karma really i guess it was in the patience for karma for me the fact that i wanted him to get justice now and then just started writing coming up with the ideas about it hearing like you know what if that person you know got judged now instead of 40 years from now because there are bad people out there that are able to you know survive another 30 40 years after they did do wrong and yeah so um i basically just you know created a story to actually i guess my world how it would end how it would go so on um my creativeness my writing i've always been like enjoyed writing you know short stories here and there as a kid growing up just i guess my um ambitious besides it started coming out of me here and there and uh i just you know i never actually put it down here you know i've written short stories poetry this that you know never written music or anything like that but the story lines itself so and uh um finally i was able to send it up to alpha publisher and they uh worked with me and i got i got my first book here's published i gotta actually finish just finish writing a children's book oh so it's uh it's entitled princess jeslin and her dragon can you tell us a little bit about that Jeslin and Her Dragon it actually started off as a kind of you know a joke kind of way was a friend of mine she was having trouble sleeping and i was i was joking i told her hey let me read you a story because you know she's an adult so treating like a kid as a joke but she's like okay i'm like oh so i actually had to pull come up with something really quick so um i videoed the very short rendition of it and that's how it was created in our video senator and she enjoyed it and i'm like okay well i went back over it and watched myself in the video i'm like i wonder if i can make a story out of this so i basically just started the you know when the creative the juices started flowing again and i created it and it's about a dr uh princess that was raised back in you know back in the day with her in the nights and dragons and all that time and then she goes out on the beach one day because her castle's on the end of the cliff next to the ocean and she's on one of her walks one day and she goes a little bit further than she usually does she comes across this cave and she discovers there's a dragon inside and she wants to help him and along the way you know the dragons are outlawed and the dragons are kind of afraid you know come out and she basically convinces him to trust in people again and he promises you know it's a story about how for kids if they understand it to learn it read it to you know has some good lessons in there to follow you know everything else and hopefully they'll enjoy it yeah Warm Up Questions well bouncing off writing um we're gonna go into some warm-up questions before we get started with the actual like interview of unforgivable sins it's really wonderful that you've been able to take your love from writing from when you were a kid and just turned it into sort of a career because a lot of people don't don't like pursue that because they they don't feel like they're able to and it's it's just truly inspiring that you've been able to take that love and just pursue it in general it's wonderful so what's a fact about you that nobody would guess what do you mean exactly just like uh something that people wouldn't like when somebody looks at you or knows you Whats a Fact About You for a while just like first glance they would never guess that you would do that sort of thing or like a hobby that you have that just seems kind of not not in your your general uh just the way that you come off um honestly probably my writing because i don't you know beforehand i never really when i was a kid i stopped writing when i went into the service and then uh after what from so many years i just focused on the on the job and everything else and i would never talk about writing stories anything like that anything and one of my best friends she basically she came across me and and when we started hanging out and she realized my uh i showed her what i was writing and she really enjoyed it so basically she i guess my writing would be one of the things and that um she wouldn't have figured about me maybe you know she knew i was ambitious to a point but not like that the creativeness i guess how they i can just a sentence or two of something and try to create a story out of it so i've always been like the uh manual labor type job people you know i've never left the business type or the indoor type so i've always been outside doing everything and every the business type person and all this other stuff and you know i keep my skill i guess like that hidden away so because i want people to actually judge me for me not what what they want to get people's first impression of me of the bat and you know type thing and let's try and see if we can weed out the toxic people and the good ones yeah that's understandable so bouncing Role Model off of just you wanting to be yourself i know that a lot of people generally gain that from uh seeing a role model do that so who is your role model as a kid and why um i guess honestly i would have to say between it was toss up between my dad and my grandfather my dad wasn't really there a whole lot because of his job but he really wanted to be there but he did his best when he was there and he basically showed me the military side where i always wanted to go into the military because you know he was there for us but i joined the army and and everything else and my grandfather because his father basically taught me the the hard labor skills portion of it the tough love you know he was my type person where he basically he may not agree with me but he will support me if it wasn't you know something to my health or legal issues involvement you know if i was legal and along with the nature of my health he was perfectly fine to support it so they both basically were that way where they suppose support me whether i like they like to or not they've always been like that well it's really nice to have somebody there to support you even if they don't necessarily agree with you i think that's a that's a really positive attribute that the people can have where they're they're able to be supportive um did you always want to go into the army or did you have something else that when Army you were growing up when you were little that you just really felt compelled to do like some people thought about being astronauts or like they'll ask you in kindergarten what do you want to be when you grow up and you say some something like a common thing like oh i want to be a doctor or i want to be a ballerina stuff like that do you have anything um well not not a ballerina no um but um basically it was mostly i mean i've always been the like you know work for a living type job where i'm out there involving with things with my hands because i like to do woodworking as well and build things and i'm not one of those guys can fix anything but i'm those guys that likes to actually you know create things with my hands and i figured the dealing and i've always was a kid always wanted to go into the military and i see the lifestyle and the jobs can bring and everything else i wanted to it's a good way to actually see the world at the time it happened so basically what it was is the fact that the year he wasn't my father my grandfather was a marine he was my dad was an air force i joined the army basically the first i wanted to go in the air force but i've injured my knee when i was 20 years old and i have a screw blowing knee and the recruiter of the air force appears that i'll be a liability at basic training so they basically push me aside and the army guys i'll get you in he went through up and down tough nails to basically give me a waiver to get in the army which i went 100 110 in so that's why i and saw a lot of the all of europe on the military's dime and seen the middle east a few times and seeing what got to live in a lot of places that people would spend thousands and thousands of dollars and spend a weekend at i got to live you know live there for real cheap so basically it helped you know open my mind and see meet a lot of different people in the world how they are and both sides of the ocean so i want it's really interesting because i don't like assume this i like to be assuming how people are this world oh they're muslims they're evil because of the wars but no not all muslims are bad so just certain pet types you know people themselves so basically me going there military i wanted to you know it wasn't here to help me develop a optimistic values about people like most i like to give people the benefit of the doubt before i pass judgment of myself so it's been like a life lesson over and over again yeah so i think we're gonna Writing Process segue into speaking about your your book unforgivable sins so you already kind of talked about your your ideas in general um what was your writing process like though um he would it would go a lot back and forth i'd had to do a lot of correcting on the book you know he would my book would go in like one two three different directions at one point how the plot would go and then how the ending would come out and i would go there and i get i would get opinions from different people like how would it sound you know that they wouldn't tell me what to write but they basically they say well you know what they they would bring up big you know things that my basically my creatives out of me if i get like a writer's block i don't know where to go from here they wouldn't tell me what to write i said but they would say you know with characters doing this and that what else do you think should you know you know henry from the book is you know he wants to you know he doesn't like what he's doing but at the same time he's doing it anyway so how do you how are you gonna work with that i mean okay and then sometimes it would like bring the my own personal story of my own life where when we were downrange in iraq and afghanistan where we were presented with tough decisions to make on how to treat people and how to treat this and even though we our inner urges would want to hurt the person because they're a bad guy and they've done bad things to innocent people we'd have to actually set them aside to help them for a specific reason even though we like i said we agree with it or not we still had to set our own personal feelings aside to help somebody else in the long run that you know this person was trying to hurt for example like in the book henry didn't like what he was doing but at the same time he knew something was telling him that if he didn't help um kayla do what she was doing she may get hurt from where she was from and he basically he was starting to you know have to be attracted to her and everything about her and he just wanted to help her as much as he could even though he didn't like hurting people even though he wasn't actually doing one hurting him but he was involved and he was he'd bring deeperness out of them to show the world he showed the list where they can be sent to hell Set Schedule you kind of talked about this before where you would set it down for a little bit and then you'd come back to it did you have a set schedule that you would you would use it uh to try and keep yourself on track with certain things or did you kind of bounce around i didn't have a set schedule like three o'clock i would do writing three to five d right now i didn't do that because honestly when it comes to creativeness on writing it can hit you at three o'clock in the morning you wake up you have a dream about your book you can wake up this if you wake up write it down what you've been dreaming about so don't have a set schedule unless you have actually working 20 you know 14 hours a day you may have to be forced to have somewhat of a schedule but even if you're there at work you can still write it down on a new napkin something something like that you're right you're thinking about put in your pocket so when you do go back to writing you have everything there keep notes of everything you've been written you're writing and it'll help come you know piece them together on stuff even like i said you get a sentence or paragraph or even a whole chapter of something you just keep it there and just piece it together and you're gonna get frustrated you're gonna get so frustrated but if it's something you love to do then honestly it'll come out Energize or Exhaust so does it energize or exhaust you when you whenever you write or does it do both it can energize you where you're excited about something you've been thinking about you can it's coming to you and afterwards you've been noticing you've been writing for an hour or two and you're sitting there like your brain just sitting there like you get a headache from staring at the screen for three hours and i'm like okay i'm gonna need a break you know get up and go get something to drink or eat or go take a nap or something i don't know but yeah you guys it does both it did for me it was both energized me where i looked for when i got home i got this and type it down and then after writing for some i just like my mind's like okay brain freeze so i have to go lay down oh yeah but don't do it don't write when you're like you know had 25 sodas you know your brains like there you know because you just chuck down everything that's not going to make sense at all just relax your mind when you start writing this it'll come out easily so if there's one thing that you could change about your own book what would it be and why probably the ending Changing the Ending um how not how what happens to henry but how afterwards the meaning is you know is the same but it's basically changing the wording where it just basically sounds better i guess because everybody wants that epic ending you know where you know you see that movie or read that book here it's like you know that's what i'll bring you how to spruce it up a little bit more i wouldn't change the ending but i would actually spruce it more where it just has more of an impact like leaves you thinking about how you know this was a real story i think how it would come out and turn out this and that's yeah because my book i didn't want it to cliche you know where people can guess what's going to happen and guess right what's going to happen next i wanted to actually basically oh i didn't expect that to happen type thing that's what i was but yeah the ending would probably be just how to avoid it or more of an impact on it yeah are you thinking about adding another New Series book to your series or um was this last one the start of just a series in general or is it ending where it is um i was asked that by when i when i first finished the manuscript and i was talking to a different publisher about the book and she asked me the same question and i thought about it i told her i said i don't think so right now and i thought about it and there's another storyline on writing down and uh where i can maybe think about adding kayla's uh character into it and it's a modern day because the story original sin uh unforgivable since takes place in the early 1950s this one where i can bring her character back as doing good to help a character in this next one not basically i don't know if it'd be like a part two but i guess if we call i don't know what they what they do about they call it when another character you know jumps into another store same character jumps to another storyline but that's very part two but uh you know type thing because i don't want like i said i don't want to make a series out of them because that's what a lot of people writers do they make one but yeah we know it's good or not but you know i'm just trying to be different my own uniqueness so going off of the uniqueness what puts your mark on your Uniqueness book like or your book series that would make it yours specifically so people could other than your like your your name on it obviously would be people could point to and be like oh i know whose writing style that is no i mean i've never really thought about that by doing that type of thing i missed you know it's um i mean i probably could come up with something you know and think about it but i mean at this point like no i mean originally no i'm not trying to be like you know have my own like uh the way uh the style of this like if i put deep to it because uh this one's about a um a old uh woman that she's a shaman i guess a medicine woman in the old days retired doctor type you know mental counselor and she basically is in a house that she's her family's been passed down to her for generations back in the civil war and it's a there's a rocking chair in there that her great great grandfather basically uh uh pass down to the family and once the clients come in and sit down patients come down sit down it basically it draws the fear all of their fear out of their body and it turns it on they have to face the fear where and they cannot get out of the chair until they face their fear and deal with that's interesting Writing Style i like to basically i guess my own writings if you read it um if you taste the question if you if you read what it says you would know that oh that's what sounds like one of you know premises but we're i like to use a very off-the-wall type of subjects yeah so like like for example like the one i just told you about the you know it's called this one's going to be called so far i think i'm going to title the rocking chair you know yeah or the rocker and i like to basically put down what everybody thinks about but never actually has really either the guts to say out loud because the way the world is right now and the whole the politically correctness of it yeah and you know my team my mind like just is constantly running on different storylines you know and different you know characters and different subjects so you know and you know i just basically i was sitting in a rocking chair that one day when i started came up with the idea of this and i was just rocking back and forth just thinking like you know this you know whatever he refers to a chair is rocking chairs for an old person and you know everybody's free you know i'm like no and everybody's afraid to get old you know so you know and just basically what else other fears can it make you think about while you're rocking and that's it went from there because okay this chair is pulling all my fears out of my head all the area people can be pulled people's fears out of themselves and expose it to them and make them face it and deal with them now instead of and where they can have a better life as they go after they face finishing instead of everybody warning worried about what you know what will life bring us you know you know people sitting around worrying like oh i'm like where am i going to be in 10 years i'll be alive i'm going to be okay financially am i going to be okay with somebody you know and press all those fears out of me you face them there and deal with them then that way you can basically just be able to relax your life however long it is yeah that's a really cool concept so my signature would probably be the oddball subjects and storylines i guess well um going off of like the oddball subjects and plots and stuff like that Plots do plots or the do the characters come to you first um for more so with the with unforgettable sense it was a character because i was tired of seeing the people itself you know bad people get away with everything and so that he would be the character first in that one the plot line with um princess jeslin or dragon was he was plot because you know i wanted today like i didn't want to write a cliche tripler's book and i just waited so you know okay what can i you know how can i change it will be different than what's written out there already there's millions and children of books out there what can it be different to basically uh start you know exercising a child's mind so that's when the plot for that one came out this one would be the rock green chair would be the plot on that with the whole rock and pulling out the fears that somebody is you know the characters characters to me usually come in easy or the opposite will come in easy after the either the plot comes first the characters will come easy after that and where the characters from the plot will come in after that pretty quick crazy so but yeah so do you base your characters off i know that you said something about the Characters main character of unforgivable sins kind of going through your else your experiences also but do you base any of the other characters off of people that you know nobody no no not no characters in my books are actually real people i've known or seen in this world i mean i've met in my life it's just the fact that these characters like that right for example unforgivable sins is you know where he's a good kid you know he acts up here and there and i've done the research i did research on it on the past because my father grew up on a farm my grandparents had a farm so i had personal knowledge of what farming life was like so um his character was a good you know a kid just you know basically just trying to fit in it's cool which was me growing up i'm trying to fit in you know just basically just keep your head down but you know i try to make an impact on myself and that was the only person obviously that he wasn't he wasn't me you know in every characteristic of him but he had a few of my traits and uh but the rest of the characters were just basically hawking you know made up my head like as a as i was writing the storyline itself how can i fit a character into this section okay and talk about like for example the deputy sheriff in this book you know he comes off as a kind of a kind of a jerk you know in a storyline and kind of trying he tries he thinks he's big and bad because he wears a badge and yeah it's kind of a in a way he's a little bit of cliche but he's really got personal issues because of that reason and that's what forces him to be that way and uh and he does something evil in his past that henry brings out to the world that nobody knew about hence all the characters that he brings out and um he just basically so that character there was you know i have to fit basically who's fit in because he was gonna throw it in there to basically spice it up a little bit and keep it going and the last stuff and they want the raider reader to make sure like okay what kind of else characters are going to be in it you know is there going to be more bad guys and good guys type thing you know type thing but i just want you know to keep level it out i didn't want to bombard everybody with all these bad people and where henry's like okay he got this guy for doing this this morning for that this one for that okay what's next next next i only drag it along so i basically just try to keep it where it's pretty big sins they committed and kind of like when you read her like oh that's messed up you know yeah so that's what the characters they just kind of flow i put them in there where i feel they should be not too many but not too little yeah so it's really interesting how you're you're talking about the process of Difficulties Writing creating these these characters but what was the most difficult part overall of your artistic process other than like i know that you also talked about the diverging into the different stories but was there anything else that caused you to struggle with writing um when i wrote um the book i'm writing um i have two books i'm here and i'm working on my hair back and forth is one is the rocking chair one and there's another one called and hill will follow it's about a soldier in iraq comes back dealing with a lot of bus stuff like that basically he accidentally shoots a kid downrange and local kid and his ghost follow the kids kiss ghost follows them back and enters the bodies of his family and friends to try to seek revenge and the guy's got to go around figure out souls you gotta figure out how to get rid of the ghosts without killing his friends or family and trying to convince everybody he's not nuts crazy he doesn't have ptfd and a lot of that storyline kind of hits a little bit home because i've heard you know 11 years deployed four times and i've seen [Music] friends of mine that have mentally lost it over the years of being deployment and all the things they were exposed to and everything else i myself have been exposed been diagnosed with ptsd of the things i've seen we did over there it was you know bad stuff but and that's it was one writing it down i you know i had i was writing i had to take a break on that book for a little bit because it was causing more nightmares for me because it was bringing out you know when i was writing how the storyline was going it was like i guess reminding me how things when i wanted my relax when i go to sleep at night we're like my brain he would like actually have the nightmares were the whatever happened i saw i would see what happened down the range they go happening downrange but it was like the total opposite you know where he would like enhance it somehow to work it more scary to myself so i had to take a break on that book a little bit right i'm not gonna back off from it i'm gonna actually still continue with it just you know little by little here and there and jotting notes down and then place it down together what do you like to do when you're not writing Woodworking when i get the opportunity to i like to uh you know uh build things with wood and stuff like that and everything else nothing i'm not you know i know master craftsman but um i build like trunks and small boxes and stuff like that and things that for people and um i like to basically creative and with that kind of thing and just uh i also um again gotten back into the whole workout program thing and my wife and i were basically uh working out together again and she she works from home and i'm i can't work my um va um 100 disability so so i just basically just doing the other things here to keep myself busy with the woodworking and then we're about to actually you know buy a house we're preparing for that type thing and just you know just basically taking care of the family and all that kind of stuff however i can help i just keep myself busy and and you know sometimes i'll you know write a few notes here and there about uh possible future books necessarily writing the storyline but just ideas down what words would describe you best which three words specifically Three words about Brent um loyal um integrity and my personality i guess i don't know my personality is really out there like i can be the biggest kid or the most you know in the room working with me the most you know mature adult depending on the mood or who is around me because i mean i like to have fun but i know when to be adult you know a majority of my ninety percent of time i'm a big goofball so but yeah those those three things about me if you had to create a slogan for A slogan for Brents life your life what would it be something about i don't know if i created but something my grandfather always taught us is a slogan that we he told us as a child that i still remember to this day is the distance from impossible to possible is but a measure of man's will so i don't know what it's about yes it's not a slogan but it's just kind of a quote and i was like six seven years old when he told us that and we had to repeat it to him so many times that he's burned in my brain but yeah that was the only one that stands out the most on that one but yeah well if you could invite three people to dinner living dead fictional Who would Brent invite to dinner or real who would they be and why one person would be abraham lincoln and why him because he saw he was he saw he basically saw everybody's equal of course and he regard his his perseverance was and it was unbelievable because he was turned down so many times for several different things office wise everybody in the whole world can be totally against him on a decision but he's when he stuck to it he said i don't care what the rest of the world says this is how i feel whether he's going to lose cost him to lose an election or who's lose something he's like i'll take a risk he knew he's gonna lose but he still would stick by it um just one the second one would be um i would say um my grandfather would be one of them and he he died 2014 and he basically was able to give me that look like i'm screwing up where i'm doing good and he would basically you know he'd be able to basically i can if i'm any questions any problems i did talk to him and he would tell me what he feels honestly and he'd know me he'd be able to look through me to see what i'm really getting at and he'd be able to basically make me better and um [Music] the i've never been asked that question before other than spain like you know famous people or whatever to say with um i don't know too much about this person but from what i do know i guess uh socrates no no because he was basically he saw the world before the world became itself he envisioned how the world could be both ways good and bad and he tried to teach me and whether people listen or not he basically to see that and and this was before the world was actually i mean there was people in the world but before all the whole any type of technology came up and any type of you know any type of there were still killings and they were still you know drama in the world but he saw both how we try to teach both ways not just one way how we know their teacher teaching and they're certain you know this subject a certain way and then he was a teacher that actually taught it both ways for people to choose from how you feel which way which world you fit better in and that you choose one than me live that now you make it the best you can it's really interesting well um if you could read one book over and over and over again for the rest of your Brents favorite book life what would it be unforgivable sins no i'm kidding um actually believe it or not i have never read a book from cover to cover other than my own yeah i've never been a big reader but i've always been a big writer if it makes sense i don't honestly i would do a history book because the fact that you i've always i'm always a big history buff when it comes to us history and some world history but i like history the most because you learn from it and you can actually change it even though it's history you can't go back in time right now anyway you can still go back in your mind and try to figure out okay for example if we if jfk was never shot killed how would the world be different from then on i mean a lot of people don't realize is he him and his brother saved us from annihilation of the russians and cubans from nuclear war and all came down to a conversation that's what it came down to a lot of people don't realize that if they you know if they he was never assassinated how would he change how it would change become our nation's outlook on everything as it is you know whether he's good or bad you know there's a tv show called time timeless and it was on for two seasons and they would go back in time but they do their very very best not to change a thing because hallie has the biggest outreach in the world having changed like where episode where it shows where this one she went back in time and you know try to change something you see nothing to change from smartsheet you can tell everything still fell in place when she got back her sister never was never existed that's how it changed the littlest things and ripples and history can change the world in like 100 times and so history would be the fact that i go back and if i try to examine it and you know get the facts about things okay if he wasn't shot this would happen this would happen this would happen this would be the vietnam war take place will i be born because my dad was in vietnam when you know the littlest things can trigger the biggest things type thing and if something littlest thing didn't happen what would have happened you know if that case that did happen you know that so it just basically i like to go back and like examine and investigate those type of things that so that which kind of book i would do is a history uh fact book uh actual non-fiction book of history Brents favorite show yeah there was a show that i used to watch when i was a lot younger that was that kind of sounds like the show that you were talking about where it was three kids and they would they would go back in time and they would explore what what that time was like one of the most uh prevalent episodes i remember was they went back to the time of the vikings and they were talking about how their hygiene was a lot better than people are taught in school and stuff like that because they were very they were very much about oh well i'm gonna i'm gonna keep as many hygiene products as i can all on my belt especially combs combs were like their their prized possession and they had all these carvings and stuff and involved with them and it's just yeah it's really interesting to think about how even like the smallest thing with the the butterfly effect could change so much so that's that's really an amazing choice so yeah um bouncing off of if you could choose one thing if you could choose one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be oh um i've been asked that question a few times someone has been tossed up it was like at first a toss between hamburgers and pizza but i chose hamburgers overall because there was so many different ways you can build a burger and it's still protein and good for you and it's still good i mean you know you can have different different several different ways and uh yeah it's just something always just really been hooked on like i noticed like you go to different restaurants and go italian restaurants they got burgers here no no okay oh i'm like i guess i'll get pasta then or something but you know but yeah i guess hamburgers would be the one thing i have to choose for the first of my life so if you could instantly learn any skill what would it be Skill of patience the skill of patience oh i mean i have patience to a point i mean like you know i'm pretty patient but the skill that to have nothing but patience no matter what situation you're in because if i had that skill just 100 percent patent down you know then honestly i think i'd be better for myself as well as the rest of the world whatever i encounter with because if everybody did because drastic no dirty dealing drastic decisions there would be no no they would be you know prevent so many fights so much drama in the world yeah i mean i i understand there's anything drama regardless but you know and some drums some bad drama is gonna be is needed isn't it because it can't be like you know kittens and rainbows every day but um but yeah if i had the skill of patience to learn like that 100 percent then honestly it i'd be a lot better for myself as well as writing and because writing takes a lot of patience and um as well as myself and the people around me i'm involved with my life so well um speaking of kittens if you were an animal what would you choose to Grizzly bear be and why i would probably be a grizzly bear and well the fact that um i love the wilderness and i love the fact that i studied grizzly bears and they basically they they live on their own terms yeah some are vicious some are not and but they basically they they hunt when they need to only when they see you and their stand official point to a point and they just basically have their whole they have like a free life for themselves just you know i live out here in the woods and i'm gonna you know wander here wander there i'm big enough to protect myself still and um granted great you know bears are hunted still but i mean it doesn't matter because we're all hunted by something in this world yeah just because someone's pointing a rifle at us doesn't mean we're not being haunted whether by time by sickness by you know anything we're always being content every day so but and then but a grizzly bear like a would be free reign just you know people were saying i'll push up out of them they're like okay there's a very fascinated watch look at but at the same time don't want to mess with it you want to make them mad too much so yeah that's off the top of my head i would say that there are now 25 hours in the day how do Extra hour you spend the extra hour um it's going to sound kind of cheesy but making sure that my wife's taken care of her next shower i'm going to spend my hours because i know she's working she works eight hours a day online and she's constantly on the go and she takes care of me as well but i don't sometimes i don't feel that i don't take care of her enough you know basically spend the rest of my other extra hour doing something extra for it to make her you know her day go by better because she's stressed out so much from work well that's really sweet so we're gonna hop on to uh quick fire which is don't think just answer so um deep sea or outer space outer space spring summer fall or winter full salty or sweet sweet day or night night pancakes or waffles pancakes chocolate or vanilla vanilla coca-cola or pepsi cocoa hamburgers or pizza hamburgers [Laughter] fruits or vegetables fruits gold or silver silver ketchup or mustard mustard sandals or sneakers sandals milky way or snickers snickers all right thank you so much for your time today this was a really wonderful and in-depth interview i really appreciate the time that you've taken to sit down and share your perspective on this well thank you for having me

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