Sheryl Swoopes & Fans Call Me Out over Lightweight Tweet, Confuse Me with Someone Else

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:11:08 Category: Sports

Trending searches: sheryl swoopes
hello y'all and welcome to another basketball edition of the Adrian Ross show listen I'm up in here kind of bugging out I was totally taking a back okay after we watched the Indiana Fever play the Dallas Wings in an amazing Game Y you know those who are with me on my live you know I had to I had to get out of here because I was we have we had Church uh tonight night so I had to get back I had to get back to church and I was 10 minutes late but I was trying to figure out what people were talking about I received an email and then I'm seeing um comments I was just came back home and I was going through some comments um from on my YouTube and and then I'm like people are talking about Cheryl swoops and and her commenting to me and other people's names and stuff and I'm like totally clueless I'm like oh she did I I don't know what you're talking about somebody else had when they sent me the email they had like wished me a belated birthday and all this stuff and I'm like my birthday is not until the 27th of this month I was so confused so I'm like they were like yeah I can't believe she called Cheryl swoops called you out on Twitter and I'm like she did so I'm like let me get on over because I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter I usually go I post my links I I might check and see you know try to look for some video footage um of basketball whatever real quick and I'm out you know what I mean so I I was just I was like what are they talking about so then I find it so there's somebody out there I'm not even gonna say the name who apparently didn't like my little one sentence that I put out yesterday or put out after um I think it was was it after the Connecticut game um I was like check on you know somebody check on Cheryl swops and that was after the fever I had the last win before this WI and so apparently people got all up in arms about it and and so then Cheryl swoops got in on it and she reads so they so this one person finds this talking about I did my research I couldn't find much is this your resume and it was supposed to be funny I guess cuz this was a former player in the WBA and her stats were not High stats and so now everybody's retweeting this and people I'm like that's not me I mean her name is Adrian Ross I knew that I had the same name as another basketball player but I've never played in the WNBA and I think the person spells it a r i a in and e but this person put put this out there and then it was like yeah she talking junk and she that's all the stats so meanwhile there's some innocent person out there who's being disrespected all over Twitter and it's not even me you know and so they're upset then the racial stuff comes out because you know you know racial idolators that's all that they do you know they like to say everything's about race so if I if I say something you know funny listen Cheryl swoops she's a legend in the game Cheryl swoops knows about the talking that goes on in in in the game I'm not one of those people on I didn't even I didn't even tag Cheryl sups in it because I wasn't trying to troll her right so you know other people were the ones who gave it to her who wanted her to see it so so you need to be talking to them but I you know it's it's sports right so we're just saying you know somebody check on sh swoops funny I didn't even say why but they seem to know why they knew that it was connected to to um Caitlyn Clark which speaks volumes right there so then Cheryl swoops actually responds she retweets this Adrien Ross's stats and and then she she comments back to me uh she comments on mine she wrote Girl by we are blessed and highly favored over here thanks for the concern though dot dot dot sis and I understand what that's all about I get it some of y'all may not get it but I know what's being said it's like again some of these other people some of the things they're saying you know all you know one of the things I saw out there was all was it all kin folk all skin folk not kin folk and I say if you came to realize that then that's great because we should not be judging kin by by our race especially if we're then G to be talking about God we're gonna be talking about the Lord right we're gonna talk about you know it shouldn't be about the color of our skin but in any case I'm thinking you guys who have been with the channel for some time you know I've said it over and over and over again I was a number one Houston comments fan okay four back-to back championships back to back to back to back I had the Cheryl swops Jersey I was a huge fan of Cynthia Cooper but it was Coupe Cheryl swoops Tina Thompson and you can't leave out Janette Arcane and you can't leave out the late Kim parat which was the reason I became a WNBA fan to begin with turn the TV on and this girl I see who is this number 10 with all that fire behind her yeah that's where it started for me in any case um I'm just sort of like go my head is spinning because I'm like of all the years when I would have loved to make contact with Cheryl swoops I put out this you know little sentence you know about somebody check on Cheryl swoops and now and now you know Cheryl swoops has something to say um I'm not one of those people like I said who's going on there a lot of people are just saying quite a bit of things and there are people out there who are defending me because they got me wrong they got they got me like I'm somebody else so now they pull out the personal insult so they find a picture and they're like oh yeah she's just Jer jealous Cheryl sups would never go out with her hair you know with five Monon old braids or whatever they called it and you know the braids were you know they were needed a little touchup right there in that picture but who has it you know what I mean so that doesn't bother me they try to insult you when they don't have anything else it's pretty pathetic but this all got me to thinking like again I'm like oh my goodness I loved Cheryl swoops I don't know what's up right now um but I loved Cheryl swoops as you guys all know so I went out I was like man I was the hu you know I I pulled out some of these pictures there's this old picture this is this is um old I mean even the frame it's still in the frame from all those almost 30 years ago this was outside the first ever WNBA allstar game Madison Square Garden where Whitney Houston sung the National Anthem that was me I was at I was at that game this was outside before we went in big old Cheryl soups poster there I am comets I'm wearing a comets t-shirt I'm wearing the WNBA shorts and I'm up there looking at Cheryl swoops cuz I love me some Cheryl swoops okay there's that her teammates man I loved my I mean I just pulled out pictures the Cynthia Cooper who was at the game first time I met Cynthia Cooper right here at her book signing Cynthia Cooper Cheryl swoops teammate there that is man I get Cheryl swoop Cheryl swoops response to me you know we didn't have social media back in all those days but but it's just like it just blows my mind that you know as I said a legend leg listen I when they won two championships I had this remember vhs's there you go Tina Thompson Cynthia Cooper Cheryl swoops this was their backtack championships and uh but I love Cheryl swoops too and and I don't understand I just feel like you know I I don't get I don't get what the deal is right now the whole Caitlyn Clark stuff uh I don't know but like I said she's a legend and um and I was a huge fan so I'm not out there just trying to bash Cheryl swoops and all that other stuff but I I just don't understand what the deal is and the way things with Caitlyn Clark uh are being handled I don't understand that so yeah so I said somebody check on Cheryl swoops really so now everybody's looking into my background putting up pictures getting me confused with somebody else someone else that they're dissing by the way which is kind of odd uh but anyway I find that interesting and I wouldn't had listen they're all Cheryl swops and all the rest of them are out there talking about something I put out there meanwhile I'm up in church having prayer service you know and then I come back home and I'm just chilling and I'm trying to figure out what everybody's talking about and now I know so um it's just kind of wild especially considering how how much of a Cheryl swoops fan I never got to meet Cheryl swoops I've met uh Cynthia Cooper twice um I believe it was Cheryl swoops I I went to a New York New York Houston game as I was a New Yorker but I was a Houston comments fan and I was after the G comments lost I'm up there in my comments this I'm talking about New York madon square guard you know how York New Yorkers are but I'm up there in my new in my Houston Comets uh attire and it was a little little testy at some points and then Houston lost the game and I remember we my friend and I got to kind of follow we saw the bus we were able to get through where the bus was we saw saw Cheryl sups on the bus and she wasn't looking too happy they had just lost so of course but anyway um man guys how many of you saw this over there on Twitter like somebody you know get this uh get this video to Cheryl swoops I I did respond to some of those things over there like I said I don't really engage much or spend any time on Twitter at all hardly so um I did leave a couple comments and say well thanks for asking but no it's not me and uh and I you know I commented on Cheryl swoop uh her comment to me which is kind of fascinating you know hey anyway guys I just I just was like what in the world is going on here uh and so oh and the other Adrienne Ross I wish I I wish that could be me because she's taller and apparently thinner and uh and she's younger but no I'm about the same age just a little bit older uh than Cheryl swoops um but anyway and I knew that cuz I followed her all right so gosh let let me know what you think in the comments this is just wild I mean we get so triggered over stuff and then it becomes a whole race thing so if I say something about Cheryl swoops all of a sudden I'm I'm not black and oh man we got to do better we gotta do better man yeah we got to be able to take some some drawing you know and not make it a race war and you know but anyway all right guys appreciate you uh and you know hit the Subscribe button uh always I always always appreciate you God bless you abundantly and God willing I will catch you next time

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