DBE 47 Construction of An Identity in Christ with David A Bednar

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:27:03 Category: Entertainment

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welcome to empower your pattern with President James [Music] Henrik remember of the Church of Jesus Christ of lday saints success confidence and Thrive coach and adversity educator he'll teach you the patterns of how to enjoy a better and extraordinary life right now along with ways to cope with the ADV in everyday life so if you come with us we'll be ready let's fly hello and welcome to the pattern Fountains at Mystic Park okay more fun on the horizon this episode is called DB [Music] e47 constructing an identity in Christ you David a bedar is it possible to exercise faith in him follow him serve him but not believe him I am acquainted with church members who accept as true the doctrine and principles contained in the scriptures and proclaimed from this pulpit and yet they have a hard time believing those gospel truths apply specifically in their lives and to their circumstances they seem to have faith in the Savior but they do not believe his promised blessings are available to them or can operate in their lives I also encounter brothers and sisters who fulfill their Church's callings dutifully but for whom the restored gospel has not yet become a living and transforming reality in their lives we come to know the Lord as we not only believe in him but also believe him and his assurances in the New Testament a father asked the Savior to heal his child Jesus answered if thou CST believe all things are possible to him that believeth and straight way the father of the child cried out and said with tears Lord I believe help thou my unbelief I have reflected many times on this father's request help thou mine unbelief I wonder if the intent of the man's pleading was not primarily to help him believe in Jesus as Our Redeemer and in his healing power he already may have acknowledged Christ as the Son of God but perhaps he needed help to believe the Master's healing power indeed could be so individual and so personalized as to bless his own beloved Son he may have believed in Christ generally but not believed Christ specifically and personally we often testify what we know to be true but perhaps the more relevant question for each of us is whether we believe what we know sacred ordinances performed by proper priesthood Authority are essential to believing the Savior coming to know him and ultimately believing what we know and the mzc priesthood administer the gospel and holdeth the key of the Mysteries of the Kingdom even the key of the knowledge of God therefore in the ordinances thereof the power of godliness is Manifest my beloved brothers and sisters we believe and come to know the Lord and as the key of the knowledge of God administered through the mezc priesthood unlocks the door and makes it possible for each of us to receive the power of godliness in our lives we believe and come to know the Savior as we follow him by receiving and Faithfully honoring holy ordinances and increasingly have his image in our countenances we believe and come to know Christ as we experience is personally the transforming healing strengthening and sanctifying power of His atonement we believe and come to know the master as the power of His word takes root in US is written in our minds and hearts and we give away all our sins to know him believing him is trusting that His bounous blessings are available and applicable in our individual lives and families believing him with our whole soul comes as we press forward along the Covenant pathway surrender our will to his and submit to his priorities and timing for us believing him accepting as true his power and Promises invites perspective peace and joy into our lives on a future day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ on that blessed day we will know that he knows each of us by name and I witness and promise we can not only know about the Lord but also come to know him as we exercise faith in follow serve and believe him and this question comes from a young man in New Zealand just came in and he he says the following I find it hard to I'm sorry about that [Music] um this episodes be uh BBE 45 46 and now 47 have given us three keys to unlock the mysteries of finding out where we belong okay in in a separate podcast of mine on on the network and also a separate YouTube channel known as a strenuous life I talked about constructing of an identity and I never thought that it would come back in in this way but in anyways yes I do because how can we when we're picking up the pieces after certain um tragedies and and detours and sidetracks in our life how can [Music] we begin to construct an identity without the foundation being in Christ okay it reminds me of this uh this book called believing Christ by Stephen e Roberts uh Robinson who was the religion professor at BYU at one point he was a bishop and he was interviewing people about their their testimonies and you know this one got seemed to be uh confused and Brother Robinson said well I see your problem there your your your testimony in Christ is not secure and this person he said like clockwork many of them would say how dare you say that because I believe in Christ he says yes it's it's good that you believe in Christ but the question is do you believe Christ do you believe that the principles in God's ways also applies to you and I know because you know what for years I wanted to embrace these principles of my faith with all my heart but I was convinced that the principles of family and marriage did not apply to me therefore to SK them over problem problem I don't believe and really since recent deals and I'm not going to go into what has caused the change some of those of problem top problem I don't believe are starting to be stripped away and it's like Heavenly Father saying okay what's this issue with you what's this problem with you that you know you let yourself get into a season of Doubt because that's what the enemy of God wants you to do is to enter this season of doubt and say well problem problem problem problem I don't believe well you know what it translates over to to him problem problem I don't believe him wait wait wait wait JY I Believe In Christ I Believe In Christ and it's okay to Believe In Christ but do we believe him do his do we trust his promises for all of us it doesn't necessarily mean that we get them in exactly the way we want them in fact what I've become well well keenly aware of pattern realm is often he gives them he gives the promises in a different way than you could ever think or imagine because look at my life um I have a wonderful love love interest I'm kind of testing her in some ways and she's come out pure and and that's the thing when you are constructing an identi the foundation is Christ okay and everything poured as far as that foundation and everything else to be in in production everything in that construction of that identity has to be pure and why do you remember the burning questions we had at the beginning of this series where do I fit in where do I belong or in some ways worse than that why do I feel so lonely why do I feel so depressed a con constructing a foundation in Christ helps with mental health challenges and also can help you feel loved because you know the the things of this world the foundations in this world may think it well you're loved if you do this you're loved if you do that and that is not a sure Foundation of an identity in Christ oh I I oh I believe in Christ oh I believe in Christ okay yes yes Believe In Christ but it's kind of like it says in James chapter 2 verse n The Devils believe and tremble the question is do you believe him do you believe him well enough to act out in that Fai do do you believe him you know we giving you we giving you three cryptic uh three cryptic um Clues and you know what that's led to a key okay like I said we have a bunch of we have a bunch of Clues but this is the first one that leads to how do you say the first the first key and I believe that there's going to be three keys in designing belief Enterprise and you're going to find out more about those and learn about those and so that they can help you so it's like I said the top part of the key the one that you hold on the other end of your hand that is your spiritual awakening your behavior your outward sign say during communion the middle part that's your spiritual awakening the Lord's way but the the teeth of the matter the one that's going to turn the first lock that is your foundation in your identity in Christ okay that is your foundation in your identity in Christ cuz see that's a thing now I want you to continue listening to this series because and even following in in some of the corresponding videos on YouTube because the keys are going to become more and more apparent in fact in a couple of episodes you're going to be getting another key another key key number two and then um then we got to start the foundation of some more hint coming in to we where we have the final key that opens the pattern Fortress the final piece of the puzzle of Designing belief interprise and let me tell you something I'm interested I'm I'm very excited and looking forward to that final key and you want to know why because that's going to be the first episode where I will have in many ways or in some ways rather a co-host and I'm not going to say who it is I'm not going to say who it is but once again we're pouring in the foundation of this identity in Christ okay we've been designing for 40 six episodes now it's time to pour in the the foundation and then after that begin beginning tomorrow begin our the building of Faith Bel belief Enterprise uh for the next well a little over a month but now you you get my point it's not enough to just believe in Christ do you believe him and part of that is yes resting in him knowing that you are saved that you are being saved that you have been saved but there's also the believing him which is an active which is you will be saved you know in my faith it means you transfer what to believing well enough to that you know that you will be baptized and enter into that Covenant path okay so so see see we're pouring in that golden concrete we we just have key number one now after this we begin some of the major Construction and building blocks and I can't wait as this unfolds the excitement in it the happiness in it you're going to be I'm G to be honest with you the the next uh 23 episodes in this series you're going to be play ly surprising now there going to be some episodes early in the month that have nothing to do with this series but it's a way to grow and persevere is to have the construction the foundation that identity which is believing Christ believ in Christ John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life think about it and if he loved us who would we if we don't love him and actually believe in him I've seen the strides and steps taken in my life and I still got a ways to go but I've seen some of the strides and steps I've taken in the past month and a half since I I've I've once again decided to re-embrace my faith journey and let me tell you something it has been worth it it has been worth it and praise the Lord praise praise praise the Lord because he cares about us he loves us and you know what we're worth it we're worth it and why are we worth it because God because God cares about us he cared about us to bring to to bring his only begotten son to Earth to live a holy life 33 years being raised by Mary and Joseph being instructed to the law so we can live it from a lowly carpenter man into a great teacher and UL Our Savior Our Savior to be to be scourged and condemned to die and to die on a cross to die on a very cruel cross being on that cross for six hours and three of it in extreme Darkness you hear me extreme Darkness extreme Darkness all alone so we never have to be alone so many people because of what's going on in the world they're continuing they're confused they don't know where the identity lies and a lot of it is because of what's being taught really and truthfully you and I know we all know that our foundation our identity should be in Christ no if sand or butt you try to figure out where you belong and why you're so lonely and what you do on your mental health all all by yourself you're going to get in the world of hurt and I say this because I care about my audience very much very much I'm telling you right now I want you to follow the counsel of this Theologian David ab bedar and to dis believe Christ having having this new love in my life has helped me try to learn more to be a proper priesthood holder and that's that's good because it teaches how me how to be an honest man to be a pure man and that's what our foundation is that's what our foundation is is what it should be because Christ died so we can have a new life so we can have belonging that's what we all we all want belonging right so that we don't have to be alone how many of you like me you don't want to be be alone anymore listening you don't want to be alone anymore so what's the the the first key the first key is to be renewed by your behavior in Christ the first key is to to spiritually grow in the Lord's way and to have that Foundation that identity by just believing Christ just believing him that's what he calls us to do being because let me tell you something I believe this with all my heart without Christ This is a scary place and I can hear some you wait a minute all this time you were talking about business and you go full circle to talk about faith and it's a Tuesday morning listen to me my faith is a part of everything that I do I'm putting my hand on the King James Bible and I want to ask you guys the members of the church please forgive me as I sing this song from the vacation bible school days the B yes that's the book for me I stand upon the word of God the B of course I know that there's other Cannon out there but when I'm I'm saying is we need to be able to stand on God's word and not try to do everything on our own we do do stuff on our own guess what we get hurt and listen to me listen to me P around I care about you and love you enough but I don't want to see any of you get hurt I don't want that I don't want to see any of you get hurt that's what I'm here for you know yesterday was questioning my wisdom of of going up and podcasting every day and providing on YouTube it's because I care about you guys I don't want to see any of you guys hurt I want you to be able to continue Focus because that's what pattern his realm is about Focus okay it's all about believing Christ and having Focus I hope you enjoy listening to empower your pattern if you like what you hear please subscribe become a part of the pattern realm until next time don't sit there and take it build your dreams so that you can take it and do what US don't so you can be what US want and do what US want so you can have what US can't please share with this mamao papaito and everybody this is JY Hendrick say until next time choose act and pursue happiness God bless you remember this from the bottom of my heart Jimmy loves you I really really really love you God bless you and please have a blessed day

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