Unveiling Katrina: 19 Years Later – The Untold Hidden Stories

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:23:01 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: hurricane katrina
good morning good morning good morning it's almost the afternoon I see people I wake up and I look on the news I see the remembrance of Hurricane Katrina 19 years going on remembering Hurricane Katrina and I run across this video because people wants to make you know they want they love controversy I mean I thought you remember in 20 years that's what I thought but I guess it's not enough news going on so they remembering in 19 years okay let's talk about it then let's talk about it let me cut this off I ran across this video you know everybody saying you know they having their sad stories and stuff cuz it was sad and I was here ran across this video that talked about what really happened during Hurricane Katrina but they didn't get all into what really happened now I'mma play this video by this person and then I'mma finish it off what I witness during Katrina after Katrina in New Orleans while they since they want to remember let's remember and you know I ain't I'm not trying to come off as how can I say hostile or angry but let's remember let's talk about it since we remembering check this video out I mean this audio and then I'm coming with the rest of it it's from one of the worst in United States history but what if I told you it wasn't natural now I've seen a ton of Hurricane Katrina books movies documentaries and none of them ever referenced this book right here so this guy right here is the person that wrote the book Andy hway while every major news Outlet was saying that Katrina was a natural disaster and it happened by coincidence Andy was like nah that ain't adding up I'm about to go to New Orleans Andy went to New Orleans interviewed residents and researched the New Orleans archives and that's when he found out that everything the news was saying was true now that would be true if the City of New Orleans wasn't so corrupt the first thing that he found out was that Hurricane Katrina was largely a man-made disaster a disaster that was the result of poor Urban PL environmental degradation and poor government policies he also made the claim that this isn't the first time that New Orleans has done this a research will show you that this is a reoccurring theme in the G Coast he also went into pinpoint detail about how the storm impacted marginalized Community he also went into detail explaining how the Reconstruction efforts favored the wealthier side of New Orleans so at this point we really shouldn't be asking if this was a man-made storm what we should be asking is how do we prevent this from happening to us again let me know what y think in the comments get well here you go how you prevent from happening again is vote the right people in office that's number one that's number one because let's start with when he said this is not the first time it happened it's not I'm not that old but I don't have to look in archives I know about Hurricane Betsy same scenario same situation um the Night War the Lord Night War was underwater same kind of way when when Betsy Hur Hurricane Betsy happening you know I want to be accurate for you all Hurricane Betsy hey Siri when was Hurricane Betsy in New Orleans Louisiana 1965 Hurricane Betsy hit New Orleans in 1965 and it was the exact same thing exact same thing I'm talking about people underwater helicopters picking you up from on top of the housing projects and the the shotgun houses and stuff like this now you saying well okay hurricanes happen well here's the thing let's go what he said it reconstructed to favor the Richer neighborhoods in a sense they correct but it does not always it it doesn't work like that all the time when Hurricane Katrina hit the flood was going to the G District it was going to the Richer neighborhoods first guess what what people in New Orleans heard what I heard boom boom boom what the world is that what is that now listen to me now people do not understand when Hurricane Katrina hit there was no flood listen to me we talking about as the hurricane passing through it was no put it like this New Orleans was not underwater a lot of people don't know that After the flood passed people started coming outside and assessing stuff guess what what that sound like it's no flood you can go on the street and you can assess everything all of us sudden certain people that live in certain areas of New Orleans like the low night Ward and places like this boom boom boom you heard the booms as you outside getting your stuff together remember Katrina passed it's it's gone it's gone and you could look I'm pretty sure this in documentaries too I don't watch documentaries of Hurricane Katrina why I LIF it you know I I I haven't read any books why I lived it unless it was a small documentary on YouTube I probably peep that out but then all of a sudden you look up here come come water I have a brother of mine brother from another mother he's a noble he was telling us a story in a meeting one time that his mama didn't leave they tried to get the mother to leave she said I'm not leaving my house so they stayed with her during the hurricane oh it was scary they had noises noises going through the house then I'm going to tell you my story noises you heard noises Windows shatter and everything okay then was over you went outside it was cool as they outside now remember when I say the hurricane is passed they finally come outside to see damages they see houses messed up and stuff like that they're outside as his sister walked around the corner she come running back and said hey it's water coming it's water coming what I mean by water we talking about probably 20 ft it's coming so you like stop playing so he go to the corner and look and they run they run they run in the house then they try to get at the top cuz the water came boom it came this water came after the flood now they say a BGE broke a Le like you know one of them boats that come through if that's the case then what happened why it took so long to the day they haven't showed that boat or the BGE right but what people heard was booms After the Storm passed you heard these loud booms then all of a sudden here come the water here come the water in the lower Night War where it's mostly poor people housing projects and poor people here come we talking New Orleans East we talking all of a sudden here comes the water now I at this time I knew people in the music industry at this time so I knew people that lived poor areas and how can I say high class areas people in the high CL areas didn't know that this was going on they had some people started cutting their grass in the gon District they didn't not know that New Orleans was underwater After the Storm pass when they didn't know cuz they okay now this right here this what they said this is what the the word was going around they blew two parts or was it two or three they blew two levies so the water can cuz the water was going in the guarden district high class area they push the water to the poor areas now this allegedly right here this allegedly this is what people this what people that did their digging people that did their research came up with yeah that's why they blew it same thing with Betsy so when they say manmade yes manmade this is why the levy was in poor condition the politics was so crooked in New Orleans back then not saying it's any better but it was way bad back then and I'm going to tell you how it benefited me too the politics um that they didn't fix the levies water pumps weren't working no nothing was being fixed money was just being pocketed and thrown into um freezers and that literally cuz they had a politician got caught with money in the freezer stuff like this this is what he mean by bad politics because if the if the levies were up to Paul it would have never flood but guess what without that flood it would never have been any gentrification listen to me carefully before hurricane Katrina you remember when Ray nean got up there and got himself put in federal prison that that Ain I'm just joking when he said this be a chocolate City again let's talk about r no that's another podcast people like to say they got mad when he said that but his actions in New Orleans to be honest with you it it wasn't benefiting black people like talking about it was benefiting other people so but the fact that he said Chocolate City this going to be chocolate City again I think he felt abandoned he felt the abandoned that's what made him say that but the reason he said that because let me tell you something I rarely saw white people I would have to go to the G District or hang Uptown magazine to see white people the's see white people I I'm in the East I'm in um what we call Uptown but they'll say Central City um a part of Uptown um I don't see white I didn't see white people you barely saw white people this place was so black you know African-Americans it was crazy no no Latinos if you did they looked white or they looked black rarely no Latinos then you have vietamese that came and moved in New Orleans East a little later but other than that this was a real Chocolate City after Katrina not so much it's still the majority but who even the E even the culture is different the food different people come from the chefs come from New York and chefs come from LA and and and all putting their own touching stuff and it's crazy you know it's crazy our Seafood the season is in the inside not the outside but now you have this you have it both or you have it either or now you know it's it's stuff different the chefs is different you go to used to be able to go my father-in-law is Top Chef in the French cours everybody know him Chef Milton he he um he was the probably probably the only black or the first African-American executive chef at gallat probably the only one I don't think it I don't know if it was any after him at gwis before he moved on to other festar restaurants um you had people like him then you had you know everybody know emeralds and stuff like that he came in with all them well now it's a Dying Breed all these chefs not from here they not from New Orleans so this is what happened after Katrina gentrification a cultural shock cultural change cultural change you know and if you want to get into conspiracy yeah it was done on purpose had to be man we heard the booms you know what I'm saying this what he's not he didn't mention this I don't if he read that book I don't know if the guy was being conservative or whatever but let's let's let's let's keep it a bucker you don't want to get sued I don't know but we we keep say 1000 on the Nola connection I'm here to tell you right now that was messed up situation man dead bodies all over the place man Jesus okay what happened to me at that time I'm living in New Orleans East going tell you how this is this is why you have to believe in in in a Divine being that's watching over you I remember it was me my son mother she holding him she like now he's an EMP she said are we leaving I said no we going to ride it out soon I said this now let me tell you something I don't buy cheap stuff I had a keen siiz bed that was on you know the type of um wood headboards I'm talking thick the thick round ones you know I'm talking damn near New soon I said that that entire bed Hit the Floor boom I said well it's too late to find somewhere to go but we getting out of here you understand so I went somewhere where felt was high ground and it was High Ground um Uptown off Napoleon let me tell you something man the house the house we had is in Littlewoods totally underwater you barely saw the chimney you barely saw the roof yeah something looked out after me but after everything you still had to it was it was like a third world country then when I finally left town because nothing was here I have to go out of town and people calling me a refugee what the hell and people was trying to say stop calling the refugees New Orleans is in America what the hell is in United States what the hell these not refugees you know what I'm saying people calling us refugees cuz we talk different we talk different and some of them especially the ones that got deep embedded roots in New Orleans they even look different you know what I'm saying the skin color different the even when they brown or black you could tell a difference so I guess that's why but this is this is United States we're not refugees man you know it's let me tell you something and you correct me if I'm wrong I'm going tell you how God works some people from New Orleans was treated so bad due to other people from New Orleans I guess I'm going say this played a part you have other people from New Orleans just was leaving town doing committing all type of crimes and all type of heinous stuff but it wasn't all people they treated us they treated us so bad I never Hur in Houston Texas Texas treated don't get me wrong I was treated good they treated a lot of us good but some of them was awful man the way they was talking about on the news refugees and these people and that people and these people I never saw all these disasters happen to Texas before to after that after now you could say it's climate change but after Katrina people start started getting tagged all over the United States after Katrina I don't know maybe God said go on like ugly cuz it it was some ugly things being said about us man all of us now like I said I've been treated good man I one time I bought a new car I'm in Atlanta man I'm speeding speeding Police Stopped me pulled over showed them my ID he said you from New Orleans said yeah man he put his head down like he wanted to cry he said go ahead man go ahead I said oh thank you you know thank you so not so much they had kind people out there and I was treated well you know but I but you look at the news but you then again it's the media you look at the news and you hear about other people being treated bad and come on man it's ridiculous but yeah long story short well whatever it was manmade I have no doubt about that I was here so the bodies I'm talking everywhere policemen acting up um race system at his high it started coming I remember people Tred to go to the West Bank to try to find at least some type of stability because they homes told out they have nothing the damn police force JP jeffon Paris Sher stood on they ground like guns and kept people from going on the other side yeah that really happened that really happened some people they called it um matter of fact a friend of mine he's good friends and I met him with Ed Compass the ex-chief police son Ed compas got a bad name because of that now he didn't do anything but he was the chief of police doing the daa what what they call it the Danica Bridge um shootings people killed and stuff like that it was man it it was a mess here man it's almost like people in in Iraq and stuff going through their little war with their little countries it it it was a mess people was being killed you go to the um to the Super Dome you had you know you had people getting the a word dudes boys I'm talking BR man y'all just don't know and y'all want to remember this remembering Katrina they putting right now in the news in New Orleans they putting people on TV talking about their experience the ones that's caught in Katrina and they about to break down and cry on TV because y'all just you know if you was not here you can watch the doc all the documentary as you want to is is not going to compare to what really happened here never it's not going to compare not only that you know what was good FEA was giving money out like crazy for some reason I didn't get nothing ain't that something that's that's crazy I I was being honest and didn't get nothing everyone else were lying and getting this list and that I got $3,000 for my insurance company for um for insurance I got that then it took a while to get the house fixed man I didn't get anything I know people that own houses I know people that didn't have nothing they was getting 20,000 40,000 50 it was a lot of stuff going on man and the people that being honest didn't get anything like me and a few other guys I know I'm not about to lie to get money you know I'm not that type of dude I was like d this something this is crazy I think it's on purpose too cuz then after that some people had to pay it back some people went to jail you know I don't know but yeah that Hurricane Katrina man remembering Hurricane Katrina uh when I seen it I said wow they really want to remember this then it's 19 years it's like next year is to 20th year what you go if you if you're remembering Hurricane Katrina in 19 years what you going to do in 20 we going to have a parade I'm like I just found that weird then when I ran across this audio is really a video I let you hear I said huh n you missing some stuff bro you missing a lot of stuff man you missing a lot there's a lot of evil stuff going on looting it's a lot of evil stuff going on man and that's it that's it that's all I got for you if you want to follow the podcast you can subscribe to the YouTube channel the Nola connection know the Facebook I have nobody on Facebook the Facebook is new go to Facebook the Nola connection you will see like a collage with my picture in the collage follow the Facebook page you know I gotta get my followers up or if go to all streaming M networks if you have apple podcast look up the Nola connection if you have Google podcast look up the Nola connection Spotify ihort it doesn't matter look it up subscribe follow and also I have what we call a support Hub I'm trying to get that together now where you can support the channel and be regular supporters when I go on live when I'm doing stuff when I'm interviewing people things like that so that's that's what can be done I I tell you what keep hope alive I I don't know I'm I'm kind of out of it thinking about the Katrina stuff and the stuff I went through and I hope it never happened again but I will promise you this New Orleans Louisiana period if Katrina ever happen again and this place get it floods like that again I'm not coming back then that's it I'm not coming back I love New Orleans but I will not come back you know what I'm saying thank thank y' allall for listening One Love

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