Hells Angels to free Aurora, Co ? | Happenings & Rally News | Gray Beard Biker Live - 9/5 | #live

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome welcome welcome all right hello everybody everybody can hear me okay just make sure there's no technical issues to start with oh looks like we've got a full house tonight that's great all right so uh I'm just going to jump in since we are we got tons of people here um what we are talking about today well we're going to go through the normal things that we talk about what's going on here at the channel uh and then rally news uh and then we have our conversation for the day which is the Aurora Colorado situation uh which we will get to so uh hold on until we're past the other um information cuz I know a lot of you are on here because you want to get into that conversation uh but we have structure so so we'll go through there um let's see there's a a person in the chat whose name is a pissed-off American I love it you every right to be I like it all right so um let's kick off with what's been going on around here um we've had several um episodes that we've released since our last um live that we did the latest one was the pin repair uh episode uh you guys have seen a lot of um rally pins from a lot of the places that I've been to and they break over time so this time I fixed them on camera so I hope that uh Little Nugget can help some folks uh we also did another um morning ride episode in which case we uh we had someone that ordered one of our shirts that was extremely local and so we were able to deliver it to them literally on my way to my office which was great you probably could have walked there from your office I could have but why why would I walk when I can ride when you have two so um it's like walking only faster so I don't know if you guys saw that one or not if you did let me know if you think it is now too dark to do these morning ride episodes uh because obviously as we get further into the fall it's getting darker uh when I first started doing these it was light outside and now it is dark when I leave um I was still able to record it I turned up the exposure on the camera and whatnot uh but if it's too dark please let me know uh if you haven't seen it please go watch it sometime not now any other time and then let me know what you think about it if it's uh going to be too dark to continue doing that and I should suspend that series or not um and uh egg thinks it looks great then we'll go from there I I think it was actually pretty interesting I haven't seen anybody else doing a writing around at nighttime you think so writing around in the yeah I think the sky looks really cool behind you yeah well you could see dawn happen pretty soon though you won't see that either true true but let me know what you guys think when you're uh after you've had a chance to watch that one uh and then the other one that we had released since our last live stream was on defensive driving for motorcycles um so this one has been very popular um thank you to everyone who has uh commented liked given feedbacks Etc on that uh episode we certainly do appreciate it um the uh the yeah the the likes and the comments those are the two most important metrics in YouTube likes being first believe it or not and then comments is uh is the second thing so uh those of you that do that we definitely appreciate it um it means a lot to us in our little channel here uh and also with this one uh some people have have asked me about doing a part two yes I'm going to be doing a part two which will include more tips for defensive driving um I just have lots of rally things in the hopper that I need to to get done with before we jump into uh doing another one of these um so I've kind of done a couple that are not um rally related I put the rally ones on hold uh if you remember we went to Harley homecoming that whole series is coming um but um isn't done editing yet so uh that's what's going on with that one um and then the other thing let's see the other thing that we did if you remember in that um morning Ride video we talked about having 990 subscribers um since then we have passed the Thousand subscriber mark from uh from YouTube yep uh and I've got a little sneak peek that I'm going to show you uh about u a video that we're kind of putting together for that so I'm going to play it right now hello guys we are here at my favorite barbecue place you've heard me talk about it many times this is spray berries barbecue in nun in Georgia and we are here to celebrate we have um made the 1000 subscribers Milestone and uh so we decided to do something she decided that we should do something to celebrate doing that and so we came to my favorite place for lunch um but there's no way that we could have done this without you and I couldn't have done it without her y don't know she's does a lot of behind the scenes stuff you do a lot of in front of the scenes stuff too though they've seen you on ridiculous I do the stuff he's too cool to do I'm not cool plus she's the uh the the cameraman when I'm on the bike so uh yeah all that's cool so um yeah lots more to to come the 1,000 people 1,000 subscriber Milestone simply means that YouTube can pay us now um so uh yeah we're looking forward to keeping going all righty so um what that means like I said passing that th000 mile mile Stone thousand sub Milestone means that YouTube will start paying us for the ads that they run that being said um they i' I've noticed that they've put ads in more than they ever have before uh including live streams and I don't know how that's going to work um I don't know if they put a delay in to put ads in while we're doing the show here or if those ads are only going to be in the replay I have no idea never done this before I would think it's just in the so if you see ads please let us know so that way we know if we're in time real time or not um but I assume you're probably right it's probably going to be um after after after after during the uh the Replay for sure uh all right so what's going on let's see that is not first we've got some um the next couple episodes that are coming up like I mentioned is the uh Harley homecoming uh Festival uh that series is coming up we also have one on bike nights uh and then we went to a swap meet at twwo so that's an episode that's in the hopper as well uh so now let's move on to uh to Rally news did anyone go to uh rally at the Rattler or any of the other events um that have happened recently since our last um show So within the past three weeks or so if so let me know in the comments uh the next one that's coming up is smoke out so smoke out is tomorrow um matter of fact I think droop is up there now drop's not online is he no he's not he's there um yeah he's he's already up in uh in North Carolina at the smokeout rally I am literally going to leave out in the morning uh and go meet him up there uh so those of you that have been watching the show know that uh droop is the one that told me about this rally I had no idea that it existed uh and so I'm going to go up and meet him up there tomorrow PR monkey will also be there and um so I will be up there Friday I'm probably not going to go to the rally itself on Friday uh I'll probably go to the rally grounds on Saturday because you have to pay each day that you go in being as I'm driving most of the day Friday I'm probably going to do riding around and see the different dealerships and that sort of thing on Friday so uh that's what's going to be going on if any of you guys are going to be up there let me know if anybody wants to meet for dinner uh not in the rally grounds on Friday night I am planning on not going in the rally grounds Friday night so uh definitely let me know and uh I'll just be riding around seeing the area biker Barbie Here will not be going to the rally uh she will be with one of our children who is under 21 so he shouldn't be going no so she's got to watch out so that's what's going to be going on uh there now a recap of what smoke out is uh for anybody that may not remember uh smokeout rally is in salsburg North Carolina and it is has onsite camping it is a 21 and up uh adult rally I think it's maybe 18 and up but it's still an adult rally um it is also uh $40 a day for Friday $50 for Saturday 75 for both days and $135 if you're going to do camping they have a garage build competition they have uh racing they have a strong man competition which is a little different they also have a paint competition then of course they have your wet T-shirts and your bike shows and all St now I've never been to this one like I said droop is the one that told me but some of you other guys have been to this one so if anybody ask about it in the chat please answer them because you guys are going to know more than me uh so that is the next thing that is going on for me is smoke out uh and then uh while I am up there another thing that is going on is thunder in the Smokies which is Maggie Valley um obviously I just went to their um rally last quarter that series is already up online um and uh again it happens through three times a year uh and this will be the last time that it happens in 2024 next time will be spring uh after this thunder and smokies Maggie Valley is one of the ones that I enjoy cuz I like the where it's situated um so it's a fun rally but I am not going to it this time I am going to smoke out uh and then the next one coming up after that is Lake of the Ozarks uh it happens September 11th through the 15th we have a uh episode series on this one as well um so it's up on the channel you're welcome to check it out if you're planning on going there um Lake of the Ozarks was another cool one uh it's in Missouri so uh did you find out where everybody's from um yeah the a person named Carrie just joined and they are from Houston Texas which I just saying that we were we just caught back from Dallas but we actually were in Houston when we went to the galeston rally a couple years ago I think it was a couple years ago it was um and then Jay J Tennessee all right J Jones well welcome welcome if uh if you haven't yet let us know where you're from just so we get an idea of where everybody's from um in the chat so just type in there and let us know um don't be shy and then that way I'll know if we're talking about any specific area who I'm talking to uh so after Lake of the Ozarks is Ocean City now Ocean City bike fest is the same time actually it's not after as Lake of the oarts it is the 11th through the 15th and I was planning on going right up until 3 days ago so something happened last minute and I'm not going to be able to go which means uh egg that I will be in town um in Atlanta that weekend which is the weekend you're coming so we can talk offline about how you want to handle a Meetup or something like that before I was going to be coming back from Ocean City now I can't go so uh that's what's going on there now those of you that um are aware of Ocean City it claims to be the biggest rally on the East Coast it's not Daytona I can't imagine it's the biggest one on the east coast cuz Daytona is on the East Coast but uh that's what they claim I haven't been to to this one that's one of the reasons I wanted to go to it uh their musical lineup this year is uh Buck Cherry uh Seven Dust Tesla Ted nit Cheap Trick sticks they've got a great lineup going on Roll man yeah um so something I really wanted to do um but I'm not going to go uh now normally I highlight um the rides to do in the area of these bigger events um and what I was told is there's no good writing up there um thanks which I'm sure there's something uh if you've been up there let me know uh I can tell you that uh Dr Harley is having a run up there uh so he is going to be leaving out 9:30 in the morning on Friday that's tomorrow uh and riding down 13 to Virginia Beach um Harley-Davidson and then going to Shuckers for lunch and then to the Del Marva section of the rally after that uh now I don't know where he's leaving from but I wanted to give him a shout out because I know a lot of you guys uh follow him as well uh and he is going to be doing something and if I was going I would be doing it with him but now I can't go and I'm going to piss and moan about that for at least the next 5 seconds do we ever go to any rallies in Tennessee I'm blanking what's in Tennessee um we haven't been to any in Tennesse yeah something's in Tennessee Smoky Mountain yes which we are going to okay we haven't been to that one yet we haven't been to that one yet okay um let's see after Ocean City there is a bikes blues and barbecue which is in faville Arkansas and that is September 18th through the 21st uh and then the one we were just talking about which is Smoky Mountain Bike Week uh now Smoky Mountain Bike Week is the 28th uh you know September 28th through October 6th it is in mville scratch that marville that's what they call it locally Tennessee it's near the tale of the Dragon uh it is the second year that they will be doing this they had their first one last year this is going to be their second year and we are going to it uh so if you're planning on going up there we will definitely be there uh now I do want to talk about some of the rides and the spots um up there at this event uh the hot spots are there's three main hotpots that they have and that's going to be uh the Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson it's also a place called ryers row and then Foothills Mall all relatively close there uh together if you've been to rallies you understand that most rallies have multiple places that you can go to and the bigger the rally is the more um let me fix that screen there the more uh places there are to go help we're trapped in the corner of the screen there we go I swear I fixed that just a few minutes ago ner nobody gets seasick bar all right um so the writing to do up there if I can remember where I'm at now uh they are going to be having a swinging bridge is that okay I am still off I we could lock this in place it keeps moving me that's not the right thing I wonder what that's moving small technical difficulties fellas please egg says he thinks the next season of rallies might be interesting what let's see what he means by that yeah all right I almost have us fixed on the screen all right talk amongs yourselves uh all right so they're having a swinging bridge guided ride which is done by the rally itself uh so I'm planning on going to that because I lived up in Knoxville and don't remember any swinging Bridges so I'm sure this is a you know little Hidden Gem thing so I'm going to go on it and see what it is uh but other than that the other rides that are up there there is of course going to be the tale of the Dragon which everybody and their brother has heard of 318 curves and 11 miles be very careful um it's uh it's very famous most people even if they haven't done it have heard of it uh and that's one of the reasons why this rally exists is because the popularity of Deals Gap and tale of the Dragon uh the next run after that if I can get to it is cherahala so cherahala is up there it is famous as well but it is a lot calmer than tale of the Dragon it is Along The Ridges of the uh mountains it is super cool uh I've done both of this this entire area in a sports car before so it's super cool uh to do um that is another ride that is up there and then there is Foothills Parkway that is the um the what fourth ride to do up there uh and I've kind of mapped out the uh the portion uh based on other people's experience of uh what's a good place to ride you're welcome to pause rewind take a screenshot whatever you need to do there uh and then there's something called top of the world which is very interesting who doesn't want to be on top of the world uh but this is another ride uh that runs from Marvel I can't even say that with a straight face um people you got to say with gusto like Marvel when when I lived up there I got yelled at for not saying Marvel so they're very serious about the fact that this is not pronounced the way it looks um anyway um by the way Jay says he's been to the swinging Bridges before and it's a great ride he's running from Tennessee are you going to go to um Smoky Mar Bike Week um have you been did you go last year what's let's get to know each other so um top of the world is uh is something that's going on and then the last one that I'm going to talk about up there is Brushy Mountain prison and Frozen head State Park uh now this one I find very interesting and I have a friend again you can pause rewind whatever you need to do take a screenshot of this because I'm about to get rid of it again um the interesting thing about this is it is a abandoned prison and a friend of mine this would scare to death so I'm really hoping that he comes uh from Texas so I can take him to I was like who which friend oh wait yeah you know exactly who it is um but uh I am really interested to to go see that uh up there so those are the rides that I am aware of up and around Smokey Mountain Bike Week which I've never been to um so if any of you guys have been to it let me know and uh and you can share your experience but I'm thinking it's going to be an awesome time Jay said he didn't go to the thing you're talking about he's just been on The Swinging Bridge oh okay Swinging Bridge all right and then after that is going to be of course Myrtle uh now we've done Um Myrtle several times uh it is September 30th through October 6th um we actually did a series on comparing Um Myrtle fall rally to Myrtle bike week which are competing companies for the same week um that episode is up uh one of the things that we found that I really like the most is barbecue it's great barbecue and Myrtle so I did not mention Fontana Dam um but I know Fontana Dam well uh we used to go I was in a Miata Club and so we would go and all the the cars would park underneath the dam and then they would take a picture from the top of it super cool so yes Fontana Dam is another um place I kind of include that in tale of the Dragon I do it all at the same time all right so it appears that they are putting ads in the middle of the uh the live stream so I actually just saw it on on yeah so good to know I wonder we just kind of I wonder did it pause us or because you kind of went by it really fast um yeah I uh um did you guys miss anything that I was saying or uh what are you doing I'm trying to get it just keeps being funky um I don't know if you missed anything that I was saying as you hit skip but I'm curious to see if uh what it did interesting good to know um anyway back to Myrtle uh Myrtle has some really great um pissed off americ didn't see the ad loser I'm just kidding I skipped it Jay skipped it yeah most but I think we skipped it too um that's another thing Guys these ads um during the live yes by all means skip uh but when you're watching them for uh on channels that you want to support let it play all the way through um most people don't I don't unless it's somebody that I really care about um because it does help them the channel uh to to have the entire ad play if you're not in a hurry but most of the time I'm sitting at work and I'll just like skip skip skip because I'm trying to figure something out on YouTube uh but anyway Little Nugget there um ad free yeah I brag about a tiger geez I I bought the uh the premium on um one of my I have more than one YouTube bar biker Barbie's YouTube channel is broke ass so we get ads yeah uh but I've got uh I've got the the premium subscription as well so it's a good way to kind of skip all of all of the ads without hurting anybody uh all right so Myrtle after Myrtle is going to be trober Fest which I never go to cuz I don't have a trike but it is in Daytona the um we have friend here the 11th of October through the 15th of October and then two days after that is going to be of course bober Fest uh so planning on going to bober Fest as well um so uh another thing biketober Fest is a little shorter than a Daytona Bike Week um but always a good time lots of places to go um and it's still warm down there um so that'll be fun as well after that is Thunder Beach which I am also going to thunder Beach is in Panama City um we're actually looking right now at getting a bunch of folks together uh to rent a really big house as opposed to everybody paying uh hotels when we go to Panama City so if any of you guys would want to go to Panama City and be interested in kind of taking advantage of that uh shoot me a message let me know um cuz we are currently trying to figure out uh how big of a house to get how many people we're going to have that sort of thing uh to kind of have our own party while we're down there um so that is going on in Panama City at the end of October Bama bike fest is also going to be happening again the same weekend uh Bama bike fest uh we did an episode on that uh so that you're welcome to to go and look and see what that's going to be like I think we did the fall one cuz they they have multiple times a year too didn't we go fall with that last year uh yeah so um so yeah you can definitely see it that the the time of year for that one it was a good time too it was fun um and then of course after that is going to be the Lone Star rally which is in Galveston Texas um we went to it I actually shot footage but I never edited it because it's one of the the first ones that we did um and um basically I got run over it got out of hand now it's it's older footage now so we talked about maybe uh putting that together and putting it out but uh it's outdated now uh but we did go we had a really great time um and it's uh it's one that I recommend going to if you can now um the um the other one that was there which the name has escaped a Republic of Texas mhm it rots that's it it's gone um they don't have that one anymore which I find weird um because it was supposed to be really good um but last I heard it was closed shame Jay's asking if we ride with anybody um we ride with around with whomever uh we we sponsor a Facebook group for people uh in the uh Atlanta and Georgia area uh it's called quet motorcycle rides and events uh and people come together there to uh to go ride um so we do that we meet people wherever we go that sort of thing uh I have not been in a club in years if that's what you're asking I have been in a club before but it's been a while um so uh that is uh yeah yes we ride to most all rallies some of them we trailer to depending on how far away it is and if it's raining um so I just saw that question sorry I got in front of you uh all right so um and then the next one after that is the last of the Year St Pete bike fest which is in November it's November 21st through the 24th and it is the end of the season uh now we normally do go to that because my um in-laws have a beach house down there so we go down there and uh invade free lodging invade their their house when they're not there so uh yeah so good times so uh are there any other rallies that you guys are planning are planning on attending later this year let me know um and uh you know I try to mention them at least 6 weeks out uh so people have time to listen to this and then plan on going um but this is going to catch us up through the end of the year after that I think the first one of the year is usually gibtown um which isn't until January 2025 yeah so um we were planning on going to that last year and we didn't we might go this year um but I put my time my paid time off in on time this I didn't do that this last time so that those are the rallies for the rest of of the year the most major ones that are are in our area anyway and ones that we are going to go to so if you guys are going to be there we'd be more than happy to meet up with you any other ones that we're going to um and uh like I said if you want to get together uh for that housing deal in Panama City shoot me a message let me know and we will talk about it uh all right so let's talk about some angels yes now we're moving on to our topic conversation so let's talk about the um Hell's Angels in Aurora Colorado so let's start off with what's happening what's going on so hold on I'm going to play that for those of you that may or may not know right now Aurora police officers they're patrolling areas of suspected gang activity and that includes this apartment building this is the one at Dallas Street and 12th Avenue where Venezuelan gang members have been caught on camera with guns breaking into use so much of this has been the focus of national attention this week we have been reporting on this at the local level for weeks but police now say they're there as well engaging with residents video shows a group of men walking up a stairwell at the edge of lowry apartment complex in Aurora all of them appear to be carrying rifles and handguns in the video shot earlier this month all right so that the story that was coming out everybody talked about it Trump talked about it and then the rumors started happening and uh with the rumors came warnings from people on the social media specifically Tik Tok this be a lesson to the gang members in Aurora Colorado please heed my warning I did 10 years in the joint in the state of Kentucky I'm telling you right now the people that are coming known as the Hell's Angels are not to be [ __ ] with you are getting ready to have a large swarm of men who are likeminded Brotherhood driven and will not govern themselves by the laws in which that you think that they will you are getting ready to have that you have never experienced in your life and people that live on a certain side of the law may be perceived as whatever but I promise you this we know that you're taking advantage of defenseless people you will be the ones calling the law because you do not want men like me and the people that we associate with to descend upon you because we will not care about evidence we will not I got no idea who this guy is there will be guns there will be knives and there will be no more time for question please leave before you force the hand of a power that you do not know the extent of how far it reaches if you try to meet them with any type of resistance you will die you will die in the street that you're going to [ __ ] you all right and then after that rumor started and this is just an example we had somewhat of a confirmation that this was actually happening and the internet has been flooded with rumors at this point that this is going to happen but I have actually gotten in touch with someone who is an actual Hell's Angel in the state of Colorado and I'm going to tell you what they said what my contact on the inside in Colorado has told me is that they have plans to roll up nothing more nothing less and that's a direct quote and of course that's an intentionally vague statement which I would expect nothing less because what you have to understand about these organizations is they're under constant surveillance and they're always under the threat of RICO Act which would not only affect them but affect their Brotherhood worldwide but what is that actually mean all I can say on that is if you know you know all right so all of that was happening and I think between the rumor starting and the last clip that I just played is when people started to ask me about it and I decided that we should include it on this show uh so uh what I did is I you know set a um a message out saying that we were going to have this topic uh and I knew that by the time it happened because this was what Monday plenty of time would have transpired and we would know uh you know whether it was true whether it was not true something else would happen um and we would be able to uncover all of that on tonight's show and it has and here is um the the results of the culprit of the entire [Music] thing Dear Mr President of Hell's Angels um this got way out of hand I'm on here and apologize because I'm the one that called you out as a joke on Tik Tok never thinking it would get so viral and so um I truly needed to come on here and apologize in case you in case this finds you um or you find me so she taking that public cop I just wanted to plead my case for my own safety um and just explain what happened so I made a joke on Tik Tok calling out the Hell's Angels because I come from the military and um to be honest I just thought maybe you'd be better equipped um and it was a joke was never meant to actually like go anywhere because uh I guess you just never know what's going to go viral and I also wanted to plead my case to uh protect myself just if this has any weight at all I might as well try so um firstly like I said I apologize secondly um I know you are the 1% so maybe I should have never used the name at all um I guess I just uh I ride a bike and I also used to have interactions which I believe was Hell's Angels or Sons of Silence and I might have called out the wrong group either way I shouldn't have called out any group um but my experience with them was that when I as a young adult they were the that when I met them they were just the coolest guys in the world also the scariest so in my defense I thought they would be the perfect people to handle this kind of situation um without realizing the magnitude of my words um also because like I mentioned I know you're in the 1% if this has any weight at all I served 10 years in the military and I am part of what they call the 1% in the military I was in the 82nd Airborne and I served in Iraq so I hope that finds you well and that you um kind of see that this was just a joke coming from a veteran and it landed very wrong and somebody posted a video of footage and you guys just so happen to be right in Durango when I posted that video so people thought you were on your way to Colorado but funny enough coincidentally enough or maybe there is no coincidences because I don't believe in them you were already in Colorado and so the rumor got started that you guys were on the way even though you were already here and that's how the whole rumor joke got spread by somebody else misinterpreting someone's Tik Tok saying you were on the way and then boom that's what happened and I just really really needed to apologize again and I hope this finds you well and I hope you're drinking a beer and I hope you guys are having a good time so uh yeah thank you so there it is now we know how it happened um this girl was um pissed off about what's happening down there which a lot of Americans are and her solution was the Hell's Angels should go down there and take care of it the problem is she said they were and the world ran with it because everybody thinks that would be a really good idea uh except for the actual Hell's Angels themselves they of course then posted and um their own statement which they never do or have done really since Sunny they used to have press conferences with sunny um about the situation because it was it's national news right uh so I'm going to put the uh statement up here uh first place I heard about it from was black dragon so that you I give credit to where I I hear these things um and here is the um statement let me get rid of our things here on top and we will read it all right it says a social media rumor claiming that the Hell's Angels motorcycle club is headed to Aurora Colorado to violently confront Venezuelan immigrants has gone viral most of these posts regurgitate this lie in an attempt to validate it with a video of motorcycles riding in an organized pack if I'm sure many of you have SE seen those um those videos it's most of the time it's not even the haas's at all um it's just somebody stuck a bunch of motorcycles in it to make a visual as b-roll for what they were saying uh and claimed that it was actually them headed down it wasn't um continued uh the Hell's Angels strongly denies the foundation and validity of these absolutely ridiculous and false claims the Hell's Angels does not involve itself in political issues outside of motorcycling and takes no no stance on the issue of immigration or the presidential election they have individual feelings they don't have group feelings about this is basically what that means um the motorcycle club is concerned only with motorcycle enthusiasm and benefiting the community in which the club resides and that's the different chapters all over the place uh a video of motorcycles riding in a pack Pro provides no proof of this false rumor which people were claiming it did uh motorcycle clubs ride in packs every day in every quarter of America I will be doing it tomorrow um so there is nothing unique about such imagery the issue is the everyday public doesn't know that and they see a group of motorcycles they think motorcycle gang right um so continuing social media rumors like this only serve to perpetuate a false and irresponsible narrative about the Hell's Angels for the sole purpose of driving traffic and clicks these rumors also have the potential of causing real harm to real people including the ha's themselves the motorcycle club has been the target of law enforcement um profiling and discrimination from coast to coast even elevating to the level of law enforcement threatening the lives of members simply based on the biker stereotype the club requests that any social or media outlet that has reported this false rumor responsibly release a retraction and ceasing assist perpetually the uh perpetuating potentially dangerous lies respectfully the Hell's Angels now for those of you that know a little more about the club um and Club life not surprised that this wasn't happening because it doesn't really meet the main criteria that it would need to meet in order for them to be involved um number one it does it it has to directly affect them well that was kind of hinted at a little bit because somebody said I don't know how if any of this is true somebody said that the family of one of the members that's in Colorado um was in this apartment complex and was attacked if that's the case then that checks that one box um the other issue is that uh calling in Hell's Angels from all over the country they don't need Hell's Angels from all over the country cuz they're in Colorado already and they don't need your help right so um so you know that is a bit sketchy as well uh the other thing is they wouldn't tell the internet what they were doing because because they plan on doing illegal activities yeah violence is still very frowned upon by law enforcement so whether it's needed or not they would not announce what these guys aren't stupid U they've been around for a really long time for a really long reason really big reasons um so it doesn't meet the you know the main criteria of what would need to happen for them to go if they decided to go and and the yes there is a hell's Hell's Angels Nation but they are governed as individual chapters so it's not like somebody big told everybody to go they would have to talk about it individually amongst themselves and except you it's it didn't happen guys it did not happen um now this has been met with several mixed reactions um you know it is not the first time that motor ccle clubs have responded to something like this which I'll go over here in a minute um it was just very unlikely that it would happen in this case though it would be super cool if it didol if you did I don't I don't I don't want to act like I didn't get excited when I heard it uh I didn't believe that it was possible but oh my God how great it would be the government's not doing anything will do it awesome absolutely awesome absolutely wasn't going to happen but it was Absol absolutely awesome um uh so anyway uh that is what happened with it but it brought up something that I wanted to to talk about beyond that uh and that is the idea of motorcycle clubs bikers being called on by normal society we used to call them normies uh by Everyday People to uh to step in and assist in searching situations when a more conventional approach falls short so I kind of wanted to take a minute and kind of talk about that too uh but before I do that is there anybody else saying anything about this in particular that we need to everybody is is talking about that that you know this is ridiculous and a lot of people are upset that fake news or these rumors are going around because it can actually potentially be harmful to people that are out riding around um it's just one of the things that I said said that I know that you Echo as well is that rumors are fun and everything and yeah like the idea of the ha's coming to save the day because we're losing faith in our law enforcement is a cool notion it makes for a cool movie and everything it's very fantastic but at the end of the day spreading rumors and stuff I'm just so tired of the fake news you can't believe anything you see or read about anymore and and if if we make fake news we're no better than MSNBC you know what I mean I mean it's it's not just one side that's the it's you can't trust any of the media and now that's starting to include social media as well right which is where free speech is supposed to live uh and Elon Trump is championing that and Etc did you just say Elon Trump Elon Trump Elon you just said El Trump I did oh spread r u yeah not true not happening don't spread that um but uh yeah that would be uh it would be cool it would be awesome did not really happen but let's talk about the the instances where bikers have been involved uh in things that did happen and then we'll get back to uh to what everybody is kind of saying uh after that uh the first thing that I kind of wanted to talk about is um Bikers Against Child Abuse Becca uh they have been providing a critical service in different communities since 1995 uh for those of you that don't know who they are um they are a group of bikers just like you and I that have come together to make a club that has a service to make abused children feel safe uh now I was hoping Johnny just said now if they see a child or a woman getting harmed in their presence they will step in which is that's right um now I was hoping that we were going to be able to get Pro Mony on here because I know he has been involved with this group before and knows a lot more about it than I do uh but uh what they do is they will make that child feel safe uh cuz a lot of time when when these children have to testify in court the abuser harasses them intimidates them and so the idea is that this club steps in Partners up with that child and will not let anyone harm that child makes that child feel safe um so uh very well recognized effort by bikers to be seen as protectors in this case um I love what these guys do I don't know any of them per se personally uh but I have obviously seen them around at all the different rallies that we do and I highly respect what the what they are are going for um again don't know a lot about them um but um they they protecting children making children feel safe nothing wrong with that right so this is something where the stereotype albeit negative stereotype of bikers is being used positively right one of the things that the children are say when they're involved in this is yes the guy that hurt me is scary but these guys are scarier right so it makes them feel safe to have somebody on their side um so they escort the uh the victim to and from court to and from uh counseling uh there is someone that is is assigned to them in whatever the community is that which that child can call on them anytime day or night um and I'm sure this changes depending on what community you're in um but it really is a group of bikers going out to do the greater good uh but not all examples are quite as rosy and without controversy first thing that I thought of after this involved the Hell's Angels directly and that is the infamous timat um free concert from 1969 uh the Rolling Stones supposedly hired the Hell's Angels to do security for a free concert that they were giving after Woodstock so uh what happened at this event is it ended in violence with a concert go being fatally stabbed by a member of the haas's uh the the incident was then um used to highlight risks of being involved in Outlaw motorcycle clubs as security uh and you know it was it was a mess right and it was used against the ha for a long time after that um the club that I was in we used to do security as well not like this um so it was brought up to us all the time too because this has you know was so well known as an example of something that went back now um Sunny for those of you that don't know Sunny was the leader of the Hell's Angels Nationwide for a really long time um and he was involved in this deal with uh MC Jagger uh and what he says is uh the Rolling Stones offered him free beer the club free beer which was I think $500 worth of free beer which was a lot back then right it's not a lot now but it was a lot back then if they would just kind of hang around the edge of the stage and not let anybody pass which that sounds possible more plausible than making them policemen because that doesn't make sense much at all to me right um so that's what Sunny says happens happened uh and then he says that what happened is when the band got on stage the crowd started getting closer and they started walking over the top of the bikes and if any of you know don't know you don't touch another man's motorcycle they were kicking the bikes the hippies um which meant somebody was on fire after them so that's what started it um and then the the fatality that happened uh there was a uh man that jumped up on stage and was thrown off the stage because that's what they were there to do and he responded with a gun and when he reacted with a gun they jumped him and he died whoops because you do not pull a gun unless you plan to use it do not point it at anything you do not plan to pull the tri on um so that is the story of Altimont for any of you that may not know um and the first thing that I thought of when we were talking about involving um the ha's in security um So that obviously not quite so great uh as far as the the outcome of all of that is concerned uh now the other thing that happened along this same time period Sunny started getting involved into I to do an episode on the haas's as a whole uh because they have a lot of really rich history uh but Sunny was invol got involved in Hollywood he also started to get involved in a lot of politics and um and then he became an actor on SOA if you saw that U but he uh during the Vietnam war a lot of the people in the A's were veterans they're military right um because the biker Club organization is very much a paramilitary organization so they're very Pro Soldier and all of the hippies that were running around um protesting the Vietnam War pissed him off and so the proar people started having their own um rallies and um anti-protest if you will um in support of the war and those people asked the H's to step in and support uh what they were doing be a presence there Etc now to my understanding they did not do that uh he actually had a press conference where he said that he was not going to step in and be involved in that uh providing security for the proar rallies but he did um agree with the idea of protecting the soldiers which the whole idea of protecting soldiers didn't become popular until Rambo came out right way we treated the soldiers from n is uh horrible in my opinion um but he was oh oh my camera's frozen uh you guys don't know that yet but you will hold on I'm going to fix it this happens from time to time don't move uh see if I can find the right cord be right back I hope there we go I don't know it happens from time to time um all right so uh anyway um so they were involved in that it's another example of society calling on uh bikers to do their dirty work um another example came from uh Australia in 2010 um is our New Zealander on no if we don't see him um in in 2010 during the uh Queensland floods some members of the ha's along with other motorcycle clubs were involved in the relief efforts for the communities wasn't an official thing it was their communities so they helped uh and then in 2008 uh motorcycle clubs in South Africa were involved in prot protecting foreign Nationals and business people that were under threat during the xenophobic attacks of 208 so that was involved uh and then September 11th of course we had our own terrorist attacks and the uh Patriot guards uh Patriot Guard Riders and groups of bikers like that cuz I think they were actually formed later um became known for um helping in those efforts being present at military funerals um protecting families from protesters that sort of thing being called on by the military families and their communities they are very community-minded um if you know a lot of people are very much not in my backyard right not not going to happen in my town um they're no different uh they have the the territory rocker uh they take that very seriously it is their territory they are there to protect that town um so it's just a a part of the culture that they're very much involved in um and then Katrina was the same thing right backer clubs came out to help um in Katrina also so while the idea of the Hell's Angels going to Aurora Colorado is controversial um being a part of the you know larger narrative where motorcycle clubs are called upon um or you know have chosen to step in on their own maybe in times of Crisis uh whether they're you know protectors or security providers or First Responders or whatever they're being called to do is a very interesting and complex sometimes contradictory role in um Society um and uh I think that's why a lot of people jumped on board and really wanted this uh to happen because a lot of people feel like the government is not doing it and they wanted somebody to kind of step in um and they thought the like the woman that apologized said she thought they were the most equipped to handle it uh she just didn't know what their rules were or she would not have spoken about them in that way now she's running scared but um I understand the premise I understand what she thought um black dragon who was another YouTuber I think he's actually from Atlanta as well um he thinks that something like this is necessary to wake up our society and get everybody on the same page again because we can all agree that Invaders are going to upset people that are true Americans um so uh either way good idea great story fantasy hopeful it just didn't happen guys um you want to fil me out on what people are saying well a pissed-off American had to split he his pissed off see you later piss um egg says that if anyone ever gets a chance to go to a a a Hell's Angels open house that they should go a clubhouse event rather they should GOC as long as you have you know if you're respectful um if he said it's a really great time I've never been to an ha event I have been to an O event um because they were in Atlanta I think the ha's are here now too but they weren't back in the day and then uh Diane I believe is the name here again I never know if I mean sometimes I can tell if they're men or women but Diane seems like it would be a female Diane Dean d d y an I don't know Diane if it's not your name I'm so sorry be Dean like Dylan I'm gonna say they and it's not because I play the pronoun game it's only because I just don't really know you could just ask do you have a penis um Sunny they said Sunny came to Arizona and stripped 1% Club of Patches he ran a tight ship here in Arizona rest in peace Sunny they uh they gave them Charters here and they are independent and then they say if you get a chance to ride with them do it it's an experience in itself they are hard fast and tight couldn't see the back wheel from back seat yes they that is a tight and I've said this I said this in my group writing instructional video that I did um they are the tightest pack that I've ever seen um I'm not saying they are the tightest I'm not trying to offend anybody but in my experience They Ride great for the record Diane has no penis all right girl power oh goodness um let's see uh anything else that I missed on uh Jay was asking about the trophies behind us oh yes these are um some of them are from bike shows we do bike shows from time to time um we also have my chip collection youna no oh what um me to pull it up every time sure every time that we go to uh a dealership on the bike because going on the card doesn't do it for me um we collect a chip now I just started this since the Alchemy project um started right so since the project back I didn't do it before that um so that's it you can put it back okay but when this is only one of them yeah there's two two we have like I guess we're almost filled this one up back yeah but a lot of it are trophies from uh different bike shows that that we've done um for those of you that that have seen Alchemy uh Alchemy is the bike that I um show at these different I told Jay that she was a pretty [ __ ] you haven't even seen her no not I told Jay that Alchemy was a pretty oh I see we're not talking about Diana anymore although I'm sure she is a pretty [ __ ] I'm not talking about her oh goodness um so yeah that's what all of that is um then we have this you want to talk about this oh this is okay this is Wonder beak and I don't know if you can tell but Wonder beak is kind of tattered you seen better days hi I'm Wonder bak and wonder Bak is a Harley Eagle that is he goes on our little adventures with us and he rides in the back and he has his picture taken in the various places that we go to yep um we are not as faithful with this as we intended to be which was just to stick him in different pictures and uh see if anybody noticed we we're not he has survived rain he has survived a lot what else is back there that's it right oh we got evil con eval here yeah you can V of that one yeah evil can evil uh puppet my son gave me that some pigs yeah some Hogs we got hogged we've got a uh an episode on hogging too if you don't know what hogging is uh and this something that we try to do when we go to rallies as well is we hog other bikes um because you know camaraderie what's up tiger just said what a pecker on that bird that's why I keep it around gross oh goodness so um what do you guys think about bikers in society and being asked to help in society or step the fact that most of the time uh we've been on the other side of society right most bikers are Outcast um now in in since I've been writing uh which is later than a lot of people um it's not been as bad 50s 60s 7s um bikers were very much a counterculture very much disrespected uh they had laws in place that were anti- biker uh some of those laws still exist handlebar Heights that's sort of thing um now uh since then it's like I we did a show on how cops treat us um not too long ago uh I haven't really had any issues with with cops um some people do um but I have not seen any myself unless it was deserved right um they're talking about um Outlaws yes and if they're nice if they're good guys or whatever they were saying that some Outlaws are really great guys most all bikers are good people um the the 1ed people um there's lots of the the different one percenters that exist um and they are still bikers they're still good people um they have a different set of rules their give a damn is busted my give a dam is busted too but they're give a dam is busted in a very organized fashion um but uh yeah it's it's respect is a really big thing uh for them be very careful not to disrespect a 1center and you'll be fine but then again you shouldn't disrespect anyone especi I mean men are really really big on respect okay so interesting little story um so egg okay so Jay was talking about the Outlaws and egg said that that there that that's where he got his Dina from was the Outlaws he said that he traded a Road King to a guy for the Dina and then he says he was at a bar and uh the support Club was giving AEG crap because they recognized the bike he had to call his friend that he got it from he had to hand them the phone and then the drinks were off true true very true that's pretty funny um yeah bikes are recognizable and if they think you stole it you are in trouble very true um particularly because um there was a time when the cops would pull them over confiscate their bikes and then the cops would try to go undercover with those bikes so yeah you were under suspicion my friend okay so um tiger says he's hoping to spend the day at smokeout tomorrow or Saturday if the back eases off a little so you might get to see tiger good um I am like I said I'm not planning on going into the the grounds tomorrow um but um you can and um you can reach me uh I think in my phone number on the website let me see if it's not I'll give it to you here you can always reach me um via social media as well pull all the clothes out of the dryer it may not be on here put them away get packed for tomorrow there it is if you go to the bottom of um our graveyard biker.com page you can see uh the phone number where you can text it says message or call don't call me um text me text Hees I want call them if you want or no um no no don't okay I don't want the the Gremlins to find it um if somebody's listening and and they want want to contact me you're more than welcome to uh but I don't want um send them all your dickpics Gremlin do not do that send him some dickpics don't make me change the number just so we're clear I don't get them he gets them if you're going to send a dick pick I mean it's but yeah if you're going to going to be up there I'd be more than uh more than happy to hang out it'd be awesome yeah tiger says we'll do um and then again um I think if you message me on uh Facebook at least it'll come to a notification on my phone as well um I don't don't know if Instagram or Tik Tok come to my phone I get them but I don't know that I get them in real time um so without giving the world access to me that's the best ways to get a hold of me what else what's going on um Rick says that we do a hell of a lot more than most people I know for the community I'm old old school I remember the bad old days been there done that um Diane says that she met a lot of great people in all the 1% clubs been in the biker world since the late 60s Texas Chicago Florida Seattle Oakland Montana New Mexico they decide what respect means not or what disrespect means not you Diane's gotten around haven't you girl that's awesome I say that respectfully egg says it was so cool how just handling handing the phone over not even five minute talk and they treated me like family that whole night yep um Jay says y'all should definitely check out redneck rumble's bike shows and you will definitely enjoy they have several and are some of the largest in the Southeast now are they attached to a uh event or are they their own thing I'm going to look it up as we speak red deck Rumble you know there's something else that I found out about which is evidently famous um when I went up to uh homecoming which was um I can't remember the name of it Mama NOS I think which does Mama Tried M yeah um and I've never they have bike shows too that are very famous famous enough to be involved in the uh um I see it right here be involved in the uh the Harley Museum but I've never been to one all right I see that uh redneck Rumble is oh that page is out of business R roll good that means I got to do it again redneck Rumble spring redneck Rumble 2024 if you click on that it now goes away Lebanon Tennessee so not far from where we're going to be the redneck Rumble is the car show portion in the bike shows are called different things he can't remembers them all he cannot remember them all so it is the South's biggest baddest hot rod custom car rod and rat show swap meet Etc um schedule June August 27th oops wheer time is oh I'll keep it I'll put them on my list of things to watch out for for sure um in Maggie Valley yeah yeah if you um North Carolina if you're connected yes if you're connected to them on Facebook um send it to me so I can cuz I see lots of Flyers here um but if you're connected to them send it to me so I can make sure I connect with them as well um Australia is in the house Dave Channel Australia is in the house he says all right bod is from the Netherlands wow all over the place here we talked about Australia a little bit earlier I don't know if you heard us we talked about New Zealand no no we talked about Australia we we talked about um I wasn't listening we talked about the the um the guy from New Zealand but we I was I brought him up because of we were talking about Australia time it's awesome I haven't actually been I've been to Maggie Valley and he gets to go to the museum and I'm stuck on babysitting detail I never get to go I haven't been there yet but I heard it's great yeah you know if custody schedules suck that's all I'm going to say I got a head tacos ads is that Zach Taco I don't know what that is so we've only been interrupted twice that's not bed right do for Diane's in her 70s bitching yep that's CRA she she just uh lost her partner last year Bo very sad but it's pretty rad that she's in her 70s and I think I've talked I think I've talked to you in the comments who Diane mm oh cool yeah tiger went to Wheeler time a couple years ago really liked it yeah I met the uh the guys that that run a TV show out of there um I'm involved in media so and uh Richard I met there as well he was on last show so let's see uh Gary says I learned a lot about the biker World from my uncle that was a Hell's Angel and then one was the founder of Diamond Dogs here in Ohio I guess Gary's from Ohio hi Gary uh Jay said I just messaged him on the phone I will let you know the name of the rumbles bike show shortly all right and then Dave says uh small YouTuber big 81 supporter Co Dave his name is Dave's Channel what up Dave's Channel Down Under Dave all righty well does anybody else have anything they they want to talk about now or think I should talk about next time um for those of you that that have uh watched the show for some time um I usually come up with these ideas and then um a conversation starters and then plan the show around that uh I used to have these shows every week um I don't do that anymore um because it takes um a lot of time to do it I started doing them because YouTube gave us the whole super thanks Super Chat thing um with 500 subscribers so that's why I started doing them uh we haven't seen a whole lot out of that so I backed off because of how much effort it takes to do these shows uh but I do like getting on here and talking to you guys um so I just have to have something to say first right before I get now droop would just get on and shoot the [ __ ] I I don't shoot the [ __ ] ah Clayton just popped on hi Clayton uh he said answer the title of your show are they going to Aurora why you are tardy to the party sir tardy to the party no they're not no they didn't no they never were um watch the replay uh the whole thing was said set in um in motion by a girl on Tik Tok who is now scared out of her mind and apologizing to the ha's for mentioning them at all but no did not happen it was just a story that got everybody excited it's not even fake news it's just an OV exuberant fan girl well it wasn't just her though everybody wanted it that's the thing everybody just grabbed it they just thought oh what a cool idea and they wanted it to be true that's it yeah everybody wanted it to be true because it would have been cool but it wasn't going to happen yeah Gary you're right Gary said that if the ha's were going they're not going to put it on social media got you Clayton no problem word um cool thanks was at oh clayon was at work all right you get a pass fine go make that money no problem um boy oh boy got some traction it definitely got a lot of traction I uh I posted I always post um whenever we're going to do a live I post a little promo of what we're going to talk about on all of our social media well Tik Tok took this particular subject and lit on fire the interesting thing about it though is that people were talking about it on Tik Tok and completely forgot the fact that it was talking about the fact that we were going to talk about it later and they wanted to talk about it right then so very interesting how people you know just want to to to jump in and and uh the fact that everybody kind of got involved is kind of exciting too though right because everybody um wanted to talk about it um which says something right uh we did have a couple of um oh hell lefties that that wanted that wanted to uh to complain um but uh yeah for the most part um everybody was in support of the idea of it happening it just wasn't going to happen uh and if you know Club life it was never going to happen at least not in that way if it was going to happen you would have found out about it afterwards not before when the you know the FBI can come over and run them down with a helicopter um oh I can't I I can't typ um yeah uh Rick said if they were going to do anything by the time they posted a video or a post it would have been already over it would have been done and I said they would work under cover of night not cover of news right and there's a lot of people that you know this story broke on um I think I found out about Saturday morning or Sunday morning um Sunday uh Sunday or Monday actually so if maybe they're on their way they would have been there by Monday no matter where they were coming from um just about no matter where they're coming from so the fact that people are still talking about it um it obviously did not happen J Jay is asking a question you just answered but do you all do a live show every Thursday not every Thursday um what we do is whenever there's a I get asked about things enough um usually it's um um points of conversation for the community um then I come on usually at least once a month and I will announce it on our social media and in our normal um videos that we do um so you have to kind of be subscribed to be notified about what's going on uh not only on the YouTubes but and any of the other um social media channels that we're on um because it could be two weeks from now it could be 3 weeks from now it could be five weeks from now it depends on whenever there's something noteworthy to say but I do like to check in with people at least once a month if I can uh because I I enjoy spending time with y'all yeah um uh what was it Johnny uh rigan asked um I don't know who was it oh Clayton wanted to know why there was such an increase in the percentage of ha 1centers in that area and it's because of two different bike ralles that are yeah they they were um well they have a presence there already uh but yes they were there for an event which just happened to be she was unaware of that and so people were going to the event and people were like oh they're going to Aurora egg says I mean they're may be a bunch of guys in masks and civilian clothing that may or may not ride bikes showing up you never know Andy guys well we got you here if you want to like And subscribe our YouTube channel that would be really awesome like And subscribe like And subscribe we have to do that kiss the ring the more that you like and subscribe to us the more we're able to reach people and have these conversations and bring all of you guys together yep yep so please do hit the Bell hit the like thing make a comment when you like stuff if ever you guys are having a a you know 3:00 a.m. thought with yourself a shower conversation whatever you want to call them where you're all of a sudden contemplating something that involves the community shoot me a a message let me know I'd be more than happy to bring it up here with the community and talk about it um there's a lot of of uh really good things that have kind of uh come out of those 3:00 a.m. ideas if you will Gary says I would love to see these gangs try to do this crap in Kentucky or West Virginia they wouldn't have to worry about bikers coming to take over the problem yeah I mean the people are are talking about Trump made a point to say that this was happening in more places than just Colorado um and I think I heard in the comments of I think it was Tik Tok people talking about um other places like New York and basically any Refugee City this type of stuff's happening in um but in any of them we still don't have the ha's coming to to take care of business so yeah the AJ's got bigger stuff to do or or they don't either way they don't want to get involved unless they have to hey okay so everybody droop is sitting um with his bare feet next to a fire Barrel right now he just posted this 25 seconds ago naked Fe for those of you that know droop let's embarrass him let him know we're talking about him sexy ass feet I'm going to tell him say biker Barbie thinks you got some sexy ass feet droop is good people he's been a a champion of our channel in so uh we like to give him special love when we can not with the feet just in general so P says keep up the good work greetings from Richard da of the Netherlands I've got to go to sleep see yall next time take care and be safe bye brother thanks thanks for checking us out we're actually going to shut it down here um I appreciate you guys coming together and talking and uh again like I said uh keep in touch with us and if you have any good ideas for conversations shoot us a message let us know and uh we'll go from there somebody say something else Danielle says that she drove limo for the ha's they are smart businessmen not going to put themselves out there for the cops to get involved interesting limo very interesting that is for sure um hello guys sorry that's automatic barue Rick says I've hung out with Dro I didn't recognize him with his Shir yeah good night tiger all right guys we're going to call it aight here as well if you would if you haven't already uh go ahead and in the chat tell us where you're from so that we have an idea of where everybody is uh is located at tonight if you haven't told us already please go ahead and do that um the chat will be live until I turn it off even though the show is going to be over um and uh we appreciate you guys coming in checking out with us and we'll talk to you again soon thanks [Music] e e e e e e

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Mikey Keene | Keene To Help | NIL Fresno State

Category: Autos & Vehicles

So this right here is the king of motocross yeah coach not now mikey all right just keen to help man look how clean this is yeah coach not right now mikey just kean to help all right we've got your 2019 triumph ready to go yeah coach not now mikey all right just keen to help you know what i'll take... Read more

EMERGENCY!! ⚠️ More City areas TAKEN HOSTAGE - Biker GANGS Threaten to SHUT DOWN Aurora thumbnail
EMERGENCY!! ⚠️ More City areas TAKEN HOSTAGE - Biker GANGS Threaten to SHUT DOWN Aurora

Category: News & Politics

This is big breaking emergency news more buildings and more apartment complexes have been taken over by these gangs and we are also getting a new warning by the mayor of aurora colorado he is warning that he thinks these gangs are being funded and they're being put here on purpose that's what he is... Read more

#112 1953 74ci panhead bike tune-up, repair, carb tuning kick start get running harley tatro machine thumbnail
#112 1953 74ci panhead bike tune-up, repair, carb tuning kick start get running harley tatro machine

Category: Autos & Vehicles

One my first year i really make sure it actually does close throttle close thr right i can't tell because i can't get in there [music] straight nope she is not closing so we got to go up there and do that why is that turned to a 90° c almost what's up with that with what why this w cable go like this... Read more


Category: Sports

What's going on everybody woo the tennessee titans the tennessee titans the tennessee titans have signed jamal adams jamal adams is a tennessee titan ladies and gentlemen are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me amman hooker has some [ __ ] help amman hooker's got some help let's go... Read more


Category: Sports

[laughter] once you want to yeah and that one [music] on two one two successive start longest run of starts for everton whose machala sir what a cold this brazilian brilliant again hakuna sir that man strikes what's more i'll tell you what that is just reward for everton he started the game shoot early... Read more