Who would join the Big Ten if the Big East breaks up?

Music hey hey and welcome into the Big 10 huddle I'm your host JR we've got a lot to talk about going on in the Big 10 and we have the basketball episode tonight Kent with us here Kent how you doing tonight man I'm doing great man I'm pulling double duty for your show this week I'm feeling pretty good dude I am I Introductions I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight I know we're going to talk about basketball a lot for like an hour and you know that's what I love to talk about but it's going to be tough going to bed tonight no we got three football games tomorrow I'm I can't wait man I don't know what I'm going to do tonight I'm going to have to take some melatonin I I'm right there with you I was thinking to myself earlier I was like I'm kind of glad we're only talking about basketball tonight because I've talked so much about football I just wanted to be here that it's like just need this to happen so I need to talk about something else other than football so little bit of basketball it's preseason offseason kind of stuff but you know hey there's still some interesting top topics to talk about and discuss and either have a good time tonight yeah let's do it man that sounds fun all right let's get into the first one here uh there we go the most Most Disrespected Team disrespected program in the Big 10 so we could take this a couple different ways here Ken we could take this just for like this season we could say like the most disrespected program overall in the history whatever Direction you want to take it I kind of took it this year just like who's being disrespected right now kind of in the power rankings and the odds stuff like like that so uh my thought process was we'll let you do one I'll do one and we'll just kind of keep going until we run out there how's that sound that sounds fun for me all right go ahead so I I actually did that the same thing that you were thinking I was kind of going off of this year and you know the best way for me to do it because there's a lot of people that put out Power Rankings and say like this is the best team or these are the best teams and this is how it's ranked right now so I feel like the only fair way to do it is kind of look at what the odds are for each team to win the Big 10 like as of right now so I kind of did it three different ways I took a team that I thought was at the top of the Big 10 that's too low on those odds and then like a middle team and then a lower team so the first team that I would talk about that I think is going to be near the top that's going to be a top five team this year and the odds are not indicating that right now is Illinois I think that they have a built a roster this year that is going to be able to compete immediately I think that Brad Underwood is a good enough coach I don't think he's the best coach when it comes to basketball I think he's a fantastic recruiter and I think he does a good job running his program but um I think he's good enough at coaching basketball that he's going to have his team near the top and if you look at the odds right now they're plus 1,000 still I know we're not talking about betting primarily but that's pretty low for a team that I think could potentially win the entire conference this year I put them right up in the category with UCLA Purdue and Indiana and all of those teams as far as odds and even in people's Power Rankings get a lot of respect for this upcoming year rightfully so they should but Illinois I have right there in that top four mix and they're not getting that same respect so I would say that for this upcoming season the top team that you have to mention is Illinois yeah I actually at Illinois on my list as well I just feel like because of the transfers this year they're getting a little disrespected when I look at some of the power rankings by Isaac trod and some of the other kind of big 10 uh beat writers and stuff out there not so much like the smaller ones not to disrespect them but you know when you think of disrespected you kind of think of the largest national people writing about them and so um yeah I thought of Illinois as well I saw them all the way down at 12th on one list I was like that is just way too low for Illinois I know they're bringing in a lot of transfers but they went out and got some other players out of um uh out of Europe as well and I think that that's going to be beneficial for him Ty Rogers is coming back it's not like you can't say nobody is there from last year now granted Ty Rogers was not the largest contributor last year however he is going to help with that culture that Brad Underwood was able to establish Lish much better I think two years ago the culture was was lacking I don't think anybody can argue that you literally had Matthew what's his last name was it Barry Perry something um the the dude that drank all the monsters like that was just not a great culture uh going on over there but uh I mean credit to Brad Underwood he corrected it last year and uh that's that's one of the reasons why they got to of the elite a and honestly they were probably a final four team they just ran into the best team in college basketball last year yeah and and when you look at transfer success at least what's happened so far like in the last couple of years you want to look at who's going to have their ball who's going to have the ball in their hand the most and I think that for Illinois to go get a guy like kylin Boswell and someone that has experience the experience that he has um I think that that's going to bode really well for them it's not like that guy's just coming in and he has no what's going on I think that uh he'll be able to immediately make a change uh not and he doesn't even really have to make a change for Illinois's culture I mean they went to the elite eight last year so it's not like you know he's got to go fix their program or anything he's just got to be a guy that can control the pace of the game and uh get the ball to the right people's hands at the right time and I think that he will be able to do that so you know and again it just goes back to what I just said at the beginning of this whole St statement transfer success especially with guards is very important and I think that getting kylin is a is a big deal for them a bigger deal than people are making it yeah no for sure I think kylin was a great pickup for Brad uh and the rest of that team in the transfer portal um Dylan is here he says I miss bro casual I don't think Kent would uh would wear that dress up again if I paid him to I came up here to record it and actually all the stuff was still right here and I was like oh man I didn't even take care of that last night uh Dylan was uh dming in the Xbox Dynasty message thing that we have and saying that he liked bro casual better because I was talking junk to him about not winning this week yeah he even though I don't know if he won or not I wasn't really paying attention I was just talking junk uh and Philip says Kent is going to say Northwestern is being disrespected because of Collins and Brook well or Brooks well um I actually was going to say Collins next for me uh with Northwestern I was like I'm going to actually wait to say this and give Kent the chance but seriously like Northwestern to me is being disrespected this year I think they bring back more than people are giving them credit for they bring back Martinelli and uh Nicholson Ty Barry coming back injury U Brooks barnheiser obviously like yeah they're not bringing back um booooy so that sucks but at the end of the day like they still have some really nice pieces there I do question who is going to be kind of that Alpha of the team that's going to come in at the last minute and make the place I think tberry has it in him but we'll have to see but I mean where I've been seeing Northwestern I've been seeing Northwestern down at like 161 17 in some Power Rankings I'm like guys they are not going to be that bad like Nebraska USC and Washington exist like yeah maybe not Washington or not uh USC USC could be better than that uh we'll see with with uh what Eric musan can put together and I think Eric musan is a really good coach so uh it's just kind of the unknown right now but still at the very least Nebraska and Washington and Minnesota exist so um they're not going to be all the way down there could they be a middle of the pack team sure I could see that happening but Northwestern brings back too much for them to be considered a 167 18 team in this league I think if they're a middle of the pack team it's more of a compliment to the teams that we're going to have at the top and less of an indictment on Northwestern for next year and the only reason I didn't bring them up first is because when I looked at the notes today I I more took it as a team for just this year but uh you know to Phillip's Point Northwestern is disrespected every year every single year they get no respect they're like Rodney Dangerfield of of the Big 10 Basketball they get no respect none whatsoever and that goes for football too by the way like that they I know we're not talking about football it's on my mind but their whole school just gets no respect is kind of my point like no matter what sport it is I just feel like when someone sees Northwestern on the schedule they're like oh that's a win and then they actually got to go play the game and they're like wait a minute they got some dudes they got some dudes on this team and I think that next year you're right man you made the exact same point I was going to make is that they don't have that go-to guy at the end of games right now I don't know if Tyber is it he might be he's he might have to be it might be Brooks actually he might have to be at the top of the key and break somebody down at the at the end of the game with 5 Seconds to go to go get a win I guess I don't know but um I think that they're going to be a good enough team that they might not be in that position they might win games anyways where they don't need that guy at the end of games they're going to play good enough defense and they're going to score enough that they they won't need to do that I guess I mean I don't know the Big 10 is so evenly matched I feel like you have to have that guy at the end of the games um I just think you have booy like I think you have Ty Barry and I think Ty Barry can turn into that guy and I think Burke bizer can be that guy for you at times too which just you just don't have booy I mean one of the best players in all of you know Martinelli might be that guy honestly could be Martin Nelly like he he actually does have a little bit of that dog in him where he's like I can I can go get you a bucket right now like he like he has that no fear type mentality I think sometimes you saw that a little bit in like the opening round of the NCAA tournament last year where he was just like I'm going to be that guy right now he had a great first half that game uh against he did against uh oh man it was uh it was May team it was Dusty May team FAU yeah like played really good against him in the first half and it was just like man maybe he's that guy and that's what I was going to say like everybody is picking them to be over or Michigan to be over them and it's like Chris Collins just beat Dy May and Dy may had a like by all the numbers he had a more talented team than what Chris Collins had atth Western so Collins wins that one Collins brings back almost he brings back I don't think Martin Nelly started last year right he brings back three of the F of the five starters so granted like I said you don't bring back booy but still you bring back a good amount of guys here and dusy may is off to Michigan where he is bringing in Vlad and Danny wolf and Rod Gil and and Trey Donaldson right I mean some of those guys those are really good pieces but do we think those guys are going to click and be together right away maybe we'll see but uh I don't know I just I don't think that some teams should be picked over Northwestern as consistently as they are and maybe they will finish better than Northwestern but as of right now I have more question marks about some other teams than Northwestern I totally agree with that who's your you have your second third team I have a couple more teams that I I guess I could mention I'll do this so you don't have to I feel like Ohio State's not getting a ton of respect for next year and I think that you know you know this better than anyone so you can probably speak on the transfers a little bit more by name than I can but I know that they brought a big guy what was the big guy that they brought in that like is supposed to be their M Aaron Bradshaw okay so Bradshaw and uh you know I love Bruce thoron I think he's gonna be great next year I think he's going to be potentially Player of the Year type guy next year now I know everyone's just like it's Braden Smith like he's going to be the guy he's going to have to be the guy for Purdue and maybe he will be that's that's great that's great for Purdue but Bruce Thorton's not going to go down without a fight he's going to have to carry Ohio State a little bit and he can he can he's that talented so um I'm excited to see him play and and I don't think anyone's talking about Ohio State you know a team that they're kind of like okay newish Coach I guess he coached a little bit last year you know does debler really have it have enough whatever it is to carry a program through an entire season we'll find out next year but you know what if he does what if he actually is a good coach and that Purdue game wasn't a fluke and Bruce Thorton really is that guy and Bradshaw is really a beast down low Ohio state is going to be good next year and no one's talking about them so are they getting disrespected not really no one's saying anything bad about them but also no one's really mentioning them in those in those top five conversations either though yeah I mean I don't know sometimes I'm too pessimistic of a St basketball fan I don't think they're top five I definitely think they're top half of the league and I've seen some where they're kind of on that borderline I don't I don't know if I've seen him as low as like 12th uh but I've definitely seen him down at like 10th or 11th I think they're going to be a top half of the league team I do think that um uh debler is getting a little bit of disrespect just because he's like a new coach but I mean he literally went out there and beat Matt painer and Tom ISO last year and took Brad Underwood to the the game some people would argue he would have beat Brad Underwood if it wasn't for the referee and I don't like making that argument personally so I'm not making it I'm just saying some people would make that argument um but at the end of the day like he he was in all almost every single game he was in or that he played in coached in sorry I'm getting all mixed up and like he he's a good coach he showed that last year he was able to take a team that Chris Holman wasn't able to win with and he was able to go out and beat Purdue and win at Michigan State beat Nebraska I mean he was able to do those things that maybe it was a fluke I don't know maybe it was a fluke but I just I don't think the debler disrespect and that's I guess maybe that's what I attribute more to is just the debler disrespect like I get it he's a new coach but he he's he did really well last year in the Big 10 taking over a team that Chris Holman couldn't win with so um Philip says we have to also do overrated just so that way we can mention Maryland I realize I was on mute I was just saying about debler too like he got took he got put in a very tough position he did fine uh but what did Philip say here got to do overrated as well just to get the fact that Willard sucks yeah I feel like if we don't go an episode without saying that Kevin Willard sucks then we we're not doing our job oh this is not a Big 10 Basketball podcast if you don't mention that Kevin Willard sucks at least once every episode and that's the thing like if we have a Maryland fan in here they'd be like yeah we agree yeah for sure they would be right on board they like other than getting Derek queen other than getting Derek Queen they're like yeah he sucks yeah um Jeff Park says I think I saw on sleepers that Terence okby put a big 10 power rating out and he put Northwestern 18 I saw that as well crazy I think he also picked Michigan State to win like oh I did see that tweet too and that's the only you saying that is where I stopped reading it actually they had he had Michigan State winning and I was like yeah this isn't this isn't worth winning yeah so if we're going to mention overrated programs I'd put Michigan State in there because they're not winning the Big 10 this year no and I know I get called a hater from Michigan State all the time but like show me how they're going to win the Big 10 this year like what are they going to do in order to win it they have Jeremy VI Jr and Xavier Booker which I think will be a nice Duo we'll touch on that later but I don't see the other players around them they're going to have Frankie fidler should be nice but I don't think he's going to be the star player that is is going to like Jaden Akens Jaden Akens is going to be nice but is he going to be the star player that contends for Big 10 Player of the Year like they don't have Tyson Walker like I think you need somebody like Tyson Walker if you're going to win the Big 10 could they be top five sure but I I don't see them winning the Big 10 I think Michigan State fans would push back and say like we don't have to have a guy that's going to be in the player of the year contention to still win the conference I think that's what they would respond to you by saying if you have a big man that can consist ently play sure if Xavier Booker turns into that sure but Xavier Booker did not play enough last year for me to have confidence that he's going to turn into a star big man in the league that's just me that's fair that's just me all right uh let's hit a commercial break really fast and then we'll come back and we'll look at some torvic big 10 assists per game projections CBB analytics isn't just another stat site it's your ultimate destination for in-depth college basketball analysis used by fans and even the coaches it has comprehensive stats for men's and women's basketball across Division 1 through three dating all the way back 2018 from shooting percentage to game recap CBB analytics has it all try CBB analytics for free or pay for a tier to take your basketball knowledge to the next Torvik Projected Assist per Game Leaders level oh there we go all right torvic projected Big 10 assists per game leaders I put them down here I did forget to put the numbers I apologize but hopefully you can read numbers well enough uh if you're listening on podcast the top 10 goes Braden Smith 5.9 Jeremy fears 5.7 Ace Baldwin Jr five Brock Hardin 4.8 Bruce thoron four Dylan Andrews 3.9 he's from UCLA Trey Galloway 3.4 uh shelstad I forget his first name at Oregon 3.3 kyin Boswell Boswell 3.2 and then jacobe Gillespie at Maryland 3.1 uh Kent give me some of your thoughts here anybody too high uh on this list is there anybody you think they're not nearly going to be that high let's start let's start there anybody too high and then we'll get to too low well immediately the first thing that jumped off to me was anyone on Iowa being on this list and especially someone on Iowa that I don't know yet and haven't seen play so I would say that you know Brock Harden being that high I would say uh I need to see that first before I can say you know that Brock going to be a top five guy in the conference when it comes to dishing the Rock but the Counterpoint to that would be that Iowa always scores a ton of points and somebody's gonna have to be getting those assists it might as well be him so I guess I'm kind of arguing with myself on that one I don't hate the top of the list but then I'll go back to the same argument I just made for Brock or against Brock about Jeremy fears like he's going to be second in the conference we haven't really seen him play yet like that's a pretty bold prediction just to say that right off the rip especially when we just got done talking about maybe his Supporting Cast especially on the Block is not going to be something that we're very excited about so who's he who's he passing to to get all these assists you know is he get is is he passing just to Jaden Akens and you know who else I don't know who else he's going to get these assists from so Savor Booker but yeah I guess I don't know that's pretty bold to say that he's going to be second in the conference in assists so uh I I would say that those two kind of jumped off the list the rest of the list didn't really uh as far as the top 10 goes none of it really surprised me though yeah I Brock Hardin uh kind of surprised me as well but if you look at his numbers like assist percentage assist per 40 minutes assists per 100 possessions he was right up there with Elijah Hawkins and Bren Smith so the whole AR ment there is that he just didn't have the usage last year Tony Perkins was 4.6 assists per game if Brock Hardin was in there and he got 40 minutes per game he actually would have led the conference in assists per game or assists per 40 minutes which was 9.7 Elijah Hawkins oh so sad uh with nine and then Bren Smith 8.8 and I just say so sad because he's not back this year I wish Elijah Hawkins was playing in the Big 10 again uh but I mean that's that's your top three right there and then if you go to assist per 100 possessions it would be Elijah Hawkins 13.6 Brock Hardin 13.4 and BR Smith 13.2 so I mean he had the numbers to be up there he just didn't have the minutes played or the usage in order to be up there in the average per game um I think Jeremy fears as well is too high just because like we haven't seen him I think he's going to be good I don't know if he's going to average 5.7 just because we haven't seen him I I mean you're eventually going to get assist somewhere Tom ISO is going to have somebody running the point of this team that's going to be able to get assists so I'm not it's going to be somebody from MIchigan state and if Jeremy FS is the one who's starting there it has to be him and then my other one I I don't think Trey Galloway is going to be that high for Indiana I think that the uh miles rice is going to be much more the ball handler and distributor there so I don't know why they have Trey Galloway ahead of Miles rice maybe I'm missing something there maybe they've been something in practice that has come out that I've not seen but I don't think it's gonna be Trey Galloway that high no it it's not I don't think you're missing anything and I'm gonna go back one beat real quick because I watched a ton of Iowa basketball last year I don't remember Brock Harding touching the floor this man played 10 minutes a game how am I not remembering this guy at all was I too focused on Tony Perkins last year was that my problem my problem I was just zoned in on him the entire game there was a comment from Jeff Parks too he had he had the same comment as you he said uh for IU to have a successful year they need rice to have more assists than Galloway well they also need rice to have more assists than Malik renew I think and if I'm reading this list right he's One Beat ahead of him at 14 and then miles rice is at 15 so there's technically two guys on Indiana that are in front of Miles rice and Jeff is absolutely right miles rice should be the leading assist man for Indiana so um I'm right with both you guys on that yeah I mean miles rice has to be up there I mean you need miles rice to have over five assists per game in order for Indiana to be successful this year now if Trey Galloway really steps up and starts providing that more sure he could be under five but the way that Indiana is going to operate this year and the way Mike Woodson wanted uh oh what's his name chaotic dude last year everybody said he was gonna be good the point guard last year that was just complete chaos his entire time there and got ejected all kinds zero I can't remember yeah whatever his name was I forget but anyway he uh you know like he he he was not able to deliver the way that Mike Woodson wanted him to so if you have a point guard in there that's actually running the offense in such a way that's not Gabe cups then I mean that that's what Indiana is going to have to have if they're going to be successful this season so um I like Bruce Thorton up there in the top five I I kind of feel like he's going have more than four I don't know maybe maybe I'm too high on Bruce Thorton I think more like four and a half would be my guess but uh we'll see he was good last year with his assists he had 4.8 assists per game last year so I don't know if they're just projecting that the production will be down because of Mei Johnson and he's going to be holding the ball more but I like to think with Mei Johnson out there you're actually you have a better shooter than Rody Gil was so you might be assisting more to him than you were with Rody Gil yeah that guy's name by the way Philip got it before I could look it up it's Xavier Johnson he was number zero so at least I got that part right you did good yeah no I'm right with you with Bruce Thorton like I said uh in the previous segment I'm high on him this year I think he's going to be right there in Player of the Year conversation if he's near the top five in assists I think he'll also be near the top five in a score in scoring as well regardless of what he does with assists those things are not correlated I think he's going to be top five in both of them though um yeah I think he's going to have a great year and that's one of the reasons I brought them up uh as a team that's getting disrespected because I think he's gonna be one of the best players in the league this year he has to be if Ohio State's gonna be a top five team in the league he has to be he will be he will be Jr all right do you believe me for once I I believe I believe uh Philip says Harding could be higher because of Iowa pace of play and the lack of the ball handlers true Josh Josh dicks is going to be starting out there with him he's not I mean he's basically a score really not much else other than that so I mean maybe maybe he develops in that more into his game but Josh Dix is mostly a score so yeah um all right guys that are too low maybe guys that are too low in the top 10 or if you want to dig somebody up like a miles rice we just talked about him so maybe we already talked about too low but was there anybody else that you thought uh they're way down there they need to be much higher I'm I'm going to talk about miles rice Moore in the next segment so I'll skip him for right now I'm going to bring up another guy that we just talked about though and I'm going to say Jaden Akens from Michigan State he's all the way down at 51 and the reason why I bring him up is because what we just talked about we don't really know what we're going to get out of Jeremy Fier Jr so there's a potential that ISO is going to do ISO things and say hey I'm goingon to rely on a guy that's been here for a couple years that I trust and he might have to run the offense he might have to be the guy bringing the ball up and say this is our guy right now that's kind of controlling the pace and going to get the ball in the right spot so I think that Jaden aens being down at 51 uh he could be scratching the top 20 top 15 uh and if he has a really good year and if if things really go sideways with Jeremy fears he could be in the top 10 so I I'll bring his name up as one person yeah no I think you're right I think Jay nens that's part of the reason why Jeremy Fierce probably won't be that high is cuz you have Jaden Akens handling the ball and probably getting some assists as well and you're going to need that if you want uh Michigan State to be good this year they have Trey Hallman ahead of him and they have who was it Richardson yeah jce Richardson tied with Jaden Akens I just I don't see that this year Jaden aens yeah he's a senior I just don't see that happening uh philli says kaparis chunis I think I said that right if I did give me a high five no you did not say it right not even close they have him down at 57 at 1.7 I I don't know what it is with uh junis shakon J KJ that's right that's what uh said KJ uh I don't know what they have going on with KJ right now like they have him at 7.1 points per game 1.7 assists per game only 3.5 rebounds per game I think he's going to get a lot more usage than that um well actually they have his usage up at 21 which is a pretty high usage so yeah but out of those three numbers I think assists would be the last thing that I would be arguing for him to be higher on I think I would say points and especially I think rebounds would be number one like I I would expect him to get more than two rebounds a game next year I hope he had three 3.5 oh I'm sorry I thought you said7 for rebounds okay no yeah yeah 1.7 for assists sorry okay okay okay so yeah um yeah I don't know I don't know how much he's going to be passing the ball I have no idea he feel just kind of sleeping on him just because he's coming over from Europe and it's hard to figure that out yeah I don't know torvic seems to have a hard time with players like that every now and then I don't I don't mind him down there though like I would prefer if I was an Illinois fan I would prefer him to be down there I want that guy scoring I want kylin to do all the passing I want him to control the offense I want him to give it to KJ so that KJ can go score like I I would want kylin to be near the top of the league and he is in the top 10 so that's I if I'm Illinois fan I'm fine with that what's crazy though I just realized is KJ is their second leader in assists behind no there was one I think Ty Rogers was up there too yeah he is he's at 31 oh okay all right he's at 2.1 okay yeah I just scrolled too fast and didn't see it he is third though so yeah still uh that's not very high uh Ace Baldwin last year had six assist per game I don't know what the thought process is for him to go down to five uh and entire and entire assists per game going down seems to be uh a little Troublesome I mean they do lose their big man from last year and I don't know who is their big man this year I just saw his puff Johnson is it puff Johnson I think puff Johnson's Still on the roster I think okay okay he cannot be relied on as their big man though right no well that that's that was the Penn State problem last year is they didn't really have a reliable Big Man on offense the guy last year could rebound but he really wasn't a threat on offense I was going to bring pin stayed up as a team that gets disrespected but they should if we had enough time I was going to be like okay what teams get disrespect that deserve disrespect it would have been Penn State immediately just for this year like I I love Penn State normally but they are definitely in a rebuild though I think Mike rhs is a good coach he's just got to get a big man I do too I like him yeah I think he struck out on most of his big men in the portal so uh Jeff says the MSU base has won an Atkins in the two slot instead of the three for two years they want him scoring the ball more they Distributing yeah I think what my argument is though that like who else is who's the backup point guard I don't really know I'll be honest is it Trey Hallman who Trey Hollman oh I guess it would be him I think he was the one coming off the bench last year to play when you said Trey and then something with the Alo in it though I immediately thought of Trey Galloway and I was like he transferred to Michigan State I forgot about Hollman the headband guy yeah uh I that would be but no he's not a point he's not a ball handler he seems like he is maybe he's not maybe he will be under control next year I have no idea yeah I just feel like I don't know maybe I'm maybe I'm reading this wrong but I just feel like ISO is the type of guy that's like things are going just minorly sideways he's like ah screw it give it to Jaden let him take it up you know what I mean like just so quick like an angry Jaden go get the ball he does get Ang we know that we we know he gets angry so I don't know how much he reacts to his anger but um all right let's talk about Braden Smith really fast Braden Smith 5.9 the dude had 7.5 assists per game last year him and Elijah Hawkins were two of the best in the nation I think they were two of five players that were averaging more than seven assists last year uh I think that it's close to that stat if it's not that exactly I haven't checked but I mean do we think Smith is going to take that much of a drop off just because Zach Ed isn't there I mean he still has Trey Kaufman Ren he's still I mean it's not like Purdue has no big men at all so I mean what are your thoughts there Kent yes I do think it's going to take a drop off because Zach is not there 1.6 assists per game drop off though I don't know maybe that's a little extreme I could see at least one though going I see like 6.5 yeah well here's what we would have to do and I didn't do this and if you know what if I had more time Jr I would have done this tonight do you're not dog watching what what do you have what are you doing you're not dog watching that's true I could have sat up here with the dogs I do have kids too that I take care of and my wife was working late tonight shout out to my wife for actually making money for our family um good job wife yeah thank you wife uh how many of his assists were to Zack EDI though that's what you would have to do and then and then go do his assist last year without Zach without any of the assists that went to Zack e if you could look that up or figure that out and I would have if I had more time in my life um then you can make a more accurate Assumption of what's going to happen this year but the problem with doing that though is you're completely taking somebody off the floor and this year somebody will be in that position it's just not going to be Zack Edy so you can't really just say oh he had 200 assists to Zack Edy or whatever it was last year and now he's not going to have those well no someone's going to be there it's just not going to be the best player in the country anymore so yeah I see a drop off um yeah 1.6 from last year though that is pretty dramatic I don't know he's still leading the conference what do you what do you want from him man are Purdue fans still gonna be mad like oh no he's only good at average this much like no he's still at the top of the conference relax everybody well yeah he's going to be one of the best players in the conference this year Russ would argue that he's going to be the best um I don't know if I buy that but um yeah I mean CBB analytics has so so many stats I feel like there has to be a stat we got to be able to look that up someone in the chat look that up if you have CBB analytics go look um but yeah I can't find it so um all right any more names you want to mention before we move on kit I don't think so um I think I'm I wanted to mention Brooks barnheiser just because the last three weeks that we've talked about this he's been in the top 10 and he is the top guy for Northwestern once again uh but he's top 20 so I don't feel like it's worth it's worth mentioning but is he I mean if he's going to lead Northwestern in every single category this year we got to give that man some respect right I would think so yeah I will I'll do it friend of the program I'll do it uh okay so I looked up brayen Smith assists to Zack Ed and it gave me a Braden Smith that plays for the Indianapolis Cults so wrong at least it didn't take you to the Braden Smith uh what's that fan website where you can like buy a video that I bought like right before the Big 10 tournament year the uh what's that called I forgot what it's called I forgot to let's think about it during the uh during the commercial and fig we'll say it all right the Big 10 huddle is brought to you by the college huddle the largest fan Le college sports podcast community on the internet with contributors from 70 different schools you will get in all kinds of analysis from all over the country go visit the col huddle.com to find your team and read articles from all across so many fans and contributors the college huddle is fan-made fan driven and fan Best Big Ten Duos fueled did you find it I did I put it in the chat it's called Cameo oh there you go all caps all right let's talk about some Duos Ken all right let's talk about the best Big 10 Duos for next year obviously some could arise and really show themselves however just looking at it maybe some that we expect that to be really good or maybe some that showed they were really good last year or maybe some that you know somebody came in the portal and looks like they're going to be good together I put five examples down here just quick ones I thought of Malik renew and Umar Balo doesn't mean that's the only one on their team but that's just one I thought of to bigman Dylan Harper uh and Ace Bailey obviously Denny wolf Vlad golden the 7 foot Duo uh down there the field goal post as I will be calling them this season Jeremy fears Xavier Booker and then the guard Duo of Bruce Thorton me Mei Johnson Kent do you have any other Duos or would you like to comment on any of these Duos below I I do and I do both I have some others and I want to comment on some ones below so let's do the ones below first and then we'll comment to the others okay so every time you get you pose me a question I kind of answer it in my own way so what I did is I made three Duos and made one that's a guard big combo I made a guard guard combo and a big big combo so the one that I had for my big big combo was Danny and Vlad because I think that's going to be crazy to see them on the court at the exact same time like two seven-footers if if Dusty May plays them at the same time which I think that he should I think it would be start him right I don't know who else who start at the four Vlad at the four no that's what I'm saying you have Vlad at the four and Danny at the five or vice versa it really doesn't matter I don't know who else you put at the four other than those two namari I don't know man no no nari brunette is not starting at the I don't but who but you're right though like who else would be down there I'd had to go back through their roster yeah I mean they probably they had to have picked up somebody go ahead I'll look it up the point is though that having Danny and Vlad on the court at the same time is going to be something down low that we haven't seen in a while at least I I can't again we've talked about this in the past weeks like I can't remember the last time we saw two seven-footers on the court at the same time for the same team um so this could be very interesting so I think that that duo down low is extremely interesting that's the only one that I had who who do you have out of four for Michigan uh Sam Walters and will cheddar could play oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Cheddar's solid I like cheddar Walters like was okay in the tournament last year right yeah he was fine like anything amazing but he wasn't he wasn't bad I think he had one good game and like everyone was like oh my God this white boy's crazy I'm serious that's what every that's all you need to do if you're a white boy that's all you need to do is have one good day one good game this white boy so good this guy's awesome um yeah no I'm totally rocking with Danny wolf and uh Vlad golden I think that's gonna be a little bit of an underrated one but once teams start playing Michigan I think they're going to like oh wow this is really difficult to deal with I think going to have to have a four that can stretch the court if you want to go anywhere near the paint with those two so um I'll I'll talk about them Bruce Bruce thoron and Mei Johnson I'm really excited for those two together I think that they're going to be a whole lot of fun seeing them both be able to handle the ball both being able to get assists Mei Johnson I mean he's a shooter he's going to get he's going to get the ball and he's going to look for a spot he's going to fire so that's going to be interesting I think if Bruce Thorton if they run some good pick and roll action they should be able to get Mei open enough that he should be able to shoot a lot of shots and I think the nice thing about this is I mean Mei is not the best ball handler in the world but he is competent enough of a ball handler that you could be doing the same thing with him you can put Mei in the pick and roll and then you can kick it out to Bruce Thorton and he can shoot as well I think that this team is going to be able to spread the floor really well and it starts with Bruce Thorton and Mei Johnson and what they're going to be able to do I like it I like it I have half of uh of a Duo that you have up here but I'm going to switch it a little bit I'm going to go with the guy that I was just talking about miles rice and Omar Balo because I think that those two together on the court are going to be very difficult to stop um and I'm I'm also really just excited to see them play because it's two new guys on Indiana's roster it's two guys that are very talented I don't know if enough people are talking about Balo I really don't maybe they are and I'm just missing it I only listened to a couple podcasts so the ones that I listen to they kind of talk about him but this guy's going to be nasty next year he is very good at basketball I don't know how he just has to play enough he just has to play enough he he he doesn't have a ton of minutes so if he him at the beginning of the off season and I said hey let's let's get some wind Sprints going there let's get the cardiovascular up and uh you know that's a lie I didn't do that but I can do that if you want me to there's still time I I could just go down to campus and look for him and tell him you dm'd him answer you let's do that together we'll go find we'll go far and Ballo and say hey man are you ready to play 25 minutes a game that's what we need from you he better be Philip says he can't play any more than that so he says b can't play any more than 2025 and I don't really have a I really don't have an argument against him cuz I don't think he can either I mean he's really going to have to get in shape and he's really going to have to have a whole lot Better Effort now kware he had questionable effort when he was at Oregon then he comes to Indiana and he turns into a first-round draft pick granted pretty weak draft but still first round draft pick for um where did he go in the NBA I don't pay enough attention to the NBA um but anyway he was first round draft pick so I mean Mike Woodson's going to be able to do some nice stuff uh with these big men and if he can do a similar thing with Umar Balo that he was able to do with K we that's going to that's going to be really really impressive for Indiana listen I'm I'm optimistic tonight everybody's going to be great this year that's how I feel right now okay I'm going to say B's going to be great I'm all over Bruce Thorton tonight Vlad golden and Danny wolf are totally going to work on the court at the same time Dylan and Ace are going number one in number two in the NBA draft next year it's gonna be it's GNA be the best year in the conference why not why can't it be how's Kevin Willard gonna do why why you why you got to take away my optimism I was just seeing how optimistic you were like that would really be the test if kid Kevin Willard will be the coach at Buffalo by the end of the year poor buffalo coach he's getting fired you didn't even know it yet he's gonna retire I'm just going to assume the buffal coach was like super old he's retiring and then that's the job that Kevin Willard's taking there you go could you imagine if that actually happens like what a take that would be dude you well you had the uh you had the uh really hot take last year didn't you I did have the harball one like before the season started yeah yeah that was bad that was football though so you need one for basketball you might as well I need a basketball one I need to make a Kevin Willard uh to Buffalo edit and like tweet it out like this is where he'll be next year yeah you better do that before Jeff or Phillip or PK or Dylan steals it do mix don't do it Phillip don't be tweeting out Kevin Willard to Buffalo that's my take uh Philip says mbako and rice is probably top two for Indiana if they're going to be successful this year yeah I don't know like that's not really a Duo I think about very often like a forward and a like a smaller forward and a guard um I don't know like I mean mbako probably will have to play the four at some point this year with Umar only playing 20 to 25 minutes because Renu Renu is going to have to play the five and you put mbako at the four kind of like a small ball lineup but I don't know I don't really know if I see them as a Duo they probably are two of the best players on the team that's going to be on the court all the time well I mean Malik renew is probably top two I probably take renew over rice but I don't know it's just a really good roster I know that's what I was just thinking too like they're just a very good team all the way around and I'm very excited to watch them play I have one more though that's not on here are you ready for this do it I have to uh I have to feed the masses right now Braden Smith and Fletcher lawyer oh I was going to say t Hoffman Ren no no Fletch all right yeah best back in the conference hey Fletch bulked up he's not going to be a ragd doll anymore get P he is he is cut dude is buff all right you seen these pictures I have yeah don't really know oh I seen I've seen pictures of him uh in practice this offseason there's been like some photo galleries for Purdue and stuff like that he's he's looking bigger okay we'll see I don't know I I don't know like I maybe they had really good angles what's that said maybe they said really good angles but he looked bigger to me so uh and Philip is uh he's over here advocating for his guys KJ and kylin Boswell I don't remember if I wrote them down so what I did Kent I didn't tell you I was going to do this is I thought through uh 10 was it 10 different um Duos and I was going to have you grade the duo just like off top of your head really fast what do you think about that you want to try I love that okay I love that I also do love that duo that Philip just put out but I'm trying to think of like if if there's going to be another guy this year that that could potentially be better than KJ for kylin well and I didn't put an Illinois one because I didn't know how it was going to play out like I think Illinois is going to be good this season I think they'll find a Duo but I don't know what that duo is yet it could be KJ and kylin Boswell that's a really good suggestion I just I don't know yet it could be it could be kylin and will Riley though too could it could be kylin Ty Rogers yeah look at look at Phillip he knows man I didn't even see that comment swear I believe you all right uh okay so some of these are on the thing so I won't be surprising you but if they come up you just give a grade A to F all right okay all right Payton Sanford Owen Freeman Iowa oh that's a good one I'm going to go uh I'm going to go a minus oh I'm leaving some room for like CU I don't know what else you got here yeah I do like those guys though a lot me too chat you guys uh participate as well I'd love to know what you guys think um but put the you guys are a little behind so put the name of the school and then give your grade uh so that way we know who you're talking about I'm saying a minus for Iowa combo a minus for Iowa okay uh Maryland Julian ree jacobe Gillespie I don't like Julian a lot I'm sorry I gotta go I gotta go C just straight C Straight C okay uh all right this one's on here Michigan State Jeremy fears Xavier Booker B minus B minus um Michigan Vlad golden Danny wall I mean I mentioned it so I have to a for that one a b put f for [Laughter] me I love the ward slander um or I'm sorry what' you say from Michigan again I said a just because I talked about that one already so like I I obviously thought it was a good combo Duo I do too uh Minnesota Dawson Garcia Mike Mitchell junor I thought you were going to say Parker Fox no oh Parker Fox can be a duo with anybody that's the thing like he he's anybody's Duo he's like Ben Johnson's Duo yeah players coach right there yeah he's he's his own man he's a lone wolf um so you said Mike Mitchell and Dawson Garcia I'll give that a B+ B+ okay Northwestern Brooks barnheiser Ty brry that's a a that's an a Ohio State Bruce Thorton meech Johnson I just don't know about Mei enough yet like I'll be honest I haven't researched him enough tell me what Mei is and I'll give you a grade is he great mean uh I mean he was a really good scorer last year for South Carolina he was kind of the star of their team they really didn't have any offense outside of him and he just kind of chucked the ball up had a huge usage rate probably could have had a much better percentage but I attribute a lot of that to poor offense by the South Carolina Coach all right I'll go the same as I went with because I really like Bruce I'm going to go a minus which is the same I gave pton and Owen out in Iowa wow all right we got some from Philip here Philip says Iowa B so he's a little bit lower on them than you are msub B I'd probably go a little bit higher for Iowa but can't complain Minnesota B Philip really likes the letter B um just because of Garcia and then ah Phillip ouch OSU C minus really he doesn't like Bruce thoron I guess not it surprises me you you thought philli was kind of a Bruce th guy no well I just think that me and Philip think a lot alike so I felt like he would like Bruce a lot too yeah uh Philip you didn't you didn't give us a grade for your Illinois K or Michigan or Michigan that's true um all right excuse Purdue Braden Smith Trey Kaufman Ren yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna go C+ on that because I don't I don't know about Trey Kaufman Ren this year yeah like Braden obviously is going to be great but I think that he could be I don't know I'll be I'll say C+ to B minus like I'll go B minus I guess I don't want to get killed in the comments new fans come after you uh Philip said not a Mei fans so you guys could be on the same page about Bruce it's yeah see that I just don't know about him yeah so um yeah I don't know I I mean it's really hard to judge Trey Kaufman Ren I mean Zack e was just so much production last year I mean Kaufman Ren when he had his opportunities he I wouldn't say he was bad he did pretty well but it was definitely not the best uh go like if you had to if you had your own Big 10 team this year would he be one of the top 10 guys you would pick as a big who Trey cof Ren in the Big 10 yeah no that's what I'm saying so like you can't really give that a great grade like even though Braden's amazing and like he's great like we're talking about his com like his Duo is somebody that's like bottom tier not bottom tier but as far as starters go he's not the greatest big you could have or the greatest guy you could give it to even if he is playing four or three or whatever he's playing yeah yeah I don't know I just Trey coff from Ren is such a mystery to me this year I know if Russ was here he'd be selling us on him talking about how you know great he was when he got chances last year so we'll see I don't know I'm not saying he's bad I don't I don't think he's bad he was a really good recruit I just I haven't seen it yet so I don't know I don't know if he's going to be good I don't think he's bad we'll see if he's good um all right then last one you better give this one a good one Ruckers Ace Bailey Dylan Harper it's got to be the best I mean I would have to say that I'm glad I haven't given an A+ yet but I think that they're going to be that good even if Rutters isn't you know winning the conference next year I think that those two guys will prove that they are the top recruits for a reason and they're going to be drafted highly for a reason and they're going to be that talented next year so A+ I like it uh Philip a but he gave Illinois a plus plus plus plus plus plus plus that's why he didn't do any other pluses the whole oh he did do one B+ for Michigan that's true he saved all his pluses for Illinois yeah he just got rid of the pluses from all the other letters Illinois and he also says Purdue a minus tkr isn't the Difference Maker so so he's not yeah all right uh let's do one more commercial K and then we'll come back we'll talk Yukon to the Big 12 HomeField is your go-to destination for premium Collegiate apparel with a passion for comfort and a flare for vintage design HomeField brings you gear that is comfortable and stylish with over 150 colleges to choose from HomeField digs deep into the archives uncovering forgotten logos iconic mascots and Legendary Moments to create one-of-a-kind apparel use my code tbth for 15% off for new customers or use my link in the description Yukon going to the big 12 Would the Big Ten Ever Add Big East Teams? maybe we'll see uh a lot of talks right now between Brit ymark Brett ymark and Yukon and what's going on there there is some rumors some Rumblings about coaches don't want Yukon to come to the Big 12 a little bit of travel concerns also Yukon just uh don't know if you've heard very good uh they didn't come out right and say that from what I saw but you know I would like to think that's probably a little bit of the reasoning there so um Kent let's get your thoughts on Yukon to the Big 12 first and then we'll talk more about the Big 10 the Big East question well we're doing a basketball show so from a basketball standpoint it makes a ton of sense and it'll be a great a great ad for the Big 12 but most of these moves are basketball is considered but football is the reason that most of these moves are made primarily you know right am I crazy to say that that's why most of the conferences have been realigned and you're exactly right before I go any further by the way travel concerns like get real welcome to the Big 10 baby we're going from New Jersey to California we don't care about that um so that's hilarious just in itself but I I don't think it's going to happen just because of football like I and I read the article it seems like there's a lot that has to like fall into place for Yukon to be able to make this move it could happen um it would be not very soon though apparently they have with the Big East right now they have to give them 27 months notice that they're leaving the conference so it's going to be at least two years before this happens if they're abiding by this contract that they have with the Big East I guess I I guess that could be broken at any time I'm not sure how that works but um yeah from the football standpoint it just does not make sense for this team to be joining the Big 12 and I don't know why the Big 12 would want them from that aspect so in my mind it's hard to wrap my brain around it right now but I guess crazier things have happened I mean I never thought Nebraska would be in the Big 10 if you asked me 20 years ago that's kind of crazy to think about and here we are so um I guess Anything Could Happen what do you think do you think it's going to happen happen I mean it could I mean they're talking about Gonzaga as well possibly going there those those talks have kind of dwindled out a little bit and now Yukon is being talked about more so I don't know if they've replaced the Gonzaga talk with Yukon or maybe they're looking for a partner with Gonzaga and Yukon but I mean every you're you're correct every other conference looks at football because that's where you make money from your TV deal on but for whatever reason the Big 12 is like hey nobody else is concentrating on basketball also we're going to concentrate on basketball and we're going to kind of make that our conference's identity and we'll be fine in football we'll have a bunch of Rapid fan bases and you know maybe Gonzaga won't play and Yukon will be bad because they are independent right now I think they're independent right now but is anybody as bad as Yukon is right now in the Big 12 um there there can't be right like Ariz not good Arizona State's not good they're not as bad as Yukon though are they yeah no they would be they would be pretty bad in the Big 12 in football so yeah yeah so I don't know but that's what I'm saying like I don't think they're thinking about football at all I think they're just like hey look a really good basketball program that has a football program so let's Adam but I don't know it seems weird to me so um the ultimate Point says Jr UB BR Ohio be honest uh no that's Ryan day's brother yeah you have me mixed up for him he's uh he was on the show last night night Ohio he was did you guys see that amazing I still think it's Conor stallions by the way I think it's ry's brother but we'll see did you hear the Bro guy was on The Message Board talking about um being on the documentary was he really like he was proud of it he literally created like a thread this morning was like uh after the documentary no not this morning yesterday morning after the documentary release and he was like hey go watch the documentary I'm in it if you have any questions about it let me know and he went through and he answered a bunch of questions I like I the only question I would have had was who are you yeah you didn't answer that one there were some people that asked that one so I signed up for you have to send me that message board I want to read through that well you have to go look uh I signed up for a 7-Day free trial for just so because I saw a picture of it so I was like oh let's go see if there's a free trial for this never mind I don't I don't want to see it that bad I lied yeah so I went looked at it I I honestly I mainly looked at it to see if there was any content for the show but there wasn't really it was mostly just like standard aning so I don't know if it was he was even in it um all right so yeah I think like to me if we're talking about the big 10 what Big East teams should the Big 10 try to add from the Big East like Yukon is top of the list because they have a football team to me like they have a really good basketball team they have football team they kind of fit in your geographical area which I know really doesn't matter to people all that much but in the the sense of where you want to go geographically to increase your like reach and popularity like you need you you could go I shouldn't say you need you could go up to the Northeast and grab a team up there obviously you're not going to go get like a Boston College or anything like that but you could reach up there find a team up in the Northeast and be effective with that but I mean if I'm looking through the Big East like there's a couple teams in there that they might go after but for the most part I means a lot of these schools are private religious schools which I mean you know the Big T is not against adding a religious school but most private religious schools don't have a great enrollment like the team or the not the team the school with the highest enrollment is Yukon at 32,000 32,000 would be like top bottom five in the Big 10 of enrollment right now so I mean if you're looking at like the size of the school you're not going to add Butler you already have multiple teams and you're trying to add Notre Dame from Illinois or from Illinois from Indiana um Georgetown maybe but you already have Maryland and georgetown's in Washington DC so would you want to add them um I don't know depal has 21,000 but they're in Chicago where you already have Northwestern and then you have Illinois down in Champagne I don't think you won another Illinois team um the only other team that I put in there Kent was St John's because they do have 21,000 and they are in Queens New York so you want to exp expand in New York but you kind of already have that new New York Market with Ruckers so I I mean obviously like the Big East is probably not going to fall apart today but there is a scenario where I could see big east teams like merging with the ACC and then some of these teams being like well but what if we went to the Big 10 instead they have a lot more money you know like I don't know what do you think well I have a lot of thoughts about it well so many things actually is Yukon the only one that has a football team in the in the whole Big East like yeah all these other schools they don't have enough like area around them to build a football stadium they're they live in such like clusters of of cities uh either that or they just they don't really have the enrollment of the school to Warrant a football team that's crazy I swear Villanova used to have a team I swear I remember they might they might in FCS they used to remember um no I just I went through this and just said from a basketball stand Point who I would want and I put Marquette Xavier and kraton and I had different reasons for all of them um Marquette kind of the same thing that you were talking about I know we already have a team in Wisconsin but like it kind of fits the the old model of the Big 10 of the Midwest team that's really good at basketball and always has a good team so I would love to have them in our conference for that Xavier I picked selfishly because it's the closest one to where I live here in Nashville Cincinnati's only like a couple hour drive away from me so I could get up there pretty quickly and then uh kraton because there's just always kraton's always kraton in the conference or in the uh NCAA tournament so I was like yeah why not throw in here too why not it'd be fun for Nebraska to have that rivalry in the Big 10 that's what I thought about as well yeah that would be cool so I I just pick those teams just from a basketball standpoint what would be fun um and none of them are realistic unless we WI down the path that Notre Dame went down and said hey we're just going to take your basketball team and put them in our conference and the football team or the lack thereof doesn't matter because that's what Notre Dame did right they joined the ACC for basketball and they're still independent in football so I'm not sure from a basketball standpoint why it even matters that much why not just add these teams in basketball only yeah I mean that's kind of what I was thinking as well Philip had a bit of idea here idea here he said big 10 needs to add Yukon Syracuse Georgetown and a few more Big East teams and then at Ruckers Maryland and Penn State ad at uh and make a new Big East presented by the Big 10 I something like that I mean that's if you excuse me if you could have a big 10 like basketball conference that was like 24 teams and then you had a big 10 football conference that was like 1820 teams I mean you would essentially be able to have your own awesome tournament at the end of the year that you're gon to make so much money off of it doesn't even really matter because all the money with the NCA tournament goes to the uh NCA anyway like I think there's money to be made in basketball somehow some way and if you bring in like like I said like 20 maybe 30 basketball schools really clean up I think 20 kind of makes sense because if you did split it like I know we're like bouncing all over the place here but if you did make like a East and a West like I don't know football did all the way up until last year for basketball and you had 20 or 22 teams then you have 10 nine or 10 opponents that you have just on your side of the league that you play twice and then you have like maybe a couple crossover games and then a bunch of non-conference games still to get you to you know the 30 or however many games you're going to play that year so I think that that would work great and that way you're you you start forming some rivalries I think that's kind of what Philip's getting at a little bit is we get back to like some you know more territorial rivalries instead of having like you know Penn State playing Oregon and it's like oh that's interesting and weird I guess but hey let's watch it you have Penn State and Villanova that'd be like a Pennsylvania rivalry there you have Syracuse and Ruckers George yeah Georgetown and Maryland I yeah I mean if we're looking at this like from the St stance of the conference they're never going to do it right they're not going to add teams just for basketball that kind of sucks but I mean if we're thinking about it just for funsies yeah it's fun to think about yeah I mean if we were if we were in charge of the Big 10 that's what we'd do um but I I mean I don't think the Big 10 would ever add a school that doesn't have football attached to it I mean I don't think they would do that where they're like yeah we have 30 basketball teams but you know only 20 football teams I don't think they' do that maybe I don't know it would I'll tell you what would make him do it though money I mean if if basketball changes and you can make some more money off of that stuff like I'm sure they would but um I like this idea big uh Big 10 goes to 30 teams three conferences in the Big 10 East West and Central that would be fun that'd be I that would be the day we hit 30 in either football or basketball is the day I retire from making content for the Big 10 that's too many teams man you're like Casual Big 10 Central yeah exactly I'll have to I'll have to Zone in on a Division because this is already out of hand man I can't keep track of 18 for basketball and football like I'm supposed to know all these guys names like nah man I can't do this anymore they don't they don't realize I casual a why they put 30 teams in this conference like barely keep up with 18 come on guys seriously you know how long that commercial is GNA get commercial is gonna be going up 10minute commercial it's going to be that long they're going to be like uh we we uh can only show the commercial twice a year because of how much money it takes to do a one minute commercial and it takes six months to watch it anyways there's just a channel that just replays the commercial the Big 10 commercial Channel and that's what the Big 10 Network does for 30 minutes every day it's just the commercial over and over that's great I love that oh man well Ken uh I hope this was a good little break from the uh the football that we got to uh talk about here I'm excited to watch Minnesota and North Carolina tomorrow my wife told me that when the kids go to bed tomorrow she's going to bed right away so I'll be able to watch football all night yep and uh I she she asked me to mow the grass and I was like wellow I did it today oh there you go I got I got that out of the way today I did that and I uh cleaned up the pool area so I'm I'm ready to go but I did tell my wife tonight though speaking of wives I was like uh are you excited that football is starting tomorrow and she was like I'm sorry what tomorrow she had no clue so this was this was brand new news for her so I'm throw some prayers up for me tomorrow cuz I don't know if she's prepared for me to just be completely checked out tomorrow night yeah you ruined her day man she was like oh I get I get my husband for two more nights before football takes over and it's like nope it's happening Thursday and Friday too guess what football on Friday night too Friday Saturday I'm done I'm offline I'll see you in we sleep in May sleeping uh all right K hey you started a show back up on your channel you want to tell people about I did so I I stopped doing my podcast a while back I think I stopped doing it in March but uh I I I still have the urge to make content every now and again you know I've been doing the video game thing I've been doing your show I've been doing locked on aoni locked on Spartans I've been appearing on stuff which has been great for me but um I wanted to get my guys back on for bet big and I convinced him last week to do it again they were pretty excited about it I think and uh we did our first episode today we went over our top picks for season win total over unders this is all for football and our week one top three picks and I liked how it went because last year we used to go through every game and as I said we've added 18 teams 18 non-conference games you want us to go through 18 of them spreads and over unders for 18 games and three guys talking about each one no that's not going to work for us so we're just going to do the top picks every week and I think that was a good format you watched today you liked it yeah yeah I liked it I think I caught like the second half um I saw it on Twitter uh and so I went over to YouTube and watched I liked it yeah yeah I think we're going to do that we'll just put we have like a graphic of the picks so like if you really want to know what we picked you can watch on YouTube and that's the only place it's going to be saved at so like I said I'm not doing the podcast anymore it's not going out audibly I guess um you'll have to watch it on YouTube only so go check that out subscribe to my page if you don't mind there you go let Kent win you a bunch of money him and Wilson and Brad you a bunch of money whichever right happens the season so um yeah I don't have anything to plug and it's just you and me so thanks everybody for watching we appreciate it uh like I said I'll be back so uh Friday we'll be back Friday I'll have John Deo from the Michigan voice of college football Channel with me on Friday we'll recap the Minnesota North Carolina game we'll talk about um probably whatever news comes out there news today I forget what it was I B that's crazy to hear you're going to recap a game dude that's your next episode is a recap I know I got to pay attention Thursday not well no not only not that it's just like you're not talking about like what could happen anymore it's like finally what happened I know I'm so excited um we might recap the Ruckers or the Illinois game if uh anything crazy happens I I I'm guessing probably not those two teams should take care of business but um and then we'll just talk about some random news and probably some more games from Saturday uh and then Sunday we are going to do a show at 6:00 so the USC LSU game is at 7:30 that night and I don't want to be trying to podcast the same time as that game because I want to watch it and I also don't think other people would want to watch a podcast instead of watching the USC LSU game so we're going to go live before that at 6 o'cl and game starts at 7:30 so you should get us almost up until the 7:30 kick for USC and LSU so come check guys over that game by the way oh wow that's awesome thank you I'm not I'm not that emotionally connected to USC yet I'd be on your guys' podcast watching well I mean Miller Moss could throw six touchdowns that's true but I could also watch both though like I could pull you guys up on something else and then watch just mute mute the uh game yeah I don't I don't need to listen to the to the commentary of the game I can just watch it and listen to you guys there you go that's an idea but it but it's smart to do that though I'm not I'm not judging your idea by the way thank you all right everybody thank you so much for watching we appreciate it we'll be back here Friday night so if you listen on podcast you should get it Saturday morning uh Kent have a good one everybody else have a good one as well see you next time

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