Assigning Every Big Ten Team a New Rival

Music hey and welcome into the Big 10 huddle I'm your host J all we got a lot to talk about going on in the Big 10 it is the middle of football season but we are still talking basketball because we are committed to basketball Kent uh have you ever been so committed to something in your life uh other than a basketball podcast in the middle of football season Introductions I I hope so I think like I I'd like to think I'm married so like I would like to think I'm more committed to that and I have kids so I think but besides those two though you're right like I don't think anything above being married and being a father like I'm committed to anything more than this besides those two things uh those are pretty high bar so I'll take third place um I feel like that's pretty acceptable um you know I won't take third place in basketball this season I think the Buckeyes are going to win it all there you go win the big 10's go know I've been the most pessimistic person on them this season on this podcast that's all right though man like it you can't really like gauge what how you're going to feel about your team until you see them play I think a lot of football fans are feeling like that right now like really pessimistic going into the season but maybe after they see him play a game they're like okay let's go and then once you see him play then you're all in again your fandom really comes back out so I won't judge you until you start being like that during the season well that's true um I was like that last season but I also had Chris Holman as my co coach so I feel like I had a little bit of a reason to be pessimistic um and I was just for the record I was judging you all last season when you were being like that because I said I wouldn't judge you until you did it during the season so when you were I was judging that's fair that's fair I get that actually I judge myself I'm judge myself as well um we do have sunny here with us right now says what's up Jr nice to see you bud it's nice to see you too sunny it's nice to see you too saying man he does this to me every time he hurts my feelings did you make him mad on your last show together no in fact we're about to record tomorrow morning together so wow I'd like to think that we're I'm in his good graces right now uh maybe maybe not he might he might ghost you I might ghost him how about that with all these negative comments he's throwing at me on the huddle do that too uh John Hawks is here howdy boys howdy John good to have you here uh thanks for being here with us all right well like I said it's the middle of football season and I had a super busy day so we only have three topics to get to today we have I don't remember what the first one is I have to check my sheet over here we have the NCA tournament expanding we have some coaches that spoke on it uh anonymously so we'll see what they have to say kind of give our thoughts on some of that the CA is considering changes to the red shirt eligibility in the National letter of intent as part in uh sweeping review of the sport and then we're also going to be assigning new Rivals for every Big 10 team Kent has nine of them I have nine of them and uh we're just going to have a good time with it so if you have any suggestions at any point in time go ahead and put that in the chat who you think should be Iowa's rival uh or Rucker rival I had have a really hard time with Ruckers so if you have a suggestion please let me know did you do like so I tried to stay out of conference with this like all non-conference teams did you do that too or no I think I did one in conference because it's always annoyed me that they don't consider themselves Rivals and then the two teams that I had USC and Washington I gave them rivals in the conference because I felt like they needed Rivals like I had an idea for USC that was out of the conference but I was like no I'm going to go with the one in conference cuz I feel like they need a rival I feel like they need somebody to hate in this conference yeah that's fair I probably should have done that with Oregon and uh UCLA as well cuz those were my two new teams but I just went out of conference with all of them but you guys will have to stick around to the end of the show to hear these new Rivals that we came up with that's how we keep them hooked right yeah that's how we do it we we title the show with the most interesting topic and then we put the most interesting topic last because some people don't know how to use the fast forward feature and we got those people they entire time or watching live and they can't fast forward yeah exactly like sunny and John here they have to wait yeah stick around boys all right well let's just get to the first one here the first one should the NCA expand the tournament or keep it Should the NCAA Tournament remain at 68 teams or expand to 72 or 76? remaining at 68 teams so uh Kent I felt like this was a really interesting article the coaches that they asked anonymously uh actually 38% this was the highest percentage of the three options they gave expand to 76 stay at 68 or expand to 72 38% said that they should expand to 76 which I found really really interesting I'm curious to get your thoughts on it but I do want to read at least one quote from each coach who spoke on each section so the coach like I said these are Anonymous so I don't have who said them we could play a guessing game if we want to I say we should guess who said these things there's so many coaches it's like the Montana State coach said this um all right so the first one those who voted for 68 he said my choice will always be 68 it's hard as hell to make it I did it as a player it's such a finite line that you have to be perfect down the stretch and into march to make it we won our mid- major league but we knew the only way to make it was to win the tournament and it took an overtime fadeaway three at the buzzer to get there there it was earned and that's the way it should be if you're not a power five it's very special 68 with 68 different stories uh Kent are you in your bag do you know somebody a mid- major who won the tournament to get in on a fade away buzzer at the last second probably at least 10 years ago I would think I don't think anybody's a head coach that I mean I can't I can't remember the team but I I do remember a specific play where they ran a full court like Baseline out a bounce play and threw it like to the top of the key and then they pitched it to the wing and then that guy like pulled up and hit a three but I can't remember who that was he might be a coach I'd have to look I'd have to look up what that team was but it's well he doesn't say that it was him he said it it took an overtime fade away three at the buzzer so he was just on that team but want to find out what that team was though yeah and then look it up and down their roster and see if there's a a coach on there but no I don't I don't know one right off besides that play I don't know one right off the bat no that was a good hint though that was a good hint we uh get some Discovery work here uh John says UMass I don't know that was the team that hit the one that I'm talking about maybe but I don't know a single coach from UMass unless he's saying the coach of UMass if John got that right I we're bringing John on the podcast he know may coach this is saying okay last minute three no this is recent I'm talking about one that happened in like the '90s oh okay yeah I don't think it would be recent I think like it would at least have to be 8 10 years ago at least yeah I don't even know how I would search for that who hit a three-pointer at the end of a game one time it's like a million teams come up it's like oh man wedia page for it yeah all right let's get to the quote uh those who voted for for 72 expand it to 72 here's one quote of a coach for them he said I would expand to 72 and make the first eight the last eight in off the bubble stop making low in mid Majors who won their league SL tournament play in Dayton they earned it a below 500 in League Big 10 team wow shots fired a below 500 in League Big 10 team should be the ones earning their spot well listen here coach okay a below 500 Big 10 team is probably still better than your broke program sorry I don't know program is show yourself yeah I wish that we had all the coaches like named on here but obviously they're not going to reveal themselves just for an article that some guy's writing on you know CBS or whatever it is um this is Matt norlander this is not some guy well but you Gary parish and Gary Parish I've heard everybody loves listening to them I don't but everybody else okay respect to Matt and Gary for all that they do but my point remains though like coaches aren't just going to give up their names and start saying like I think the system's broken and like have fans attack them just for the you know just for the article I guess is what I'm trying to get at like they wouldn't do that so but I do wish we had their information though for their names yeah at least their addresses so we can go to their house yeah I need addresses immediately John says do those teams really have a chance well you could argue UCLA when they were in 11 seed they made it so they were in the first playing game when was that like 5 years ago it was 2019 I believe five years ago wow yeah I knew that uh all right here's a quote from one of those who voted for 76 he says 76 but only if Auto bids are automatically in the 64 Team Bracket I think the additional 12 teams should have an extended version of the first four what I do not want is to see the eight additional mediocre power five again shots fired mediocre power five teams that get into the tournament get seated directly into the 64 team bracket and 14s 15s and 16s all have to play in that sounded like Matt Painter yeah that is that's definitely Matt Painter that was for sure Matt Painter I can say that without a doubt like he doesn't seem like a guy that likes to mess around with Medi Joker power five teams and watching them on Tuesday and Wednesday night before the tournament I also hear he doesn't I also hear he doesn't want to mess around with 14 15 and 16 seeds sorry Russ sorry Dylan joke actually they're they're doing their podcast tonight probably so they're not even here they did it last night I actually jumped on their show last night we were doing a Fantasy Football Draft at the same time oh okay so they were last night so I'd be surprised if they were doing it tonight no but that did sound like a coach from like a team that gets in all the time and like has no worries about being in the field of 64 at all so I was trying to think of somebody that would be like that that's why I just immediately went to Matt Painter well he is in the tournament all the time so Props to him on that um all right can so obviously these coaches make a few good points here uh does it surprise you that more coaches want to ban to the 76 rather than stay at the 68 well yes first of all because I don't want to do that and I'm surprised that more I shouldn't say that because I don't know exactly who was pulled on this and how many people are from like mid- major programs who can't get in unless they win their conference tournament at the end of the year so maybe I would I would venture a guess that most of those coaches would say say hey we need a bigger emphasis on our regular season and the only way that we're going to be able to do that is if we get two or three teams in from our smaller conference so I think most of those coaches would be in favor of it and I'm not surprised that they would but I think coaches from Power five or power four whatever you want to call it at this point conferences um would say that they don't want to expand it and it really to me I'll just say what I think if it was up to me and I could fix college basketball I would go the opposite way and I would go back to 64 because I never had a problem with 64 at all I thought that going to 68 made it fun because there was a couple more games but I'm not losing sleep if I miss a playin game I'm not like totally glued to a playing game now if I'm not doing anything that night I'll be like okay this the only thing on I'm going to watch this college basketball game maybe get some more information about these teams so I can fill out my bracket better but other than that I don't really care I thought 64 was great to begin with and anytime that you expand it at all whether it be you know this this applies to football as well anytime you're expanding the playoffs you are watering down what is taking place in the regular season and you're putting less of a signific significance on that and college basketball already has a problem with that the regular season borderline doesn't matter you can lose 10 15 games if you want to and still make the tournament you can lose all your games and go win your conference tournament and still get in so I'm I'm in favor of making the regular season matter a little bit more that's why I would say if it was my choice I would shrink it to 64 and that might sound crazy but hey it's my choice though so that's what I would do yeah I definitely think that coaches probably want the 78 because I think that for some coaches when they're on the hot seat they use that idea of like oh but I made the tournament like they use that quite often to try and be like hey get get off my back like I'm doing I'm doing good work here um I remember that was used so many times for Chris Holman when he was at Ohio State and in fact at one point I was believing it I was like the guy makes the tournament every single year now he also made the tournament and lost in the first or the second round every single year lost to a 15 seed one time so I mean you like okay you made the tournament but you can't win when you get there so and everybody called us crazy everybody said we were a terrible fan base because we didn't win a coach who couldn't win on the tournament but he's getting us there and it's like what good is getting to the tournament if you can't actually make it anywhere and I think Illinois fans felt that way similarly last year not to like get rid of their coach but they were frustrated with Brad Underwood that he could never seem to really make a run in the tournament and you see how elated they are now that he got them to the elite a and they arguably probably would have been a final four team if they did not uh face Yukon who was nobody was going to beat I mean Purdue couldn't even beat them they had Zach EDI so like I I feel like that's what's going to be for coaches now you you kind of touched on what I want to talk about next like what's best for the fans if we're talking about what's best for the fans not so much the coaches I totally agree 64 is the best place to keep it at I really don't care about these playing games I don't want to see UCLA versus Arizona State like to me that's not March Madness that's like okay these two teams are playing but it doesn't matter now if there was more emphasis set on like UCLA W so UCLA made the tournament but not Arizona State because I'm with you you've made the point before that like Michigan state gets credit for making the tournament in this big long run but all they did was make a playin game yeah is that really making the tournament like yeah I know you're one of the 68 but like let's be honest it's supposed to be a playin game it's supposed to be a playin game to get in the tournament if you don't win that game you shouldn't have recognition for being in the tournament and so I would feel better about expanding it and having playing games if we had that thought process but we don't everybody just wants to say oh yeah if you're one of the 68 you got in the tournament so I'm like no put it back to 64 which is never gonna happen but I think it's better that way and we've mentioned this a couple times now but that UCLA run in 2019 or 18 whatever it was that is for sure the anomaly and not the rule like so how many teams have been in play in game since we started this that lost in the next round or won one more game and that was it they didn't really have a chance so to me expanding it you're basically is saying hey we want more TV advertising money so we're going to make as many games as we possibly can to get all of that money and I just for the fans it's not worth it and to be honest if they really took one step back and thought about it for college basketball it's not great either because like I said how many times can you go to a game right now during the regular season and in in the Big 10 and this goes across all of college basketball now obviously there's some teams that they can sell out every game but I went to a big 10 game last year in the middle of the season and it was like 30% full because the regular season doesn't matter at all and there there was teams that were in the NCAA tournament last year but nobody cares though because the regular season does doesn't matter the students care because they don't have anything else to do in the winter but if you really want college basketball fans to get excited about the regular season and to talk about it more like they talk about the NFL and the NBA and college football then you have to have the regular season matter more and right now it doesn't and expanding it is only going to make that worse I think I couldn't agree more um and John he's he's saying exactly with you he he tends to agree as well I mean like here here's my thing right so many people talk about well if you don't want more teams in the tournament then you want more basketball and it's like I get that point to a certain extent but like you're just watering down the product like you talked about you have less people at regular season games because you have more basketball in the postseason and so it matters less I do think that that's not always the case like I think college football is more fun now and I'm not tur this into a football show but I'm just talking about like college football to me is more fun now that you have a 12 team playoff and it's not just Georgia Ohio State you know Alabama and Texas that are being considered in you know Oregon or I don't know somebody else might sneak in there you know I'm just listing off random teams at this point but like you have the thought of a G5 like these G5 teams are playing for that final spot is the G5 ever going to win the the playoffs no they're not going to win the playoffs but it's fun it's it makes it interesting to talk about a G5 team and you're going to be doing playoff predictions in week eight and you're going to have people arguing between Boise State and like I don't know akan not akan they suck but some other team um you're you're going to have this arguing but you like you get that to a certain extent in the NCAA tournament but even last year I felt like I could have made the argument that Ohio State deserved to get in over some other teams but at the end of the day I was like doesn't really matter you know Chris Holman lost too many games and in reality they don't they don't deserve to be in because they're not going to win at all so yeah I just think about what if we went the extreme opposite direction and went back 32 like like how important would every single game be at that point but I do see what you're saying with football you're right it does get interest more for more teams because more teams are in but we also only had four teams in before so it was really hard to get more fans involved because there was only four spots at the table we're talking about a a a league that has or uh a sport right now that has 68 and we need more like I don't know about that I don't know about that well and that's what I was going to say is there are about three times more college basketball teams than there are college football teams um so well FBS college football teams it's about the same division one and both um but the NCA tournament is about what is that like five times what the college football playoffs are now I mean it was like 12 times as much what it was before so like if 12 seems right for the college football playoffs and we could argue about that till you know to blue in the face but let's just say it is if 12 seems right for the college football playoffs then what's three times 12 36 yeah it's about 32 30 yeah yeah 32 would be great or 36 then you still have the you can have two playin games there you go there 36 you got two playin games and then 32 teams how important is regular season now I bet people start showing up to those games and those rivalries start getting even more intense um but uh to be realistic though obviously we're not going to go backwards in time and make it smaller because like I've mentioned thousands of times on different podcasts there's too much money involved and the more games that they can uh pack in there the more money the NCAA is going to make and the more money the schools are going to make and the conferences and everybody's going to be happy and swimming in money so it's going to be great um so we can't go backwards I don't think so I guess that the only thing I can do now is campaign for it to stay the same because it's a great tournament right now um the only thing that I did take away from this article that actually came from somebody that was in favor of expanding which obviously I've made my point that I am not um is he said that we should stop making the mid Majors play in Dayton I totally agree that's why I think we should go back to 64 no more playing games everybody's happy you get three days to fill out your bracket you don't have to worry about the playin games or watching those or you have to answer text messages to from people about do I have to pick the playin game and what is uh Texas uh Southern and uh you know Michigan State or whatever it is what does that game mean I don't understand what this means do I get both of those teams like so go back to 64 make it easy no more dating no more playing games and it would be everybody would be happy I think that was the best we had and we lost it already so let's just keep it the second best which is 68 I guess couldn't agree more couldn't agree more all right we're going to move on to our next subject we're going to hit an ad really fast and then we'll move on to talking about the red shirt rules and National letter it CBB analytics isn't just another stat site it's your ultimate destination for in depth college basketball analysis used by fans and even the coaches it has comprehensive stats for men's and women's basketball across Division 1 through three dating all the way back 2018 from shooting percentage to game recap CBB analytics has it all try CBB analytics for free or pay for a tier to take your basketball knowledge to the next level Jr Casual Big 10 here talking NCAA considering changes to redshirt eligibility, National Letter of Intent as part of a sweeping review college basketball specifically the Big 10 uh Philip I apologize and Mr your comment there he says make play in games flexible based on bid Steelers I I would be in favor of flexible playing games possibly but I would want to keep it the same like I said you only make the tournament if you make the 64 but um all right our next subject here we have Kent we have thoughts on the new red shirt Rule and eliminating the national letter of intent so let's start with the red shirt rule first so if you're not aware essentially in college football you can play in 33% of the games regular season games and still have a reged Shir that means four games if you are a freshman well not just a freshman if you are whatever and you have not registered yet if you play in four games or less in in college football you can still be red shirted that does not apply to college basketball so they are talking about applying this same rule 33% of games to college basketball which is roughly about 10 games per season Kent do you like this idea do you not like this idea what's your thoughts on the red shirt rule here oh and they're also talking sorry they're also talking about adding a fifth year of Eligibility on top of that what are your thoughts on the red shirt fifth year of Eligibility um any of that uh I think that doing it the same way as football seems fair so I think that I'm in favor of that I think that especially like we just talked about with so many more games with basketball um there's a higher chance that someone could get hurt early on in the season and maybe they're a young player and they want to play four more years still if it's still going to be four more years or uh five more years maybe if it's still going to be five I think I think this all stems from covid though I'll be honest because oh yeah when they started like expanding and giving everybody extra eligibility and adding years and everything that they did throughout that crazy time and that people are still taking advantage of at this point um I think it made them reconsider how long they're allowing kids to play in college and uh how how strict they're going to be with the rules I mean if you ask Jim Harbaugh the NCAA has no spine anyways so I think that they're just proving that they don't and they're just going to say well we'll let you guys do whatever you want you want a red shirt after 10 games go for it sure you guys want to come back for five six years do a red shirt do more years go ahead that's fine do that too so I I think that Co kind of broke uh some of those rules not not broke the rules but broke some of the rule makers minds and how strict they're going to be on some of these rules yeah no I I agree I think that the point about covid was exactly what I was thinking as well like it's a slippery slope because once you allow one thing it's the same thing we're talking about with the NCA tournament they allowed it to go to 68 they're never going to go back to 64 now they've given out this year they're never going to go back to four years in my opinion because there's going to be too many kids that are like well this guy got five years well you know they still had a year of basketball but he still got five years of college basketball so they're they're never going to be able to make that justification and that's just I mean that's just how it's not just the NCA yes the NCA has no spy Jim Harbaugh said something that I agree with um doesn't happen every day but me and Jimmy we're on the same page here so good job Jimmy I'm going to have to text him and tell him you said that yeah let him know let him know he'll be proud um but like this it's not just the NCAA this happens in our culture in our society all the time you have one thing happen and then more just continues to happen more things slip more things slide and so I mean my thought process to think about not if this will happen because I know it's going to happen but if this is a better product for college basketball I I don't know I I do like certain aspects of players staying for 5 years because I think we get better basketball content like I think that there are better basketball players with those five years uh and with more red shirts out there but at the same time you also have less players actually like recruits and freshman making it into college basketball because of you know the the players that are staying I mean it's just this this is what happens you have more players that stay less players can come in because of the roster limits now I will say with them increasing the roster limits I don't think this is as bad but teams are going to have to pay a bunch of money for these kids to come on and be on their team with uh you know Revenue sharing and stuff like that so I think at the end of the day it's not really so bad for us as fans the roster limits are going to increase I think it's fine I think it's really bad for is these schools that don't know how they're going to pay their players but they have all this room and their players are going to come to him and say hey I need money and they're like sorry we're broke cuz I got news for you there are teams in college basketball that are broke they're not all Kansas and Ohio State and Kansas State like these big money nil programs there are programs in College of basketball that somebody will go there and they'll be like hey how much can you pay me and they're like here's a gift card here's $5 at [Laughter] Wy I don't know do you think it's better do you think it's worse what are your thoughts I don't know either I I for me personally I'm going to say that it's better and here's why I in my personal one sec dyl if you want to come on right now just let me know I'll send you the link oh God I can't be up all night though dude we hard stop at 9:05 yeah we're not GNA stay up all night but Dylan if you want to come on just let me know send you link it's super casual today he did let me on his show last night so I think that would be only fair that's only fair all right sorry I didn't mean to cut you off go ahead I was just G to say say in my personal life I am most happy when things are very structured and everybody's on time to things and if I'm late or if there's any sort of chaos I start getting unhappy so that being said watching the NCAA have chaos with things like transfers going all over the place every single year like the Wild Wild West and letting kids play for seven eight years Parker fox has been in college basketball he's my favorite guy he's been in college basketball for like seven years now eight years almost um I love the chaos of it because it makes me feel like I have my stuff together when I watch a sport that has so much chaos I'm like okay maybe my life's not so bad with this chaos because look at this nonsense there's people transferring all over the place there's people getting paid millions of dollars there's some schools that are broke like you're saying they don't know how long they're going to be in school for maybe they'll red shirt maybe they'll transfer maybe they'll do this it's just chaotic and I love it because it makes me feel better about myself so for me personally yes I think it's going to be better and to get just down to the Brass tax of what this article was definitely should be letting kids that have started a season especially if there's an injury it might need to be taken Case by case but if there's an injury or a coaching change or you know maybe they just didn't play well enough and the coach is like hey man you've already played eight games we're going to red shirt you now so that you're ready for next year cuz you're not really helping us right now whatever the case may be they thought he was ready and he's not I think it should be the same as football 10 games that's the limit hey who knows maybe we'll expand it to 68 games by the end of uh in the next 10 years we'll just keep expanding everything it'll be great one game for every team that's allowed in the tournament I like your idea I like your idea uh Dylan says the one time I can't you invite me uh still love you Jr still love you too Dylan but um you should know every Tuesday night you should make time for us because you never know when you'll be invited on yeah that's right um all right the other piece here is the national letter of intent right so they're talking about getting rid of the national letter of intent which if I understand it correctly from what I was reading essentially what this would allow them to do is players would commit and they could just sign right away to be with the program uh there is no like oh I'm committed and I have to wait until this day for signing day no like you can start making money from nil and you can be locked in and you can start your contract all that different kind of stuff because they're going to start doing that kind of stuff in college basketball that's the way I understood it and so if that's the case I am 100% for that um because I think it's ridiculous that we have kids who are like three years away from graduation committing to schools whether it be in college basketball or football and then two years later they decommit commit somewhere else and then a year later they decommit again and then commit somewhere else like I I I hardly feel bad for coaches because coaches make millions of dollars they're doing just fine but I do feel bad for coaches trying to put all these rosters together when they have kids who are committed that aren't really all that committed they have players on their team that say coach I'm not going to transfer but some school can come to them and like like that they can offer them a ton of money and they say oh see us sorry you know like moving on and so I do think that it makes for a better basketball product when you have coaches have a little bit more control of putting their actual team together now do we want to give them the same control they had 10 years ago when they could make the players do push-ups until they puked and they really had no say and you know they basic ruled their entire lives and they were drill sergeants no probably not I think that power got abused a little bit but I do think that the coaches need to have some power here this isn't the NBA where the players have all the power and the players are getting paid more than coaches but the the the coaches need some structure to be able to put their rosters together what do you think kit h i I guess I I don't love to speak on things that I don't fully understand yet and I don't fully understand this but I guess I'll start with a question then how would this make them be more structured then if they don't have to sign a letter of intent you're saying they're signing directly to the program so they can't leave after the after they commit quote unquote commit so Ross Dinger put an article together where he said uh eliminating the nli so National letter of intent would usher in a new signing model that includes most of the core benefits of the existing system when a player commits to a program similar recruiting rules tied to the National letter of attent will continue with the signing of school aid agreements and uh for instance all communication with the signed Prospect and failing members must end and the prospects are prohibited from signing more than one Aid agreement prior to enrollment so but what would stop them from like saying I I still changed my mind I'm going to go sign with a different school now I guess if the other school's not allowed to talk to them then they could get in trouble I guess yeah so the other school can't talk to them and so the idea there is like if you can't talk to the other coaches like the other coach isn't going to flip your commitment I guess if the coach leaves then like yeah you know there would be that but and the best thing about that part is too like all the coaches will for sure follow that rule too like they're not going to talk to players yeah before they're allowed to be talked to just ask Kurt ference about that um I think that we're leaning into a era where we're about to just have fullon contracts and if I'm being honest where we're at in college basketball I think we might need them because they're getting paid money and we have the situation speaking of Iowa like the offensive lineman from Iowa that went to Alabama back to Iowa back to Alabama whatever it was and got money from both schools I think that the contract could help prevent that and the contract and the school and the nil all need to be working together because if a kid's going to start getting money from the school and then he's going to decide to up and leave there should be something in his contract that says you owe us some Moola because we paid you and you're leaving before you played for us or you're leaving before we thought you were going to we thought you were staying for two years why are you leaving after the first year and also who was talking to you that made you leave so um I think that I think we're Philip said what's that so it's basically what Philip said coaches coaches have a buyout players have a buyout sorry go ahead Philip Philip and I are always locked in together um so yeah I think that that's where we're going to and I think that it it probably needs to be where we're going because there's too much money involved with especially these high level programs and uh it's just it's a little bit too messy and it's something that I think that contracts legally could uh help solve a little bit more with some of this messiness because this doesn't really make sense it's just like okay you don't have to sign a letter of intent you're going to be signing to a school all right well let's just say something crazy happens like a coach is still talking to him when he's not supposed to be he still changes his mind then what there's no legal document as far as I know that's like binding them to this school and even if they there is there's no Financial uh punishment for them to leave so I think that's where we kind of need that I think that's what they're saying with the contracts is what you were saying like there's a buyout so either the player has to pay the buyout or the school themselves has to play the buyout honestly I could see this kind of turning into like European soccer or national soccer where like sick the school or the program the team whatever uh they have to pay the other school for the rights to sign that player right which like it's good for the mid- major schools right I mean who was a mid- major John Al Davis John Al Davis goes to Arkansas and John Al Davis had one year left on his contract so now AR you know Florida Atlantic they just lost Dy May Vlad golden John El Davis but guess what Michigan and Arkansas both have to pay for John L Davis and Vlad golden to come go get players themselves oh dude now fa is like we got genius yeah I mean I think that would make it really really interesting now would everybody abide by the rules heck no well it wouldn't matter like to me it wouldn't matter too much if they're abiding by the rules of like the like the coach's communication thing like that's never going to be abided by by anybody or most coaches or most programs but to your point though it wouldn't really matter like if they're follow the rules or not Arkansas would have to pay them Michigan would have to pay fa it would money yeah so they it wouldn't they'd be like okay you want to take our player fine here's his contract buyout give us the money that's even better than the player having to do it that's I I like that better which the only thing that would come of that that I can think of that would be a major negative is you would have players like sitting out and like I want a better contract or something like that which I don't know I don't think you have much time to sit out so maybe it would happen less because you have to play while you're in college but yeah plus it would be like no you like I think a lot of coaches are so stubborn they'd be like sit out then dude like no one's going to take you if you sit out they're not going to want a player like you yeah they're not gonna want to pay for you yeah yeah all right good talk there kit let's move on to our last subject we're going to hit an ad really fast and then we'll come come back and we'll talk about the rivalries HomeField is your go-to destination for premium Collegiate apparel with a passion for comfort and a flare for vintage design HomeField brings you gear that is comfortable and stylish with over 150 colleges to choose from HomeField digs deep into the archives uncovering forgotten logos iconic mascots and Legendary Moments to create one-of-a-kind apparel use my code tbth for 15% off for new customers or use my link in the description Assigning Every Big Ten Team a New Rival Jr Casual Big 10 here talking about rivalries in the Big 10 well not just in the Big 10 teams in the Big 10 giving them new Rivals now Kent and I both kind of went this K we both kind of went different ways here we both did not give any big 10 teams as Rivals well I gave one to another big 10 team but I did give Big 10 teams to the newcomer teams that I had because I felt like that would be a good way to integrate them in the conference Kent you did not do the same but you did do every team was outside the conference correct every team is outside the conference and I was just going to add too this kind of stemmed from some of the matchups that we have in football this weekend with like some weirdly like kind of rival matchups with Michigan they're not Rivals obviously but they could be and it would be fun if they were and it's teams that people hate I feel like with Iowa and Iowa State obviously that's a rivalry but like right Michigan Texas that's not a rivalry but it's like they probably could be in another world Northwestern and Duke both like really smart Schools they're playing on Friday night that kind of they play a lot they're kind of like a rivalry do you think they are already I mean like they're on similar planes with each other like you said they're both smart schools yeah so like it feels like something that should be a rivalry so I mean if I was it for me though was was the get the match ups this weekend and I was like man these are really interesting like potential non-rival that could be though yeah yeah uh Illinois Kansas are kind of Rivals a little bit I don't know Sunny might be able to give us a better idea there or Philip Philip you know could tell us if he hates Kansas more than anybody else I mean obviously in basketball but uh in football I don't know how de that who is Illinois's like main main rival I don't even know if I know that dude it's Ohio State the UK trophy I don't I don't think that's the case um like lately it's definitely been especially since we're talking about basketball it's definitely been Purdue I feel like yeah Purdue is more Illinois's rival lately um Northwestern is a rival with Illinois they're both in Illinois so uh I know Missouri is a rival for Illinois um there's another team is it West Virginia no there's another team I have to hear I have another team and that's what I'm going to start with do you want me to start this off yeah so I was going to go alphabetically so Illinois is first and then Indiana so you have both of those so why don't you give us Illinois first I'll you know give your reasoning I might comment if I have any thoughts and then we'll move on to Indiana okay I also just want to do one more preface and that is the reasoning behind some of these Rivals is vastly different from Team to team because I just thought of different stuff each time but Illinois I had the welcome your new rival Kansas State of course they just stole the heart of your program Coleman Hawkins out of your cold hands and uh obviously the state of Kansas has not been a friendly place to people like tsj last year who had some legal dealings in that state so the whole state of Kansas we're Rivals with you now Illinois Kansas State rivalry week I can't say that all at the same time rivalry week there we go this this is like the opposite of like setting up two people that you think would do well together on a blind date like we're setting up two fan bases together it's like hey you two would hate each other a lot yeah you guys hate playing each other it's G to be great yeah uh I agree I think that's a good pick I don't know who else I would give for Illinois possibly John did say Purdue uh Canon trophy with Illinois I did forget about that one that's that is a rivalry in football so um but yeah I mean I think that's probably what I would get to as well oh Underwood is an alumni of Kansas State Bruce Weber I forgot about Bruce Weber I okay so that's a good comment I didn't know about Underwood but I did forget about Bruce Weber though and I have another one later on that is because of a coach that moved um and I can't believe I didn't add that to my little list here darn it man good all right great pick I'm I'm 100% on that one especially after Philip said that so uh so yeah Illinois Kansas State welcome to dinner you two hate each other now uh let's move on to Indiana who is Indiana's new rival wait I'm up again yeah because I have Iowa and Iowa's technically third oh okay okay so this one I have less reasoning for but um my silly reasons are they both wear the same color and it would be from a geography standpoint a border battle and this team has been frisky in basketball lately Indiana your new rival Dayton the Dayton Flyers your new basketball now this is mainly for basketball right this is a basketball rivalry is that cool I I just think that it would be cool because they're so close to each other um maybe they hate each other maybe they don't but hey it's a quick drive two hours away go down there and battle it out for a couple hours and then you get home that same day and everything's all good so Dayton that's what I came up with for Indiana I will say I didn't have a lot of time to dig on that one so I didn't have any like great like coaches moving or anything like that like I didn't say Texas Tech because that's where Bobby Knight went after he left Indiana or anything like that I could have said something like that but I thought a I thought a little border battle right there with uh Dayton would be fun uh Philip points out Indiana did hire Archie Miller from Dayton so they could be mad like why you let us hire this dude this dude stinks how am I do without even knowing I did not know that one either John says IU and Kentucky I consider them Rivals I don't know if anybody else does I think I do too like every time they play they definitely talk during the offseason like their Rivals yeah they especially more when Indiana's good if Indiana's not good they don't really talk as much but if they're good um definitely talking more so all right good pick all right my uh was a good pick it was Dayton are you sure it was a good pick hey Archie Miller that was that a connection there let's go with it I'll take all right my next one is Iowa Iowa uh you are a very offensively minded program and I think that you need a little uh smaller school to give you some competition but it's a school that is also a rival with one of your most hated Rivals now it is a little bit more football than it is basketball but Iowa has faced this team 16 times since 1949 so I say bring it back together Iowa meet your new rival kraton oh oh I like that one I like that you could have like a triangle of hate between yes Nebraska kraton I don't I have no idea if this ge geography makes sense a triangle do I still have the map I pulled up a map of all the division one basketball teams earlier to try to help me with this a little bit with some of the teams I was struggling with but no either way that would be fun regardless could you imagine like they all three get together in one location that's like none of them have home games and they all three play each other like that would be a really cool rivalry environment so I feel like that's just a cool format in general that should happen more often yeah that'd be really cool uh they are seven and N versus kraton so it is a close record amongst each other like I said since 1949 I wasn't able to find you know all the way back to like the 1901 and stuff like that so sorry but yeah so that's do you have it do you have it pulled up still do you know when did you say the most recent one was or did you not say that it just has the record I don't have when they play I don't remember the last time they played I don't like I don't know if that was in my lifetime or not yeah unless Philip knows um that would be insane if he knew that Philip knows mcder offense versus Fran mcaffry offense that would be awesome that would be fun to watch I love it that's a good pick yep thank you thank you thank you uh my next pick because I think I have Marilyn next um all right so little backstory in big banter Sports there was a podcast for Maryland and nobody liked them really except the Michigan guys they got along because Maryland came on their show and told them that they weren't cheaters uh when the rest of big banter was kind of give them a hard time so they kind of became friends but everybody else really didn't like them um and so they one podcaster called them the poor man's Duke and I have never seen a group of fans get so angry about a nickname before and that's what I discovered that Maryland absolutely hates Duke and Duke considers them like a toddler little brother like Duke is like 26 has his own house and the toddler little brother comes over and was like let's play basketball in the driveway and he's like dude I don't want to play you again like I'm just going to block your shots and destroy you um but that's kind of what it seems like between Maryland and Duke so I would say give it to Maryland let them be Rivals let the Duke fans embrace the hate they don't just hate North Carolina but they also hate Maryland as well and yeah the poor mans do comment I think this is the most this is the team that Maryland has played the most in their history I was going to say well that makes sense because they used to be in the same conference so it kind of like boils back up that old ACC rivalry that they already had but I was also double-checking like did they play Duke in their National Championship I was I was like did they play them they didn't play them in the championship did they I can't find who they even play it 2003 2002 yeah Indi Indiana they played Indiana oh wow huh um don't remember that loser get [Laughter] Willard um John says Maryland and Georgetown I did think about that one I I couldn't really find a solid reasoning but the poor man's Duke just stuck with me so um and yeah Maryland and Duke are old ACC Rivals so what I read made it sound like Maryland has always considered Duke arrival but Duke never really considered Maryland arrival so that makes it even better in my eyes yeah yeah so that like Duke will not give them the time of day but they care so much about it like yep that makes it even more bitter I feel like I agree I agree so all right uh Michigan Kent who is Michigan's new rival all right so this one's simple um it's going to be Harvard and it's going to be because of Michigan thinks that they are the Harvard of the north I think and also um Harvard stole I guess you would say after Michigan can let him go Tommy Amer back in the day so there's some coaching history um this was the only one I actually did do coaching history on I accidentally did those other ones but um yeah Tommy Amer with the move and then obviously like Michigan kind of being the like I guess they they would consider themselves the Ivy League school of the Big 10 I think so it kind of makes sense that they would have a rival that is in the ivy league so Harvard yeah your new Rival Well they do call themselves The Harvard of the West don't they I feel like I've heard Michigan fans say that before I looked it up and I didn't immediately find it but I I literally did one search and then I was like I don't really care if that's true or not maybe I just read somebody on Twitter say it one time feel like I've heard them call it something along those lines before yeah I know Ohio State fans were very happy when they had some kind of academic achievement that only Harvard had um I didn't really understand it but I guess the Harvard of the Midwest right there yeah Harvard of the Midwest the Harvard of the cornfields uh congratulations Michigan you now hate Harvard so that's right good stuff uh all right next Michigan State I don't have a whole lot uh on this one so I apologize if somebody in the chat has a better one but Michigan state meet your new rival Notre Dame you hate the Catholics congratulations similar to the Michigan Notre Dame rivalry in football I think it'd be fun for Notre Dame to have another rivalry up in uh up in Michigan for basketball and my first thought when I did this was like well it's kind of you know overmatched rivalry right Notre Dame not nearly as good as Michigan state that kind of stuff since 1949 they were within three games of each other Michigan state has W 19 Notre Dame has W6 so I was like all right play that many times huh interesting I mean it's like since what 75 years ago but still um I never told you I was a vampire and I've been alive that many years oh okay so I just like watch I've been watching college basketball that long so I just can't remember them playing that many times 30 something times H yeah I guess I must have missed some of those in my vampire days you should be far less casual of a big 10 fan if you've been alive that long you would think I would know more that's what I thought um so yeah Spartans Spartans versus Catholic meet your new rival not your name all right Minnesota Kent tell us who the Gophers are going to start hating I'm glad you didn't have much on Michigan State because I didn't have much on this one either uh I just went with uh South Dakota State I don't know why I think like again went back to the map it was semi close and the jack rabbits I believe they are are always kind of frisky they're always seem to be like in the tournament that's South Dakota right jack rabbits yeah yeah or South Dakota State yeah yeah yeah them them that's who their new rival is so uh both have like kind of funny mascots it's like a Golden Gopher and a jack rabbit and they are like I said semi close to each other I don't know think it could be fun they're not the worst basketball school ever but you know Minnesota's not the best I think that from a competitive standpoint I think that these could be some really good games actually so we'll see Minnesota South Dakota State tonight on ESPN rivalry I can't say rivalry week without pausing can you rivalry week oh that's good that's good I can't do it have I feel like I've seen a go for in a rabbit fight before in the wild yeah kind of makes sense you know so uh John does not care men who cares yeah that's kind of why I didn't put a lot of work into that one all right well I'm a big Parker Fox fan speaking of other animals Fox I was going to say you should have just reached out to Parker Fox and see who he hates and said Parker Fox hates this so now so do you I think he actually played at like North Dakota before he came to Minnesota it was like a smaller school so maybe he hates South Dakota then because they would be Rivals oh yeah true true true true so all right good stuff uh next is Northwestern you have that one as well uh this one's simple it's Chicago State from last year for no no other reason than the that they beat them last year and tried to steal that uh they are Chicago's team away from Northwestern and they did it so Northwestern at this current time is not Chicago's team for basketball until they beat Chicago State so it has to be them it has to be a rivalry they have to play every year um Chicago State Northwestern basketball Rivals I love it I love it Northwestern needs to avenge themselves you know Illinois really should do like a Illinois like basketball tournament thing kind of how Indiana did with IU Purdue Butler and who was the other team that was it Notre Dame was the other team they had in there they had four teams in Indiana um but they should do that with Illinois Northwestern Chicago State and another team but that would be fun if they did that like uh Northern Illinois why not bring a ma team in there there you go Northern Illinois good stuff all right my Nebraska listen take it back to the big eight all right Nebraska was not always in the Big 10 and I think you got to have some rivalries be rejuvenated now this team did leave the Big 12 and they are now in the SEC Big Time football rivalry that I think can now translate over into basketball and get a little bit of the Big 10 SEC rival we going give me Nebraska meet the new team you hate Oklahoma you already have hatred with them in football so the hatred should be easy to put together it's a very close record 62 to 68 I guess that's not very close but it's a pretty close record 62 and 68 Nebraska is losing this one so start playing every year get it together home and home verse each other like I said a little bit of that big 10 SEC so I don't have a coach that went back and forth though I was gonna say I don't know Philip has one I don't know many coaches from or going to and from Oklahoma to begin with so I don't guess I guess I could have done Iowa State and we could have had another like triangle of hate with Nebraska Iowa and Iowa State and Fred hyberg came from Iowa State so it's a lot done a lot of triangles of hate out there in the cornfields that's what we we want as much hate as possible that's what makes that CR that corn grow real good all that hate out there for bball teams that's a good one though I like that one um John says Nebraska and Arkansas do they hate each other or is there potential for hate there I just don't know I would love it if there is the funny thing is I don't think anyone really hates Nebraska other than like like Iowa right do they hate I don't know do they even Iowa Minnesota kind of hates him but as like a like from a basketball standpoint I think like everyone kind of respects their fans though kind of kraton doesn't I mean kraton Nebraska is a big time rivalry but can get lost then I was going to say something way meaner but I'll just leave it at that all right uh next one is Ohio State I'm doing this alphabetically right if I mess up you let me know I don't know I'm just waiting for you to say mine so that I then I can go okay not that I want to go really badly I just do it however you want I don't really care okay this is the one that I said that there should be a rivalry in the Big 10 because I've always felt like this should be a rivalry but it's not and I think it's a little bit like the Maryland and Duke thing where I think Ohio State fans sure is it Penn State no it is a state that borders Ohio though I don't I was told there would be no tests on here that's okay um Indiana Indiana really and Ohio State faced each other the most out of any program well they are the program that Ohio state has faed more than any other program in their history so I think that's really neat bob Knight comes from Ohio State he played there coached to Indiana so there's a bit of a connection there you could have like a bob night Memorial trophy or something like that um I think that would be fun did he did he pass away not yet but his his health is not great so it could I mean we we hope he stays alive as long as possible but uh doesn't it have to be to be a memorial trophy though doesn't he have to be dead maybe not Memorial trophy like an honoring him trophy I don't know I'm not trying to kill the guy sorry it sounds like you are I'm not trying to I like bob Knight did you just kill bob Knight if he dies tomorrow that's your fault um don't put don't put that on me I you were told there'd be no quizzes I was told no lives would be lost because of this podcast okay I I I redact that then uh Philip says Ohio State and Butler the ma game that that's interesting um I think Ohio state has taken a lot of coaches from smaller Ohio schools wait did he really philli I didn't think he died yet I thought he did too actually oh he did die all right well sorry Bob okay so now oh no he did he did I do remember now I do remember now okay so yeah he did die they had a a moment at one of the games um that's bad that neither one of us remembered it though well in my mind I just wanted him to be alive so I'll just blame it on that I wanted him to be alive so I refused to believe it so sorry uh thank you for reminding us John and Phillip um so yeah there could be a bit of a m Memorial game there but I mean no ill will toward bob Knight I think it would be really cool for them to honor him and like his coaching Legacy and his playing Legacy and stuff like that I know the drama choked a player that kind of stuff listen different times okay different times dude he's got some of the like I think I do remember I I I actually feel terrible that I didn't remember that he passed away because um I remember the night that it happened now that Philip says that because everyone was posting like all their favorite videos of him and I probably saw like 10 new clips of him that I didn't see and dude was hilarious during interviews like just would like refuse to give people the time of day he was so passionate about basketball he didn't care about anything else so no we I didn't mean any ill will either by saying that I forgot by the way funny guy yeah I think I think there was like a hoax one time that like bob Knight died and I think that's what I was thinking of because I do remember that happened I remember there was like a hoax and turned out he didn't die which that person should get in a lot more trouble than us yeah definitely more than us terrible we didn't do anything wrong okay should' be in no trouble yeah we're allowed to do this we just are forgetful all right give us a break yeah um philli says Indiana wore the RMK patches on the jerseys Forum last year yes RMK I don't remember what it stood for but oh Robert Knight Robert whatever his middle name was yeah that threw me off because I only know him as Bob like when I knew him he was just Bob yeah they should have wore patches just had Bob oh Bob would have been better yeah Bob everyone would remembered that more cuz RMK didn't hit home for me I don't even remember those I remember the patch they're like a black circle I think anyway they should have did Bob with like a little chair that had fallen over like next to the Bob I'm not even trying to be funny like I thought I that great I think that would have been a good logo like cuz the chair falling over where kind of like represents him passing because it like fell over but also well and then like he also threw the chair like I that's what you're getting at like he threw yes that's like one of his most iconic moments I think that people know him for from Indiana especially but anyways we're getting super off topic that's what they should do they should have the bob Knight Memorial game and every like whatever time it was when bob Knight threw the chair onto the court they should have to take a timeout at that time and somebody gets the honor of throwing the chair the chair that's that's way better than what I was going to say I was going to say the chair like sideways on the top of the trophy oh like kind of going through the air yeah no I think I Honestly though I think it would be a really cool thing to remember bob bob Knight if they Montgomery there we go Robert Montgomery Knight and John's there too all right thank you you guys have Google right now so I'm going to believe you did it that way if you just remembered his middle name I'm incredibly impressed but yeah he might be a big bob Knight fan he might might be I don't know I know Philip's an Illinois fan I don't know what John 's a fan of John if you can Indiana fan is he an Indiana fan I mean who else would remember the patches like I I watched every single one of their games and I don't even remember those yeah all right well let's move on Oregon that's your team got all right this is the stupidest one probably that I came up with it's uh Oregon versus the orange Syracuse the Syracuse Orange versus Oregan the two o's battling it out right I also thought that it would just be hilarious to have I originally wrote down Maine because like uh Oregon is so far away from Maine and like naming it like the far away game or whatever something I would come up with something better by then but um but you had Washington far away game that yeah the far away game the super duper far away game is what we would have called it yeah much better but you had Washington though which is even farther away from Maine I don't know if that's who you picked I highly doubt it but um I'll take Syracuse and Oregon Rivals from the fact that they're super far away the O's and I think that this would be a really cool Jersey matchup game like the green and the orange out there together I think it would look really cool so like the USC UCLA where they have to wear their color jerseys both yes yes that would be really nice that would be really nice I'm for it if Oregon can no longer bring the duck for that one they have to bring like a Green Dot like the big orange is like an orange dot yeah so then Oregon has like a but that he he's only a mascot for that game though like he only comes out for the Syracuse game yeah and then you get to take the mascot of the other team that's like your trophy I mean obviously the mascot goes home it's just a suit but still like yes yes like you get to have the mascot yeah or we could abduct them one of the two but for like for Syracuse that would be a much bigger deal though because they don't they don't have their mascot for the rest of the year so be bad so all right um my next one is Penn State this is really lame um but this is the best I had bucko okay Penn State you lost a buck now last year it was embarrassing they are now your rival you hate them they're only an hour from Penn State buck buck Nell is in Pennsylvania right didn't we talk about that with uh yeah that's where Zach is Z yeah sorry forgot his name for a second yeah no that's where Zach does his Camp campus ministry at um yeah so I'm I'm all for that let Penn State and Bucknell hate each other and uh Penn State has to redeem their loss to Bucknell this last year and they've actually played each other quite a bit I look back like I said 1949 and on they've played each other quite a bit so uh Penn State has been doing different conferences and stuff like that so they've played Bucknell more than they've played some big 10 teams so interesting all right interesting you have Purdue Kent all right I'm going with uh Louisville for this one I think that becau it goes from the coaching from football actually didn't Louisville get Braum from Purdue so there's a little bit Mo I believe okay plus I think that both of these schools especially now with Purdue are known for having good basketball teams so I think that we could get some really good games out of Louisville and Purdue so just simply because I'm selfish and I want to see good games it's not the farthest away from each other so it's a realistic rivalry I feel like they're really close to each other and uh I think it would be really fun so Louisville Purdue yeah I mean Louisville part of Louisville is in Indiana as well so it'd be kind of a cool like they come down there to play and it's like half Indiana people half I mean not Indiana fans like people from Indiana and half people in Louisville so that'd be cool I like it uh all right next is Ruckers all right I did some history digging on this one all right so Ruckers and this team were the only two the only two pre-independence colleges before independence day all right they were the only two Independence col colleges pre-independence in the USA that are not in the ivy league so Ruckers has a good amount of rivalries with teams in the ivy league the probably the most prominent one Princeton goes back to football and stuff like that and they actually still carryed on in basketball today which I think is awesome pin little bit of a rivalry there as well but I think two teams that are not in the ivy league that have kind of those ivy league roots and both these teams have rivalries in the ivy league Ruckers meet the new team you hate Williams and Mary oo oh that'd be good are they good though like are they are they like trash at basketball well Williams and Mary beat him in 2015 I looked up that game oh they beat him 7262 so I don't think that they would beat them next year no they would definitely not but yeah so that is the only time they've ever played was in two oh sorry 2013 that is the only time they've ever played so it's like new rivalry new record against each other kind of similar area one's down in Williamsburg Virginia the other one in um Piscataway so is it pway is that where recers is at yes yeah yeah so yeah I think it'd be neat good little history lesson there I think it would get some eyes some more eyes on is it's Williams and Mary uh William and Mary William and Mary okay that's how much I know about them don't even I don't know where that name comes from yeah I was actually at William and Mary this summer when I went to Williamsburg to go to the Battleground out there anyway go ahead I just think I just I was just going to say we get some more eyes on their program because I don't think a lot of people are watching them right now other than if they were rival with ruter yep that's true all right UCLA all you can I'm going to keep this one real simple because we've been talking about this for a while now but I'm going to go with Texas and this is simply because I think that the clash of the people that are in the majority that support different political parties from those areas getting together in the same building to watch basketball with each other would be Dynamite I would love to see it could you imagine a presidential debate before the game yes that would be fantastic so that is the only reason I picked them um also they're both like Big Brand big name schools I guess that's another reason and again I think it would look really cool Texas the burnt orange is like one of my favorite colors in all of like college sports and then UCLA with their uniform combos that they have is not far behind so I think it would look good on TV it'd be fun to watch and there's such a clash of like cultures that I think it would be an actual rival like people would actually want to kill each other at that game I agree I agree I think I think it should be done it should be the very first game of the college basketball season there should be a presidential debate beforehand and because it happens in November and then we vote weeks later or that decides the vote right there yeah whoever wins that game that decides who's President yeah so they only play every four they only play every four years yes yes all right I'm game do you know how many people would watch that game oh yeah dude if they were like okay we're talking about uh the NCAA would to make more money exactly you want some eyes on this make the presidential election come down to it I mean it's not much worse than the system we have set up right now actually I think this would be better I think we come up with a better idea I definitely think it would be better either way by the way I don't care who would win I just think it would be fun to watch no I I agree I agree like that they're like both of them are like court side too like sitting be like right next to the coach like on coaches for The like MC Cronin you go sit down Camala Harris is the coach of UCLA today oh you're saying they're actually the coaches yeah they get to co like they're in charge of lineups and everything uh Trump goes over and starts coaching Texas oh man this is where I wish I had a trump impression I don't though I'm sorry I'm not even gonna try because I don't have one but man that would be so great them they have to coach the game oh man that sounds could you imagine that game going to overtime like Twitter would explode everything would explode everything would EXP you would literally have mobs outside the stadium oh man the pressure on those poor college students you imagine the recruiting pitch though like you will decide you will decide president of the United States for 40 minutes you will be the decision oh my gosh the refs would would die if they dude you want to see some nil money come in UCLA in Texas would have the biggest pack money backed nil ever that would be fantastic I'm for it I'm for it all right we better move on otherwise we're going to be here another half hour um USC so this was where I gave them a rival in the Big 10 I also came up with a rival outside of the Big 10 for USC so I I'll do my rival outside of the Big 10 first that was Arkansas they took Eric muselman I think it'd be fun to see Eric musman and Cal coach against each other I think that would be a interesting thing um yeah big 10 SEC again so that was my thought process there but my thought process for in the Big 10 give them a team to hate in the Big 10 Nebraska Nebraska has Iowa they hate a little bit of Minnesota but USC meet Nebraska you all hate each other now both uh are former very good football programs USC back a little bit right now Nebraska has Dyan royola so it doesn't work that way but uh both were blue blood powerhouses at one point in time the the series is split right now five and five so you have an even split there for that series but yeah that's what I'm thinking USC Nebraska I'm not going to say that you're wrong but I do think it was a miss not to mention the Trojans versus the Spartans oh that was that's a good point too I feel like that is a rival that needs to be had they could play in like a Coliseum see not we're instantly Spitfire spitballing right now with this yeah they have to play in the snow in the Rose in the Coliseum every year outside what if they played on a boat wouldn't that be crazy could you imagine like an aircrack just kidding if only if only we could figure out how to get two teams playing on aircraft carrier the basketball would be so they have to play in the air actually they have to play on an airplane they have to put a basketball court on an airplane and fly it all right all right sorry I'm getting we getting late all right what's next um Wisconsin oh I'm next because I have Washington and then you have Wisconsin so you're last um all right so my team in the Big 10 for Washington is Michigan I feel like both are the north school and the Rivalry the Washington is just the upside down M I mean it's not exactly just the upside down but still Michigan has the m Washington upside down W I think that that would be kind of a new little rivalry you you kind of already have like the Ohio State Oregon football Riv rivalry starting right now so why not get a Washington Michigan basketball rivalry started I think that would be they also played in the national championship game a lot of people forget that well but we're talking basketball here oh yeah yeah I know I know but yeah but helps though the Rivalry oh yeah for sure have Michael pennix Jr and JJ McCarthy be coaches for the game that'd be awesome I don't know why I like switching out coaches for yeah you're a big fan of like getting rid of the coaches and having somebody else coach I think that deep down inside you're thinking that maybe you'll get on a sideline one day if you keep switching out the coaches like I'll get to do this maybe I I have more ways to be able to do that now um so yeah that's my that's my thought process there Wis Johnson who you got Kent all right I'm going with the University of California and it's for one reason one reason only the California is the second leading cheese producer in the country and Wisconsin wants no part of anybody else making any sort of cheese without them saying that it's okay so it's the battle of the cheese heads Wisconsin and I didn't I had to Google who was second by the way then I picked a school from Cal Wisconsin whis Cal Battle of the cheese whis whis Cal whiski wisal yeah Nia wial Ni no man I gotta stop have the whiskey trophy whisk cow kind of like whiskey okay I like it um let's see Philip says Wisconsin has more dairy farms California has more da cows yeah pH is just a Fountain of Knowledge tonight yeah well he has Google so no this is all off the top I can I can feel it okay I believe you Phil very intelligent um yeah no I mean they they play for like the right to have the land or to have the cows like cow has to bring cows with them and WIS know they both have to bring a cow to the game and whoever loses has to kill it on the court afterwards sacrifice the Rivalry yes Phil I love this that's not Google I know Dairy that a boy Phillip I love that he knows Dairy I love that all right well uh this exercise took much longer than I thought it would but it was very fun I think that's my fault I'm not sure no it was a that was a great idea very fun um boy we thought this Basketball episode would not go very long we only had three topics here we are almost an hour and a half in I'm very tired so we're going to end things Kent thanks for being here why don't you tell people where they can find Casual Big 10 it's on X at Casual Big 10 I'm on YouTube at Casual Big 10 trying to do more stuff on YouTube did the BET Big Show this morning it goes out live on both of those platforms and then you can watch it later if you want to scroll through tweets you can find it on Twitter still if you want to watch it on YouTube go subscribe to my YouTube channel I would be much obliged you also find some NCA football gameplay there as well that's right you still doing that I'm still doing that I was planning on doing it tonight I don't know if I'm going to stay up any much later though so we'll see yeah we just Advanced a week I'm still number one in the we call it the college huddle Dynasty yeah cuz there's some college huddle people in there it's what you Russ Dylan yeah some other people from the college hudle I think so yeah sweet I'm in first place by the way so I'm well representing uh the brand there not happening Phillip not happening say three hours not doing why would you want phip you don't want that we need Dylan John says later yes before you go please uh do tune in tomorrow night 9:00 got Chris Drew coming in from mines Sports we're going to talk about the Michigan game the Oregon game the Nebraska Colorado game I think we'll probably do Ohio State at least touch on it as well just because I know we have a number of Ohio State fans that listen to the football version they do not listen to basketball Ohio State fans do not care about basketball so we I don't care about them then how about that exactly just the ones that don't watch the basketball episodes if you're Ohio State fan and you do I love you yeah Eric shows up every now and then but right so uh yeah check us out tomorrow night me and Chris Dre 9:00 and oh and we'll also have our SEC upset pick of the week for you that time as well so we hate the SEC that is our rival who was it last week I picked Texas A&M last week nice and John picked LSU so I like this segment a lot already then two for two yep let's keep it going I think I also said Georgia if they're really bad but that was like not gonna happen so yeah which I was right so all right thanks everybody for listening we do appreciate it have a good one

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