What REALLY Went Down When Tyreek Hill Got Detained

get out get out get out get out get get out get out damn what part of brother doing this time hey Drew hey Drew I'm getting arrested D I'm getting arrested I'm getting arrested Drew I'm getting up bro God Dam on TW when we tell you to do something you do it you understand you understand not what you want but what we tell you you're little [ __ ] confused I'm getting out too late too late all right bro take BR do what you got to do we are we will good good bro it is good hey hey don't worry about it I hung up the phone you stop crying bro y'all don't move good bro you beating on my window like you crazy seat I'm going have a seat hey have a seat all no no you're doing it now go hold on hold on Twin hold on hold on bro I just had surgery on my knee I just had surgery on my knee bro I just had surgery on my knee bro I Ser you in your ears we chill bro chill bro all right so Boom the NFL kicked off there week one of the 2024 season but funny enough the biggest story wasn't even on the grid iron it was actually before kick off in Miami as all pro wide receiver Tariq Hill was detained for reckless driving but despite the fact that he was let go then gone on to put on a magnificent performance against the Jacksonville Jaguars and the officer who detained him was immediately placed on administrative duties we've got body cam footage from I believe four or five different officers numerous different angles released damn near immediately I don't think I've ever seen body Canam release this fast but one way or another let's break it all down come to a consensus on one transpired and above all else have an objective opinion so let's get right into it these are the two officers that pulled over Tyreek Hill on what appears to be a routine speed trap setup as you can see they're starting to prepare to get ready to go and pull over Tyreek Hill so I'm assuming they were either tipped off by another officer that Tyreek was going above the speed limit might I add this particular Street the speed limit is 40 m hour Tyreek Hill doesn't even come into frame until 30 seconds after the camera started rolling this is Tariq Hill passing in his McLaren right now and both officers are on their way now as you can see from The Chase the offic is having to pick up a lot of speed in order to go and catch Tariq but this is nowhere near a 100 this is about at best 65 to go and catch Tariq but still keep in mind if the speed limit is 40 simply going 60 is still well over the speed limit so yes it was indeed warranted to pull over to reill but this is when things got very interesting how your speeding move forward and here we [Music] go hey don't knock on my window like that man don't knock on why don't you have your seat Bel on don't knock on my window why don't you have your seat Bel on knock on my window like that though like what don't knock on my window like that why you have it up don't knock on my window like that why you have it up I have to knock to let you know I'm here that and talk just get my ticket bro so I can go I'm going to be late do what you got to do Straight Out The Gate I think Tariq Hill right here is in the wrong why is that because you're already agitated you're annoyed that you're getting pulled over which that is warranted however the offic is just doing they job it's not as if they were unlawful and pulling you over you were over the speed limit so you already starting out handing them your ID before he can even say anything to you and he has to knock on your window in order to let you know that he's finally by your driver's side if you had the window down he would have never had to go and knock on said window nobody going to pull you over just stand outside the window then go back to their car that's not how it works lower your window first so you don't have that issue then he asked you why is your seat belt off hey don't knock on my window like that don't knock on why don't you have your seat belt on don't knock on my window like why don't you have your seat Bel on knock on my window like that though this will come into play later because they wrote Tariq Hill a ticket for driving without a seat Bel however given he was in a tinted vehicle how could you have ever identified that the seat belt was off you only notice the seat belt was off at the time of the stop so you can't sit there and say he was driving without the seat belt he simply did not have the seat Bel on at the time however Tariq could have said I just took it off so I could go and get my ID I think that would have moved forward from there but if you listen to the tonality of what the officer had to say he's just trying to do his job right so he said hey I had to knock on your window in order for me to be able to let you know I'm here so I can talk to you that's it Tariq is already escalating the situation for no reason furthermore the fact that he would say just write me my ticket I got to get to where I got to go because I'm running late if that's what you trying to do why agitate this man that's stupid use your common sense and now a word from our sponsor all right so Boom Football season is back so that means I'm going to as many Pittsburgh Steeler games that I possibly can and there's no better place to go and grab your tickets then with game time game time is the only ticketing app that gives you complete peace of mind with your purchase you can see the view of your seat before you buy so you know exactly what to expect when you arrive this summer went to the Copa America semi finals cuz of game time went to the Stanley Cup Eastern Conference Finals cuz of game time last year went to the NBA finals cuz of game time and I can't begin to explain how excited I am to go watch my Pittsburgh Steelers because of game time and it's not just Sports whether it be music whether it be comedy or any particular kind of live event game times got your tickets and with game time you can save up to 60% off when buying last minute tickets the 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his window before the officer can now leave from said location furthermore not only did Tariq raise the window back up look at him right here he's putting his seat belt back on and granted he's in a tinted vehicle so you can't necessarily See Clearly inside side now I understand what you guys are thinking you don't have to have the window down the entire traffic stop but look at it from the cops perspective in this situation you had a guy who you just pulled him over he was already a bit annoyed and agitated upon giving you the ID you're in an exposed situation because you have to turn your back to go to your vehicle to write this Mana ticket because you can't see what's going on in the vehicle it's a not a problem ability that he may have you know a firearm whatever the case may be but it's still a possibility and because Tariq Hill rolled it back up reached and put on the seat belt and he's keeping the window up you don't know what's going on and it's an open road if you take a look at the officer turn and as he looked if Tariq wanted to just take off who's to say he could have gave you a false ID you don't know who he is up until this point Tariq Hill is [Music] riping hey keep your window down keep your window down I'm going to get you out of the car as a matter of fact get out of the car get out of the car we break that freaking window get out of the car get out get out of the car right now we're not playing this game get out get out get out get out get out get out get out damn what part of brother doing this and this is when things begin to shift in tariq's favor and more wrongdoings in the ferious intent done by the Miami Dade Police Department before we get there we got to First acknowledge the last bits of where Tariq Hill went wrong because when the officer had told him all right now I'm going to need you to get up out the car right at that point you're in an unfortunate situation I think at the moment Tariq Hill was trying to call Drew rosenhouse his agent also he was dragging feet as it pertains to opening the car cuz for one it was very impressive that the officer knew how to open up a McLaren door I don't even know how to do that also another reason why Tariq would have probably wanted to keep the windows up is because obviously you're a public figure you're Tariq Hill in Miami on the way to a Miami game last thing you want is other people seeing you get pulled over taking those photos and videos is incredibly embarrassing and furthermore things like that could get leaked to like TMZ and other stuff and people could spin a narrative and say you got pulled over something that you actually didn't get pulled over for so I completely understand that angle but the officer don't know that so if you were to have spoke to the officer in a much you know calmer Manner and said Hey listen this who I am I know I was speeding whatever the case may have been um I'm a public figure I'm actually a star receiver for the Dolphins I'm on the way to the stadium do you mind if I keep my window up so that other people don't take a photo of me you have my ID anything else that you need like work with them I'm not telling you to be a least boot liquor but in this situation you're at their Mercy they are God and furthermore knowing that you trying to get out of there as fast as possible don't do anything to escalate the situation it's just a smart thing to do especially as a black person in America if you already have that thought process behind man the police is coming over to my car I'm in fear for my life they might just mess around and try to put hands on me or maybe whip out their firearm and shoot me why am I trying to sit here and hold Court in the street what am I going back and forth with you for if I'm supposed to be in a situation where I'm like hey I'm trying to get where I got to go or maybe you might just be up to some and I don't know what's going on with you I'm not trying to do anything to give you a reason why am I going back and forth I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six I'm not going to sit in the street and hold Court that's a last thing that you want to do get out damn what part of brother you hey Drew hey Drew I'm getting arrested DW I'm getting arrested I'm getting arrested Drew I'm getting out bro God D on TW when we tell you to do something you do it you understand you understand not what you want but when we tell you you're in a [ __ ] confused I'm getting out too late too late all right bro take jail BR do what you got to do we are we will good good bro it is good hey hey don't worry about I hung up the phone you stop right bro y' St move good bro you beting on my window like you crazy just set them up why y'all beting on my window like y'all crazy for damn y bro what's going on bro yo bro dud be on my window like he crazy I ain't do nothing twin Dam hey hold on pull to the side Jo have a seat I'm going have a seat hey have a seat I'm to no no you doing it now go hold on hold on Twin hold on hold on bro I just had surgery on my knee I just had surgery on my knee bro I in your ears when we chill bro chill bro hey Jo new Bro back up hey it was at this very moment in which the train went off the rails and both these officers started running a Twan like it was a late night on 6th Street I haven't seen a Twan Power Trip like this since triple in Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2001 a wild Kus Campbell appeared might I add as well and a jonu Smith was on the scene as well back up back up right now back up back up right now get back get back I'm telling you go back I don't know have to talk to you go back go back go back B our c b our C giving you a lawful command you need to step down you want to be hand off all right then back up we're not playing this game here man well I just want know what happen it's not your business get by your car and leave you got to go before you get a ticket I'm not driver who's the driver this my car all right move you got to move right now let me have your license you get a ticket to let me have your license get let me have your license I'm not playing let me have your license your license right now what's going on your license right now you're not going to give me your license you're not going to give me your license let me have your license your license right now hey your license right now but I'm going to lo you up your license right now your license right now you're dealing with me now your license right now at this point it's a cluster [ __ ] of a situation stuff went bad like a Shannon Sharp Instagram live you got multiple different officers giv different commands Joon new Smith don't know what to do whether to leave or whether to stay Kus Campbell trying to figure out what's going on just to figure out the down the distance like he was on the field of how far can he be to observe the situation without disturbing the piece and he still got put in cuffs if I'm telling you to do something do it I don't care if you're Obama if you're Bush sorry the energy is too high we just no it's not listen listen if I'm telling you to do something I got you just do it I got you if I'm telling you roll on the window roll it down don't lock it up I got okay I don't know why you're not rolling on the window I don't know I want to go home as well they just want to go to the game they got a game well not today I'm not going to tell you again to leave I'm going to give you one more time if you don't leave I'm going to take you to jail here listen if you listen to me listen listen listen listen I'm giving you an order one more time one more time I'm giving you an order to get out of here hey hey down right here right there get down I told you leave nope too late first let me preference I'm not well versed in this realm of law but my knowledge I don't believe it's illegal for a bystander to be there on the scene of an ongoing investigation in the midst of said traffic stop as long as they don't intervene interfere or disrupt what's going on they wouldn't be detained I guess in this case the officers thought perhaps Kus Campbell having been too close cuz he kept saying 25 ft was in a position to where he should have been detained jonu Smith they gave that brother a citation personally I don't think that's the case for Kus Campbell because he's not stepping around shouting obscenities at the officers or anything of the nature you saw him with his hands up numerous different times just trying to figure out what's going on granted the officers do not have to tell him what's going on because they themselves are unaware who the vast majority of the individuals in this scenario are they have no clue of their affiliation with the Miami doll Dolphins they have no clue what their affiliation with Tariq Hill at this point in state in the video you can tell they have no clue what's going on they just trying to diffuse the situation however they're escalating it because you can see they've reached such a high level of agitation that indignation invigorating inside of their soul there's a lot of alliteration going on over here but you can see that they've lost the plot like he he a whole like you want to hear me out huh you want to hear me out what d behind the that's the reason it called out your vehicle saying you driving but I don't still give you no reason to pull me snatch me out my car dude dude do that he admitted everything by five cure you bro do that do that give you a reason do that give you a reason to snatch you out do that give you a reason to snatch me out my car do do that give you a reason to snatch me out my car Wait over there man by the did I give you a reason to snatch me out my car do me a favor I give you a reason to snatch me out my car and look how you I just said you got proof of that sir I will say this much Tariq Hill does indeed right now have a legitimate argument when asking does all of what transpired warrant him being slammed to the ground then pulled down to the ground again on a surgically repaired knee that they were unaware about then choked by said Second Officer absolutely not furthermore he could have had a legitimate claim in court because if you take a look at the actual citation it says a visual estimate of him going 60 it's not as if they attracted by radar and then the situation with the seat belt because you have the body Cam and the officer asking why is your seat belt off you could have easily just said well you took it off for the traffic stop you could have gotten away with all of this with nothing out of pocket and if you really take into account how much money Tariq Hill happens to have and how much these two citations that are combined together a seat belt alongside the speeding comes up to no more or no less than 300 some bucks all of this transpired for give or take $300 I need about 350 why is he acting up like that is huh you know who that isar players oh yeah now this goes on to confirm my initial hunch that the officer who pulled over Tariq Hill had no clue who he was and even if he did know who he was still Tariq Hill was indeed speeding so that doesn't give you clearance to do whatever the hell you want because you generate and bring so much money to the community and furthermore you happen to be a public figure that's not a get out of jail free card no pun intended furthermore after a more senior officer pulled up on the scene I would assume so because it was one that Tariq Hill just so happened to recognize and furthermore the other officers kind of allowed him to take lead if I'm not mistaken just judging off of what I saw off the body cam but Tariq Hill goes on to embellish a lot of what transpire what what happened no so look he told me to pull over right and I I pulled over he was like why your seat on like sir was I speeding now wait a minute hold on I don't remember it going down like that he was like he was like n he was like yeah he was speeding I'm like sir I was going 55 in a 40 okay that's cool I was like okay right there when did this conversation happen I could have swore it went down differently hey don't knock on my window like that don't knock why don't you have your seat Bel on knock on my window like why don't you have your seat Bel up knock on my window like that though like what don't knock on my window like that why you have it up don't knock on my window like that why you have it up I have to knock to let you know I'm here that way you can lower and talk to you just get my ticket bro so I can go I'm going to be late gang do what you got to do keep it down huh I me ticket so I can go he was like so like he start walking away I let my window back up and I put my seat belt on right so he was like oh put your put your window I said I'm not going to put my window down bro I'm not bro I'm going to call Drew so I called Drew you know you know Drew Brook right so I called Drew to make sure everything was straight he start getting hostile like get out the car get out the car I said bro what let me call you for give me one second sir I never once got out of out of control now wait a minute hey don't knock on my window like that don't knock why don't you have your seat Bel on don't knock on my window why don't you have your seat Bel up don't knock on my window like that though like what don't knock on my window like why you have it up don't knock on my window like there why you have it up I have to knock to let you know I'm here that way you can lower it and talk to you let get my ticket bro so I can go I'm going to be late gang do what you got to do keep it down hey keep your window down hey keep your window down keep your window down I'm going to get you out of the car as a matter of fact get out of the car give me ass get out of the car give me ass we break that fre window get out of the car I'm to get out get out of the car right now we're not playing this game get out get out get out get out get out damn what part of brother but he they pulled me out the car slam on my knee he [ __ ] my knee up again do I got T the NS again bro like my whole knee [ __ ] up do so so so so really bro hey can you take these off me though please hey you should have been here you should have been here then again it's only been 10 minutes I mean sometimes you can forget details as he was coming you know when he called it that he was hauling ass I got I get after him pull over what you helping me for I'm like for Speed okay so when he pulls up I get to his uh window I knock on the window don't knock on my window like that so I asked for a license the CP was raising your hand okay he gives me the license and then he raises the window I knock on the window again keep your window down okay keep your window down I'm like you know what at this point get out of the car okay I'm going to get you out of the car so he's refusing to get out of the car that's when Donnie take him out okay huh that's interesting nonetheless there was a fan who recognized Kus Campbell I'm a big fan thank you I'm appreciate that I don't need to tell you that sir talk about awkward then obj showed up on the scene what the [ __ ] Happ nevertheless as we all know all parties were released and allowed to go about their day and went on to go have a monster game kalas Campbell with a sack jonu Smith had a catch Tariq Hill went for 130 and a touchdown and obj is still on the pup list exitation sir can take TR you can pay for it this is not personal man but I'm trying I'm telling you re me to the KN get out of here man get out of here I understand that what's your name I'm sorry what is it callus callus relax okay relax your arm right right man thank you appreciate it bro thank you man respect for real nothing personal appreciate it appreciate it I still got love for y I want to be I respect all yall in concl usion now that we've all seen the body cam footage I'll say this much I think both parties were in the wrong at different points in the altercation at first it was on Tariq you sir were speeding in your McLaren 60 in a 40 then upon getting pulled over and the officer knocked on your window you could have just said hey you don't got to knock on my window like that once but instead you kept going egging the officer on increasing you know the agitation in the particular stop granted you gave him your ID you should have just waited till he walked off to go and lower you know I should say in raise your window upwards then upon not putting it back down that's when I think things took a turn because the other officer came over pulled you up out the vehicle slammed you on the ground put that knee on your back put on them shiny bracelets handcuffed you and then proceeded after they walked you towards the sidewalk that same officer came around grabbed you by the neck took you to the ground and then proceeded to choke you as well completely out of line he needs to be dealt with administrative Duty might not be enough maybe you got to take that brother off the force or figure out what kind of Anger Management he's got to get situated as for Kus Campbell and jonu Smith um I think that was kind of unnecessary to a certain degree it could have just been one officer to go and talk to them individually you didn't need to have multiple different officers shouting a bunch of different you know uh uh commands that ultimately overrided each other this guy telling you to get up out of here this guy telling you to give your ID who do I listen to it's an unfortunate kind of situation and the amounts of bystandard that were getting you know uh barked at for just being within the vicinity some people were just walking by and they too were um getting barked at just minimally because they were just in passive so they I guess the cops had to identify if they were just trying to stick around or if they were just passing by but one way or another this entire situation could have been avoided this is over a total of maybe $300 and I understand what people will probably say is well it's not about the money it's a about the principal but if it's about the principal Tariq Hill knew you needed to be at the a stadium at a particular time if you're running late okay the number one goal should keep the conversation between yourself and the officer at a minimum because you already knew what time it was hence why you in your mind done said or I should say you said to the officer hey just write me my ticket and then we can get up out of here there was no need for the additional escalation I can understand you don't need to have your window all the way down you're a public figure people are going to spot you but ultimately it is what it is you got stopped at this point you know what's on the Marquee just a comply go about your business because it's not to say it's a violation of your rights you've got something bigger to do at the moment being the game in which you're paid so handsomely to do that's ultimately what your objective for that day was and you knew that hence why you knew yourself you were in a rush the moment that you started to go and escalate things it took things to a whole other level and then ultimately the officers escalated it even more so both parties are at fault I think it was very interesting that the videos that was circulating on social media initially were showcasing Tariq Hill ultimately being a super victim of the entire situation with no context whatsoever now that we see the body cam footage we can't sit over here and try to exam at him as if he didn't play a role in what transpired as well all things could have been avoided so ultimately the citations were handed out I think that jnu Smith um if they gave a citation to Clay Campbell I didn't see one um and Tariq Hil can go to the courts and battle against the citations and avoid a couple of100 and fines but this entire thing got blown way out of proportion than it needed to be indeed and again to the Second Officer take that man off the force to the first one you could put him on administrative Duty and perhaps you guys go through a bunch of different particular kind of trainings to identify better ways to diffuse situations but all in all for Tariq you know better you've got too much to lose to play games like this that's all I got to say about that let me know your thoughts in the comment section and I'm curious to see what you guys take just so happens to be hey I appreciate you watching the entire video make sure to hit the Subscribe button and the like button on the way out if you haven't already and on top of that hit that notification Bell as well for whatever reason YouTube's only showing my videos to 20% of my subscribers so if you have already turned on the notification Bell turn it off turn it back on if you never turn it on turn it on I appreciate you

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