Tyreek Hill Arrest Body Cam Footage Reaction

so this week NFL star Tyreek Hill of the Miami Dolphins made national headlines when he was pulled over by the police for speeding and the interaction turned into a violent struggle with police hey keep your window down keep your window down I'm going to get you out of the car as a matter of fact get out of the car get out of the car give me we break that fre window get out of the car get out get out of the car right now we're not playing this game get out get out get out get out get out get out damn what part of hey Drew hey Drew I'm getting arrested dud I'm getting arrested so this interaction clearly went wrong and we're going to unpack all of this today hi my name is Joshua Simone welcome to my channel the ministry is called Tor curtain hit the Subscribe button I promise to bring you the best Christian content we're going to go after the tou and Contra veral subjects no cookie cutter stuff please help me get to 100K subscribers 87% of my audience has not subscribed and I'd appreciate that it help the the YouTube channel Tyreek Hill is an NFL superstar named cheetah cuz he's widely recognized for his Speed and Agility on and off the field in high school he was also a track and field star that won a state championship he has finished both the last two years in the NFL by racking up more than 1700 yards in each season solidifying his place as one of the best wide outs in the game he's an extremely young Gifted Man athletically now normally I just cover spiritual issues but sometimes I will cover things going on in the media and culture that have spiritual implications so we're going to look at his arrest video and go over the details in this video linking it in with the times we need to talk about policing in America have we have seen since the George Floyd racial riots this is a big issue on people's minds we saw a movement to defund the police as a result of this and people quickly backed off when crime started skyrocketing in cities but the media won't report this that it led to more black-on-black crimes and backfired we absolutely need to have a nation of law enforcement we are required by the Bible to obey the government as long as they are not asking us to do anything that goes along with our faith at the same time a majority of law enforcement Community are good people who are trying to serve the community but we also do need to lead room for bad police officers as well this should be a subject that we have public discs on and we're not doing that I would love to see more Town Hall meetings between police and their communities that are on television we need to have this conversation between the two communities to facilitate a better future for America but most either either fall into passive aggressive categories either people completely hate the police or people stand 100% with law enforcement believing that people can do no wrong wise people understand that these issues are not black and white and that we need to wrestle through the various things each one of these arrest cases should be taken on a Case by case basis and not Linked In and lumped in with the rest of them one last thing I would like to mention before we get into the arrest video I live in Queens New York City which is the most ethnically diverse region in the whole entire world and I consider all people of different races races and Creeds to be my brother but the media wants us divided they want us pinned up against one other they want us pined up against each other like white and black white verse black they don't want us United in love because when the people are united we would have great power those in power want to promote Division and the media is definitely putting this stuff and highlighting this stuff in the media to divide us and I believe that there are other Rogue Nations involved with promoting racial disunity to get us divided and if we don't get this together our nation's enemies are going to use this against us and they're going to attack us when we're vulnerable that's something that people aren't talking about and during the black lives matter rallies the Chinese government was paying attention and threw it in our face so they're paying attention and it's time once and for all we clean this racial mess up in the United States of America and we come together cuz I think we're closer together than most people realize I don't think that things are as divided as the media makes it out to be is there racism still in America absolutely is it widespread I'm not sure but the policing issues are the things that keep getting us divided so let's get into this Tyreek Hill arrest video right now and we're going to unpack this yeah we got him here 26 hey don't knock on my window like that don't knock on why don't you have your seat Bel on don't knock on my window like why don't you have your seat don't knock on my window like that though like what don't knock on my window like that why you H it up don't knock on my window like that got it up I have to knock to let you know I'm here that way you can lower it and talk to you just get my ticket bro so I can go I'm going to be late gang do what you got to do keep it down hey keep your window down hey keep your window down keep your window down I'm going to get you out of the car as a matter of fact get out of the car give me get out of the car give me we break that fre window get out of the car get out get out of the car right now we're not playing this game get out get out get out get out get get out get out damn what part of brother do this hey Drew hey Drew I'm getting arrested D I'm getting arrested I'm getting arrested Drew I'm getting up bro God Dam when we tell you to do something you do it you understand you understand you want but when we tell you you're little [ย __ย ] confused I'm getting out too late too late all right bro take jail bro do what you got to do bro we are we will good good bro it is good hey hey don't worry about it I hung up the phone stop crying bro my like y crazy going Ono on my window like he crazy I a do nothing TW D hey on the on I just had surgery on my knee I just had surgery on my knee bro I just had surgery I you in your ear we chill bro chill bro hey don't bro so one of the most famous africanamerican Sports reporters named Stephen A Smith weighed in on this issue this week and he said Dolphins Tyreek Hill was not blameless in this incident with police officers either and it's important that we do not get passive aggressive with these subjects both the police and Ty re Hill hold responsibility for this situation spiring out of control this should have been a simple traffic stop and it should have been issued a ticket it did not need to get into that level we are going to go over the whole situation and discuss the spiritual implications of all of this but before we go deeper into this topic today this video is brought to you by Birch gold one of your most trusted sources in adding 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his son's arm was broken in some type of domestic incident although the Kansas City prosecutors failed to find enough evidence to form charge Hill the audio recording and allegations would have been enough for the NFL teams to suspend or part ways with Hill so Hill has been given many chances and admits that his emotions got out of control but I think that officers emotions got out of control too somehow Tyreek Hill doesn't believe in police's getting a second chance even though that he has had extreme mistakes in his life but let's take a sober look at this situation if these type of situations are triggering to you I suggest you exit the video now Tyreek Hill was doing 60 miles a miles per hour in a 40 mil hour Zone and he was not wearing his seat belt when the police pulled him over on top of this he had illegal tinted windows now illegal tended windows are a huge problem for police officers during traffic stops because they cannot see what's going on inside of the vehicle so many police can lose their lives in a situation like this so it's triggering for the police I almost became a member of the NYPD here in New York and I quickly learned how to make these interactions with police go well you roll your windows down you keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times you keep you shut the car off and you keep the dome light on in the car be polite and respectful to the officers even even when you're frustrated or running late police do have the authority to pull you over if you're breaking the law and you must follow reasonable commands from officers if not they have the authority by the government to place you under arrest and they can use Force if you do not comply with their requests this should be something that's common sense but common sense is not so common these days and what's worse is if you fight back or try tried to end the police they have the authority to use deadly force in those situations so it's common sense to have a healthy respect for police officers even for your own health sake so Tyreek Hill was speeding with no seat belt on and had illegal tinted windows as soon as he was pulled over he stated right away giving the officers in Attitude he did not comply with the officer's request even though he was in the wrong Tyreek Hill was all across the board dead wrong on the initial interaction so far this type of behavior is so wrong on many levels he's showing to be a tit entitled NFL star which doesn't think that the laws apply to him he seems to feel that he is better than the officers and doesn't have to follow their request if he doesn't want to and he has a major attitude when he is clearly in the wrong acting like the least did something I don't want to bash this younger generation I was young and dumb at one point myself and found myself with plenty of brushes in with the law but this type of behavior is sinful and ugly and the Bible warns us against this type of behaviors in the last days it says in 2 Timothy chapter 3 but understanding this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty for people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful Unholy heartless unpleasable slanderous without self-control brutal not loving good treacherous Reckless swollen with conceit lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having appearance of godliness but denying its power avoid such people and some of these things characterize t Hills behavior that he was just proud and Reckless and swollen with conceit so many of these things describe him so this is a spiritual issue as well and the Bible is clearly explaining this type of behavior that we can see in these younger Generations that seem to be getting worse and worse as time progresses now the police were clearly wrong in this situation as well one of the offers in this situation as you saw in the video was placed on leave because of this and you can see why the one officer seemed to have a real anger problem and he didn't handle the situation well Scott pek said this in the roadless of Road Less Traveled that undisciplined discipline is no discipline at all so it's important to remember to stay composed when disciplining anyone and when justice has to be rendered to keep your composure or your behavior can become the main subject and the officer clearly has an anger problem and I know this all too well because at one point in my life I was like that an angry person and sometimes even violent until the Lord had to set me free from those things and I got plenty of inner healing and deliverance and courses okay even to the point where I had run into the laws with this stuff and was arrested because of this so I understand what it's like and this officer clearly had a major anger issue and just mishandled Tyreek right away now tariq's attitude and all that didn't help at all he was being a belligerent fool in many aspects but then the officer goes and two wrongs don't make a right so responding in this way and this man manner makes the police wrong as well arresting someone with the force and anger instead of composure and being clear-headed however it's important to know that police have a job to do and often that job entails police being in dangerous and violent situations so a lot of them can be high strong a lot of them can be very angry and that's part of the reason why I don't play around if they ask me to do something I'll do it if I get pulled over I will follow all the steps to make them feel comfortable because I've had had interactions with a few police that will loose cannons at the same time I understand because they have a very dangerous job to do they're coming in contact with a lot of dangerous criminals on a consistent basis so you never want to put yourself in the situation in the first place where they would have to use Force you want to avoid those situations all together because they do have the authority to use Force if they have to and that's something that you should keep in mind so if you feel an officer's actions are unjust then argue this in court do not argue with the police on the spot and that's where a majority of these incidences that we see in the media particularly with young African-American males happen because there's an argument with the police they're arguing on the spot instead of complying with the results going along with it and then fighting whatever issues they have with the law and many of these interactions can turn deadly and they have in the past okay so we're seeing that doesn't happen many might have 30 of these incidences that turn deadly or partially deadly a year in the whole entire nation but these things can go that way and it's important to approach all these situations knowing that police have the authority to to to get physical if they need to and possibly use deadly force so I think this officer should be suspended but I don't think that he should lose his job possibly they'll give him some counseling and an anger management course to help him take the edge off however these police officers have a job to do they normally have several different calls within a day and they definitely do not have the time to play around with people that are F not following commands when they're clearly in the wrong okay so Tyreek Hill should admit that his behavior was poor all around in this as well which he seemed to do to a very small level on TV this week however he is still calling for the police officer to be fired and still kind of playing the victim in this case okay and in some case he was the victim of that angry officer however this whole situation could have been totally avoided by following simple instructions and Tyreek Hill just felt like he didn't have to listen to the police or follow their Commandments what's even worse than this is the NFL had Tyreek Hill's back and clearly put out public statements backing Hill how this was just a terrible situation and Tyreek Hill thinks he was in the right when clearly he was in the wrong too in this whole Drama by not following simple instructions so one of the main characteristics of the end time stated by Jesus is lawlessness so in Matthew 24:3 Jesus is going over the signs of the end of the age and he said now on the sermon of the mount his disciples came with him privately telling us when will these things be and when will be the sign of the coming of the End of the Age so later on in verse 10 Jesus says this and many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another another and many false prophets will arise and Lead many astray and because lawlessness will be increased the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved so one of the main characteristics of the end times stated by Jesus is lawlessness and we never want to be on the opposite side of reasonable Law and Order and this is going to cause many to be offended with each other many for brother and brother to rise up against one another we saw this with the racial riots and the racial tensions in America and this is going to cause lawlessness and the lawlessness will increase and then all of this will have like a spiraling effect because many people are just going to check out and grow cold but the main characteristic is still lawlessness and that is something we want to pay attention that's why I'm covering a story story like this because by playing into any form of lawlessness we could be playing into the hands of the spirit of the Antichrist and which the Bible says is already at the world so there are spiritual forces as it says in Ephesians we wrestle not of flesh and blood but with spiritual forces so there is a spirit of rebellion a spirit of lawlessness that's rising up particularly with the young people they don't want to follow order they don't want to follow law enforcement they don't want to follow government everybody wants to do whatever they want to do and you can't have a reasonable society when people live this way so we're going to see lawlessness increase we're going to see people being disrespect to the police officers and we see that here in New York City with people jumping on top of police vehicles setting the police vehicles on fire hitting officers shooting officers offers in some cases they had a funeral for two cops right in my area like a mile from my house when these officers Ramos were shot in broad daylight that is lawlessness that is a that is murder and the spirit of the Antichrist and they particularly targeted police and it's demonic and in that time people will be just doing whatever they see is right in their own eyes and they will be calling good as evil and they will be calling evil good it will be twisted and we see that in this case when everybody's trying to somehow make Tyreek Hill the victim in this well all just police officers they don't like black people and this is just happening no in this situation you were speeding you weren't following the Lord you don't have your seat belt on and the cops were going to give you a ticket and possibly um a few citations as well I didn't see this was a skin a skin color issue in this case although the media wants to promote this again they want to make this a race issue but this is also a lawlessness issue this is issues of the sinful nature of man and this issue is a lack of respect for authority and the Bible says that God has placed all authority figures in place and some of the authority figures we might not like particularly I don't like the government in New York City here myself but I must follow them as long as they don't call me to go against the Commandments of God but as we get closer to the day of the Lord return we will see this lawlessness increase and the love of many grow cold and so again I see both of them is wrong in this situation that angry police officer what he did was wrong ripping him out of the car like that putting him on the ground at one point they told him to sit down after they stood him up they told him to sit down on the curb and he wouldn't follow their commandments so they violently jerk him to the ground but the point is and they were wrong so I'm not giving the police officers a pass that one police officer was unhinged angry anxious and everything in between however the main point here of contention is Tyreek Hills bad behavior lack of respect for authority his proud boastfulness probably thinking CU he's an NFL star he doesn't have to follow the law lays of the land a lot of these athletes especially a good one like him they basically think that they're above everybody else they develop like a Godlike complex and then you can expect the police not to respond to you correctly no matter who it is even if it's the president of the United States or a senator everybody is subject to the law and required to follow the law especially when you're in the wrong okay so I Tyreek Hill to be mainly in the wrong here and that officer was angry and he has been disciplined however um we've got to really talk about these issues because they keep happening especially with younger black men and we need to have these conversations in order to have a healthy Society in order to heal the racial divide the racial division that's going on in this nation and I think they're Mo much closer we're much closer in this nation to be reconciled ra than we even really think but we've got to go over some of these issues such as these law enforcement issues that come up and to be quite frankly America does need to acknowledge some of the things that happen with slavery in this nation's history and possibly even have a national holiday to that effect where we could recognize the sinfulness of slavery and the effects of slavery that are even that we're even seeing to this day that's not that is not an excuse for poor behavior on the behalf of everybody but just for the nation to acknowledge some of the things that we did in the past and have a national day of repentance that this nation has definitely sinned against the African-American community so I say this with love in my heart today I love people of all Races colors and Creeds I'm in Queens New York City I want to live here the rest of my life if I can I love being with people of all cultures Creeds I've been to African-American churches I've been to a church that was all Indian and they only spoke Mal Alum I've been to Spanish churches and Pentecostal small Pentecostal churches of all different nations one of my last bigger churches that I attended we had people from 90 different nations I love it I love all people all colors all nationalities and I feel like in heaven we're going to be all together one day worshiping together together let's get that racial Unity now but in order for us to do that we need to talk about this this this thing about law enforcement and the communities and we need to bring healing and bring this together but bottom line if police are asking you to do something and it's a reasonable request considering when even especially when you're wrong in the situation follow the Commandments go along with the commands and do not fight them on the spot that's how you end up with ugly situations like that be blessed today so comment down below let me know your thoughts let me know if you think I was unfair or there was something else that I left out please if you're watching from another country please state that I do my best to reply to the first few comments that come in on the videos if you would like to support this channel so I can bring you videos like this in the future that I can continue to preach the gospel on another channel that I have and get the gospel message out to as many people you can hit the give button right on YouTube or check in the video description to give a one-time donation via zel PayPal or cash app if you really like the content you can consider becoming a monthly partner by hitting the join button on YouTube or go to patreon torn curtain monthly Partners get extra perks and I can interact with you a bit closely I cannot continue doing this ministry long time without getting month month L Partners so that would be great if you've been watching the content for a long time I repe that I just thank you I'm going to close in a word of prayer here so Lord we just pray that you would bring us closer together than ever that you would heal the racial divide that's in the United States of America that you would bring us together that we don't have to be divided we don't have to be pinned up against each other white vers black or any other nationality vers any of the nationality you said in Galatians 3:28 that is neither slave or free Greek or Jew male or female but we are all one in Christ Jesus we are all one in your kingdom there is one Kingdom and only one entrance into your kingdom white or black yellow it doesn't matter one way to you we can all have unity in the body of Christ but in order to do that God one of the clear barriers is getting over these issues that we constantly see with law enforcement that is causing tensions that is causing division in this nation so we need to talk about these things and have discourse so that we can bring healing and that we can have a society that has laws that has responsibilities that has that does not become lawlessness that does not become Antichrist it is not rooted in Rebellion but Law and Order so that everybody can be safe and that we can have we can live peacefully in the end days that might be impossible but Lord we can get it as best as we possibly can we don't want to grow cold we don't want the love of many to grow cold we want a heart that soften responsive towards you and other people and as long as we're here on this Earth in Jesus Christ we could have that be blessed and I pray for racial healing in the United States of America and worldwide that we would all be one and love one another as Jesus commanded us to so remember in closing today Christianity is three things to love God with your whole heart mind and soul to take his love that he's given you go outward to love others and the last thing to go out into all the world to preach the gospel baptizing and making disciples baptizing them in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit to tell people the good news that Jesus died was buried rose again on the third day so that he can set us free from sins so that we can be in right relationship with God that we could have eternal life that we could be free from addictions and bondages he could give us A New Path a new life give us his spirit and we can have a purpose in this life and a real relationship with God through his son Jesus thanks for watching today e

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