SO MUCH DYSFUNCTION | Psychologist and Wife React - The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | E.1

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:19:52 Category: Entertainment

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okay mhm we're live I take this head off a dome I got going isn't it I think [Music] [Applause] this I'm not sure what I think about this well you know what our um I think our audience was split I got a lot of people telling me that I have sold out because I'm interested in the Mormon Tik Tok WI I think we sold out with Sister Wives okay since for sellouts we own it likeing the same things I grew up in a glass box thinking that everybody lives this way I feel like they're all wearing the blue coats cuz they're trying to be like like the Sister Wives like the real Sister Wives that wear the same colors and they usually wear like pastels I'll Google it but I bet you this is some kind of Mormon thing no I I think it's I think I feel like they're misrepresenting cuz not all Mormons are polygamist but polygamous like where The Pastels and match each other so I feel like everyone should be offended okay you're just calling out the offense just I don't know what exactly but it's all offense platform that the generation didn't have before us they're just powerful women trying to change the stigma of gender roles on the Mormon culture mom talk I have an opinion about mom talk but but do you want to share yours do you have an opinion before I they all look like they're having so much fun dancing that yes that's one I feel like if we I feel like we'd have a stronger marriage if we tick tock dancing we should do that if you want to lead that if you want to if you want to lead that charge I'm in they look like they're having so much fun okay so I think Mom talk is really good my my Global position would be that what I understand about mom talk is that you do have these you you you now have an Avenue for moms to communicate and an Avenue for moms to be fun and an Avenue for moms to be really transparent about what it's like to be a parent and I think that there is half of mom talk where the moms are being very honest about what it's like to be a mom and you do have the other half which I think would be the Dark Side of mom talk which is not the mom's acting [ __ ] but it's the moms that are talking about how you know every day they take 45 minutes to make their kids you know a perfectly curated lunch or moms to act like they clean the house day and night I think that's dangerous because it's like this idealized fake vision of what it's like to be a mom but the idea of moms being online and just being real transparent I think think is healthy I agree but I do think that some people find um enjoyment or fulfillment by making a perfectly curated lunch I mean it's not me but but some do and some like my mom definitely was fulfilled by a perfect house like growing up like if our house looked perfectly clean that fulfilled her it doesn't fulfill me though and it definitely doesn't fulfill you excuse me I really take pride in how the house look no no but doesn't so but is is a perfect house and a perfectly cated lunchbox equivalent to the mom that posts a picture of herself in a bikini and has a filter on or AI that removes every blemish like isn't it as damaging yeah yeah I feel like Jacob never initiates like sex you talk to him about it not really like in depth but I feel like maybe should but like what do I do I'm like should I like put on lingerie and I have to say it's really shitty advice or really shitty thought to think I don't want to communicate with my husband but instead I'm just going to dress more and more in a scantly clad way hoping that he's going to be into me mhm if she's this distressed she should go communicate I I think my question is like do you want to do this we post a Tik Tok together and things come out on Reddit and girls are on my Tik Tok saying oh he was just like with my roommate last weer no you kind of like the drama in the relationship huh no I don't little she for sure likes the drama in the relationship for sure and he's like okay good to gome I think I was a bit worried about you moving into relationships so soon only because you're gorgeous you're like Tik Tok famous you're hot like you can get anyone you want so what do you think about Taylor Frankie Paul's Dynamic with her new her new bow I mean it seems about right for someone in the 20s I guess that's the fair that's a fair interpretation I think that she's incredibly she feels um so sort of self-interested that it's like very clear to me that she's in no way shape or form interested in actually having a relationship and I think if she was she would choose anybody other than some guy that she met off of Instagram and I think it's crazy that her friends comment as I can't believe that you would get in a relationship because Tik Tock famous and it's it's a little bit like the the motivation for both of them is attention money sex the intention the goal for either one of them is not love a healthy relationship a healthy family like they are they are miles from being in the right mental place to actually engage in a healthy relationship do you still like watching the kids it's hard yeah they're hard they're challenging I think they should be with you more I have 50% of the time like divorced parents do no I think the mom was saying I shouldn't have to watch your kids as much as I am mhm that's what I felt and and she ter like no no no but I only have them half the time yeah yeah yeah when you do have them maybe you should watch them the soft swinging what does that mean do you guys know like what they all did I think it's just everything but sex is what I understand like sral too yeah it was like swapping so they didn't all do it because so it's basically it was just Taylor that outed the group cuz she was the face of mom talk I'm now I'm confused I thought they were all swinging together who was Taylor Swinging with some guy that the husband welcomed in but it was one of the mom talk people I don't know let's find out also that it's like okay we can do everything but sex so it's fine it's like no you're sucking someone's bu agress were you part of The Swinging group not part of any of it I'm way too busy and tired by the end of the night I barely want to have sex with my husband half the time I just don't know if I could handle like four other guys so these seem like real moms to me I'm just really tired but Taylor she admitted that they definitely thought that we would be fun to swing with we're hot what can we say I think I would be offended if I was part of the mon talk group and no one asked me David you I think you would say yes please if someone as the vibe of you'd be like yes please they all look the same by the way I can't figure out who's who I love you but you don't always make the right choices yeah I feel like you've never gone through a divorce you've never had your entire I guess sex life online for the entire world to say I feel like you put it online it's a wild position for her to have to to be mad that people are judging her for the outcome of her behavior which she did to 60,000 people in front of I think she's confused you have two kids that you really have to think about they're trying to heal and which you should be healing you just got divorced and you need to let that settle cuz ultimately me and your dad are going to be the ones that pick up the pieces can I make a a wild guess that she doesn't have a strong relationship with her dad wild guess why are you why are you saying wild I think she's totally dysfunctional I think she and she and she I think she doesn't care enough about the impact of her behavior or the impact her behavior is having on anybody but I think that she uh I I almost think that she secretly relishes the idea that she's putting people out because she hasn't been supportive there's something going on with her parents okay and in particular her relationship with men she seems like she's manipulative I think that she's maneuvering I think she didn't get enough attention or something that's going on with her um I have to take a pregnancy test tonight are you for real mhm yeah she's relishing in that y that's a weird like yeah she's been really like inconsiderate of her family very very nice you're you're so stupid why would you put yourself in that well I didn't purposely do it you're always screwing up everything pisses me off what do you think about how the mom talks to Taylor I feel like they're so close in age like I can't even imagine Linda talking to me like that yeah but can you imagine talking to your mom that way Linda is her mom by the way no yeah there there is something going on with her and her parents there's some kind of weird dynamic but it is a little bit of a [ __ ] you um I don't care what kind of you know damage I do to the people around me do you know my mom loves me and wants the best but emotionally I would say and I'm still struggling with the gossiping and judging and I'd rather her just support rather than tell me what to do it's hard to just be supportive when you watch someone like on a spiral downward just self-destruct yeah like oh okay get a pregnancy test I mean the problem here is is it's not like Taylor was born yesterday and now you have a 28-year-old that's feeling like she's not being supported what you have is a dynamic with her parents and her upbringing and my guess would be that Mom and Dad weren't supportive early on and so now you get the middle finger up in the air attitude you know what I'm saying and so you look at it now and I would if I look at this interaction it's easy for me to say I get why the mom is upset and I bet you if I track Taylor's life I might be on Taylor's side mhm I didn't like that oh I hate it so much ew is that supposed to taste good let's just Arrow all of our grievances I don't believe that's her first time that it's ever touched her lips first of all second of all I'm getting a weird vibe from Dad it's a weird move to be Mormon no alcohol super straight laced and then pull out the dark mustache and the bleach blonde hair so he's putting I'm having a hard time tracking Jud you how old were you when you met Chase 16 and then I got pregnant before marriage Chase was 21 then he was 21 sleeping with a 16-year-old it's illegal yeah that's a problem that's statutory bra that's a real problem in my opinion but okay I just feel like there's a line especially like when we're friends like I feel like we grew a relationship yeah we did but then you made that video I I didn't think about it so I'm sorry that I didn't like I guess I don't know pattern for her I didn't think about anybody else in this situation yeah there's some it's a kind of her pattern I I can't tell if this is a personality issue on her part or if she gets Manic and doesn't think in like I don't know we have to I don't know enough about her but um her level of insight is low lows yes don't want to lie about it anymore Taylor even asked me the other day about the whole Tinder rumor and I deny it again yeah I it's really hard for you to lie about that okay I just think just say first of all I did call that something was off with him with the bleach blond here you thought I was being judgmental guys little B on the creepy side yes he does seem like a creeper all right so so he goes out he's on Tinder and she's saying I don't like lie about this and instead of him saying I'm so sorry I did that to you he says yeah it's really hard for you to lie about that like it's her problem because she doesn't love lying about it it's a it's a it's a weird style of apology there's an accountability issue with there's an accountability issue with everyone though so far I just hate talking about what happened to me in the same breath as what I did to you I feel like it flips the script and it like turns me into a victim when in this scenario I'm not this was like an Ashley M Madison type situation I know we'll learn more why didn't he just do Ashley Madison maybe he did I'm just having a hard so he okay so there that's a legit apology from him I don't believe him though and I don't know why but I I let's keep watching and I'm working on myself I'm a little nervous about how like what they're going to think I don't know if they're going to hate you he's saying all the right things but he's saying it in in this sort of faux emotional I can't I'm so sorry and I had a problem I can't believe it impacted you and I I feel like there's a lot of explaining about him and his journey and there's this this like the undercurrent is I had a problem and I'm working on it and so we have to just move on and I can just tell you from my like own experience working with people when there's an affair is it's a [ __ ] nightmare and the idea that you would have an affair and be pushing to move forward is very unrealistic and so I guess I don't know if I'm reacting to his apology and not liking it or if I'm reacting to her verbalizing more concern not for her feeling like he betrayed her but concern for how the church is going to react when they find out about him it's again like it's a weird I feel like her emotion and her experience is secondary in all of that he had been struggling with a porn addiction and I didn't want to say anything I didn't I didn't want to come out because I just feel like there's a whole story you know there's a reason why people do certain things this isn't a nutshell why I reacted negatively to his like crying apology thing is because first of all a a porn addiction is very different than going out and going on a Tinder and sleeping around that's the first thing I don't know whether or not he slept around a sex addiction yeah sex addiction is different is a sex addiction is different but it's still it's still you're still accountable for your behavior and I and I don't love the fact that when he was crying and apologizing to her and now when she's talking about it with her friends instead of her saying I'm so hurt how could he do this to me I'm so mad at him because he put his needs I don't care what the reason was he put his needs ahead of me my safety my reputation right instead of her saying that she's saying well there's a reason why people do what they do he was going through something he has convinced her that this is a consequence of him going through something which by the way miraculously he's now Beyond he's working through it he's going to therapy or whatever but it's I it's like I want her to be able to say [ __ ] you for doing that I'm hurt and I'm angry and I may or may not stay with you but I'm [ __ ] outraged do do you know what I'm saying versus having her sit here and try and protect him but I feel like that's our society like every like I agree with you but there's just like a global lack of accountability for things like that it's always because of a past trauma that you are drug addicted or that you hurt other people in this way it's like no one ever is like oh like I just only cared about myself in the moment right you're never going to hear that and and I agree yeah I agree there are reasons why people do what they do but at the end of the day you do whatever you do all of your behaviors why do people have affairs cuz they want to he was on Tinder cuz he wanted to can I ask did it go further than Tinder no it he never met up with anybody um how long had it been going on like our home marriage the home marriage the guy's on Tinder and she believes that he never met up with anybody feels like a wasted account feels like can't with you so crazy sliding in my DM okay all right okay what you that it's a generational Gap you want to marry me I want to marry you wait really you're freaking obsessed with you run for both of them run for the hills well no I feel like she's loving that oh yeah again it just there's it's it's the the the the lack of stability is crazy to me and she is desperate for attention he's desperate for anything that makes him feel something he loves the fact that he's obsessed with her you know what you shouldn't do is marry someone that you're obsessed with while you're obsessed with them this is a recipe for a bad relationship I can't be with you if you want to like party unfortunately for me it's life or death makes me sad be like oh I can never drink again like I'm like that sucks this is a red flag for you Dakota she doesn't care about your recovery like it's life or death for you so I mean just red flag it he should be anywhere other than in a relationship with her mhm and did you see the look on her face when he said I'm obsessed with you she was like of course you are yeah you are they're so they're I'm sure I'm sure that they feel like they are magnetized and they should both go the other direction won't lie no I'm drinking like tonight I'm getting I'm getting effed up she doesn't like that much she just wants the attention she will she will destroy him and this guy and this guy will destroy her also like he's not stable he's just in it right now for the moment cuz it's a distraction there is a woman screaming there's like into the wooden thing so I reacted I threw the one thing at him and when he came in I threw everything else at this time you're going to be placed under arrest for d for domestic violence was Dakota sober I don't know I don't know what happened I feel like we can't make a judgment on it yet this is a hell of a cliffhanger but definitely those two are not good together let us know what you think that's the end of episode one of The Secret Lives of Mormon wives hit the like button if you want us to react to the rest of the season yeah yeah

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