Love Is Blind - Reunion - Season 6 #86 - Therapist Reacts

Published: Apr 13, 2024 Duration: 00:24:39 Category: Education

Trending searches: what time is love is blind reunion
hey deserving listeners Love is Blind the reunion let's watch that's right all of your favorites from the season 6 pods will be returning today oh sorry okay so they're at the pods it's kind of interesting and they are having past couples so that was Alexa and Brennan making out okay nice to see they're still [Music] affectionate he hey BR Tiffany hey Nick something's never Chang yeah it's a good joke the the choreography is a little questionable but um but yeah okay let's go ahead and get to it I can't wait but first come on with me there's something I've always wanted to do come on guys I got to show you hey there I was wondering why she was picking up her dress can she literally not walk in her dress let's rewind that can't wait but first come on with me there's some I mean she was walking fine and I thought is she about to jump into a pool and wait around or something I someone explain it to me thing I've always wanted to do come on guys I got to show you I mean really it just would make me upset on her on her behalf that she would have to wear a garment that she couldn't walk in hey there I'm excited for this one this is going to be good woo see she she was literally running I I don't get it did she have to Traverse like a moat or something to get into the other uh it looks like they're in the hallway hi everybody what's up oh Colleen is here it's kind of nice set design actually to have the stage and the the audience and the cast in the hallway right I mean kind of makes sense that's kind of nice I wonder if Zach's there and he's like traumatized by the [Applause] hallway all right A lot of people kwami and Brett Tiffany Izzy and Micah welcome guys and then just regular peons in the it's just I just like uh is everyone a cast I mean I suppose those people could have been other cast members but it doesn't look like it what do you think should we bring our friends from season 6 out here yeah oh it looks like Chelsea is there is that uh gianina is that Gan Nina cuz she had blonde hair right you guys sure yes all right come on out [Applause] guys wow that dress is giving me serious um Who Framed Roger Rabbit Vibes right so you got chelse or Colleen and Matt is that ganina I can't I can't really tell and who's who's that guy maybe maybe someone new maybe they're married to someone new oh my [Applause] God oh my God oh my [Applause] God I find it a little weird that they're a plotting everybody the cast as they're walking in I just wish there was no audience I liked it before when there was no audience I like it when they can just have a conversation not worry about the audience you know the audience often has these really distasteful reactions e like Jerry like that one that one season I can't remember was it three or four or something the audience was like was just like Jerry Springer you know that audience at Jerry Springer eventually was a cartoon of an audience you know what I mean so I'm not looking forward to that the audience is probably similar to the internet in that everyone seems to hate everybody so it's like yay we love you and then sit down so we can hate you and Boo at you or something I don't know plus it's like what did they accomplish you know presumably you're clapping applauding to congratulate somebody at least you could applaud the old cast well even that I don't know it's the beginning of a show it's tradition I suppose you want to be nice what's the alternative they all just are stone cold quiet when the cast walks in and you can just hear crickets I don't know I'm just like Yay good job you were on a reality TV show well I guess you survived that's some [Applause] yeah I was wondering if Jeremy was even going to be there given all the allegations but I believe this was shot at least two or 3 weeks ago my contact on the show referred to the reunion having already been shot and that communication I had I don't know a couple weeks ago uh by the way today is the day after this was or no what what day is it it's Friday it's 2 days after this was aired uh what I did is I sat down to watch The Reunion and then I didn't know that it wasn't going to be aired until later that night and so I thought well I'm all ready to go so I just searched on Tik Tok for love was blind stuff and I went down some rabbit holes including the rabbit hole of Jeremy and his for partner his former partner accusing him of being perpetrator of V at partner violence and threatening her her with a gun to I think her face and the police being called there delegations we don't really know but but anyway so um yeah I'm trying to see who all here you know sometimes they have people join later so we don't see Matthew Amber or Trevor or Sarah but I'm guessing we will yeah right I thought that what they would do cuz they've done this before at the reunion where was it SK or someone that they just said at the beginning you'll notice that so and so isn't here and that is because you know they have some sort of legal disclaimer of some kind and I thought I wonder if they filmed it now if they would say we can't have Jeremy on he has some serious allegations against him and we don't want to be complicit we would have to ask him about that he probably doesn't want to answer questions along those lines get your epip pens ready thank you Jessica for that one we'll be addressing every single Scandal that has been gripping you over the past few weeks oh so it looks like Trevor is there and they have a countdown for when he's going to be let out of his cage or ad help me out on this one pick a number between 1 and 15 four four Four's already been asked it's funny there's a lot of references to memes or to notable moments I didn't show all of it there was a call back to shake that Nick said Nick leche not latchy he says to because they were in the pods and Nick says if we were at a rave would I be able to hold you on my shoulders something like that right painting them red anymore listen we're no red flags over here okay no red flags at least not tonight not right now well we have lots of questions of course for ad to come including what happened with Clay after the Altar and has she met with Clark Kent also I does Clark Kent Matthew who's Clark Kent who's Clark Kent F dates with ad and Amber and did he really by the way side note I went down a rabbit hole this morning about George reev the first actor who played Superman on the TV show in the ' 50s and how they thought that he died by Suicide but then they thought he was murdered and then there's a movie with Ben Ben Affleck playing him and I thought I would find an answer but apparently it's still an unsolved mystery So speaking of Clark Kent we went to France with my family together for Christmas we spent that in Charlotte oh and we got some photos we go oh y Christmas Charlotte okay oh my gosh real so getting old you start to see patterns in society and and there was a time when the 80s was coming back in style My Generation Gen X would I don't know what you call it fetishize or replay or remix or make fun of and we would have 80s themed parties I think going all the way back to like the mid '90s we were having 80s themed parties but now you get old enough not only do you get old enough to see your your teenage culture come back in style or be parodied but then you get so old that young people's childhoods are being replayed and parody but but yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good right it's supposed well what is that is I mean it to me that that looks '90s to me like '90s dirt bag party picture or I I don't know I'm from Seattle so I I don't know anything but it it looks like rural um Insane Clown posy adjacent culture but that could literally be ' 80s because in in the 80s we were a ton of denim I remember one day in middle school I think I just took um a you know a visual uh inventory of everyone's pants you know regardless of gender everyone was wearing ing blue jeans and and almost everyone was wearing Levis except for me and my friend Chris who we were wearing like tough skins or I can't remember like Seattle Blues was a a jean company back then because our parents didn't want to splurge for $20 pairs of Levis and I remember just begging my mom please let me wear just give me a pair of Levis and my mom my mom was like Levis look weird they make your butt look funny and I'm like I don't care everyone's wearing Levis this is more like sixth grade mom gets me a pair of Levis finally and I'm just I'm just like yes I can finally be cool and they said back then that you have to wash them a few times cuz then they shrink to size so you have to buy them without really trying them on just imagine that you buy them not knowing if they fit or not and so you have to buy them huge right just voluminous and I was so anxious to wear them to school because my coolness boat had arrived that I didn't want to wait to wash them and I wore them and I didn't have a belt apparently in any of my wardrobe so I just held on to my and this is before saggy saggy you know I could have done that and got away with it but that was not a thing and I we had recess and I was literally running around holding my pants up but boy did I finally feel like I fit in I like the pigtails buddy the JC Penny JC Penny photo shoot was probably one of the best things ever definitely recommend everyone does that and try to get as most awkward so I'll show a picture of Stacy and I When Stacy was first taking classes and learning how to be a photographer you know for a long time she's a model and she wanted to go to the other side and she did become she is a professional photographer now and she's now an artist photographer for and in the beginning she was you know playing around with different things and so she wanted to do a 70s style photo shoot of the two of us and so I'll show that picture now and that's our living room by the way so I think the only thing that's manufactured there is my shirt and maybe the look on my face but the rest of that is is just the way things looked normally positions as possible and I know that it looks like we worship our men but in the reality they're worshiping us they worship the that we walk on clearly not your average family photo and while I'm at it sorry I'll I'll let this play out but Stacy and I when we were in Santorini did one of those photo shoot things like you see advertise when you're walking through the commercial area and I guess while I'm at it I'll show another phot photo shoot we did at Yellowstone that I find to be hilarious that really accentuates Stacy's ability to act have had the unique pleasure of watching so many hopeful singles meet their spouses from behind a wall 11 couples have ended the experiment by choosing to say I do and nine of those couples are still married to this very day honestly that's a pretty extraordinary number really really yeah I've uh I recently organized my notes and got all those couples lined up for me we don't see Lauren and cam that's strange cuz I think they're pretty big on Instagram and then we don't have Amber and Barnett we see Alexa and Brennan Colleen and Matt Tiffany and Brett we don't see Zach and Bliss maybe they're working we see Chelsea and kwami we don't see Lydia and Milton and we see Amy and Johnny of course of course we don't see Ayanna and Jarrett or Danielle and Nick hello I'm Cameron can you see anything what are you looking at it looks like a scene from Frozen my name is Micah yeah gianina had blonde hair is that gianina I can't even tell if that's her I've been witnessed to you're cute you know that I wanted you to know I'm completely in love with you like you you're 100% my Lobster you're my person I don't know but I wonder if because of how Bad season 5 was I mean not you can make your own call as to how entertaining it was but in terms of how much of a train wreck all the couples and just how overall right cuz the only couples that even made it to the next phase there there were very few couples just three right that made it to the getaway and then only one made it you know actually getting married I guess you had Renee and Carter that also made it but then they were edited out anyway I wonder if they're thinking we have to reestablish our brand which is that this is a show that can actually be successful and has genuine people looking for genuine love and genuine marriages and season 5 what had so many problems with it because even with Lydia and Milton I I think a lot of you know there no Amy and Johnny let's just put it that way you so I think that they're thinking well what if we had what if we reminded everybody of all the the couples that that worked out and people didn't have two much of a problem with I think that Brennan from my understanding of the vibe of the audience that Brennan and um I forgot her name Alexa I think some people have some criticism about her but certainly Brett and Tiffany um again you would think that they would have had Lauren and cam cuz everyone they must have been invited right so maybe they just had something else to do I love you too never in a million years did I think I was going to find love out of this will you marry me oh my God but they highlight them they made sure to to show them yeah yeah and you know I think it's good cuz I think that it's fair absolutely and just and moral to criticize all reality TV for exploitation and harm and I think that it seems as though the showrunners and the producers of the show legitimately are trying to help people to love and soulmates and longlasting families you know so I think both are true and I am not I don't I can't relate when people just have these blanket statements that everyone's faking it they're only in it for Instagram it's all a con and maybe it is but it doesn't seem that way and I think that the show does deserve to highlight that you know cuz there are other reality TV shows that don't really have this kind of element right and you know the design of the show isn't that way like too hot to handle or and uh you know those shows are pretty silly and that's the design but this show has actual 18 people who are married and they're hinting that maybe children are on the way and and they deserve to highlight that the other thing is is that I want to emphasize that they're really elevating the nine couples which is great and it's fine but in all likelihood all of those couples are experiencing some level of difficulty as a couple fighting issues disagreements disillusionment mood issues anxiety thoughts of divorce it would be bizarre if even the couples that we Elevate like Brett and Tiffany if they don't have those things it would be in fact if they told me that and they were being honest I would say I would be suspicious I'd be like do you interact with each other because especially in the beginning there's a lot of stress you know there's a lot of things so um I say all this because there's a problem there's always been this problem but I think it's worse now with the Instagram ification of our society and how shallow we get to see into people's lives that you yourself and the Society at large might feel inadequate because your relationship does have the normal range of conflict and difficulties and disillusionment and ups and downs but you're looking at these couples you're looking on Instagram and like to me I think it would be nice if they would ask Brett and Tiffany if they wanted to talk about the ups and downs because that's that's the norm and that's love really I can just see myself walking down the aisle to my husband in this dress love you so much much BL and I just want to say for the record Seattle wins we have three couples that are still married Seattle wins Seattle in [Applause] Portland you're my husband how dides that feel amazing I love you so much I love you so much too I still wonder about some of these relationships you know I God bless and what do I know but I'm reminded I guess kwami's just kind of a little bit more reserved than she is right she seems real comfortable being herself in front of the camera I don't think he is from the edit it just seems like there's a hesitation there of some sort but you know like I said what do I know Alexa and Brennan plus Micah Izzy and GG okay they're calling her GG yeah so that's G Nina with her new partner looks like yes G great to see you first off congratulations oh thank you darling very much and it's interesting to think about who isn't there because if Izzy is there you don't have Stacy so why is that and then you don't have any of the other randos from season five like uch or JP Blake name the Blake name we are so happy for your love and that you found your person I actually had perfect match lined up I was going to hang out with you and I ended up just falling in love and not doing that perfect match is that a an app or is that a show okay it is a show it actually started about a year ago put up by kinetic and it is hosted by Nick latchy Lee and interesting what's the format let the game begin we want to see how compatible each couple really is I could be kissed like that for the rest of my life I can that's my new red flag I really want to win this challenge cuz getting control of the board means power it looks like there are some people from Love is Blind but also others looks so Shane is there Z is there oh so from Ultimatum It looks like and Damian oh so according to it is alumni from Love is Blind too hot to handle the circle sexy beasts and the mole all right so it looks like Shane matched up with someone named Chloe oh LC good old LC doesn't even really look like her remember when Barnett dumped her with LC I have positive associations with her primarily I mean she she was nice on the show she seemed like a balanced person but when my Channel first started blowing up because I was watching that first season which was an overwhelming experience I mean I was already successful as a podcaster I was I was already basically making a living and making enough money that I wouldn't have to work at the University anymore but I wasn't like I eventually became I mean I'm Small Potatoes but you you get my point anyway and on YouTube my videos would only get you know at most maybe like a thousand views or something back then so when I was watching the season it started taking off you know I was like who I'm getting a lot of views what's happening and then all of a sudden some of the cast started to DM me and I think LC was one of the first and then Jess as well my memory is that Elsie was very cool about the whole thing and I remember just saying oh my god did I hurt your feelings cuz I I I remember uh criticizing her a bit for her reactivity to being broken up with not that I would say that uh she doesn't deserve to have you know some kind of reaction right when you're being dumped that's rough but I remember her being super cool about the whole thing so uh I hope things work out for her but it looks like from this article that they only had one season and only one couple managed to stay together afterwards and they were already dating beforehand so I will say though that I don't remember anyone asking me to watch that show so I'm guessing it's not up my alley it's probably more in the vein of too hot to handle where it's just a lot of you know it's it it's probably entertaining but it doesn't really have an opportunity for me to use it as a jumping off point all right well let's adjourn there I'll continue watching the reunion next time until then please take care of yourself because you deserve it you really really do

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