Greg McElroy offers insights on Weigman's potential in Klein's offense

so I feel like when we got GRE yeah we don't have to like he's y'all are real tight and we're here Greg mroy joining us here on Tech sags what's up Greg good to be with you like this is the first unscheduled interview so it just goes to show you guys you have a special place in my heart especially when we talk uh in the midst of a coaching search at like 12:30 uh you and I are on the phone was that right before it was a night before it happened right it was Saturday night uh I had just called Georgia Georgia Tech and I am in Atlanta drinking my hand like what is going on and I'm talking to luch and like talking to coaching search people and all kinds of stuff like it was one of the more chaot and that just brought us together like we're just it if we've gone through a coaching search together we've gone through everything together and it is it was it was fascinating talking to you that night and like just comparing notes and then we kind of realized where it all intersected and that's when we're both like okay yep yep and man if I didn't the next morning get and I've told this story to Elco of mind like the next he went to bed that night yeah like hey it was a hell of a run I'm I'm I'm tired of this I'm going to bed like I gave it all I could I didn't get you know right he went to sleep and the next morning woke up and I got a Tex at about 7:00 a.m. on Sunday and he goes what the hell's happening in College Station and as it turns out he woke up to a job like an offer and so what a wild amazing I and I just went through I went to bed under the assumption that's like all right well nothing's happening you know we'll just I'll just go to bed it was like 2:00 in the morning and I was like well all right enough is enough we'll figure this out tomorrow and sure enough wake up the next morning Mike Elco new head coach at the Texas Maggie I was like well didn't get that information last night so I think it's a great hire though like I know ultimately I I understand first of all it's not going to matter how they got there in five years assuming it's successful who cares um but I think he brings great stability uh I think he has built up equity in the state of Texas which frankly I think matters yeah um barring the you know unique circumstances of a former head coach like Sark who did a great job at Bama and has been in the NFL who doesn't really have Texas ties that's that's a unique scenario but you look at every other coach right now whether it's G5 or P5 that has not spent time in Texas there's not a single one whether it's Texas State and GJ Kenny joean McGuire Texas Tech like all sunny dkes at TCU like all these guys have some type of experience in the state of Texas and I think that matters uh I think we're a unique State we we operate a little differently and I think with Elco having been there before is really a valuable thing I think that and SEC ties would be two and that's where sarc and his staff I think really yeah were a great fit but those two things and and I thism football team what what what's a thing or two that stands out that you like and what's a thing or two what are a couple of concerns you have for them uh number one thing I like I think their dline going to be really good um if you're going to be good in this league quarterback's a great place to start dline would be my second most important position now um I do have some question mark because I think on the interior they're going to be very good I think if you're looking and I look I'm not some super experienced defensive line Talent evaluator uh I'm not going to be able to watch Nick scorton you know against Big 10 linemen and tell you yeah that's going to translate or whatever I I I don't know all I know is the guy's got a really good first step and that's a pretty good place to start um so I I really like the depth and versatility they have they have a couple guys that can play inside and out love that uh I think the quarterback is excellent when he's healthy you know I think Connor he doesn't have a huge arm he's got enough I think he's accurate quick release can get the ball out I think Colin Klein's offense is really thoughtful um I'll be the first to admit like I thought Chris kinman uh would have been a great fit at A&M in part because I thought if Colin Klein came that offense could do some things you know I just didn't think Colin Klein would ever leave Kansas State I just didn't think it' happen I mean that where he'd spent and cut most of his teeth and but maybe with climbing he would so I thought that was a tremendous coup to be able to get him uh and I think he'll put he'll put wigman in positions where he's not going to be quite as exposed uh to injury and hits and and things that are unnecessary so um concerns back defensive back end uh to an extent I think Corners um yeah but dude if you I was talking to Kirby Smart about this a little while ago everybody's got Corner issues yeah yeah I mean relatively speaking now back in the day yeah you could have three or four and you're going to have sophomore J Juniors at your backups now you're freshman's freshman are going to be out there and they're probably going to have to play so um I think back in an offensive line the offensive line has been underachieving unit for a little while now and I would like for that group to come together and and try to keep their quarterback upright so those would be the Airs of concern let me go back to Connor for a second do you remember the way you were evaluating him coming out of that Miami game it's been so long that I think people get how high he was kind of touted right yeah thing is so was Tyler van djk know what I mean as well when we look at that game like that was the best quarterback performance of the year on both sides and then look at where things finished up for both the secondaries you talked about might have been part of the issue uh but no I I I I think that the the perception of him and frankly even if we were to kind of rewind even a little further the LSU game the year before and don't get me wrong that was Devon a chain swans song I that was like you know one of the better performances I think we've ever seen but he was Rock Solid in that game threw some touch passes in the end zone and as a guy that was young in his career is like all right this guy's got what you want now uh I'm not of the mindset that he's like a future top three pick in the NFL draft I don't think he has that ceiling but then again I didn't think burrow did either at the first after his first year in the SEC so uh anything's possible but the best ability is availability and he struggled with that so and and part of that's and he's got to not take hits that he that he can avoid and and maybe process Just a Touch quicker to get the ball out so he doesn't take that hit that's unnecessary I want to ask you about Bama and then there's couple quick topics before we let you go I loved that higher i i l it I I I was shocked if anyone even like and now as you watch it more I I I just have to laugh at the this can't continue thing and I mean I know what coach s did will never be duplicated but sure and they hired a coach with a 90ish per winning percentage that literally had the Washington Huskies playing for a national title yeah where do you where did you come off upon initially cuz with Elco on both it's the same thing how I felt when he was hired how I feel an off season later and it's just gone like this are you in the same boat with kayin debor in Alabama see like I never had a single doubt when he got the job people like oh you can't recruit he's not familiar with South I'm like he's a nice person if you're if anyone that's lived in the South like we have for a vast majority of my adult life you're guys maybe in some cases your whole life like if you're a nice person like you're going to be fine down here it's we're pretty accommodating folks uh in the south in the Deep South in particular so um I I don't I just I look at how he's one and I look at the modern-day player and and while I was different and I you know maybe when you guys and we're just a different generation of player like if coach Sav told me to run through that glass window and fall 10 floors to my demise immediate Peril I'd do it that's what I was told to do I didn't ask why it's what he told me to do that's what I'm going to do like I I didn't care if practice was hard it was supposed to be hard I I I didn't want music at practice that was a distraction like I don't want a coach that's my friend like I didn't want that like that's not that wasn't what I appe to and I'm sure I had teammates that maybe would have been better had they played in this era as opposed to the era that they came up in um so I just think the players changed a lot and you have to really meet the player where they're at now and you have to have great patience in being able to answer the questions that the players might have because back in the day it's like you didn't ask questions you just did what you were told so uh I think he has the perfect temperament and I also think to to it was going to take a special individual that had success in skins on the wall but did not have an ego big enough to think that he was smarter than everybody else in the room y there's not a lot of guys in this profession coaching that are like that yeah that's a tough a guy that's 104 and 12 that is 12-2 all time against ranked opponents at Fresno and Washington and one of those losses came in the national championship game and they had a chance with a far far less impressive roster yeah to win the game if not for a 30 yard scramble by JJ McCarthy it might be a different conversation um so a guy that's accomplished that much and still coming to tuscalo and say yeah the I I need to embrace what's been done here I'm I'm going to implement aspects of my personality into the program but this program's good we're going to keep doing as it is uh because I think a lot of guys would say man at one and four and 12 12 and2 against ranked opponents I hey great out with the old and with the new is how I do things and and he hasn't been that way at all I'm really excited to see frankly what he does with Jaylen milro I'm really excited to see that just was his trajectory last year and that offense that that you know that he ran with it just that mesh Point yeah again like you said I think it meets in the middle somewhere sure it's fascinating what else is fascinating to me is this league race this year Greg right it we were just talking about it like it it is so to me wide open you you can we were joking about the different combinations you could see in this SEC title game with no divisions is it as tough to handicap as any you've uh you've seen yeah I think it's insane and um part of it too is I I just don't know how it's going to play out and I don't know if the SEC really wants to talk about how challenging some of the tiebreaker scenarios are going to be potentially um there's a lot of head-to-heads like does Georgia have the best team yeah I think they probably do they probably have the fewest question marks but I also think they have probably the toughest schedule yeah they do and and they have the toughest Road schedule by a mile having to go two Texas two Bama and Two Old Miss uh not to mention two Kentucky that if you look over the last couple years last year not withstanding nobody has played them better in the regular season than Kentucky has uh I don't know why that is but for whatever reason 22 and 21 they played them really well yeah they do um so I I think that's kind of a long way of saying the best team might not win anymore and there's a million examples where the best team Allah The Undefeated Patriots lose to the s to the to the New York Giants in the Super Bowl and and I think that could very well happen in the SEC and I think you could see a scenario too where for instance I've told you luch like I I think that that I think that there's a real possibility that A&M is excellent um like really really good and a big reason why I believe that is cuz I feel like their home schedule is one that is going to leave a lasting impression on the college football playoff committee and and those that are kind of evaluating their processes like I think they can get Missouri at home like I think they can get Texas at home um now could they drop one to Mississippi State absolutely could they drop one to Auburn sure no question but I also think they can beat just about anybody and you put them in Kyle Field they can beat anyone yeah so I think it's um I just think it's really interesting there's nine teams that can get to the conference title game uh those that are kind of on the back end think you probably know the top right the B Georgia Texas Missouri Miss but I think there's four more that can that can get there I think A&M can get there I think LSU can absolutely get there I think LSU is really dangerous I think Tennessee can no question get there if ni is as advertised sky the limit and then I think Oklahoma can too because guess what Oklahoma's got guys that can take over the game now their their schedule's really challenging it is but they have Deion Burks that can take over the game you Jackson AR might be a dude I have no idea uh they have two other receivers that I really like too and pero they got guys I mean now what I like to see him run the ball a little more sure but Seth the TRS there now he's a fullback tell me he's not going to run the ball that's true so I think defensively they're excellent at all three levels so it'll be really interesting um I really do I think there's nine teams that can theoretically get there I don't know if there's nine teams that can win the SEC I think there's nine that can get there I got one more for you and it's a fun one Baker Mayfield is asked this week top five Texas High School quarterbacks of all time and I think the names he said it it was Kyler Johnny I think he threw in Andrew or was Johnny good in high school I I I don't yeah crazy in high school but at kville tyy you know there wasn't any history I mean the numbers were like they were at a it was just video game but he said he threw in I think he threw in luck and Stafford and then the fifth one he just right before he went he said and Riley died and so going south lake on you so a is there anybody he left off there when you say those names or would you somebody else You' put in but B Riley Dodge and then Chase Daniel posted basically his resume yeah okay and Riley replied on Twitter and said dude can I have a moment here I get my shot get just react to that um one if it's stat-based I'd like I'd like a shot um if we're going to go just based on one year I think we might still have the touchdown record in five B I don't know I I don't know if I have or not uh notable omissions Graham herrell um you know and they I mean I mean they threw it all over the yard I mean it was unbelievable um trying to think of like Stafford was a good one I would say Ryan Mallet uh Ryan Mallet at Texas Arcana was the real deal I mean people forget they're in Texas Mallet it's fair Mallet and Stafford I think played in the semi-final game in 2005 and it was like a I mean it was like 5649 shootout um Stafford's a good one uh I'm trying to think of like some other guys that that we played tell you the truth the running backs stand out almost more and the receivers stand out almost more to me like thinking back I just remember Dez Bryant from lkin just absolutely eating our lunch uh javorski Lane was probably still pound I would say pound-for-pound but he was about he won that one for sure he was one of the better players but yeah I mean I think look we have a proud proud proud State as it relates to quarterback Talent uh but we're all probably looking up at Kyler right yeah I mean all the state titles the I mean it's I'd love to say that there's and Aggie Kyler Murray great one of the great agies one of the great those two career starts one was believe was against Arkansas though and I think he did okay in that one no it was uh South Carolina and then he started the Auburn game and got hurt got and then that and then next thing you know I still say what what we were robbed as as football fans yeah when Kyler transferred prior to the Music City Bowl that no one cared about yeah I remember that but if you look back that QB matchup was going to be Kyler Murray and Lamar Jacks that's right I remember that game with Miles Garrett chasing Lamar round to that would have been really interesting yeah that that we were robbing now you got me like down the rabbit hole of like great High School quarterbacks now I'm starting to think we're definitely forgetting oh Vince Young Vince Young was a good one uh I would say like Drew Tate at like Baytown League he went to Iowa he was a really good high school player um but yeah you got my spin on that one he was kind of the dawn of that whole seven on seven era I just remember going out watching Drew T oh I remember the seven on seven oh who was the guy that played Ryan pero you want to talk about game I think he was from Galina Park Northshore no no you're pero was from Louis or yeah Louis was from Houston you think Bobby Reed is that Bobby re was good he went to okoma state I'm I'm a man yeah I'm a man I'm 40 that guy it was about that was it uh Zach Robinson my boy uh replaced him but yeah I don't who the who are the we're forgetting some like old Texas quarterbacks no dude older than us see like I'm look I'm I'm 36 but I feel like uh I feel like any football that happened before 1998 needs to like be in its own world like you know what I mean it's like that's like historical now like I'll take that cuz I'm I'm I was in college in 98 so that doesn't make me feel too old you're good y'all had a guy that played quarterback from lkin that was a dude Reggie M Reggie mcneel he was title he was good in high school um golly there's so many of them well I mean were you you were was there a quarterback notable at South Lake Carol before won Greg mroy yeah who well Chase Daniels before me oh he was before you yeah so I backed up I backed up Chase for two we had uh Chase wson before that chase had a good career Texas was Dad yeah and then um Nathan Chandler who was a quarterback at Iowa was there in like 9899 big guy was he real tall real big guy yeah his brother Scott Chandler was a receiver on the 02 team and was like 67 at wide receiver in high school it was not fair uh he ended up playing tight end probably got8 to 10 years in with the Buffalo Bills so um yeah man it's I mean it's quarterbacks at South Lake were pretty sweet ERS is on the short list though too I mean he's this is he'll be the most high he'll be the highest drafted quarterback from South Lake uh there's only been one I was the only one drafted Oh really from South Lake that I can recall so David pyland we had a bunch of them golly yeah ker High School wouldn't you wouldn't know any not it uh Trey Thomas Longhorn starting safety for four years Big 12 Champion what year that was a Kempner quarterback for me what year though what year did they win it 93 he was on that team that won the first Big 12 the first big with James Brown and he was a starting safety but he was our wing te quarterback that's that's pretty cool yeah Wing T you still liked him even though he played for the horns oh yeah no I got Hey listen you there is nobody that I don't I don't think there's anybody I like more than my man Quan Cosby oh yeah I flew back from the Super Bowl I'm sitting next to another guy I end up think he's a great dude Jeremy Hills old Texas running back I've got I've got way more uh Longhorn friends but we put it aside on gaming I got I hooked Quan up for some golf when he came up for the A&M uh Longhorn Regional this year you have that kind of hookup Golf and college yeah College we sounds good we get they getting Traditions fixed up and bring them for sure let's do it all right man I'm sure you have like a golf simulator in your gigantic Mansion too so go play on that if I do if you watch me play you know I have not been using it I appreciate you I'm glad we said we were going for 10 minutes we went for 21 that's about it cost me worth it thank you see you boys later

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