Texas vs. Michigan FALLOUT + Finebaum UNLEASHES on Deion Sanders 🍿 | The Matt Barrie Show

Week 2 recap welcome back to the ESPN college football YouTube channel more importantly welcome back week two of the Matt Barry show presented by All State I am Matt Barry what a week we had in college football yesterday here's what I caution and I tell anyone who will listen because you'll look you'll hear people to say oh look at the state slate it's a weak slate there's no big games the only big game was Tennessee NC State here's what happens when that's your mindset no matter what there are going to be upsets Southbend there are going Check in with Paul Finebaum to be surprises Tennessee Beatdown there are going to be all of these games where you may not have paid attention to before and then we're going to have a Saturday of early chaos uh to really shake things up some of the big topics we'll get into today on the Matt Barry show presented by All State coach Prime on the road against Nebraska what happened to them where do they go from here I'd mentioned Notre Dame a huge favorite at home never lost to a Mac team in their program's history they lose to Northern Illinois and one of the biggest upsets we've ever seen and oh by the way in an SEC that is loaded it is time to start paying attention to Tennessee because what they did against NC State with their Young quarterback Nico eam malava in a defense that looks like they're going to play the part Tennessee is a program that now we are going to have to start paying attention to because they do it on both sides of the ball they've got a schedule that can get him there it is all going to be a fun start to already a great Deion Sanders and Colorado’s loss to Nebraska start of the college football season week two don't give me this garbage about a a bad slate or a sleepy slate it delivered and we're going to talk about it as we always do on Sunday mornings it is time to check in with Paul fine bomb presented by All State it is a tradition like any other we sit here Sunday morning and we talk week two of the college football season Paul good morning how we doing Matt um I don't remember a season getting off to a start like this where there is so much chaos uh after really only two two weeks in one game yeah and and I said it there at the opening and and we're going to dive into it now because I I want to start with the chaos that ensued in South Bend and I want to start with the chaos that ensued in Lincoln and I say chaos and Lincoln and I want to start there with Dion and Colorado because we're in year two of Matt rule we're in year two of Coach Prime in Colorado I don't think anybody watching that game last night can tell you which program is on a healthier footing between Nebraska and Colorado and I don't think the two are even close no uh Matt I hated Matt rule as a professional coach but but I've always admired him as a college coach that's who he is and uh he he's taken some shots but he but he's built a really good program um Dion Sanders has not uh Dion Sanders is all glips uh he's he's all Hollywood he's all show and if you take away uh all the all the boot lickers around him from RG3 on down uh what does he have he's got two or three or maybe four uh Sensational players and a and a and a revolving door that showed up last night on on the on the line of scrimmage which is where college football has won or lost and the score is completely deceiving uh if you just flipped on Sports Center on Sunday morning oh was okay no it wasn't I mean that was just just an A flat out ass kicking Paul that that that was a Miss on you if you turn on college football final and it's immediate rears all over the networks you would see the highlight of Colorado Nebraska sports center I know it's our day job but we're going to pump college football final the mat Barry show presented by All State and you're right it it was a beat down and it wasn't even close and and Paul therein lies the concern for Colorado its program and its future Travis Hunter to me best all-around player in college football he's going to be a top 10 pick in the NFL draft shador we just don't know because he doesn't have an offensive line which by the way Colorado told us they revamped the offensive line all off season you couldn't convince me of that last night it was like Nebraska was the black shirts again the problem with Colorado Paul if you've built this thing around two players who were gone in six months where does this leave a program who who doesn't really recruit they just kind of go and find a way to get the portal and and make this thing all work there there is no path forward and and I felt like this year in spite of all the questions that we've gotten hey are they a playoff team now now it's down after two weeks to are they a bowl team and I'm not even sure they are I mean I I tried to do the math early this morning and uh I mean it's possible but it's probably not likely uh and that's really what we're talking about we're we're wasting good good air time I don't mean you but just on other shows I've done and you will do all week yeah on whether or not a a program in in in Boulder Colorado can possibly in a in a in a in a tier two League get to a bowl game which means absolutely nothing uh to a bigname program in the age of the playoff and it it's it's foolish but you know we we were we're all married to uh to Dion and and and I'm sure as soon as Dion finds realizes that the bright lights are moving away from him which they are moving away from him uh he'll leak a story or two to one of his podcast friends that he's going to be the next Cowboys coach yeah and and look you look at their schedule and you really want to dive in and he in is the The Genius of Deion Sanders as you said we're talking about Colorado uh the first thing we're checking in with Paul FB presented by All State we're talking about him first because it does move the needle but I've said this before Dion brings a lot of this on himself in fact he brings all of it on himself and if you go into a situation against a Nebraska team you've beaten three times in a row against a coach is it the same they're both at year three as I said before if you're GNA bring it on yourself and then you're going to go out there and get absolutely decimated if I'm the administration of Colorado I'm concerned about the product because again I look at who I've built this thing around those two players are gone and I look at this schedule I could point out six losses like that if you're at bom Colorado yeah I mean we we could we could argue all day long about whether they win five or six uh I would side with five I know you would um and but but because we don't know I mean there there's not I mean they don't have uh the schedule they did last year thank goodness can you imagine if they were playing uh a a a Pack 12 schedule from 23 yeah yeah it look so for Colorado coming up next they have at Colorado state that was a game that went into overtime last year you would think uh they could take care of that one should and then they go Baylor who lost but was tough yesterday UCF which by the way according to the All State Playoff predict has the best chance of the Big 12 get to the playoff we don't even have time to dive into the numbers there you've got UCF Kansas State Arizona to me those are three games that don't look good for Colorado and as this thing continues to go down the stretch of this season and and and get into the middle part the me of the schedule it's gonna get bad before it's going to get better yeah and and and it's a it's a program that that's just built on on energy and gasoline and and yeah and hits and where are they going to come from I mean Matt there are so many things happening right now as you know uh we will leave out five or six incredible topics today you may he you you may address them elsewhere but yeah I mean on on on TV on Sunday morning uh Prime was still a subject yeah I know you you talk I mean by the way I apologize for not seeing your show late last night but I'm one of the last remaining are you a deck Direct TV person I'm one of the last remaining direct customers in America so uh I I I'm I'm committed at least till 8 o'clock tomorrow night okay all right good yeah we'll see what happens uh with the the great standoff and me history but the standoff wasn't anything in Lincoln last night as is Nebraska just absolutely had their way with Colorado it's going to be a storyline we continue to follow because there is a braggadocious uh chest thumping way of thinking in Boulder and man I don't think uh I don't think Deion Sanders is gonna be able to handle it either he's not bill being ignored uh I mean he he's too I mean he he's a narcissist and he feeds all I mean in spite of all the the I mean I think he's done good things no question but but he he's told who he's always been and as soon as uh he looks down and goes Hey where's game day uh where's Big noon kickoff uh he's going to have a very difficult time he's going Blowouts in Week 2? to struggle to get uh Stephen A he's gonna struggle to get Shannon uh these guys have better things to do right now than to to waste a a day in Boulder Colorado and that and that's exactly that that look in a nutshell I I've said this you could go to The Archives of the Matt Barry show on the ESPN college football YouTube channel we've sit here and said look Dion brings celebrity he brings attention he's a world-class marketer he's on commercials he does all of that it maybe as good as any coach in America but the one thing that I've said about Dion that I took issue with with him is when he said that I'm treated differently than everyone else well kind of because you're a celebrity but where he has to understand every other coach in America every single one and you can't find me one that isn't is judged by wins and losses and if you want to be considered one of the top flight coaches in college football guess what you're going to hear the noise when you're getting beat the way you were last night in year two you're going to hear the noise when you're not developing Talent Deion won’t be in Colorado next season?! you're going to hear the noise when you're not recruiting well Mike Norvell just went 13 and0 and missed the college football playoff you know what the story is in Tallahassee right now as they start 0 and2 that Mike nor hasn't done a good job with high school recruiting all he's doing is picking off portal players and that's not how you build a program that's a guy who went 13-0 so if Mike norvel is getting it what do you think Dion's gonna get when it doesn't appear there's a foundation with this program and he he's had two St I don't want to say Standalone because the first game was Standalone on Thursday night but but last night there wasn't a lot on Matt I mean you know it because you had all the TVs on yeah there were a bunch of blood I mean Tennessee was interesting until you realized it wasn't going to be so I mean they're not going to get many more windows where they will dominate and I'm sure all the acolytes of of Dion like they did a week ago as soon as the the numbers come out they'll they'll tweet at me and you oh yeah irrelevant well try that when you win when you beat North Dakota State uh this time you you were playing in your own league in your own in your own weight class and and and you got thrown out of the ring on your head yeah which by the way where does traffic tend to Cluster up most when there's a lot of traffic it's when there's a car wreck and people want to slow down and watch it the numbers and the numbers because he's a great TV draw that's not the issue the issue now is you really have to look at Colorado from the base of its route and what kind of program are they building in Boulder that was our check it and one more thing on that I I I don't think Deion Sanders will be there next year Matt uh this season if when he when they when they failed to go to a bowl game uh he's going to look around and and try to find an exit strategy no no more no more Travis no more shador what what's the motivation for him to beat himself up so I think enjoy the Dion show it will be playing somewhere next year it may be off Broadway it may be on Broadway but it won't be in Boulder who's I mean who's gon to take a chance on him though be again look and I don't know I just think he'll get frustrated I mean he'll he'll find somewhere to go and I've said this quietly and now that that it's out loud we'll go ahead and talk about it because that's what Paul and I do because it really does beg the question Notre Dame’s loss to Northern Illinois wasn’t a fatal blow? of what's next because this whole thing and look Dion's great for these young men as a mentor but this was built around two players shador and Travis Hunter and if those two are gone what's Prime's incentive to stay put say no I've got my roots here we're going to make this work that's why I needed to see proof of of recruiting other than the portal and that not the pile on but all the all the the flunkies talk about you know he's unique he's a mentor he's a father that's every college campus in America I mean you you go around the country I'm on a campus every Friday and Saturday I can't tell you how many times uh I've heard a story uh where where I hear the exact same he he is not that unique except he's the most famous coach in college football right now that that's that's the only separator and he had a he had a Hall of Fame career but beyond that he's just the same as Shane Beamer in South Carolina or Hugh free in in Auburn or Luke fickle in Wisconsin they they're all they're all they're all mentors of the young men on their team yeah and I sit next to Dan Mullen every week and have so for two years they're still players that he recruited and if we're at a game that we're calling they come up and hug him like he is their father because of things that they do for each other throughout their career and so that's going to be one to watch because I just I saw last night I was like man I mean the shine of there because like you said the TV numbers but I I just don't see him getting above six and six and and we'll see how the chips fall if that if in is in fact their record after this season as that was our check-in with Paul fine bomb presented by All State the second topic I want to get to with you Paul and I want to be delicate with how I say this and I put it out on social media last night there was there was obviously great response to it because of who the team is I don't think Notre Dame L to Northern Illinois was a fatal blow but I think it was pretty damn close for them this year with a schedule that was incredibly favorable to go to the college football playoff after beating A&M a week ago they go and lose to Northern Illinois first time Notre name in the history of its program is lost to a Mac team that is not that is that's going to get real chilly real quick in Notre Dame yeah no I'm I'm not as as fatalistic about them as I am let's say Michigan but again totally different situation yeah um because the path is different uh but you wasn't it Marshall last year the year before they lost there's been a marshall incident uh there's been a three and N Stanford incident there there's a lot of these that and I think there were two things motivating Notre Dame fans last week they they went to college station which we all made it into something that it was not uh it's a tough place to play but not not when the the the other side is is is is struggling and I think the LSU loss the Brian Kelly uh former girlfriend uh Obsession still exists so there there was a lot of ammunition for Irish fans I I think that they they just I don't their schedule is so tricky that they don't they don't have the normal hey SEC you can Big 10 I don't it depends on I mean if they lost another game it really depends on who it is uh but they haven't proven anything yet because because A&M is just a you know they're an eight and4 team so that is not going to get you very far when that Michigan vs. Texas committee starts meeting yeah and look Galloway and I argued about this on TV briefly and then uh off air and even Mullen kind of got involved in it I don't think Notre Dame with this loss now in their resume let's say they go 11 and one okay 10 and two they're done you can't you can't justify that but 11 in one against a 10-2 SEC team with a loss on your resume to Northern Illinois whatever Northern Illinois goes on to win the mat I I just don't know that you can get through because I believe Notre Dame still got a little asteris next to them anyway and that the committee would rather than be in a conference because you got to evaluate them differently but if I'm going off memory Florida State's on their schedule USC's on their schedule USC appears to be a legitimate team I just don't know that if you're Notre Dame you could sit and justify this thing come end of November with what you did week one I just not a good look especially if they're being compared to someone who's lost a conference game uh yeah that would just be a disqual so I mean they're they're in a really tricky spot uh I I I mean we again we overreact week one uh week two we we come come back to reality and and you know they're in the back of the they're in the back of the conversation now and by the way I love Marcus Freeman the energy he brings to Notre Dame he's a really really good recruiter so it look he's gonna understand I think he he does because he's been at Notre Dame long enough now he's gonna understand that these hiccups they awake The Echoes probably a little bit more than you want because everyone in Notre Dame with the schedule in last week was feeling Skyhigh you you brought it up and that was the next place I was going that's the chemistry Paul and I have after a decade plus of of of doing this together Michigan I always feel like on this show and others that I have to preface comments that I'm about to make and I'll preface it here Michigan you had a national championship run with Jim Harbaugh you won three consecutive Big 10 championships and went to three consecutive college football playoffs culminating in what you brought him in to do last year which was win a National Championship I am saying all of that because you had the success that you craved for so long but my biggest pet peeve go back to last week's show will put It Forward here my biggest pet peeve in football is when we look at rankings in the new year and we don't look at the program at where it stand as a whole anyone with eyes could have told you offensive lineman three or so went off to the NFL Blake Korn went off to the NFL JJ McCarthy went off to the NFL Jim Harbaugh and the staff went off to the NFL sanctions stayed players that probably me the quarterback not enough guys stayed to can try to convince people that Michigan is a top 10 team is just absolutely insane and Texas went in there yesterday I like you know what I know the ranking that's attached to them that's not a top 10 team they're not even a top 25 team at this point and it's gonna get rough for Michigan until they stabilize all of the departures and everything going on around them we'll catch you later Michigan we'll see you next year uh I mean they're I mean they they can salvage the season but they're not going to be in the conversation other than with more NCAA news that's the only way Michigan becomes top of mind and uh it's just not only demoralizing but uh you just given fuel to all your enemies I happen to be uh uh in a lounge yesterday in an airport watching the game with a couple of Ohio State fans and uh I I I don't need to complete the sentence I mean they I me it it was 3:30 in the afternoon and they were they were sipping down doubles Pay attention to the Tennessee Volunteers which by the way and that's why I I did the preface because Paul I think that's okay it's not gonna be okay for Michigan people but you you you got your National Championship you did well you had a good run if Jim Harbaugh's still there you're probably finding your way to sustain your spot among the Nations Delite but when you really dive into this and you look at all of the departures that's just tough to do much less a coach that's never been a head coach before there there was there was I think there were too many unfair expectations placed on Michigan because we looked at them as national champions We slapped the ranking on them we said hey they're they going to be the same team they're making the playoff in no way was that gonna happen none well and and Matt uh I'll I'll talk about our industry for a minute there there are a lot of Michigan uh former Michigan players in in TV roles who tend to always over uh overestimate the worth of the blue and Mays and and and I think I think the public just goes along I mean we we don't want to waste time on the preseason polls because they've already shown how completely stupid they are yeah and and there was another example of it yesterday we've seen it with Florida State not even ranked anymore there's going to be teams that rise up that weren't ranked but at the end of the day Texas for me again in week two of a season they did it last year against Alabama they the team now when you look at some of the arrivals in the SEC them in Oklahoma they're the program for me that's just behind Georgia that's just behind and probably in front of Alabama and the team that you're GNA have to contend with to win this conference because there's another one Ling lingering that's orange that begins with te and you had better start paying attention to the Tennessee Volunteers yeah I mean you start hearing uh he Nico is the best quarterback in Tennessee since Payton you get you get people's attention uh and you've done NC State games that's a good program uh I I was surprised at the ease uh that Tennessee ran through them last night and you know Tennessee uh was always a dark horse and now I think they're moving in uh to uh they're they're on that playoff line because they they do have some you know they everybody's got an interesting challenge with schedules “Little to no expectations” but they have I think their game against Alabama it's going to get overshadowed a little bit this year that sounds crazy man I know uh but it's the same weekend as Texas Georgia uh Georgia Texas and Austin uh but it's it's a it's a playoff game I think in many ways because the loser of that game will have a very difficult time especially if it's Tennessee losing at home yeah and I mean 51-1 look Mullen said it yesterday and I tend to agree with him what do we talk about with Josh hyp and tenness all time offense offense offense if they find a way to make that defense sustain what they did against NC State if if the defense is good Paul you're not gonna be able to convince me that they can't hang with anyone in the conference they're so fast and you know they'll be on some big stages they're they're in Norman in two weeks and you know Oklahoma's it's hard to believe in them full board right now after that scary game last night but that's going to be a really emotional game Josh hyp for those who have may have forgotten LED Oklahoma 24 years ago to a national championship yeah and then he was I believe run out as a coordinator now Bob stooks I believe ran him out I think it was for Lincoln Riley which it was for Lincoln riy and wasn't a bad move but still uh it worked out for both of them it worked out for both hyp and for Lincoln Riley who USC looked dominant they got a win last night and and there's so many teams out there through week two that I think we know enough about but we don't know everything and USC is my example of that because I don't know enough about LSU especially after the game last night they kind of just spotted around a little bit sure but but USC came in Paul as you know with little to no expectation uh in certain areas and that's kind of the story with a lot of these teams out there what is USC who is USC um who is Oklahoma State who came back against Sam I mean that we were A message to Shane Beamer watching that yesterday it's like Sam pitman's gonna get this he's gonna go on the road he's going to have some good energy they're in fville and then Mike gun they kind of just sit back relax get a special team play to go their way and now Oklahoma State's a team you're like oh I mean they might be pretty good yeah those kind of proam I I was thinking this morning like we all know who's happy today which fan base is is the angriest and and and Matt we don't have the time but you can just literally uh you could I was in Lexington on Saturday yeah you could go to Auburn uh you could go a lot of places where you know good Auburn Year 2 under Hugh Freeze good football program I mean I'll give you in Lexington uh the all the students were asking me yesterday because Georgia comes there next week yeah do you think game day will be here game day was going to Lexington uh I say that because you know for game day to go to Alabama Ohio State Michigan I mean they go every year sometimes twice uh they they don't go to Lexington but you know once every uh 20 years or so uh so I mean that a loss that doesn't mean much other than the fact that they're playing the number one team in the country the Auburn losing to California uh I mean there are just so many shocking things that stand out on this dance card on week two and which is it because how does and this is the beauty of college football the sport we love and we both love Shane Beamer how does Shane Beamer in South Carolina struggle and damn near spit the bid against Old Dominion at home last week and then go on the road and absolutely Pummel Kentucky I I had callers this week from Colombia saying hey when do you think we're gonna I seriously when do you think we're going to get rid of Shane Beamer um they were as down on him as they could be now they have a college game day which I don't know where that bus was going but uh I mean and and listen game day is great but the idea that game day would go to LSU at South Carolina I mean that one I mean that that one of the more bizarre game day choices in its history which which by the way good for Beamer We’ll leave you with this… and good for South Carolina because the spotlight is gonna be on Colombia yeah he stole he stole game day from Lexington right and and he went in there got the win Mark Stoops his puzzle he brought the game day bus to reroute its way to Colombia and then the other one you briefly touched on it Hugh Free's year two that pton Thorne was all over the place and every look every new coach at their program and I know this is year two they have to have a moment where they have to look at their team and look at their program and say guys that we're not even close and losing to Cal all due respect to Justin Willcox I mean that that's not going to fly in the planes it'll be these I believe this the last four games for for Auburn have been a loss at home to New Mexico State uh blowing the iron bow on what fourth and three fourth and forever yeah yeah fourth and 31 is Bond they they laid an EG against Maryland who also laid an egg yesterday um and and then uh they got by Alabama I don't even remember who I think it was Alabama State last week Alabama A&M one a good you know a good HBCU uh but they they look great and then they dropped this game at home to Cal and I mean they're not even near the schedule yet that they'll they'll have to yeah by the way I I've always liked H freeze I know you do too but you know I'm not counting his Liberty years but you know in the SEC if you take away the two wins over Nick Sabin back toback in 14 and 15 who is he yeah and we'd have to go back and really dive into those records because look what Lane has done at Old Miss it's like okay you can win you can win at Old Miss and this one there are so many things like in my laptop that I write into a note I'm like Auburn keep an eye out you know what's he doing because the recruiting has been great and so it's so it it's time now as we embark on week three to really start seeing what's started to take root in this college football season and here's what we'll leave you with I think you look at the ACC you look at the big 12 those two and even the SEC because of Tennessee rising up we know the class is Georgia Paul this could be the wildest year we've seen in the history of the sport because I believe the portal in nil has leveled the playing field as funny as it sounds outside of the top two three programs it's the playing field for everybody else unlike anything we've ever seen I I agree and a school we didn't mention is going to determine a lot of teams Faith this year uh they're they're on Georgia schedule they're on Texas's schedule they're on LSU schedule and I'm referring to Old Miss uh who I realized hasn't played anybody yet but they look dangerous Matt yeah there's a guy that's done it well in Lane kein it's going to be so fun to watch as we embark on week three of the college football season and when we get get there we will be here as we are each and every Sunday the Matt Barry show presented by All State here on the college football YouTube channel Paul enjoy the week if you didn't eat somewhere in Gainesville a week before lucky for you you get another shot we got it thanks mat down Gooding down some Hallelujah now

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