Space Marine 2 as Played by GaryGary - Part 1 - My Service is Eternal

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 03:57:02 Category: Gaming

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all righty hello welcome today I'm going to be checking out spice Marine 2 I've been looking forward to this one for a while which is kind of uh I guess kind of odd that I never actually finished playing the first one until this last week even though it's been in my library for over 10 years but hey we got there eventually that's what matters but yeah now this this one is finally arrived and I have the pleb version so today is release day even though people have been playing it all weekend which I didn't want to pay extra money for you're basically paying to be a beta tester while they iron out any bugs and that can go that can go either way uh but surprisingly the game looked relatively stable I I think uh you know there are a few people having issues here and there certain rigs not working out but overall I'd say this looked like a pretty polished and optimized game for the most part and so yeah I guess in honor of the total biscuit cuz I'm sure he would have loved this game but also he would have found the Early Access price repugnant for sure that is not a healthy practice for gaming in a way though as far as companies doing that I would say this one turned out better than I would have expected in this day and age but with that said let's uh let's get into the settings a little bit I've already had to Tinker with things a little bit because it decided to launch the game on not my primary Monitor and then that messed with a bunch of OBS settings and other I I have no idea but yes but uh game settings video uh you know okay so yes obviously that's my graphics card I like that it I don't think most games tell you that and I know where to look up this information in my computer just at any point in time but you know this in case you ever forget like yeah that's neat you know I don't see this that often that's always good to know so yeah for some reason this is my primary monitor is not the number one monitor for this game I don't know I don't know why that happened uh so that's weird but yeah that was a thing all right uh could could be worse I suppose but now everything's all fixed and settled borderless we like borderless oh what we got in here with oh Ultra performance so wait game renders at three times lower resolution with upscaling to display resolution select oh interesting okay okay I see what they're doing here so I think I think I want I want things to look pretty uh let's see oh wait oh I can't weird okay uh native game renders at display resolution without upscaling using just the temporal anti-y part so which one to use I'm actually not sure I'm not I'm only aping total biscuit here I'm not actually the expert of all the settings though I do like that you have all these options that can only be a good thing for players with different rigs you know different processors different amounts of ram different graphics cards what have you I think Quality quality sounds nice question mark i h yeah I think quality is probably I'm going to go for what's Dynamic game automatically down scales R resolution dur gameplay deliver the best possible frame rate given [Music] oh uh well I'm going to just leave it in quality and we'll see what how we do in with FPS I'm sitting on a menu so the FPS is absolutely meaningless here but we'll see what happens when I get in a game uh vsync vsync is off should probably want this on don't I yeah it's it's yeah usually like that for especially for the streaming and recording purposes uh oh yeah I should probably redo this cuz it made me do it on oh God yeah it made me do it on my other monitor which is very different uh yeah I see it here oh that's interesting I'm looking at my OBS I can very clearly see it here but I can't see it at all on my monitor and I can barely see it here but it's super whitewashed out there interesting uh gone I guess it's like super barely visible there you know I'm going to go with this you know it's barely visible I can kind of see it we'll go with that oh God all right so wait uh just need this to be barely visible as well so oh it's gone where is it where is it there it is all right then we need to be barely visible here this looks pretty good ah I think it's just right here I think we got this sweet spot all right there we go motion blur I don't like motion blur that's one of the things where I don't get nauseous in games but if anything that's that would be what does it we'll see what this looks like but you can have oh there's different levels I just like being able to see things clearly I know it's you know it's oh it's for realism and whatnot but you know when I scan my head in real life I don't know I don't my brain filters that stuff out ooh do we go Ultra I think we'll just leave it on high we'll just leave it on high for now uh yeah I don't have a crazy crazy CPU so we'll just leave it at that uh let's see oh yes please apply the changes all right where is the melee is right click why is that okay wait zoom zoom or heavy stance uh oh interesting so I think we're going to be shifting these around probably put that there and then Zoom see I think we're going to do this what's Parry on I know there's a Parry in this game primary alter ra Focus attention oh you can ping things that's good yeah okay uh wait did I not see a Parry thing is there oh Parry it's here on C oh H I don't know if I like it there you know as soon as I if I try to move it it's on Q abilities q that seems reasonable what about grenades we grenades on that's probably just g l around too much use equipment so it's probably grenades all right yeah I'm just thinking the Parry H I have a feeling oh Shield block too yeah I got to move that going put that on L five going to use my thumb it's going to get some exercise in today uh let's see oh yeah if the game is game volume maybe is it a little high might be a little bit High let me uh adjust this just in case I can see it being loud oh goodness yeah maybe I drop it even more uh let's go with that maybe question mark that seems okay possibly I don't know someone tell me tell me is the sound okay is it too loud can I be heard over this music all right uh audio we'll just leave everything there for now dynamic range large speaker configur Let's uh is there a headset one no so we'll Auto auto is fine all right oh sorry was there anything else in here that I was in okay you you just yeah we already went through all most of these options anyway oh helmet visibility oh no come on yeah we got to put that on I did hear from someone that this puts it on on the ship as well which it would be cool if you could have a alternative you know choice you know helmet on on Mission versus off Mission cuz off Mission I think it makes sense for your helmets to to come off you know it's it's normal uh difficulty we'll change that later oh you know we we are going above and beyond normal today we'll be doing uh pain lots of pain in the future uh camera sensitivity all this stuff normal good stuff volume the ranges that's neat oh you tell oh so you can be more uh interesting so you're like oh no I want the realism good stuff and see all these HUD things well we don't even know what it looks like so there's accessibility o is there any color blind options I'm not color blind but I do like looking through those uh wait social wheel activation hold uh yeah probably how do I open the social wheel that probably be in controls probably down here communication is there there such a thing as a controller wheel oh I should probably turn that off just in case I do have a controller plugged in uh that would be horrific if it were to vibrate suddenly and loudly so I guess we'll have to I automatic attention focus off oh maybe I want that I want that on N it's fine if I miss something I miss something off screen markers yeah I don't know actually I'm assuming this is like a big arrow on the sides of the screen like hey look there's a thing that was marked over here but we'll see we see oh color blind modes let's see what we got here ah the purple and green I feel like the the tyranid itself is also changing color I can't like if you look at the legs down here it's not just the icons it's actually other things in the environment that seem to be changing which just makes sense but I'm not color blind so I will not be turning these modes on I do like in League of Legends when I used to play that you know e OD ago I not played that game in a long time but uh I always lik using some of the color blind settings sort of the health bars for distinctions cuz green green and red I'm like H you know I don't know I was bored I wanted other colors to appease me but I think oh oh wait and we're doing oh okay so new game and we're doing all this again that is fine subtitles subtitles on off uh what is this subtitle speaker visibility oh I mean yeah large extra large was used to you know you know what I'm going to leave them off a little mixed on it but I'm going to leave it off motion blur off and the brightness calibration beautiful audio accessibility stuff hey look at that they're just they're making me go through it all again oh boy oh here we go well let's see what what do we got here this is a balance for better story experience yeah better story it's the same story how can it be better but you know I just want you to be able to get through it this is the game journalist mode normal for you know thinking beings probably maybe I don't know how hard this game is this might actually be a really difficult mode to get through even even for me we we'll see uh let's see for a fair gameplay challenge I would hope so oh this is the intended experience oh so I might actually start with veteran then if this is how they balance the game introduce a serious Challenge and I know on their road map they actually announced that they're putting in a fifth difficulty level I presume that would be for the campaign and I I would imagine PVE also uses these difficulties uh un unclear we will find that out but uh I guess I'm going to start in veteran mode I suppose enemies are dangerous tactical and skillful play is rewarded recovery after mistakes is much harder yeah that's that's where that's where people just don't want to put in the time to meeting harder difficulty levels I think most people are actually capable of beating really any difficult video game for the most part it's just the time sync that is required to gain the skills and knowledge of the game to be able to do it that's where people fall off and I don't blame anyone for playing on an easier difficulty except for maybe easy I'm just kidding you can play whatever difficulty you want there's no wrong way to play I was thinking of was just put myself through pain and Agony but this is the intended experience and I do usually on a first play through like to do I guess quote unquote the normal or how the dev see or what they balanced it around see like the average experience that they were hoping to get for players sorry I should be reading this Humanity stands oh in the 41st Millennium Humanity stands on the brink of annihilation the Galaxy span imperion of man is beset on all sides by hostile aliens and threatened Within by traitor and Heretics it is an age of constant War new Dark Age in which Enlightenment is replaced by Superstition rhetoric and blind prayer to live in such times as to be one amongst Untold billions existing in the cruelest and bloodiest regime imaginable most powerful and dreaded of the imperium's Defenders are Space Marines bioengineer superhuman Warriors they are Humanity's last basion against the terror there is no time for peace no respite no forgiveness this is the dark future the Grim dark yes in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only War now I'm assuming this is a Starship super reference kendu the the bug planet that they go to aaku it's it's got how can bad not now which one came first I don't actually know I would assume the Starship Troopers one actually believe the book is older than Warhammer as a thing tiid are terrifying so they actually might have known this was coming weeks in advance because of the way the tyranids like psychically will block out the warp and signals so planets cannot call for uh Aid or it's much more difficult so we're going to get this is like the first game we're going to get the uh like tactical importance absolute threat big oh tied ships project Aurora present oh absolute yep here we go so we're going to get I know Titus is in this I think he's assigned to death watch he is under uh hail the omnissiah approaching Kaku prepare for atmospheric entry approaching Drop Zone ooh a power axe get some bug scum oh man uh-oh so I don't know how strong Space Marine armor is but can we survive this fall oh I guess so just thinking there might be a limit to you know how what is the likelihood a Space Marine can survive terminal velocity apparently they can very little uh difficulty repeat kill team leader to Squad confirm Vox contact we crashed it's from your position they are somewhere away from positioning contct with brother approaching orbital la God oh wow look at all the stuff okay so I'm oh my God am I really getting I'm getting 75 FPS look at all the things on screen I don't know if those are actually negative no contact since the crash I'm here Dam it C you have command what are your orders the proceed as planned launch the virus bomb into the stratosphere detonate it and watch the tyranids die a sight I will greatly enjoy transmitter must be broken yeah that would make sense after you know I survived the fall but not all my gear did will be let's go we got to kill some bugs oh wow there's a lot of them oh wow that just a little Tink and it took a whole thing of armor yeah so damage depletes armor instantly apparently yeah I didn't even lose oh I guess I'm on you know hard mode so maybe that's why uh yeah and then recently lost Health can't be restored by dealing damage oh we get bloodborne rally system that's awesome okay didn't know that okay yes I understand and I did watch people playing before and wait so this is my armor armor doesn't replenish on its own does it I have to get the executes oh oh good on Sprint is toggle by default oh it comes back onom all right good I was worried I'd have to get executions to actually uh get my armor back which would be a bit of a change from the first game anyway uh hold the oh hold melee for heavy longer the combo the more powerful the heavy attack oh interesting so instead of those were separate kind of combo buttons in the first one uh use heavy attacks against large groups of enemies all right I'm up to my elbows in these ratchet BS any word from Brother Darius for the commander us to share the glory Nows us hold on Brothers Oh Parry here it comes all right so I know you can uh I know that you can Parry non blue attacks so should just keep that in mind per the time instantly kill smaller enemies and will stagger larger all right parries parries are good insta kill all right spores spores it oh he can't just Spam car all right I was trying that out see how lenient it was with the spam Perry not great is it going to spawn more enemies or is just going to leave that on screen oh hello now oh there's a space to dodge uh oh yeah okay X to lock camera onto o there's a lock up oh I guess that worked oh oh execute get over here finishing moves restores armor yeah okay so you only get armor back in this is interesting change from the first game now I'm sure everything in this game mechanically is accounting for this shift this is actually I I don't want to say substantially different but this is you know there's there's going to be consequences you gameplay wise for that kind of change reach that bomb I will even if I have to conse my way through yeah uh so yeah not getting your health back and get armor instead because of the you have way less armor it seems than you did in the first game seems I can swap that I will not be able to walk through so go this way o shiny thing you going to be like uh it's just light darn I was like oh collectible sure they're collectibles in this game almost certainly we will find them I will find them oh brother I will repay them tfold think you though this bter will Roar in your name Dar oh Zoom is a toggle I should probably change that anyone else I should be picking these rotten zenos out of my fangs for weeks situation here at the launcher is becoming severe have you secured the virus bomb no for every GA I smash 10 more come raining down if we fail to launch that bomb there will be nothing to stop the terranics I am almost at the crash site just make sure the laem standing when I will hold the line for as long as I can weaken enemies uh shoot them gun strike oh wait what wait uh hold to knock back a small enemy and mark them for a gun strike then press shoot to perform a gun strike on Mark enemy gun strike instantly kills small enemies and deal significant damage to larger enemies interesting interesting a yeah yeah that's cool oh man oh I saved myself there that was a very generous Parry window is anyone else want some oh man this game really captures the feeling from the first game of just smashing oh smashing all these little itty bitty enemies cuz you are a powerful Space Marine stop shooting me shooting is rude yeah I think I'm going to let me let me change that right now while I'm thinking of it the toggle for zooming in don't yeah aim let's not let's hold that oh was that an explosive I wonder yeah you know what might as well see it was oh okay blue blue things are explosives it wasn't red so how was I supposed to know we are running out of time it's that bomb so wait if we even if we activated the virus bomb would it not uh would it actually just like insta win the against the tyranides I don't I can't imagine it would oh [ __ ] oh jump at me oh ow a little jerk should learn to I need to get better at uh there's like a poison St H him with your devotion I don't know if that's coming back because of these cutcenes cuz it does seem to be almost checkpoint related if you can hear me I have the virus bomb headed to the orbital launcher oh [ __ ] okay so that as hard as you Bight s us come on hopefully they clear a path for me cool I don't know are these tyranid plants no no death will not go un oh already in execution oh man I just [ __ ] this guy up I wonder if the damage of me shooting him in the head up there was uh oh high oh [ __ ] that's not I wanted [ __ ] oh god oh thank you hitting the wrong buttons in places oh hey look what the I got full health back I don't know why bre the perimeter anyone is B on Route hang on how smart are the tis I mean they're just it's I I don't want to question I mean I don't want to question that they're dumb but I'm just how smart like how aware are they that oh oh that was quite the no he pain the wrong button yeah I need maybe I need to think of a better Parry button there's a guy shooting at me though trying to Parry where is that guy you stop it time uh so unfortunately I'm going to die so does my health come back over time I see it you know it's doing that little blinky thing I can't tell if there's a slow as hell regen I have the will we succeed ammo do I get health is there Health anywhere I'm I need health uh oh what the hell you have served your Emperor well brother record log do any Imperial unit that recovers this love my kill team crash landed off course my brothers are all dead slain by tyranids I have the virus bomb moving to the orbital we fire into Stratosphere where it will disperse overate positions oh my God feel like guy in the front come on all of you get over here boom Oh oh my goodness oh it's so beautiful oh oh the o the O what's in here is this uh oh we like ammo we'll take that it seems to be an infinite ammo thing uh is this yeah big circle darn hoping for Collectibles but infinite ammo is also nice more for me in this gross thing oh the Oh The Recoil too oh my God it's just this thing has got some kick you can see them explode oh cuz it's like a oh God I don't even know it's it's a want to say it's like a 20 mm explosive round tyan Invasion the virus will spread through their forces they will adapt but it will slow them down okay I was just going to say must be launched into the stratosphere nothing else matters get a boss oh I can't oh [ __ ] okay don't die oh [ __ ] okay who oh execute yes and then all you little sinky guys you all die wait did they all actually some of them actually die when I killed the big one I think they might have or they got stunned at least was like a little green energy surge all right yes please give me my armor back and I don't think my health is moving so I'm going to compos the regen theory for now I know there are stim packs that exist in this game but uh they are few and far between what am I going this way this is this is actually ni your T has been fled from viation open the shift chronometer reset you registered as on duty carry out the offic work according to the Divine s don't shoot me how dare you find the orbital launcher right here inserting payload okay so I still can't tell if it's just a extremely long cool down to regen your armor or if it's cutscene away like the third time where I could believe it either way I'm not counting the seconds or anything material detected further benedictions required transmitting override authorization set course for stratospheric detonation the right of safe guard must be performed seek an authorized magos at the command console oh of course that oo FR grenades actually full out machine spirit where is the command console on the observation platform above Theos of Duty does not respond suon oh that grenade was huge have another grenade I stun for oh God you all dead Okay grenades big O big happy fing oh I'm looking at OBS right now I'm like how is this choppy is this looking a little choppy on the screen can't quite tell I think it's uh could be worse could be worse machine Spirit what is the status of the orbital launcher hibernation console inactive for 22 hours this Irey to be hire has been locked activate launch systems the right of initialization must be performed seek an authorized MOS at the command cons the command console is posted at the edge of the observation platform AOS will attend to you shortly I was just seeing if this one's going to open in real time or update no ability I have no abilities part game I'm pulling grenades all right what they're going to give me my rage mode for this section oh Bo all right activate complete awen existence fromation right of capacitors initialized personel May begin prayers of charging drone can you not hasten the damn process seismic disruptions have occurred launch altered oh my God uh I got problems is there a bigger gun I mean holy [ __ ] how I'm still oh my okay so I did drop to below I'm at 58 FPS even with this look at how many enemies on the screen and I'm still at like 58 FPS 60 I'm at 62 Jesus oh no oh no oh no oh there's a big one oh there's a big one oh there's a big one oh [ __ ] oh oh that was no give me your armor give me your armor please give me my health back too oh dead nice oh my God who so many oh my god oh there's so many Jesus Christ oh god oh I'm out of bombs oh [ __ ] oh my God oh no not today wow am I am I actually holding this oh please uh okay oh that's that's cool it is done hey that's what I was doing sort of I don't think I was a special H Bunga let's go oh that was a big hit that wasn't a normal that was not a normal range shot no don't take your helmet off hey it's Captain Titus Al they showed the helmet had more damage on it my my back in I will take you all with me o I will not until you lie of my my parry's in there oh ah execute oh I don't have health here this is this is a cut scene I can't die all right even I am I will you remember oh two of them we will eradicate your kind from the Galaxy oh I'm getting better at [Music] this a I can oh the head shot it's so cool all right they've definitely done a great job okay so I'm actually getting down to 50 FPS oh [ __ ] I don't grenades have grenades that is a big oh I didn't know I'm finding a Dark Souls boss oh my God who yeah okay we got to be real careful please die please die how much health do you have how much no go down I wonder if I can kill this boss no you will not defeat me oh [ __ ] he's got range attacks oh God I will not get hit by this I think I have a do I have oh that was I don't know how that didn't oh I'm out of oh so I do have limited ammo what are he doing oh oh no oh he got me he got me I don't think I'm supposed to be able to win that fight you see how blooded his face was from every bullet I put into it [Music] o it's jaw man how do they actually get in there to recover me that's crazy who was it best the ultramarines I have very very many questions but I have a feeling they'll all get answered like in the last game I was like hey there's this loose thread of they didn't round out this guy's you know heretical concerns and stuff and then he's like I called the Inquisition he's he's tainted by the war we must investigate it's like oh never mind it so we'll see cuz you know if I get rescued by ultramarines I'm not suddenly enlisted with them that's the uh that's the armor that you see and all the previews and whatnot so I imagine we'll get some stuff be like oh yeah you're released from Death Watch back in the ultramarines let's go oh look at all the scars from all the physical augmentations you would have had to go through to become a space Marine BR stuff do not want the emperor the wound was fatal you survived only through the Rubicon surgery we remade you you are a primaris now why Lord calgar issued the command himself is he here gone summoned by the Primark I must get back to the watch Fortress you have been reassigned my place is with the death watch the Inquisition can find no stain on you Titus accused of heresy you have served Penance in the death watch for almost a century holy [ __ ] and not once have you faltered but you will never know Redemption until you have faced the Judgment of your brothers prove yourself to us and no true Absolution interesting what is your life my honor is my my life what is your fate my duty is my fate what is your fear my fear is to fail what is your reward my salvation is my reward oh hello ke what is your craft my craft is death what is your pledge my pledge is eternal service hell yeah let's go the Rubicon surgery has REM you as a primaris marine you are now stronger faster and more resilient you will take your place as an ultramarine once more your brothers will know that you served in the death watch but your dishonorable status as a black shield has been redacted from the archiv lives should it be discovered there would be questions Lord kelgar has offered you a second chance do not taint it well all right then oh we are ultramarine again liant hell yeah Brothers we have work to do gather the rest of the squad on the flight deck yes brother yeah I guess uh we don't want to be going around being like Oh yeah I was accused of heresy and I served a century in the Death Watch to prove I wasn't you know heretical like yeah I could see uh See there being questions they're like why were you accused of heresy like oh you know I just touched the warp that's supposed to corrupt everyone and you know no one can what was it was the line in the first game it was like no one can uh I was trying to remember what exactly it was it's like no one can touch the warp and remain unscarred or something like that like it always has an effect like however small it might be there was always something but you know my duty in service the death watches prove that you know I am pure stand that's it support you Lord the effect oh damn it I hate that I hate that so much my Lord left Titus reporting for Duty I'm demoted have Sergeant gri report to the bridge how are your winds good enough I'll be straight with you Titus I have my reservations about your reinstatement there could be questions suspicions I cannot afford Discord among the men not now you're a liutenant now well that be a problem no Captain very well we're facing a tyranid splinter Fleet they engaged us on two planets avax a hive world and Kaku which you already know we're abandoning the latter it's mostly adeptus mechanic's research facilities we're evacuating critical assets and Personnel these defense guns are keeping the skies clear for our ships the tyranids have taken note get down there and protect those guns Captain you wish to see me Sergeant this is liutenant Titus he'll be taking over command of your squad sir I expect you on the ground within 30 minutes oh damn dismissed oh leftenant forgive my hesitation I am merely surprised by this development as am I Sergeant gadriel The Observer is ready to depart brother Chiron this is Lieutenant Titus he will be leading our Squad is that so well I shall be glad to have a command of such experience is the rest of the squad ready already assembled on the flight deck good we leave immediately all right so what's this interact with the thing o all right oh this is all the game modes then uh let's see battle barge map serves Center of operations s the planet start a mission the current mission is marked with yellow directive marker finished missions are also available for wait there's a third planet in the thing here all right changing the game mode allows you to switch operations toal War I think Eternal war is PVP before finishing the main campaign could reveal spoilers for campaign oh interesting okay I I'm just I H I imagine I I did read that these missions are like missions that happen in tandem with the campaign so I guess you would hear things that happen either way so I guess the campaign is a spoiler for this too you already know they succeed but then you go do it so that's that's cool yeah this is the PVP mode uh auxiliary missions yeah let's see playing this mode before finishing campaign can reveal spoilers yeah okay as a member of combat Squad confront the Imperium enemies customize your armor oh I want customize got to see what there is where my choices I have a potentially a new favorite chapter uh shout out to lady gravem I was chatting with her on Twitter uh I just saw that people talking about grey Knights who I had never heard of before I am a casual Warhammer 40K fan you know I know I know a lot I slowly absorb things just because it's just dense it's so much to get through I've probably been listening to like lore videos or in audio books and um I audio books more like fan-made audio short stories that people read out you know just slowly absorbing the lore I'm talking like one video a month if even but you know I've been doing that long enough or at one point I think it was when I was when I finally learned about the Horus heresy it was like oh suddenly the whole universe and all of the Lura had learned about all the different alien races and Chaos gods and all this stuff it's just like oh it all culminated and just fit like I got it suddenly like not that I didn't think it wasn't cool before or interesting and you know certain aspects but when you learn enough like you just hit a threshold for just knowledge and of the lore where it's like wow this world is really well thought out everything feeds into everything else it's just cool love to see it it's just a fantastic setting it's a setting where anything can happen for a story like you could have a story of just people just living lives in a hive City or even just a more regular place or people you know working in a forage world people who just you maybe just a story of people flying from one planet to another and things can just happen like it's it's great whatever the kind of story you want to tell you could tell I am aware of the consequences missing all this has necessary I will suffer them yes Lord informing ordinance teams oo I like that the captain's like hey if we need extatus you know that's on me yeah I wish I didn't cut off the virus bomb thing I hope that was uh I I'm really I'm kind of that irks me so much I hate that in video games or if you just walk for you cut off lines of dialogue and H I get it it's just it's bound to happen I just yeah what what are you going to do I just wish they would space things out I guess differently um anyway yeah we got Eternal War PVP mode so match is the fastest way to join Squad okay I want to see can I so I just click on this uh unlock Mission so let's let's go back let's let's just do the campaign I guess but I want to customize my thing so that's uh guess we'll just do the first mission we'll accept oh are we just going straight to it or okay proceed the launch bay all right uh is there other things to look at oh what are these guys like I mean he's got the shields or is he just he's a bull workk class space is there a name for that I don't even know anyway I totally lost my train of thought I'm der railing it anyway but everywhere thoughts so many there's just too many things in this setting to think about but chapters uh potentially new favorite chapter grey nights that's what I would probably customize myself as I looked at the uh in the first game no grey kns you know there's a lot of chapters you can color yourself as but no no grey Knights uh yeah and actually I did get a chance to play a little bit of the multiplayer in the first game cuz people have been playing it there's almost 2,000 people on last night I was really surprised and I checked this morning there was still over a thousand people uh even after you know this game technically launched for everyone else so people were just going back to the first one just giving it a little Little Love a Little appreciation you always like to see that when Games come out you know people go back and check out the older stuff see what's going on that's exactly what I did what time is it all right not going to set a timer I'm going try to remember I'm going to do this Mission and then I'll probably feed my cats what is our assignment cadians have lost control of the orbital guns we are to recapture them them already the tyan are Hing SP of those guns in great ways I'm impressed thead held out this long what are these called these are thunderhawks I think lius andot of have any of you faced tyranids before only these past two days then there is much to learn I look for to it yeah I have much to learn stand aside those Warheads are not properly secured do you know what will happen if one comes loose abstracted stand aside I'll do it myself go and find a tech P to tighten the screws in that half brain of yours G will hear of this just little moments like that those are great I don't entirely know what the deal is with the uh say slow individual the other guy is kind of technomancer if you [Music] do compliance servor we detect an Aber in the res properties of engine manifold cam 2 assemble the required tools and components for a rapid engine service you have until this Vel returns from his current assignment compliance I make preparations now indeed oh it's so horrific like this guy is you know slave like he's very that's all he is is uh slave isn't exactly fair or right but his mind is like there's nothing in there is basically just comply and do the job which you know if that's all there is like that's kind of horrifying okay this is just that computer again I want to see if there was a customizing stuff but I guess uh we'll find that out later all right let's go do a mission Brothers we are joined by Lieutenant Titus welcome brother we are yours to command we leave immediately yes liant oh stuff's just so cool great ship designs all right r with the Astro milit God the the names the names in Warhammer are just so cool they go so hard like and they're not cringe that's the thing is like ah they're pretty just they're just cool all right we got to take back some orbital guns and kill some bugs I'll be very interested to see the player count for this after a few weeks and then just compare it to Hell divers 2 I'm like oh I feel I feel so bad in some ways but hell to did it to themselves or know they had they had it all they had the chance and they blew it oh no are you another uh you going to accuse me of heresy sir you served in the Death Watch yes that must have been a great honor it's a privilege to serve with you approaching Drop Zone o that's like he's complimenting but there's also that little bit of a prod just to see like the reaction you see those service STS our Lieutenant is over 200 years old he couldn't have been born in primaris you're right and now he has your command keep it straight now it wasn't matter so I don't know what a primaris is this is a l thing I don't understand or know about I'm assuming it's just a well I mean they kind of explained you're a higher tier Space Marine than the normal one he look at this another you know female commander and she's competent and yes excellent thumbs upor me an upd theed beasts have taken the orbital guns they pushed us back to this encampment and staging a heavy assault liio take alarus and El and remain here to SEC the encampment yes brother major we must reach the defense guns yes my Lord follow me so I'm guessing their mission is just them holding out against however many waves of enemies while you know we do this missioni those F Gargoyles pollut the SK the they do I love look at them they're so little difficult we shall take care of that this is more exaggerated than it was in the first game we've got more incoming from the East move to reinforce the easn FL go with him we will assist him the defense very good my Lord oh yes call me by my proper titles look at this are these all actually rendered like oh God my frame right there can I like shoot these guys brother so these do not seem to be shootable let still probably wait maybe let's see if we get closer oh boy oh wait what's this Q to enter Fury mode which damages durability okay that one oh God my FPS 20 o and we're back to 55 all right so I might want to oh God there we go all right my Lord intelligence reports multiple swarms closing in direct us to them sending coordinates to your display oh as far as biof forms go is this really that efficient like you have a pod full of a bunch of little buggy dudes and they all burst out and be like a and then I don't know it just seems like a waste of mass in some regard uh where am I going need to go oh this is just cool this how do I use that my Lord we are preparing an air strike can you hold the enemy in place until it hits consider it done we have our job get out of there get out of there good oh I have my combat have the sword anymore I must protect my men at all costs there a big one over there got kill the big one my God we oh oh interesting oh big big boys oh I is this Friendly Fire okay good no Friendly Fire oh that was close they nevern oh the back yes give me my grenades okay thank you little range bugger over there oh there range buggers everywhere where am I getting shot from all right let's uh oh shoot oh that's that's bad oh oh my God this is so cool oh ah oh get that one all right and then get this one rest reloading incoming let's see it oh yeah look at them go a direct hit maor the Beau never miss lute the eight everyone at this B ow you their life my arms the emperor protects we must proceed Through the Jungle to reach the orbital defense guns brother assist the cad while they establish new defensive lines then report back yes liant it will not take long nice oh suddenly we are guns on the other side of the swamp be alert the tyranid will be lying in wait sword this must be where the Swarm originated these abhorent husks are everywhere living organic machines indeed their ships these pods all of it their very existence is heresy we shall thin their numbers today brother F do not stop moving I forgot what the walk on was already oh [ __ ] yeah that's a that's worthy a grenade think there's the big one there it is oh there's so many there's multiple big ones oh Goden oh God I'm poisoned oh [ __ ] yeah this guy's a oh that's a yeah that's a bad one oh it's not oh I need that please nice got it all right give me some armor I like to live I choose life El reloading get them brothers they flee before us cat what are you doing don't scratch my chair relo please leave her can you believe that she do this what are they like enraged pred to Parry very badly for the emperor for the emperor the emperor protects know what fine oh so if I just don't headshot them I can pretty easily get stuned and go for execute like this oh just in the back of the head so how do I [Music] use losing the orbital guns was costly uh and they paid for it dearly but the numbers are not insignificant the Cadian e will have to do better I'm curious cuz I picked up those stems before I don't know if those heal you just then and there or if they're like an item to be used I am how do the tyranid compar to other xenos they are an unrelenting play but they are cunning the controlling influence of their hive mind makes them act as one yeah care really horrifying stuff actually let us take the advantage and Destroy them reloading that worked out oh are they I serve the emperor elsewhere the death yes I hope I too will share that H one day H the thing oh sh whoops uh go I have you okay so they can oh they can pick me back up okay wait so am I just H andon I'm I'm wondering how difficult is it to actually lose if your teammates can just pick you up cuz they seem near Invincible which I imagine they would be yeah that that all like that oh my God it's so funny you're a bunch yeah I see you kid oh no seem that seems reasonable man how we doing back here all right we will use the cover oh God that's a lot of guys oh [ __ ] what are you doing what ah that was weird I don't know why uh give me your execute yeah I'm going to have to think of the Parry button cuz I think I accidentally par sometimes when I met the melee there and vice versa gone with the so that's the way we want to go so is there Collectibles collectibles maybe oh oh oh oh going to figure out all right medic stems let's see all right press f for medic stem yeah oh you only wow that's a lot less Health than I thought do I have another one I did okay uh o bolt rifle with grenade launcher this will serve me well resupply it all right so wait how do I fire as a underbill grenade and and I click okay where can I see the ammo count for that well we'll find out we'll see if it takes ammo from the main gun or not I SC both my cats okay what time is it both my cats are hovering CU they think it's their lunchtime which it's pretty close but you have 10 minutes yeah yeah you look very disappointed Kitty I see you I see your face should get a cat cam I don't even have a webcam so uh don't ask me to turn one on cuz I literally do not have one uh should I should invest in one eventually to have a cat cam because they're pretty cute yeah should have an Instagram just for them they'd be pretty popular they're very photogenic we kick these rocks go kick rocks oh I should take that and the next time someone tells me to kick rocks direct route is through the swamp let us proceed no the swamp will be infested with zenos there is a bunker straddling the riverbed we will cut through there but that will add considerable time surely we we will not trade strategy for expediency as you command liutenant Captain aaran has given us new orders you must proceed alone understood thank you Lio see you on the resilience uh beg your pardon oh wait I think I think just alone with these two not just me alone alone I think presume that's what I meant otherwise uh I guess that would be how I go down kill this guy before he even gets here right oh he's got ranged dead he dead SP Marines get off my [ __ ] I'm going to miss that guy way over through that but ow stop shooting me no way yeah he's going to take it all right yeah the Dodge is um I want to say finicky but it's definitely Lumbers some I guess would be a good word reload oh hello I didn't expect that he came into thees me where Sho at is just this guy still loing up so wa where do I go down go through here no down guess drop down so we have more stems we do not oh I still have my rage though no rest oh want that I want that execute oh my god get in there reinforcements oh jeez these executions they're just they're glorious God of War stuff hey guys I think I saw this in preview boy sit down and look at them we're with the empress Angels now oh I forgot to use the grenade launcher no Lord never we've locked them in we could do no more open the gates yes my Lord open the gates sir you said open the bloody Gates Ash in his Hon oh SP need this use it now right recover is that even a full bar another wave we can't hold them oh come on come on give me an excuse Give Me A Reason oh hello you will serve your Emperor Soldier position do not let them surround you what are they doing trying to get up here just keep throwing grenades on him uh how do I fire the thing oh I will save you Guardsmen to me are you not the Lord cellan soldiers F damn you you stop being a [ __ ] come over here oh what the hell what was that oh my God I'm being exploded by tons of stuff oh oh God pyramids oh oh man I'm so bad at this game oh oh thank you teammates did they all die they did I came from really far away to get that executed my goodness stop little shooty dudes I'm going to learn what you're call and I can curse you uh you know what let us get to work oh that's a lot of guys oh oh no I've been mortally wounded thank you thank you teammate uh [Laughter] yeah oh there's like an overheat oh we need to get out of here the gates are open should we not eliminate the of the SW there will always be more we must focus on taking down the ship stand Notting your attacks oh man I have been expecting to I Haven been so low health for so long I'm just expecting to die at any second at any point in time can see the worst I look forward to it beautiful I think we'll get this cut scene I'll take a quick break and I'll feed my poor starving kitties oh if okay I was going to say like we get stuck with an infinite load screen looking pretty good uh so I'm getting some chugging in places I'm sure you could tell uh but overall yeah I think this game's running pretty dang well especially for a new release if every game came out in this state that I've seen so far I shall give them new orders we'd be in a good place in you know in gaming overall oh man 30 dropped a 30 now I'm back at 75 so all right looks like a Slaughter no excuse C carbine maybe heavy bolt pistol less ammo but uh wait what do I have here Auto auto is that the basic one I've been using I have no idea bolt rifle with grenade launcher Auto bolt rifle uh definitely keeping the chainsaw yeah I think I want to try using this carbine well okay yeah I think this is the carbine I've got we'll see what this one does this here oh I just run over hello thank you give me stems I like stems I haven't used my rage mode even once I keep forgetting her derp feel like is there anything else over here we jeez just the Carnage of it oh I'm so happy I came over here they will not get past this oh man oh melt the gun oh it's this good thing I'm exploring what I got here grades yes fine from thege seeing if what it does for ammo or you know if it swaps the weapon and then the ammo is stuck to the gun or if this ammo is what's in my inventory and they're both the same so I guess the answer is I'm not sure but you know I think probably more likely it's just tied to what I'm carrying us that's correct way that means we go check out up here I have a sneaking suspicion there's oh data slate I knew it Collectibles xenos monstrosity flos that's when the deserters took off May the emperor deliver Swift retribution to those that abandon their kin we formed up and resisted as best we could pulled back by inches retrieving weapons from the Fallen we will fight to the end for Cadia for the emperor dang so actually the melter gun it's probably a terrible idea in some sense I'm going to be very reliant on my pistol and sword but yeah I got to try it oh hello got him see that one's a very forgiving Parry window the other ones are much tighter so I'm still I'm having trouble with that but I'm also oh what the I'm sure that's a normal thing but oh yeah I did say I was going to take care of my cats didn't I Let's uh let's maybe go do that after I check this corner ooh bolt with a grenade launcher all right cat all right quick break and get some more water and I will feed my kitties I'll be back in an amount of time few minutes BRB e e e e e e e e e e e all right I have remembered to unmute and all that good stuff yep my mic is back okay haven't forbid I have another end of the first game where I beat the whole boss and I'm muted the whole time ah yes all right but my service to my kitties comes even before service to the emperor oh my godine hey don't do that shoot you give me some armor execute now I am wondering if they uh they're going to add more enemies to the game I wonder if that just means tyranid units or if they're going to add other enemy factions I repeat awaiting orders to attack major do you read this is L tit yourself Captain ID sir our longrange coms were damaged battle they must be close hold fast Captain we are coming giant Vistas they're gorgeous it's just a room just a warehouse but it's cool it's very um it's just a level of detail like this seems like a lived in go down to that I mean this got to use this on some bigger enemies once we use the Melt to God on bigger enemies and I'll go back over here now I know Davis slates are a thing certainly need to be uh oh hi hear things I guess we're just we're running in let's go you a little shooty boys these guys up am I sparking where am I sparking Bo my timing is terrible oh oh wait was I able to like hold the Parry oh interesting okay so I think it's that another one ooh yeah you can see the psionic explosion rest it's like that green shock wave that came out of him wait did I okay darn I was hoping I killed that one from distance that would have been cool like I shot one through the other that's why I was that give me your soul it's true never learned the death rattles oh what's down here clear this is not where I'm supposed to go so oh hi all right Plasma Pistol let us get to work oh let's try this one oh there's a heat system oh it's not my favorite gun for the Stagger potential so I'll was trying to see if I can Mark him and do the uh pistol head shot with it but I guess we'll that AOE I'm not sure oh oh you know what I need to do this rage oh this eats up my rage time okay so that's a bad idea all right uh yeah we got that so oh dang I'm almost out of Plasma Pistol shots uh let's D okay so the full charge one needed to probably like 10 shots let's say I'm going to swap it anyway it does needs 10 okay so Plasma Pistol very strong but considering I have a meled gun is the other one I think I need to have a more conventional secondary weapon for ammo purposes that's just my way oh you know what I had this like the whole time I didn't use it so it's also a little bit shame on me that would have been very good in that swarm right there good God I'm just I'm saving this for the big crab boss around the corner slat St slates hello St receiving we have made contact with Captain Iden Iden I thought him lost we are approaching his position now can you punch me through working on it does this highlight anything chain sword regular bolt rifle Auto bolt rifle they will not get past this I yeah we're going to keep the I just need to remember to actually use it all right by the emperor established go ahead major Captain Iden I thought you a dead man huh not today sir you're tougher than Gro hiide I'll take that as a compliment I didn't we need to take back those orbital guns I've got armor ready to roam see it done Captain yes sir let's give him a taste of Kad and wrath hell yeah all right please don't die immediately tank that would be so sad H your Emperor with great pleasure my Lord hello so I can't shoot the SWS at least I had that curs is in our way then let us remove it be your in Tower you go tank go we got to explore there could be data slates over here oh well that's super useful so definitely this is why you explore okay so Shields do just come back over time but it's a very very long time to get the armor back oh he can block it oh what the hell is that eat this give me more armor a get in there W so there's a different these are Big Boys but they are different types like some of them are you know doal wielding swords that guy had a gun going pull up the door for us how are you doing this oh going up and over this way all right just look at the corpses just oh my gosh oh hi magazine get in there come on giveit me armor oh snap that neck uh great that was unnecessary but it's better to use it and use it I guess oh hi oh ow ready to deoy special tactics yeah that was cool oh darn thing of a jig all right I'm getting getting the hang of it I'm getting the hang of it like this just gameplay wise this is there's some decent depth to this you know I'm still figuring it out but uh bolts carbine this this will Ser okay now I definitely just I just want to help the rifle hit the gate tank in here gate is opening now I'm just trying to think of um how coordinated the yep uh just the tiid hive mine just the think of the level of intelligence you would have to have to be able to coordinate with all that sensory input across all these different you know creatures it's that's it's insane this is why they're an alien you know it's not human to be able to do that clearly feel like is there a thing can I shoot this I can but it doesn't do anything I'm a terrible shot all right 30% I'll take it nice oh hi oh god oh there we go wait press was just telling me hey Dodge the big attacks dummy navigating through this facility take time little redecorating things up my Lord I like this guy keep ammo what is this just a p rifle all right I want I really hope to get to the uh right there oh the barrel the barrel moved [ __ ] where'd it go this guy got [ __ ] up I didn't even do anything to him I think I hit him with the melting gun but it down while it the other creatures are hard to K ah it's not exactly what I want oh oh oh I was really far away I'm surprised that g that to me and these little ones all die some of them anyway oh this thing sucks oh reloading blam oh God there we go that [Music] armor oop [ __ ] it up we get it we got it all right I saw it fly down or you know fall to the ground for an execute but you know there was that huge swarm I wasn't getting over to it in time the emperor boting ay now heading to you uh so all right I hope none of those tanks were ours you know that guy rolling out earlier clear get these guns online move we'll punch a hole in those hi ships so big you can fly a FR through it it won't let that happen without a fight it's the hive mind the tyranid powerful collective intelligence not to be underestimated ma the guns are in a serious state of charge it will take time to wake the machine Spirit hurry the tyranids will throw everything they have at this facility this is Major s divert second and third platoon to the orbital guns immediately copy that let's show these bastards what the a are made of [Applause] oh my God look at it look at it all right so I am dropping into the low 50s FPS wise uh I oh I guess for reference in case you you weren't here at the very beginning of the stream I have a 4060 TI for graphics card so this is my uh processor is Intel so uh yeah that could be could be an issue but yeah this is what it looks like and it's freaking beautiful and pretty stable FPS wise like it's it's dipped into the 30s a couple times when there's huge explosion and some other scripted things happening but SC launcher I like the M I'm going to be honest uh should probably I'm going to try the Bol carbine really quick though is there a scope no can luse this guess these are I don't know let's let's stick with the Mel the gun a from [Music] yes hello oh hello there they are all right oh [ __ ] I didn't see that let's get that out there trying to make it so I'm not completely surrounded but I'm standing in the exact place where they're all coming up front so genius I am not that one's very forgiving from the low guys it's like as long as you hit the button at all you you're going to get it I'm going to kick this thing just cuz there's a lot of these guys not going to execute though because it eats up so much of my time oh what the oh jeez I'm getting my ass kicked do I get all the health back I do okay so executions will give me all the gray health I don't know when I get gr Health versus not gray Health though some of those hits were just taking you know health health maybe it cuz I was in Rage I don't know liant the orbital guns are functional but the targeting system is J oh I took out the bottom to and then they all like fell down that was actually really interesting physics wise all right sorry where am I going going over here all right you bard sorry guys you going to have to deal with that paring shots there you go all I can do for you good luck man SEC this game is cool what a setting yeah just look at it look at all the last guns oh so good what's this rack grenade stick to enemies deal significant damage o so this is probably the uh single Target thing but I guess I have to melt the gun for AOE all right well oh hello oh that was a that was very forgiving on that good God get in there Jesus oh oh that didn't hurt me at all I thought for sure I was going to down me I'll be like I'll take him with me why not eff it that was a very surprising turn of events there I hit this oh I'm seeing them through the wall that's what was happening was that we saved you hell yeah that's the way I'm supposed to go so obviously we got to check over here any little nooks and crannies any any goodies no what ammunition he say he needs ammunition you have infinite ammo right right my Lord this elevator will take you up to the controls we'll keep the xenos off your back Emperor protect yous all right we got any other interesting things I was using it is oh but it refreshed my ammo all right well that solves that thing so the yeah weapons off those have full ammo that is good as they should major s we are almost at the targeting system you need to manually raise the Petals of the Satellite Dish we will see it done just admiring the beauty I see Mech stand so I assume when I hit these have let them come oh boy keep them off me when I get is done oh my God this is going to take forever all right I can get this one and I'll probably get ambushed by a huge swarm I don't know what this is doing but it's necessary we got to help these Guardsmen I saw that little prompt from the side my eye all right well these guys seem to have that all right let's get the next one you guys going to kill him go for the next [Music] one dab him with his own thing or not all right oh [ __ ] oh it's stuck to like it homed in on something oh I didn't Parry it I cannot D get me brother my Lord we cannot use the guns until we raise those yes I am I'm very much aware yeah you guys you guys deal with that are they just infinite oh they are oh that was a terrible grenade it did hit someone though I will give him that one all right one left you guys got me oops uh not what I meant to do ah reloading all right you guys handle everything over there I got this oh yeah Brothers cover me taking Health damage my Lord those Hive ships have free rain unless we get those petals open my Lord the Gs are heading for the antenna desty see they get on get out of here I don't if it matters that I kill that guy now but can't come back to get us later let's go got more STS running low on ammo this uh this very low ammo build you know what let's just get the big gun first oh wait did my that other guy took damage I'm really surprised by that actually uh uh what am I looking at ammo amm's good where we going oh hi what the hold huh all right what are we doing here little gun boys are very annoying I get that one oh I can did he even swing once just jumped over here and just waddled about for a bit hey you more coils headed for the anten I think the melted guy is actually really good for this en oh Jesus they came from in front of me but was very sudden oh there's an Integrity thing in the corner okay we get it oh the other one can I throw a grenade over there I don't know if that's going to do much but the enemy haveed the anten hey I got it uh number D which one's D that one oh God I didn't see that oh hi uh oh God the enemy yeah I need that health I know I shouldn't necessarily be using the uh oh that's right it kills all the little ones I should really be going for these guys even more oh we will never fail ah damn it we will never fail [Music] defeat gosh it's okay yeah this is hard I'm glad I didn't go to the highest difficulty yet oh it starts us all the way over from back here hey all right uh yeah my weapon choice is not great go so we are on a bit of a timer because of the uh antenna but um wait infinite can I just keep taking from this repeatedly I don't know but oh stab him got you hey you reload more headed for the antenna look at them they get coded is this where I got exploded before yes oh oh [ __ ] so they did come from behind actually oh that's a long reload relo oh my God need to get execute somewhere can I get that guy I did all right thank God the enemy have damaged the anten I need you give me your health need you as well hopefully they don't keep coming back to that one antenna cuz that'll be a problem obvious obvious problem uh in there come on SEC oh I get it I did okay the enemy have damaged the antenna then execute yeah I get those paries then most of these guys will die targ destroy all uh I'm ignoring him going leave that to my brothers yeah we're doing much better cuz I this is where I died before so yeah let's go [ __ ] we just them back oh that side step was slick oh oh please be near the end oh my God another one dead reload oh [ __ ] these guys oh boy uh yeah everything is targeting me because I am the player character it's terribly annoying uh where's that ammo box I'm get it yell it yeah fire uh see let's see if I can get this ammo box over here this Mission critical ammo stem execute it okay reload it's defensing seems to be down when it's in that execute state so that's good so it is downable someone else do it thank you we good are we good ow oh [ __ ] die Zeno scum uh I couldn't tell if my health was coming back from uh shoting those guys but where where am I going just we're just here uh is there the emperor protects loading up that's all I need to die die fall to your doom oh God think are we stuck cuz that enemy all right use the terminal to begin targeting where is it it's over here all right go go go get to the terminal end it get those guns online Target F let us relish the sight of those V ship oh this giant plasma cannon oh yeah four mission complete nice I mean what can I even say this game's this is satisfying stuff they did a great job with this game I mean there's little dips in fps here and there uh but as far as I can tell at least so far this is only the beginning of the game so I mean it's probably the most polished level uh for you know to be honest with how most games go the last levels might run like absolute crap but considering that they could get it to this state over time even if the later levels run poorly they could theoretically get them to run as well as this and this will run even better in the future too so very well where is OT the enemy tried to smother us we got separated by the time we had slain the attackers Ellen was dead something put a hole clean through his helmet I should have been with you I only wish he had lived to see that Hive ship burn I fought beside alen for two decades he could not have been defeated by horigans there are creatures more deadly than hormon down there you should not have let our Squad be divided he is gone Sergeant duty is all I do not forget my brothers so quickly all right let's look at this edit Squad just for inviting and stuff like can I wait what is this invite menu invite player let's look at the invite menu why not oh there you go I have a code now anyone joins me before I decide to leave all right well oops do want to see operations oh so now I can play this one see what was going on here if I switch Yeah switch game modes let's take a peek oh yeah that's right all the classes ooh these are all the PVP classes too wait what what's happening joining server I hadn't even picked a class yet I mean couldn't have waited for two seconds am I joining server like what what are we doing here what are we doing here game being a little yeah game logic yeah where's that okay we're just back here that was weird I guess just it's loading for when I do select to class assault seems so cool assuming I get a thunderhammer immediately bu work also seems very very good but team setting with other player I guess I'll always have my AI uh yeah I want to check out the b work oh that's right each class is like its own thing oh it threw me into a game with other people oh that's random I didn't I didn't want that um let me see if I can turn me to the battle bar didn't mean to join someone else's game sorry guys you know uh I just want I just want to check it out I I didn't mean to didn't mean to join a game that's a little bizarre that is a pretty bizarre way to go about that my Okay cool so now I'm just this guy I go here uh threat oh minimal oh we go up to okay this the same as uh campaign I guess but this is definitely going to be balanced differently so I'm I'm assuming oh yeah see it says recommended level five okay level 10 level 15 okay oh so this game Mod's probably pretty freaking hard then uh how do I change my class that's all I want how do I change my class uh go here maybe no what's this close edit mode H yeah what do I what do I change my armor customization well now we must find this I I am intrigued I will run around my ship I will find this drle servor is leaving loose screws everywhere should have been scrapped days ago how dare you where do I customize my stuff all I want I want to customize I do it in here this is got to be in right uh there's no other is this the only other chamber I can get to looks not good all right let's see here oh here we go all right armoring hall choose one of six classes with unique weapons and abilities try classes okay we're all going to have different primary sidearms Etc all right customize armor yes we must edit the Armor All Right armor effects only visual appearance as it should know one thing I did read about was that since each class is like a character in the ultramarine chapter even if you reskin to color yourself as a different chapter you'll still have ultramarine specific lines said you know like for Gan or something like that it's like oh you know for role playing purposes I would you know if the game is a massive success which it looks like it's going to be but yeah I hope they would add in voice lines that are specific to different chapters or you know at least more voice lines and I don't want to say phase out remove the ones that are ultramarine specific cuz oh maybe people like that they want that there even if they're playing a chapter I don't know let's see uh yeah but we will never oh wait these are full armor sets oh chapters ooh hello what chapter do we get Space Wolves Space Wolves are great oh boy I don't I've never heard of this one arons how do you is that what the I probably butchering that one white scars hey torren yeah best race in WoW bite me just oh my God they're all so cool oh wait but how do I oh wait show heraldry unlock heraldry decals and armor parts here to customize your Space Marine okay Blood Ravens Exorcist or oh oh unknown foundings oh I guess if there were greenit they would be in here wouldn't they all they're not in here I do not have this DLC I just want to look at it so wait there's 12 successor chapters okay I will be looking into this later unknown founding so I don't even know like minotaurs I don't know anything about them and these guys don't know anything about them so I've literally never even heard of These two factions before there's just so much lore and Warhammer it's insane it's literally insane like what what are these histories I don't know but it's pretty cool so who do I want to be here the Imperial so why are these connected there's something I feel like there's a lore connection here that I just don't know about so I don't know I don't know a lot about hardly know anything about the black Templars actually uh I know some stuff of Imperial fists maybe question mark it was just God I think it was a luten video I listened to like a week ago I was going over all the foundings of all the different staries chapters but it was very much just the main ones it's not it's not the any of the uh yeah so it was just the main ones you know like salamanders ultramarines Space Wolves I think Imperial fists was in that list somewhere blood angels are definitely covered uh I think he talked about white scars too like I don't know there's just too many I can't keep track all right let's just look at ultramarine so do I have any I have 200 but yeah let's go back so that's just the herald room so I unlock [Music] this storm Giants all oh here I can look at Doom Angels gen what Genesis chapter no idea cyes of the emperor I've heard of I don't know anything about NOA Marines oh my God just the preators of orus that sounds like people I need to learn about iron hounds yeah oh man it's just cool DLC so I guess I will not be getting that one uh so if I I wonder how much I can mix and match to make a gray Knight cuz that potentially my new favorite one but I guess in the meantime I could let's just see can I unlock uh you get their emblem previous item okay buy that buy that and yeah we have Salamon okay now what if I go in here oh okay so yeah okay oh wait custom armor set here we go now I'm talking how do I oh you have to beat things nine Mission so is that wellth I think there are only six missions so I guess you just have to beat nine missions total all right just play a bunch and just win a bunch or matches any oh oh wins and PVP count too oh okay yeah that's that makes sense I guess uh what's this where do I buy this oh whoa wait where is this wait why is this go back wait this helmet it's a oh it's a black Templar helmet I'm like oh but it's green okay okay got it got it Death Watch just let's where do I get oh the armor is here okay so none of these had armor to collect these are just the symbols I guess cuz they're all more or less the same all right but these have actual armor pieces ah Death Watch armor part Death Watch armor part oh I see okay all righty so all the so there's just different death watchat armor pieces behind the other things in these all right I see I see that's like an arm bamb brace I get it all right sort of wait where's the helmet one then the helmet one this is under this one that I didn't ever hear about before uh well because I want it do I want it I don't know we we'll hold off on doing too much I guess what are my options here basically everything's locked you got go play game modes to get more stuffy so wait I did unlock some DLC stuff did I not from technically pre-ordering it's like magor's chosen or something like that where is that I don't see that any oh that's that's cool you can tell how much someone's played by just the weapons you know the Skins they're all just skins but a oh the cool Factor wait oh wait what's going on here general rule be applied to all armor parts at the same time okay custom rule will be applied to specific armor parts gotcha all right all right oh so you can do we have no symbol we'll be doing that eventually oh yeah we're doing we're doing a great at some point so how do I get this this is the color is here I think this is a pretty good color so we're going to grab this one right now we going to a yeah we're going for it this is a general rule this is silver I guess is that different than the one what I get here got a mechanicus standard gray where is is that's different than down here so guess we just go for silver all right uh this has custom colors on it oh I guess if I do this would it change it no emblem doesn't matter what I put on here no emblem we have no emblem these are so many things all right so doing gray we're doing gray gray and silver I think is it silver I could be wrong oh wait I need to this SP we have no emblems oh yeah oh yes yeah gr KN so what's this this is ADD oh oh my oh so I can do oh CU I only have the it's just the chest in the right ping we the only custom ones interesting can I remove this no see my hand but all right um neat uh I guess so if we go to any other chapter yeah I'm going to have to do this for every single one all right so be it uh customize the armor yeah we're doing this for everyone absolutely sui we have no emblems brother hell yes guess the yeah oh oh that's interesting he's a very all the helmets like that for Sniper those are very exposed got some Chaos Theory Splinter Cell action going on with that visor optic blast see that one later uh well uh if I do yeah all right I wonder if being not an ostentatious color is going to help me at all with the out standing out that would be great boom look at meig go yep that's a that's a grayish dude all right like yeah maybe for the sniper I'll be the brightest color ever actually may for something like uh salt no ass salt I don't want to stand out too much going flying in the sky is assault that' be terrible that' be terrible to stand out I have a feeling that's gonna definitely be an issue for me is I'm going to want to jump all over the place and then everyone's just going to be like oh look he's up there just shoot the crap out of me yeah you need to be a little unpredictable this is uh pretty cool these are oh oh it's beautiful oh wait can I change these ooh okay some weapons are available for several classes they progression oh I should finish reading that progression I assume is carry through all of them see all available Rarities for the current wait Rarities for the current weapon complete missions with this weapon to gain weapon experience and unlock new Rarities oh so you just straight up get more damage and stuff I'm assuming this is only going to work in the PVE mode but Ros Reclamation what's going on we got that's more ammo and stuff okay so these are yeah all right it's just straight damage oh oh oh my God there's a lot going on here I do not have whatever this gear currency Mastery points okay interesting heavy bolt pistol yeah always the heavy B pistol right the hammer the you can change just go in with a power fist yeah slow melee weapon that deals powerful damage I'm so going to be a hammer user oh you can change this oh what's this what we got here oh is this the wait I think this is might have been what I got to think for let you get these un like the skin you need to buy a weapon with this skin uh oh I guess it means one of these Zo I guess C is pretty cool all the it's pretty elegant oh wait wait yeah got wait is that armor class wait I have three I could have sworn watching I saw someone play assault very briefly and they only had two maybe that's in PvP oh I get different loadouts per class too oh my God so Vanguard Vanguard is definitely one I will also be looking at playing um all I'm going to be trying out this game is a lot to offer like this is as a package I think this game just yes please give me all of these things this is a very really solid amount of stuff I think I read that the campaign could be beaten in 12 hours and so sorry I'm stretching it's important to stretch yeah I've got the soreness it must be removed must stretch more um yeah so 12-hour campaign is at old ballp park with that probably take me longer if I going to be playing on higher difficulty and alone cuz I think being by yourself would just inherently make it harder with the competency of the AI which not to say they didn't feel incompetent but they also didn't feel like they were doing that much also all the enemy AI seem to just draw their fire onto me and not my teammates and so with more people maybe that'll be more balanced and more manageable cuz in that last fight I got absolutely just bombarded and mobbed and sections when those exploited guys came up from behind and then from the front just got annihilated really quickly I imagine I wouldn't necessarily have had all the aggro in scenarios like that and also the uh I think the zoanthropes I think are the floating head ones that did a ton of damage like there were two of them they would just shoot at me so I just took cover and my teammates very slowly whittel them down but with Co-op I think that would be I guess more engaging of a fight cuz I won't always have all the aggro all the time and I might actually get a chance to go in for an execution uh oh I need to the helmet why would anyone not have it's just oh wait so I go in here how many helmets do I have unlocked probably yeah just these two I don't like these uh exposed head ones point oh wait I could go in and make his helmet red so is like the um oh God I for it's like a sergeant I think that's a rank of a sergeant there was some guy an ultramarine chapter that uh he's like hey what if we need to fight other you know Space Marines and they're like oh my God this hor heretical you can't even speak of such things and then they gave him the red helmet as like a mark of Shame and then the heresy happened and they're like this guy's a genius red helmets are cool just like I just you know storytelling like that it's it's good I like that there a little it's just it's just good stuff what am I I can't my brain I'm tired need more coffee also just the experience of this but let's go let's go exhaust my brain more and let's try let's do one PVE run and oh maybe I shouldn't be this CL what class do I think everyone's going to try out bu work to be honest but uh let's see what other oh yeah why wouldn't I want the Power Fist hell yeah yeah hell yeah absolutely so wait what are the stats I guess I should look at that this is more speed more damage why does it say plus so defense is balanced is that I'm assuming the defense is going to be like your Parry window maybe yeah this it's just too cool I'm going to use the power fist well actually let's see what the other skins look like oh oh yeah one punch man this we'll do uh standard bolt or stand plasma let do plasma plasma seems good all right all right we will do this and now I will join the game or I just make it open am a lumber sus what is this taku Skyfire what is this oh this is the data thing I picked up I think oh so I missed three data slates then wow wow I mean I I knew I would have missed some but three my this is terrible explor two of them were even before before I found that one I think uh yeah let's see if um see if I can join a squad maybe I should check my mic options too what's this going to do oh look at that oh wow that was real quick okay uh settings s mic stuff that be under audio maybe voice chat voice chat is on push to talk is on what is my push to talk button there a social thing down here where is weapons communication voice CH Z okay I not going to accidentally push that anytime so is this welcome to Warhammer press o to open chat text very specific but I close it I not just yeah brother beautiful oh he's an assault he got the jetpack want enjoy the R zone oh just the two of us I mean all right sure eff it yeah if you're ready threat minimal see how hard this is It's supposed to have three I wonder if it's going to give us uh an AI person that'd be weird wonder if they can someone else get like quick match and drop into the game with us we will see we will see that trap for tar it's warm time your Ambush to decimate their for all right so this I'm pretty sure this is the mission that they were doing and then one guy died I wonder if they'll have a cut scene at the end of the mission be like oh go get out of here and then the one guy dies your mission is to use the store prometheum in the binary to destroy the enemy swarm the cadians were task of providing assistance we have since lost contact have of course first proceed to the cad Outpost to establish we have generic sniper man Infiltrate The refiner in complete demolitions deployment trigger detonation only when the main swarm has entered the plas Zone uh Press Box dance oh this is my so I'm automatically in the Perry stance while I have this xenos in the vicinity Rel oh prob let him do that n punch him oh well that works too I want oh the big fist of Doom Oh I thought uhoh oh owie uh let C last just vaporized that guy bam head shot uh is it foul he's just up there is he doing anything there it goes oh punch him punch him punch him oh I just stab you one I just I want to see a unique Fist Punch like just one punch man put a hole right through them that's what I'm hoping to see where are we going I guess the already explored over here I guess but what would he see so how long's my oh my ability recharge time is it's not that bad it's already halfway back still it's it's quite a while nice yeah I'll let him get that kill that's oh only 29 shots with this pistol jeez yeah that's not a lot of ammo it's really not a lot of ammo oh jeez you need it oh I should have taken it then jeez going to kill him double tap those head shots alien inter flag bam where shall I PL this flag so this is oh got the flag back so I can't see the other guy's armor but I guess I can see if he's losing Health that is be a good idea though thank you thank you Sniper I'm going to check over here cuz clearly there could be things over right this where we came from this feels like could maybe go up there if you had a jetpack there's the thing what's the thing I don't know but it's the thing ammunition here ammo it's not you know it's important it's good I needed it our glorious what punch I'm stuck where'd he go oh wait that's the other guy what the hell that guy just leave me for dead what the hell I've been dealing with this Dy ravener H inserting press magazine waste nothing Brothers all right where we going I'm going the wrong it's accidental there could be things supposed to go this way wait did that guy quit what happened to the other guy oh he did i't assault in a sniper now maybe he just disconnected cuz he was right here with me and then suddenly I don't know he went fought off somewhere else I don't know if he died or something a well placed Banner can do wonders yes it can think so I'm all turned around uh I guess I'm doing this solo Oh god of get that Health back or help me give me my health back oh what the I did not mean to execute right then and there but that worked out ow whoa that hurt take this and this h all right oh oh I'm all alone there's no one here besides me my problems have all gone there's no one to Der me but you got to have friends I'll be playing with buddies later today uh no sries posted one of them has a busted mic so I'm like I I don't know if I yeah so if I play with him I don't think I'm going to stream cuz you know no one likes the Sandpaper audios on streams let's be real that's just it is what it is I don't make the rules we are inside the astr militarum camp tasa you need to acquire the astr militarum demolition codes required to deploy and arm their ORS Source One for any Soldier you see alive or otherwise oh he got the execution hey but theer is IND so we don't know any direction we supposed to go we'll just go up here oh uh is this the thing I want no way it's that easy right let going say noers on this officer weapons just they have so much punch that sounds like stuff stuff coming for me enemy wave this looks the Cod secure the emperor provides proceed the emperor provides the emperor for protect protection for with my fist one punch oh God no ah I'm dying yeah P window I is it like I block [ __ ] yes where'd he go [ __ ] there was an execute I saw it I think the AI killed him though look at him screw you in your whip oh oh the rip in half that's got to be a fist unique weapon or execution do it again ah that still works yes oh man all right yeah I'm using this power fist whenever I can on any class uh so wait where am I going well there could be I assume there's some some sort of collectible that I could o Guardian Relic mirle so oh well self Revival what the hell is this oh it's one of those that's a z throat the B of my existence oh let's get it yes oh oh Dead Zone yeah Zone thr ooh I did have one of these o two I wonder if it gave me less for some of them because uh whatam call it in combat like I'm actively getting hit taking damage just felt like I was getting less cuz that was two full bars I think yeah that was two full bars of Health back I don't think I got that much health back there is no going back brothers look next time someone tells me to kick rocks all this unpressed promethium shall make a high that will be seen from the Stars oh that was close nice dude they got that a thunderhammer he's just wrecking them crush the Rous okay what's the green stuff is that that sign or something a oh oh [ __ ] the oh he pulled me out oh oh this is difficult I'm this is [Laughter] difficult oh come on ow that hit me darn it oh the execution damaged him and then let me execute him oh beautiful I have no ammo dis punch my only hope is that the uh h when I charge when I run like I'm blocking automatically look at all these explosives I try I tried to shoot that I couldn't see it though after the initial shot had a chance and I blew it oh wait I don't have just need h yeah I guess we just go in and that's for it right oh go whoa what the oh my God every where should I this plan a get him lety wave incoming thank you my God oh so what are these green viny things I don't know if that friendly ability cuz I've seen it several times now just I find that hard to believe but know what do I know this is a AOE oh [ __ ] oh that was a good Dodge that sence Lee from me you weak C haste steel of my fist my God that was the ultimate no you all right go that way sounds good oh man oh man this this game this is intense and I'm running at over 60 FPS still jeez I'm I'm surprised I uh maybe I should cap it see how stable it is at that cuz I am going over but then it goes under ever so slight uh our ban fly oh beautiful yeah the cool down on that is relatively quick I feel like maybe like 3 minutes maybe that's you know it's it's an amount of time but it's not that much time it's up almost every encounter that I needed the C are running out of time how close are you to the prium facility we have been blessed with a swift arrival we making good time we are going to need it what's this just a uh oh Banner ready to deploy oh wait so we can change oh shoot h how want the bolt pistol I mean oh the fist is so cool yeah I'm sad that this is both the same I guess this was what this one was Plasma Pistol chains sword then this one yeah I want bolt pistol power fist um n we'll we'll stick with the Plasma Pistol for now so this is a re ammo up load out stuff so that's cool you get like little checkpoints going I'm curious what happened to the other guy though CU that seemed like I imagine that was a Mel to charge impressive use the codes to Prime the bomb and finish its deployment into the CR prium well cautiously if you know what is good for you yeah so what happens if I don't do that is this the thing I'm working no those are just missiles and Stu that's the thing okay boom was that uh oh hi oh wow already jeez that Barrel must have done a lot of damage oh it's so satisfying the violence the Carnage destroy these horrifying zenos reload yeah it's just setting is just so cool it's like oh it's heretical they should not exist it's like well that's a horrible belief structure but also look at them these things are just insanely dangerous entities like yeah they are not friends they need to be removed in order for Humanity to survive it's just it's such a good setting where it's like oh is the Imperium really the good guys I'm like I don't know about that but is this the thing equip melt a bomb Oh I want to try this out charge deoy now rights of activation have been observed the generator hung in the machine God's name wait wait uh press G to place bomb hold it to De is that for the thing I was using question mark oh hi what's what's going on over here xais on side as uh this is a prise oh we will have to hold it okay I see generates a uh someone going to come close enough for me to punch them I don't know what that was he had like a skull thing was he summoning what was that out my way oh god oh the fist is just so satisfying oh I need to defend that [ __ ] oh I'm dumb uh get in there get in there AI oh 40% on o that's bad we got it then defended my AIS Al Marg of error 0.0 n Blessed Be to Precision I should have this thing to calibrate my Scopes oh demolition deployment sequence concluded now there the's watchful arus the moment of his vengeance is n there is an observation platform over fting the cium fields it will make a good Advantage for your Ambush uh where am we going reach go over there all right oh didn't die oh oh wow this guy a bit more Health than I thought oh oh come on guys hurry up let's get to the door come on random AI let's go ignore the zenos please leave all right got ammo in here what we got oh but we have meds can I tell them to use that hey you located no all right well that was worth a try is he bleeding hello hey you come over here he's going to be aiming at me hey that Sil oh hi ow who's he aiming at oh oh oh oh oh oh please please please is no yes your your psychic powers are meaningless now all right going that way I've not been exploring as much as I probably should but I kind of just want to get through this just see how long these missions take and also just it's just me I don't have oh incoming wave all right so where do the waves come from this uh I'm curious if these are random or if these are scripted that is a weird weird G oh feel like this is almost an AOE weapon in itself oh I should have gone back for those frag grenades oh shoot oh shoot oh God I didn't see that elim God oh my God oh I'm poisoned holy smokes there's so many oh my God magazine exhausted oh I don't have any ammo oh my God no come back I need to execute you big boy oh god oh no I'm going to go down this is it ah oh wait God I keep about my stems oh it's just too many mechanics to think about ah can't keep it all straight in my head Assist app between the spectacle of an actual mechanical depth of actually happening this it's a surprising amount I think compared to the first game uh I mean it's not that much different from the first game but it's different enough where I'm having to think about it a no you that's the last of this is where we need to go uh do we have ammo anywhere I would like ammo oh there's ammo ammo cash ammo full ammo and grenades all right are you guys still dealing with that one good God you guys come on well don't just leave them there you got to got to finish them off that's how you get it done all right what are we doing just did he just spawn over here might been here before but I'm missing a lot of my melees so I don't know if he actually successfully signed call reinforcements he can call reinfor always love the smell smells like Humanity God SE with chemical reactions waiting to Y power the ener I see thrust and blast always have I loved the raw blood of Industry un despite the grip of man this galaxy is not yours our high Beast take fa R distraction oh that ah wasn't even aiming at me just the oh he got it oh no it's not executable Jesus oh he did get me I wanted it I think that was an invisible one yeah those guys are those are monsters going that's different every time we have to pay attention to that I think that's different than the one I saw in the campaign but we'll see I if it's the same on all of them it doesn't really make a difference he's like you're just you're just telling it to go up so I guess that's the key code to go up to the top floor or wherever you're going but oh actually I guess if there's a we're on that one elevator multiple times for multiple stops I guess it still wouldn't make it a problem and just go up from whatever current floor is you I'm just I mean this this is like the epitome of nitpicking at a detail I have no other meaning or purpose just like oh does it it's an elevator but you know I'm just curious to see what level of detail the people who made this game put into it you know that's the kind of stuff I I will look at take care not to too deeply down your scope sniper my situational awareness might be sharper than yours for spaceus it is your soul in question you gaze upon the enemy more intently than most must I do hell yeah uh going wait explosives here was that one wow oh I suck hey you come here you guys over here want them to come oh they're all snipers okay they're snipers there's oh there another uh ow I didn't expect that oh good thing got that execute get all that Health back oh CB stom the knee no targets detect I'm guessing we stop the reinforcements question mark But I find it interesting that they have to do the reinforcement thing at all uh it's very much a vocal thing but I guess you could also say oh they're doing it vocally physically but it's a psychic signal of they're trying to send out but it still takes some amount of time and focus to be able to do anyway so like level details is it just okay um what was it saying oh yeah so like just details in a game just how it's integrated into the world you know it's just I like to think about that like I was thinking about oh I was getting stuff together to replay Final Fantasy 10 uh the PS2 version because the it's just better looking than the HD one uh it's not even close but uh with the albet primers in that game like as a game you're only learning one letter of the alphabet for a language at a time but like what's happening storywise is that oh as you find these Titus is like you know he's doing his du lingo lessons you know these these books are what allow him to learn to speak a new language and on the target Captain we need that bomb triggered for optimal yield orbital scan estimates the bulk of the Swarm will not be in position for a while yet keep your heads and get it done so like yeah mechanically as a gameplay thing you're just unlocking one letter of the outet at of times and subtitles you can understand what the hell is happening but you know the ingame story event that's actually happening you know in world I mean is that he's he's you know he's reading the book He's just learning how to speak a new language uh so I just hold yep just hold here I guess oh that was a big boy enemies are taking a scaling form you grenade them the bulk of the SW is oh god there a lot more got up here than I thought oh what the see that one prompt oh oh God this guy's going to be close right right die big boy did he Parry me what was that I think he might have parried me there coming from the refiner oh oh wait from behind us or No Yes find refinery oh yeah yeah that was what that was oh [ __ ] oh my God ad ad ad ad oh wait I died oh did I not get it wait I have to do a quick Time Event and then Parry oh my God so wait this is uh oh God oh man this is this gets hard oh my God oh my back oh my God staggered there to many big boys I can't who oh God yeah I need a new Parry button because uh oh God get that oh execution and then another one where I oh oh this is execution after execution oh the psychic blast just killed all these almost fully committed be ready for my mark oh man yeah uh Weir I was moved out of the range of eat this oh I got that execution thank you the Parry with the pistol shot can we can we do it yet how do they do this with the Swarms like that's just technically C to detonate kick those rotten bastards spark the Flames of V this detonate all right what AM we looking at here oh hi this is objetive conf this is Cinema % un swarm Annihilation confirmed excellent work move to extract uh that's a bunch of big guys there Thunderhawk arriving at Evac Point Thunderhawk okay I was right and ready go go oh I think the smaller jets for uh look ammo all right let's get out of here extraction all right well we beat a mission this was on the lowest difficulty I'm going to remind myself of that that that was hard that was hard and I was on the lowest difficulty well yeah you know I'm going to say that was hard that was certainly not easy not by any means but it's not like Dark Souls hard or you know uh I'm trying to think this wasn't like giveing me God of War hard like it wasn't that hard but this was still this was still a challenge this was still really engaging from all the mechanics that I have to use and you know all the situational awareness I need to have to be able to play optimally like I I did really bad I went down a couple times uh I did have that self- revive item so you know I had a fairly good safety net the whole time but considering that's that's the lowest difficulty like that's kind of insane to me honestly I'm I'm impressed I'm impressed for sure uh let's see which one is the I wonder if that counts kills that the other guy got before he disconnected or whatever happened um that was a lot of kills I might just be that close last that we items found oh wait two items found so that probably would have been from the guy before he disconnected cuz I don't think the I don't think the AI would actually go out of their way to pick up stuff oh look at that level and some change all right what I get per re Wars oh wait I got Mark tacticus armor part um some of the money for buying colors whatnot and then when your armor is fully depleted you take 25% less Health damage well that seems really strong uh all right yeah we'll take a look all right complete mission to level up unlock per and weapons receive armor customization Parts go to the armoring hall to manage your load outs and builds yeah let's uh let's go mess with the build a little bit cuz I think I want the regular bolt pistol instead of the Plasma Pistol with the the fist weapon I think if I were use the chains sword or something a little bit faster like that agreed hanger is beginning to look scruffy if you ask me yeah um this is this game awesome this game is good I would I'm fully in the recommend this game right now I was very what happened to me I can't what what do I have against this game right now I'm just trying to think like I had what two or three frame dips that dropped to like 30 which was pretty steep but there was a ton happening so it was almost you know completely forgivable you know I would like it to that to never happen obviously but how few times it's happen given everything like the that final hold out we saw all that swarming stuff in the background we saw the swarming stuff come into you know the area of play and then climb the wall and we fought it and that was not a small number of enemies absolutely insane I know this is the studio that or the devs that did the World War Z game and so that was apparently I haven't played that but I've saw I've seen a couple Clips just to demonstrations of the the zombie swarms in that game and it's it's really impressive like how smooth that game runs with how many just bodies there are on the screen with all the physics involved with that I have no idea how they do it it's it's good stuff uh let's see I gain a class level and have a perk available for purchase purchase and equipped it okay um oh there's trials too wait oh perk tree let's see here activate a new class perk purchase it and then equip it only one class perk in a column can be active at a time okay so like this whole thing or like this whole thing find out later but level up your class to lot class perks for yourself and team perks oh team perks okay what does this team perk do delay before armor begins to passive generate is reduced by 5 Seconds base is 25 uh so is it 30 seconds normally and then it makes it 25 or is it 25 and then it's to 20 I mean it's good either way uh let's see oh oh wow this is a bit more expensive than I thought it's 20 bucks or 20 whatever the currency this is uh when it armor is fully depleted uh take 25% less damage oh jeez is that just all the time so yes I will do that and this is uh perfectly timed Parry deals Parry of effect damage nice after Shield Bash Melee ooh so there's this is like these are more offensive excuse me these are more offensive this is the defensive perk in that column oh sorry trying to not burp into the mic when you block a range attack enemies with a 10 meter or within a 10 meter radius take damage instead what oh man I love the name armor of contempt that's great so there's no it doesn't seem like there's any visual thing happen unlock these are they all just level related yeah they're related uh delay before right let's see contested Health Fades 50% more slowly for oh that's nice all Squad members take 20% less Health damage from Terminus level enemies those are the big guys like the Z throes and stuff I think that are good this those are very good I think this one it's between these two which one's actually the best since this is only from those particular enemies but if that counts the dual wielding sword guys that are bigger but not you don't get the you don't get the stat at the bottom like oh the so and so killed this thing so it just depends cuz there aren't that many zoanthropes and the like the invisible guy that got killed too how many of those do we fight throughout that whole mission like 10 I guess in those fights you know this could be critical but but think it's probably not the best in this tree good stuff so wait do I have it equipped that's the thing it's like I bought it is it equipped is that is that how it works is it equipped I don't know we will guess learn armor get new helmet I like the and this one beat eight 15 23 30 and then oh this one can be purchased oh it's black Templar wonder who I need to purchase this from it's probably a black temp o skull is I'll take it just because hell yeah uh load outs load outs load outs let's go mess with these load outs so I think this one we're just going to go yeah use the bolt pistol we have bolt pistol with I think I want the plasma one sword I think could be wrong then this one's back to Plasma Pistol with the Power Fist I don't think I like this comp I think maybe oh oh sword sword so why would I take this versatile melee weapon moderate speed melee weapon far reaching wave so this is is this um single Target to multiple Target efficiency oh oh okay yeah that makes sense okay for some reason I was thinking this I don't know know what this was or some sort of damage thing but this is that's the strength up here so I hate that there's five plus four plus and then also four it's like can we just have whole like whole numbers I guess whole numbers might not oh that's that's complicated actually but you know I'm just I'm a little scarred by hell divers 2 not telling me all of the information on a weapon and there's a lot of things that you can only tell by just either playing a ton or you know going into like the hard numbers that are under the hood from data miners there's there's some wonky stuff in Hell divers too I'm not a huge fan of the way they've gone about displaying the stats for their weapons cuz like the armor penetration I think when they say light armor penetration in Hell divers too there's actually several levels of armor penetration for light penetration I think there's like three or four different levels and then same for medium armor penetration they're not all the same so like you could be looking at a weapon that has maybe less damage but it actually has more armor penetration then you're actually getting more damage out of it per shot and then it's just you know so maybe one is more efficient than the other because of that but you can't you can't just GLE that from just looking at the stats it's it's basically a hidden thing you just have to either feel it out from playing way too much or just look at the you know the data that not a fan I'm not I wish you get a little bit more detail than this I do really like this though it's telling you hey this is the weapon if you want to like one V one a a big dude this is the weapon I actually do like that a lot um so this is a allrounder I think I do want sword let's use the energy sword for one bit for sure so wait we got F sword and or chain sword and then Power sword the Power sword is I thought the Power sword would be more single Target than the chains sword that surprises me a little bit that does yeah H this is actually faster wait are these two the same speed what is cleaving potential what does that stat even mean I want I don't know I don't understand tell me game wait wait did it so wait it gave me the details when I hovered this one is it going to oh oh oh speed cleaving potential it's only okay power to cleave through consecutive targets with one strike oh yeah that makes sense cuz this was this definitely felt more of the AOE weapon which has the best cleaving potential stat so that there we go that stands for reason all right you know that's that's good I like that oh do I have other oh yeah why would I ever why would you ever take the combat knife oh it's just highspeed dueling weapons to yes you do way less damage but that's actually interesting not a lot of people are going to use the combat knife I don't think well these are some of these are fancy some these are fancy so actually you know what I am not or am I I don't know I'll take it off for right now yeah this is a grapple launcher iron Halo oh that's the Dome Shield okay but you have the oh oh okay I see yeah so BW work doesn't get a primary assault doesn't get a primary that's how it's balanced around these things okay let's see what's oh heavy plasma incinerator multi melta oh my God oh well this is per bull yeah rate of fire is insane uh this is a very slow rate of fire it seems but look at the damage boom and is there AOE on this uh it doesn't really say can be charged I think there is amount of AOE though with the plasma weapons if you charge them this is a piercing one oh it's just because it's like the shotgun thing oh God can you imagine people running around with this in multiplayer W speaking of the multiplayer uh I think I'm going to go play a game um oh maybe maybe I don't want don't know which class I would want that is a good question do like my heavy weapons I am heavy weapons guy more often than not all right [Music] um yeah why not let's try the multiplayer PVP and get thrown into something mid game if it's like the first one you have absolutely no say uh so I don't I did hear someone comment about this I that's just so crazy to me so you can select what game mode you want to play in but it doesn't tell you what these are so I don't know the difference between seiz ground and capture and control like I think capture and control is those control points where it's the contested things but what the hell is seese ground then no I'm going to try this actually she want to yeah sure yeah throw me in there I don't know what's going on oh here we go all right uh uh time to start okay oh wait I can do I need to go here to customize I have 20 seconds do I have to wait is it it's separate customization for it is separate customization oh that's wild oh that sucks let put my helmet Jesus ah all right we'll see what this sees okay wait this is the capture point when se's Ground is what the hell is the control one then is just the King of the Hill like there's only one zone this is the rotating one it's just oh why can't they just explain what the game modes are it's such a basic thing like oh how do they not have that it's it's I don't know it confounds me a little bit it's just it's a little thing it's not that big of a deal well it's not that big of a deal to put in at some point in the near future but it's weird this such a weird thing why don't I had no idea what game mode I was even really going to play and I assumed this was the wrong one that's nuts all right what we got though [Music] and now I'm a bright blue ultramarine yeah I don't think I want to do the uh little preview what's to come oh wait can I edit the armor while in here oh wait is the do I not okay wait is this if I go here does it show me there how I select oh there we go weird Brothers we're going with the team right out here to Zone B we have captured beta am I get shot from oh [ __ ] oh where did my whole team did they get knocked out l p oh no Victory regardless of price there SE our brother's je we have captured P oh [ __ ] oh yeah get him get him brother strengers brothers yeah I got two kill assists so I I helped I helped go go go oh [ __ ] we still fragmentation reload dead where is he we lost Delta we have captured beta got it can't tell am I hiding behind my shield when I do this no I'm not lost the advantage reclaim it at once oh God a oh I'm so dead here there's like five guys here holy [ __ ] there's no way uh is anyone on a is anyone even going this way we have I'm a terrible class to trying to go take this but it' be really funny if I actually get it oh I don't think I can be that no way no way that's an assault guy oh god oh it's a Vanguard guys it's my Bane that's the bane of my existence one kill four deaths oh I got three assists that's at least something right no I distracted them they had to go had to go take care of me those two guys on me at least we going to get a from this actually might freaking three guys over there I still got one that's so I'll take that there's that many people on one point and we have the other two yeah you just keep them there just keep them there this battle exacts a great to we lost oh god oh thank you oh Jesus where was my guy behind me was he just he's just up there what are you doing what you doing man back me up got back me up we have captured dead grenade release the ti of battle has turned in our favor oh [ __ ] I A glor streng down I cannot see through this fog I invisible oh yeah they came from behind we're winning Brothers come back hell yeah yeah waste nothing Brothers anyone over here we lost Pizza I'm just going to leave yeah a Vanguard and assault yeah well I captured it from them though so that's annoying they sent two I was just a dude so that was extremely helpful for the team yeah yeah I was going to say that was that was great that was really good for our team magazine we our okay my flag will help us I will go with this brother activating alls advantage we have Cur down we lost P only a kill P for dominance proceed to checkpoint honor our captive col oh I got him I didn't get him we lost the advantage oh no we lost the advantage shoot throwing frag Gren oh my God there's so many guys here holy [ __ ] get to the corner lost Delta Emperor avenge our Fallen King get in here got help capture this oh God we have captured Delta we have captur beta oh the health regen baby give it to me let this tragedy spur our Liv oh God I'm just I'm just drawing fire to me as I'm just blocking all these bullets no Brother battle has fav so close oh one hit away oh this this game looks really fun oh man we can get in there we can do it Brothers oh lost the advantage reclaim it at once a all right that one heavy guy he's just entrenched they he's just in a good spot we haven't been able to really get him God unleashing fre not be here oh [ __ ] oh that was a good grenade oh that's another good grenade oh God this world EXA oh too many God I think there's two vanguards on their team I I feel like I'm need to run into that guy a lot oh oh no they got us oh defeated defeated I feel like I did all right though considering that was a first Court effort no idea what I was doing I wasn't even sure if I could switch classes I'm sure could just didn't so PVP has its own thing as well so buttons on your underwear um yeah I need to look at the armor customization cuz if it's totally different like do I carry over unlocks I would imagine I would six kills 13 deaths that was a good enough assist though I don't feel I don't feel like I did that bad especially not for the first time can I tell who is a Vanguard think Grim Spire is that a vangard guard I think that's what that one is yeah he was he was nuts I was getting killed a lot got load it's going to kick me back to the ship I'm curious how this works rebalance Lobby does it throw you out and collect a whole new GP group of people okay yeah so let's uh let cancel the matchmaking and we'll take a look at the customization options let's just take a look see what's going on carryover is it the same what's the story why does this happen he see all available weapon types for your class here level of all class classes ranks to raise your company level and unlock new weapons switch weapon appearance between adeptus oh okay uh you unlock a new weapon for this oh wait I did unlock a okay wait let's switch to it and find more did I though I mean it's oh it talking about this mean sure and then if I go to here is it it's got something okay um yeah h so yeah that that's there let's see uh customize colors wait wait uh star chapters here we go have to redo redo this do I have the okay I keep the gray bought the gray I keep the gray that carries over we have no chapter Uh custom rules but we don't need okay yes yes edit the armor go in here we edit oh wait it's not what here edit the color the gray give us the gray big uh let's see oh so load outs uh I don't get this until all right so I got to hit level seven to unlock that and so that's the the overall okay gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha uh not a sword do that go for grenades too yeah they're shot grenade crack grenade is there a blind grenade I think there was a flash grenade in the first game that was horrifically annoying but you know flashbangs are are useful they're not they're not illegal in PvP to say the least uh uh all right you know what I think I'm going to take a break here we'll come back later at a later time whether that is actually today or not will remain to be seen uh it's it's still early it's still early in the day why not we will see all right well this has been Space Marine 2 and so far I am absolutely loving this game there's just there's a lot here look at my guy yeah like this just as a as a package like what was the last time we got a game that had a single player/ Coop campaign that you know was at least you know double digit hours you know less you know I'm I'm thinking like Call of Duty Black Ops one it's kind of stuff like I'm thinking like way back into that era like the late 2000s early 2010s and now we have this where it has campaign it's got all this Co-op has a PVE mode specifically for more co-oping stuff and then there's also this PVP mode that it's pretty fun this is it's good it's very Snappy you feel you still feel the power of all your Space Marine stuff your weapons feel good your enemies go down quick but not too quick where doesn't doesn't feel so unfair though there might be things that are broken in it who knows it's day one technically speaking so we will find out but this there's a lot of Promise here I I'm a little I'm flumix as it were I'm just like how often do we get something this this feels special I I just appreciate it but anyway all right I'm going to take take a break go do the other things in the life as it were and I will see you all later this has been space Murray 2 and with that I bid the Ado bye-bye bye-bye [Music]

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